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Statistical Analysis of Internal Corrosion of Sour Gas


Deng, Qiang (Charles)

Deng, Q. C. (2015). Statistical Analysis of Internal Corrosion of Sour Gas Pipelines (Unpublished

master's thesis). University of Calgary, Calgary, AB. doi:10.11575/PRISM/27875

master thesis

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Statistical Analysis of Internal Corrosion of Sour Gas Pipelines


Qiang (Charles) Deng








JUNE, 2015

© Qiang (Charles) Deng 2015



Gas gathering pipelines have played and will continue to play a critical role in safe,

reliable transportation of sour gas. Highly corrosive gases and unstable operating

conditions in gathering pipelines often contributes and results in serious internal


This study focuses on statistical analysis of the in-line inspection (ILI) data on sour gas

gathering pipelines to understand the parametric effects on internal corrosion of the


The ILI data showed that the bottom of the pipeline does not experience appreciable

corrosion. The serious corrosion was observed to always occur at the interface between

gas and liquid phases. Studies also showed that internal corrosion defects were more

likely to occur on the uphill segment of pipeline than the downhill segment.

Simulations of the flow patterns in the pipelines confirm that the uphill segment has the

slug flow pattern which is likely a key factor in causing internal corrosion.



I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Dr. Frank Cheng for

his constant guidance, encouragement and support throughout my graduate studies

program. His deep love and perception of science, his persistent endeavour for searching

for the truth, and his consistent efforts at achieving perfection have always inspired and

helped me to carry out this project. From him, I have learned a lot, not only in the area of

my specialty, but also in the style of doing research.

Many thanks go to Dr. Luyao Xu, who gave me much support and many helpful

suggestions during my studies. Also many thanks go to Shell Canada Ltd for providing

the pipeline in-line inspection data for my study.



This work is dedicated to my wife Hua Zhang and my parents Guirong Gao &

Jinhuang Deng, for their incessant support. Also to my lovely daughters: Jiani, Anny and



Table of Contents

Abstract ............................................................................................................................... ii

Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................ iii

Dedication .......................................................................................................................... iv

Table of Contents ................................................................................................................ v

List of Tables ................................................................................................................... viii

List of Figures and Illustrations ......................................................................................... ix

List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature ........................................................... xi

Chapter One: Introduction .................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Research background ................................................................................................ 1

1.2 Research objectives ................................................................................................... 2

1.3 Contents of thesis ...................................................................................................... 3

Chapter Two: Literature Review ........................................................................................ 4

2.1 Pipeline basics ........................................................................................................... 4

2.1.1 The importance of pipeline systems to oil and gas industry .............................. 4

2.1.2 Introduction of gathering, transmission and distribution pipelines ................... 6

2.1.3 Threats to pipeline integrity ............................................................................... 9

2.2 Sour gas pipelines ................................................................................................... 12

2.3 Internal corrosion in sour gas pipelines .................................................................. 13

2.3.1 Sour gas corrosion ........................................................................................... 14

2.3.2 Pitting corrosion ............................................................................................... 16

2.3.3 Vapor phase corrosion ..................................................................................... 17

2.3.4 Sulfide stress cracking (SSC) .......................................................................... 18

2.3.5 Hydrogen induced cracking (HIC) .................................................................. 20

2.3.6 Microbiologically influenced corrosion ........................................................... 21

2.4 Statistics of sour gas pipeline failure due to internal corrosion .............................. 23

2.5 Integrity management of internal corrosion of sour gas pipelines .......................... 26


2.5.1 Integrity management requirement .................................................................. 26

2.5.2 Methods of integrity management ................................................................... 28

2.5.3 Corrosion mitigation strategies ........................................................................ 31

Chapter Three: Pipeline ILI Data Collection and Processing ........................................... 34

3.1 Pipeline information ................................................................................................ 34

3.2 ILI Data collection .................................................................................................. 35

3.2.1 Factors affecting the ILI data accuracy ............................................................ 35

3.2.2 Operation specifications................................................................................... 36

3.3 ILI data verification and processing ....................................................................... 37

3.4 Information of the inspected pipelines .................................................................... 38

Chapter Four: Non-uniform “Clock” Distributions of Internal Corrosion in Sour Gas

Pipelines ............................................................................................................................ 40

4.1 Results ..................................................................................................................... 40

4.1.1 Orientation of corrosion defects ...................................................................... 41

4.1.2 Relationship between corrosion depth and the orientation .............................. 44

4.1.3 Relationship between corrosion rate and the orientation ................................. 47

4.2 Discussion ............................................................................................................... 48

4.2.1 Distribution of corrosion defects inside the pipe ............................................. 48

4.2.2 Relationship between the corrosion depth and the orientation ........................ 50

4.2.3 Relationship between corrosion rate and orientation ....................................... 51

4.2.4 Effect of sediment on corrosion ....................................................................... 51

4.3 Summary ................................................................................................................. 53

Chapter Five: Effect of Pipeline Inclination (Altitude) on Internal Corrosion of Sour Gas

Pipeline ............................................................................................................................. 54

5.1 Fundamentals of fluid flow in pipelines ................................................................. 54

5.2 Relationship between corrosion and pipeline inclination ....................................... 59

5.3 Computer modelling of the fluid flow pattern ........................................................ 61

5.4 Discussion ............................................................................................................... 63


5.5 Summary ................................................................................................................. 64

Chapter Six: Conclusions and Recommendations ............................................................ 65

6.1 Conclusions ............................................................................................................. 65

6.2 Recommendations ................................................................................................... 66

References ......................................................................................................................... 67


List of Tables

Table 2.1 Threats to all pipelines [11]. ............................................................................. 11

Table 3.1. Summary of pipeline information [33] ............................................................ 34

Table 3.2 MFL 1.5 tool operating specifications [33] ...................................................... 36

Table 3.3 MFL 1.5 tool inspection specifications [33] ..................................................... 36

Table 3.4 MFL 1.5 tool inspection defect definitions [33] ............................................... 37

Table 4.1 Internal corrosion defects data .......................................................................... 41

Table 4.2 Internal corrosion rate of pipeline vs. the orientation of corrosion defects ...... 47

Table 5.1 Flow pattern along the pipeline from the simulation result .............................. 61


List of Figures and Illustrations

Figure 2.1 Illustration of underground pipeline during construction. ................................. 5

Figure 2.2 Illustration of a completed aboveground pipeline. ............................................ 5

Figure 2.3 Oil and products pipeline system [5]. ................................................................ 8

Figure 2.4 Natural gas pipeline system [6]. ........................................................................ 9

Figure 2.5 Westcoast Energy Inc. Nig Creek pipeline accident [12]. ............................... 13

Figure 2.6 Illustration of pitting corrosion mechanism and resulting material

structures [15] ........................................................................................................... 16

Figure 2.7 Illustration of vapor phase corrosion [16] ....................................................... 18

Figure 2.8 Illustration of sulfide stress corrosion cracking [20] ....................................... 19

Figure 2.9 Illustration of HIC in steel pipeline walls [22] ................................................ 20

Figure 2.10 Illustration of microbiologically influenced corrosion on iron/steel

surfaces [23] .............................................................................................................. 21

Figure 2.11 Percentage of accidents by facility type, 2003–2012 [26] ............................ 23

Figure 2.12 Total sour gas pipeline incidents and sour gas pipeline incidents/1000km

[1] .............................................................................................................................. 24

Figure 2.13 Sour gas pipeline incidents by cause [1] ....................................................... 24

Figure 2.14 Sour gas pipeline failures by cause per year [27] .......................................... 25

Figure 2.15 Sour gas pipeline incidents by cause for all years combined [7] .................. 25

Figure 2.16 Illustration of multi-dataset in-line inspection tool ....................................... 28

Figure 2.17 Internal wall loss characteristic of internal corrosion [31] ............................ 33

Figure 3.1 Pipeline 06-15 to 03-22 elevation profile from Google map .......................... 39

Figure 4.1 Corrosion defects vs. Orientation in the sour gas pipeline. The two

horizontal red lines shows the range where majority of corrosion defects occur. .... 42

Figure 4.2 Percentage of the orientation of corrosion defects .......................................... 43

Figure 4.3 Internal corrosion distribution on orientation .................................................. 44


Figure 4.4 Depth of corrosion defects vs. Orientation in the sour gas pipeline (2007) .... 45

Figure 4.5 Depth of corrosion defects vs. Orientation in the sour gas pipeline (2010) .... 46

Figure 4.6 Depth of corrosion defects vs. Orientation in the sour gas pipeline (2013) .... 46

Figure 4.7 Corrosion rate vs. Orientation ......................................................................... 48

Figure 4.8 Illustration of two-phase flow (Cross-section view) ....................................... 52

Figure 5.1 Multi-Phase Flow Pattern [41] ........................................................................ 57

Figure 5.2 Stratified flow in downhill pipe ....................................................................... 58

Figure 5.3 Profile of different regions of slug [42]. Bubbles in the figure are gases

trapped in the liquids. ................................................................................................ 58

Figure 5.4. Relationship between corrosion orientation (a) and pipeline inclination (b) . 60

Figure 5.5 Flow pattern from the pipeline simulation result ............................................ 62

Figure 5.6 Erosion vs. velocity from the pipeline simulation result ................................. 63


List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature

Symbol Definition

AER Alberta Energy Regulator

ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineering

bbl Barrel

CA Corrosion allowance

CAPP Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers

CH4 Methane

CO2 Carbone dioxide

CRA Corrosion resistant alloy

CSA Canadian standard association

Fe(OH)3 Iron (III) hydroxide

FeS Iron sulphide

GE General Electrical

GPS Global position system

HC Hydrocarbon

HCA High consequence area

H2CO3 Carbonic acid

HIC Hydrogen induced cracking

H2O Water

H2S Hydrogen sulphide

HSC Hydrogen stress cracking


ILI In line inspection

IMU Inertial measurement unit

LDC Local Distribution Company

MFL Magnetic flux leakage

MIC Microbiologically influenced corrosion

mmscfd Million standard cubic feet per day

MOP Maximum operating pressure

MP Megapascal

NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers

NDT Non-destructive testing

NEB National Energy Board

NGL Natural gas liquids

PHMSA Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety


PIMP Pipeline integrity management program

ppm partial per million

PWHT Post weld heat treatment

SCC Stress corrosion cracking

SG Sour gas

SMYS Specified Minimum Yield Strength

SOHIC Stress orientated hydrogen induced cracking

SRB Sulphur reducing bacteria

SSC Sulphide stress cracking


SWC Stepwise cracking

UT Ultrasound

UTCD Ultrasonic crack detection

WT Wall thickness


Chapter One: Introduction

1.1 Research background

The gathering pipelines have been the most important links between gas wells (wellhead)

and facilities for sour gas treatment (e.g., gas plants). Sour gas refers to the gas

containing over 1% of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) by volume. One of the most serious

problems caused by the sour gas streams is internal corrosion of pipelines, which can lead

to pipeline leakage and failure, loss of production, facility shutdown, and a possible

environmental disaster.

For a long time, corrosion has been the main cause of failures of sour gas gathering

pipelines. The CAPP (Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers) Pipeline Technical

Committee has compiled statistics for sour gas pipelines’ failures that, in 2008 alone,

internal corrosion was the cause of 26% of the 31 sour gas incidents [1]. Because of the

high corrosion failure rates, sour gas pipelines have been a ‘money-burning’ asset, as

these pipelines always require replacement, maintenance, and a great deal of engineering

hours spend on troubleshooting.

The sour gas gathering pipelines are corroded in an environment of high acid rating and

complex composition conditions. Multiple corrosive forms, such as uniform corrosion,

pitting corrosion, microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC), etc., would be

encountered, and some corrosion would be happening in a combined processes. Due to


the characteristics of the transported sour gas which contains H2S, CO2, water and

sediments, the sour corrosion of a pipeline is complex. Most studies have been conducted

in the lab to determine how the compositions affect the corrosion process, or how the

simulated flow patterns affect internal corrosion. It is important to develop models to

predict sour corrosion for improved integrity in the oil and gas industry. From the point

of view of industrial practice, the models should be based on analysis of field data.

Currently, there has been limited work compiling and analysing field data to understand

the sour corrosion process and governing patterns.

1.2 Research objectives

The overall objective of this research is to understand sour corrosion of pipelines based

on statistical analysis of the field data. It is anticipated that the analysis will lay a firm

foundation to develop a complete understanding of the governing pattern of sour

corrosion of pipelines.

Progress will be made in the following topics.

1. Evaluate the influence of internal corrosion defects on the wall of sour gas


2. Determine the factors that influence internal corrosion of sour gas pipelines.

3. Statistically analyze the governing pattern of internal corrosion of sour gas



4. Discuss the ways to mitigate internal corrosion of sour gas pipelines.

1.3 Contents of thesis

The thesis contains six chapters, with Chapter One giving a brief introduction of the

research background and objectives.

Chapter Two reviews comprehensively the basics of corrosion of sour gas pipelines.

Chapter Three describes the basic information of the investigated sour gas pipeline and

the ILI data acquisition.

Chapter Four presents the research results of the distribution of internal corrosion on pipe

wall using the clock orientation method.

Chapter Five presents the research results of the effect of inclination (altitude) on internal


Finally, the conclusions of this research, along with the recommendations for the further

work, is given in Chapter Six.


Chapter Two: Literature Review

2.1 Pipeline basics

2.1.1 The importance of pipeline systems to oil and gas industry

A pipeline is a long tubular conduit or series of pipes, with pumps ( or compressors) and

valves for flow control, used to transport crude oil, natural gas, diluted bitumen, etc.,

especially over great distances. More than 95% of pipelines are underground and located

in rural areas, as seen in Figure 2.1. There are also pipeline systems above ground (Figure


Pipelines have the highest capacity, and are the safest and least environmentally

disruptive form of transportation for oil and gas [2]. Pipelines are more cost-effective

than the alternative transportation options such as rail or tanker truck [3]. Pipelines

require significantly less energy to operate than operating trucks or railways and leave a

much lower carbon footprint. Moreover, the pipeline industry has contributed to strong

national economies. They have been integrated into the components of national security

in most countries [4].

In Alberta, the limited pipeline routes have been a bottle-neck issue for oil and gas export

in recent years.


Figure 2.1 Illustration of underground pipeline during construction.

Figure 2.2 Illustration of a completed aboveground pipeline.


2.1.2 Introduction of gathering, transmission and distribution pipelines

There are three main categories of pipeline systems:

1. Gathering pipelines

Gathering pipelines are groups of smaller interconnected pipelines forming complex

networks with the purpose of gathering oil and gas products from wells and transporting

them to oil batteries or natural gas processing facilities. In this group, pipelines are

usually short - a couple of hundred metres to a few kilometres - with small diameters.

Sub-sea pipelines for collecting product from deep water production platforms are also

considered gathering systems. These lines transport natural gas, crude oil and

combinations of these products which are sometimes mixed with water; and natural gas

liquids (NGLs) such as ethane, propane and butane. Normally the line size varies

from 101.6 mm to 304.8 mm outside diameter (4 in. to 12 in.). In Alberta more than

250,000 kilometres of gathering pipelines are in operation.

A gathering system is used for untreated product transportation operating at low pressures.

The pipelines go through remote locations (low population density). Pipe size is small

and pipe wall is thick. The pipelines have short or limited life. They are easy and

relatively low cost to replace. Many kinds of pipeline materials have been used: carbon

steel, stainless steel, aluminium alloys, fibreglass (composite), plastic etc.


2. Transmission Pipelines

Transmission pipelines are mainly long pipes with large diameters, moving products (oil,

gas, refined products) between cities, countries and even continents. These transportation

networks include compressor stations in gas lines or pump stations for crude and multi-

product pipelines. Transmission lines are the energy-highways. Natural gas transmission

lines typically carry only natural gas and NGLs. Crude oil transmission lines carry

different types of liquids including crude oil and refined petroleum products in batches.

Petroleum product lines also move liquids such as refined petroleum products and NGLs.

These pipelines typically range in size from 101.6 mm to 1,212 mm (4 in to 48 in.).

About half are 457.2 mm (18 in.) or larger, and about one third are 254 mm. (10 in.) or

smaller. There are approximately 115,000 kilometres of transmission lines in Canada.

Transmission systems are used for treated clean products transportation at high pressures

using large diameter and thin wall thickness pipes. The system usually uses steel pipes

with a combination of coating and cathodic protection to ensure a long life (100 years +).

This type of pipeline is used for long-distance transportation. The surrounding

environment varies with varied terrain (mountains, prairies, swamps, river crossings,

highway crossings, permafrost, and deserts).


3. Distribution Pipelines

Distribution pipelines are composed of several interconnected pipelines with small

diameters, used to take the products to the final consumers. Feeder lines distribute gas to

homes and businesses downstream. Pipelines at terminals for distributing products to

tanks and storage facilities are included in this group. Distribution pipelines mainly focus

on natural gas consumptions. Local distribution companies (LDCs) operate natural gas

distribution lines. Natural gas moves along distribution pipelines to homes, businesses

and some industries. Most range in size from 12.7 mm to 152.4 mm outside diameter

(half an inch to 6 in.). There are about 450,000 kilometres of these lines in Canada.

Distribution systems are used for treated products with low pressures using small

diameter and thick wall thickness pipes. These systems use various materials and

typically have long lives.

Figure 2.3 Oil and products pipeline system [5].


Figure 2.3 and Figure 2.4 shows the systems of gathering pipelines, transmission

pipelines and distribution pipelines for crude oil and natural gas, respectively.

Figure 2.4 Natural gas pipeline system [6].

2.1.3 Threats to pipeline integrity

Pipeline integrity threat refers to a condition or set of circumstances that, if not mitigated,

could cause a pipeline to fail. A key component in managing pipeline safety is threat

identification. Nine primary threat conditions are identified in industrial standard ASME

B31.8S [7], and include:


1. Dependent Threats (threats tending to grow over time)

Internal Corrosion

External Corrosion

Stress Corrosion Cracking

2. Stable Threats (threats that do not grow over time; instead they tend to act when

influenced by another condition or failure mechanism)




3. Time-Independent Threats (not influenced by time)

Human Error

Excavation Damage

Earth Movement, Outside Force or Weather

For gathering pipelines, the time-dependent threats are mainly internal corrosion. Alberta

Energy Regulator (AER) reported that 49.5% of internal corrosion caused pipeline

failures in Alberta in the period of January 1990 to December 2012 [8]. For transmission

pipelines, the time-dependent threats are mainly external, including external corrosion

and stress corrosion cracking. U.S. PHMSA's report shows corrosion accounts for 23% of


the number of significant incidents in gas transmission pipelines from 1991 to 2010,

which is the number one cause of significant incidents [9].

For gas distributions pipelines, the time-dependent threats are mainly excavation damage.

U.S. PHMSA's report shows corrosion accounts for only 3.9% of the significant incidents

in gas distributions pipelines from 1991 to 2010. Corrosion is the lowest breakdown

causing factor among the significant incidents [10].

Table 2.1 Threats to all pipelines [11].

Threat Name

Percentage of Significant

Pipeline Incident Between

1991 and 2010

Threat Category

External Corrosion 9.9 % Time-dependent

Internal Corrosion 12.9 % Time-dependent

Stress Corrosion

Cracking 1.0 %


Manufacturing Defects 3.4 % Time-stable

Construction and

Fabrication Defects 3.3 %


Mechanical Damage 23.4 % Random

Equipment Failure 13.3 % Random

Incorrect Operations 1.8 % Random

Forces of Nature 11.8 % Random

Miscellaneous and

Unknown 18.9 %



Time-dependent threats are the main focus of the pipeline integrity management program.

Table 2.1 shows the statistics of various reasons causing pipeline failures [11]. As

indicated above, internal corrosion causes 12.9% of significant pipeline incidents.

2.2 Sour gas pipelines

Sour gas is natural gas that contains measurable amounts of H2S, usually greater than 10

mole/kmole (1%) of H2S by volume. It is a colourless, flammable gas that smells like

rotten eggs and is poisonous to humans and animals. In addition to being toxic, H2S in the

presence of water also damages piping and other equipment handling sour gas via sulfide

stress cracking (SSC). Sour gas accounts for approximately 22 per cent of all natural gas

in Alberta.

Sour gas contains H2S, CO2, corrosive materials and solid particles in the gas commodity.

To send the raw gas to the gas plant or battery, pipelines are used. Usually corrosion

resistant materials are used in the construction of these pipelines. This calls for specific

requirements in terms of steel manufacturing, materials selection and testing, as well as

strict code compliance in the design, fabrication and operation of these pipelines.

Sour gas pipelines usually fall into the category of oil field sour gas gathering pipelines.

Sour gas pipeline systems more often use small diameter, thick wall thickness, low

operating pressure and low grade steel pipe. The transported products usually contain

large amount of corrosive medium, like water, H2S, CO2, chlorides, debris and sands. The

operating conditions are also unstable and variable. Therefore, sour gas pipelines often


suffer serious internal corrosion. In Alberta, some sour gas pipelines have ruptured due to

internal corrosion and, as a result, released H2S containing gas in the past years. Sour gas

pipeline leaks and explosion are known to cause serious adverse environmental effects.

Figure 2.5 Westcoast Energy Inc. Nig Creek pipeline accident [12].

Figure 2.5 shows the Nig Creek pipeline accident on 28 June 2012, when Westcoast

Energy Inc. owned 16-inch sour gas pipeline ruptured and ignition occurred.

Approximately 25 minutes later, the 6.625-inch Bonavista Energy Corporation pipeline,

located nearby in the same right-of-way, ruptured and the escaping sour gas also ignited.

2.3 Internal corrosion in sour gas pipelines


2.3.1 Sour gas corrosion

Normally corrosion occurs due to anodic and cathodic reactions in certain conditions.

The simplest proposed mechanism for the anodic dissolution of iron under acidic

conditions proceeds by:

Fe → Fe2+

+ 2e-

Similarly, the cathodic reaction proceeds by:

O2 + 2H2O + 4e- → 4OH



+ 2e- → H2

In the presence of dissolved H2S in the environment, the anodic and cathodic reactions, as

well as chemical reactions can include [13]:

Fe → Fe2+

+ 2e-


+ HS- → [FeHS]



→ FeS + H+

2H+ + 2e

- → H2

2H2O + 2e- → H2 + 2OH


H2S → H+ + HS


HS- → H

+ + S


2H2S + 2e- → H2 + 2HS


The corrosion rate of mild steel in H2S corrosion is affected by H2S gas concentration,

temperature, velocity, and the protectiveness of the scale [14].


Generally, sour gas corrosion could be expected to occur when:

The H2S concentration in the gas phase is greater than 500 ppm (These limits are

supplied as a guideline only and may not be absolute)

H2S gas is dissolved in free water

Other failures due to environmental cracking such as SSC and hydrogen induced cracking

(HIC) also seriously affect sour gas pipeline safety. Chloride concentration also plays an

important role in the overall corrosion and under-deposit mechanisms. In respect to the

overall corrosion rate, chlorides increase the conductivity of the corrosive solution due to

a change in ionic strength, leading to an increase in the corrosion rate. In the under-

deposit corrosion mechanism, chlorides can promote the removal of protective scales (if

there are any), leading to localized attack.

Sulphur may be co-produced with sour gas. As a result of pressure and temperature

changes (in most cases a reduction) in the flowing conditions or in shut-in conditions,

sulphur may precipitate from polysulphides and cause plugging and/or corrosion

problems. From the corrosion viewpoint, sulphur can increase corrosion in many ways,

including compromising protective iron sulphide layers, enhancing cathodic reactions,

and impairing inhibitor performance.


2.3.2 Pitting corrosion

Pitting corrosion along the bottom of the pipeline is the primary corrosion mechanism

leading to failures in sour gas pipelines. The common features of this mechanism are:

The presence of water containing H2S in combination with any of the following:

CO2, chlorides, elemental sulphur or solids.

Pipelines carrying higher levels of free-water production with no means of water

removal (i.e. no well site separation or dehydration).

The presence of fluid traps (i.e. low spots) where water and solids can accumulate

due to low gas velocity.

Figure 2.6 Illustration of pitting corrosion mechanism and resulting material

structures [15]


Figure 2.6 shows the pitting corrosion process. When the metal (steel) surface is exposed

to an electrolyte, the anodic reaction starts on the metal surface [15]. The defected points

of the metal surface function as local anodes causing localized galvanic corrosion and

formation of initial pits. Localized stresses, in form of dislocations emerging on the

surface, may also become anodes and initiate pits [15]. This then grows to become a

rapid attack that results in massive damage of the metal. The oxidizing cation of iron

enables the formation of pitting even when there is no supply of oxygen in the metal


In wet gas gathering systems containing H2S & CO2, the initiation and growth of pitting

corrosion can be influenced by many variables. In sour systems, semi-protective iron

sulphide(s) scales will form. The scales are only protective in the absence of scale

disrupters, such as solids, chlorides, methanol, sulphur, high velocities, etc. Localized

breakdown of iron sulphide(s) scales typically result in accelerated pitting corrosion.

2.3.3 Vapor phase corrosion

Corrosive gasses in the vapor phase corrosion is a less common mechanism that can also

lead to pipeline failures. Vapor phase above sour fluids have been found to corrode steel

pipelines in an unsteady manner. The presence of liquid hydrocarbon lowers corrosion

rates, whereas oxygen contamination increased corrosion rates. High rates of


Figure 2.7 Illustration of vapor phase corrosion [16]

methanol injection have been a known contributor to vapor phase corrosion in sour

systems. Although not specifically addressed in the practice, many of the preventative

measures will also mitigate this mechanism [17]. Figure 2.7 shows an illustration of the

vapor phase and how it contributes to corrosive attack in a gas pipeline with anti-

corrosion chemicals (corrosion inhibitor) injection. In sour gas pipelines, water saturated

gas also contains H2S.

2.3.4 Sulfide stress cracking (SSC)

The environmental cracking mechanisms, such as sulfide stress cracking (SSC), are also

associated with corrosive failure in sour gas pipelines. Figure 2.8 illustrates the SSC


process. Steel reacts with hydrogen sulphide, forming iron sulphide and atomic hydrogen

as corrosion by-products [18]. Atomic hydrogen either combines to form H2 at the metal

surface, or diffuses into the metal matrix. The mechanical properties of steel are

diminished [18]. Thus, the corrosion process leads to pipeline SSC. Selection of materials

resistant to SSC and control of combined stress are considered the primary acceptable

means to prevent failures by this mechanism. NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 requires sour

service for equipment that comes in contact with H2S in oil and gas production

environment [19].

Figure 2.8 Illustration of sulfide stress corrosion cracking [20]


2.3.5 Hydrogen induced cracking (HIC)

Figure 2.9 shows the mechanism of hydrogen induced cracking (HIC) in the sour gas

pipelines. The corrosive environment of sour gas causes chemical reactions generating

atomic hydrogen on the internal pipe wall [21]. The atomic hydrogen penetrates and

diffuses readily through a metallic structure [21]. When the crystal lattice is in contact or

is saturated with atomic hydrogen, they combine and form hydrogen molecules [21].

When the pressure of molecular hydrogen increases at levels sufficient to rupture the

metal, the mechanical properties of steel are diminished [21]. Thus the corrosion process

leads to pipeline hydrogen induced cracking.

Figure 2.9 Illustration of HIC in steel pipeline walls [22]


Where considered necessary, specification and use of materials manufactured with

demonstrated HIC resistance is the preferred method of preventing failures by this

mechanism. However, many of the preventative measures have been studied which can

help mitigate failures by this mechanism.

SSC is a sulfide-induced HIC which processes or conditions involving wet hydrogen

sulfide, i.e. sour services.

2.3.6 Microbiologically influenced corrosion

Figure 2.10 Illustration of microbiologically influenced corrosion on iron/steel

surfaces [23]

Microbiological Influenced Corrosion (MIC) in sour gas systems is a factor of the sour

gas pipeline internal corrosion. MIC can greatly enhance corrosion rates, especially in

conjunction with solid deposition and the temperature range 15°C - 70°C is known to be


associated with increased MIC activity, leading to localized attack [24]. Evidence of

bacteria has been reported in some sour gas failure investigations [25]. However there is

no industry consensus with regard to the overall contribution to this corrosion mechanism


Figure 2.10 shows the mechanism of MIC. Firstly, a deposit of biofilm forms Fe

oxidizing bacteria on the metal surface where there is a low velocity or stagnation of

water. With oxygen concentration cell forming, Fe2+

will be dissolved from metal

surface, which moves outward through the tubercle, oxidizing further to Fe3+

. Gallionella

(Fe oxidizing bacteria) assists in or promotes the formation of Fe(OH)3. Then Fe(OH)3,

slime and other bacterial species stay on the wall of tubercle. As tubercle matures,

slime/biomass begins to decompose, forming sulphates that attract SRB (sulphate

reducing bacteria), resulting in H2S production on the interior of the pipeline. FeS may be

formed during these reactions. Finally, if chlorides are present with the Gallionella, Fe

chlorides may form, which are highly acidic. In an extreme, unmonitored situation,

tubercles grow together, forming a coating with severe pitting underneath. Tuberculation

can result from non-biomass materials such as carbonates, silicates, phosphates, greases,

mud, and debris. The result is pitting or even crevice corrosion underneath [23].


2.4 Statistics of sour gas pipeline failure due to internal corrosion

The statistics from Transportation Safety Board of Canada shows that the gathering lines

account for 12% of total accidents reported over the 10 year period (2003–2012) in the

pipeline industry in Canada as shown in the Figure 2.11[26].

From the statistics of Alberta Energy Regulatory (AER), sour gas pipeline systems

accounted for 3% of the total pipeline incidents in Alberta in 2008. Internal corrosion was

the cause of 26% of the 31 sour gas incidents in Alberta in 2008 as shown in Figure 2.12

and Figure 2.13 [1]. Internal corrosion is the leading cause of sour gas pipeline incidents.

Figure 2.11 Percentage of accidents by facility type, 2003–2012 [26]


Figure 2.12 Total sour gas pipeline incidents and sour gas pipeline incidents/1000km


Figure 2.13 Sour gas pipeline incidents by cause [1]


Figure 2.14 Sour gas pipeline failures by cause per year [27]

Figure 2.15 Sour gas pipeline incidents by cause for all years combined [7]


The report of Pipeline Performance in Alberta 1990-2012 also indicated that internal

corrosion had been the primary cause of sour gas pipeline incidents in Alberta as shown

in Figure 2.14 and Figure 2.15.

2.5 Integrity management of internal corrosion of sour gas pipelines

2.5.1 Integrity management requirement

In Canada, should natural gas from a particular well have high sulphur and carbon

dioxide contents (sour gas), a specialized sour gas pipeline must be installed.

The Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) sets up regulations and rules to ensure the safety

methods are being fulfilled and complemented. The AER requires licensees to develop

and implement pipeline integrity management programs (PIMG) to identify and mitigate

risks associated with a particular pipeline, including corrosion mitigation and monitoring

as well as other risk factors. Licensees must be re-evaluated annually to assess corrosion

potential and to track actions taken to ensure compliance with all regulations, Alberta’s

Pipeline Act, Pipeline Regulation, and applicable Canadian Standards Association (CSA).

The results of the inspection or tests must be recorded and retained for a minimum of six

years [28]. National Energy Board Onshore Pipeline Regulations Clause 53 (1) requires

that a company shall conduct inspections on a regular basis and audits, with a maximum

interval of three years [29].


In US, the Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2002 mandated that the U.S. Department

of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA),

issue regulations that require operators of natural gas transmission pipelines to develop

and implement Integrity Management Programs for pipelines in High Consequence Areas


A critical aspect to pipeline operations that these regulations required is the recognition

of the importance of an internal corrosion monitoring program. Directive 66 cites specific

regulatory requirements detailed in the Alberta Pipeline Act and Regulation and the CSA

Z662 Standard, Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems [24]. The directive also includes the AER

Pipeline Inspectors' Guide to Corrosion Failure Procedures, which details the

requirements specific to follow-up of corrosion incidents. The AER developed this

section in consultation with industry pipeline corrosion specialists.


2.5.2 Methods of integrity management

Figure 2.16 Illustration of multi-dataset in-line inspection tool

There are many methods of assessing the integrity of a pipeline. The ILI, as shown in

Figure 2.16, has enabled the timely detection, sizing, assessment, and consequent

mitigation of corrosion anomalies before they lead to pipeline failures. ILI tools are built

to travel inside a pipeline and collect data as they go. One of the most accurate methods

of metallic pipeline condition assessment is magnetic flux leakage (MFL) ILI using

advanced non-destructive electromagnetic methods to scan the full circumference and

length of the pipeline for damage by corrosion and other causes. Axial MFL ILI tools

were developed within the last 40 years to inspect pipelines that experienced the threat of


corrosion. The MFL-ILIs detect and assess areas where the pipe wall may be damaged by

corrosion. The more advanced versions are referred to as "high-resolution" because they

have a large number of sensors. The high-resolution MFL-ILIs allow more reliable and

accurate identification of anomalies in a pipeline, thus, minimizing the need for

expensive verification excavations (i.e., digging up the pipe to verify what the problem


Another commonly used ILI is ultrasound (UT) tools. It is also a non-destructive testing

(NDT) technology which has been applied for a variety of inspection tasks for many

years. A major advantage of ultrasound is the ability to provide quantitative

measurements. The ability to acquire quantitative measurements means that the actual

wall thickness of a pipe section can be determined with high accuracy and reliability.

There are different ways to determine thickness, such as using different types of

transducers and applying ultrasound techniques differently (for instance piezo-electric

transducers versus transducers based on electro-magnetic acoustic transmission). The

most widely used tools available from several vendors make use of piezo-electric

transducers. The type of transducer chosen (i.e. dynamic range, focal point etc.) and the

characteristics of the electronics used (i.e. pulse repetition frequency, sampling rate etc.)

have major influence on the detection threshold, the accuracy and depth and length

resolution [30].


The MFL inspection can offset the limitations of UT inspection technology in detecting

small diameter corrosion pits. The limitation of the UT technology to see small diameter

corrosion pits can be seen by the number of false negatives on the y-axis of the unity plot.

The use of statistical analysis and reliability methods, supported by high-resolution ILI

data has become a common practice in making failure likelihood estimates for existing

pipelines in which such data exists [31]. As these methods intrinsically address variables

such as wall loss feature incidence rate, growth rate and size distributions, they can be

employed to make estimates of reliability and failure likelihood for both external

corrosion and internal corrosion.

Accurate assessment of pipeline anomalies can improve the decision making process

within a Pipeline Integrity Management Program (PIMP), and excavation programs can

then focus on required repairs instead of calibration or exploratory digs. After ILI

inspection, the collected data is downloaded and compiled so that an analyst is able to

accurately interpret the collected signals. Most pipeline inspection companies have

proprietary software designed to view their own tool's collected data. One example of the

use of ILI data analysis is fit-for-service assessment. The purpose of the fitness-for-

service assessments is to identify which features reported by the ILI would cause an

integrity concern at the pipeline’s pre-reduction maximum operating pressure (MOP).

Aged pipelines that contain corrosion, cracking, and deformation anomalies are

occasionally subject to pressure reductions to ensure safe operation. Pipelines are

required to be evaluated for a fitness-for-service assessment prior to a return to service at

the full operating pressure. Fit-for-service has to be evaluated based on anomalies


reported by metal loss MFL, ultrasonic crack detection (UTCD), or geometric (caliper)

ILI surveys.

2.5.3 Corrosion mitigation strategies

If a failure indicates a corrosive condition, the operator must have a documented plan to

prevent further corrosion failures. This plan must consider other lines within the same

pipeline system and include details of the mitigation measures to be adopted. The

Pipeline Regulation, Sections 53 [32], requires the operator to maintain records of any

corrosion maintenance activities for at least six years. Typical mitigation and monitoring

measures for internal corrosion could include combinations of the following:

Corrosion coupons

Electronic monitoring devices

Inhibition (continuous and/or batch)

Lab analysis to determine failure cause

Pipeline cleaning by pigging or chemicals

Fluids analysis

Flow modeling

Adding anti-corrosion chemicals (corrosion inhibitors), or chemical substances that

decrease corrosion rates, is one of the most effective methods to control internal


corrosion of pipelines. However, no single inhibitor suits all situations, which creates a

challenge for industry when it comes to selecting the best product for the job.

Many studies have been made on the internal corrosion for the gas transmission pipeline.

When evaluating the internal corrosion susceptibility, one of the simplest methods to

perform screening is to view orientation charts for internal wall loss features. Where

water drop-out and accumulation is an essential aspect of the internal corrosion

mechanism that is associated with the product and flow characteristics being considered,

wall loss that is associated with internal corrosion should be expected at the bottom of the

pipe, i.e., 180 degree of defect orientation in Figure 2.17. This is especially true where

concentrations of internal wall loss can be seen to coincide with steeper pipeline

inclination angles or receipt points. [31]

To date, there has been limited reporting on analysis of ILI data to understand the internal

corrosion of sour gas pipelines. This is attributed to the complicated effects of H2S and

CO2 in the gas composition on the corrosion mechanisms and the various operating

conditions. At the same time, the lab testing conditions are not representative of field

conditions, and thus, the results cannot be used directly for corrosion assessment. The

internal corrosion of sour gas pipeline remains an interesting, but challenging topic to

both the research community and to industry.


Figure 2.17 Internal wall loss characteristic of internal corrosion [31]


Chapter Three: Pipeline ILI Data Collection and Processing

3.1 Pipeline information

The pipeline data selected for this study was from the Shell Pipeline ILI reports [33 - 35].

The pipeline is a typical sour gas gathering line. The basic information of the pipeline is

listed in Table 3.1 [33].

Table 3.1. Summary of pipeline information [33]

Client Shell Canada Limited

License/Line #: 24240 - 10

Location Butcher Canyon

Rout 06-15-004-01 W5M to 03-22-004-01 W5M

Product (Substance) SG

Year Built 1989

MOP 9930 kPag (1440 psig)

Length 1.1 kms

Pipe Diameter (Outside) 168.3 mm (6.63”)

Pipe Wall Thickness(S) 5.56 mm (0.22”)

Pipe Specification (SMYS) 290 MPa

Seam Seamless

This pipeline is injected with anti-corrosion chemicals (corrosion inhibitors) and

methanol (for preventing hydrate formation) during operations.


3.2 ILI Data collection

In this study there were three sets of pipeline ILI data which were collected in 2007, 2010

and 2013 on Shell Canada Ltd.’s Butcher CSM to Jct. pipeline. GE Oil & Gas PII

Pipeline Solutions conducted the inspections and evaluations based on GE pipeline

inspection procedures and standards. The inspection tool is MFL 1.5 tool.

3.2.1 Factors affecting the ILI data accuracy

The geometry of metal loss defects, running speed of the tools, and debris in the pipeline

can affect the accuracy of MFL inspection results. The tool speed is a critical factor in the

measurement of metal loss defects. When an MFL 1.5 tool runs at speeds outside of its

specification, the accuracy of the metal loss measurements taken in these areas is

degraded. In the worst case, the tool over-speed can result in data loss due to over

sampling; and the tool under-speed can result in excessive noise in the data. Both of these

conditions can cause defects to be mis-measured by the tool [33].

Deposits of debris in pipelines can result in grading discrepancies. For example, iron

sulphide pit-filling can cause defect under sizing due to its magnetic permeability. Wax

and other debris types can prevent the sensors from riding firmly against the interior pipe

wall. In the worst cases, they can prevent the tool from sampling data [33].

Small diameter defects such as corrosion pits add a volumetric error and have a tendency

to be under-graded. Very large areas of general corrosion can also prove problematic for

MFL 1.5 tool technology. The sizing accuracy of such defects may be degraded. [33]


3.2.2 Operation specifications

1. GE Oil & Gas PII Pipeline Solutions MFL 1.5 Operating Specifications:

Table 3.2 MFL 1.5 tool operating specifications [33]

Operating Specifications Tolerances

Pipeline Temperature Up to 80 Celsius (176 Fahrenheit)

Pipeline Pressure Up to 137 bar (2000 psi)

Optimum Tool Speed 1.6 km/hr – 11.0 km/hr (1.0 mph – 6.8 mph)

Media Liquid or Gas

The operating specifications of MFL 1.5 tool, including pipeline temperature, pressure,

speed and media, are listed in Table 3.2.

2. GE Oil & Gas PII Pipeline Solutions MFL 1.5 inspection specifications:

Table 3.3 MFL 1.5 tool inspection specifications [33]

Specifications Seam Welded Seamless

Pitting General


Pitting General

Corrosion Defect Area 2Tx2T → 4Tx4T ≥ 4T x 4T 2Tx2T → 4Tx4T ≥ 4T x 4T

Minimum Reported Depth

10% 20% 20% 25%

Depth Accuracy @ 80%


±10% ±20% ±20% ±25%

Length Accuracy @ 80%

±13 mm / 0.5" ±25 mm / 1.0" ±19 mm / 0.75" ±25 mm / 1.0"

Confidence Width Accuracy

@ 80% Confidence

±25 mm / 1.0" ±25 mm / 1.0" ±32 mm / 1.25" ±32 mm / 1.25

Axial Location Accuracy


Orientation Accuracy ±30 degrees

* +/- % represents absolute measurement –> actual defect depth- graded defect depth


Table 3.3 gives the definition of the measurement for each item, like defect area,

minimum reported depth, accuracy, etc.

3. Defect definitions:

Table 3.4 MFL 1.5 tool inspection defect definitions [33]

Defect Definitions Length Width

Pitting 2T - 4T 2T- 2T

General Corrosion 4T - 10T 4T - 10T

* ‘T’ denotes wall thickness

Table 3.4 gives the definition of defect for pitting and general corrosion. In addition to

metal loss defects, the MFL 1.5 tools detect metallurgical anomalies encountered in the

pipe wall, mechanical distortion of the pipe wall, and excess metal in close proximity to

the pipe. Every effort has been made to identify and label all hardware such as valves,

flanges, taps, anchors, clamps, patches and sleeves. Manufacturing irregularities such as

laminations, carbon impregnations, hard spots and inclusions are detected by the tools.

When suspected anomalies due to manufacturing defects are found, the report comments

should note “Possible Mill Defect”. GE Oil & Gas PII Pipeline Solutions reports metal

loss data up to 70%. After 70% depth, the metal loss is classified as 70%++. This is due

to saturation level of the MFL 1.5 signal beyond 70% wall loss [33].

3.3 ILI data verification and processing

After the ILI data were collected from the field, there was a data verification procedure to

ensure the data are accurate and justified. This can reduce the errors and promote the


efficiency. This process is completed before the report is issued. A set of internal

corrosion defects data was screened and collected. This report analysis was conducted

based on three internal corrosion data.

3.4 Information of the inspected pipelines

Figure 3.1 shows the elevation profile of the inspected pipeline. There is a creek in the

middle of the pipeline route. The pipeline route goes uphill and then downhill to the low

point of the creek bottom. It then goes up to the highest point of the pipeline, and then

goes down to the junction point. The total length of the pipeline is 1.1 km with an

elevation change of 33.5 m. This is a typical sour gas gathering pipeline route in Alberta.

The uphill and downhill elevation difference causes varying flow patterns which affect

the internal corrosion of the pipeline.


Figure 3.1 Pipeline 06-15 to 03-22 elevation profile from Google map


Chapter Four: Non-uniform “Clock” Distributions of Internal

Corrosion in Sour Gas Pipelines

In this chapter, the internal corrosion of sour gas pipelines was analyzed to determine the

distribution of corrosion defects inside the pipe.

4.1 Results

Analysis of internal corrosion defects has been made based on the three sets of ILI data

collected from the pipeline inspection reports. Table 4.1 shows the statistics of corrosion

defects and their orientations inside the pipe. It is noted that there is no relationship

between the defect number and the inspection years, i.e., the defect number was assigned

randomly in each year. Moreover, this data was summarized from the ILI report database

which includes both external corrosion and internal corrosion data. However, only the

internal corrosion is affected by the transported medium. In order to distinguish the

distribution of the corrosion defects, a clock number is used to indicate the location of the

defect along the pipe. The distance in the table refers to the length that the MFL smart pig

travelled from the pig launcher to the point where internal corrosion defect was detected

on the pipe wall of the sour gas pipeline. The analysis results are included in the

following sections.


4.1.1 Orientation of corrosion defects

Table 4.1 Internal corrosion defects data



Absolute Distance


Wall Loss



(position on

the clock)


9 700.97 27 5:30

10 701.1 56 5:30

11 701.26 32 6:00

13 731.38 34 5:30

14 732.03 25 6:30

15 801.47 19 10:15

16 835.12 29 6:45

23 1066.33 23 8:00


1 5.97 10 4:45

6 164.92 20 5:30

9 227.39 23 6:45

10 230.6 21 5:00

11 230.73 21 5:30

12 231.44 32 6:45

14 256.7 23 6:00

15 259.86 20 6:45

17 306.5 24 4:30

18 306.6 28 1:45

19 500.23 27 5:00

24 702.1 51 5:30

25 702.38 28 5:30

28 733.24 27 6:00

31 836.46 31 6:00


8 227.49 22 6:45

14 702.19 46 5:00

15 702.47 28 5:00

18 733.27 20 6:30

21 836.51 20 6:15

23 849.57 39 5:45


* Note: Defect No. is consistent with the ILI Inspection report. It is a pipeline defect label

of both the internal corrosion and the external corrosion.

Figure 4.1 shows the orientation of corrosion defects detected by ILI in the pipelines. It is

seen that the majority of corrosion defects occur between 5:00 - 7:00 o’clock. Moreover,

the corrosion defects are not evenly distributed along the pipeline. At some segments, the

corrosion defects are scattered; and at other segments, there is no corrosion defect














0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200



tion (




Distance (m)

Figure 4.1 Corrosion defects vs. Orientation in the sour gas pipeline. The two

horizontal red lines shows the range where majority of corrosion defects occur.

Figure 4.2 shows the percentage of the orientation of corrosion. The main results include:


a) Corrosion defects between 1:00 ~2:00 and 10:00 ~ 11:00 o’clock: 2 points, 6.9% of

all points;

b) Corrosion defects between 4:00 ~5:00 and 7:00 ~ 8:00 o’clock: 3 points, 10.3% of all


c) Corrosion defects between 5:00 ~7:00 o’clock: 24 points, 82.8% of all points;

Overall, there are 93% of internal corrosion defects occurring along the bottom section

(4:00-8:00 o’clock) of the pipe, and only 7 % of corrosion defects occur along the top

section (8:00-3:00 o’clock).







0:00 ~ 1:00

& 11:00 ~


1:00 ~ 2:00

& 10:00 ~


2:00 ~ 3:00

& 9:00 ~


3:00 ~ 4:00

& 8:00 ~


4:00 ~ 5:00

& 7:00 ~


5:00 ~ 6:00

6:00 ~ 7:00





Orientation ( O'Clock)

Figure 4.2 Percentage of the orientation of corrosion defects


There is a trend between the corrosion susceptibility and the orientation in the vapour

phase as shown in Figure 4.3. Diamond data points represent analyzed ILI data and the

solid curve is a fit to the gas phase dot. The susceptibility of orientation is symmetry with

12 o'clock and 6 o'clock as the axis. As the orientation is closer to the gas/liquid interface,

the corrosion susceptibility will increase.












n F




Orientation (O'clock)

Corrosion in gas phase

Corrosion in liquid phase

Fitting-gas phase

4:00&8:00 4:30&7:30 4:45&7:15 5:00&7:00 5:15&6:45 5:30&6:30 5:45&6:15 6:00

Gas phase



Figure 4.3 Internal corrosion distribution on orientation

4.1.2 Relationship between corrosion depth and the orientation

Figure 4.4 – 4.6 show the relationship between the depth of corrosion defects and their

orientations. There is a trend between the corrosion depth and orientation from the 2007


data as shown in Figure 4.4. The depth of corrosion defects increases as the corrosion

defect is approaching to the gas/liquid interface (5 o’clock and 7 o’clock). It can be seen

that the highest depth of corrosion defect is around 5 o’clock. The lowest depth of

corrosion defect is around 10 o’clock. For Figure 4.5 and 4.6, the trend is not obvious

because the corrosion defects are all close to the gas/liquid interface. The "special point"

identified in Figure 4.5 requires additional investigation.













0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2




on (




Corrosion Depth (mm)

Figure 4.4 Depth of corrosion defects vs. Orientation in the sour gas pipeline (2007)














0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2




on (




Corrosion Depth (mm)

Special point

Figure 4.5 Depth of corrosion defects vs. Orientation in the sour gas pipeline (2010)













0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2

Corrosion Depth (mm)



tion (




Figure 4.6 Depth of corrosion defects vs. Orientation in the sour gas pipeline (2013)


4.1.3 Relationship between corrosion rate and the orientation

Table 4.2 Internal corrosion rate of pipeline vs. the orientation of corrosion defects

Orientation Corrosion Rate (mm/year)

2007 Inspection 2010 Inspection 2013 Inspection

5:00 N/A N/A N/A

5:15 N/A N/A N/A

5:30 0.17 0.17 N/A

5:45 0.15 N/A 0.15

6:00 0.04 0.04 N/A

6:15 0.06 N/A 0.06

6:30 N/A N/A N/A

6:45 N/A N/A N/A

7:00 N/A N/A N/A

Table 4.2 shows the internal corrosion rate of pipelines as a function of the orientation of

corrosion defects. All the corrosion rates were calculated from the ILI data obtained on

the same pipeline over years. Data was screened and selected to have a minimum of two

calculated corrosion rates for different year periods at the same corrosion spot. It can be

seen that the corrosion rate is identical for the same spot but different year periods.













0:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00




n R





Orientation (O'Clock)

Corrosion Rate 2007

Corrosion Rate 2010

Corrosion Rate 2013

Figure 4.7 Corrosion rate vs. Orientation

Figure 4.7 shows the internal corrosion rate plotted with the orientation of the corrosion

defects on the pipe. It is seen that the highest corrosion rate is found between the 5:00 and

6:00 o’clock positions of the pipe. The corrosion rate is about 0.18 mm/year.

4.2 Discussion

4.2.1 Distribution of corrosion defects inside the pipe


Sour gas gathering pipelines transport produced gas from the wellhead, and the gas fluid

contains impurities such as water, H2S, CO2 and sands, sometimes hydrocarbon (HC)

liquids as well.

Matin [17] found that the magnitude of corrosion was influenced by the quantity of water

condensed on the metal surface. The periodicity of rise and falls in corrosion rate also

appeared to be influenced by the liquid level.

The water (or HC liquids)/gas interface inside a pipe divide the pipe into two spaces: gas

phase and water (liquids) phase. In the gas phase, H2S and CO2 are heavier than CH4, and

are more likely staying at the lower part of the gas space. On the internal pipe surface,

when the inhibitor film or scale is broken caused by the slug flow pattern in the multi-

phase flow, the corrosion defect will be formed. At the gas/liquids interface, the H2S (and

CO2) content reaches its peak. The result in Figure 4.1 shows the most corrosion defects

around the orientations of 5:00 ~ 7:00 o'clock, where the liquid-gas interface exists.

Moreover, around the liquid/gas interface, dissolved acid gases like H2S and CO2, lower

the pH of water due to dissolved H2S in the water, causing the liquids to have high


At the bottom of the pipe, the chance of exposure of steel surface to the corrosive

environment is not the highest because there are solid deposits covering the pipe surface.

Therefore, the corrosion defects at 6:00 o'clock are not the worst points.


4.2.2 Relationship between the corrosion depth and the orientation

The depth of the corrosion defects reflects the real corrosion rate. The bigger depth of

corrosion defect, the higher the corrosion rate is. The corrosion rate is affected by

temperature, pH value, oxygen level and fluid velocity. The following discussion will

highlight the correlation between increasing corrosion rates and corrosion orientation

approaching the gas and liquid interface.

As stated in Section 4.2.1, in the gas phase, H2S and CO2 highly affect the corrosivity of

the environment. It can be deduced that the closer to the gas/liquid interface, the higher

corrosivity is [36]. Normally, a higher corrosive environment will result in a higher

corrosion rate [36]. Another factor that may have much effect on the corrosion rate is

temperature. A sour gas pipeline is buried underground. There is a temperature gradient

around the pipe wall. On the top of the pipe, the temperature is the lowest and the bottom

is the highest. The temperature is increasing while the corrosion defect orientation is

approaching the gas/liquid interface. Higher temperature can result in a higher corrosion


Moreover, the oxygen level also has an effect on the corrosion rate of the defect. The sour

gas pipeline has been injected with anti-corrosion chemicals and methanol during normal

operation. Oxygen can be dissolved into the chemicals and methanol, and be brought into

the pipeline with the injection. These chemicals and methanol can be condensed on the

pipe wall and accumulated on the bottom of the pipe. The highest oxygen levels are


found around the gas/liquid interface along the pipe wall. The pipe top will have the

lowest level of oxygen. High oxygen levels will lead to higher corrosion rate.

Normally sour gas pipelines are designed under a certain flow rate to avoid the erosion

corrosion. So the fluid velocity will have very little effect on the corrosion rate.

4.2.3 Relationship between corrosion rate and orientation

Section 4.2.2 has discussed the factors that can affect the corrosion rate. The corrosion

rate follows the same trend as the relationship between the corrosion depth and the

orientation. Generally, the corrosion rates are supposed to vary with changes in H2S and

CO2 contents, gas flow rate, operating pressure, operating temperature, and seasonal

ambient temperature changes. However, Table 4.2 shows that the corrosion rates are not

affected by these factors on the same spot (orientation). The possible reason may be that

the corrosivity formed by H2S on different orientation is the dominated factor. The

phenomenon needs to be investigated by having more data from various sour gas

pipelines to conduct more statistical analysis.

4.2.4 Effect of sediment on corrosion

In sour gas pipeline operations, the solid sediment can have two possible effects on the

internal corrosion. One effect is the occurrence of localized pitting corrosion under the


sediment. Bacteria may be present in the biofilm formed under sediment, and contribute

to pit formation and growth. This could be occurring inside the sour gas pipelines. On the

other hand, the sediment could isolate the pipe wall from the sour gas corrosive

environment. This helps the prevention of corrosion. In this work, the majority of

corrosion defects are found at the boundary between the gas-liquid interface, rather than

the bottom of the pipe. Part of the reason can be attributed to the protective role of solid

deposits at the pipe bottom, as illustrated in Figure 4.8.

Figure 4.8 Illustration of two-phase flow (Cross-section view)


4.3 Summary

In the sour gas gathering pipelines, the transported fluids contain varied ratios of water

and hydrocarbon liquids, and corrosive gases such as CO2 and H2S. The most serious

corrosion defects are located close to the gas/liquids interface, i.e., 5:00 and 7:00 o'clock

positions. The bottom (6:00 o’clock or 180 degree angle) is not the worst area for internal


The corrosion depth in the sour gas pipeline varies with the defect orientation. The most

serious corrosion depths are also located close to the gas/liquids interface, i.e., 5:00 and

7:00 o'clock positions. The least serious corrosion depths are closest to the top of the pipe.

The corrosion depth of the defect on the bottom is not the biggest.


Chapter Five: Effect of Pipeline Inclination (Altitude) on Internal

Corrosion of Sour Gas Pipeline

This chapter analyzes the relationship between the internal corrosion, i.e., susceptibility

of occurrence, and the inclination of the pipeline based on the available ILI data sets. In

particular, the pipe inclination, also called elevation or altitude, is the deviation or amount

of deviation in the vertical direction, classified herein as uphill or downhill.

5.1 Fundamentals of fluid flow in pipelines

Multiphase flow is a common occurrence in sour gas gathering pipelines. Internal

corrosion caused by multiphase flow in these lines and the technical challenges involved

in their corrosion inhibition are also well known [37]. Proper understanding of the

underlying mechanisms governing corrosion in multiphase flow is helpful to the

implementation of a pipeline integrity management program. Implementation of an

effective inhibition program is necessary for safe and profitable operation of existing

pipelines and the development of new fields.

Multiphase flow involves the simultaneous flow of more than one phase within a pipe.

This includes two-phase hydrocarbon liquids/gas and hydrocarbon liquids/water flows

and three-phase hydrocarbon liquid/water/gas flows. Several flow patterns exist in

multiphase flows. It must be noted that the flow is seldom homogeneous and, in most


cases, different velocity and phase fractions exist at any given location within the pipe.

This is fundamentally different from single-phase flow. Also, in most cases, the flow is

turbulent [38]. Figure 5.1 shows the multi-phase flow pattern.

At low gas and liquid velocities, a stratified layer of liquid flows under the gas, the

interface between the two layers is smooth. At higher gas velocities, the front of the plug

begins to overrun the liquid film and assimilates it in the process. This regime is called

slug flow and is the most important flow regime from a corrosion point. It is noted that a

separate water layer is always present at the bottom of the pipe in all the flow regimes.

This layer exists even at water cuts as low as 10% and measurable corrosion can occur in

multiphase flow [39].

Stratified flow is a multi-phase flow in which the flow in many fluids varies with density

and depends upon the gravity. Due to which the fluid with lower density is always above

the fluid with higher density. It is stratified flow that is most likely to occur in downhill

two-phase flow, see Figure 5.2.

Slug flow exists in pipelines carrying hydrocarbon liquids and gas when high production

of hydrocarbon liquids and gas is required. Slug flow is characterized by the appearance

of intermittent liquid slugs that propagate through the pipe. An idealized slug unit is

shown in Figure 5.3 and consists of four zones. Ahead of the slug is a slow moving liquid

film, with gas flowing above it. Waves are formed on this film and grow to bridge the

pipe. They are then accelerated to the gas velocity and form the slug. The front of the


slug overruns the slow moving film ahead of it and assimilates it into a mixing zone

behind the front, creating a highly turbulent region. This highly turbulent mixing zone

entrains gas, which is passed back into the slug body. Here the turbulence is reduced, and

eventually the liquid velocity is reduced to a point where it is no longer able to sustain the

bridging of the pipe. This is the tail of the slug. Liquid is shed from the tail of the slug to

a trailing film. This liquid in turn mixes with more incoming liquid to form a film on

which the next slug will propagate [40].


Figure 5.1 Multi-Phase Flow Pattern [41]


Figure 5.2 Stratified flow in downhill pipe

Figure 5.3 Profile of different regions of slug [42]. Bubbles in the figure are gases

trapped in the liquids.



Flow direction

Flow direction


5.2 Relationship between corrosion and pipeline inclination

A corrosion orientation vs. distance plot (a) and a pipeline inclination vs. distance plot (b)

are plotted together in Fig. 5.4 in order to determine the relationship between pipeline

corrosion and elevation. It can be observed that the majority of corrosion defects are

found in the range of uphill segment of the pipeline. There is a smaller probability for pits

to be found on the downhill pipeline segment. On the transition from uphill to downhill

segments, no corrosion defects were identified. However, the transitions from downhill to

uphill segments can often have corrosion defects, resulting from the accumulation of

water locally. At the same time, the anti-corrosion chemicals would also remain locally

for corrosion prevention. Thus, there is no obvious corrosion detected in areas of the

pipeline where the height transitions from downhill flow to uphill flow in this work.














0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200



tion (




Distance (m)








0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200



ion (


Distance (m)


Figure 5.4. Relationship between corrosion orientation (a) and pipeline inclination



5.3 Computer modelling of the fluid flow pattern

To figure out how the fluid flow patterns affect the internal corrosion in each segment of

the pipeline, the fluid mechanics simulation was conducted using Aspen HYSYS V8.4

software. The simulation data were used with different periods of operations. This

software provides HYSYS-OLGA dynamic simulation for the multiphase flow behavior.

Table 5.1 summarizes the result of flow pattern from the simulation. Flow patterns varied

with slug flow and two-phase flow in Table 5.1.

Figures 5.5 shows the results of the fluid flow distribution along the pipeline base on

Table 5.1. It is shown that the slug flow occurs at the uphill segments, and a stable phase

flow occurs in the downhill segments. Since over 90% of the internal corrosion occurs on

the uphill segments, it is thus assumed that the corrosion is somewhat correlated to the

slug flow generated in the segments.

Table 5.1 Flow pattern along the pipeline from the simulation result

Pipeline Segment


Pipeline Segment Position Flow Pattern

1 Position 0 To 354.7 m Slug Flow

2 Position 354.7 m To 639.0 m Stable Two-phase Flow

3 Position 639.0 m To 713.5 m Slug Flow

4 Position 713.5 m To 852.7 m Stable Two-phase Flow

5 Position 852.7 m To 889.5 m Slug Flow

6 Position 889.5 m To 4094 m Stable Two-phase Flow


Figure 5.6 shows the threshold fluid flow velocity for erosion to occur and the flow

velocity in the pipeline investigated. Since the flow velocity is much lower than the

threshold velocity to cause erosion, there is no erosion concern in the internal corrosion

of the pipeline.







0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200



ion (


Distance (m)

Figure 5.5 Flow pattern from the pipeline simulation result

Slug Flow

Stable 2-phase Flow

Slug Flow

Stable 2-phase Flow










0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200



ty (



Pipe length (m)

Flow velocity

Erosion velocity

Figure 5.6 Erosion vs. velocity from the pipeline simulation result

5.4 Discussion

The multiphase flow is more likely to propagate an internal corrosion issue on the

uphill segments of the pipeline, as shown in Figure 5.1, because the slug flow regime

contributes to the corrosion likely significantly by stagnating fluid flow around the slug.

The flow patterns from the simulation results explain the uphill corrosion phenomenon

based on the slug flow characteristics and the effect on corrosion.

The hydrocarbons coming from the reservoirs in pipelines form a multiphase complex

mixture (gas, liquids and solids) with different flow patterns that, due to highly turbulent


hydrodynamics, can cause erosion and corrosion. Slug flow is one of these high turbulent

flow patterns [43]. This flow is characterized by a turbulent front, a liquid film and a gas

phase package that travels above the film. The slug front is considered to be highly

turbulent due to the mixture of liquid, gas and solid phase that, in turn, can produce

erosion/corrosion on the pipeline surface. [43]

The addition of solids to an aqueous phase with H2S and CO2 under slug flow operation

results in an increase of the corrosion rate. The action of abrasive solids, even at low

concentrations such as the one used in this study, are likely to promote protective film

removal and therefore cause an increase in corrosion rates [44].

Field data suggests that for horizontal pipelines, the slug frequency is usually in the range

of 1 to 20 slugs/minute depending on the liquid velocity. However, if the pipe is inclined,

the slug frequency can increase to values much greater than these. This may lead to

higher levels of corrosion [45].

5.5 Summary

In the multi-phase flow sour gas pipelines, the uphill segments have the highest

possibility of internal corrosion. The downhill segments of pipeline have the least internal

corrosion. The transitions between downhill and uphill segments of pipelines may not be

the corrosion point.


Chapter Six: Conclusions and Recommendations

6.1 Conclusions

In this research, the internal corrosion of sour gas pipelines was studied using a statistical

analysis method based on industrial ILI datasets provided. Main conclusions are drawn as


The internal corrosion has a higher possibility to occur on the lower portion on the pipe

than the top portion. Specially, previous study found that corrosion is the most serious at

the gas/liquids interface [17].

Figure 5.2 showed that the internal corrosion has a higher possibility on the uphill

segment of pipelines than the downhill segment.

The transitions from uphill to downhill segments experience no corrosion, while the

transitions from downhill to uphill segments does not find obvious corrosion. This is

probably related to the accumulation of corrosion inhibitor locally.

During internal corrosion of sour gas pipelines, the fluid flow pattern plays a key role.

The internal corrosion of sour gas pipelines is dominated by the slug flow pattern. The

concluded corrosion statistics is primarily related to the flow pattern based on



6.2 Recommendations

1. When designing sour gas pipelines, a greater allowance for wall thinning from

internal corrosion (thicker wall thickness) should be designed in uphill portions of

the pipeline compared to downhill portions.

2. When conducting an in-line inspection on a sour gas pipeline, greater care and

time should be taken when inspecting lower bottom (b/w 4 o'clock and 8 o'clock)

of the pipeline for the internal corrosion, perhaps more sensor on the bottom of

the ILI than top.

3. When conducting an in-line inspection on a sour gas pipeline, more attention

should be paid on the uphill portion of the pipeline than the downhill portion.

4. Try to minimize elevation differences of the pipeline when selecting the pipeline

route to minimize the uphill segments of the sour gas pipeline.

5. Further study may be conducted on the relationship between the H2S content and

the corrosion rate in the sour gas pipeline.

6. The effects of anti-corrosion chemicals on the corrosion rate should be considered

and studied further.



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