Static analysis of C++ source code

Post on 23-Dec-2014

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We all make mistakes while programming and spend a lot of time fixing them.One of the methods which allows for quick detection of defects is source code static analysis.

Transcript of Static analysis of C++ source code

Static analysis of C++ source code

Karpov Andrey Nikolaevich

candidate of science (PhD), CTO

OOO «Program Verification Systems» (Co Ltd)


What is this report about

We all make mistakes while programming and spend a lot of time fixing them.

One of the methods which allows for quick detection of defects is source code static


«One should write a quality code from the beginning» - it is not working in practice!

• even the best developers make mistakes and typing errors;

• following are the examples of mistakes detected by static code analyzer in a well known projects;

• PVS-Studio tool was used to perform the analysis.

Priority of & and ! operations

Return to Castle Wolfenstein – computer game, first person shooter, developed by id Software company. Game engine is available under GPL license.

#define SVF_CASTAI 0x00000010

if ( !ent->r.svFlags & SVF_CASTAI )

if ( ! (ent->r.svFlags & SVF_CASTAI) )

Usage of && instead of &

#define REO_INPLACEACTIVE (0x02000000L)#define REO_OPEN (0x04000000L)

if (reObj.dwFlags && REO_INPLACEACTIVE) m_pRichEditOle->InPlaceDeactivate(); if(reObj.dwFlags && REO_OPEN) hr = reObj.poleobj->Close(OLECLOSE_NOSAVE);

Stickies – yellow sticky notes, just only on your monitor.

Undefined behavior

while (*(n = ++s + strspn(s, EZXML_WS)) && *n != '>') {

Miranda IM (Miranda Instant Messenger) – instant messaging software for Microsoft Windows.

Usage of `delete` for an array

auto_ptr<VARIANT> child_array(new VARIANT[child_count]);

~auto_ptr() { delete _Myptr;}

Chromium – open source web browser developed by Google. The development of Google Chrome browser is based upon Chromium.

You should not use auto_ptr with arrays. Only one element is destroyed inside auto_ptr destructor:

For example you can use boost::scoped_array as an alternative.

Condition is always true

WinDjView is fast and small app for viewing files of DjVu format.

inline bool IsValidChar(int c){ return c == 0x9 || 0xA || c == 0xD || c >= 0x20 && c <= 0xD7FF || c >= 0xE000 && c <= 0xFFFD || c >= 0x10000 && c <= 0x10FFFF;}

Code formatting differs from it’s own logic

if(pushval != 0) if(pushval) v->GetUp(-1) = t; else v->Pop(1);

Squirrel – interpreted programming language, which is developed to be used as a scripting language in real time applications such as computer games.

v->Pop(1); - will never be reached

Incidental local variable declaration

FCE Ultra – open source Nintendo Entertainment System console emulator

int iNesSaveAs(char* name){ ... fp = fopen(name,"wb"); int x = 0; if (!fp) int x = 1; ...}

Using char as unsigned char// check each line for illegal utf8 sequences.// If one is found, we treat the file as ASCII,// otherwise we assume an UTF8 file.char * utf8CheckBuf = lineptr;while ((bUTF8)&&(*utf8CheckBuf)){ if ((*utf8CheckBuf == 0xC0)|| (*utf8CheckBuf == 0xC1)|| (*utf8CheckBuf >= 0xF5)) { bUTF8 = false; break; }

TortoiseSVN — client of Subversion revision control system, implemented as Windows shell extension.

Incidental use of hexadecimal values

oCell._luminance = uint16(0.2220f*iPixel._red + 0.7067f*iPixel._blue + 0.0713f*iPixel._green);


oCell._luminance = 2220*iPixel._red + 7067*iPixel._blue + 0713*iPixel._green;

eLynx Image Processing SDK and Lab

One variable is used for two loops

static int i,j,k,l,m;...for(j=0; j<numrepeats; j++){ ... for(i=0; i<num_joints; i++){ ... for(j=0;j<num_joints;j++){ if(joints[j].locked)freely=0; } ... } ...}

Lugaru — first commercial game developed by Wolfire Games independent team.

Array overrun

#define SBMAX_l 22int l[1+SBMAX_l];

for (r0 = 0; r0 < 16; r0++) { ... for (r1 = 0; r1 < 8; r1++) { int a2 = gfc->scalefac_band.l[r0 + r1 + 2];

LAME – free app for MP3 audio encoding.

Priority of * and ++ operations

STDMETHODIMP CCustomAutoComplete::Next(..., ULONG *pceltFetched){ ... if (pceltFetched != NULL) *pceltFetched++; ...}


eMule is a client for ED2K file sharing network.

Comparison mistake

BUFFERTYPE m_nBufferType[2];...// Handle unnamed buffersif ((m_nBufferType[nBuffer] == BUFFER_UNNAMED) || (m_nBufferType[nBuffer] == BUFFER_UNNAMED)) nSaveErrorCode = SAVE_NO_FILENAME;

WinMerge — free open source software intended for the comparison and synchronization of files and directories.

By reviewing the code close by, this should contain:(m_nBufferType[0] == BUFFER_UNNAMED) ||(m_nBufferType[1] == BUFFER_UNNAMED)

Forgotten array index

IPP Samples are samples demonstrating how to work with Intel Performance Primitives Library 7.0.

void lNormalizeVector_32f_P3IM(..., Ipp32s* mask, ...) { Ipp32s i; Ipp32f norm;

for(i=0; i<len; i++) { if(mask<0) continue; ... }}

if(mask[i]<0) continue;

Identical source code branches

Notepad++ - free text editor for Windows supporting syntax highlight for a variety of programming languages.

if (!_isVertical) Flags |= DT_VCENTER; else Flags |= DT_BOTTOM;

if (!_isVertical) Flags |= DT_BOTTOM;else Flags |= DT_BOTTOM;

Calling incorrect function with similar name

/** Deletes all previous field specifiers. * This should be used when dealing * with clients that send multiple NEP_PACKET_SPEC * messages, so only the last PacketSpec is taken * into account. */int NEPContext::resetClientFieldSpecs(){ this->fspecs.empty(); return OP_SUCCESS;} /* End of resetClientFieldSpecs() */

What a beautiful comment. But it is sad that here we’re doing not what was intended.

Nmap Security Scanner – free utility intended for diverse customizable scanning of IP-networks with any number of objects and for identification of the statuses of the objects belonging to the network which is being scanned.

Dangerous ?: operator

Newton Game Dynamics – a well known physics engine which allows for reliable and fast simulation of environmental object’s physical behavior.

den = dgFloat32 (1.0e-24f) * (den > dgFloat32(0.0f)) ? dgFloat32(1.0f) : dgFloat32(-1.0f);

The priority of ?: is lower than that of multiplication operator *.

And so on, and so on…

if (m_szPassword != NULL){ if (m_szPassword != '\0') {

if (*m_szPassword != '\0')

Ultimate TCP/IP library

bleeding = 0;bleedx = 0,bleedy;direction = 0;


bleedx = 0;bleedy = 0;

And so on, and so on…

FCE Ultraif((t=(char *)realloc( next->name, strlen(name+1))))

if((t=(char *)realloc( next->name, strlen(name)+1)))



Low level memory management operations

• ZeroMemory;• memset;• memcpy;• memcmp;• …

I want to discuss separately the heritage of programs whish were using the following functions:

Low level memory management operations

ID_INLINE mat3_t::mat3_t( float src[3][3] ){ memcpy( mat, src, sizeof( src ) );}

Return to Castle Wolfenstein

itemInfo_t *itemInfo;memset( itemInfo, 0, sizeof( &itemInfo ) );

memset( itemInfo, 0, sizeof( *itemInfo ) );

ID_INLINE mat3_t::mat3_t( float (&src)[3][3] ){ memcpy( mat, src, sizeof( src ) );}

Low level memory management operations

CxImage – open image processing library.

memset(tcmpt->stepsizes, 0, sizeof(tcmpt->numstepsizes * sizeof(uint_fast16_t)));

memset(tcmpt->stepsizes, 0, tcmpt->numstepsizes * sizeof(uint_fast16_t));

Low level memory management operations

dgInt32 faceOffsetHitogram[256];dgSubMesh* mainSegmenst[256];

memset (faceOffsetHitogram, 0, sizeof (faceOffsetHitogram));memset (mainSegmenst, 0, sizeof (faceOffsetHitogram));

This code was duplicated but was not entirely corrected. As a result the size of pointer will not be equal to the size of dgInt32 type on Win64 and we will flush only a fraction of mainSegmenst array.

A beautiful example of 64-bit error:

Low level memory management operations

#define CONT_MAP_MAX 50int _iContMap[CONT_MAP_MAX];...memset(_iContMap, -1, CONT_MAP_MAX);

memset(_iContMap, -1, CONT_MAP_MAX * sizeof(int));

Low level memory management operations

Yes, at present this is not a

mistake.But it is a landmine!

Real w, x, y, z;...

inline Quaternion(Real* valptr){ memcpy(&w, valptr, sizeof(Real)*4);}

OGRE — open source Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine written in C++.

The earlier — the better

But why not the unit-tests only?

• The verification of such code parts which rarely gain control;

• Detection of floating bugs (undefined behavior, heisenbugs);

• Not all variations of source code can be covered by unit tests:– Complicated calculation algorithms– interface

Unit test will not be able to help you here, but static analysis will.

OPENFILENAME lofn;...lofn.lpstrFilter = uni("All Files (*.*)\0*.*");

Fennec Media Project – universal media-player intended for high definition audio and video playback.

lofn.lpstrFilter = uni("All Files (*.*)\0*.*\0");

Unit test will not be able to help you here, but static analysis will.

static INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcTrayOpts(...){ ... EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_PRIMARYSTATUS),TRUE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_CYCLETIMESPIN),FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_CYCLETIME),FALSE);

EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_ALWAYSPRIMARY),FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_ALWAYSPRIMARY),FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_CYCLE),FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_MULTITRAY),FALSE); ...}

Where can I more details about PVS-Studio?

PVS-Studio – static code analyzer intended for the detection of errors in the source code of applications developed with C/C++/C++0x. Language.

• Product page: http://

• Trial version: http://



• Documentation:

PVS-Studio can be integrated into Visual Studio 2005/2008/2010 IDE.

Questions ?


Karpov Andrey Nikolaevich

candidate of science (PhD), CTO

OOO «Program Verification Systems» (Co Ltd)Site: http://www.viva64.comE-mail: karpov@viva64.comTwitter: