statergic management chapter 3

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Transcript of statergic management chapter 3

  • 8/9/2019 statergic management chapter 3


    The Vocabulary ofStrategy: Using Planning

    to formulate Strategy.

    Kevin Hinde
  • 8/9/2019 statergic management chapter 3


  • 8/9/2019 statergic management chapter 3


    May 16, 20103

    Strategic Planning

    A disciplined effort to produce

    fundamental decisions and actions thatshape and guide what an organisation is,

    what it does, and why it does it

    Bryson (1995, p 4-5)

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    May 16, 20104

    Reassess the


    Develop an effectiveimplementation process

    Establish an effective organisational


    Review and adopt the strategic plan or


    Formulate strategies to managethese issues

    Identify the strategic issues facing the


    Assess the external and internal environments to identify

    SWOTs (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats)

    Clarify Organisational Mission and Values.

    Identify Organisational Mandates

    Initiate and agree upon the strategic planning process.



    The Planning Process

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    May 16, 20105

    Stage1: Initiate and agree upon the

    strategic planning process.

    Agreement must be reached as to the purpose of the effort the preferred steps in the process. the form and timing of reports (the planning cycle) the role, function and membership of groups

    established to oversee the effort. the role, functions and membership of any

    strategic planning committee. the commitment of resources for the process.

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    May 16, 20106

    Stage 2: Identify Organisational


    What Must be Done

    What must not be DoneWhat Could be done
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    7/19May 16, 20107

    Stage 3: Clarify Organisational

    Mission and Values.

    the overriding purpose or intent of the

    organisation must be established. an opportunity to establish broad policy


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    8/19May 16, 20108

    Stage 3: Clarify Organisational

    Mission and Values.(cont)


    Bryson (1995) suggests identification of keystakeholders is the key means to success in

    public and non-profit organisations.

    But who are the stakeholders?

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    9/19May 16, 20109

    A B

    C D










    Low High

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    10/19May 16, 201010

    Stage 3: Clarify Organisational

    Mission and Values.(cont)

    Claims for mission

    Peeke (1994)

    it encourages the development of a clear sense of purpose. it facilitates decision making in the organisation

    the mission process facilitates organisation-wide communication.

    it aids evaluation activity.

    it clarifies marketing strategy.

    it is useful in the management of contraction (at least if themission has been devised proactively.

    Does the notion of mission live up to these claims?
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    12/19May 16, 201012

    Guiding principles for Mission

    It takes years not months True consensus is necessary within the top team Action is a better communicator than words Top team visibility is essential Top team continuity helps Strategy and Values should be formulated together Management should focus on the link between

    behaviour and values. Make the mission inspirational but not unrealistic

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    13/19May 16, 201013

    Stage 4: Assess the external and

    internal environments

    The subject of future Lectures

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    14/19May 16, 201014

    Stage 5: Identify the

    strategic issues facing the organisati

    These are fundamental policy questions or

    critical challenges that affect anorganisations mandates, mission and

    values; product or service level and mix;

    clients, users, or payers; or cost, financing,

    organisation or management (Bryson,1995,p.30)
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    15/19May 16, 201015

    Stage 6: Formulate strategies to

    manage these issues

    A strategy is defined as a pattern, of

    purposes, policies, programmes, actions,decisions, or resource allocations that

    define what an organisation is, what it does,

    and why it does it. Strategies can vary by

    level function, and by time frame. (Bryson, 1995, p.32)

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    16/19May 16, 201016

    Stage 7: Reviewing and Adopting

    the Strategies and Plan

    This is important where official approval to

    proceed is required or where jointcommissioning work is being undertaken.

    This stage represents the formal seal of

    approval for the strategies to be adopted.

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    17/19May 16, 201017

    Stage 8: Establishing an Effective

    Organisational Vision

    animating the dream. These statements

    offer aspirations about the future strategicdirection of the organisation and are often

    incorporated in Mission Statements.

    In this stage the organisation is developing

    a view of what it should look like once itsstrategies are achieved and developed to

    their full potential.

  • 8/9/2019 statergic management chapter 3


  • 8/9/2019 statergic management chapter 3
