Stateful Web Clients (SPA)

Post on 17-Feb-2016

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Stateful Web Clients (SPA). Marc Müller Principal Consultant, 4tecture GmbH / @ muellermarc / @4tecture. Agenda. Introduction 10’ Backend Architecture 10’ UI Architecture 15’ Views and View Models10’ Recap & Questions 5 ’. Introduction. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Stateful Web Clients (SPA)

Stateful Web Clients (SPA)Marc MüllerPrincipal Consultant, 4tecture / / @4tecture


AgendaIntroduction 10’Backend Architecture 10’UI Architecture 15’Views and View Models 10’Recap & Questions5’

IntroductionChapter 1/5

Web and Rich Applications



My Web Applicationa

My Web Applicationa




Layout & data




Plug-in app



Single Page ApplicationWhole application resides in 1 web page In-Page Navigation (# tags) Content (pages) will be shown or hidden on demand

Heavy use of JavaScript MVVM Framework, Navigation Framework Communication (AJAX Calls)

Client-Side stateful representation In-Memory Browser Storage

Connected to RESTful / HTTP-Service backend (JSON) Dataservice for CRUD operations, Metadata

Benefits of Single Page ApplicationsInteroperability Web Standards (HTML / JavaScript) Cross-Device support May be integrated in Hybrid-Application (App Stores)

Fluent-UI Application feels like rich application UI does not load for each request (visually)

MVVM Declarative databinding Stateful client representation Rich-UI programming model

Great user experience

Offline-Support (Browser Storage)

App Store deployable

Runs on any device

Architectural Overview

UI Endpoint

Data Endpoint

View Layer (HTML, CSS)

Main View(Shell)

Partial View (Application

View)Partial View (Application


Application / BL Layer (JavaScript)- Shell: Navigation, Modules, etc- UI Business Logic: View Models,


Data Access Layer (JavaScript)- Agents: REST / HTTP calls- Stateful data representation

My Web Applicationa


Navigation / Views

Viewid=«v1» #view1

Viewid=«v2» #view2

1. Register Views Viewname Hashvalue ViewModel

2. Bind ViewModel selector on view KnockoutJS databind

3. Navigate check if can leave activate view hide & show






Frameworks (used in sample)Durandal Application structure: AMD Modules and HTML Views UI Plumbing

Page Navigation / Routing Life-Cycle events

Breeze Data Access to Data Services LINQ-like query language Navigate Object Graphs / avoid data mashing, Metadata Client Caching Change Tracking / Unit of Work

Sample ApplicationShopping ListDemo 1

Backend Architecture

Chapter 2/5

Server ArchitectureStandard ASP.NET MVC 4 Standard Controller to provide

Main View Sub Views (or loaded directly from client) Provide JavaScript files (or loaded directly from client)

WebAPI Controllers to provide data CRUD access for entities Security and Validation Metadata (BreezeJS)

Building a WebAPI Controller (1/2)Standard Layering and Patterns EF as Data Access Repository Pattern / Unit of Work Pattern Shared Entities / DTO Access Control through ASP.NET Stack

Building a WebAPI Controller (2/2)


EF Context





BL Service

WebAPI Controller



Web API - BreezeCustom extension for WebAPI

Don’t panic! Can be extended

to use custom services / complex architecture

Support for OData (future)

[BreezeController]public class TodosController : ApiController {     readonly EFContextProvider<TodosContext> _contextProvider =         new EFContextProvider<TodosContext>();     // ~/api/todos/Metadata     [HttpGet]    public string Metadata() {        return _contextProvider.Metadata();    }     // ~/api/todos/Todos    // ~/api/todos/Todos?$filter=IsArchived eq false&$orderby=CreatedAt     [HttpGet]    public IQueryable<TodoItem> Todos() {        return _contextProvider.Context.Todos;    }     // ~/api/todos/SaveChanges    [HttpPost]    public SaveResult SaveChanges(JObject saveBundle) {        return _contextProvider.SaveChanges(saveBundle);    }}

Web API - BreezeSample endpoint for our UI -> get shopping lists[HttpGet]public IQueryable<Common.Entities.ShoppingList> ShoppingLists(){ try { return this.ShoppingListService.GetUserShoppingLists(); } catch (SecurityException) { throw new HttpResponseException(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)); } catch (Exception) { throw new HttpResponseException(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)); }}

Backend ServicesDemo 2

Web Application StructureOrganize JavaScript files Separate App-Code and Library Code Don’t pollute the namespace use JavaScript AMD patterns

One big HTML is not maintainable Separate the different views in single files Compose views with sub-views

Maintainable JavaScript Use generators Use TypeScript (demo application)

JavaScript ModularizationAMD – Asynchonous Module Definition Encapsulate code in object Load module on demand / dependency analysis

RequireJS Does dependency resolving Loads the required JavaScript files

define(["require", "exports"], function(require, exports) {

var Group = (function () { function Group() { = ko.observable(0); = ko.observable("");

} return Group; })(); exports.Group = Group; })

Anonymous module definitionDependencies

Web Project StructureDemo 3

UI ArchitectureChapter 3/5

Application Build-upStartup Logic and Configuration -> main.js

Main UI & Navigation -> Shell Router extensions for in-page navigation Map View to ViewModel

In-Memory entity representation -> DataContext

CRUD on WebAPI -> DataManager

Lifecycle EventsDurandal supports many hook-points

Lifecycle Events getView Enables the new object to return a custom view. canDeactivate Allows the previous object to cancel deactivation. canActivate Allows the new object to cancel activation. deactivate Allows the previous object to execute custom deactivation logic. activate Allows the new object to execute custom activation logic. beforeBind Notifies the new object immediately before databinding occurs. afterBind Notifies the new object immediately after databinding occurs. viewAttached Notifies the new object when its view is attached to its parent DOM node.

load data from context

prevent navigation on unsaved changes

setup UI events

UI ArchitectureDemo 4

MVVMChapter 4/5

MVVM - DefinitionModel The actual data representation Provides change-tracking

View Model Contains the view-logic Loads the data Gets event notifications

View The visual representation Uses declarative databinding notified by events (change, click, etc.)

Personfirstname : stringlastname : string

PersonVMpersons: Person[]getPersons()savePerson()

PersonView<div data-bind="text: fullname" />

databinding Events, Commands

KnockoutJSKey Concepts Declarative Bindings Automatic UI Refresh Dependency Tracking Templating

image source:

KnockoutJS extensionsKoLite - Lightweight Toolkit for KnockoutJS asyncCommand activity dirtyFlagself.saveCommand = ko.asyncCommand({

execute: function(callback) { $.ajax({ complete: callback,

data: { name: }, type: 'POST', url: '/save/', success: function(result) { alert('Name saved:' + result) } }) },

canExecute: function(isExecuting) { return !isExecuting && } })

Databinding with KnockoutJSDemo 5

Recap & QuestionsChapter 5/5

Summary Complete application in Single Page Heavy use of JavaScript Declarative Binding Backend Communication with RESTful /

HTTP-Services (JSON)

Fluid, Interoperable Client Application

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