STATE OF THE FACULTY ADDRESS BY THE DEAN · 2016. 6. 29. · London; King’s College, London; and...

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Transcript of STATE OF THE FACULTY ADDRESS BY THE DEAN · 2016. 6. 29. · London; King’s College, London; and...


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Editor-in-ChiefMs Jeannie Tsang Wing-shi(曾詠詩)

Advisory BoardDr Janice Tsang Wing-hang(曾詠恆)Dr Chan Lap-ki(陳立基)Dr Kevin Lau Chung-hang(劉仲恒)Miss Chan Ho-yan(陳皓欣), MBBS IIIMr Chan Tsz-tai(陳子泰), MBBS IIIMr Jeffrey Chau Hung-kit(周鴻傑), MBBS III

Publishing EditorMiss Sandra Fung So-hing(馮素卿)

Graphic DesignVisionguard

Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine21 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong KongTel: 2819 9175Fax: 2974 0678E: medfac@hku.hkW:



2 FEATURE • State of the Faculty Address by the Dean

7 SPOTLIGHT • Speech by Dr Ko Wing-man at the Faculty

Graduation 2013


12 EDUCATION MATTERS • 2013 Frontiers in Medical and Health Sciences

Education “From Classroom to Clinic: Opportunities and

Challenges in e-Learning”










Welcome to the March 2014 issue of Medical

Faculty News.

What stands out in this issue is the dynamism of our

community as we stand at the frontiers of learning,

discovery and community engagement.

We celebrate the graduation of the latest generation

of scientists, doctors and healthcare professionals

now entrusted with the well-being of our society.

Our Dean, Professor Gabriel M Leung(梁卓偉),

congratulated the graduands at the Graduation and

Prize Presentation Ceremony and, for the first time

on that occasion, made the State of the Faculty

Address 2013 outlining plans that will enrich our

students’ learning and sustain our leadership in

research and clinical practice. This includes recent

and forthcoming reviews of admissions, teaching

and learning, research, as well as human capital and

major infrastructure developments.

Graduation is an occasion to reflect on the work

accomplished by our graduands and those who

have taught them. You will read, in our Spotlight,

the speech by the Guest of Honour Dr Ko Wing-

man(高永文), who shared his inspiring thoughts

on what it means to practise in medicine and

healthcare in Hong Kong today.

There is much our students and graduates have

accomplished, following in the footsteps of their

predecessors. This can be seen in the many

achievements reported in this issue, in Next

Generation, Inside the Faculty and Alumni News.

Before you turn the page, the Editorial Team would

like to congratulate you on your endeavours and

wish you many more successes and happiness in the

Year of the Horse!






r Ko (Wing-man), Dr (York) Chow, Professor (Sophia)

Chan, Vice-Chancel lor, Pro-Vice-Chancel lors,

colleagues, graduands, parents, distinguished guests,

ladies and gentlemen,

As regular attendees of these annual graduation rituals will

attest, this “State of the Faculty Address” by the Dean is a

novel insertion to an already very long set of proceedings.

For this I apologise and beg your indulgence. I believe in

transparent governance, I believe in open communication, I

believe in being held accountable. Therefore I now lay before

you, on behalf of the Faculty’s leadership, our thoughts and

plans for the 2013-4 academic year.

To preface, the following is the culmination of detailed

consultation over the last few months, with a dozen

undergraduate and postgraduate student groups, professoriate

staff in each individual department, and every head of

department or director of school. This represents our

collective wisdom, although responsibility for all errors and

misjudgements remain mine alone.

First, allow me to address the raison d’être of any university –

teaching and learning. At the beginning of the academic

journey is the recruitment of the incoming class of students.

We believe in a deliberate and proactive approach. Our

overriding aim is to attract the very best individuals, and to

create the best incoming class as a whole. An example is

the new admission policies across our five undergraduate

programmes I recently announced at the University’s

Information Day on November 9. To briefly recap, for our

flagship MBBS programme, we will be offering the all-new

“inter-professional double degree track” where students can

opt to read a Master of Public Health or a degree in Laws

intercalated with the MBBS programme. To encourage this

the Faculty will be sponsoring scholarships that will cover the

additional cost over and above the standard undergraduate

annual fee. Another option is the well-established and

renamed “Medical Scholars Scheme” where students after

their fourth year will proceed to an intercalated PhD at HKU,

albeit with sponsored opportunities to spend a significant part

of their doctoral studies at an overseas institution. Previously

students have attached to laboratories at Harvard, Yale,

Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, held the Faculty Graduation and Prize Presentation Ceremony at Queen Elizabeth Stadium on November 28, 2013. Dean of Medicine, Professor Gabriel M Leung (梁卓偉), delivered the State of the Faculty Address to inform his audience of the latest achievements and future plans of the Faculty.



Hopkins, Columbia, Oxford and Cambridge, among others.

Alternatively, students may now immerse themselves even more

fully in two world-class laboratories by enrolling in one of three

joint PhD programmes between HKU and Imperial College,

London; King’s College, London; and the University of Toronto.

To fulfil our societal obligation where an education at HKU’s

premier faculty can continue to be the great equaliser of

the lottery of birth and family background, the Faculty will

be launching the “Springboard Scholarships” in the coming

admission cycle. Up to 10 per cent of the incoming MBBS

class, who have demonstrated extraordinary resilience to

unusual circumstances of adversity, will be awarded one

of these full scholarships. Dr Chow, you will particularly

appreciate that this holds tremendous promise in encouraging

diversity and maintaining equal opportunities for all.

We will also liberalise our admission requirements for the

nursing baccalaureate programme, with aspiring secondary

school applicants no longer being restricted to those

from the science stream. Our most outstanding nursing

graduates throughout the better part of a decade and a half,

many shepherded by Professor Chan, who are now nurse

consultants, advance practice nurses and nurse managers, did

not necessarily come from an exclusively science background.

In fact, our BNurs programme has always taken pride in

preparing students from all walks, centred around the patient

and adopting a caring approach to all that we do. These

qualities are actually the sine qua non of a good nurse.

Once students are admitted, our duty as teachers is then to

add maximum value to their total educational experience.

In this respect, I am pleased to report our first exchange

programme cum articulation pathway for students enrolled in

the Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences course with the University

of Edinburgh’s veterinary studies programme. Over seven

years, successful students will acquire a state-of-the-science

education in the fundamental biological sciences as well as

a qualifying degree as a veterinarian. We are working hard

towards expanding this pathway to include other health-

related professional articulation programmes.

When I first joined the Faculty in the late 1990s, we were

intensively involved in developing the first problem-based

learning medical curriculum in Asia that was launched on

the Faculty’s 110th anniversary. As we approach our 130th

celebrations, we will be taking the opportunity to refresh our

teaching programmes at the systemic level. This comes on

the heel of two major external review exercises, namely the

Medical Council’s accreditation visit that took place last week

and the upcoming Quality Assurance Council second audit

cycle next year. In preparing for these major exercises, we

will have identified areas for improvement and our external

assessors will also highlight potential areas of concern. Taken

together with our routine internal feedback mechanisms

of student evaluations and peer assessments, the external

reports will form the lattice for curriculum redesign. This is

a substantial process that will demand a huge amount of

time and energy from the entire teaching and administrative

staff over several years. I will update you from time to time

throughout this common endeavour.

With the kind understanding and endorsement of the Vice-

Chancellor and his Senior Management Team, we will finally

be on the way to resolving the perennial shortage of student

residential places during the clinical years for both medical

and, for the first time, nursing students. In the short term,

we will be looking to allocate more places at the Patrick

Manson residence as well as at Lung Wah Street Residential

Colleges for this purpose. For the longer term, the University

has agreed to provide for a more permanent solution at the

planned High West student residences.

Turning now to research and discovery. Our researchers

continue to outperform:

• Several months ago, under the leadership of Professors

Xu Aimin(徐愛民)and Karen Lam(林小玲), our



Laboratory in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology received State

Key Laboratory designation – the Faculty’s fourth.

• Vice-Chancellor, you will recall that we bore witness to

the signing of the signal collaborative agreement between

Professor Lo Chung-mau’s(盧寵茂)Laboratory for

Organ Transplantation and Regeneration and Zhejiang

University’s State Key Laboratory for Diagnosis and Treatment

of Infectious Diseases two weeks ago in Hangzhou.

• Professor Irene Ng(吳呂愛蓮)has been awarded

the Croucher Senior Medical Research Fellowship for the

current academic year, her second when one is already a

significant achievement for any top-class scientist.

• Professor Guan Yi(管軼)established his third laboratory

in Shenzhen awarded under the city’s prestigious “Peacock

Plan” and last month received the Ho Leung Ho Lee

Foundation Scientific and Technological Progress Award at

a ceremony officiated by state leader Chen Changzhi(陳昌智)in Beijing.

• Professor Kathryn Cheah(謝賞恩)was recently

elected a Fellow of the World Academy of Sciences, in

recognition of her outstanding contribution to science and

its promotion in the developing world.

• A brand new 24-bed Phase I clinical trials facility is about to

commence operation at Queen Mary Hospital – of which

the capital costs totalling $40M have been underwritten by

government – thank you Dr Ko.

• Through real-time, world-class scientific detective work,

Professor KY Yuen(袁國勇), in collaboration with

Professor Li Lanjuan(李蘭娟)of Zhejiang University,

led the world in publishing in the Lancet the first paper on

the novel condition caused by A(H7N9) influenza. This was

followed by one Science, one Nature and four other Lancet

papers from the Faculty. Collectively, our colleagues literally

defined the science of this new influenza strain, from the

virus’s evolutionary biology, to the clinical presentation

to national policy formulation and evaluation. This has

been all the more remarkable given Hong Kong has not

registered a single local case of the disease, so far. Such

is the power of teamwork within the Faculty and beyond,

with our national counterparts!

From a more macro perspective, I belong to the laissez faire

school of research management, where in my view the most

productive strategy is to provide the necessary infrastructure

and reasonable resources under fair, competitive conditions,

and then leave brilliant minds to get on with it. But even

under this rubric, one could surely still benefit from an

overarching vision of what kind of research LKS Medicine

could gainfully engage and excel in, and how to bring out

the best in those existing and emerging areas of excellence.

We live in a fast-changing research ecoscape. We compete

not with institutions on the other side of Victoria Harbour,

rather those that straddle the Charles River, the River Cam, the

Thames and not least the tributaries of the Yangtze and Yellow

Rivers. The last time we had a serious think about research

as a Faculty was well over a decade ago. We will be formally

submitting our returns for the 2014 Research Assessment

Exercise next week, and expect to hear feedback before the

summer of 2015. In tandem I will be commissioning an in-

depth strategic review of our entire discovery enterprise. The

review will probe fundamental questions such as: What are the

most impactful research questions that HKU is best placed to


answer? Where are our competitive advantages, deficits and

bottlenecks in relation to our local and global competitors?

How should we organise and resource ourselves to achieve our


With the transformative gift from the Li Ka Shing Foundation

fully funded, we will soon be setting up the Faculty’s first

permanent endowment fund. Our research programmes,

established or fledgling, will continue to be the major

beneficiaries of Mr Li’s largesse. We remain in his debt for his

generosity and for his Foundation’s flexible accommodation

of our needs, not least in leveraging the most impact from

the donation with the government matching grant scheme.

We share with our donor a common vision that science and

technology underpin Hong Kong’s future. With the Li Ka

Shing Foundation, and our partner universities in the East-

West Alliance which HKU convenes, we will further explore

how best to nurture not only the next generation of clinician-

scientists but, excitingly, also Hong Kong’s first generation of

biotechnology entrepreneurs.

On clinical service I am pleased to report good progress of

Queen Mary’s redevelopment with respect to planning for

the relocation of Microbiology and Pathology to the soon-

to-be refurbished Senior Staff Quarters, where a new and

improved Biosafety Level 3 laboratory will be constructed.

The HKU-Shenzhen Hospital is entering its 18th month of

operation, where colleagues from our clinical departments

and full-time staff of the Hospital continue to give their best

in achieving ambitious targets for the volume and quality of

service, as quickly as possible. In parallel we keep firmly in

view a principal purpose for our being in Shenzhen, that is to

create five Areas of Excellence in service cum research. As the

Hospital continues to expand its scope and scale, for instance

in the recently commissioned International Medical Centre, the

Faculty will, as always, provide our strongest support. At our

third planned affiliate teaching hospital in Wong Chuk Hang,

which will break ground early next year, we have worked

intensively alongside the Gleneagles Hong Kong team in

finalising the master design and layout. We are currently at

the stage of sorting out operational details and precise clinical

governance arrangements. In addition, there are preliminary

conversations involving other clinical services projects, which

if realised will add to and complement our existing strength

in delivering comprehensive, high-quality clinical care. LKS

Medicine engages in these various clinical ventures to serve

our patients and the general public with two goals in mind,

namely to enrich the learning experience for our trainees and

students and to provide access to the full spectrum of clinical

materials for our discovery enterprise. As with all innovative

ideas, not every one will bear fruit, in fact some may not pan

out as anticipated while others will require fine-tuning. Our

duty as a university is to dare to innovate and necessarily to err

sometimes, in good faith, while giving our all in the process.

Human capital is a new portfolio in the Deanery’s work. It is

also an area where progress is the longest overdue. We are

very fortunate to have been given latitude over the practice

professoriate career track. This new track better caters to

clinician-educators and is identical in status and conditions to

the classic track. In addition, a new non-tenure track option

suits the needs of many of our clinically qualified colleagues



who may prefer to have greater flexibility in switching between

service settings. Our one-line budget to every department and

school has recently expanded through undergraduate student

number increases. Non-block vote funding sources have

diversified and stabilised, reflecting our colleagues’ superlative

ability to earn mega grants, deliver

h ighly popular, oversubscr ibed

taught postgraduate programmes,

attract donations, and reinvest

outside practice income into core

academic activities. Together these

make up one-third to two-thirds of

departmental and school operating

budgets. Our present challenge is to

turn these circumstantial and material

advantages into new discoveries and

the best graduating Chinese and western doctors, nurses,

pharmacists and scientists. The turnkey, as ever, is a corps of

professoriate and supporting staff of the first order. We will

be putting in place, before I speak to you again at the same

occasion next year, a detailed set of guidance and procedures

that will see the Medical Faculty become the most agile and

competitive in recruiting and retaining talent, as well as a

genuine meritocracy. We look forward to the continuing

support of the University Centre in this task.

Ladies and gentlemen, the challenges the Faculty face are

enormous but worthy of our every effort, for society has

entrusted its health and well-being to us. Let me close by

quoting Teddy Roosevelt in his address to students of the

Sorbonne in 1910. I hope these words will resonate with you

and particularly with every graduand, as you give your best

effort rising to our collective challenge of keeping Hong Kong

healthy, in all ways:

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out

how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds

could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man

who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and

sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes

short again and again, because there is no effort without

error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the

deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions;

who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows

in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the

worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that

his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who

neither know victory nor defeat.

Colleagues and students, Professor

Lap-Chee Tsui(徐立之)has been

in Roosevelt’s “arena” as our Vice-

Chancellor since 2002. To borrow

from his own analogy of university

administrat ion as a picture in

perspective just two days ago in his

address to the Congregation, over

the years, our Vice-Chancellor has

never shirked responsibility as leader.

He has stood guard in the foreground, for instance leading

the charge against SARS soon after his arrival, commanding a

brilliant series of centenary celebration events and initiatives

including the new campus extension that was completed last

year, and braving political headwinds while holding his head

high. But mostly he has been ever the quiet and determined

shepherd who has preferred to humble himself by retreating

into the background, instead allowing the spotlight to shine

on his students and professors and nurturing us to greatness.

Ladies and gentlemen, please rise to salute our fourteenth

Vice-Chancellor, who is presiding over his last Faculty of

Medicine Graduation Ceremony, for having given his all to

science, to medicine and to all of us. We will always remain in

his debt.

Among you graduands in the class of 2013, you have just

witnessed the newest Bachelor of Pharmacy graduate Mr

Ng Ting-fat(伍庭發)cross the stage, who has personified

Roosevelt’s fighting spirit, who despite his illness, has

triumphed in his academic studies garnering three prizes to be

awarded in a moment. On behalf of us all, please allow me to

convey our deepest admiration and respect.

For you graduands, congratulations for having made it at last.

Make the most of your HKU education and make us and your

families proud. Good luck and go forth with all my very best


VIDEO The video of State of the Faculty Address is available online. Please visit:



I am most delighted to be joining you all this afternoon to witness the graduation of

Class 2013 of this University. Thirty two years ago, at this same auditorium, I was a

member of the graduating Medic 81 Class. We were clearly told that being a medical

and health professional graduate is in itself a tremendous privilege that our society has

bestowed upon us so that we can be entrusted to take care of the health and well-being

of our people through the practice of medicine, nursing and pharmacy.

Like all of you, I and my fellow classmates decided to become doctors because we

wanted to gain from our jobs something more meaningful than tangible compensation.

To us, the belief that we could make a difference in other people’s lives through relief of

pain and suffering and improving the health of our community has remained the driving

force behind our work.

What then are the attributes that a healthcare professional needs to possess in order

to fulfill the roles and functions in protecting the health of the community, and making

such a difference? There is no doubt that the community acknowledges and regards

healthcare practitioners as highly-respected professionals. At the same time, such respect

and recognition carries with it high expectation and responsibility. The community looks

up on the profession because of the ethical duties and responsibilities that healthcare

professionals bear and represent, as well as their commitment to protect and restore

human well-being as their prime objective. The Hippocratic Oath states that “Medicine

as a profession is distinguished from other professions by a special moral duty of care

to save lives and to relieve suffering. Medical ethics emphasise the priority of this

moral ideal over and above considerations of personal interests and private gains.” As

healthcare practitioners, what we are dealing with is a person’s health, his or her most

important asset. With such great responsibility upon us, we shall put patients’ interests


To us, the belief that we could make a difference in other people’s lives through relief of pain and suffering and improving the health of our community has remained the driving force behind our work.

as the first priority, ahead of our own interests and preferences. We shall also take

this as the paramount core value among all other principles in our professional code of

conduct. It is this degree of accountability that we can demonstrate that in turn justifies

the respect and privilege given to us by the community.

In order that we are always able to act in the best interests of our patients in our

practice, we need to ensure that we are competent in what we profess. At this

milestone of your professional career, and after much has been done by yourselves and

your teachers and mentors in the University, you will have to take up the initiative in the

pursuit of postgraduate training and lifelong continuous professional development. This

is to ensure that we as healthcare practitioners, will be competent and up to date in the

relevant knowledge and skills to practise generally as well as in any specific specialty.

With advances in medical technology and increasing community expectations over our

healthcare services, not only are we expected to comply with the requisite Continuing

Professional Development requirements but more and more will need to comply with

specific credentialing requirements for advanced or high-risk procedures.

It is often said that medicine is not an exact science and no doubt we have all been

reminded by our teachers and mentors that we should always remember that we are

treating whole people, not just the diseases. That is also one of the reasons why our

Faculty has adopted the “Problem-based Learning, or PBL” approach to clinical teaching.

Instead of the previous organ / system approach, students are expected to deal with all

the inter-related psycho-social issues relevant to any presenting illness of the patient.

It is also widely recognised that in building up a trusting relationship with patients

and families, the empathy that we as healthcare practitioners demonstrate and the

confidence and positive attitude that we inculcate in the patients are as important as our

ability and competence in being able to make evidence-based clinical judgements and

decisions, and provide rational advice to patients and families.

Apart from the very important personal attributes and aptitudes as healthcare

practitioners, it is very important for us to recognise that we are working in the

context of the local healthcare system, irrespective of whether we are in the

public or private sector. In this regard, despite being recognised as a credible

and very efficient system compared with many other countries and having

remarkable indices on life expectancy, our dual track healthcare system faces

serious and ever-increasing challenges. In 2012, Hong Kong spent about 5.2

per cent of its GDP on healthcare and approximately half of this was invested

through public funding. The majority of OECD countries spend close to 10 per

cent of GDP on healthcare. At the end of 2011, we had 1.8 doctors per 1,000

population, compared with the OECD average of 3.1 per 1,000. Approximately

half of our doctors work in public healthcare. The public system, however, is providing

about 90 per cent of hospital services and approximately 15 to 20 per cent of outpatient

services as well as nearly all rehabilitation or long-term care services. Together with the

challenges we are now facing from population growth, a rapidly ageing population,

technology advancements, as well as the constant threat of serious infectious diseases,

the question of long-term sustainability of the highly subsidised public healthcare system

has been raised.

As a result, the workload and pressure on healthcare teams in public hospitals have

been mounting and the public faces increasingly long waiting times for access to

services. In seeking to ensure the balanced and healthy development for the private and



At this milestone of your professional career, and after much has been

done by yourselves and your teachers

and mentors in the University, you will

have to take up the initiative in the pursuit

of postgraduate training and

lifelong continuous professional


public sectors, as well as to alleviate the workload and pressure on healthcare workers

in the public sector, the Government is embarking on a number of reform initiatives

including the Health Protection Scheme, a review of the resource management and

cluster management of the Hospital Authority, as well as a review of the manpower

and professional development of the different streams of healthcare professionals. At

the same time, the Hospital Authority has also implemented short and medium-term

measures to help improve the manpower turnover situation and enhance the training

and development opportunities of colleagues working in the public sector.

As key members of the healthcare team, all of us would certainly like to

be able to provide good quality healthcare services to our patients. This

is possible only if we have a system to ensure that the limited available

resources are rationally deployed to enable a universal coverage for all

Hong Kong people. And we need a good management system to put

these available resources to the best use in supporting clinical operations

and healthcare provision. Apart from equipping and preparing ourselves

to be good practitioners, therefore, we also need to pay attention to how

the local healthcare system is functioning and developing. We all have an

important part to play in shaping our healthcare system and ensuring its

healthy and sustainable development.

Last but not least, we all work in teams side by side with each other. The provision of

good quality healthcare services would not be possible without the contributions from

other disciplines. Hence our capability to work in a team is as important as our individual

skills if excellence is to be achieved. It is therefore most important for us to be able to

build a seamless collaboration with our teammates through good communication skills,

understanding, and appreciating as well as respecting all other team members.

Graduands, we have all chosen a profession which is special, well respected, very

functional and capable of creating significant changes to other people’s lives. To fulfill

this role, we must equip ourselves with the requisite knowledge, skills and competence,

and seek constantly to update ourselves on the most recent developments and advances.

We are obliged to abide by a strict code of conduct which embodies public expectation

of high ethical values, protects patients’ interests and upholds professional integrity. We

need to rise to the challenges of changing social values in respecting patients’ autonomy

and being questioned on our long-standing authority. We need to be aware of our role

and position in the healthcare system and seek to help improve that system wherever

possible. We recognise that healthcare is best provided by a multidisciplinary team of

which we are members.

Your senior colleagues who are still in the system demonstrated their dedication,

professionalism and sense of duty to our patients and the community during the SARS

outbreak in 2003. I am sure that such quality is your aspiration and such core values

would similarly be upheld by all of you.

It remains for me to extend to all graduands and your loved ones my heartiest

congratulations and encourage you all to embrace your future professional career as well

as its uncertainties, challenges and rewards with utmost eagerness and energy. And, I

look forward to constructive encounters when our paths cross in our future endeavours.

My best wishes!


Graduands, we have all chosen a profession which is special, well respected, very functional and capable of creating significant changes to other people’s lives.


On November 28, 2013, over 2,000 guests, graduands and their families and

friends gathered at Queen Elizabeth Stadium for the Faculty Graduation and

Prize Presentation Ceremony. Officiated by Professor Lap-Chee Tsui(徐立之),

Vice-Chancellor and President, with Dr Ko Wing-man(高永文)as the Guest of

Honour, the Ceremony was a memorable occasion marking the successful completion of

an important stage in our graduands’ study life. Many honourable guests, such as Dr

York Chow Yat-ngok(周一嶽), Chairperson of the Equal Opportunities Commission,

and Professor Sophia Chan(陳肇始), Under Secretary for Food and Health of the

HKSAR Government, also graced the occasion to share in the joy of the graduands.

The Dean Professor Gabriel M Leung(梁卓偉)delivered the State of the Faculty

Address to chart the way forward for the Faculty in the academic year of 2014-15. Dr

Ko’s inspiring speech provided invaluable advice and insight for graduands and all those

who attended.

Prizes were presented to graduands with exceptional academic achievements, and to

Faculty staff members in recognition of their outstanding teaching practices, research

excellence, and illustrious achievements in knowledge exchange. Mr Freddie Ng Ting-

fat(伍庭發), who had been receiving prolonged medical treatment for a rare cancer,

graduated with first-class honours from the Bachelor of Pharmacy programme and won

three prestigious academic prizes. He was given a rapturous standing ovation by the

audience, who were deeply moved by Freddie’s tremendous resilience. Freddie passed

away on December 19, 2013, about three weeks after the Graduation Ceremony.



Undergraduate Programmes (full-time) Year 1 Year 2 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 202 220 207 168 163 157 1,117Bachelor of Nursing 191 187 212 204 195 N/A 989Bachelor of Chinese Medicine 26 24 28 19 16 19 132Bachelor of Pharmacy 30 26 30 22 N/A N/A 108 Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences 30 20 N/A N/A N/A N/A 50

The admission results for the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery programme and the Bachelor of Pharmacy programme were highly satisfactory. The average HKDSE scores (counting 4 core and 2 elective subjects) of students admitted to the two programmes ranked the top 10 of all HKU programmes.

Postgraduate Education The Faculty currently offers 21 taught postgraduate programmes.

The Faculty successfully admitted 215 Research Postgraduate (RPg) students in 2013-14. Nine of our new PhD students have been awarded Hong Kong PhD Fellowships by the Research Grants Council (RGC) and six have been awarded University Postgraduate Fellowships.

One PhD student won the Li Ka Shing Prize. Two PhD students received Outstanding Research Postgraduate Student Awards.

Twelve RPg students gained admittance to exchange programmes at renowned universities overseas, including Johns Hopkins University, University of California (San Francisco), and School of Medicine in Stanford University, USA; University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands; University of Copenhagen, Denmark; and University of Sydney, Australia.

The Faculty admitted six students to the HKU/Imperial College London joint PhD programmes.

Research Grants Research grants awarded to Faculty members totalled over HK$245.88 million.

Number HK$ of Projects (Million)

RGC General Research Fund/Early Career Scheme 78 64.5National Natural Science Foundation of China/RGC Joint Research Scheme 2 2.25National Natural Science Foundation of China 16 11.2Health and Medical Research Fund 92 74.7SK Yee Medical Foundation Grants 14 12.28RGC Collaborative Research Fund 1 8The State Key Laboratories (Funding from Innovative & Technology Fund) - 8.75Innovative & Technology Fund 14 9.7Others 18 54.5

Research Output The Faculty’s refereed research output saw 2,509 items produced in 2012-13, accounting for 34% of the University’s total of 7,340 refereed items. Output included important publications in The Lancet, Science, Nature and Nature Genetics.

According to ISI Essential Science Indicators, Faculty members published 162 Highly Cited Papers, which accounted for 37.8% of the 429 papers from HKU.

Public EducationProjects Number

Public lectures / Symposia / Forums 29Media interviews and press conferences 42Health programmes on television and radio 77Regular newspaper columns 98Media coverage generated 1,949


THE FACULTY IN 2013(as of December 2013)

The ‘New’ Curriculum The ‘Old’ Curriculum


286 1,814 2,396 1,426Professoriate Staff Honorary Academic Staff Undergraduate Students Postgraduate Students



The Faculty’s annual flagship meeting on medical and health

sciences education, The Frontiers in Medical and Health

Sciences Education 2013, was held on December 6 - 7,

2013. This year’s conference, focused on e-learning, was

attended by more than 200 participants from Hong Kong

and the Asia-Pacific region who took part in oral and poster

presentations and post-conference workshops.

Pro-Vice-Chancellor Professor Amy Tsui Bik-may’s(徐碧美)opening remarks on the emerging trends in e-learning and

the potential impact of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) on higher

education set the tone for the conference which showcased the innovation

and creativity of both local and international educators and learning

designers. The main themes of the plenary sessions were innovation and

exploration in e-learning; e-pedagogies and approaches to educational

research; e-curriculum (technology in curriculum design); and e-assessment

(use of technology in assessments). International speakers included Professor

Robert Trelease (University of California, LA, USA), Dr Bernie Garrett (University

of British Columbia, Canada), Mr Allan Carrington (Designing Outcomes, Australia),

and Professor Geoffrey Crisp (RMIT University, Australia).

Among the many highlights during the conference, Dr Feng Yibin(馮奕斌)of the School of

Chinese Medicine, Professor Khoo Ui Soon(邱瑋璇)of the Department of Pathology, Dr

David Lam Chi-leung(林志良)of the Department of Medicine and Professor Lau Chak-sing

劉澤星), Associate Dean for Teaching and Learning, shared their experiences with e-learning

innovations currently being used with our own undergraduate students such as “Virtual Field Trips

to Study Chinese Herbal Medicine”, “Virtual Microscopy Linking the Aperio ScanScope with On-

line Quizzes to Enhance Learning of Pathology and Diseases”, “‘Flipping’ the Classroom to Use

Lecture Time for Student Interaction”, and a Moodle module for learning Respiratory Radiology.

Dr Chan Lap-ki(陳立基)of the Institute of Medical and Health Sciences Education and the

Department of Anatomy, and Dr Angela Leung Yee-man(梁綺雯)of the School of Nursing,

shared their experiences in curriculum design with descriptions of the construction and use of the

MBBS curriculum map and an online learning platform for inter-professional learning on dementia.






Family Medicine and Primary Care Research Symposium

The Department of Family Medicine and Primary Care held the Family Medicine and Primary Care Research Symposium on September 14 which attracted family doctors and family medicine trainees who were interested in undertaking research. A wide range of topics were covered in the plenary talks. Professor Bruce Arroll of The University of Auckland, the 2013 HKCFP Visiting Professor in Family Medicine, conducted a workshop afterwards. A forum session was held for participants to share their experiences of conducting research in clinical settings.

SEPTEMBER 14, 2013

SEPTEMBER 6-7, 2013

The Centre for Medical Ethics and Law successfully hosted its inaugural conference on September 6 - 7 with the theme ‘The Legal Status of Transsexual and Transgender Persons’, attracting more than 250 participants including government officials, medical and legal practitioners, social workers, representatives from transgender communities, academics and students from various institutions. Twenty renowned overseas and local speakers as well as Dr York Chow Yat-ngok(周一嶽),

Chairperson of the Equal Opportunities Commission, delivered speeches.

Inaugural Conference at the Centre for Medical Ethics and Law

Public Health Research Centre Grant Writing Workshop

The Public Health Research Centre (PHRC) organised a grant writing workshop before the General Research Fund and Medical and Health Research Fund exercises. Professor Rod Jackson, of The University of Auckland, shared with PHRC staff his wide experience of developing grants, which was particularly appreciated by the audience who had been working vigorously for the two exercises.

OCTOBER 25 - 26, 2013

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Psychosis Workshop

The Department of Psychiatry organised a two-day workshop entitled “Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Psychosis Workshop (CBTp): Overview of Efficacy, Clinical Skills and Training” for more than 50 healthcare professionals and individuals on October 25 - 26. Dr Elaine Hunter, a clinical psychologist of the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, provided the clinical skills training. The workshop was supported by the Department of Social Work and Administration, the Department of Psychology, HKU and the Hospital Authority.



NOVEMBER 9, 2013

Information Day 2013

NOVEMBER 4, 2013

The 2013/14 Reception for Dr Cheng Yu Tung Fellows took place on November 4, 2013, with Mr Peter Cheng Kar-shing 鄭家成), son of Dr Cheng Yu-tung 鄭 裕 彤 ), attending the event.

The 16 fellows admitted this year thanked Dr Cheng for his generosity and support for the Fellowship Scheme, which enables them to take up valuable training opportunities at the Faculty. Mr Cheng encouraged the fellows to make the best use of their learning opportunities and transfer the knowledge acquired at HKU back to their home institutions. Mr Zhang Ke 張 科 ), a fellow in 2007/08 who went on to become a PhD

student after completing his fellowship training, also shared his experiences.

The Scheme supports up to 18 Mainland fellows annually in undertaking clinical attachment, management and research training in the departments of the Faculty.

Reception for Dr Cheng Yu Tung Fellows 2013/14

The HKU Information Day for Undergraduate Admissions was held on November 9, 2013. More than 7,000 visitors came to the Medical Campus. A rich plethora of activities were offered, including the very popular admission talks, consultation sessions, guided tours, clinical skills demonstrations, as well as exhibitions and theme board displays that showcased the history and excellent work of the Faculty in research, education and clinical service. More

than 250 student ambassadors were enthusiastic in answering questions from visitors and eager to share their learning experiences and campus life with prospective students.

NOVEMBER 21, 2013


NOVEMBER 14-15, 2013

The 20th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress

The School of Nursing hosted a symposium entitled “Contemporary Issues in Cancer Prevention and Treatment: a Nursing Perspective”. Four renowned speakers shared their research and clinical experience including Dr Janice Tsang Wing-hang(曾詠恆), Department of Clinical Oncology, HKU; Dr Theresa Lai Tze-kwan(賴芷君), Grantham Hospital; Ms Ellen Yeung Wai-fong(楊偉芳), Ruttonjee and Tang Shiu Kin Hospitals; and Dr William Li Ho-cheung(李浩祥), School of Nursing, HKU.

The 20th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress was held on November 14 - 15, 2013, at the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine with the theme “New Horizons in Cancer Care”. Fifteen sessions were held with topics on cancer invasion, family medicine, targeted therapy, cancer metabolism and epigenetics, gynaecologic cancer, molecular imaging and psycho-social oncology. Fourteen renowned overseas scientists and 20 local leading practitioners delivered the lectures. The event attracted more than 1000 participants.

Four Young Investigator Awards were presented in recognition of the outstanding research work of Ms Eunice Lau Yuen-ting 劉婉婷), Department of Pathology; Ms Stella Chai(蔡若涓),

Department of Anatomy; and Dr Andy Ho Hau-yan(何孝恩), Centre for Behavioural Health, HKU; and Dr Chow Ka-ming 周嘉明), Nethersole School of Nursing, The Chinese University of

Hong Kong. Four Poster Prizes were awarded to Ms Leung Yuen-ping( 梁 苑 萍 ), Department of Pathology, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital; Ms Tong Man(唐旻), Department of Anatomy, HKU; Mr Liu Xu(劉 需), Department of Radiation Oncology, Sun-Yat-Sen University Cancer Centre, Guangzhou; and Dr Loo Tjingyun(魯慶榮), School of Chinese Medicine, HKU.

Principal Luncheon 2013 and Visit to the School of Nursing

Continuing with their excellent work to strengthen the network with secondary schools, the School of Nursing held the Principal Luncheon on November 21, 2013. The event has been held for six consecutive years. This year, 12 principals, career masters and teachers from top-ranked local secondary schools were warmly welcomed by Professor Lau Chak-sing 劉澤星), Associate Dean (Teaching & Learning), and Professor Agnes Tiwari Fung-yee

羅鳳儀), Head of the School.

Professor Tiwari introduced the features of the Bachelor of Nursing (BNurs) Programme, and the guests exchanged their views on preparing students for nursing education, followed by a visit to the School.

Several weeks prior to the event, 20 students from True Light College visited the School and they all showed great interest in the BNurs programme.


DECEMBER 13 - 14, 2013

The Faculty Research Symposium “Frontiers in Biomedical Research, HKU 2013 – From Gene Hunting to Genomic Medicine: a Celebration with Lap-Chee Tsui and Friends” was successfully held on December 13 and 14, 2013. The theme, “Genetics and Genomics”, was set to honour the contribution of Professor Lap-Chee Tsui 徐立之), Vice-Chancellor of HKU, to human genetics.

Fifteen renowned overseas experts including Professor Sir John Gurdon, 2012 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, and Professor Kan Yuet-wai(簡悅威), 2004 Shaw Laureate in Life Science and Medicine, and four outstanding local scientists shared with the participants their ground-breaking discoveries.

Keynote speakers also include:Professor Sir Walter Bodmer, University of Oxford, UK ;Professor Aravinda Chakravarti, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA;Professor Kathryn Song Eng Cheah(謝賞恩), The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong;Professor Yung-chi Cheng(鄭永齊), Yale School of Medicine, USA;Professor David Dai-i Ho(何大一), The Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Centre, USA;Professor Nancy Ip Yuk-yu(葉玉如), The University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong;

Partner State Key Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology opened at HKU

The Faculty set up a “Partner State Key Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology” in strategic collaboration with the State Key Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Nanjing University. The Opening Ceremony was held on December 5, 2013, with the presence of guests including Dr Cao Jianlin ( 曹 健 林 ), Vice Minister of The Ministry of Science and Technology; Professor Li Lu( 李 魯 ), Director General of the Education, Science and Technology Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR; Mr Johann Wong Chung-yan(黃宗殷), Deputy Commissioner for Innovation and Technology of the HKSAR Government; and Professor Lap-Chee Tsui(徐立之), Vice-Chancellor of HKU. This State Key Laboratory is the fifth established at HKU.

DECEMBER 5, 2013


Frontiers in Biomedical Research, HKU 2013

Professor Batsheva Kerem, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel;Professor Victor Ling, The University of British Columbia, Canada;Professor Dennis Lo Yuk-ming(盧煜明), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong;Professor David L Nelson, Baylor College of Medicine, USA;Professor Johanna Rommens, University of Toronto, Canada;Professor Hans-Hilger Ropers, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Germany;Professor Guy Rouleau, McGill University, Canada;Professor Stephen Scherer, University of Toronto, Canada;Professor Paul Tam Kwong-hang(譚廣亨), The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong;Professor Gert-Jan B van Ommen, Leiden University Medical Centre, The Netherlands;Professor Huanming Yang(楊煥明), Beijing Genomics Institute, China.

A Public Open Forum on “Genetics, Genomics and Society” was held on December 14 to raise public awareness. Dr Stephen Lam Tak-sum( 林 德 深 ), from the Clinical Genetics Service of the Department of Health in the HKSAR Government, representatives from organisations related to rare diseases and secondary school students attended the forum.

The symposium was very well received and attracted more than 1,000 participants.


Clinical Trials Centre Phase One

With the support of the Food and Health Bureau of the HKSAR Government and the Hospital Authority, the HKU Clinical Trials Centre Phase One has been completed and commenced operation in February 2014.

The Clinical Trials Centre is a world standard clinical research infrastructure equipped with modern facilities and managed by a professional team and leading clinical and scientific experts. Various types of Phase One bioavailability/bioequivalence and clinical pharmacology trials on drugs can be conducted in the centre.

FEBRUARY 1, 2014

FEBRUARY 12, 2014

JANUARY 23, 2014


The “FARE ∙ WELL, FANFARE” reception was held on January 23, 2014, at the Exhibition Area of the Faculty to bid farewell to Mr Anthony Wu Ting-yuk(胡定旭), former Chairman of the Hospital Authority (HA), and to welcome Professor John Leong Chi-yan(梁智仁)as the new Chairman.

Members of the Faculty and the medical profession community expressed their appreciation to Mr Wu for his contributions and met Professor Leong, a former Dean and Head of Orthopaedic Surgery of the Faculty. The evening was highlighted by the sharing by Mr Wu and Professor Leong and a slideshow of their old photos at HA or HKU. An address by the Dean Professor Gabriel M Leung(梁卓偉)and a student performance added to the memorable occasion.

Faculty Spring Reception 2014

Over 270 Faculty staff, honorary teachers, alumni, students and friends of the Faculty attended the Faculty Spring Reception to celebrate the arrival of the Year of the Horse on February 12, 2014. The Dean, Professor Gabriel M Leung(梁卓偉), expressed his gratitude to all colleagues, alumni and friends for their continuous support and contributions to the Faculty. Heads of all Departments joined Professor Leung in a toast to wish all the guests a healthy, happy and successful new year. Dr Leong Chi-hung( 梁 智 鴻 ), Chairman of the HKU Council, Professor Sophia Chan( 陳 肇 始 ), Under Secretary for Food and Health of the HKSAR Government, Dr Leung Pak-yin(梁栢賢), Chief Executive of the Hospital Authority, Dr Cindy Lai Kit-lim(黎潔廉), Deputy Director of Health at the HKSAR Department of Health, and the Chief Executives of different hospitals also attended.

A group of s tudents s taged an impressive lion dance performance which captivated all the guests in the evening.




Dr Christopher See, PhD student of the Faculty, was invited to be the

opening speaker for TEDxYouth Hong Kong on November 20, 2013,

at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His talk, entitled “Creativity in

Memory”, discussed innovative approaches to learning. The lecture featured smoke machines,

henna tattoos, rap and dance. The science of these methods and the biological responses they

produce were aslo explained. Dr See, together with other medical students, performed a four

stage contemporary dance choreographed as a physical interpretation of mitosis.

He said, “I believe the best lecturers combine excellent scientific knowledge with creativity. Taking

a ‘pop star’ approach to lectures can capture the imagination of students and show them that

creativity and science go hand-in-hand.”

The Executive Committee of Health Exhibition hosted the 27th

Health Exhibition “Alert for Allergies” to raise public awareness of

allergies. The annual event was held successfully in two sessions,

October 12 - 13 in Admiralty and November 9 - 10, 2013 in

Kowloon City, attracting about 3,000 visitors. Different activities

were held, including talks by renowned healthcare professionals,

family-friendly game booths and general medical check-ups for

citizens. Informative leaflets and booklets about allergies were

distributed at the Exhibition. Free counselling sessions were also

provided by Chinese medicine practitioners.



On November 24, 2013, a group of third-year medical students

held a health campaign in Mong Kok entitled “In Memory

of Dementia” for their Health Advocacy Project. The nine

students played interactive games with pedestrians to test their

understanding on dementia. The typical symptoms of dementia

were explained with posters and promotional leaflets. Mini-

Mental State Examinations (MMSE) were also administered to

pedestrians to test their cognitive functions.

“The problem of dementia should not be ignored as the local

population is ageing. We hope to enhance public awareness of

dementia so that people will pay more attention to the elderly

around them,” said one of the students. This event received

positive media coverage.



On December 1, 2013, another group of third-year medical

students held a campaign entitled “To-Marrow” to promote

bone marrow donations. The nine students invited pedestrians

in Mong Kok to make a huge handprint puzzle to support

patients who were waiting for bone marrow transplantation.

The painting featured a large puzzle comprised of uniquely

different individual pieces symbolising that only with concerted

effort from the general public can the matching process become

easier. More than 300 people showed interest and support for

the campaign.

“We hope this campaign can encourage people to register for

bone marrow donation, so that the chance of patients finding

a match can be increased and they can live a better tomorrow,”

said one of the students.


Ms Ou Zhihua(歐芷華), PhD candidate, School of Public Health, has been awarded the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship 2013/14

by the Research Grants Council.

Ms Joanne Ng Yui-wing(吳睿穎), and Mr Tony Wu Kwun-yat(胡冠一), final year MBBS students, have received the

Hong Kong Outstanding Service Awards for Tertiary Students 2013, from the Hong Kong Student Services Association (HKSAA)

and the Hong Kong Outstanding Tertiary Students’ Services Association (HKOTSSA).

Miss Sophia Ng(吳鈺陪)has received the Award for Outstanding Research Postgraduate Student 2011-12 by the Graduate

School, HKU, in recognition of the exceptional quality of her thesis and her outstanding performance in other academic aspects.




1st Runner-Up

Miss Tong Man(唐旻), Department of Anatomy

2nd Runner-Up

Miss Chen Yingxian(陳穎嫻), Department of Anatomy

3rd Runner-Up

Miss Evelyn Tai Wing-yin(戴穎然), Department of Physiology

Best Poster Presentations

Mr Chu Tsz-long(朱子朗), MPhil candidate, Department of Biochemistry

Miss Vera Wong Hoi-hei(王愷曦), MPhil candidate, Department of

Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Miss Stella Chai(蔡若涓), PhD candidate, Department of Anatomy

Miss Guo Yingying(郭櫻櫻), PhD candidate, Department of Anatomy

Ms Lam Ching-yee(林靜宜), MPhil candidate, School of Nursing

Mr Dirkzwager Roderick Marshall, PhD candidate, Department of


Miss Chan Lok-yung(陳樂蓉), MPhil candidate, School of Public Health

Mr Ahmed Syed Shakeel, MPhil candidate, Department of Microbiology

Miss Huang Zhe(黃哲), MPhil candidate, Department of Medicine

Ms Lai Ka-wai(黎嘉慧), PhD candidate, Department of Ophthalmology

About 108 research postgraduate students delivered oral presentations and 188 provided poster

presentations at the 18th Research Postgraduate Symposium. The event, held from December 11-12,

2013, featured nine renowned overseas and Mainland academics and 15 Faculty members who served as

chairpersons, adjudicators and moderators during the symposium.

Congratulations to Miss Liang Wanling(梁婉玲),

PhD candidate, Department of Pharmacology &

Pharmacy, who won the Best Presentation Award.

Congratulations also go to the following runners-

up of the Plenary Session and awardees of the Best

Poster Presentations.




The University of Hong Kong Medical Alumni Association

(HKUMAA) formed teams to participate in the relay race

of the Hong Kong Medical Association (HKMA) Swimming

Gala 2013 held on October 6, 2013, and HKMA Family


A group of Chinese medicine alumni joined a service

trip held by a non-governmental organisation in Infanta,

Philippines, in September 2013 to provide Chinese medicine

and acupuncture treatments to those in need in the

area. Services were provided in a local acupuncture clinic.

Traditional Chinese medicine training programmes will also

be provided for locals starting from April 2014.


Sports Day 2013 held on November 3, 2013. The

HKUMAA team was the second runner-up in the HKMA

Family Sports Day 2013 race.




The first cohort of Pharmacy graduates (BPharm 2012) returned

to HKU and attended the BPharm career evening on October

10, 2013. Miss Chara Yip Yin-wa(葉燕華)(resident

pharmacist at hospital), Mr Peter Yuen Yan-kit(阮仁傑)(resident pharmacist at hospital), Mr Rocky Lai Lok-wing

(黎樂嶸)(relief pharmacist at community pharmacy) and Mr

Michael Chow Yee-tak(周以德)(PhD candidate at HKU)

shared their experience as pharmacy interns and qualified

pharmacists with more than 100 undergraduate students.


More than forty alumni and their spouses attended a reunion dinner at HKU Alumni Association on October 31, 2013.

A group of alumni and their families visited the Pavilion of Prince Teng(滕王閣)in Nanchang (南昌)during their trip to Jiangxi(江西)from November 1 to 5, 2013.

Alumni enjoyed a visit to the Main Campus and the Centennial Campus of HKU on November 6, 2013. A highly palatable farewell dinner was held in the evening.

MBBS Class of 1966 | 47th Anniversary

MBBS Class 1973 | 40th Anniversary

Alumni of MBBS Class 1973 and their families joined a five-day tour to East Taiwan.

A group of alumni and their families enjoyed a one-day tour to Macau.

Alumni visited the Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences.

The Grand Reunion Dinner was held on December 8, 2013, at Chiu Chow Garden with the presence of more than 110

guests, alumni and their spouses.











1 2

3 4



outing to Lamma Island on

October 14, 2013. Over 40

alumni and their families joined the event

and took two different hiking routes. They

gathered at Yung Shue Wan Main Street

and enjoyed home-made tofu dessert.

After the walk, participants enjoyed a

pleasant meal at a seafood restaurant.

MBBS Class 1998 | 15th Anniversary

About 100 alumni and their families attended the

reunion of MBBS Class 1998, held on October 12, 2013,

with the theme “Those were the days”.

MBBS Class 2003 | 10th Anniversary

Approximately 100 alumni of MBBS Class 2003 and their families

had a wonderful evening on November 8, 2013, highlighted by

a delicious reunion dinner and a slideshow of old photos.



Capture the happy moments in your life and share with us! Alumni of all programmes please send photos to


Oliver Ma Chun-ho 馬俊豪 (BChinMed 2008; MChinMed 2010;

PhD candidate) and Lily Chan Li-li 陳莉莉 (BA 2007)

Dr Gloria Hwang Yu-yan 黃宇欣 (MBBS 2003) and Dr Thomas Chan Sau-yan 陳守仁 (MBBS 2006)

Dr Stewart Chan Tsz-kiu 陳子翹 (MBBS 2010) and Dr Mariza Chan Hiu-yan 陳曉恩 (MBBS 2010)

Dr Alex Ng Lap-ki 伍立祺 (MBBS 2008) and Dr Jacqueline Sitt Ching-man 薛靜雯 (MBBS 2008) with their elder son Oliver and newborn son Oscar

林昭言, son of Dr Lam Ka-on 林嘉安 (MBBS

2005), and Crystal Cheung


A New Page of Life

A Tradition of Service

Annie Yung Wai-yi 容慧儀 (BNurs 2005) joined the “MedArt Outreach Team” on a service trip to Suzhou(蘇州)in Mainland China to conduct urological investigations for orphans.

Penny Wong Pui-yin 黃佩賢 (BNurs 2004) went on a two-

week service trip to Cambodia, organised by the Caring Hands

Foundation and Happy Tree, with a team of dentists and nurses to

serve the women and children who had limited access to

healthcare services in the villages.

Dr Gui Hongsheng(桂宏勝)joined the Centre of Genomic

Sciences as Postdoctoral Fellow in December 2013.

Dr Michael Hsin Kuan-yew( 辛 光 耀 joined the Department of Surgery as Clinical

Assistant Professor in November 2013. Dr

Hsin graduated from The University of

Cambridge in 1991. After the Basic Surgical

Training at St Mary’s in London, he worked as a Research

Fellow at the Harvard Medical School/ Brigham and Women’s

Hospital in Boston and was further trained in Cardiothoracic

Surgery at the Royal Brompton, St Bartholomew’s and London

Chest hospitals in London. He returned to Hong Kong in

2007 focusing on General Thoracic Surgery at the Chinese

University of Hong Kong. In 2011 he joined the Toronto Lung

Transplant Program for training in lung transplantation. His

research interests include clinical lung transplantation, ex-vivo

lung perfusion and metabolomics.

Dr Brian Lang Hung-hin(梁熊顯 joined

the Department of Surgery as Clinical

Associate Professor in September 2013.

He returned to Hong Kong in 1999 after

graduating with honours from The University

of Sydney. He became Chief of Endocrine Surgery in 2007

and consultant surgeon in 2011 and the international guest

scholar of the American College of Surgeons in 2012. His

main research interests are endocrine oncology, surgical

diseases of the thyroid, parathyroid, endocrine pancreas and

adrenal glands, as well as surgical management of multiple

endocrine neoplasia syndromes.

Professor Lao Lixing( 勞 力 行 joined

the School of Chinese Medicine as Director

in 2013. Professor Lao graduated from

Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese

Medicine (TCM) in 1983 and completed

his PhD in Physiology at The University of Maryland (UMD)

in 1992. Prior to his appointment at HKU, Dr Lao was a

Professor and Director of the TCM programme at the Centre

for Integrative Medicine in UMD. Professor Lao has practised

acupuncture and Chinese medicine for over 30 years. His

research interests include pain, pre-clinical and clinical

studies on acupuncture and Chinese medicine as well as

translational studies.


Dr Herbert Pang Hei-man( 彭 希 文 )

joined the School of Public Health as Assistant

Professor in December 2013. Dr Pang obtained

his BA in Mathematics and Computer Science

from The University of Oxford in 2002 and

PhD in Biostatistics from Yale University in 2008. He worked

as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Biostatistics

and Bioinformatics at Duke University prior to his appointment

at HKU. His research interests include big data, biomarker

discovery in clinical studies, cancer genomics, classification and

prediction methods, design and analysis of clinical trials, machine

learning, and meta-analysis.

Dr Sumana Sanyal joined the HKU-Pasteur Research Centre

as Research Assistant Professor in November 2013.

Ms Tam Yuen-ting( 譚 宛 婷 joined the

Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy

as Lecturer in November 2013. Ms Tam

obta ined her bachelor degree at The

University of Sydney and worked in various

hospitals and retail settings as a clinical pharmacist in Sydney.

She returned to Hong Kong in 2007 for her Master’s degree

at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She has since then

worked as a pharmacist at the University Health Service in

HKU. Her main interests are geriatric pharmacy services,

medication reconciliation and effective communication on the

use of medications.

Dr Molly Wong Pui-man(黃佩文 joined

the Department of Biochemistry as Lecturer

and Honorary Assistant Professor in August

2013. Dr Wong obtained her PhD degree

in Biological Sciences at The University of

Cambridge in 2009. She completed her placement training in

GlaxoSmithKline in Stevenage, UK. She is involved in teaching

Common Core Courses and biochemistry courses. Her current

research interests are hematopoiesis and leukemia.

Dr Stanley Wong Sau-ching( 黃 守 正 joined the Department of Anaesthesiology as

Clinical Assistant Professor in August 2013.

After obtaining his MBBS from HKU in 2007,

Dr Wong worked as a resident anaesthetist

at Queen Mary Hospital. He is interested in clinical and basic

research in the management and mechanisms of pain.


Dr Stephanie Ma Kwai-yee( 馬 桂 宜 ),

previously Assistant Professor of the Department

of Clinical Oncology, has been appointed Assistant

Professor of the Department of Anatomy.

Dr Man Kwan(萬鈞), Associate Professor of

the Department of Surgery, has been promoted to


Dr Julian Alexander Tanner, Assistant Professor

of the Department of Biochemistry, has been

promoted to Associate Professor.

Dr Eva Tang Hoi-ching( 鄧 凱 澄 ), Research

Assistant Professor of the Department of

Pharmacology and Pharmacy, has been promoted

to Assistant Professor.

Dr Zhu Huachen(朱華晨), Research Assistant

Professor of the School of Public Health, has been

promoted to Assistant Professor.

Dr Connie Woo Wai-hong( 胡 偉 康 joined the Department of Pharmacology and

Pharmacy as Research Assistant Professor

in November 2013. She completed her

pharmacy training in the USA and MPhil

study in Pharmacology at HKU. In 2007, after obtaining a PhD

degree in Canada, Dr Woo went to Columbia University in

New York City for her postdoctoral training. She is interested

in the molecular relationship between inflammatory pathways

and metabolic diseases.

RETIREMENTThe Faculty would like to thank Professor Sarah Morag

McGhee(麥潔儀 of the School of Public Health for her

dedication and contributions to the Faculty. We wish her all

the best for her future endeavours.

GOODBYEWe would like to express our gratitude and best wishes to the following staff members who have left or will be leaving the Faculty:

Dr Wang Peigang(王培剛 , HKU-Pasteur Research Centre;

Dr Francois Kien, HKU-Pasteur Research Centre;

Dr Vincent Lai(黎永信 , Department of Diagnostic Radiology;

Dr Kathy Wong Cheuk-kei(黃卓琦 , Department of Diagnostic Radiology.

Dr Danny Chan(陳振勝), Associate Professor

of the Department of Biochemistry, has been

promoted to Professor.

Dr David Chan Wai(陳衛), Research Assistant

Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and

Gynaecology, has been promoted to Assistant


Dr Martin Cheung Chi-hang( 張 知 恆 ),

previously Research Assistant Professor of the

Department of Biochemistry, has been appointed

as Assistant Professor of the Department of


Dr Ching Yick-pang( 程 翼 鵬 ), Assistant

Professor of the Department of Anatomy, has been

promoted to Associate Professor.

Dr James Ho Chung-man( 何 重 文 ), Clinical

Assistant Professor of the Department of Medicine,

has been promoted to Clinical Associate Professor.








The following professors retired from the Faculty have been

conferred the title of Emeritus Professor by HKU:

• Professor Vivian Chan Nap-yee(陳立怡), Chair of

Molecular Medicine from July 1993 to June 2010;

• Professor Anthony Johnson Hedley , Cha i r of

Community Medicine from July 1988 to April 2010;

• Professor Lai Kar-neng(黎嘉能), Chair of Nephrology

from September 1997 to June 2011;

• Professor Raymond Liang Hin-suen(梁憲孫), Chair of

Haematology and Oncology from July 1999 to September


• Professor Will iam Ignace Wei(韋霖), Chair of

Otolaryngology from December 1991 to June 2012.

Dr Chan Wai-chi(陳偉智), Clinical Associate Professor of

the Department of Psychiatry, has received the Outstanding

Paper Presentation Award from the Hong Kong Association of

Gerontology at the 20th Annual Congress of Gerontology.

Professor Annie Cheung Nga-yin(張雅賢), Clinical

Professor of the Department of Pathology, has been elected as

President, Hong Kong College of Pathologists (2013-15).

Professor Guan Yi(管軼), Daniel CK Yu Professor in

Virology and Professor of the School of Public Health, has

been awarded the Prize for Scientific and Technological

Achievements by the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation, in

recognition of his outstanding research achievements in

microbiology and virology.

Professor Mary Ip Sau-man(葉秀文), Mok Hing-

yiu Professor and Chair Professor in Respiratory Medicine,

Department of Medicine, has been awarded the Asian Pacific

Society of Respiratory Medal at the 18th Congress of the Asian

Pacific Society of Respirology, in recognition of her contributions

to the advancement of respirology in the Asia-Pacific Region.

Professor Jin Dongyan(金冬雁)and Professor Danny

Chan(陳振勝), Department of Biochemistry, have been

awarded the Croucher Senior Research Fellowships 2014-2015

by the Croucher Foundation.

Professor Hextan Ngan Yuen-sheung(顏婉嫦), Chair

Professor and Head of the Department of Obstetrics and

Gynaecology, has been awarded the Gold Medal by the

International Society of the Study of Trophoblastic Diseases,

in recognition of her contributions to the knowledge of

trophoblastic diseases.

Professor Agnes Tiwari Fung-yee(羅鳳儀), Professor and

Head of the School of Nursing, has been elected to the Board

of Directors of the Academy on Violence and Abuse.

Professor Rosie Young Tse-tse(楊紫芝), Emeritus

Professor and Honorary Clinical Professor of the Department

of Medicine, has been conferred the degree of Honorary

Doctorate by Hong Kong Shue Yan University.

Dr Zhu Huachen(朱華晨), Assistant Professor of the School

of Public Health, has received the Outstanding Research Award

at the Options for Control of Influenza VIII Conference.

At the 33rd Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic


• the paper entitled “Prediction of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

in Chinese: Findings from a Genome-wide Association

Study” by Dr Jason Cheung Pui-yin(鍾培言), Dr

Dino Samartzis and Professor Kenneth Cheung Man-

chee(張文智)of the Department of Orthopaedics and

Traumatology, and Dr Kathryn Song Eng Cheah(謝賞恩), Dr Song Youqiang(宋又强)and Professor Danny

Chan(陳振勝)of the Department of Biochemistry and

collaborators, has been awarded the Arthur R. Hodgson

Award for Best Clinical Paper;

• the paper entit led “Identif ication of Novel Serum

‘Metabolomic’ Biomarkers Related to the Development

of Lumbar Disc Degeneration” by Dr Dino Samartzis,

Professor Keith Luk Dip-kei(陸瓞驥)and Professor

Kenneth Cheung Man-chee(張文智)of the Department

of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, and Professor Danny

Chan(陳振勝)of the Department of Biochemistry and

collaborators, has been awarded The Best Basic Science

Paper Award for Associate Member;

• the paper entitled “Comparison of Blood Transfusion

Requirements Us ing Pat ient-spec i f ic Instrument,

Conventional Instrument, and Computer Navigation in Total

Knee Arthroplasty” by Dr Chan Ping-keung(陳秉強), Dr

Yan Chun-hoi(忻振凱), Professor Peter Chiu Kwong-

yuen(曲廣運)and Dr Ng Fu-yuen(吳富源), of the

Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, has been

awarded the Arthur Yau Award for Best Clinical Paper.

The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine has awarded Dr Jason

Cheung Pui-yin(鍾培言), Clinical Assistant Professor of

the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, the Gold

Medal for the 2013 Prize for Best Original Research by Trainees

for the paper entitled “Verifying and Defining Developmental

Spinal Stenosis: an MRI-based Study”, co-authored with Dr

Dino Samartzis and Professor Kenneth Cheung Man-chee

(張文智)of the same department, and other collaborators.

* In alphabetical order of last name

To keep the Hong Kong community informed of the latest

developments in health-related issues, and to encourage a

healthy lifestyle, the Faculty has contributed to TV and radio

programmes and produced regular health columns in local

newspapers including the Oriental Daily News 《東方日報醫健寶庫系列》 (Saturdays) and am730《香港大學李嘉誠醫學院婦產科系列》及《兒童及青少年科學系列》 (Mondays). Please

visit our Knowledge Exchange - Engaging the Community

section at to find out more.

The Faculty organised media gatherings to announce the latest

undergraduate admission arrangements, new initiatives of the

undergraduate programmes and new exchange opportunities


20 New articulation arrangements between

Biomedical Sciences of HKU and Veterinary Studies of The University of Edinburgh are set up to enable students to earn two degrees in seven years.


11 HKU and the Board of Management of the

Chinese Permanent Cemeteries set up the Memorial Wall and Ashes Scattering Programme for HKU Silent Mentors.


31 HKU Public Health Research Centre announces

the latest research findings on the avian influenza A(H7N9) virus. The study was published in the Lancet.



2 HKU establishes a “Partner State Key Laboratory

of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology” in strategic collaboration with the State Key Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Nanjing University.


9 HKU discovers a new genetic variant associated

with an increased risk of lumbar disc degeneration. The research was published in Journal of Clinical Investigation.

港大發現一種新的基因差異,令罹患椎間盤退化症的風險顯著增高,研究於《臨床研究期刊》發表 10

HKU and London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine sign the Memorandum of Understanding to further strengthen collaborative research activities among the two institutes.


12 Nobel laureate and Cloning Technology

pioneer Professor Sir John Gurdon speaks at the Frontiers in Biomedical Research, HKU 2013 and shares his research findings about stem cells in a media interview.


17 HKU and Institut Pasteur sign a new research

agreement to establish the HKU-Pasteur Research Pole under the School of Public Health.


for students of the Bachelor of Pharmacy programme as well as

the Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences programme. The Faculty

also lined up interviews with colleagues for their expertise

and comments on multiple sclerosis, stem cell therapy, avian

influenza A(H7N9) virus as well as other health-related issues.

The Faculty assisted students in organising the Health Exhibition

2013 “Alert for Allergies” and a series of Health Advocacy

Projects. Within the reported period, five press releases were

issued on various topics. The events attracted positive media


Recent Faculty press events include:


Dr George Cho Nim-kwok 曹念國 (MBBS 1977), an outstanding alumnus whose lifelong dedication to

serving the grassroots in the society has warmed the hearts of many in the city.

Dr George Choa Wing-sien 蔡永善 (MBBS 1947), one of Hong Kong’s earliest specialists in Otolaryngology

who was highly-respected for his tremondous commitment and dedication to social services. The Faculty is

grateful for his unfailing support as our Honorary teacher for more than half of a century.

Dr Ko Wai-keung 高偉強 (MBBS 1972), a dedicated alumnus in Paediatrics and a dedicated deacon well

remembered in the church community.

Dr Peter Lee Chung-yin 李仲賢 (MBBS 1952), a staunch supporter of HKU and the Faculty who had made

substantial contributions to the Hong Kong medical sector, especially in raising its international status.

His lifelong dedication to the medical profession and education has earned the faithful respect from local and

international communities.

Professor Lee Shiu-hung 李紹鴻 (MBBS 1958, MD 1992), former Director of Health of the HKSAR

Government and a specialist in public health, occupational health and administrative medicine, who had

made significant contributions to the medical sector in Hong Kong for more than 50 years.

Mr Freddie Ng Ting-fat 伍庭發 (BPharm 2013), a graduate who successfully finished his degree with

excellent results despite illnesses. He demonstrated remarkable tenacity and resilience amidst adversities. His

fleeting but meaningful life has inspired many people.

Dr Wong Bing-lai 黃炳禮, a benevolent philanthropist and a long-time donor for HKU and the Faculty,

whose generosity had benefitted especially the fields of Orthopaedic Surgery, Nursing and Chinese Medicine.

Dr Anna Yung Hiu-yan 容曉茵 (MBBS 1979), a devoted alumna in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, a well-

respected Oxfam Trailwalker and Trailwalker supporter at the Hong Kong Medical Association, inspiring many

generations of doctors in Trailwalker and community services.

(*In alphabetical order of last name)



Alumni NewsThe list of 2013 Government Honours published in the last issue (Volume 18, Issue 2, page 17) missed two awardees who are alumni of the Faculty. They were Professor Joseph Lau Wan-yee(劉允怡)(MBBS 1972), who received the Silver Bauhinia Star (SBS) and Professor Wong Tze-wai(黃子惠) (MBBS 1975) who received the Medal of Honour (MH).

FeatureThe article on the new Dean and the four Associate Deans of the Faculty in the last issue (Volume 18, Issue 2, page 5) misstated a name. The name of the Associate Dean (Research) is Professor Leung Suet-yi(梁雪兒), not Professor Shirley Leung Suet-yi.


Medical Faculty News welcomes comments and suggestions, or reports about errors that require correction. Messages can be e-mailed to or faxed to 2974 0678.

The online version of the last issue has been updated with the above corrections. Please visit to access past issues.


All rights reserved 2014

MARCHJonathan S.T. Sham Visiting Professor LectureMarch 6, 2014Lecture Theatre 3, Cheung Kung Hai Conference Centre, G/F, William MW Mong Block, 21 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam

InformationDr Lam Ka OnT: 2255 4352 F: 2872 6426

Ninth International Symposium on Healthy Aging “Aging with Confidence”March 8-9, 20143/F, Ballroom, Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Towers, Tsim Sha Tsui

InformationMs Phoebe ChowT: 2819 9866 F: 2816 5258 E: hbha@hku.hkW:

Explore the World of Medicine: Public Lecture Series 2014Beautiful Face and Hair 容光煥發,黑髮常存March 15, 2014Lecture Theatre, Hong Kong Central Library, Causeway Bay

InformationT: 2819 9994 F: 2974 0678 E: medfac@hku.hkW:

HKU – Pasteur Cell Biology CourseMarch 16-18, 2014Room 703, 7/F, Hong Kong Jockey Club Building for Interdisciplinary Research, 5 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam

InformationMs Anne LiT: 2831 5516 F: 2872 5782 E: anneli@hku.hkW:

The Croucher Foundation SymposiumAdvances in Live Cell and Intravital Imaging in BiomedicineMarch 28, 2014Lecture Theatre 2, Cheung Kung Hai Conference Centre,G/F, William MW Mong Block, 21 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam

InformationSymposium SecretariatT: 2986 4468 F: 2986 4297 E: corefac@hku.hkW:

APRILExplore the World of Medicine: Public Lecture Series 2014New Breakthroughs in Obstetrics and Gynaecology 婦產科新知April 12, 2014Lecture Theatre, Hong Kong Central Library, Causeway Bay

InformationT: 2819 9994 F: 2974 0678 E: medfac@hku.hkW:

The 11th Hong Kong International Orthopaedic ForumApril 12 – 13, 2014Cheung Kung Hai Conference Centre, G/F, William MW Mong Block, 21 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam

InformationMs YN ChangT: 2255 4257 W:

MAY19th Hong Kong Medical ForumMay 3-4, 2014Room N101, 1/F, New Wing, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre

InformationAdministrative AssistantT: 2255 4607 F: 2816 2863 E: medinfo@hku.hkW:

Advanced Trauma Care for Nurses (ATCN) Provider CourseMay 9 – 10, 2014Surgical Skills Centre, Department of Surgery, Laboratory Block, 21 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam

InformationCourse Administrator, Surgical Skills Centre, Department of SurgeryT: 2819 9691 / 2819 9692 F: 2818 9249 E: hkussc@hku.hkW:

Explore the World of Medicine: Public Lecture Series 2014Advances in Orthopaedic Treatments: Degenerative Intervertebral Disc Disease and Leg Problems in Children 骨科治療新方向:椎間盤退化及兒童腿患May 10, 2014Lecture Theatre, Hong Kong Central Library, Causeway Bay

InformationT: 2819 9994 F: 2974 0678 E: medfac@hku.hkW:

Update Certificate Course in CardiologyMay 30 - Jun 1, 2014Lecture Theatre 1, Cheung Kung Hai Conference CentreG/F, William MW Mong Block, 21 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam

InformationAdministrative AssistantT: 2255 4607 F: 2816 2863 E: medinfo@hku.hkW:

JUNEInternational Alzheimer’s Disease Conference 2014: Early Detection, Treatment & Prevention of Dementia: Patients’ and Caregivers’ PerspectivesJune 6-7, 2014Lecture Theatres 1, 2 & 3, Cheung Kung Hai Conference Centre, G/F, William MW Mong Block, 21 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam

InformationMiss Joyce Ha, Department of MedicineT: 2255 4689 E: joyceha@hku.hkW:

Explore the World of Medicine: Public Lecture Series 2014Confronting Stress 對抗壓力June 14, 2014Lecture Theatre, Hong Kong Central Library, Causeway Bay

InformationT: 2819 9994 F: 2974 0678 E: medfac@hku.hkW:

JULYCroucher Summer Course 2014 Advances in Immunology in Health and DiseaseJuly 23 -28, 2014Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

InformationCourse Secretariat, Department of Medicine F: 2818 6474 E: W: 2014 Immunolog-information and application form.pdf



1,000,000 or above

Mr Loi Kuok UnIn support of the clinical service development and academic research in neurosurgery

100,000 or above

Mrs Chan Chung Kin-hoiIn support of the research in neurodysfunction undertaken by Dr Andrew Law Chi-kin(羅子健), Department of Psychiatry

Mr Chan Ki In support of the research activities in relation to hepatology undertaken by Professor Richard Yuen Man-fung(袁孟峰), Department of Medicine

Cormorant PharmaceuticalsIn support of the research activities in relation to hepatic cancer stem cells undertaken by Dr Stephanie Ma Kwai-yee(馬桂宜), Department of Anatomy

Hong Kong Concrete Company LimitedIn support of the research activities undertaken by Professor Sydney Tang Chi-wai(鄧智偉), Department of Medicine

Dr Kenneth Wong Kak-yuen(黃格元)In support of the research and education initiatives in relation to paediatric surgery

* In alphabetical order of last name or organisation name