Startup management general deck

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Startup management general deck

#Speed2GrowLet’s fail and grow together

Journey of a founder

Iterate a great product

Best way to learn

1. Get the basics right: Attitude, Tools2. Practice it daily3. Bring your pains and problems here


1. Plan a sprint using Trello2. Sprint using Trello, Slack & Tool X3. Demonstrate Action learning for “key bottle necks”4. Recall basic forming structures in product

management and sales


First Exercise

1. Appoint a Trello leader2. Appoint a Slack leader3. Everyone gets a Trello, Slack, Github account4. Complete your full Bio on each account5. Take a group photo and Tweet #Speed2Grow

Agile CultureNo one size fits all: depends on the founder

Second Exercise

1. Discuss the routine of your company meetings2. Share your pain points3. Share your pleasure points


1. Communication Style2. Work Style

Communication Style

1. What I am doing for this?2. What have I done?3. What am I stuck in?

Work Style

1. Casual interact 1-2-12. Efficient group interact3. Action learning to crack “key bottle necks”


Third Exercise

1. Write down the routine of your startup2. Write down the implicit rules3. Share how comfortable you are in that culture

Agile LeadershipEvolves as we grow: depends on the founder

Top 10 Startup leadership rules1. Get things done2. Tell me the problem as it is3. Listen, Learn, Lead4. Think Big, Act Small5. Think Data, Act Decisive6. Celebrate Failure7. Control to Collaborate8. Try first then Delegate9. First 10, First 50, First 10010. Set the rules , Set the norms

Leadership Evolution

Seed Series A Series B Series C

Fail Fast Search & Fail

Try & Fail Success

Product Market Fit

Business Model Fit

Organization Model Fit


Agile Team & FunctionWe are a young family: Fight but Love


Fourth Exercise

1. Select a problem2. Make a 2 dates to plan3. Sprint

Agile Organizational StructureDynamic is the key

Organizational Structure

Andrew Liew Weida

Andrew has cofounded 6 different startups in USA, Singapore, Australia. He also used to work for Hay Group as an information consultant. In his spare time, he loves to meet people and share insights.
