Standard UI Test Cases

Post on 27-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Standard UI Test Cases

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Sl. No. Business Requirements











Numeric fieldAlphanumeric fieldCharacter FieldSingle line textboxMultiline textboxDecimal/Floating point fieldDate FieldEmail Id fieldWeb Page

Standard UI Test Cases

Manee Doda, Ankit Bhandari



No. of Test Cases



Numeric field Validations

Sl. No. User Interface Execution Method

1Enter any number of digits


Validate the negative or positive Value

Enter any positive value

3Enter any negative value

4Validate the alignment of numeric field Enter any number of digits


Enter any range of number





10Enter any number of digits


Enter any number of digits


Validate Fixed length numeric field text box13

Verifying a field containing only numeric value

Validate the range of numeric field (Boundary Value Analysis)

Validate the minimum Digits user can enter in the field (when range of number not specified)

Validate the maximum digits user can enter in the field (when range of number not specified)

Enter any numeric data in text boxes

Enter any numeric data in text boxes


Validate Fixed length numeric field text box

15 Validate if user left the field as blank

16 Validate If user put space in the numeric fieldEnter space in the field


18Enter any number with hyphen

19 Enter a fraction as the number

20 Enter number between quotes.

21 Validate if user enter decimal field

22Enter any characters


24 Enter any number of digits

Enter any numeric data in first text boxes

Tab to next field and leave the numeric field as blank

Validate If user enter special characters in numeric Field

Enter all special symbols (except Hyphen)

Enter any decimal or floating point number digits

Validate if user enter characters in numeric field

Validate if user enter combination of numeric, characters and special symbols

Enter numbers, special characters and alphabets

Validate the Label of currency in amount field

Numeric field Validations

Test Data Expected ResultStatus

Cycle1 Cycle2 Cycle3Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail


5233 It should accept positive value


12323 Numeric field should be align to right

Lower bound- 1

Lower bound

Upper bound

Upper bound+1

User should able to enter numeric values in the given field

It should not accept negative value (depending upon requirement)

Application should not accept the number less the its lower bound of range

Application should accept the number to its lower bound of range

Between lower bound and upper bound

Application should accept the number between the range of lower and upper bound

Application should accept the number to its upper bound of range

Application should not accept the number more then its upper bound of range

1234(e.g.- Zip code )

Numeric field should accept at least three digits (depending upon the requirement)

1234567890(e.g.- Telephone number)

A numeric field should accept max of 10 digits (depending upon the requirement)

123-456-8944 (Telephone number)23565-5988(Zip code)

A fixed length text box field should accept only numeric field considering the upper limit of text box

+23-456-8944 (Telephone number)26366- (zip code)

Should not accept the numeric digits with any special characters

Blank field





"123" Should not accept the 123




123-456-8944 (Telephone number)

Cursor should automatically highlight to next text box once values enter to first

Depending upon the mandatory field, a numeric field should not accept the blank field

Numeric field should not contain any space

Special character should not be accepted for numeric field

Hyphen and combination of numeric should be acceptable

Should not be accepted any number in fractions

Decimal (39.11), Floating point number ( 0.000003234)

It should accept decimal or floating point numbers (depending upon the requirements)

A numeric field should not accept any character value

Should not be accepted any combination of numeric, special character and characters

amount field should be display with currency label

Telephone number Amount Zip Code

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes

No Yes No

No Yes No

No Yes No

No Yes No

No Yes No

No Yes No

Yes No Yes (Minimum 5 digits limit)


Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes

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Yes (Accept only positive value)

Yes (Maximum upper limit is 10)

Yes (Maximum 9 digits excluding hyphen, total length 10 (5 digits- 4 digits))

Yes No Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes


Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes

Yes (phone number can be seperated by hyphen)

Yes (zip code is seperated with single hyphen after 5 digits)

Alphanumeric Fields Validation

Sl. No. User Interface Execution Method Test Data

1Enter any character value abcd, ABCD

2 Enter any numeric values1234567890

3abcd123, ABCD123

4abcd123, ABCD123


ab1 (e.g- Zip code)







10Blank field

Validating the field containing alphanumeric values

Enter any combination of character and numeric value

Validate the alignment of alphanumeric field

Enter any combination of character and numeric value

Validate the limit of alphanumeric field

Enter minimum alphanumeric Input

Enter Maximum alphanumeric Input

Enter values exceeding 100 letters (e.g- Account number)

Validating the special symbol in an

alphanumeric field

Enter any special symbol (except Hyphen, dot, slash, apostrophe, doube quotation)

Enter any value using hyphen, apostrophe, Slash, comma, double quotation

Validate user put space as input to alphanumeric field

Enter space as alphanumeric input

Validate user put the alphanumeric field as blank

Tab to next control leave the alphanumeric as blank

Alphanumeric Fields Validation

Expected ResultStatus

Cycle1 Cycle2 Cycle3Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail

An alphanumeric field should accept character both in upper case and lower case

An alphanumeric field should accept numbers as Input

An alphanumeric fields should accept a combination of Integer and character inputs

Alphanumeric field should be aligned to left

An alphanumeric field should accept minimum 3 letters (depending upon the requirements)

An alphanumeric field should accept maximum of 20 letters (depending upon the requirements)

An alphanumeric field should not accept any special symbols

Hyphen, Apostrophe, slash, double quotation marks, comma should be acceptable (depending on requirements)

Space should not be accept in an alphanumeric field

Blank field should not accept in an alphanumeric field

Zip Code

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Character field Validation

Sl. No. User Interface Execution Method Test Data


2Enter any numeric values 1234




6more then 100 character

7Enter space into character field Space




11Kevin's Brain

12Enter any name postfix with dot Mr. Kevin's Brain

Validating the field containing the character value

Validating the field containing the character value

Enter any combination of numeric and alphanumeric values

Validate the alignment of the character values

Enter any character value in the field

Validate the limit on character field

Enter minimum 3 character in the field

Enter any character value in the field

Validate user put the space in character field Enter consecutive space between

two characters

Validate special symbol in the character field

Enter any special symbol (except- dot, apostrophe)

Enter any combination of character and special symbol

Enter any name with an apostrophe

Character field Validation

Expected ResultStatus

Cycle1 Cycle2 Cycle3Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail

Character field should be left aligned

All characters in lower and upper case should be acceptable

Any numeric values should not be acceptable as an input

Any alphanumeric values should not be acceptable as an input

Character field should accept at least 3 letters (depending upon the requirements)

User should not be able to enter 50 characters (depending upon the requirements)

Space should be acceptable in character field

Consecutive spaces should not be acceptable

Special symbol should not be acceptable in character field

Combination of character and special symbol should not be accepted

Apostrophe should be acceptable in character fields

A dot should be accepted as an input to character field

Name Field













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Single Line Textbox field Validation

Sl. No. User Interface Execution Method Test Data

1Validate the Textbox N/A


3Press Tab button





8 N/A


10 123455

11Check the label against textbox N/A

12Mouse over to the textbox N/A


14Enter at least 1 letter to textbox A

15Enter any values to textbox Enter value exceeding 50 letters

16Enter any numeric data input 12345

17Enter any character data input abcd, ABCD

Check the consistency and location of textbox

Validate the focus on Text box

Check the position of cursor and press tab key

Validate the edit/ write feature to textbox

Enter some input values to a textbox

Validate the auto filled textboxes

Enter some input values to textbox

Pe (e.g- IMAP textboxes with defined inputs)

Select the data input from auto filled textbox

Validate the height and width of a textbox

Check UI look to validate the consistency of textbox

Validate the alignment of various inputs

Enter some input values to a textbox

Validate the consistency of a textbox

Enter large data input in multiline fashion

A text has been written to test the functionality of text box with various data input

Validate minimum and maximum limit of text boxes

Validate the data type acceptance in textbox

18Enter any special symbols !#$%^&*()":';

19Space, Blank field

Validate the data type acceptance in textbox

Enter space or skip entering any value to textbox

Single Line Textbox field Validation

Expected ResultStatus

Cycle1 Cycle2 Cycle3Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail

Height of textbox should be 14 mm

Numeric data should be right aligned

Location of textbox should be consistent and screened (XY coordinates)

A cursor position should always to left in textbox

A textbox should able to get and loss focus to other object on press of Tab button

A textbox should be editable when acquiring inputs

Predefined values should be displayed alike a dropdown according to Input values

User should able to select the input from auto filled texboxes

Width should be set to a standard of 40 mm unless specified in the requirements.

Characters and special symbols should be left aligned

A textbox should always accompanied by a label

A textbox should have a tooltip for more details

A text box should not accept multiline data and input should only in single line.

A textbox should accept minimum 1 letter (depending upon the requirements and mandatory field)

A textbox should accept the maximum length of 50 characters (depending upon the requirements)

A comment box should accept the numeric data input (depending upon the requirements)

A comment box should accept the alphanumeric data input (depending upon the requirements)

A comment box should accept all kinds of special symbols (depending upon the requirements)

Blank field and space are acceptable for comment box (depending upon the requirements)

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Multiline Textbox (Comments box)

Sl. No. User Interface Execution Method Test Data



3Mouse over the comment box N/A









12abcd, ABCD


14Space, Blank field



Validate the physical property of comment box

Check the consistency of comment box with other fields

Validate the consistency of a comment box

Check the label against any comment box

Enter any values to comment box also press enter for multiline data input

Press tab to check for focus on comment box and cursor placement

Validate the Notepad tools available for the comment box

Check for the feature like font style and sizes and color of text entered

Check for feature of Bold, Italics and underline the written text

Check for feature of hyperlink the text and insert any picture

Validate the limit of letter a comment box accept

Enter any values to completely to fill the comment box field

Validate the wrap feature of comment box

Write long sentence for check the feature of wrapping text

Validate the data type acceptance in comment box

Enter any numeric value to comment box

Enter any character value to comment box

Enter any special symbol to comment box

Enter space and keep the comment field as blank

Validate the Edit functionality for comment box

Enter any data input to comment field

Validate for the hidden functionality

Check for the dependency display of comment box

Multiline Textbox (Comments box)

Expected ResultStatus

Cycle1 Cycle2 Cycle3Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail

Location, height, width and length should be consistent on the page

A comment box should accompany with some label

A comment box should have a tooltip for viewing more details

Multiline text should be acceptable in comment box

Comments box follow general validation on tab order and Initial focus should be on top -left corner

A comment box should available with features like font style, font sizes, font colors, highlight text colors

A comment box should available with feature to Bold, Italics and underline the text

Hyperlink and insert picture should be optional if specified in requirements

User should not able to enter letters more then the limit of comment box

A comment box should always be available with enable wrap functionality

A comment box should accept the numeric data input

A comment box should accept the alphanumeric data input

A comment box should accept all kinds of special symbols

Blank field and space are acceptable for comment box

A comment box should be editable for acquiring more inputs (it can be disable on specified validation or requirements)

A comment box should be active only for specific business requirements

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Float /Decimal Type field Validation

Sl. No. User Interface Execution Method



3Enter positive decimal number

4Enter negative decimal number

5Enter any number of digits


Enter any range of number










Validate the Floating point/ decimal number field

Enter the numeric field with decimal

Enter the numeric field contains two times decimals

Validating the positive or negative decimal number

Validate the alignment of numeric field

Validate the range of numeric field (Boundary Value Analysis)

Validate the presentation of floating number with large number of digits

Enter the number with large number of digits

Validating the rounding of the number after decimal

Enter decimal number to round of to two decimals

Validating the floating point number Enter the number with 7 digits after decimals

Float /Decimal Type field Validation

Test Data Expected ResultStatus






12323.234Numeric field should be align to right

Lower bound- 1

Lower bound

Upper bound

Upper bound+1






User should able to enter numeric data input with decimal.

A numeric field with two decimals should not be accepted

A decimal /float should accept positive numbers (depending upon requirements)

A decimal /float should accept negative numbers (depending upon requirements)

Application should not accept the number less the its lower bound of range

Application should accept the number to its lower bound of range

Between lower bound and upper bound

Application should accept the number between the range of lower and upper bound

Application should accept the number to its upper bound of range

Application should not accept the number more then its upper bound of range

Floating point number can be represent in form of exponential form 1233e4

Floating point number representing the number as 3*10^-5

It should display the number up to two decimal like '12.46'

it should display the number up to two decimal like '12.49'

Fixed point floating number accept 7 digits after decimals

Float /Decimal Type field ValidationStatusCycle2 Cycle3

Pass/Fail Pass/Fail

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Date field Validation

Sl. No. User Interface Execution Method Test Data



3Select any particular date 14-Apr-11


5Validate the date field N/A


Validate the date format







12/, ., -

13Validate the date field Edit the date field. N/A

14Enter the date as '000000 '. "00/00/0000'





19Enter the date as past date. 1-Apr-11

Validate the consistency of date field and picker pop up

Click on a image next to date field

Click to pick date(s), month(s) and year(s)

Validate the default value for the Date field

Check the default value for the date field

Check the date format mentioned next to date label

Check for the date format for the date field

Enter the date in format other then mentioned in requirement

Enter the spaces in date field and tab out

Enter the characters in date field and tab out

Enter the special characters in date field and tab out

Skip entering data input to date field

Enter the date with special characters

Validate the dates validation

Validate the date part in Date field

Enter the date as exceeding then it exist in a month

'31/02/2011' (Feb with 31 as date)

32/03/2011 (March with 32 as date)

Validate the months in date field

Enter the month value more than 12 and tab out

Validate the Separator in date field

Enter the separator other than '-' or '/'

Validate the past date in date field

20Enter the date as future date. 30-Apr-11Validate the future date in

date field

Date field Validation

Expected ResultStatus

Cycle1 Cycle2 Cycle3Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail

Calendar popup will be open next to the date field

The Date format should be as per the requirement

Calendar popup will be enable with selection of date(s)/ month(s)/ year(s)

User should able to pick the date from calendar popup

Current date should be displayed (depending upon the requirements)

Date format should be mentioned next to the date label

A validation message should appear that enter dates in valid format

A validation message should appear that enter dates in valid format

A validation message should appear that enter dates in valid format

A validation message should appear that enter dates in valid format

A validation message should appear please enter the dates

Hyphen, dot, and slash are accepted while entering the dates

Date text box should be editable (User should be able to enter the date by typing or through date picker).

A validation message should appear that enter valid date

A validation message should appear that enter valid date

A validation message should appear that enter valid date

A validation message should appear that enter valid date

A validation message should appear that enter valid date

User should be able to enter the past date as per the requirement

User should be able to enter the future date as per the requirement

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Email Id field Validation

Sl. No. User Interface Execution Method

1Validate the Email Id field

Enter the email id2




6 Enter email id with IP address as domain


8 Enter email Id with quotes before the @


10Enter the email id missing @ sign


12Enter email id with missing username


14Enter the email id with @ twice

15Enter the email id as garbage values


Enter email id contains dot in sub domain

Enter email id contains hyphen and + before the @

Enter email id with IP address as domain with square brackets

Enter email Id with hyphen in domain part

Enter the email id without any dot in domain part

Enter email id with incorrect domain i.e. without any character after @

Enter the email id with multiple consecutive dot(s)


Validate the Email Id field

Enter email id encoded with html

18Enter email id leading with dot

19Enter email id missing top level domain.





Enter the email id having '_' after @



Enter the email id with space in local part and domain part

Enter the email address with two types of special symbol used before @

Email Id field Validation

Test Data Expected ResultStatus

Cycle1 Cycle2Pass/Fail Pass/Fail

Email Id should be accepted as valid

Email Id should be accepted as valid

Email Id should be accepted as valid

Email Id should be accepted as valid

Email Id should be accepted as valid

Email Id should be accepted as valid

Email Id should be accepted as valid

Email Id should be accepted as valid


!#$^#%%%*&($ Email Id should accept top level domain like- Net, Com, Org, Edu, Co, etc.




An error message should be displayed - "Please enter valid email id"

Email@domaincom An error message should be displayed - "Please enter valid email id" An error message should be displayed - "Please enter valid email id" An error message should be displayed - "Please enter valid email id"

firstname@lastname@domain.comAn error message should be displayed - "Please enter valid email id"

An error message should be displayed - "Please enter valid email id" An error message should be displayed - "Please enter valid email id"

Joe smith <> An error message should be displayed - "Please enter valid email id" An error message should be displayed - "Please enter valid email id"

dev@domain. An error message should be displayed - "Please enter valid email id"

dev@ .com An error message should be displayed - "Please enter valid email id"

dev An error message should be displayed - "Please enter valid email id"

dev@tdc .com An error message should be displayed - "Please enter valid email id" An error message should be displayed - "Please enter valid email id"

dev@tdc.co_mm An error message should be displayed - "Please enter valid email id" An error message should be displayed - "Please enter valid email id"

Email Id field ValidationStatus


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Web Page Validation

Sl. No. User Interface Execution Method

1 Check the screen resolution

2 Check for the resizable


Validate the Scroll bar of the web page4

56 Validate the Font size Check the font size



Check for the focus after error message



11Validate the default fields Check for the default values

12Check for mandatory fields

13Leave blank the mandatory fields

14Check for the Label of fields on screen

15Check for Label

16Check for read only fields

17Check for disabled dependent controls

18Check the Caption of web page

19Check tool tip

Validate the screen resolution

Validate the scroll feature on web page

Validate the focus on webpage

Check the focus when the web page is loaded

Validate the Tab order on web page

Continuous clicking the Tab key in order to check the Tab order

Check the tab order when last control on screen is hit

Validate all the mandatory indicators

Validate the label against each control on web page

Validate the Disabled/ read only fields

Validate the Caption/Screen title

Validate the tool tip for each control


Check the Height and Width

21Check for the order of values in dropdown

22 Check for the navigation keys


24Validate the Grid display on a webpage


26Select a row in the grid

27 Check for the sorting of the columns28 Check for the sorting of the columns


30Check the alignment for numeric data Inputs


32Enter key on search window

33 Enter key on disabled webpage/ Popup

34Check for the mandatory fields

35Check for the hour glass/ progress bar


37Check for the pop ups

38Check for the screen refresh

39Click on submit button

Validate the Dropdowns Controls on a web page

Check for the entered character value for specific search

Validate the Grid displayed on Web page

High light any row and press 'Del' button from the key board

Validate the alignment of data inputs in controls Check the alignment for alphanumeric data


Validate the hit on Enter key

Mandatory fields validations

Validate the processing time /hour glass

Validate the spelling on a web page

Check for the Labels/Control Texts/Error spellings

Validate the pop up on web page

Validate the functionality of Refresh button

Validate the functionality of Submit button


Click on submit button more than once

41Click on 'Back' button given on web page

42Click on 'Back' button on internet web page

43Click on Cancel/Clear/Reset button



Validate the functionality of Submit button

Validate the functionality of Back button

Validate the Clear/Cancel/Reset Button

Validate the Session timeout of webpage

Keep the web page idle for 10 min, and click on any control or further navigation

Validate the upload file functionality

1. Click on Browse button.2. Select the valid file.3. Click on Upload button.

Web Page Validation

Test Data Expected Result




N/A A web page should not have vertical scroll bar unless necessary.

N/A User should able to scroll for have full view of webpage Arial -10 Font size should be consistent on webpage as requiredN/A Focus should be set on the first editable field of the screen.









N/A Font color of "read only" text should be grey.


N/A Caption for the web page should be as per the requirement

N/A Tool Tip (Float Over) should be provided for controls.

Screen resolution should be consistent as required and compatible with version of browser

Screen should be resize-able by clicking on the maximize button (Pop ups should not be resizable)

A web page should not have horizontal scroll bar unless necessary.

After error message, focus should go to the control, which caused the error? (E.g. After message: “Invoice date is mandatory field”, when user clicks OK--focus should go on the Invoice Date text box)

The flow of the control should be from Top to Bottom and Left to Right.

Focus should take the user back to the first control in the tab sequence

On ‘screen load’ default values should load as per the requirement

The mandatory fields should be indicated by * symbol on the screen.

A message should be displayed " please enter data in mandatory fields "

Each control should be accompany with some label and it should be display on left of the control

There will be consistent spacing maintained between the label and their corresponding controls across web page

Enable /disable of controls should as per the dependency requirement



N/A Up and down navigation keys should workN/A Focus should be on values started with hit character.

N/A Grid should be consistent and should not go outside the web page



N/A Data in grids should be sorted as per default sort order N/A Sorting should be removed once the screen is refreshedN/A Row should not get deleted.

N/A All numeric data should be right aligned

N/A All alphanumeric data input should be left aligned

N/A Enter Key should be mapped to the Ok button on search webpage

N/A Enter key on popup will close the window N/A



N/A Pop ups should close on hit of Esc button



1. Height of the dropdowns should be as per the requirement2. Width of the dropdowns should be as per the requirement

Values in the dropdown should be in alphabetical/chronological order

Heading of grid should be highlighted as bold and hyperlinked for sorting

The full active row should be highlighted and this applies to both editable and non-editable grids.

Proper validation messages should come if the mandatory fields are not entered

When application is busy hour glass/ processing should be displayed

All the spellings for Labels/Control Texts/Error messages should be correct

Page should get refreshed and all the fields should get set to default value

All the values should get saved and the confirmation message should be displayed to the user.






Cursor should get changed to hour glass on submit. OrSubmit button should get disabled. OrOn click of Submit -A message should be displayed that 'Please wait while system processing.

Back button will take user to last open web page on browser and Data values would be lost

Back button will navigate user to last page on open on browser and data values to current page would be lost

Page should get refreshed and all the fields should get set to default value.

1. Session time out message should display.2. Redirect to the login page

files with extension -xls, xlsx, doc, docx, pdf, tiff (As per the requirement)

1. A confirmation message should be displayed that file has been uploaded successfully.2. A file should get uploaded.

Web Page ValidationStatus

Cycle1 Cycle2 Cycle3Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail

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