Post on 24-Jan-2017

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Daniel 4:19-27

19 Then Daniel (also called Belteshazzar)was greatly perplexed for a time, and histhoughts terrified him. So the king said,“Belteshazzar, do not let the dream or itsmeaning alarm you.” Belteshazzaranswered, “My lord, if only the dreamapplied to your enemies and its meaningto your adversaries! 20 The tree you saw,which grew large and strong, with its top

touching the sky, visible to the wholeearth, 21 with beautiful leaves andabundant fruit, providing food for all,giving shelter to the wild animals, andhaving nesting places in its branches forthe birds— 22 Your Majesty, you are thattree! You have become great and strong;your greatness has grown until it reachesthe sky, and your dominion extends todistant parts of the earth.

Daniel 4:19-27

23 “Your Majesty saw a holy one, amessenger, coming down from heavenand saying, ‘Cut down the tree anddestroy it, but leave the stump, bound withiron and bronze, in the grass of the field,while its roots remain in the ground. Lethim be drenched with the dew of heaven;let him live with the wild animals, untilseven times pass by for him.’

Daniel 4:19-27

24 “This is the interpretation, Your Majesty,and this is the decree the Most High hasissued against my lord the king: 25 You willbe driven away from people and will livewith the wild animals; you will eat grasslike the ox and be drenched with the dewof heaven. Seven times will pass by foryou until you acknowledge that the MostHigh is sovereign over all kingdoms onearth and gives them to anyone he

Daniel 4:19-27

wishes. 26 The command to leave thestump of the tree with its roots means thatyour kingdom will be restored to you whenyou acknowledge that Heaven rules. 27

Therefore, Your Majesty, be pleased toaccept my advice: Renounce your sins bydoing what is right, and your wickednessby being kind to the oppressed. It may bethat then your prosperity will continue.”

Daniel 4:19-27

“The only thing

necessary for the

triumph of evil is

for good men to

do nothing.”

-Edmund Burke

STAND UP (defend) for what’s true.

When you see someone doing something wrong –STAND UP (resist).


(DEFEND) Means to fight for; to protect, guard, safeguard,

secure, shield


(RESIST) Means to go against; to withstand, oppose, defy




“None of my business.” “Live and let live.”

“Who am I to judge?”

UNWILLINGNESS stems from the position of your heart.

APATHY is the opposite of PASSION.

APATHY, when ignored, leads to the callousness of the heart and

numbness of the mind.

Our cultures change when we have consciously decided to yield

to Jesus’ character.

Being confrontational can be encouraging or abrasive. Choose to encourage.


(Driven by confrontations)

Being UNLOVING is founded in the content of your heart.

We always have a choice:either don’t take a stand or stand up in the wrong way

Daniel is called to do what’s right. His calling is to STAND UP!

Every Christian is called to STAND UP!

The purpose of our calling is so that everyone will know that God

rules over kingdoms of this world.

Daniel doesn’t like what he hears --that moved him to STAND UP.

There are things that we can control and there are things that we cannot. And for both, we just

have to STAND UP!

There are things when you knowwhat to do and there are things that you don’t. And for both, we

just have to STAND UP!

Daniel STOOD UP to the king because it’s right thing to do and

he wants king to know God and that there is a God.

Daniel 4:22

22 Your Majesty, you are that tree! Youhave become great and strong; yourgreatness has grown until it reaches thesky, and your dominion extends to distantparts of the earth.


Daniel 4:25

25 You will be driven away from peopleand will live with the wild animals; you willeat grass like the ox and be drenched withthe dew of heaven. Seven times will passby for you until you acknowledge that theMost High is sovereign over all kingdomson earth and gives them to anyone hewishes.

Daniel 4:26

26 The command to leave the stump of thetree with its roots means that yourkingdom will be restored to you when youacknowledge that Heaven rules.

Every time you STAND UP for Christ, you are purposefully allow

the evil one to FALL DOWN.

Daniel 4:27

27 ‘King Nebuchadnezzar, please acceptmy advice. Stop sinning and do what isright. Break from your wicked past and bemerciful to the poor. Perhaps then you willcontinue to prosper.’




Galatians 6:1

1 Dear brothers and sisters, if anotherbeliever is overcome by some sin, youwho are godly should gently and humblyhelp that person back onto the rightpath. And be careful not to fall into thesame temptation yourself.

Our goal is to be right so that we could help others to be

right with God.

Approach matters!

Our approach should be:A sinner leading another sinner

to Christ.


Galatians 6:1

1 Dear brothers and sisters, if anotherbeliever is overcome by some sin, youwho are godly should gently and humblyhelp that person back onto the rightpath. And be careful not to fall into thesame temptation yourself.

When you are confronting others you have a tendency

to be proud.

We should look at ourselves below others and below God.

Daniel confronted King but the King didn’t turn yet.

Let’s give an ample time for everyone to recover and get

back on the right track.

Daniel 4:34

34 At the end of that time, I,Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes towardheaven, and my sanity was restored.Then I praised the Most High; Ihonored and glorified him who livesforever.


A generation ago, a “Kodak moment” meantsomething that was worth saving and savoring.Today, the term increasingly serves as a corporatebogeyman that warns executives of the need tostand up and respond when disruptivedevelopments encroach on their market.Unfortunately, as time marches on the subtletiesof what actually happened to Eastman Kodak arebeing forgotten, leading executives to draw thewrong conclusions from its struggles. Given thatKodak’s core business was selling film, it is nothard to see why the last few decades provedchallenging.

Cameras went digital and then disappeared intocellphones. People went from printing pictures tosharing them online. Sure, people print nostalgicbooks and holiday cards, but that volume pales incomparison to Kodak’s heyday. The company filedfor bankruptcy protection in 2012, exited legacybusinesses and sold off its patents before re-emerging as a sharply smaller company in 2013.Once one of the most powerful companies in theworld, today the company has a marketcapitalization of less than $1 billion. Why did thishappen?

An easy explanation is myopia. Kodak was soblinded by its success that it completely missedthe rise of digital technologies. But that doesn’tsquare with reality. After all, the first prototype of adigital camera was created in 1975 by SteveSasson, an engineer working for … Kodak. Thecamera was as big as a toaster, took 20 secondsto take an image, had low quality, and requiredcomplicated connections to a television to view,but it clearly had massive disruptive potential.

Spotting something and doing something about itare very different things. So, another explanationis that Kodak invented the technology but didn’tinvest in it. Sasson himself told The New YorkTimes that management’s response to his digitalcamera was “that’s cute – but don’t tell anyoneabout it.” A good line, but not completely accurate.In fact, Kodak invested billions to develop a rangeof digital cameras.

Doing something and doing the right thing arealso different things. The next explanation is thatKodak mismanaged its investment in digitalcameras, overshooting the market by trying tomatch performance of traditional film rather thanembrace the simplicity of digital. That criticismperhaps held in early iterations of Kodak’s digitalcameras (the $20,000 DCS-100, for example), butKodak ultimately embraced simplicity, carving outa strong market position with technologies thatmade it easy to move pictures from cameras tocomputers.

All of that is moot, the next argument goes,because the real disruption occurred whencameras merged with phones, and people shiftedfrom printing pictures to posting them on socialmedia and mobile phone apps. And Kodak totallymissed that. But it didn’t, entirely. Before MarkZuckerberg wrote a line of Facebook’s code,Kodak made a prescient purchase, acquiring aphoto sharing site called Ofoto in 2001. It was soclose. Imagine if Kodak had truly embraced itshistorical tagline of “share memories, share life.”

Perhaps it could have rebranded Ofoto as KodakMoments (instead of EasyShare Gallery), makingit the pioneer of a new category called lifenetworking where people could share pictures,personal updates, and links to news andinformation. Maybe in 2010 it would have lured ayoung engineer from Google named KevinSystrom to create a mobile version of the site.

In real life, unfortunately, Kodak used Ofoto to tryto get more people to print digital images. It soldthe site to Shutterfly as part of its bankruptcy planfor less than $25 million in April 2012. That samemonth Facebook plunked down $1 billion toacquire Instagram, the 13-employee companySystrom had co-founded 18 months earlier. Therewere other ways in which Kodak could haveemerged from the digital disruption of its corebusiness. Consider Fuji Photo Film.

As Rita Gunther McGrath describes in hercompelling book The End of CompetitiveAdvantage, in the 1980s Fuji was a distant secondin the film business to Kodak. While Kodakstagnated and ultimately stumbled, Fujiaggressively explored new opportunities, creatingproducts adjacent to its film business, such asmagnetic tape optics and videotape, andbranching into copiers and office automation,notably through a joint venture with Xerox. Todaythe company has annual revenues above $20billion, competes in healthcare and electronicsoperations and derives significant revenues fromdocument solutions.

The right lessons from Kodak are subtle.Companies often see the disruptive forcesaffecting their industry. They frequently divertsufficient resources to participate in emergingmarkets. Their failure is usually an inability to trulyembrace the new business models the disruptivechange opens up. Kodak created a digital camera,invested in the technology, and even understoodthat photos would be shared online. Where theyfailed was in realizing that online photo sharingwas the new business, not just a way to expandthe printing business.

Myopic vision leads to destruction. Change what needs

to be changed.

Daniel did what was right and trusted God with results.



Presented By:

Pastor Alvin GutierrezFCC Main, Ampid 1, San Mateo, Rizal, PH

10am Morning ServiceOctober 9, 2016

Website: faithworkschristianchurch.comFacebook: Faithworks Christian Church GlobalTwitter: @fccphilippinesInstagram: fccphilippines