Stage production

Post on 20-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Stage production

  • 1. Theatrical Productio the planning,nrehearsal, andpresentation of awork Such a work ispresented to anaudience at aparticular time andplace by liveperformers, who useeither themselves orinanimate figures,

2. Dramatic Productions conform to a written text representation of actual or imagined life 3. NondramaticProductions no imitation ofanother existencebut simply theentertainment orexcitation of the audience by theperformer 4. In Europe and theUnited Statesseveralforms arose in the 20th century thatcombines dramatic and nondramaticmaterial. Vaudeville, or music hall, for instance,employs a succession of various acts,such as fictional sketches, musical anddance numbers, and feats of dexterity, ofwhich some are representational andothers are not. 5. In themusical theatre,song and dance serveboth to further thenarrative and to providea break from purelydramatic presentation. This variety alsocharacterizes muchAsian theatre, in whichdramatic moments areelaborated in dance 6. Theatre Roles 7. Major Roles in a Theatrical Production The Director The director is responsiblefor the main vision of theproduction. They mustinterpret the script and thecharacters relationships.They lead rehearsals anddetermine stage blocking.They need to communicatetheir needs to the variousdepartments. Thesedepartments include: The House Manager The Stage Manager 8. The Producer The Producer funds the production and designates a Director. For our purpose the Producer is usually the school or drama club. 9. The Assistant Director The Assistant Directorprovides support to theDirector and the specifics ofthe role would bedetermined between thetwo. Depending upon thenature of the production,this role might focus moreon actors or on supportingthe technical departments. 10. The Actors The actors deliver thescript, work with thedirector to determinerelationships with theother characters, andstrive to fulfill the pacingand tempo decisions ofthe director. Actors areresponsible to: The Director The Assistant Director The Stage Manager 11. Stage Manager The Stage Manager is responsible for the running of the stage during production. They are required to call for the cueing of lights, sounds, sets, props, and actors during the show. The stage manager is constant communication with the following departments. The Director The Actors The House Manager The Production Manager The Assistant Stage Manager 12. Assistant Stage Manager The Assistant Stage Manager provides assistanceto the Stage Manager. The support will bedetermined in concert with each other, and mayspecialize in any of the production areas. 13. Running Crew The Running Crew is responsible for the placement and removal of sets and props during scene changes. They follow the direction of the Assistant Stage Manager. A Sound Technician from the Sound Crew and a Lighting Console Operator from the Light Crew follow their cues as called by the Stage 14. Production Manager The Production Manager, in consultation with the Director, oversees the development of set, prop, costume, makeup, lights, and sound. They are responsible to assist in the creation of a unified look throughout all the above areas. They assure each of the other areas meets deadlines in a timely manner. 15. Set Designer The Set Designer works in consultationwith the Director and the ProductionManager to articulate the primary visionof the production through the design andcreation of sets. Sets can be realistic orimplied giving the audience a sense ofwhere the action of the play is takingplace.Construction Crew The Construction Crew works as a teamto fabricate the set according to thedesign of the Set Designer. Teammembers consult with the Set Designer tocomplete the working set. Set Decorators 16. Decorating Crew Once a set has been constructed anda approved, the Decorating Crewapplies paint, wall paper and textureto the set to give it a look and feelthat meets the specifications of theSet Designer. Decorating requires aunique set of artistic skills.Technical Director The Technical Director works inconsultation with the Director and theProduction Manager to develop thelighting, sound and special effectsrequirements for the production. 17. Light Crew The Light Crew is Responsible for the servicing,hanging, colourfiltering and focusing lightinginstruments to meet the design specificationsdeveloped by the Technical Director.Sound Crew Music, sound effects and sound reinforcement are allthe domain of the Sound Crew. They must fabricatethe sound track for the production, collecting orcreating the sounds necessary for the play. They arealso responsible for designing and setting up the 18. Props Coordinator The Props Coordinator works in consultation withthe Director and the Production Manager todevelop the necessary props for the production.Props Crew The Props Crew works as a team to design, createand build each of the properties for a play basedon the script and the Directors interpretation.Props are given final approval by the Director. 19. Costume Coordinator The Costume Coordinator worksin consultation with the Directorand the Production Manager todevelop costuming for the actors.The creation or collection ofcostumes requires extensiveresearch and knowledge of themeasurements of each actor.Costume Crew The costume crew works asteam to take the measurementsof each actor and to organizeand care for costumes. Ifcostumes are to be sewn for theplay, it is the duty of the costumecrew under the direction of thecostume coordinator to createoutfits matching the vision of theDirector. 20. Makeup Coordinator The Makeup Coordinator works inconsultation with the Director andthe Production Manager todevelop appropriate makeup forthe actors. Makeup must beinventoried and purchased withina set budget for any production.Makeup Crew The Makeup Crew works witheach actor on the night of aproduction, applying makeupaccording to the needs of the playas outlined by the MakeupCoordinator. The Director mustgive final approval of makeupapplications before the opening of 21. House Manager The House Manager is responsible forthe audience side of the curtain. Theyare responsible for the arrival, seating,and dispersal of audience.Publicity The Publicity Coordinator is responsiblefor advertising and promotion of theproduction. 22. Box Office The Box Office is responsible for the sale of ticketsand in coordination with the House Manager theorganization of seating.House Staff The House Staff are responsible for the seating ofthe audience, program dispersal, and the generalorder and cleanliness of the seating area.