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Human Geography Models for Chapters 1-8 - Semester I Study Guide1. Brandt Line

2. Demographic Transition Model

3. Epidemiological Transition Model

Stage 1: Plagues, pestilence, famine, Black PlagueStage 2: Receding Pandemics (disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects a very high proportion of the population) due to Industrial Revolution (improved sanitation, nutrition, medicine) - Cholera and Dr. John SnowStage 3: Stage of degenerative and human created diseases (heart attacks, cancer, cardiovascular)Stage 4: Delayed degenerative diseases due to operations, medicine, reduce tobacco and alcohol, better info, more education multi-media, exerciseStage 5: Reemergence of infectious and parasitic diseases. Evolution of microbes that cannot be destroyed by medicine. Poverty causes infectious diseases. Improved travel spreads microbes all over the world. AIDS. Societies could revert back to Stage 1.

4. Heartland-Rimland Theory

5. Thomas Malthus Theory

Malthus claimed that the population was growing much more rapidly than Earth's food supply because population increased geometrically, whereas food supply increased arithmetically. National Increase Rate (NIR) declines for 2 reasons: lower birth rates 2. higher death rates. Only hope is to reduce birth rates. OPPOSITE: Esther Boserup: A Danish agriculturist, she provided a hopeful alternative to Malthus. Should population growth out number food supply, humans must upgrade the productivity of the food supply. This is done by human ingenuity and technology. Humans will find ways to provide enough food to handle the population growth. Innovations in soil production, cultivation, and technological advances to enhance food production.

6. Nomadic Warrior Theory by Marija Gimbutas - Kurgan People from steppes near the border between present-day Russia and Kazakhstan spread Indo-European Language -- origin. Spread the language with horses.

7. Sedentary Farmer Theory by Colin Renfrew - Origin and Diffusion of Indo-European Language by Farmers who may have originated 2,000 years in Turkey/Anatolia before Kurgans.

8. Gravity Model of MigrationWhen applied to migration, larger places attract more emigrants than do smaller places. Additionally, destinations that are more distance have a weaker pull (distance decay) than do closer opportunities of the same caliber.9. Gravity Model of PopulationThe gravity model takes into account the population size of two places and their distance. Since larger places attract people, ideas, and products more than smaller places and places closer together have a greater attraction, the

gravity model incorporates these 2 features.

10. Zelinsky's Migration Transition ModelStage One: Hunters and gatherers move from one place to another for survival. High CBR and CDR and low NIR. Search for local food rather than permanent migration to a new place.

Stage Two: High NIR because of rapidly declining CDR. Point when international migration becomes especially important. Interregional migration from one's country's rural areas to its cities. Improvement in agricultural practices reduces the number of people needed in rural areas, and jobs in factories attract migrants to the cities in another region of the same country or in another country.Stage Three and Stage Four: Internal migration is more important. Moderating NIR because of rapidly declining CBR. The principal destinations of the international migrants leaving the stage 2 countries in search of economic opportunities. The principal form of internal migration within countries in stages 3 and 3 is intraregional, from cities to surrounding suburbs.11. Lee's Push and Pull Model

Push Factors Pull Factors*Political (wars, persecution) *Political (lure of freedom, democracy)*Economic (lack of jobs) *Economic (perceived opportunities for jobs)*Physical (flooding, drought, *Physical (lure of attractive climate, land natural disasters) form regions)

12. Language Families

13. Universalizing Religions (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism) vs. Ethnic Religions (Hindu, Judaism)

14. D.W. Meinig's Core Domain Sphere Model

15. Global Positioning System versus Geographic Information System

16. Robinson Projection: useful for displaying information across the oceans. Due to allocating space to the oceans, the land areas are much smaller.

Mercator projection; shape is distorted very little, direction is consistent, and the map is rectangular. Its greatest disadvantage is that area is grossly distorted toward the poles, making high latitude places look much larger than they actually are.