StackEngine Product Overview: Docker Management & Automation

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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StackEngine product overview - eliminates the Docker operations bottleneck by helping DevOps, development, and ops teams (1) bootstrap Docker into production, (2) discover, visualize, and manage small to large scale Docker deployments, and (3) intelligently automate change and configuration management for containers.

Transcript of StackEngine Product Overview: Docker Management & Automation

Product Overview:Docker Management & Automation

Manage Distributed Docker Deployments

● Setup a management mesh for distributed visibility and control

● Discover & track all your containers and hosts

● Troubleshoot Docker configuration and status issues


StackEngine Management Mesh

● Scalable across 100’s of hosts and 1000’s of containers

● Resilient architecture leveraging the Raft distributed consensus protocol

● Docker hosts and container discovery


Docker Operations Dashboard

● Monitor Docker container inventory and top-level status

● Snapshot overview of host and container health

● Drilldown to understand Docker configuration, container health, and related hosts


Docker Container Health & Actions

● Manage and monitor all your Docker containers from one view

● Control Docker containers: start, stop, pause, and un-pause Docker containers

● Sort and group by container state, hostname, command

● Identify all zombie containers, stopped or paused Docker images

● Identify Docker-Host dependencies


Host Capacity, Troubleshooting

● Manage capacity across Docker hosts and VMs

● Detect hosts with excess capacity to fit additional Docker containers

● Troubleshoot VMs at capacity or with zombie or rogue Docker containers


Search Containers, Hosts, & Images

● Find containers, hosts, images by name, state, ID

● Locate zombie Docker containers, rogue VMs

● Sort and organize docker ecosystem components


Docker Container & Host Config