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Stability of surface contacts for humanoid robots:Closed-form formulae of the Contact Wrench Cone for

rectangular support areasStéphane Caron, Quang-Cuong Pham, Yoshihiko Nakamura

To cite this version:Stéphane Caron, Quang-Cuong Pham, Yoshihiko Nakamura. Stability of surface contacts for hu-manoid robots: Closed-form formulae of the Contact Wrench Cone for rectangular support areas.ICRA: International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 2015, Seattle, United States.pp.5107-5112, �10.1109/ICRA.2015.7139910�. �hal-02108449�

Stability of Surface Contacts for Humanoid Robots:Closed-Form Formulae of the Contact Wrench Cone

for Rectangular Support Areas

Stephane Caron1, Quang-Cuong Pham2, Yoshihiko Nakamura1

Abstract— Humanoids locomote by making and breakingcontacts with their environment. Thus, a crucial question forthem is to anticipate whether a contact will hold or breakunder effort. For rigid surface contacts, existing methodsusually consider several point-contact forces, which has somedrawbacks due to the underlying redundancy. We derive acriterion, the Contact Wrench Cone (CWC), which is equivalentto any number of applied forces on the contact surface, andfor which we provide a closed-form formula.

It turns out that the CWC can be decomposed into threeconditions: (i) Coulomb friction on the resultant force, (ii) CoPinside the support area, and (iii) upper and lower bounds on theyaw torque. While the first two are well-known, the third oneis novel. It can, for instance, be used to prevent the undesiredfoot yaws observed in biped locomotion. We show that ourformula yields simpler and faster computations than existingapproaches for humanoid motions in single support, and assessits validity in the OpenHRP simulator.


From a mechanical point of view, establishing contact withthe environment amounts to constraining a certain numberof Degrees Of Freedom (DOF) of an end-effector link. Forinstance, a sliding planar contact imposes three equalityconstraints (two on the orientation of the link and one forthe link-to-surface distance) while a fixed contact constraintsall six DOFs of the end-effector link. A stability criterioncan be seen as a set of inequality constraints describing theconditions under which these equalities are preserved.

The Zero-Moment Point (ZMP) [1] criterion, namely thatthis point lies in the convex hull of ground contact points,may be the best-known example of stability criterion. It isknown [2] to be necessary but not sufficient for contact stabil-ity, as it is accounts for neither sliding in the horizontal planenor rotation around the vertical axis (yaw). Yet, humanoidrobots are often subject to significant yaw moments duringsingle support phases, resulting in undesired foot rotations.Attesting the importance of this problem, recent works havebeen using upper-body motions to compensate for these yawswhile continuing to use ZMP [3], [4].

A necessary and sufficient condition for the stability of thesix contact DOFs can be obtained by considering individualcontact forces distributed on the contact surface, as can befound e.g., in bipedal balance control [5] or motion planning[6], [7]. This approach is however hampered by redundancy:

1Department of Mechano-Informatics, The University of Tokyo, Japan,

2School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technolog-ical University, Singapore

the vector of contact forces has many more components(three times the number of contact points) than the DOFof the contact constraint (six). This redundancy impedes theinversion of the equations of motion, notably the use of state-of-the-art Inverse Dynamics based on QR-decomposition[8] (which do not apply to redundant force variables) 1.In Time-Optimal Path Parameterization (TOPP), redundancyprompted the use of further contact approximations [9] orexpensive polytope projection algorithms [7]. In the presentpaper, we argue that such workarounds can be avoided byusing a suitable contact representation (for instance, both [9]and [7] boil down to a single matrix inversion for a biped insingle-support, as we will see in Section V).

The key insight here is: distributed contact forces lie intheir respective friction cones if and only if the contactwrench belongs to a certain wrench cone [10], which we cal-culate. The contact wrench naturally solves the redundancyissue, as its dimension is minimal (six). In the context ofmulti-contact planning, it was advocated as a generalizationof ZMP in [2] and applied to walking on rough terrains[11], [12]. However, these works made the same “sufficientfriction” assumption as ZMP, meaning that the resultingcriterion does not account for sliding and yaw rotations.Besides, the contact wrench was computed from individualcontact forces, which we argue yields unnecessarily involvedcalculations: the wrench cone can be computed explicitlyfrom the sole geometry of the end-effectors in contact.

In the present communication, we derive the closed-formformulae of the wrench cone in the case of rectangularsupport areas, which is of practical importance since mosthumanoid robot feet can be adequately approximated byrectangles. This result simplifies dynamics computations,as we will see for humanoid motions. It also provides ananalytical description of “yaw friction”, from which wederive a control law to prevent undesirable yaw rotations.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section II,we recall the definitions related to contact stability. In SectionIII, we discuss the physics of surface contact and give atheoretical justification to the model where individual contactforces are applied at the vertices of the contact polygon.Then, in Section IV, we derive a closed-form expression ofthe wrench cone in the case of rectangular contact areas.

1 When this is not the case, the authors advocate the use of SingularValue Decomposition to compute new independent variables; however, theydo not mention how to compute the inequality constraints applying to thesenew variables.

We apply the resulting solution in a humanoid experiment inSection V before concluding in Section VI.


A. Contact Forces and Contact Wrench

Consider a robot with n degrees of freedom making Npoint contacts with the environment, at points C1, . . . , CN

in the laboratory frame. The equations of motion of the robotare:

M(q)q + h(q, q) = S>τa +


J(Ci)>fi, (1)

where q, q, q are the n-dimensional vectors of DOF values,velocities and accelerations, M is the n × n joint-inertiamatrix, h(q, q) the n-dimensional vector of gravity andCoriolis forces. In case the robot has na actuated joints,τa is the na-dimensional vector of torques at the actuatedjoints and S is the na×n joint selection matrix. Finally, foreach i ∈ [1, N ], fi is a 3-dimensional vector of contact force(in the laboratory frame) and J(Ci) is the 3× n translationJacobian calculated at point Ci.

We assume that both the environment and the contactinglink are rigid bodies. Thus, interactions between them can berepresented by a single contact wrench w = (f , τ ), whichone can compute from contact forces as:



fi, (2)



−−→OCi × fi, (3)

where O is the origin of the link frame. The contact jacobianJwr is the 6×n matrix obtained by stacking vertically J(O),the translation Jacobian computed at O, and Jrot, the rotationJacobian of the link, both taken with respect to the absoluteframe. With these definitions,

J>wrw =


J(Ci)>fi. (4)

(See Appendix A for calculations.) Thus, the equations ofmotion can be rewritten as:

M(q)q + h(q, q) = S>τa + J>wrw. (5)

B. Contact Stability

Assume now that the robot is in a given state (q, q). Then,accelerations q and generalized forces (actuated torques orcontact forces) are bound by a complementarity condition[13]. For the sake of explanation, let us describe first the caseof a single translation coordinate x, as depicted in Figure 1.Under Coulomb’s friction model, either of the followingsituations occurs :

• Fixed contact: x = 0 and the contact force obeys|f tc | ≤ µfnc , where f tc and fnc are the horizontal andvertical components of fc and µ is the static frictioncoefficient;





Fig. 1. Simple case of a body on a horizontal surface, with one DOF,under the action of three forces: its weight (mg), the resultant contact force(fc) and its inertial force (fa = [mx 0 0]).

• Sliding contact: x > 0 and the contact force obeysf tc = −µkf

nc , where µk is the kinetic friction coeffi-

cient.The acceleration x and contact force fc are in a complemen-tary relationship: when one is equality-constrained, the otheris inequality-constrained.

Similarly, when a six-DOF end-effector is in contact, itstranslational and rotational accelerations are in a comple-mentary relationship with some generalized contact forcesγ (here, γ = w or γ = (f1, . . . ,fN )). The contact modedescribes, for each variable in a complementary relationship,which of the acceleration or force variables is equality-or inequality-constrained. In the present work, we are in-terested in the fixed contact mode where the position andorientation of the end-effector are equality-constrained to areference value, all force variables being therefore inequality-constrained.

Definition 1 (Weak Contact Stability): A contact isweakly stable when there exists a solution (q, τa,γ) of theequations of motion satisfying the fixed contact mode forall contacting links. That is to say,• for each contact (i), the relative velocity and accelera-

tion at contact are zero: J(i)wrq = 0 and J

(i)wrq = −J(i)

wr q,• actuated torques τa are within torque limits,• complementary forces γ satisfy their inequality con-

straints (friction cones or wrench cone).This formulation has been widely used in the literature. In

approaches based on inverse dynamics, the first condition isfirst enforced kinematically, then torques and complementaryforces are solved [7], [8]. The “weakness” in the definitionabove refers to the notions of strong and weak stability, asstated by [13]. Strong stability happens when all solutionsto the equations of motion satisfy the fixed contact mode.

Note that choosing between contact forces and the contactwrench changes the equations of motion (Equations (1) and(5)) but the underlying contact stability is the same byEquation (4). In the rest of the paper, we will always referto contact stability in the weak sense.


Suppose we take contact forces f1, . . . ,fN as comple-mentary variables to the position and orientation of thecontacting link. Let fni and f t

i denote the normal and thetangential components of the contact force fi. Coulombfriction provides the complementary inequalities:

• Unilaterality: fni > 0, (6)

• Non-slippage: ‖f ti ‖ ≤ µfni , (7)

with µ is the static coefficient of friction.However, when the contact is mediated through a surface

and not through a set of points, the reality of contact iscontinuous. To account for this continuity, we model theaction of the environment at the surface S by two quanti-ties: a scalar field p(x, y) corresponding to normal pressure,and a two-dimensional vector field σ(x, y) for tangentialmechanical stress. Figure 2-(A) illustrates these two fieldsfor a rectangular contact area. For convenience, we also willdenote by ν def

= σ(x, y) + p(x, y)n, where n is the unitvector normal to the contact surface (pointing upward). Theequations of motion become

Mq + h = S>τa +


>ν(x, y)dxdy (8)

where J(Cxy) is the 3×n translation Jacobian calculated atthe point of coordinate Cxy on the surface. By analogy withits discrete counterpart (2)-(3), the wrench resulting fromν(x, y) is


∫Sν(x, y)dxdy, (9)



−−−→OCxy × ν(x, y)dxdy, (10)

where O is the origin of the link frame. Note how theresulting torque in Equation (10) involves infinitesimalforces ν(x, y) but not infinitesimal torques (under boundedforces, torques vanish when application points draw infinitelycloser). In other words, our model of surface contacts is acontinuum of point contacts.

Accordingly, under Coulomb friction, the inequality con-straints for ν(x, y) are:

• Unilaterality: p(x, y) > 0, (11)

• Non-slippage: ‖σ(x, y)‖ ≤ µ p(x, y). (12)

In the present literature, surface contact is often modeledusing sets of contact points. In the light of a continuousmodel, the proposition below gives a theoretical justificationfor this practice.

Proposition 1: Assume that the contact surface S is a con-vex polygon with vertices C1, . . . , CN . If there exists a field(x, y) 7→ ν(x, y) satisfying complementary inequalities (11)-(12), then there exists contact forces applied at C1, . . . , CN ,summing up to the same contact wrench, and satisfyingcomplementary inequalities (6)-(7).

Proof: consider pressure and stress fields summing upto w. By convexity, one can find barycentric coordinatesα1(x, y), . . . , αk(x, y), i.e., positive functions such that∑

i αi(x, y) = 1 and each point Cxy ∈ S can be writtenCxy =

∑i αi(x, y)Ci. Then, define for each vertex Ci a

forcefi :=

∫Sαi(x, y)ν(x, y)dxdy,

C1 C2





(A) (B)



Fig. 2. Contact in the surface plane. (A) Illustration of the stress field (bluearrows) and pressure field (red discs representing magnitude). (B) Notationsused in Section IV.

By positivity of the αi’s, it is straightforward to check thatall fni > 0 and ‖f t

i ‖ ≤ µfni . In addition, this expression offi ensures that the resulting wrenches are equal, i.e., (2) =(9) and (3) = (10). �

If Dirac fields are authorized, then one can show that theconverse implication of Proposition 1 is true. If not, whetherthis converse implication is true remains an open question.The bottom line of this argument is that the forces at thevertices of the convex hull completely render the dynamicsof the surface contact. The wrench cone that we derive inthe next section will share the same property.


While the wrench cone could be computed numericallyfor arbitrary contact surfaces by using the face-span manip-ulations presented in [14], [10]2, the analytical formula thatwe derive below gives insights into the nature of that conewhile grounding for more efficient downstream calculations.

Consider a rectangular area (C1C2C3C4) as depicted inFigure 2 (B). We calculate the contact wrenchw at the centerO in the link frame. Let us denote by (fxi , f

yi , f

zi ) the three

components of the contact force fi at point Ci, expressed inthe link frame. Under the common linear approximation offriction cones, Coulomb inequalities become

|fxi |, |fyi | ≤ µfzi (13)fzi > 0 (14)

The following proposition gives the analytical formulae forthe wrench cone.

Proposition 2 (Contact Wrench Cone): There exists a so-lution (f1, . . . ,f4) satisfying inequalities (13)-(14) if andonly if there exists a wrench w = (fx, fy, fz, τx, τy, τz)such that:

|fx| ≤ µfz (15)|fy| ≤ µfz (16)fz > 0 (17)|τx| ≤ Y fz (18)|τy| ≤ Xfz (19)

τzmin ≤ τz ≤ τzmax (20)

2also known as the double description method


τzmindef= −µ(X + Y )fz + |Y fx − µτx|+ |Xfy − µτy|,

τzmaxdef= +µ(X + Y )fz − |Y fx + µτx| − |Xfy + µτy|.

Provided that the kinematic contact equation is satisfied,this condition is necessary and sufficient for weak contactstability.

The proof of this proposition is given in Appendix B. Thevalidity of the formula was also tested empirically with ascript available at [15].

Let us now detail each line of the Contact Wrench Cone(CWC). The first two inequalities (15)-(16) correspond to theusual Coulomb friction. Inequalities (17), (18) and (19) areequivalent to having the CoP lie inside of the contact area.The last inequality (20) provides a bound on the admissibleyaw torque that was implicitely encoded in the contact-forcemodel.

Observe how this relation is more complex than “norotation occurs while τz is small enough”, as it is coupledwith all other components of the contact wrench. The yawtorque is bounded by τzmin and τzmax, both of which maybe either positive or negative (for instance, both becomenegative when the CoP nears the corner τx = Y fz , τy =Xfz of the support polygon). Notably, the “safest” value forτz is not zero but:

τzsafedef= (τzmin + τzmax)/2

= sgn(−fxτx)min(Y |fx|, µ|τx|)+ sgn(−fyτy)min(X|fy|, µ|τy|),

with sgn the sign function. From Equation (20), τz maydeviate from τzsafe by at most

µ(X + Y )fz −max(Y |fx|, µ|τx|)−max(X|fy|, µ|τy|).

We see from this rewriting that higher tangential forces orroll-pitch torques reduce the range of admissible yaw torques.In particular, when these other constraints are saturated(e.g., when the CoP reaches a corner of the support polygon),τzsafe is the only solution that prevents the contact frombreaking. Therefore, τz = τzsafe appears as a sensible controllaw to prevent undesired yaw rotations.


We test the CWC in the dynamics simulator OpenHRPwith a model of the HRP4 robot. Note that OpenHRP hasits own contact model where forces are distributed along theedges (not corners) of the contact surface.

We enforce the CWC within the Time-Optimal Path Pa-rameterization framework (TOPP), a well-known projectionof system dynamics along a pre-defined path that has beenused for motion planning of humanoid robots [7], [16], [9].We considered the case of a single contact at the left foot anddesigned a motion that would challenge all six contact DOFs.In single contact, the contact wrench is fully determined bythe unactuated rows of the equation of motion, i.e.,

w = (PJwr)−1P [M(q)q + h(q, q)]

where P = I − S is the 6 × n projector on the free-flyingcoordinates. The matrix PJwr is non-singular thanks to theuse of the contact wrench.

For this experiment, we designed by hand a set of elevenkey postures. The geometric path was obtained by interpolat-ing Bezier curves between these postures and using inversekinematics to fix the position and orientation of the supportfoot on the ground. To time this path into a trajectory, weused the open-source TOPP solver [17]. The solver takesas input the path and a vector representation of the systemdynamics along it, which is easy to compute once one knowsthe projectors mentioned above (see [9] for details). As iscommon with numerical TOPP solvers, we added safetymargins in the CWC computations input to TOPP: the footdimensions X and Y were scaled by 70% (versus 100% inOpenHRP) and the friction coefficient set to µ = 0.4 (versusµ = 0.8 in OpenHRP).

Figure 3 shows a timelapse of the final retimed motion. Avideo is also available online at [15]. Because time optimalityyields bang-bang control laws, the retimed motion alwayssaturates at least one of the contact constraints. Therefore,trying to execute it faster should result in the end-effectorbreaking surface contact, e.g., tipping on the edge of thefoot. We observed this phenomenon in the experiment, asdepicted in Figure 4. Note that, as we used HRP4’s stabilizerwhile executing the motion, it was still possible in practiceto accelerate the motion by about 5% (i.e., reducing the totalduration by 5% with uniform time scaling) whithout noticingany change in contact stability.


In this paper, we calculated the closed-form expression ofthe Contact Wrench Cone for rectangular contact surfaces.This formula has several implications. First, it is very simple,making computations easier than other models based oncontact forces. Second, it describes the phenomenon of yawfriction by a double inequality that is, to the best of ourknowledge, novel. From these bounds, we derived a simplecontrol law to avoid undesired foot rotations, a recurringproblem for bipeds in single contact. We also assessed thevalidity of the CWC condition in dynamics simulations.

The mathematical derivation of the wrench cone formula(Appendix B) can be carried out for parametric shapes otherthan rectangles. We are surveying this application as partof future work, as well as the combination of local wrenchcones into the gravito-inertial wrench [2].


This work was partially supported by Tier 1 grantn◦ RG109/14 awarded by Singapore MOE to the secondauthor.


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0.8 1.6 2.4 4.0 4.83.2 6.45.6 7.2

Fig. 3. Snapshots of the retimed motion. Total duration is 7.3 s. Time stamps are shown below each frame. The motion stresses all components of thewrench cone. The first segment stresses the pitch by moving the CoP forward. The second stresses the rool through arm motions. Meanwhile, the yawcomponent is stressed by chest-pitch motions. Finally, the waist performs an elliptic motion (back and forth, up and down) throughout the whole motion,thus stressing the translation of the contact foot.

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A. Proof of Equation 4

The rotation Jacobian satisfies ω = Jrotq, where ω is therotation velocity of the link. As a consequence of this, forany point C on the link and any vector u, one has(


)>u = J>rot

(−−→OC × u

). (21)

Next, the position of any point Ci of the link in the absoluteframe is related to that of its origin O by Ci = O +


The corresponding translation Jacobian is J(Ci) = ∂Ci

∂q =

J(O) + ∂−−→OCi

∂q . Thus,∑i J(Ci)

>fi = J(O)>∑

i fi +∑





The first term of the expression equals the translation compo-nent of J>wrw. By applying (21), we see that the second termequals J>rot(

−−→OCi×fi). Factoring J>rot out of the summation

yields the rotation component of J>wrw. �

B. Calculation of the Wrench Cone

The wrench is defined by (2)-(3) as:

fx = fx1 + fx2 + fx3 + fx4fy = fy1 + fy2 + fy3 + fy4fz = fz1 + fz2 + fz3 + fz4τx = Y (fz1 − fz2 − fz3 + fz4 )τy = −X(fz1 + fz2 − fz3 − fz4 )τz = X(fy1 + fy2 − f

y3 − f

y4 )− Y (fx1 − fx2 − fx3 + fx4 ).

By unilaterality (14) we have fz > 0, so we can define:

K1 := fx/µfz C1 := τx/Y fz

K2 := fy/µfz C2 := τy/Xfz

K3 := τz/µ(X + Y )fz Di := fzi /∑

i fzi

px := X/(X + Y ) py := Y/(X + Y )αxi := fxi /µf

zi αy

i := fyi /µfzi

and normalize the system by dividing each row accordingly.From the non-slippage constraint (13), we have αx

i , αyi and

Di ∈ [−1, 1]. Then, introduce the new variables:

γx = αx1D1 + αx

4D4 γ′x = αx2D2 + αx


γy = αy1D1 + αy

2D2 γ′y = αy3D3 + αy


We can reduce the complete system in two ways. First, usingthe fact that the relation M from α to γ is a linear surjectionfrom [−1, 1]8 to M[−1, 1]8 = {|γx|yi | ≤ Dj + Dk} (thecomputation of antecedents being straightforward). Sincethere is no other constraint on the αi’s than their domainand relation to γi’s, one can obtain an equivalent system byreplacing α ∈ [−1, 1]8 by γ ∈ M[−1, 1]8. Then, the threeequations in Di’s are:

1 = D1 +D2 +D3 +D4,C1 = D1 −D2 −D3 +D4,C2 = −D1 −D2 +D3 +D4,

By linear combination, we can use them to rewrite M[−1, 1]8as: 2|γx| ≤ 1+C1, 2|γ′x| ≤ 1−C1, 2|γy| ≤ 1−C2, 2|γ′y| ≤1+C2. Finally, using the same equations, one can express allDi’s as functions of, e.g., D4. The inequalities D ∈ [0, 1]4

become:−1 + C1 ≤ 2D4 ≤ 1 + C1

C1 + C2 ≤ 2D4 ≤ 2 + C1 + C2

−1 + C2 ≤ 2D4 ≤ 1 + C2

0 ≤ 2D4 ≤ 2

This system has solutions if and only if all lower bounds aresmaller than all upper bounds. Matching all pairs of lowerand upper bounds one by one (we will show an example ofthis technique below in a more complex situation), one can

check that all these inequalities boil down to C1 ∈ [−1, 1]and C2 ∈ [−1, 1]. The complete system is now:

K1 = γx + γ′x K2 = γy + γ′yK3 = px(γy − γ′y)− py(γx − γ′x)

2|γx| ≤ 1 + C1 2|γ′x| ≤ 1− C1

2|γy| ≤ 1− C2 2|γ′y| ≤ 1 + C2

And (C1, C2) ∈ [−1, 1]2. One can use the first threeequations to eliminate the redundant variables γ′x, γy andγ′y , expressing them as functions of γx in the inequalityconstraints. After simplification, the resulting system is:

2pyγx ≤ py(1 + C1) (22)2pyγx ≤ py(1− C1) + 2pyK1 (23)2pyγx ≤ px(1− C2)−K3 + pyK1 − pxK2 (24)2pyγx ≤ px(1 + C2)−K3 + pyK1 + pxK2 (25)2pyγx ≥ −py(1 + C1) (26)2pyγx ≥ −py(1− C1) + 2pyK1 (27)2pyγx ≥ −px(1− C2)−K3 + pyK1 − pxK2 (28)2pyγx ≥ −px(1 + C2)−K3 + pyK1 + pxK2 (29)

And (C1, C2) ∈ [−1, 1]2. There exist a solution γx if andonly if all of its lower bounds are smaller than all of its upperbounds. Let us match all pairs of lower bounds (26)-(29) andupper bounds (22)-(25). One can check that:• (26) ≤ (22) ⇔ C1 ≥ −1

• (26) ≤ (23) ⇔ K1 ≥ −1

• (26) ≤ (24) ⇔ K3 − pyK1 + pxK2 − pyC1 + pxC2 ≤ 1

• (26) ≤ (25) ⇔ K3 − pyK1 − pxK2 − pyC1 − pxC2 ≤ 1

• (27) ≤ (22) ⇔ K1 ≤ 1

• (27) ≤ (23) ⇔ C1 ≤ 1

• (27) ≤ (24) ⇔ K3 + pyK1 + pxK2 + pyC1 + pxC2 ≤ 1

• (27) ≤ (25) ⇔ K3 + pyK1 − pxK2 + pyC1 − pxC2 ≤ 1

• (28) ≤ (22) ⇔ −K3 + pyK1 − pxK2 − pyC1 + pxC2 ≤ 1

• (28) ≤ (23) ⇔ −K3 − pyK1 − pxK2 + pyC1 + pxC2 ≤ 1

• (28) ≤ (24) ⇔ C2 ≤ 1

• (28) ≤ (25) ⇔ K2 ≥ −1

• (29) ≤ (22) ⇔ −K3 + pyK1 + pxK2 − pyC1 − pxC2 ≤ 1

• (29) ≤ (23) ⇔ −K3 − pyK1 + pxK2 + pyC1 − pxC2 ≤ 1

• (29) ≤ (24) ⇔ K2 ≤ 1

• (29) ≤ (25) ⇔ C2 ≥ −1

Consequently, the complete system becomes:K3 ≤ 1− pyK1 − pxK2 − pyC1 − pxC2

K3 ≤ 1− pyK1 + pxK2 − pyC1 + pxC2

K3 ≤ 1 + pyK1 − pxK2 + pyC1 − pxC2

K3 ≤ 1 + pyK1 + pxK2 + pyC1 + pxC2

K3 ≥ −1 + pyK1 + pxK2 − pyC1 − pxC2

K3 ≥ −1 + pyK1 − pxK2 − pyC1 + pxC2

K3 ≥ −1− pyK1 + pxK2 + pyC1 − pxC2

K3 ≥ −1− pyK1 − pxK2 + pyC1 + pxC2

And (K1,K2, C1, C2) ∈ [−1, 1]4. In a more concise form,these last eight inequalities can be written

K3 ≥ −1 + py|K1 − C1|+ px|K2 − C2|,K3 ≤ +1− py|K1 + C1| − px|K2 + C2|.

We conclude by de-normalizing all inequalities. �