STA Tour of Italy Brochure

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This brochure introduces the St. Teresa's Academy Tour of Italy in June 2012.

Transcript of STA Tour of Italy Brochure

June 9 to June 17, 2012

Itour of taly

t. teresa’s academy invites you to a guided tour of the history of Rome, Florence, and Tuscany during a June 2012 trip to Italy. Join fellow STA

alumnae, parents and friends of the academy for a week of art, food, photography, Catholic

culture, and so much more.Explore this brochure for more details

about highlights, your tour guides and all of the extras included in this unique STA trip.

Sabout how to make your travel photographs into art. Plus, he will create images of sites and people within tour group.

…Customized trip itinerary and information. With guide notes and a unique list of attractions, Eric and Kelly will lead you through Italy as you could never see it on your own.

…Two private STA group banquets…The travel companionship of fellow Stars with

STA president Nan Bone, alumnae director Kathleen Barry, and other travelers who, like you, love St. Teresa’s.

Not included……Supplemental cost for single

accommodation: $800…Trip insurance

erIc tHomas will help travelers capture the best possible photographs. Thomas is a former professional photojournalist, current adviser of STA’s award-winning publications, and digital photography teacher.

KeLLy Fast will organize and lead many of the tours along with creating an entertaining, educational, and relaxing visit to Italy. Fast teaches literature, Classics, and Shakespeare to STA juniors and seniors.June 9 to June 17, 2012

tour HIgHLIgHts

IN RomE……St. Peter’s Basilica with guided tour of Vatican

museums, including the Sistine Chapel

…A tour of the Vatican Necropolis, the site of St. Peter’s tomb (known as the Scavi Tour)

…walking tour of the Colosseum and Forum

…visits to art and culture at the Capitoline museum and the Borghese Gallery & museum

…optional strolls through sites like…• Trastevere, a neighborhood for dining and culture• Campo dei Fiori, an Italian outdoor city market• time to explore more of the outdoor museum that is

Rome: Pantheon, Piazza Navona, Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps

Itour of taly

WHo: up to 20 adults connected to St. Teresa’s Academy whether as alumnae, parents, or friends of the school

WhAT: a 9-day trip to Italy……3 to 4 days in Rome…3 to 4 days touring Tuscan cities and sites.

WhERE: The guides for the trip will depart from Kansas City. however, a traveler from outside KC could meet the group for our final domestic departure. We will travel on private touring coaches for airport transfers and travel from Rome to Florence, and within Tuscany

WhEN: Saturday, June 9 to Sunday, June 17, 2012

KatHLeen Barry will assist with planning and serve as point person for questions leading up to the trip. Barry, sta’s alumnae director and an sta alum, will ensure plans flow smoothly.

nan Bone, STA graduate and current president of St. Teresa’s Academy, looks forward to reconnecting with alumnae, friends and family of the Academy during this very special trip.

IN FloRENCE……seeing the highlights: the Uffizi Gallery, a grand art

museum, and the Academy, home of michelangelo’s David

…The Bargello and the opera del Duomo, two other marvelous art museums

…the iconic architecture of the Duomo and Baptistry of San Giovani

…the Catholic heritage of churches like Santa Croce and Santa maria Novella

…a visit to San miniato al monte for evening vespers by resident Benedictine monks

IN TUSCANy……a Tuscan countryside cuisine and vineyard tour

…a day trip to Siena, a medieval walled city on a hill with great architecture, shopping and cuisine

Q: Where can I find more information about the cost of the trip?a: Please see the back of this brochure.

Q: What if I would like more information about the STA Tour of Italy 2012?a: Please contact Alumnae Director Kathleen

Barry… …by email at …by phone at (816) 501-0023…or by mail at Kathleen Barry, Attn: Tour

of Italy, 5600 main Street, Kansas City missouri 64113

Q: What if I am ready to commit to the tour by submitting my deposit? a: Please send a $1,000 deposit for airfare

reservation……as a check payable to “STA” …mail to Kathleen Barry, Attn: Tour of Italy,

5600 main Street, Kansas City missouri 64113…due by october 1, 2011

June 9 to June 17, 2012Itour of taly

$4,750 package price includes……International air travel from Kansas City to Rome…International air travel from Florence to Kansas

City…8 nights lodging with breakfasts included…Private in-country coach service…major tourist and museum attraction fees…Private cultural guide and experienced Italy tour

host Kelly Fast. An STA literature teacher, Kelly has led three cultural excursions to Italy. From these experiences and his extensive reading of the Classics, Kelly will bring meaning and history to the beautiful sites of Italy

…Individual photography advice from STA photography teacher Eric Thomas. From his work as a professional photographer, Eric will share tips

about how to make your travel photographs into art. Plus, he will create images of sites and people within tour group.

…Customized trip itinerary and information. With guide notes and a unique list of attractions, Eric and Kelly will lead you through Italy as you could never see it on your own.

…Two private STA group banquets…The travel companionship of fellow Stars with

STA president Nan Bone, alumnae director Kathleen Barry, and other travelers who, like you, love St. Teresa’s.

Not included……Supplemental cost for single

accommodation: $800…Trip insurance