St. Peter Please consider signing up for July Worship duties, sign … · 2015-06-30 · 2014 2015...

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Transcript of St. Peter Please consider signing up for July Worship duties, sign … · 2015-06-30 · 2014 2015...


St. Peter

Lutheran Church

1075 Adams Street

Fennimore, WI 53809

Church: 822-6513

Parsonage: 822-6353



July 2015


Coffee Hour & Acolyte & Flower Schedule 1 July Birthdays/June Attend 1 Financial Information 2 Pastor’s Ponderings 2 Church Council Minutes 2-3 WELCA 3-4 Come to Supper 5 Community Bloodmobile 5

Youth Gathering Detroilt 5

5K LutherRUN4DEREK 6

Volunteers Needed 7

Sugar Creek 6

Baptisms, Weddings, All who Grieve


In Memoriam 7

Love without End 7

Calendar 8 Thank you to everyone who helped in any way with the St. Peter Market Place held on June 20. With your support and giving we were able to donate over $1000.00 to the Swimming Pool fund and Fennimore Memorial Park fund! Special thanks to Bill and Brenda for the bouncy house it was a big hit, and to Brandee for her message during the service.

Please consider signing up for July Worship duties, sign up at church or call the office for open dates.

ACOLYTES July 5 9:00 Robin Connely & Alexis Easler July 12 9:00 Kevin Griswold & Reid Larson July 19 9:00 Jared Everitt & Robin Connely July 26 9:00 Breelyn Neuroth & Bradley Cooley Aug. 2 9:00 Mariah Kopp & Isabella M-Cauffman FLOWERS July 4-5 Doug Daechsel July 12-13 Oechsle Family July 19-20 Barbara Gratz July 26-27 Dean & Nancy Vogel COFFEE HOUR July 5 Sherry Freymiller July 12 Tammy & Eric Nelson July 19 OPEN July 26 Detroit Youth Kids

* Happy Birthday!!!!

To Our “80 & OVER” Birthday!

Caroline Eisele (86)……………….July 28

* * * * * *

JUNE ATTENDANCE 2014 2015 1st weekend services NA 78 2nd weekend services 90 57 3rd weekend services 92 68 4th weekend services 95 133 Ave. for weekends 92 84

* * * * * * *

EAGLES WINGS MEETS Please note that Eagle Wings will not meet the

rest of the summer. Hope to resume in September..



By Phil Nelson Balance 4/30/15 $ 1,137.01 May Receipts & Transfers $ 11,373.71 Subtotal $ 12,510.72 May Disbursements $ 12,009.83 Balance 05/31/2015 $ 500.89

* * * * * * *


June 7 Offering ………........$ 3,210.00 June 14 Offering ……….…...$ 2,197.91 June 21 Offering .…………..$ 1,856.50 June 28 Offering ………….….$ 3,117.25


June 7 Offering ………. $ 595.00 June 14 Offering ………..$ 63.00 June 21 Offering …….…..$ 453.00 June 28 Offering …….…..$ 1,190.00 Monthly Building Funds Rec ….…$ 2,301.00 Building Funds Needed Month....$ 1,865.00

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pastor’s Ponderings

CARPENTER I am reading a book entitled “Zealot”, a reflection on Jesus life and meaning. The author grew up in a home where at its best religion was very marginal. Then he attended a conference and as he puts it, “met Jesus for the first time.” His early chapters do a historical analysis of life in Palestine from the birth of Jesus in 5 AD to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. 70 AD is an important date because it is at that time that 3 different communities collected and put the stories of Jesus together in what we now call Mark, Matthew and Luke. I found out something I did not know as I read those early chapters. While we call Jesus a

carpenter there is only one verse in the gospels that uses that designation. Mark 6:3 Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon, and are not his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him

He went on to say two very interesting things about being a carpenter. First of all it is quite likely that Jesus was more a stone mason than a hammer and nails carpenter. There was precious little wood available and Nazareth was a town made up of lower class people with little to spend on tables and chairs. The second thing that caught my attention was that Jesus most likely worked in the big city as a stone cutter. When he was past his usefulness as stone worker he began to take what he heard, saw, and experienced and began to follow a new vocation; that of itinerant preacher. Jesus took as he saw and did and put it in service to the voice and leading of the God he called, Abba (near one, papa). Jesus was not isolated in a wood working shop making furniture for the wealthy. Jesus was among the people sweating under a grueling sun engaged in hard labor. That indeed is our Savior. Jesus did not sit on a soft pillow in heaven above the fray. He sweat and bled and was executed because of a love that never let him go. Jesus passion grew from toiling and listening and caring. That is the kind of carpenter than changes us and a world transformed by the near Kingdom of God.

* * * * * * *


May 19, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Aaron Peterson and opened with devotion by Aaron Peterson. Present were: Phil Nelson, Tony Bunn, Ingeborg Froiland, Leslie Larson, Renee Friesen, Tammy Nelson, Bethany Baumgartner and Martha

Total Monthly General funds received

$ 10,381.66

Approx. General Funds needed monthly

$ 14,365.00


Hestad. Absent: Dave Cauffman Jr., Brandee Lendosky and Pastor Miller.

The minutes of the March meeting were

reviewed. Renee moved to approve the minutes, second by Bethany. Motion carried.

Phil Nelson presented the Aprils treasurer’s

report. He stated that the 2015 contributions from the three main sources are lagging about $7,000 behind the amounts contributed in 2014. As a result he had to withdraw $2,500 for Future needs savings to meet the payroll at the end of the month. Ingeborg moved to approve the treasurer’s report, second by Leslie. Motion carried.

Pastor Miller – Absent Committee Reports: Vice President/Memorials – Rich Neisius had no memorials to report. Building and Grounds – Dave has contracted Krause to find out when they planned on coming back. He has not gotten a response yet. He will keep working on that. The stump left from the tree that was removed last month will be taken care of next week weather permitting. Niles Tree Service will be doing it for approximately $300.

Evangelism – Tammy Arrived late. Nothing was reported. Finance – Renee Friesen has nothing new to report. Renee is having troubles doing the deposits on Mondays because of her work schedule. Aaron will ask Merry about making the deposit. Parish Education – Absent. Decorating for VBS will be Sunday June 7 after the 9:00 service. Social Action – Bethany said that the “Lutherun” is planned for August 8. June 20

th is the day for the

Marketplace from 9-3 with a service at 3:00. The money made will be split between the Memorial Park and the Pool Fund. She also noted that Brandee will be selling and signing her book “ A Note From an Angle” that day. Stewardship – OPEN Worship – Ingeborg noted we have started with the summer service schedule. They have begun planting of flowers outside the church.

Youth – Nothing new to report. Correspondence – Aaron passed around a very nice “Thank You” note we received from Shelly Harline at the food pantry. Old Business: None New Business:

WELCA: Martha informed the committee that last Sunday the quilts made by the Sew and Sews were handed out to the 5 graduating seniors.

The women for the church have also decided to ask for a $150 donation for funeral luncheons.

The next council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 16th, 2015; at 6:30 p.m. Rich volunteered to do devotions.

Ingeborg Froiland made a motion to adjourn the meeting, second by Renee Friesen. The motion carried and the meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Respectfully submitted by Leslie Larson


The church's Facebook page has been

switched over from "friend-able" to

"likeable"! If you were already St. Peter

Lutheran Church's "friend" then you "like"

us now. So if you haven't already, please

"like" us on Facebook! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

WELCA – July 2015 Respectfully submitted by Lisa Riley, President The first General Meeting WELCA will be held on June 28. Meeting starts at 10:15 a.m. after church service. This meeting is for ALL women of the church. Please join us and learn more about WELCA and be involved! Sewing Event will be held on Friday, July 24, 2015

.. from 9 a.m. – 2:00 pm * Thank you to the cooks, prep workers, servers, and cleanup crew that helped at the Senior Recognition Banquet on Monday, May 4.


* Thank you to all of our fantastic bakers that donated to the Bake Sale for Marketplace.

Cause of the months - July, August, September: School Kits To the children who receive School Kits, these supplies mean the difference between getting an education or not. In the locations where LWR

works, many families cannot afford the supplies needed for school.

Four 70-sheet notebooks (wide or college ruled)

One blunt scissors (metal preferred)

One 12-inch/ 30-centimeter ruler

One pencil sharpener

Five new pencils with erasers

One eraser approximately 2½ ” long

Five Ballpoint Pens (no gel ink pens)

One box of 16 or 24 crayons

The WELCA Executive Board will not meet in July. The next WELCA Executive Board Meeting will be held on Monday, August 3, 2015 at 6:00 pm.

WELCA Executive Board

June 1, 2015

President Lisa Riley welcomed the Executive Board. Sharon Beer gave the devotion. Others present were Christy Cooley, Pauline Boebel, Jan Fitzsimons, Jane Soman, Martha Hestad, Karen Campbell, and Pastor Miller. Absent were Loretta Kephart and Bonnie Gilbertson. The secretary’s report for the May meeting was read by Vice-president Martha Hestad. Motion by Karen Campbell to approve the minutes, second by Jane Soman. The motion carried. The Treasurer’s report was given by Karen Campbell. Motion by Christy Cooley to approve the report, second by Pauline Boebel. The motion carried.

Old Business

Memorials to deceased WELCA members - Barbara Birchman, $20 to St. Peter Memorial Fund.

Church Council Meeting report - Martha attended the May meeting. Market Place will be June 20.

New Business

Camperships for Sugar Creek attendees o There will be 4 full week and 1 half

week attendees so far this summer. A motion was made by Martha Hestad to approve campership for Sugar Creek for $100 full week and $50 half week. Second by Pauline Boebel. Motion carried. Because 3 are from 1 family, there is a family discount. So total of $346 paid so far this year from WELCA.

We will schedule a Sewing Event for July 24 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

WELCA will have a bake sale for Market Place on June 20 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Details were discussed and volunteers set.

Mission Group Reports Stewardship (Jane/Christy) - Jane has

gotten a lot of items for the kits from garage sales this spring. Sew n’ Sews are done for the summer, will begin again in September.

Justice (Jan) - June 12-13 is the date for biennial convention workshop. Ingeborg Froiland will attend as our representative. Jan is applying to be on the board again for 2 years. Reminder that June 16 is voting day for the Fennimore school referendum.

Discipleship (Pauline) - Pauline has 2 more books read and will put a review in the bulletins.

Other Business

Cause of the month for June is Baby Care Kits. Cause of the month for July, August, & September is School Kits. The WELCA General Meeting will be June 28 after the 9 a.m. service. Pastor Miller Time - Reported on 2 parishioners who have had surgery or upcoming surgery. Next Executive Team meeting will be on August 3, 2015 at 6:00 pm (taking July off). A motion was made by Jane Soman to adjourn, seconded by Jan Fitzsimons. Motion carried and we closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Submitted by Sharon

Beer, Secretary.



The next Come for Supper meal is

Wednesday, July 15th from

4:30-7:00pm at Fennimore United

Methodist Church. St. Peter is

down to bring bars and milk look for sign up in

the fellowship hall.

Upcoming Meals

Wednesday, August 19

Wednesday, September 16

Thank you, Tara Faulkner


Fennimore Community Blood Mobile,

Fennimore Memorial Building, Thursday, July 30,

11:30 am till 5:30 pm. Bring a friend and help save lives



"You never know when an emergency will happen. A home burns and a family is displaced; a tornado hits and a shelter needs to be opened. You can be trained and ready to help. The American Red Cross is actively recruiting volunteers to serve Grant County as disaster responders, nurses, mental health counselors, blood drive ambassadors, and preparedness educators. Utilize your talents and time building a safer, more resilient community. Expect a long-term commitment that is flexible to fit your needs. For more information contact 877-618-6628

ext. 5822 or email or apply

on line at"



The ELCA Youth Gathering for high school-age youth takes place every three years and is about faith formation, worship, study, fellowship, service and play. The theme for the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering this year is Rise Up Together It is an opportunity for youth to engage with peers from across the United States and the world who share a common commitment and faith in Christ. The next Gathering is July 15-19, 2015, in Detroit, Michigan. Prayers are with our 5 youth from St. Peter who will be attending the Gathering this year: Brian and Bradley Cooley, Tucker Trefz, Aspen Neisius, Isabella Glassbrenner and Becky Trefz as their chaperone. Have a safe trip and know that God and your St. Peter Family will be with you all. Make sure and have a great time!


We Welcome through the

Sacrament of Baptism

June 27, 2015 Brogan Michael Baumgartner,

Son of Josh & Bethany Baumgartner

June 28, 2015 Tatum Cambry Wood

Daughter of Ben & Trish Wood


Congratulations to Ed & Cynthia

Runde on their wedding held here on

Saturday June 20, 2015 God’s

blessings on your marriage and new

life together.

Congratulations to Steve & Jodee

Argall on their wedding held here on

Saturday June 20, 2015 God’s

blessings on your marriage and new

life together.


We wish to remember all those who

grieve the deaths of the following loved ones during the month of June

Blessed be their remembrance Cameron Kretschman Burnell Bodenbender

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IN MEMORIAM

Memorial gifts was given in memory of Harold Munns, George Larson and Barbara

Birchman to the Raise the Roof Fund by Harriet Copus,

Tom and Lori Needham, Marilyn Ketterer, Clarice Calhoun,

Marty & Charity Bray, the Sews & Sews and the

Family of Barbara Birchman.

Thank you for these memorial gifts!

Love Without End

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches

of God’s grace. Ephesians 1:7

Don’t you think the best time for a garden is winter – at least in the Midwest, where we live. If there’s snow on the ground, so much the better. we can pore through the seed catalogs, admiring the beauty, with not one weed in sight. In July, as we kneel beside our hoe to rest, it’s a much

different story. Thistles, blisters, sunburn, and heat all conspire to convince us that we made a big mistake in April when we began to plant. Will the tomatoes, the cucumbers, the zucchini that survive the

squirrels, make all this sweat worthwhile? In April, we are sure of it. But in July, serious doubts begin creeping in, we are tempted to give up when the task demands, more and more effort. Our tendency to abandon our commitments makes it easier for us to wonder about our Lord’s commitment to us. We ask ourselves “At what point will he stand up, dust off his hands, and decide that loving us is no longer worth it?” So how about it? Can you use up your quota of God’s grace? Can you pray too often or ask for too many things? Will he decide to walk away in disgust or frustration as others in your life perhaps have? No, no, a thousand times no! From eternity past your Lord has loved you, and his measureless love for you will never stop flowing. In Christ, we have redemption, the bible tells us. His love and pardon are objective facts, ever-present realities, because God is rich in grace toward us in the cross of his Son. And now, we get to let that love overflow into the lives of others, even when it’s hard – especially when it’s hard!

Lord, you will never give up on me. Thank-you! Now, please give me everything I need to show that same

kind of steadfast love to others in my life, especially…

Adapted from a book of daily devotions by Jane L. Fryar

“Loved beyond Measure”

Senior Quilt Day, May 17,


Taylor Riley,

Dakota Gratz and

Khalil Clayborn


St. Peter Lutheran July 2015 Fennimore, Wisconsin

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4


Independence Day!

* 5 pm Worship/Holy



* 9 am Worship/Holy


* Ackerman Baptism

* Good Samaritan Service

6 7

* 1:15 pm Good Sam


8 9

* 7:45am Men's


10 11

* 1 pm Schrader Bridal Shower

* 5 pm Worship/Holy



* 9 am Worship/Holy


* 5pm Hill Toppers 4H


13 14

10:30 Morning Side

service in Lancaster


Youth Gathering

trip to Detroit

* 4:30-7pm Come to

Supper @FUMC


* 7:45am Men's


17 18

* 1 – 3pm Riley Shower

* 5 pm Worship/Holy


* Teige Baptism


* 9 am Worship/Holy


* 10am All Church Semi

Annual Meeting

*Youth return from



* 6pm Gideon’s



* 6:30pm Council


22 23 24

* 9 - 2pm

WELCA Sewing



* 11:30am Hoehne Baby


* 5 pm Worship/Holy



* 9 am Worship/Holy


* Noon Cauffman Family


27 28 29 30 31