St. Paul’s · St. Paul’s...

Post on 23-Aug-2020

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Transcript of St. Paul’s · St. Paul’s...

St. Paul’s Messenger

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Week 20

Mission Outreach Opportunity

Support Neighborhood House

Wednesday Night 6-8:00 PM

August 12

Our friends at Neighborhood House still need help replenishing their supplies, stocking the pantry,

and serving the community of Southbridge. St. Paul’s will host a drive-by/drop-off collection

event on Wednesday, August 12 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Non-perishable food items of particular

need include tuna, canned fruit, soups/chili, peanut butter and jelly, cereals, and oatmeal. Expired

items will not be accepted. Also, other items needed include hand soap and sanitizer, toiletries,

paper towels and toilet paper, cleaning products and rubber gloves, and adult disposable


To ensure everyone’s health and safety and to adhere to social distancing requirements, please stay

in your vehicle. Pop open your trunk, or unlock your back door (tailgate)/rear passenger door. A

volunteer will remove the bag(s) from your vehicle.

Monetary donations via check payable to Neighborhood House will be accepted on Wednesday

evening or mailed directly to Neighborhood House at 1218 B Street, Wilmington, DE 19801. And,

online donations can be made via Items and donations will be

delivered to Neighborhood House on Thursday morning, August 13. Any questions? Contact

Karen Pollack (302-475-8180; or Pastor Dave McMillan



~ by David M. Finch

Is character



vital lie

a path to


or learned


Do we measure

its form



the cowards

who waffle


the brave ones

who fight?

Is it something

we use

to secure relief

then return



its sheaf?


is character



a measure of

deep spontaneity





“And when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left,

your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying,

‘This is the way; walk in it.” - Isaiah 30:21

“The whole way to heaven is heaven itself.” – Teresa of Avila

Don’t let anyone ever tell you that I don’t show my wife a good time. This past Sunday afternoon,

I took her rafting down the Brandywine Creek, from around Smithbridge Road down to Route 92.

I had a couple of old blue rafts in the basement that I blew up the best I could, but still folded in

the middle, like a sandwich, when you sat on them. But, once we were in the water awhile, and

got the hang of it, if you carefully distributed the weight of your body you could actually lie flat

on your back. Except for occasionally running aground, it was an exhilarating experience!

For the past year, Kim and I have been walking along a trail that shadows the Brandywine for

exercise. It’s a worn path that we now know well. On our excursions, we’ve watched as

individuals and families have floated along in the creek beside us talking and laughing, some

apparently sleeping, and others drinking beer. We thought, we should give it a try.

In her book A Geography of Faith: An Altar in the World, Barb Brown Taylor writes “What is

saving my life now is the conviction that there is no spiritual treasure to be found apart from the

bodily experiences of human life on earth. My life depends on engaging the most ordinary physical

activities with the most exquisite attention I can give them.” She goes on to say that there are

many altars in the world, “ordinary physical activities,” where we can meet up with God – cooking,

eating, singing, bathing, watching a squirrel pillage your bird feeder from the comfort of your back

porch. “The treasure we seek requires no lengthy expedition, no expensive equipment, no superior

aptitude or special company. All we lack is the willingness to imagine that we already have

everything we need. The only thing missing is our consent to be where we are.”

Floating down the Brandywine on a raft, on my back, facing upward to the sky and sun, was “an

altar in the world” experience for me. Passing beneath tree tops and small puffs of clouds,

starlings, crows, a kingfisher, and blue heron, while floating on the water just inches above brightly

colored river rocks, felt like a moment out of time – no appointments to keep, sermons to write,

bills to pay, just being there, fully present, with God, where I was, beside my wife, having

everything I needed. – Pastor Dave

Prayers for the Mission of the Church

For the Mission of the Church

By your will, O God,

we go out into the world

with good news of your undying love,

and minister in the midst of human need

to sow wonders of your grace.

We pray for men and women

who minister for you in their workplace

in places of business,

community centers, schools, prisons,

hospitals, and nursing homes.

May they be strengthened by our concern,

and supported by our gifts.

Do not let them be discouraged,

but make them brave and glad

and hopeful in your word;

through Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen. The Worship book: Service, Westminster Press

For the Mission of the Church

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:

where there is hatred, let me sow love;

where there is injury, pardon;

where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope;

where there is darkness, light;

where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek

to be consoled as to console,

to be understood as to understand,

to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive,

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,

and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen. St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226)

Turkey's president formally makes Hagia Sophia a mosque

On July 10, the president of Turkey formally converted Istanbul's sixth-century Hagia Sophia

back into a mosque and declared it open for Muslim worship, hours after a high court annulled

a 1934 decision that had made the religious landmark a museum. The decision sparked deep

dismay among Orthodox Christians. Originally a cathedral, Hagia Sophia was turned into a

mosque after Istanbul's conquest by the Ottoman Empire but had been a museum for the last

86 years, drawing millions of tourists annually. (Christian Century, July 13,2020)

US Supreme Court lifts ban on state aid to religious schools The Supreme Court elated religious free exercise advocates and alarmed secular groups with

its June 30 ruling on public funding for religious education, a decision whose long-term effect

on the separation of church and state remains to be seen. In Espinoza v. Montana Department

of Revenue, the high court ruled 5–4 that states must give religious schools the same access to

public funding that other private schools receive, preserving a Montana scholarship program

that had largely benefited students at religious institutions.

Sister Dale McDonald, public policy director for the National Catholic Educational

Association, said the ruling has the potential to stem nationwide enrollment declines at Roman

Catholic schools that are forcing the closure of hundreds of institutions. “This is a chance to

get public schools and religious schools on equal footing,” McDonald said, adding that the

extent of change would depend on how many state legislatures opt to expand tuition assistance. (Christian Century, July 12, 2020)

Turtle Lovers

Turtles belong to one of the oldest reptile groups in the world – beating snakes, crocodiles and

alligators! These creatures date back to the time of the dinosaurs, over 200 million years ago –

whoa! Contrary to popular belief, a turtle cannot come out of its shell. The turtle’s shell grows

with them, so it’s impossible for them to grow too big for it! What a turtle eats depends on the

environment it lives in. Land-dwelling turtles will munch on beetles, fruit and grass, whereas sea

dwellers will gobble everything from algae to squid and jellyfish. Sadly, many species of turtle are

endangered! 129 of approximately 300 species of turtle and tortoise on Earth today are either

vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered, according to the IUCN. Threats include loss of

habitat, poaching and the illegal pet trade. (National Geographic Kids website)

Official Church Re-Opening!

It’s official, our sanctuary is now open for worship on Sunday mornings, at 8:30 am. After two

months of planning, we have put in place safeguards for worshipping in the sanctuary in person

including a signed acknowledgement for agreed upon behavior both in preparation for and during

the worship service, required masks and social distancing, numerous hand sanitizing stations, the

absence of a paper bulletins, hymnals, and congregational singing, designated restrooms, and

weekly sanitizing of the sanctuary and church building.

We recognize that these are uncertain times and that many members will choose to wait to return

until a later time. Our service at 8:30 am will be recorded and made available for viewing on-line

by 9:30 am.

Church News

The Messenger: Looking for Contributions

I can use all the help I can get for putting together our weekly Messenger. Please consider sending

in your prayer requests, ministry ideas, reflections, poems, etc., to

Still No Public Office Hours

Our church staff continues to work primarily off-site. If you need to reach the church office, please

call 302-478-3135 or email us at We are periodically checking emails

and phone messages and will get back to you as soon as possible.

Pastoral Care Pastor Dave (484-883-1050) and Pastor Finch (302-545-3232) are available for pastoral care. If

you have any concerns, or would like to talk, please give either one a call.

Sunday Morning Worship Services Sunday morning worship services are available for viewing every Sunday morning on our church

website. Go to, click Services at the top of the home page, under

RECORDED SERVICES, click View Our Services, then select the service you are looking for.

Pecometh Heritage Sunday Service

Sermon Series: Psalms of Ascents

From Sunday, August 2 to September 6, Pastor Finch and I will be preaching on several Psalms of

Ascents. This is a title given to Psalms 120–135 also variously known as Gradual Psalms, Songs

of Degrees, Songs of Steps, songs for going up to worship, or Pilgrim Songs. Many scholars

believe these psalms were sung by worshippers as they ascended the road to Jerusalem to attend

the three Jewish festivals of Passover, Pentecost, and the Feast of Booths. Through these Ascents

or Gradual Psalms, we are reminded that our life with God, in the words of Eugene Peterson, is “a

long obedience in the same direction.” Let us worship the Lord together who is merciful and just,

abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. August 9 Psalm 122 “Let Us Go Up” Pastor Dave

August 16 Psalm 123 “Mercy” Pastor David

August 23 Psalm 124 “God Is for Us” Pastor Dave

August 30 Psalm 126 “Shouts of Joy” Pastor Dave

Sept 6 Psalm 127 “Unless the Lord Builds the House” Pastor Dave

Offering Envelopes While we are under the Stay-at-Home Order, please continue to mail in your weekly tithe and

offerings directly to the church office, or make your weekly contribution through the PayPal link

on our church website. Go to click on Connect at the top of the home page,

click the Give to St. Paul’s icon, click Donate, and follow instructions. Please note there is a 2.5%

fee for using PayPal. If you are able to mail in your offering, no additional cost will be incurred.

Either way, we are happy to receive your giving.

Solidarity Wednesdays

Tonight, August 5, is the last night to join our District Superintendent, the Rev. Joseph Archie III,

one of the Peace with Justice Coordinators for the Pen-Del Conference for “Solidarity

Wednesdays”. These were a series of webinars produced by the Peninsula-Delaware Conference

to give a voice to leaders in various ethnic and social communities to educate us on issues of social

justice. Go to, to register.

Everyone is cordially invited every Thursday afternoon, at 1 pm, to join both Pastor Dave’s for a

brief devotional followed by an opportunity to discuss church life, and ask any questions.

Topic for this week: What does worship mean to you?

Day & Time: Thursday afternoon beginning at 1 pm

To join this Zoom Meeting, copy and paste the following address on your website browser:

You will then be prompted for the following numbers: Meeting ID: 860 2412 6920

Password: 709660

Then, on your computer screen, you will be invited to join the meeting.

If you are joining by phone only, dial the following number 646-876-9923 or 301-715-8592. You

will then be prompted to give the Meeting ID: 860 2412 6920 and Password: 709660.

Re-considering our Church Fall Retreat

In light of the coronavirus pandemic and its requirements for social distancing, the church retreat

committee is rethinking this event. More details to follow next week.

The Penny Jar

For the 2019-2020 school year, our Sunday school offering supported Family Promise® of

Northern New Castle County, a non-profit organization that prevents and ends homelessness for

families. Family Promise® NNCC envisions a community in which every family has a home, a

livelihood, and the resources for lasting independence. Our goal for the year was to raise $300

and hold a supply collection event. Well, we did not get to hold a supply collection event, but we

did raise over $600! A check was sent to Family Promise® NNCC in June. We plan to support

Family Promise® NNCC again this 2020-2021 school year via our Penny Jar collection. Beginning

August 9, the penny jar will be placed in the Narthex to collect your pennies (nickels, dimes,

quarters are good too; “change for change!”) on Sunday mornings. Learn more at

Pop Tabs

Did you know there are 1,267 pop tabs in one pound? And, did you know there is more aluminum

in that pop tab than in the whole can? That little tab you pull to open your soda or any other

aluminum can significantly help the Ronald McDonald House of Delaware (

The House recycles the tabs to generate funds to offset general operating costs. By collecting the

tabs, you will help care for families who stay at the House each year. In 2019, the House received

thousands of pounds of tabs which raised over $2,013! Since 1999, when the pop tab program

started, more than $87,000 has been raised. Beginning August 9, drop off your pop tab collection

in our fishbowl that will be in the Narthex.

Bishop Peter D. Weaver’s Congo Partnership

For some time now, St. Paul’s has been participating in a vital ministry in the Republic of Congo

initiated by Methodist Bishop Peter Weaver. This ministry includes drilling wells for clean

drinking water, providing a home and school for children, a technical school, medical clinic, and


Due to the coronavirus pandemic and other economic and political challenges within the Republic

of Congo, this nation is experiencing a food shortage crisis and alarming rates of malnutrition and

starvation. The United Methodist Partnership with the Republic of Congo is needed more than ever

to provide for the physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual needs of our Congolese sisters and

brothers. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic in the US funding for this Partnership has faced

serious financial challenges requiring them to cut staff and vital ministries. Please consider giving

to one or more of the United Methodist Advanced Specials on their Central Congo Partnership

website You may give to this ministry directly by clicking the

donation pull down and becoming a member or mail a check made out to the Central Congo

Partnership and send it in to the church office. We will send checks in with our monthly

remittances to the conference office.

Prayer Requests

Please pray for…

Rick Gamble, whose step-mother, Dot Gamble, recently passed on into the life to come.

Wayne Falk in the passing of his wife Kitty.

Carol Apanowicz and family in the passing of her sister-in-law.

Reggie and Victoria Wells, members of Mount Joy UMC, who lost their home to a fire.

Elaine Linton in the recent passing of her son Henry.

Florence Seney, who is in the Christiana Hospital, for healing.

Elisabeth Parisi who is home recovering from surgery.

Rick Stout at home recovering from spinal surgery

Verna Lee Frey who is at home under Hospice Care

Scott Clyman, brother-in-law of Pastor Dave, who is recovering from foot surgery

All healthcare and essential workers

Our nation, leaders & citizenry

Those suffering from Covid-19 and all essential workers

St. Paul’s UMC as we reopen our doors for Sunday morning worship

the people and ministries of our church

all of those feeling distressed and/or lonely

your self
