st October, 2013 Principal’s Message€¦ · by the United to commemorate the 1966 joint signing...

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Transcript of st October, 2013 Principal’s Message€¦ · by the United to commemorate the 1966 joint signing...

Pre-Prep Orientation – Tuesday 22nd October Golf Clinic (HPE Lesson) – Thursday 24th October Walk for Refugee (Year 4/5 & 6/7) – Friday 25th October Book Fair – Tuesday 29th and Wednesday 30th October Pre-Prep Orientation – Tuesday 29th October

Week 3 • 21st

October, 2013 Principal’s Message

The following information was

derived from the Queensland

College of Teachers website.

World Teachers’ Day was

inaugurated on 5th October 1994

by the United to commemorate

the 1966 joint signing of the

UNESCO/ILO recommendation

concerning the status of

teachers. In adopting this

recommendation, governments

unanimously recognised the

importance of competent,

qualified and motivated teachers

in society.

Internationally World Teachers’

Day is celebrated on the first

Friday in October. However as

this is usually during Australian

school holidays, Australia

celebrates the day on the last

Friday in October of each year.

Celebrated in over 100 countries,

World Teachers’ Day

acknowledges the efforts of

teachers in an increasingly

complex, multicultural and

technological society. It is a day

on which students, parents and

community members can

demonstrate their appreciation

for the contributions that

teachers have made to their


In a special way, at St Joseph’s

we celebrate this day as World

Educator’s Day. This day then

also recognises the valuable

work our School Officers do with

our children and school.

Show your appreciation; write

a note, thank them in person or

present them with a certificate.

Thank you to:

The School Board for the

meeting held last week.

Tuckshop volunteers for

last week.

Warmest regards,

John Hinton

Altar Serving Roster (Saturday 26th October, 6pm) Sophie, Curtis and Christian Fredriksen 2014 Classes In 2014 we are planning on having five classes (same as this year). The compositions of these classes are likely to be: Prep/Year 1 – Approximately 16 students Year 1/2 – Approximately 19 students Year 3 – Approximately 17 students Year 4/5 – Approximately 23 students Year 6/7 – Approximately 23 students The above compositions indicate that in 2014 the year 1 class will be split. Teachers will be providing a recommendation relating to which class each student in year 1 might be best located (based on each student’s holistic development). This recommendation will then be aligned with school based learning data. Parents have the right to express their preference and should do so in writing to the school principal by Friday, the 1st of November. The final decision will be made by the school principal. In order to assist in this planning, please contact the office as soon as possible if your child/children will not be attending St Joseph’s School in 2014. Music Lesson Vacancy There is space for up to 4 beginner students to share a lesson (years 3-7 only). Instruments may be available to borrow (free of charge). This is an affordable way to have your child try out an instrument. Please contact the office if you are interested.

From the APRE Catholic Mission Month

October is Catholic Mission Month where we traditionally

help to raise awareness of, and funds to support those living

in poverty overseas. This year the Yr 4,5, 6 and 7 students at

St. Joseph’s have seen a need and chosen a mission to help

the refugee children living in detention centres in our own

country. This Friday, the students will be participating in the

“Walk for Refugee Children in Detention Centres’. Students

from Xavier Catholic College, Hervey Bay have been invited

to join us in solidarity on this 10km walk to help us with our

Mission of making a difference to the lives of children living

in detention centres. The Sisters of St Joseph in Sydney are

currently involved in assisting refugees to transition from life

in a detention centre into our society. As we are a Josephite

school, we feel honoured to be able to support them in their

mission by raising funds to assist their work being done.

As I mentioned in last week’s newsletter, Catholic Education

is about the shaping of the whole person, not just the

cognitive but the spiritual, to take up and carry on the

mission of Jesus Christ in our world. It helps individuals

explore ‘how to be Church’ in their context, how to live by

Gospel values and how to work so that all people have a

‘fullness of life’.

We continue to be inspired by the words of Mary MacKillop;

‘Never see a need without doing something about it.’

If you would like to support this Mission and make a

difference in the lives of children living in detention centres,

please send a donation with your child to the office.

Have a great week

Helen Freshwater

Jo-Anne & Nigel Allwood

91 Churchill Street, CHILDERS 4660

Ph: 07 4126155


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Year 4/5 Visit to Forest View Year 4/5 students have been working on information reports and family trees for their history unit and were keen to share these with the residents of Forest View. Studentss also wanted to talk to residents about their history and interesting life experiences. Mr Barry Hetherington listened intently to Dylan as he read his report. Once Dylan was finished, Barry surprised us by bringing out his own little folder of history. He shared with the students his photos and certificate for his Life Member for Rotary, as well as his 2008 Citizen Award he was given on Australia Day, impressive. Students did a great job reading their reports and the residents did a great job listening. When there was no one available to interview, some of the students had to wait patiently and quietly, not to mention, sensibly. In no time, it was time to return to school. Both residents and students enjoyed each other’s stories.

Where Are They Now! Peter Macklin attended St Joseph’s School and Isis High School before joining the RAAF where he spent 24 years. Recently Peter was awarded a Silver Level Commendation for his outstanding achievements while Senior NCO in charge of No 1 Squadron Armament and Aircraft Life Support Section. His commitment and dedication to duty were integral in the highly successful introduction of the Super Hornet capability into the RAAF. Peter now lives in Newcastle with his wife, Rachael and children, Talia and Tevin. Congratulations Sophie Martell As a result of Sophie’s performance at recent Hills Junior Open, she has received an invitation to the International Greg Norman Junior Golf Master event. Sophie’s family, friends and wider school community is very proud of her achievements and wish her well. 2014 School Fee Trial In order to assist families, as well as to promote St Joseph’s as an affordable educational option in our community, we are beginning a direct debit trial that spreads payments across an entire year (as opposed to term time only). If interested, please make contact with Jodie Campanini before the end of the school year to ensure direct debit payments can be organised in time. Local Tutoring On the odd occasion, parents present to the school interested in further tutoring for their child in certain areas. If you know a competent high school student, or even better a qualified teacher, who is interested in presenting their details to the school office, it would very much be appreciated.




Prep/1 Lachlan Royan Ciana Tarda Jesse Harney

Yr 1/2 Tylah Dunn Theresa Bretherton

Yr 3/4 Christopher Carney Amber Thompson-Klumpp Tarrian Breznikar

Yr 4/5 Charley-Jayne Harney Sofie Bonanno Will Martell

Yr 6/7 Callum Nugent Riley Tomlinson

Date Week Subway/Tuckshop Helpers

23.10.2013 3 Subway

30.10.2013 4 Tuckshop Tanya Gilbert, Lynda Ricca, Amy Bretherton

06.11.2013 5 Subway

13.11.2013 6 Tuckshop Tanya Gilbert, Lynda Ricca

20.11.2013 7 Subway

27.11.2013 8 Tuckshop Tanya Gilbert, Lynda Ricca

04.12.2013 9 Subway

Happy Birthday

Tracey Hoffmann 27/10

Annual Combined Parish Picnic Day

Sunday 3rd November.

Come along and enjoy a family picnic at Woodgate Beach.

Mass will be celebrated at 10.30am in the Woodgate Community Hall,

following Mass you can enjoy a BBQ lunch (provided by the Parish) on the

grassy area in front of the hall. Games and face painting will add to the fun.

RSVP to the school office.

So bring a picnic rug, togs, and hat so you

can join in the fun!