St. Martin of Tours Anglican Church Crossword Newsletter

Post on 01-Mar-2016

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Monthly Anglican Church Newsletter

Transcript of St. Martin of Tours Anglican Church Crossword Newsletter



I S S U E :

Rev Joan Scandrett 2

Notice Board 5

Tribute to Digby 6

GES Carol Singing 8

Very Rt Rev Justin

Welby 9

Iona Service 10

Iona and Eucharist 11

St. Martin of Tours

Anglican Church Crossword

Christmas 2012

Something to

think About


Holy Humour 14

A King James

Bible for every

school in England


Church Council



Christmas Alive 19

About Us

Ode To Digby



Rev. Joan’s ph number : 250-247-7171

Email Address:

Madonna of the Magnificat

c.1485; Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence


Dear Friends, while doing some preparation for the Season of Advent I came across this article by Dennis

Bratcher. I think he offers some good teaching, as well as some interesting history, and so I share it with

you. Happy reading! God bless. Joan

The Season of Advent: Anticipation and Hope

Dennis Bratcher

Advent is the beginning of the Church Year for most churches in the Western tradition. It begins on the fourth Sun-day before Christmas Day, which is the Sunday nearest November 30, and ends on Christmas Eve (Dec 24). If Christmas Eve is a Sunday, it is counted as the fourth Sunday of Advent, with Christmas Eve proper beginning at sundown. The Meaning of "Advent"

The word Advent means "coming" or "arrival." The focus of the entire season is the celebration of the birth of Jesus the Christ in his First Advent, and the anticipation of the return of Christ the King in his Second Advent. Thus, Advent is far more than simply marking a 2,000 year old event in history. It is celebrating a truth about God, the revelation of God in Christ whereby all of creation might be reconciled to God. That is a process in which we now participate, and the consummation of which we anticipate. Scripture reading for Advent will reflect this emphasis on the Second Ad-vent, including themes of accountability for faithfulness at His coming, judgment on sin, and the hope of eternal life. In this double focus on past and future, Advent also symbolizes the spiritual journey of individuals and a congrega-tion, as they affirm that Christ has come, that He is present in the world today, and that He will come again in power. That acknowledgment provides a basis for Kingdom ethics, for holy living arising from a profound sense that we live "between the times" and are called to be faithful stewards of what is entrusted to us as God’s people. So, as the church celebrates God’s inbreaking into history in the Incarnation, and anticipates a future consummation to that his-tory for which "all creation is groaning awaiting its redemption," it also confesses its own responsibility as a people commissioned to "love the Lord your God with all your heart" and to "love your neighbor as yourself."

The Spirit of Advent

Advent is marked by a spirit of expectation, of anticipation, of preparation, of longing. There is a yearning for deliverance from the evils of the world, first expressed by Israelite slaves in Egypt as they cried out from their bitter oppression. It is the cry of those who have experienced the tyranny of injustice in a world under the curse of sin, and yet who have hope of deliverance by a God who has heard the cries of oppressed slaves and brought deliverance! It is that hope, however faint at times, and that God, however distant He sometimes seems, which brings to the world the anticipation of a King who will rule with truth and justice and righteousness over His people and in His creation. It is that hope that once anticipated, and now anticipates anew, the reign of an Anointed One, a Messiah, who will bring peace and justice and righteous-ness to the world.


In the four weeks of Advent the third Sunday came to be a time of rejoicing that the fasting was almost over (in some traditions it is called Gaudete Sunday, from the Latin word for "rejoice"). The shift from the purple of the Season to pink or rose for the third Sunday Advent candles reflected this lessening emphasis on penitence as attention turned more to celebration of the season. In recent times, however, Advent has undergone a shift in emphasis, reflected in a change of colors used in many churches. Except in the Eastern churches, the penitential aspect of the Season has been almost totally replaced by an emphasis on hope and anticipation. In many churches the third Sunday remains the Sunday of Joy marked by pink or rose. However, most Protestant churches now use blue to distinguish the Season of Advent from Lent. Royal Blue is sometimes used as a symbol of royalty. Some churches use Bright Blue to symbolize the night sky, the anticipation of the impending announcement of the King’s coming, or to symbolize the waters of Genesis 1, the beginning of a new creation. Some churches, including some Catholic churches, use blue violet to preserve the traditional use of purple while providing a visual distinction be-tween the purple or red violet of Lent. Red and Green are more secular colors of Christmas. They derive from older European practices of using evergreens and holly to symbolize ongoing life and hope that Christ’s birth brings into a cold world. Although red and green are of-ten used as part of the church decorations, they are never used as liturgical colors during Advent since those colors have other uses in other parts of the church year.

The Advent wreath is an increasingly popular symbol of the beginning of the Church year in many churches as well as homes. It is a circular evergreen wreath (real or artificial) with five candles, four around the wreath and one in the center. Since the wreath is symbolic and a vehicle to tell the Christmas story, there are various ways to understand the symbolism. The exact meaning given to the various aspects of the wreath is not as important as the story to which it invites us to listen, and participate. The circle of the wreath reminds us of God, God’s eternity and endless mercy, which has no beginning or end. The green of the wreath speaks of the hope that we have in God, the

hope of newness, of renewal, of eternal life. Candles symbolize the light of God coming into the world through the birth of Jesus. The four outer candles represent the period of waiting during the four Sundays of Advent, which themselves symbolize the four centuries of waiting between the prophet Malachi and the birth of Christ. The colors of the candles vary with different traditions, but there are usually three purple or blue candles, correspond-ing to the sanctuary colors of Advent, and one pink or rose candle. One of the purple candles is lighted the first Sunday of Advent, a Scripture is read, a short devotional or reading is given, and a prayer offered. On subsequent Sundays, previous candles are relighted with an additional one lighted. The pink candle is usually lighted on the third Sunday of Advent. The light of the candles itself becomes an important symbol of the season. The light reminds us that Jesus is the light of the world that comes into the darkness of our lives to bring newness, life, and hope. It also reminds us that we are called to be a light to the world as we reflect the light of God's grace to others (Isa 42:6). The progression in the lighting of the candles symbolizes the various aspects of our waiting experience. As the candles are lighted over the four week period, it also symbolizes the darkness of fear and hopelessness receding and the shadows of sin falling away as more and more light is shed into the world. The flame of each new candle reminds the worshippers that some-thing is happening, and that more is yet to come. Finally, the light that has come into the world is plainly visible as the Christ candle is lighted at Christmas, and worshippers rejoice over the fact that the hope and promise of long ago have

been realized.

Cont’d page 6


The first candle is traditionally the candle of Expectation or Hope (or in some traditions, Prophecy). This draws at-tention to the anticipation of the coming of an Anointed One, a Messiah, that weaves its way like a golden thread through Old Testament history. As God’s people were abused by power hungry kings, led astray by self-centered prophets, and lulled into apathy by half-hearted religious leaders, there arose a longing among some for God to raise up a new king who could show them how to be God’s people. They yearned for a return of God’s dynamic presence in their midst. The remaining three candles of Advent may be associated with different aspects of the Advent story in different churches, or even in different years. Usually they are organized around characters or themes as a way to unfold the story and direct attention to the celebrations and worship in the season. So, the sequence for the remaining three Sundays might be Bethlehem, Shepherds, Angels. Or Peace, Joy, Love. Or John the Baptist, Mary, the Magi. Or the Annunciation, Proclamation, Fulfillment. Whatever sequence is used, the Scripture readings, prayers, lighting of the candles, the participation of worshipers in the service, all are geared to unfolding the story of redemption through God’s grace in the Incarnation. The third candle, usually for the Third Sunday of Advent, is traditionally Pink or Rose, and symbolizes Joy at the soon Advent of the Christ. It marks a shift from the more solemn tone of the first two Sundays of Advent that focus on Preparation and Hope, to a more joyous atmosphere of anticipation and expectancy. The center candle is white and is called the Christ Candle. It is traditionally lighted on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, with all five candles continuing to be lighted in services through Epiphany (Jan 6). The central location of the Christ Candle reminds us that the incarnation is the heart of the season, giving light to the world.


Saturday, Dec 1: Quiz Night, New Church Year Party, Gabriola United Church for St. Martin’s and GUC 700pm Organised by Al and Angela Nutter. Always lots of fun !!!

Sunday, December 2: GUC Christmas Cantata, 10:00am worship service. Don, Hiromi and the choir are hard at work rehearsing for this year’s Cantata – come out and enjoy! This is a Shared Service with Gabriola United Church

Sunday Dec 2nd First Sunday in Advent - Eucharist 5:00pm

Thursday, December 6 : Carol Singing to the shut-ins on Gabriola Island. Meet at the Garden Homes at 6:00pm to carpool around the island. Caroling is hosted by the Gabriola Ecu-menical Society followed by refreshments and more fellowship at the Boultons.

Saturday, December 22, 6pm: The Commons – Christmas Live! Three Gabriolan churches, working together, will present the Christmas Story, live. It is intended as a gift to our community of Gabriola and an opportunity for us to work together to share a faith story. Christmas - Live! is a narrated Christmas pageant, with real people and animals. St. Martin’s, Our Lady of Victory Roman Catholic and Gabriola United have all agreed to sponsor and to contribute money to fund the project. Addi-tional donations have already been received. Christmas – Live! will be held outside, on the grounds of the Commons at about 6 pm on December 22. The Commons, the Co-op and Village Foods have agreed to lend us their tents. PHC has agreed to open their washroom for that evening and even more generously offered their kitchen and dining room, should we want to serve hot chocolate.

Sunday Dec 23rd Nine Lessons and Carols 10:00am. This is a shared service with Gabriola United Church at GUC.

Christmas Services– Details to follow

Dec. 1st Gabriola Elementary School Christmas Craft Fair

Please bring your baking to the school on Saturday morning be-

fore 9:00am

6 I must go down to the seas

again, to the lonely sea and

the sky,

And all I ask is a tall ship

and a star to steer her by,

And the wheel's kick and the

wind's song and the white

sail's shaking,

And a grey mist on the sea's

face, and a grey dawn break-


I must go down to the seas

again, for the call of the run-

ning tide

Is a wild call and a clear call

that may not be denied;

And all I ask is a windy day

with the white clouds flying,

And the flung spray and the

blown spume, and the sea-

gulls crying.

I must go down to the seas

again, to the vagrant gypsy


To the gull's way and the

whale's way, where the wind's

like a whetted knife;

And all I ask is a merry yarn

from a laughing fellow-rover,

And quiet sleep and a sweet

dream when the long trick's


John Masefield

Photo taken by Don Butts


A Christian and a Gentleman

8 Gabriola Ecumenical Society Carol Singing

Thursday, Dec 6


Assemble at the Garden Homes 6:00pm Bring a flashlight, and wear warm clothes

Followed by Hot Chocolate and treats at Eric and Sue Boulton


Very Rt Rev Justin Welby confirmed as 105th Archbishop of Canterbury

By STEVE DOUGHTY and AMANDA WILLIAMS PUBLISHED: 11:30, 9 November 2012 | UPDATED: 17:41, 9 November 2012

It is a 'time for optimism and for faith in the church' Bishop Welby says

His daughter Katharine Welby posted Twitter picture of 'surreal' moment

He will be voting in favour of women as Bishops in ten days

The current Bishop of Durham has admitted the Church is facing 'deep differences on the 'issue of sexuality'

But he will have no truck with 'any form of homophobia in any part of the church'

Thumbs up: Reverend Justin Welby gives his verdict as he is confirmed as the next Archbishop of Canterbury at a press conference in Lambeth Palace

Today the new Archbishop Justin Welby voiced his support for the Christian faith across the world, and outlined his vision for the church. He has long been a popular choice for the position, with bookies suspending bets on him in recent days. But his biggest fan it seems, is daughter Katharine Welby, who immediately took to Twitter to pledge support for her father. She tweeted: 'My dad is the Archbishop of Canterbury! This is a very surreal moment!! 'Love this man!' She followed it up with a series of updates to her account speaking of his (and her) new found fame. She said: 'So this makes me the ABCD? Right? I always wanted a title. 'Way better than @pdcwelby ABCS. Just doesn't quite flow so well.' She joked. At a press conference the Bishop of Durham vowed to support female Bishops and pledged to examine his posi-tion on same sex marriage 'carefully and prayerfully' while he spoke out against 'exclusion.' He said: 'This is a time for optimism and for faith in the church. I know we are facing issues. 'In ten days we will vote on the ordination of women as Bishops. 'I will be voting in favour. And join my voice to many others in urging the senate to go forward with this change. ' The bishop said the Church was facing deep differences on the issue of sexuality. He said: 'It is absolutely right for the state to define the rights and status of people cohabiting in different forms of relationships, including civil partnerships. 'We must have no truck with any form of homophobia in any part of the church' He said that he supported the House of Bishops' statement in the summer in answer to the Government's consul-tation on same sex marriage. 'But I also know I need to listen very attentively to the LGBT communities and examine my own thinking carefully and prayerfully.


Iona Service of Holy Eucharist

was celebrated on October 28th with

Rev Joan Scandrett, Rev Linda St.

Clair and Rev Shelagh Huston pre-


Iona is a tiny and beautiful Hebridean island off the west coast of Scot-

land, cradle of Christianity in Scotland, where in 563AD the Irish monk

Columba (Columkille) established a monastic settlement that evangelised

large parts of Scotland and the north of England and became an important

centre of European Christianity. In the Middle Ages it became the site of a

Benedictine abbey, and over the centuries it has attracted many thousands

of people on their own pilgrim journeys.

Iona remains a centre for pilgrimage and tourism; the daily services of the Iona Community in the Abbey

church and worship elsewhere on the island are open to all; many visitors come again and again. There is a

year-round population of over 100; long-established island families as well as more recent arrivals, including

those who work for the Iona Community in its centres as staff or volunteers. The abbey is now managed by

Historic Scotland; the Iona Community remains in residence as a living, worshipping presence. The island-

ers, the Iona Community and Historic Scotland work together to maintain Iona as a place of welcome.


George MacLeod was a tremendous man who founded the Iona Community in 1938. He rebuilt the ruins of the Abbey with people training for ministry in the Church of Scotland. His model was community driven as those who went to Iona lived as community while working there. After completion the community model was retrained as Iona took on an ecumenical dimension and began welcoming guests from all over the world. The worship, the music and the life of the community is very much focused on justice, peace, creation and bringing faith to the world. McLeod was quoted as saying; “I simply argue that the cross be raised again at the centre of the marketplace as well as on the steeple of the church. I am recovering the claim that Jesus was not crucified in a cathedral between two candles, but on a cross between two thieves, on the town garbage heap, at a crossroad so cosmopolitan they had to write his title in Hebrew, Latin and Greek. It was the kind of place where cynics talk smut, thieves curse, and soldiers gamble. That’s where he died. And that’s where Christians ought to be and what Christians ought to be about.”

Being at Iona was a great reminder that our call is indeed to be community by being called out of our churches and into our neighbourhoods. We experienced liturgies focused on refugees, the environment, and justice and peace as well as gathering and leaving liturgies. The Eucharistic celebrations were tremendous in that they were a great reflection of encouraging the community to be the Body of Christ. We read in Henri Nouwen’s Bread for the Jour-ney, “When we gather around the table and break the bread together, we are transformed not only individually but also as community. We, people from different ages and races, with different backgrounds and histories, become one body. As Paul says: ‘As there is one loaf, so we, although there are many of us, are one single body, for we all share in the one loaf.’ Not only as individuals but also as community we become the living Christ, taken, blessed, broken, and given to the world. As one body, we become a living witness of God’s immense desire to bring all peo-ples and nations together as the one family of God.”

Communion at the Iona Abbey was transformative for me. It was a real reminder of who we are. When we gather at the table we gather with the multitude of those who have witnessed before us as well as those who stand with us today. Being with so many from so many places was a reminder of just how many and how diverse of a group we are when we stand each week at the table. We stand together in solidarity with Jesus who used simple elements of the earth, bread and wine, to show us who we are and who we are called to be. As different as we all may be, we become one. We bring the gift of our diversity to the table and pray for the courage to push back from the table and go into the world as the living Body of Christ. We are called to go into a world which is diverse, di-vided, and dynamic. We need to go to the crossroads, the garbage heaps, and the places of cynical smut and bear witness to Jesus. We are the broken body, we are the blood outpoured.

The evening before we left Iona, there was a celebration of communion. The center aisle had a table set for the feast that stretched the whole length of the front section of the church. The chairs were rearranged so that we were all sitting around that table with the celebrant at the end of the table. (I suspect that if the space could have pro-vided it, the table would have been round).


Used by Permission Rev Dr. Canon Kevin George

Rector: Rev Dr. Canon Kevin


London, Ontario

IONA and EUCHARIST Rev Dr. Canon Kevin George


It was a very stirring moment to be at that Eucharistic table. We were from different places, races, and communi-ties. We spoke different languages and dialects. We were men and women. We were gay and straight and trans-gendered. We had different theologies. We were diverse and a week earlier we had been strangers. Together we were a painting of Body of Christ. It was a wonderful mosaic.

As we left the Island the next day I was still living that closing Eucharist. The staff and volunteers that make Iona Abbey what it is, stood on the pier and ‘waved us off.’ As we sailed away and they waved, it was as if we were being reminded that having been well nourished at Iona, we were now called to go into the world. We drifted away from our table experience to find the many tables around the world at which we will dine, each time hoping to bear witness to the Body of Christ – to bear witness to Jesus.

Iona & Eucharist Cont’d


Something to think about…

A minister once told of a very interesting thing that he did in his church one Sunday morning.

He said that when the elders had taken up the offering one Sunday and brought the plates

down to the altar, he took the plates and held them up in the air and he gave the following


"Lord, regardless of what we say about you with our lips, this is really what we say about you,

this is really what we feel about you. This is really what you mean to us. Amen."

Does your Sunday offering accurately reflect the importance of God in your life?


December Birthdays

Hilary Plowright - Dec 1

Sue Boulton - Dec 6

Jill Marsh - Dec 9

George Westarp - Dec 15

David Soy - Dec 18

John Bryson - Dec 26




King James Bible for every school in England: Copies sent around the country to mark 400 years since it was published By SARAH HARRIS PUBLISHED: 22:17 GMT, 15 May 2012 |

Every state primary and secondary school in England is to receive a copy of the King James Bible. Around 24,000 Bibles are being distributed to schools this week by the Department for Education to mark last year’s 400th anniversary of its publication. Education Secretary Michael Gove, who describes the Bible as the most ‘important book written in the English language’, has insisted that every child should have the chance to appreciate its liter-ary riches.

Schools across the UK will be receiving the King James to celebrate its 400 year anniversary

The project has gone ahead thanks to £370,000 from charities and philanthropists after Mr Gove was forced to deny earlier this year that funding was a problem. David Cameron reportedly told Mr Gove that, while he supported the idea, it should avoid using taxpayers’ money amid objections from non-religious groups. The project is backed by religious leaders across the faiths, academics, historians and cultural fig-ures, including Lord Melvyn Bragg. The first Bibles will arrive this week and all schools are expected to have them by the end of the month.


St. Martin of Tours Parish Council

MINUTES St. Martin’s Parish Council Thurs. October 11, 2012 at 2 pm at GUC Hall

Present: Angela, Jacquie, Corinne, Pam, Rob, Joan Regrets: Linda, Vic

Opening: Jacquie Welcome: Chair

Approval of Agenda additional items as added M/S Pam/Rob

Minutes Meeting Sept 11, 2012 – Correction: Joan not Pam New Business #3 M/S Corinne/Angela

Warden’s Report Angela

The last few weeks have been quite busy. During September Susan Hermanson served as

interim priest and we thank Marvin and Linda for filling in when Susan was unavailable.

The Rector has been at St Stephens Qualicum for her required in-service at a United

Church, so her first service here was Oct 7th, Thanksgiving. The church was beautifully decorated

to celebrate our “abundance”. What a joyful festival this is. We thank our altar guild for their dedi-

cation and imagination.

We had a day long workshop on stewardship which was well run by Rev Dale Huston from

Duncan. We thank Rob Brockley for coordinating this event. We hope this culminates in tangible

ways as we all reconsider the different aspects of our stewardship.

Many plans are being made for events in the future as we hope to join together socially with

the United church part of our congregation. This is an exciting time for us as it is the first time in

many years that we have had a full time priest. Jazz vespers was successful thanks to our musi-

cian Steve Smith and Lloyd Arntzen. This brought to the church people who aren’t regular at-

tenders here. I believe that different ways of worship could be attractive.

Our pastoral care team continues to work quietly and the prayer shawl ministry and bible

study group still meet regularly.

The rickety driveway was paved finally, thanks to the initiative of Eric Boulton. It is very

much appreciated. We contributed $1,500 toward the cost with the balance from GUC and from

substantial private donations. Everyone really appreciates the fact that we no longer have to skid

our way up and down over the pot holes.

Clergy Report Joan

In the past eleven days Joan has met with GUC Session & Board; St. Martin’s Worship Committee &

Altar Guild, Shelagh Huston; Pastoral Care visits to Lorna, Digby & Rose; preparation of two ser-

vices and bulletins and answered 85 emails and a multitude of phone calls. Joan is proposing to

have Office hours on Thursdays when she is available. [Pam raised the issue of personal safety and

should there be someone else in the building with Joan.]

Correspondence: Church Calendars have arrived, & McCausland for Joan & Linda

Treasurer’s Report

September 2012 [as distributed] M/S Corinne

ACTION: Announce at church on Sunday How to change electronic offering. ACTION Rob

2012 at 2 pm GUC Hall [Opening: Corinne Closing: Angela]



St. Martin of Tours Parish Council

Business Arising from Minutes

1. St Paul’s visitor card. Discussion to reinstate the Welcome Brochure designed by the Communica-

tions Committee with revisions. To be approved by Council as distributed.

Council suggested some fine tuning and the Brochure will be modified.

MOTION: That the Church of St Martin Parish Council approves the Welcome Brochure as amended with

thanks and appreciation to Hilary Plowright. M/S Rob/Pam

2. Musician’s Contract: Joan and Warden’s met with Steve Smith to review the contract and it was a

very amicable and agreeable meeting.

3. 2013 Gabriola Directory: ACTION Jacquie will contact Cathy Tanner to see if we can share the ad-

vertizing with GUC with Joan’s home number and the Church number to be used in the directory

as contact numbers.

New Business:

1. Safe Church Education Workshop Oct 20, 2012 12:30-4:30 pm at St. Paul’s Nanaimo Who will

attend for St. Martin’s? ACTION: Pam Hodgkins will attend.

2. Use of Blind Carbon Copy and Carbon Copy - PIPA & Diocesan Guidelines

3. Shared Ministry Conference Fri. Oct 26, 2012 at Port Alberni – Angela, Jacquie to attend.

An invitation will also be extended to the congregation on Sunday

4. Cantata Dec 2nd Request from Don Butt to start at 10 am. Joan

We will hold the Advent 1 Anglican Eucharist at 5 pm on Dec. 2nd.

5. Long Term Planning – FYI AGM scheduled for Feb 17, 2013 with Budget etc due in January

Also Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras Jazz Vespers Feb 12, 2013 at 4 pm [ACTION: Angela] fol-

lowed by Pancake Supper [ACTION: Social Committee]

6. White Poppies: ACTION Pam will announce on Sunday Pam

7. Social Action: Public Transit Proposal “Mass Transit” Pam

ACTION: Pam will draft a letter of support to be sent from St. Martin’s

8. Discernment Workshops Rob

Rob reviewed the background of the Discernment Workshops and Taskforce for Joan and the

council reviewing the future vision that evolved from the three questions and will send Joan a

copy of the report and other documentation. One goal was to have a Church Directory. This was

investigated before with a professional photographer and was too expensive. ACTION: the Com-

munications committee will be asked to see if this can be done locally with the help of photogra-

pher Richard Pullano.

9. Best Practice Proposals

10. Pam

ACTION: 1. Request: Minutes will not be published in the Newsletter until approved by the Council and

thus will be one month later. 2. ACTION: Request: Agenda as numbered list 3. ACTION: Request

Council emails cc’d 4. ACTION: request for Official Church email address for church ACTION: Communi-

cations 5. ACTION: Request for change of Website referred to Joint Action Committee (JAC) of the

Shared Ministry for possible collaboration on one website


P A G E 1 8 St. Martin of Tours Parish Council

Committee Reports:

Altar Guild Rose/Jill

There was indeed an abundance of harvest decorations for the Thanksgiving Service with special

thanks to Cheryl McKillop for her amazing flower arrangements. We donated 508 pounds of food to

the food bank. Thank you to all who contributed and helped and to Richard & Carolyn for delivering

to the PHC.

Communications Jacquie

The Communications Committee has updated St. Martin’s ‘Welcome Brochure’ which is to be ed-

ited/approved by Rev. Joan and Church Council before distribution to parishioners and newcomers.

Another monthly ‘Crossword’ newsletter has been distributed to parishioners and friends by email, a

printed copy has been pinned to the church notice board and it has been uploaded on

We have been asked by the diocese to become more active in using social media sites. A flyer has

been sent out to parishioners on the benefits of using social media to facilitate the work of the

worldwide Christian church. It also directed parishioners to our Facebook page, St Martin of Tours

Church, Gabriola.

Social/Fundraising Jacquie

A joint meeting of St. Martin’s Social Committee and Gabriola United Church’s Activity Committee is

to take place October 12th at 11:00-1:00pm. It is a way of introducing Rev. Joan to both groups.

Lunch will be provided. A Welcome Celebration to Gabriola for Joan will take place October 16th at

5:00pm. This will be a combined effort of both St. Martin’s and Gabriola United. Finger foods/

appetizers, tea and coffee will be served.

Outreach No Report Diane

Pastoral Care Carolyn

In September, the Pastoral Care group was involved in the following: Meals 2, Visits 17, Cards &

Cake 5, Rides 7, Phone calls 10, Eucharist to 2 families, weekly walking with a congregant.

A Pastoral Care Meeting is planned for October 23th.

Care Givers Support Group Angela

We met as usual on the first Wednesday of the month. Each meeting takes a different tone, each

time following the mood of the participants. This is an unstructured group because that is what

seems to be satisfactory to the participants. We laugh, we cry and we exchange stories and ideas.



The Venerable Dale Huston led a Stewardship Workshop for parishioners of St. Martin’s and Gabriola

United Church on Saturday, September 29th. A total of 21 people (17 from St. Martin’s) attended

the full-day session at GUC Dale presented an energetic and refreshing perspective on Christian

stewardship, describing it as “a natural and on-going function of daily Christian living” rather than

an annual fund-raising activity that is undertaken to balance the parish budget. He stressed that

stewardship does not begin with the need of the church to receive, but rather with the need of the

individual to give. By cultivating an “attitude of gratitude” to the lavish gifts that God has gener-

ously bestowed upon us, good stewards approach life with “a mindset of abundance rather than a

mindset of scarcity.” Christian stewardship is an expression of one’s relationship with God. There-

fore, Dale stressed that “helping people grow in their practice of stewardship is essentially no differ-

ent than helping them grow in their prayer life, service, or any other aspect of faith.”

Cont’d page 16


St. Martin of Tours Parish Council

(Stewardship Cont’d)

The Stewardship Committee will meet over the next few weeks to reflect on the workshop

and decide how best to proceed.

ACTION: Rob will write an article on Stewardship for the next Newsletter and there will be

weekly bulletin inserts when possible. In order to link Stewardship with Discernment Goals

small group discussion groups will be planned for the next year.

Worship Jacquie

Winter Worship Roster compiled and distributed. [ACTION] [In future couples will

not count together]. Thanksgiving service Oct 7, 2012 the request for abundance was over-

whelming. Jazz Vespers Oct 9, 2012 at 7 pm GUC with Steve & Lloyd once again amazed us

thank you to Angela and Linda for planning this event. An All Souls service Nov 2, 2012 pos-

sible location Commons Yurt Time TBA - Pam & Joan planning Outreach event for whole

community to remember dear departed ones. Send ideas to Pam & Joan. Addenda: Pro-

posed Gabriola Sounder Article etc.

Note: Nov 11, 2012 Service Cancelled so members can participate in the Remem-

brance Day Celebration at the RCMP Cairn at 10:30 - Eucharist will be on Sat Nov

10th at 5 pm.

Christmas Live on Saturday, December 22 at 5:00 pm, outdoors at the Commons is in pro-

gress thanks to the organizational skills of Susan Brockley – help gratefully accepted.

Lesson’s & Carols will be held Sunday Dec 16th at 7 pm GUC Jill will find readers and Joan &

Jacquie compile service bulletin. [Note: GES Carol Singing Thurs Dec 6 ]

Long Range Planning: there will be monthly meetings of the Worship Committee – Jacquie

to get a large calendar for planning next year Possible upcoming events: Maundy Thursday

Seder Meal; Back to Church Sunday (3rd Sun Sept); Joan’s Induction/Covenanting in Janu-

ary; possible Bus to Victoria for Anne’s Induction

ACTION: Ministry Workshops to be held for Intercessors, Readers and Greeters

Announcements and Reminders - sick/needy Ken Capon possible heart surgery

Adjournment: 5 pm M/Pam

Closing Prayer: Pam

Next Meeting Thurs. Nov 8, 2012 at 2 pm G


Christmas Alive!

Have a look at the wonderful poster created by Hilary Plow-right for Christmas Alive! You will soon find it in the GUC Hall or at a mailbox near you!

We hope all of you will come to the Commons on December 22 at 5:00 pm to see the

result of people from three churches and from the wider community of Gabriola working to-

gether to present a living Christmas pageant, complete with real people and animals. Bring

your family and friends. Join in the singing of familiar carols and stay to enjoy hot chocolate


Thanks so much to all the wonderful people who have helped to find and create cos-

tumes and props, volunteered to make and serve hot chocolate, done publicity, and looked after

the finances. People from Our Lady of Victory, Gabriola United Church, and St. Martin’s

have all worked very hard to get this project up and running.

Thank you especially for your prayers. We ask that you continue to hold the Christ-

mas Alive project, and all the people involved in it, in your prayers. Pray that we meet our

three goals: 1) To have churches work together; 2) To present the Christmas story as a gift to

the wider community of Gabriola; and 3) To let those of us who hear the Christmas story every

year experience it in a new way.

We are still in need of a little help. We would like more singers to ‘pepper’ them-

selves throughout the audience and lead in the singing of the carols. No rehearsal necessary –

just let Susan Brockley know that you will show up with your voice! We would be grateful

for the loan of battery-operated lanterns, powerful flashlights, and reflective vests. We would

also like more ushers to help with directing the members of the audience to appropriate places.

To help out or to get more information, please contact Susan (247-9467 or sbrock-

Have a look at the wonderful poster created for Christmas Alive! You will soon find it in the GUC Hall or at a mailbox near you! We hope all of you will come to the Commons on December 22 at 5:00 pm to see the result of people from

three churches and from the wider community of Gabriola working together to present a living Christmas pageant, com-

plete with real people and animals. Bring your family and friends. Join in the singing of familiar carols and stay to en-

joy hot chocolate afterward.

Thanks so much to all the wonderful people who have helped to find and create costumes and props, volun-

teered to make and serve hot chocolate, done publicity, and looked after the finances. People from Our Lady of Victory,

Gabriola United Church, and St. Martin’s have all worked very hard to get this project up and running.

Thank you especially for your prayers. We ask that you continue to hold the Christmas Alive project, and all

the people involved in it, in your prayers. Pray that we meet our three goals: 1) To have churches work together; 2) To

present the Christmas story as a gift to the wider community of Gabriola; and 3) To let those of us who hear the Christ-

mas story every year experience it in a new way.

We are still in need of a little help. We would like more singers to ‘pepper’ themselves throughout the audience

and lead in the singing of the carols. No rehearsal necessary – just let Susan Brockley know that you will show up with

your voice! We would be grateful for the loan of battery-operated lanterns, powerful flashlights, and reflective vests.

We would also like more ushers to help with directing the members of the audience to appropriate places. To help out or

to get more information, please contact Susan (247-9467 or

Christmas Alive!



Ode to Digby

A quiet, unassuming man

He took his place amongst us.

Wisely, he listened to our discussions

Interjecting now and again.

His ideas thoughtfully presented.

Unnoticed, he worked behind the scenes,

Creatively he worked on sacred projects

Producing sometimes practical solutions

To logistical needs,

And more special, religious pieces

To adorn our church services.

He was always there

Ready to help!

You could count on him!

His understanding and aid were shared

And projects completed.

It wasn’t only Humphrey Bogart

Who could use the word ‘Kid’

In a charming and caring way. He could make my day

When he said that!

I’m sure others know what I mean!

We love you Dig! We’ll miss you dearly!


Diane Parks


Prayer Shawl Meet-ing Ministry Meets: 3rd Monday each month 1:30pm in Gabriola United Church Hall.

Please contact Carolyn Pullano if

you know of anyone in need of

support in our parish or commu-


Phone Carolyn at



Hilary at


Prayer Wheel To make a request for prayers

and/or thanks for prayers or to

participate in this ministry

please contact Phyllis reeve

at 247– 7889 or

Bible Study

Wednesday mornings at10:00am Location announced each week Ph. Cheryl @ 247-8664 or Susan @ 247-9467

Rev Joan is in the church office each Thursday

morning. Phone her for an appointment or drop in

for a chat.

Rev. Joan’s ph number : 250-247-7171

Email Address:

Bulletin Announcements

to Jacquie by Wednesday at 5:00pm or phone 250-247-8308

Please send your ideas, comments,

articles to Hilary at: hplow-

Caregivers Meeting

Meets at 2pm on the

first Wednesday of the


Gabriola United


For more information

call Angela:
