St. Louis UnitarianWorship, RE and Nursery 10:00 a.m. JULY 2015 WORSHIP I ... Brian Deason and Tara...

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Transcript of St. Louis UnitarianWorship, RE and Nursery 10:00 a.m. JULY 2015 WORSHIP I ... Brian Deason and Tara...

The St. Louis Unitarian July 2015 Vol. 46, No. 1

Worship, RE and Nursery 10:00 a.m.


July 5 With Liberty and Mercy For All– Our Universalist Heritage

Sarah Dashner Join us Independence Day weekend as we celebrate of our Univer-salist forbearers. Their faith in an infinitely merciful God and belief that all religious paths have merit reflected the character of our young nation and shaped its future.

July 12- "Girl Crush" Valerie Jackson

A relationship with what we name as Divine is important for our spiritual well being, but often difficult because of the vastness of the Divine. In an effort to have a fulfilling relationship, we must con-dense the Divine into smaller elements which we can em-brace. Like the woman who has the Girl Crush, we learn to love tangible elements or ideals that we feel, indirectly, connect us to our true love, the Divine.

July 19 -"Consiciousness and the Un-Self: The Human Enterprise as Soul Making"

Dwight Homer My aim is to tie together Daniel Dennett's concept of conscious-ness as a continuum of multiple "rough" drafts created as our sens-es and memory assemble meaning and shape our world, with John Keats' vision of human life conceived not as a vale of tears, but as a vale of soul making. Keats argued, in his amazing letters to his brother George, that we are built from what tests us. The world, for all the struggle and suffering it inflicts upon us, is what makes us who and what we are.

July 26 - “News to Me” Julie Taylor



JULY 5 & 19

TED Help

Wanted See pg. 7

Office Closed July 3

Independence Day

Have a Happy

July 4th






June and July are the months with the lowest

levels of Sunday attendance. Back in October

of 2014 we also noticed that attendance at our

two Sunday morning services had stopped

increasing. The attendance at the first service

was always quite weak, even though this was

the most popular time for the Children's

program. Often we had six times as many

children at the first

service than at the

second, but (not

counting teachers)

only one-third the

adults. In January, we

decided that a way of

increasing energy in

the congregation

around Sunday

services was to bring

everyone together for

a single service.

We chose 10:00 AM

because that was in

the middle between 9

and 11, and was thus

equally inconvenient

for all. As it has

turned out, though

several people deeply miss the 9 or the 11

service, the overwhelming majority of us like

being together in a single worship event. We

are sad about those who are not served well at

10. The Worship Committee, the Policy

Board, and the Church Council, have dis-

cussed moving the beginning of the main ser-

vice. However nothing will change in the next

three months.

We will also continue offering worship on

Wonderful Wednesdays, and on three other

evenings through the year (Christmas Eve, on

Ash Wednesday, and Maundy Thursday.)

ERDE will continue to offer creative Earth-

centered worship near to certain pagan holy

days. We have been thinking about creating

some alternative program that might begin at

11:45 or noon, such as a discussion of the ser-

vice topic of the day.

To go back to two services

we are now waiting for one,

or two situations to arise:

1) we will fill our

Sanctuary, beyond 80% full,

at least once a month for

three months or

2) we identify a group of 25

or more people for whom

we want to create an alterna-

tive worship service.

I am always glad to hear

how our Worship services

inspire or fail to serve you

well. Let me, or any mem-

ber of the Board, Council

and Worship Committee,

know what you think.

In the Spirit of Love,

Peace, Thomas



What an exciting Spring we’ve had at

Church! Our 2014-2015 ministerial intern,

Rose Schwab, concluded her time with us and

has moved on to the next phase of her

ministerial life in the Twin Cities. We are

excited to welcome Brian Mason to his role as

ministerial intern for the 2015-2016 year, and

look forward to supporting him in his journey.

Speaking of ministers, I had the pleasure of

offering welcoming words at the ordainment

of Rev. Paul Oakley on May 31 at First

Unitarian. Paul was supported and affirmed

by members of the Mt. Vernon Unitarian

Universalist Fellowship, Carbondale Unitarian

Fellowship and Abraham Lincoln Unitarian

Universalist Congregation. Ministers from the

Bi-State UU Ministers’ Society, along with

Rabbi Susan Talve from CRC, joined to

welcome Paul into his new role. I was deeply

moved by the spirit of fellowship and support

provided to Paul from all those present, and

grateful to play a small part in representing

First UU in this important tradition of our


On the topic of representation, many of you

will already be aware that our May Annual

meeting involved the transition of members on

our Policy Board and Church Council. To all

outgoing members, we offer our most sincere

thanks – especially to Alice Crowder and

Diane Fawcett, who have done a commendable

job in their roles as Church Council Chair and

Policy Board President, respectively. We

welcome all new members to the Board and

Council, and I encourage all members and

friends of First UU to get to know them.

Two positions not filled at the May meeting

are those of Church Council Chair and Policy

Board President. I am happy to announce that

Mark Bruns has been appointed to the role of

Church Council Chair, and grateful to Mark

for volunteering his service to our

congregation. As we continue to actively seek

a Board President, your Policy Board has

established guidelines and rotational duties for

the interim, to ensure that all presidential roles

and duties are addressed. Should you have any

questions or concerns, please reach out to any

Board or Council member.

Finally, I’m delighted to share that we are in

the process of re-branding the Leadership

Development and Nominations

Committee. Going forward, you’ll hear it

called the ―Talent Engagement or

Development Committee,‖ or TED for

short. This team will still be responsible for

identifying and nominating individuals to fill

open leadership positions in our church; the

new name is simply to clarify that this group is

also responsible for engaging our members and

helping them to develop their talents and inter-

ests. To further this rebranding effort, we’ll be

hosting brainstorming sessions for anyone

interested in the future of TED at our

church. Please consider joining us to share

your ideas of what this team should look like,

focus on and work toward.

—Tiffany Sewell

On behalf of the Policy Board

me the privilege of serving you this past year.


Full Glass Campaign Thank you to all who have contributed to the Full Glass campaign. Thanks to the generosity

of our congregation we have succeeded in generating new funds for almost three fourths of

the cost of our window restoration. In order to show our enduring gratitude to our donors we

will display an honor roll of contributors. Please take a moment to review the list below to

make sure it is complete and correct. We want to be sure to include everyone who helped, not

only to thank you and honor your gift, but also to show that we are all invested in

maintaining this bequest, our church home.

Jim and Sue Ashwell Larry Barker and Teresa Jay

Stan and Claire Birge Delores Blehm

Joanne and Scot Boulton

Mark Bruns and Janet Oriatti

Andy and Kelsey Burkemper

in honor of Asher J. Burkemper

Helen Cadoret

Lori Calcaterra and Roy Taylor

in honor of Helen Cadoret, Bob and Jeanne Morrell Franklin, Marietta Hunsche,

the Knitting Ministry, and Lorraine Wallis

in memory of Dorothy and Alex Cole and S.J. Williamson

Vicki Carlson and John, Jeff, and Greg Bowen Jeff and Lisa Cary

Dorothy Cole

Tom and Judy Crouch

Clint Cruse

Sarah Dashner

in memory of John J. and Ellen C. Dashner Brian Deason and Tara Perry

Amanda Dever

Tamara Hunter Durham

in memory of Constance Ruth Purick Hunter

Kay and Larry Dusenbery

Melanie and Tony Fathman

in memory of John Marshall Diane and Chris Fawcett

Pamela Gempel Connie Goss

Brittany Hagedorn

Continued on page 11



Anyone who wishes to join our

congregation as a member

may sign the

membership book on the last

Sunday of each month

shortly after the service.

The minister or a board officer

(President, Church Council Chair,

Secretary or Treasurer)

will meet you on the

Sanctuary chancel.

We welcome you to our religious


Help Holy Ground and Operation Food Search collect food for our local food pantries



July 25, 2015,

9 AM to 5PM

Where: Schnucks

Richmond Hts.

next to Esquire


How: In 2 hour shifts distribute a list of

needed foods to shoppers entering the store,

then thank them upon leaving for their


Contact Tom Cradock at

or call 314 454 6552 to schedule a volunteer


All the food collected will be taken to our

Central West End food pantries to be

distributed to those in need.





DESIGNATED COLLECTIONS: As a way of putting our faith into action, we

as a church periodically dedicate one of our

collections to a worthy non-profit or church

program. July’s designated collections are

Places for People on July 12th and Voices

for Children on July 26th.

Places for People's mission is to provide car-

ing effective services to help those with the

greatest challenges recover from mental ill-

ness and associated chronic illnesses. Annu-

ally, 1600 people are engaged in outgoing

program services. 3800 people receive out-

reach programs such as the following: intake

calls, community visits to provide resource

and referral assistance, assessment services,

triage services, and referrals to other service

providers. PfP serves people who are living

with mental illness and/or substance abuse

disorders. Often these people are homeless

when they begin services.

This recipient was nominated by church

members Kimberly Perry and Danny Milam.

Voices for Children ensures advocacy for St.

Louis City and St. Louis County children in

foster care to help them find safe, nurturing

homes. Advocates work side by side with

lawyers to ensure children's needs are recog-

nized in the courts and schools. Refer to their

website http://

www.voices for for more in-

formation. This recipient was nominated by

church members Stephanie Kniep and Julie


Flowers for Summer Services

Summer services in the

sanctuary mean more

opportunities for donating

flowers on Sunday morn-

ings. If you are interested

in helping to beautify the

sanctuary while honoring

a special person or occa-

sion in your life, contact

Dottie Kinscherf ( for more infor-



Take the First UU Talents and Interests

survey to share a bit about yourself: your

talents, your interests and how involved you

wish to become. Your answers will be used

to identify service opportunities that match

your skills and preferences. Take the survey

online at

EngageFirstUUSTL or access it via the

Church website's "Serving" section.



Our food baskets in the Ramp

Room are looking bare and we

could use your help! Our

contributions of canned or

packaged food or personal care

items are brought to both the

Trinity Food Pantry and Central

Reform Congregation for

distribution to the needy.

Preferred donations include

powdered milk, peanut butter,

canned beans and chicken noodle

soup or canned stews. Baby care

items such as baby cereals,

pampers, shampoos, baby wipes

and lotions are welcomed by

Gateway 180, which serves many

families with young children.

Adult care items (shampoos, tubes

of toothpaste, toothbrushes,

deodorants and body wipes) are

also welcomed at Gateway.

Please check the expiration dates

for all items as we cannot donate

expired items. Donations may be

left in the food collection baskets.

First Church’s Social

Responsibility Committee

appreciates your support in

helping the needy in St. Louis!

—Rosemary Lawton

TED needs

your help!

Who is TED?

TED is the newly-renamed Talent Engagement and

Development Committee at First UU, formerly

Leadership Development and Nominations.

What is TED? TED is a group committed to helping members and

friends of First UU match their talents and interests with

needs in our church and the wider community. This

group is also responsible for identifying and nominating

individuals to fill open leadership positions in our

church, and in helping members and friends learn more

about what interests them, how best to engage with the

church and develop their skills in a multitude of ways.

Where is TED?

TED will be hosting a brainstorming session on

Sunday, July 12 from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. This

session is designed to help define what the future of

Talent Engagement and Development looks like at First

UU. If you have ideas about what this committee

should focus on, how it should operate, or anything else

related to TED at First UU, please join us! If you’re not

able to attend on the 12th, don’t worry - additional

opportunities to share your thoughts about TED at First

UU will be held.

If you would like to join TED or have questions regard-

ing this brainstorming session, please speak with any of

the following:

Mark Bruns

Emily Colton

Chris Fawcett

Dan Livengood

Rev. Thomas Perchlik

Tiffany Sewell



At our Congregational meeting in May, we

voted to accept Donald Jeffries’ nomination as

Council Chair. According to our Bylaws, he

could not be elected unless the Policy Board

waived the requirement that the Council Chair

not also be the Chair of any Committee.

Donald was and is the Chair of the Social

Responsibility and Publicity committees.

However, by the time we reached the evening

of the Policy Board meeting we had another

candidate. Mark Bruns was nominated. For

him to become the Chair of the Council the

Policy Board had to waive the requirement that

he have completed ―at least one year service as

a Board or Council Member prior to taking

office.‖ After a serious and complex

discussion, the Policy Board finally decided to

waive the restriction blocking Mr. Bruns, and

they placed him in the office of Council Chair.

We are all very grateful for Donald’s

willingness to step up, and to graciously accept

the choice of the Board. We are confident that

both Donald and Mark will serve us creatively

and well during the upcoming church year.

—Rev. Thomas Perchlik

INVOLVEMENT NEWS Our church has been given a rare opportunity, a

challenge to expand the UU presence in Saint

Louis, and you can help. We have received a

grant to fund a part-time membership

involvement coordinator. The grant will last for

three years. If we use it well the new staff

position will last for decades.

The purpose of the coordinator is to create

programs and training for this church to

integrate new friends and members, and to

keep those who are here. Applicants are asked

to send a resume and cover-letter to the

Membership Committee. E-applications can

be sent to and paper

applications to 5007 Waterman Boulevard,

STL. MO, 63108. Applicants must have a

college degree and be a member of a UU

congregation. For more information see the

first Unitarian church website

Applications will be received until the end of

August. These will be reviewed during the

first part of September, interviews will be

during the middle of that month, and the new

coordinator will be on board by the end of


We need four more people to be on the search

committee. Most of the work of that group

will be done in a four-week period. If you

would like to be involved, please inform Rev.




Each month, as a way of putting our faith

into action, we as a church dedicate one or

more of our collections to a worthy non-

profit. Recipients are often St. Louis based

non-profits with a mission reflective of

ours and with a special connection to First

Church and its members.

Our Social Responsibility Committee has

been accepting member nominations for

recipients for our 2015-2016 church

year. Nomination forms are available at

the Social Responsibility table

in Fellowship Hall through July 12th .

All nominations must be received by July

13th to be considered. Copies of our

Designated Collection Policy and selec-

tion criteria will be available for review

at the Social Responsibility table in Fel-

lowship Hall. If you have any questions,

please contact Susan Kelley (314-968-

3618 or

8:30a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Monday — Friday

If you are trying to reach

the church office via

email, please send all

correspondence to



Summer Religious Education continues

each week. Our one room school house has

been hearing stories of Native American wis-

dom, gardening (when it is not raining!),

making snack together and taking care of all

of our indoor plants.. Be sure to visit the gar-

dens after classes every week. They can al-

ways use a little impromptu weeding(!).

Plans are now being made for the Fall Reli-

gious education classes and programs.

Teachers are still needed for all RE sessions.

This is a great opportunity to further your

understanding of Unitarian Universalism and

to get to know the families of the church.

Please sign-up in Fellowship Hall or contact

me, Lynn Hunt, if you are interested.

Registration Materials for Fall Religious

Education classes will be mailed at the end of

August. If you do not receive materials by

August 29th, please contact the office.

RE Dates

Sunday, June 28th – Service and Classes at

9:00am (to help facilitate participation in

the Pride events).

Sunday, July5th – No Sunday RE Classes

– Child Care Only

Sunday, August 23rd – Teacher

Orientation (11:30am to 1:30pm – lunch


Sunday, August 30th – Last Session of

Summer RE

Sunday, September 6th – Child Care Only

Sunday, September 13th – Water

Ceremony, RE Classes begin, Pancake

Breakfast sponsored by the Boston Trip


Please note that Wonderful Wednesday does

not meet in July. Plan to attend on August

19th. Watch for details about programming.

Upcoming Faith Development

Opportunities for Adults

Covenant Groups

In Covenant Groups people come together in

a circle of trust, in covenant, to be in right

relation with one another with respect and

care. We cultivate deep listening as each per-

son takes a turn in a sacred space to express

what stirs in them about the topic of the ses-

sion. The careful listening enriches the lively

back and forth interchange that follows. If

you would like more information about join-

ing a group you can: sign up in Fellowship

Hall or call the Faith Development Office

(314-361-0595 ext 25).


John and Donna Piepho

Paulita Pranschke

Cathy Rauch Bob and Cathy Reszinski

Deborah Richie

in memory of Terra Nova

Doug Roach

in honor of Erin Milligan and Mary Roach

in memory of Janet Johns Roach

Jeanie Roberston

in memory of Gary Robertson Lisa Ross and Charles Eby

Gene Rubin and Dottie Kinscherf Tiffany Sewell

in memory of Cheryl D’Harlingue Steve Smidowicz and Allison Lamothe

in honor of the Smidowicz and

Lamothe Families

Janet Sondin

Woodrow Sullivan Judy Till

Carolynn Toft

in honor of Susan Ingham and John Knoll Eric Turcotte

Stan Veyhl Nadine Vliestra

Norma Vogelweid

John and Carol Watson Joan Lecoutour Weeks

in memory of Kyle Parker Weeks, Clifford

Eugene Lecoutour, Robert William Lecoutour, and Marian Mardorf Lecoutour

Dan and Kathy Wilke

in honor of Brennyn Wilke, Beckett Wilke,

Aerin Wilke, Kenley Wilke, and

Stephen Wilke

in memory of John A. and Maxine Marshall

Kathy and Jim Wire

Women’s Alliance

continued from Page 4

in memory of Arnald Lubahn

Paula Hanssen

Rob Harding

in memory of Tom Hungerford Stephen Harris

The Heddens-Kocher Family

in memory of Martina Kocher

Gwenne and Joel Hickman

Rev. Earl Holt Dixie and Maan Jawad

Emily Jaycox

in honor of Laurie Ryan

in memory of Jerry Troxell

Warren Keller Joan and Chales Kindleberger

in memory of Witt Godfrey and

Mike Goldberg

Richard and Stephanie Kniep

Jamie Laing and Margaret Weck

Susan Lammert

in memory of Renni Shuter

——— Maley

Charles Manley and Kimberly Perry

Jerry McAdams

Jason, Tessa, Ira and Orly McLure

in memory of Patricia McLure Doris Pree

Charles Merrill and Carol Rutter

Judy Meyer

in honor of Susan Ingham and John Knoll Dori Miller

in memory of Ida and Fred Herron

Debbie Moormann

in memory of Mrs. Aubrey Smith

Jeanne Morrel-Franklin

Erin Mulligan

Anthony and Grace Munie

Betty Neill

in honor of our church community

Allyn O’Byrne

Julia Oyen-Keller Catherine Perry and Sedgwick Mead






belongs to a


program with Quill, our

office supply company.

The church receives rebates

for recycling inkjet

cartridges. So far this fiscal

year the church has

received over $240.00 in

―Quill Cash‖ to use towards

the purchase of office


Recycle bins are found in

the copy area of the church







QIGONG OFFERED AT FIRST UU Qigong combines mindful, gentle,

physical postures and movements

with meditation, breath-work,

sounds (mantras) and self-massage

techniques to revitalize your Vital

Life Force energies and to

enhance physical, emotional,

mental, and spiritual healing.

Qigong techniques help to dissolve

accumulated stress and fatigue,

increase energy, and strengthen the immune system.

Accumulated daily practice of Qigong movements and

meditation build up a storehouse of Qi energy and also lead to

enhanced concentration, improved mental focus, and greater

intuitive functioning.

Hour long Qigong classes on Tuesdays

at 2pm in Hope Chapel.

These are pay-as-you-can classes.

TOASTMASTERS CLUB Join us each first and third Sunday at 7 p.m.

in the Clark Room. For information contact

Stan Veyhl at (314) 863-3229 or


DO YOU SHOP ON-LINE? When making your on-line purchases be

sure to log on to Search

for your items through Good Search, each

search earns money for First Unitarian

Church. So far this Fiscal Year, the church

has earned $42.35. The potential is SO

MUCH higher...cost to you...ZERO!

Simply go to the GoodSearch

website, log-on and input ―First Unitarian

Church of St. Louis‖ into the field that asks

for what group you want to support. It’s

that easy.

It’s a free and easy way to raise money for

our church and get some of your shopping


Each month, GoodSearch sends the church a


Don’t forget to use your eScrip card when

shopping at Schnucks. The church receives

a percentage each time you shop. Don’t

have an eScrip Card? Stop by the sign-up

table in Fellowship Hall and pick up one

this Sunday. Simply register on-line and

you are ready to earn money for First

Unitarian Church.


The St. Louis

Unitarian is now

available on-line.

Check out our

website home page.


Come and join our newsletter folding group

on Tuesday, July 21 at 9:30 a.m. as we ready

the newsletter for bulk mail. This is a

wonderful way to meet church members or

reconnect with those you already know.

Sewing Sunday

Our Church supports the efforts of the

Gateway 180 homeless shelter in many ways.

Gateway plays a vital role in supporting

families to find permanent and sustainable

housing. Currently there is a need for adult

and child size scrub tops for clients to wear

when their clothing is being laundered. We

will have a sewing day on July 19 to make

some tops. If you can bring a sewing ma-

chine we will supply the materials! Sunday

School classes will be helping with this pro-

ject – we will, as well, need extra helpers to

guide the children in cutting out patterns and

sewing. Sign-up in Fellowship Hall to help

with this project – it is appreciated!




Memorial gifts were received in memory

of Jack Carpenter .

A total of $115.00 was donated to our

Designated Collections on May 24 for

Girls Inc. and a total of $95 was donated to

our Designated Collection on June 14 for

Payback Inc.


Let us keep in our minds all in our church who

live and struggle to heal from illness and surgery,

and let us remember all who have family

members who are ill or who have died.

—Long time member, Esther Meyer died on

May 14, 2014.

—Emily Jaycox’s father, Ephraim Miler,

passed away peacefully on May 28 in

Portland, Oregon after a long battle with liver

cancer. The family will have a memorial

service in Portland in the summer.

—Kathy Wire’s dad, Dr. George

Kottemann, died on June 10th after a short

illness. He lived a long productive life, was a

generous patron of the arts, proud

grandfather of 6, great grandfather of 15, and

a long time member of UU church in Peoria.

—Kay and Larry Dusenbery celebrated the

wedding of their son Todd who was married

in Manchester, Connecticut.


Does your place of business

have envelopes that are out-dated, unusable

or unwanted? The church office is in need

of envelopes. #9 or #10 would be best, but

we will take any size or any color. We use

these envelopes for inter-office

correspondence and deposits into our safe,

so envelopes with company logos or return

addresses are great. If your place of

business is set to recycle old envelopes,

please bring them to the church office. We

would rather reuse them and THEN recycle




Please keep in mind that the calendar is updated daily

and does not show outside rentals. Refer to the Web

Site calendar for up-to-date information.

Wednesday, July 1 6:00 p.m. - IT Task Force (CLK) Friday, July 3 Church office Closed Sunday, July 5 Fair Trade Coffee 10:00 a.m. - Worship Service (S) 11:30 a.m. - Covenant Group (C7) 7:00 p.m. - Toastmasters (CLK) Tuesday, July 7 2:00 p.m. - Qigong Class (CH) 7:00 p.m. - First UU of St. Louis Buddhist (CH) Thursday, July 9 6:30 p.m. - Feasts & Festivals Comm. Meeting (FH) Sunday, July 12 Newsletter Deadline Designated Collection: Place for People 10:00 a.m. - Worship Service (S) 11:15 a.m. - Talent Engagement & Development Brainstorming (C1,C2) 11:30 a.m. - Covenant Group (C7) 12:30 p.m. - Knitting Ministry (C8) Tuesday, July 14 2:00 p.m. - Qigong Class (CH) 6:30 p.m. - Policy Board (C1) 7:00 p.m. - First UU of St. Louis Buddhist (CH) Sunday, July 19 Fair Trade Coffee 10:00 a.m. - Worship Service (S) 12:30 p.m. - Covenant Group (C8) 7:00 p.m. - Toastmasters (CLK)

Tuesday, July 21 9:30 a.m. - Newsletter Folding (C1) 2:00 p.m. - Qigong Class (CH) 6:30 p.m. - Library Committee 7:00 p.m. - First UU of St. Louis Buddhist (CH) Wednesday, July 22 6:00 p.m. - Long Range Planning Com. (C1) 6:00 p.m. - Toward Justice (offsite) Sunday, July 26 Designated Collection: Voices for Children

10:00 a.m. - Worship Service (S) 11:30 a.m. - Covenant Group Facilitators (C8) Tuesday, July 28 2:00 p.m. - Qigong Class (CH) 6:30 p.m. - Church Council 7:00 p.m. - First UU of St. Louis Buddhist (CH) For updates to the church calendar visit


Member, Unitarian Universalist Association

The St. Louis Unitarian Volume 46, Number 1

July 2015 August newsletter deadline: July 12

Fold: July 21 @ 9:30 a.m. Submit news to

(314) 361-0595/96 • fax: (314) 361-0712


Rev. Thomas Perchlik

ext. 22

Ministerial Intern


Religious Education Team

Lynn Hunt, Credentialed Religious Educator

ext. 25

Rhonda Buergler, Sunday Assistant

Augustine Underwood, Childcare, RE Asst. &

Administrative Assistant

Music Team

Joel Knapp, Choir/Music Director

Earl Naylor, Organist/Accompanist

Administrative Team

Yvette Clemons, Church Administrator

ext. 23

ext. 21

Mary Thompson, Sunday Sexton

Elliott Smith, Custodian

Donald Jeffries, Newsletter Proofreader

Office Hours Mon — Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Saturday & Sunday Closed









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