St Croix Squadron - Jul 2009

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Transcript of St Croix Squadron - Jul 2009

  • 8/2/2019 St Croix Squadron - Jul 2009


    Upcoming Events17 . . .TUlJ M1J:ma.sotaWin~ rlight. .A.cacia-ln1 at Mallkato, M:N:11 . . .TUlJ BAA Chapte-r -tt ~4Youn~ Ba~ Pro gram at I...ak& Blmo Airpo rt (210)00...TUlJ 13TXGJtla.r omnta tDn r li.~ t::: ( 13aecapt 13q,,;;mda.rfu r da-t.ills)07 .A.u~ Group 3 13ARBl:a t TEA14.A.u~ Ground T&am .A.cacia-ln1 at camp Ripl.a-1,MN".19.A.u~ Ground Racholo ~i::al 'I 'r3..i.nin~ at Ro ~r:::, MN"21 .A.u~ 13quadro n I...a-ada-r:::hip13cho 01 (13Li:3)B a-wid,j~ MN.21 .A.u~ 13ARBl:B'Val13t1la-@TEA

    The AviatorSt. CroixComposite Squadron NCR-MN-122

    Vo lume 20, Number 4, July 200 QMinnesota Wing - Civil Air Patrol -U,S, Air Force Auxiliary

    st. Croix Squadron ReceivesSquadron of Merit Awardn 2May 200Q , the St. Cro ix Comp 0 sit.e Squadron rec e t v ed theinnes ota Wing, Civil Air P atro I Squadron 0 fMeri t Award at thenual :MhmeEota Wing EConterenc 1 3 , which was hel d at

    00 d res crt in Alex andria, Minnes 0 taohe Squadro n 0 fMerit Award iEan annual award eat.ablia hed toeco gniae the top cadet or Compo sit.e Squadron'E in each Wing. Thearne criterion ua ed to Eelect the Squadron 0 fDi sttnctto n, which waswarded to the Viking Comp 0 sit.e Squadron, was ua ed to determine

    a dron ofMerit Award.

    apt. Yo Etha d corum ented, IICongra tulations are in 0 rder to all 0 fhe memb era 0 fthe St. Oro ix Comp 0 sit.e Squadron for their hardork and dedi cati OnE that has earned our Squadron thiE

    ua award. IIst. Croix Comp 0 E t. e Squadron rec etv ed a di EtinCtiV 3

    :ttificate and a streamer to be atta ehed to 0ur Squadro nlag as a symb 0 I of our achiev ement.ongratul ations St. Cro ix Squa dron!

    _._;il~,.-:.J'" 1_'; :-_...__ _I~"~"I ____ 1. .._ . . ~ . .. .. .. .. .. . '1r 1~ r. ................l;:":', = - ': ~ -; -- -~ r i ., ? _' ." " I . ": -" " - - . _. - " ._ -~..-.rn; _ _.. I .. ~,.... !......

    . - -: -i :; - . . . . ~ : ~ .j~.i~ ..t the Conference banquet our Squadron Commander, Capt. David YoEtc epted the Squadro n 0 fMerit Award 0n behalf 0 fthe entire unit.

  • 8/2/2019 St Croix Squadron - Jul 2009


    st.Croix MeDlber Receives ConunanderConunendation Award!

    The Command er'ECo:rur.aend ati on Award has been awarded only to tho E 3 who clearly stand 0ut from theothere and who contributed mOEt to the EUCeEE0 fthe CivUAir Patrol.Lt. Co1 . Rutten has been and conttnues to be a v aluable re a ourc 1 3 for the m emb era of st. Croix Comp 0EiteSqua dron (STX) and the Minnes 0 ta Wing.He has shown hims elf to be a thoroughly dedic ated m emb er of the CivU Air Pa tro I, committed to i ta mis EionIn no cas 1 3 has he failed to step up and do the job at hand to the best of hia ability. He has been steadfa Etwhether the mis Eion at had has been an ELT Esarch, mis Eing airplane, flo0 d reli et; or [uat an exerots 1 3 , he hasalway Ebeen there doing hia P alt. We all ha v 1 3 p erE0nally learned a great deal from him and hia exp erienc e.Lt. Co1 . Rutten has been a CAP m ernb er Einc 1 3 1 Q Q O . He Eerv ed aEst. Croix Squadron unit commander from2004- 2 0 0 8, Eerving an extra year bey ond the standard 3-year term. D1..U"1nghiE time he comtantly led andpushed mem b erE to exc 1 3 1 in order to make st. Croix a Squadron of Disttnotto n.Lt. Col. Rutten currently Eerves as the St. Croix Squadron Admin Omcer and Ad v isor to the Co:rur.aander. Heals 0 Eerv eE as an asEistant for LogiEti cE,Communic atio ns , Testtng, Pro reEEional Dev eloprn ent, and P erEonneom cer and pro v tdes v aluable exp erienc 1 3 and guidanc 1 3 to other memb era learning thea 1 3 po sitto ns . He iEalway Ewilling to help and m ento r 0 ther Eenio r m emb era in a v ariety 0 fj 0bs.Lt. Co1 . Rutten iEa MN" Wing Incident Commander and teaches the Inci dent Command Sy atem to Equa dronmem b erE and others b eyond our unit. He 1eads by example. Fo r ina tance, he has already completed all therc s couraes necess ary to continue as an Incident Commander.He al E Eerv eE as the chairman 0 fthe MN" Wing 108 Task Forc 1 3 , Eerv eEon the st. Croix unit Financ 1 3Commi ttes, and iE a Flight ReleaE 1 3 0 mc er,Lt, Co1 . Rutten has been an orgarn aer illr 0ur Squadro n and has been instrumental in our Squadro 11EP articip atio n in the 2008 Shrtne Circm with the St. Paul ShinerE (traffic management as a fund-rats er) .He iE als0 rea p onsible illr and led the proj ect to install a new VHF radi 0 antenna on our hangar building andfunctio ns as the liai Eon between the Equadron and our landl ord.

    On 2 May 200 Q , l..t. Co1 . Bill Rutten of the St. CroixComp 0 sit.e Squadron rec e t v ed the Minnes ota Wing, CivU AirPatro l's Co:rur.aanderE Co:rur.aendation Award foroutetandtng Duty Performance at the Annual Minnes otaWingE Confsrence, which wa Eheld at Arro ww 0 0d res ort inAIexandria, Minnes ota.The CivU Air Pa tro 1Award illr OutEtanding dutyp erto rm anc 1 3 iEgiv en where achie v emerita and Eervic eEareclearly and unmis takably ex ceptio nal and rec 0 gnia 1 3achie v emerita and Eervic eEEignific antly abo v 1 3 and bey ondnormal duty p erto rmanc e.

    Congratul ation Lt. Co1 . Rutten!

  • 8/2/2019 St Croix Squadron - Jul 2009


    st. Croix Cadets Receive First FlightCertifictes of Achievement

    n Thurs day night, 14 May 200Q,Fo ur cadets from the St. Oro ix S qua dro n rec eiv ed their CivU .Airatro 1(CAP) firE t flight c ertific ates in a brief ceremo ny at the weekly Equadron meeting.

    ll cadets one 13 they meet a minimum requirement are elig eble to rea eiv 13 5 pow ered orientation fiightE as partftheir CivU.Air P atro 1 (CAP) aero Ep ac 13 educ atio n and memb ership.he c adets who were reco gnia ed were:

    Mohamm ad Ba ttah had hia orientation flight, on 1 /3110 Q,hia 0 rt entatio n pUot was Capt. D a vi d Yo et.lAB Jacob Florez has hia orientation flight, on 411110Q,hia ortentationpUot was Capt. Stefan Sylv ander,lAmn. Sam Ma gilke had hia ortentatio n flight on 4 1 1 1 / 0 Q , hiE orientation pUot was Capt. stefan Syl v ander,lAB Sam Sruart ha d hi Eorientation flight on 5 / 1 410Q , hia 0 rienta ti on pilo t w as C apt. Stefan Syl v ander,ongratul ations to all 0 fy ou 0 n thiE a chi evm entn b ehalf of the Squadron Commander, Congratulatiom andjob well done.

    st. Croix Cadet Solo's Towards AchieveingPrivate Pilots License!

    n 14 May 200Q, st. Croix CompoEite Squadron'E ClAnIn. Anthony SwanEon was presented hia Civil Air PatrolCAP) Ca det Solo Badg 13 Award in a brt ef c erem ony at our weekly Squadron meeting. ClAmn. Anthony M.wam on EO0 ed a C -1'i ' 2 (N -Q8Q8 ' i ' ) on Sunday May 10 at 11:55 AM 10 cal time. He flew the pattern andc complis hed 3 takeoffii and 1andings from Runway 32/14 at Lake Elmo airp ort (21D).t. Croix Squadron Commander, Capt. Da v id Yos twho iE Cadet SwanEon'E fiightimtructor had words ofncouragement and prais e for Cadet SwanE on's so lo flight and hia pro greEE to date.

    a det Swam on completed a ground Echo 0 1clas Ewith the Lake Elmo' EEAA chapter #54 in 2008, and had hiaint flight le a Eon (at leas t with me) on 15 No v 2008. He had a to tal of 16.1 hours 0 f dual imtruction before

    0 ing, and now has 16. 'i ' ho UrE to tal time in hia 10 gb 0 ok.apt. Yo Et was quo ted: Ca det Swam on has worked dUig ently and pro greEEed well. I really w asn't nerv om

    him solo became he'djust sp ent the previous hour showing me he could do it The initial so lolight really iE a m aj0 r milest.o ne b ec am 13 he' Eno w pro v en to the wo rt d that he can safely :fiy an airplane.'a det Swam on has been a m ern b er 0 f Civ U.Air P atro 1 sine 13 0Q Septemb er 2008. He has a chi e ed hia le v 13 1 1 -

    Award 0 n 1QFebruary 20OQ,and rec e t v ed hi Epro mo tion to Ca det Aiml. an. (ClAnIn).ur c ongratulatio ns go to Cadet Airman Antho ny Sw ans 0 n for thiE great milestone in skill and proficiency.13 all wish himwell in hia new flying career.

    n behalf of all the mem b erE and pUOtE 0 fthe st. Croix Squadron, well done!

  • 8/2/2019 St Croix Squadron - Jul 2009


    st. Croix Aids Woodbury's Am.ericanLegion at MeDlorial Day Dedication

    n Memo rt al Day, Monday, 25May 200Q , 4 m ernbelli of the St. Croix Comp 0E t. e Squadron aided Woo dbury' Emeric an Legi on POEt#501with the Dedi cati on of the Veterans Mem orial at Woodb ury' ECity Hall site.he St. Croix Squadron m emb era handed out Mern orial pro grams and directed attendees to the dedic atio nrea. W1 3 e~ 0 yed showing 0 ur supp 0 Itor the Americ an Legion POEt#5Oland fur our counti eE v eterans. Thet. Cro ix Comp 0E t. e Squadron mem belli in attendanc 1 3 were: Maj, David Kenan, C/Al C Ka ti J ent.s, 2Lt.

    arleE J ent.s, 2Lt. Scott RichardE 0n.

    ening ceremony remarks were given by Woo dbury Mayor, Mr. Bill Hargis, Memorial D ay addres Ewas by l..1 . Joel F ortneb erry, USAF, and the colors were preE ented by the Woodbury High Scho 01JRO TC.

    st. Croix Squadron Hosts a ParentAppreciation &Open House Night!n 2 8May 20 09, th 1 3 s eni or m emb era from the st. Croix Comp 0site

    u adron hosted a parent apprec iati on ni ght &op en h ous 1 3 EE Q to sayhank you to all of th 1 3 parent sand spo us es of all our mernb ers. About25 to 150 mernb ers, spou ses, parents , siblings &fri en d s all show ed up tohare in a great Minnesota style EEQ dinner.e all had a ch anc 1 3 to h ar 1 3 a rel ax ed atmo sph ere to get to know 0 ne another a little better an d to

    ust har 1 3 some fun. The EEQ meal was typic al of hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, chips,0 oki es, browni 1 3 sand 10ts of b 1 3r erage s to consume. Musi c was sele ct.e d by 1Lt. Erad He ck an d ourrille masters were Captains Dar id Yo st &Dalen Kru s e.1 3 Cad 1 3ts had a gre at deal of fun by playing r ariou s game s for all an d a large gam 1 3 0 f flag fo otb all1 3 parent s had a ch anc 1 3 tome et and talk to the seni or mernb er sand to 1earn a lot m ore of wh er 1 3

    hier young adults hare been spending their time.would 1ik 1 3 to Thank all of the mernb era of the st. Croix Comp 0 sit 1 3 S qu adron for their tim 1 3 an dfforts whi ch all co ntri bute d to our au cc es s es thi s year and to our S qu adr on 0f Merri t Award.n behalf of the Squadron Commander, Capt. Darid Yosthank you.

    t a mid mo ruing ceremo ny, 0 v er 350 people were in1 3 fur the Woodbury' EAmeric an Legion and Lio ns

    ub held their rededi cati on of the nearly finiehed Veteransemo rtal whi ch was commiEsio ned a year a go.

    dbury's American Legion and the Lio n's Club haveeamed up to g ether to sp 0ns or thiE mem erial. Throughales of engrav ed memo rt al granite p avers, the needed

    Ehav 1 3 been rais ed to help make thiElong awaitedterans Memo rt al a reality.

  • 8/2/2019 St Croix Squadron - Jul 2009


    st. Croix Squadron Shows Support forEAA Young Eagles Program.

    On 13June 200Q , the st. Croix Comp 0Eite Squa dron, CivUAir Patrol (CAP) w aspreE ent to sh o w 0ur Eupp ort for the Exp erimental Av i ation AEEOciation (EAA)Chapter #54, Young Eagle Flight pro gram at Lake Elmo Airp ort (21D), Lake Elmo,MN". We were grad ously inv ited by the m embers ofEAA chapter #54 b ased at theLake Elm 0 Airp crt to ha v e a recruiting tabl e and to talk to the large numb er of youngpeople and their parents about CivUAir Patrol and 0ur mis Eion.The EAA Young Eagle pro gram iEintended to giv e kidE their firE t airpl ane rt de with a one- 0n- one exp eriencewith the pUot and to introduce them to av iation in a pcsitt v e way. Their program iEintended to pro v ide furone free fiight only b ec am e they do not ha v e the res ourc eEto giv emultiple fiightE to the Earne childthroughout the year. ThetrYoung EaglepilotE fly a v ariety of FAA certified aircraft. and each yOUllgEter getEto ha v e a unique hands -on flying exp erienc e.Alter the flight, each new Young Eagle iEpreEented with acertinc ate, which iE sui table fur framing.EAA Chapter #54 inv iteE young av ia to n ageE 8 to 1 'i ' fur a free airplane rt de a t the Lake Elm 0 Airp 0 rt (21D) .The Young Eagle rt des are giv en each Eecond Saturday of the month from May thro ugh 0 ctob er at Q : 00amweather p ermitting.I had a fint hand chanc e to talk with both the parents and youngat.ers who p articip ated in to day' Epro gram,the grin 0n the yOungEten fac e Eaid it all. Many 0 fthe fuLkEI was able to talk to were v ery interested in CivUAir Patrol and one of our mis EiOnE,which iE v ery similar to that ofthe EAA'E Young Eagle program.I would like to thank 0ur ho EtEat EAA Chapter 54 fur in v iting ua to particip ate fur the day and to sho w 0ursupp ort fur thiE great hands -0n displ ay 0 f aero spac e educ ati on.

    st. Croix Squadrons Annual Fathers DayPancake Breakfast Fundraiser!n 21 June 20 09 , th eSt. Cr oix Compo si te Squadron, Cir i 1 Air Patrol (CAP)

    0 st.e d our annual F ath era Day Pan cake Ere akfast fundr a i 13 er at our Squadronangar at Lake Elmo Airport (21D), Lake Elmo, : M : N " .his is an annual fundrais er er en t for our squadron and help 13 us r ai 13 e 13 om e 0fhe ne ed e d fun da for our 13 qu adron to operate sue ces sfully. 'Ihe we ather wasoop erating an d turnout for our er en twas r ery go 0d. We had appr oximat ely50 guests who had attended our e rent and enj oyed the morning with us.h e main bre akfast con si sted of eggs, p anc ak es, 13 au 13 age 13 , syrup, juice, milknd coffee. We also had considerable donations from members, local rendersn d suppli era in ord er to help us pull thi 13 e rent off an d to make it as au cc es 13 Ms it was. A silent auction was al 13 0 a gre at addition to th e e rent to help raia ed diti on al fund a.

    ad diti on to a fine pan cake breakfast, we had 13 ome fe at ure attrac tion 13 sue hs the Eayport Fire Engine boom truck, along with the Fire Chief,:Mr. Mike Belln d two of his firem en. Weal so had a r isi t by th e still water E all 0on Co mp anyho brought along a 12-person gondola fur our guests to get a close up look atnd to talk to the owner about ballooning. And as usual we had our Ci ril Airatrol airc raft on display fu r our gue sts to h are a hand 13 on 10 ok at what we fly .

  • 8/2/2019 St Croix Squadron - Jul 2009


    Awards &Achievements/Capt. C3.1ab Norman Amalia Earhart Award

    New Promotions0 saph Burtonadet Eth;;m Pik a.

    CaptainA:innom First Clas a (CIA 1C)

    K3 . i J ent.s A:innom First Clas a (CIA 1C)ada.t Norznan Captain (ClC3pt.)

    J ~ The Looking GlassY., " 1 ' Back' 1~'1i3 Ih0m= 0 of Ib0 .cbiov=""i svrsrd =d

    ; m / f t . ~ gr : . : . : . 1 - =ia T.'i.12k . 1 0 -= 3 : . : . :ceda ~-=:.:.:rnw .b - = . z 2 th qd -= 1-= vd 8of th -= L - = : . : . : . 1 - = r s b . i p P b : . : . : . s - = ia th-=: .: c k ~ lXog r :. ;:m ?you think yo u know what it ia, aerid y ourw era to LtCo1. Rutt~n at rr w Ocl@arrl.neb.0 cll uckl

    Issue: amwer: CAP National H~clquart.:::rslo c ated ab Maxw ell AirF orce B aae (AFB)ab ama,

    New Members0 rue to the illllowing new memb ers:

    Cacl~b/AB S am ~~n/AB Grant starr/AB Josh T'arka

    Pancake Breakfast Cont'dMany of our memb era had pu t a gr eat many hoursinto pl anning and execut ion 0f this event to makeas successful as it was. We had senior members onthe grille, cle aning t abl e 1 3 , working the silent aucti otalking to guest 1 3 and do ing 1 3 ome re crui bing.Our cadets were busy parking v ehi cl es, dire ctingtraffic, and bu 1 3 sing tabl ea and talking to other younpeopl ewere in attendance. We even had a vi sit fromau ch d i. gnit arie 1 3 as the Minne 1 3 ota Wing CommanderCol. Thomas Thei a.

    We would lik e to thank all of 0ur members whowor ked so hard and put in so many hours to mak ethi 1 3 event a gr eat time and a au coea a.

    The Count66 s~ni.on:: 28 P ab-ons::3 Cacl~b::35

    Squadron Corum andenDavid Yost, Gapt. CAP1 0 stD"W@comcastmtEditor:Scott Riclmdson, 2Lt.CAPPublic Affairs Office rpa o

    Publi.a;,.wnTnfO=wni:>t. C!roi.3: 1>q=.droncs-u Air Pilio13:'::'i'5M=.i.ns A~. NBO:l:9,~~B~ Ehno, MN 551):1.2651- rrs-ie 10h t tp : aroro i .3 : .: tnno: I! ;Lp .ors :

    coming s ept.ernber Issue:( t I" a - r :: : a - " E I I :l .t 8 n'om . . l 'U l J &August,Z MN"W:b:J.g En::ampma-ntZ MN"W:b:J.g rl1gl:It A c ad.aI:Il.1Z Gltia-r OI13-ntat1on r ~ t 8Z Gro1ll:l.d Ta.1m Exarc:t El lZ B 1U3 - CA P ' I 'rri:1n:Il:lg ac tn'1 1 a - 8