St. Catherine of Siena Parish · 2019-09-19 · St. Catherine’s Tea Party was a fun day with...

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Transcript of St. Catherine of Siena Parish · 2019-09-19 · St. Catherine’s Tea Party was a fun day with...

St. Catherine of Siena Parish


STAFF DIRECTORY Name Area of Responsibility Direct Phone Email Address Mary Beckley-Clark Pastoral Care 269-978-2334 mclark@ Phil Dezern Youth Faith Formation 616-633-0994 pdezern@ John Emilio Finance & Human Resources 269-978-2335 jemilio@ Dcn. Ed. Feltes Deacon Mary Hunt Justice & Charity & Hospitality 269-978-2338 mhunt@ Janet Ingersoll Children’s Faith Formation 269-327-0861 jingersoll@ Fr. Bill Jacobs Parochial Vicar 269-978-2343 frbill@ Connie Juszczyk Preschool Director 269-978-2348 cjuszczyk@ Dcn. Brian Kaluzny Deacon Jay Freel Landry Adult Faith Formation 269-978-2331 jlandry@ Fr. Basker Lopez Parochial Vicar 269-978-2330 frbasker@ Matt Miller Buildings and Grounds 269-327-5165 x139 mmiller@ Alana Murray Admin. Associate for Staff 269-327-5165 frontdesk@ Dcn. Jack Prendergast Deacon Christa Quandt Admin. Associate for Staff 269-327-5165 frontdesk@ Linda Reaume Finances 269-978-2346 lreaume@ Fr. Ken Schmidt Pastor 269-488-7334 frken@ Kendra Stampor IT 269-978-2332 kstampor@ Tricia Tetzlaff Music Ministry 269-290-3274 ttetzlaff@ Julie Walen Admin. Associate for Pastor 269-978-2347 jwalen@ Deb Wezensky Parish Management 269-978-2340 dwezensky@ Paula White Parish Nurse 269-327-5165 x112 Fr. Stan Witek Parochial Vicar 269-978-2339 frstan@

SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION Sacrament of Baptism Parents and godparents are expected to participate in a class before celebrating baptism. Call the parish to register. Sacrament of Matrimony The Church provides marriage preparation for engaged couples. Call the parish to register. Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick If you know anyone who is in the hospital, sick or homebound, please call the parish office. Sacrament of Reconciliation Thursday: 8:45-9 am Saturday: 8:45-9 am & 4-5 pm First Friday: 8:15-9 am


1150 West Centre Avenue Portage, MI 49024 Phone: (269) 327-5165 Fax: (269) 327-7266 Emergency calls for a Priest: (269) 806-1102

Words from our Patron Saint

Holy Spirit, come into my heart, and in your power draw it to you.

(Prayer 6)


Ken's Kaleidoscope May 20, 2018

Mass Schedule:

Monday - Saturday: 9:15 am

Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:30 pm Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 am & 5:00 pm Adora�on: Thursday 10:00 am—11:00 pm Friday 10:00 am—3:00 pm

If you or someone you know is in need of prayers, please call 978-2344 or email

Office Hours:

Monday—Friday: 9am-5pm

VIRTUS training is required of any adult who works with children at the church or within the Catholic Schools.

Mission Statement:

A Community

empowered by God

striving to make Jesus

known, experienced, loved,

and imitated.

Presider Schedule: May 26-27

5:30 pm Fr. Stan

7:30 am Fr. Stan

9:00 am Fr. Ken

11:00 am Fr. Ken

5:00 pm Fr. Bill

5:30 pm Sienas

7:30 am Cantor

9:00 am Cantor

11:00 am Choir

5:00 pm Life Teen Band

Musician Schedule: May 26-27

Covenant Scholarships for Catholic Educa+on

No child of a registered parish family will

be denied the opportunity of a Catholic

educa5on at any local CSGK Catholic

elementary school due to financial need.

Applica5on packets are available in the

front office or on our website under

who-we-are/links/. If you have

ques5ons, please contact Melissa

Anderegg at (269) 381-2646.

In the past few weeks I have been wri5ng about our parish

vision. Parish leaders created this vision to give our parish

a common direc5on, to guide our decision-making and to

help focus our priori5es so we can use our resources well.

Our vision has one key word, and four bullet points. In the

past few weeks I've presented three bullet points: Love

God; Grow Disciples; Share the Gospel.

Our last bullet point is: Serve the World. When Jesus told a parable about

the final judgment, he did not men5on the Ten Commandments. What he

said was that those who took care of the hungry and thirsty, those who

welcomed the stranger and clothed the naked, those who spent 5me with

the sick and the imprisoned – those people would inherit the kingdom and

eternal life. (MaHhew, Chapter 25)

I think our parish knows this one and does it well. The world is a big

place, and we know there are lots of needs. Jesus has called us to stretch

ourselves beyond our own desires and the needs of our immediate circle of

family and friends. They're a nice place to start but not where we end. We

also have to stretch ourselves beyond our parish boundaries into the local


There are lots of opportuni5es, whether you like to spend 5me with

people, or do things with your hands. We reach out to people in senior

residences, and people in jail. We host 12-step groups for people recovering

from various addic5ons. We have blood drives and build houses. We offer

ministry to migrant farmworkers, conduct food drives, and fill the giving

tree. We serve Meals on Wheels and bring food to people recovering from

health issues. We read and tutor in schools and at Peace House.

We also stretch farther through our special collec5ons for people

suffering from natural disasters and congoing poverty, for the Church that is

growing in Eastern Europe, La5n America and Africa, for support of the min-

istry of the Pope, and care for the people and places of the Holy Land.

Parishioners serve through their involvement in the Knights of

Columbus, the St. Vincent DePaul Society and Women of the Word. Many

more parishioners serve throughout the community as members of

charitable organiza5ons, par5cipa5on in schools and government, and

promo5ng Chris5an values by their involvement in poli5cal life. Our arms

are stretched out to the world when we support Fr. Peter Gregor's ministry

in Honduras, our sister parish in El Salvador, and Catholic ministries in

Mexico and Kenya.

I am reminded that Serving the World does not always mean giving

money, though. Serving the world means using our 5me and our bodies and

our skills to serve people. I am reminded of a ques5on when I was asked

about going to El Salvador, and whether it would be beHer just to send the

money? The response was, "What would your grandmother say if she were

asked whether she would like you to visit her, or prefer you just the send the

money you would have spent on airfare?"

So the fourth part of our vision is to Serve the World. We use our

precious resources of money; 5me; and blood, sweat, and tears to bring the

hands and feet and face of Jesus to people in need.

Jesus said, "What you did to my brothers and sisters, even the least

ones -- you did it to me." (MaHhew 25:40)

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church PAGE 3 Portage, MI

Sponsors make our Bulle5n possible!

Chicago Style Pizza Jack Taylor

Devon Title Curt Dinkelmeyer

Charity and Jus+ce Mission Mary Hunt 978-2338

Fellowship Mission Mary Hunt 978-2338

Today we par5cipate in The Catholic

Relief Services Collec+on to help six

different Catholic agencies to provide

relief and support to struggling

communi5es and to work toward

peace and reconcilia5on among our

marginalized brothers and sisters

here and around the world. Please

prayerfully consider how you can

support the collec5on. Learn more at



special Mass for couples of the

Diocese of Kalamazoo who are

celebra5ng their 50th Wedding

Anniversaries in 2018 will be held on

Sunday, October 14 at 3 pm at St.

Augus5ne Cathedral in Kalamazoo.

Couples celebra5ng their 50th

Anniversary any 5me in 2018 are

asked to contact their parish office so

their names can be submiHed for a

personal invita5on from Bishop

Bradley to par5cipate in this

celebra5on. Invita5ons will be mailed

beginning August 20.

St. Catherine’s Tea Party was a fun day with Polly Cekola-Kragt as our guest

speaker and Alice in Wonderland who didn’t want to miss the Mad HaHer. Our

day couldn’t have happened without the special help from: Brenda Panone,

Christa Long5n, Carol Gray, Sarah Conroy, Deb Skalski, Toni Gilespie, Joan

Townsend, Beth Yozzo, and the extra treats from Kathy Belecki and Joanne

Our parish pickup truck has seen beHer days. We’re

wondering whether someone has a truck that’s in beHer shape that would like to ease into re5rement here at our parish? Call MaH at 806-1106.

Radical Spirit with Joan Chi?ster, OSB

Joan ChiSster is a beloved Benedic5ne Sister and

best-selling author many 5mes over. An influen5al

religious and social leader, she lectures

interna5onally on issues of jus5ce, human rights,

peace, and spirituality. Her work appeals across

religious tradi5ons as well as to those who follow

no religious path.

When: Friday, June 1 from 7 pm - 9 pm with Book


Where: Chenery Auditorium (loca5on change!)

The program fee is $15. Tickets will be required

for admission. Due to the high volume of interest expected for this event,

online preregistra5on with payment is required. Questions? Please contact 269-381-6290 or

From Father Ken:

THANK YOU to the hundreds of you who have responded to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal so far. Our target is $270,000, and our internal goals are

(1) to receive a response from every household (over 2000); (2) to complete the Appeal by the end of May, so it’s done! At the moment, we

are running behind the par5cipa5on rate and the pledges we need in order to achieve these goals. Please make your pledge (or mark it as a zero if

necessary) using the form you received in the mail or the envelope available in the church pews.


RCIA & Adult Faith Forma+on Jay Landry 978-2331

An Introduc+on to Centering Prayer

God communicates in many ways and one of those ways is silence in mys5cal presence or

mystery. God as mystery is not something to be figured out; rather, God embraces us, envelopes us, and

gently loves us into the fullness of our true being, the being that God created.

A mys5cal prac5ce of prayer that dates back to the earliest days of the Church is Centering

Prayer, a form of contempla5ve prayer. By choosing a name or image for God, one can sit and breathe

this name or image in and out, centering ourselves in God's wonderful mystery, love, and gentleness.

This type of prayer is prac5ced by millions of Chris5ans around the world and in other religions.

Centering Prayer is the prayer of s5llness and silence that invites us to be fully present to God

and to contemplate, or be with, God's presence. As many mys5cs and saints have pondered, "Suppose God is not a being

but being itself…" Contempla5ve prayer is an invita5on to move towards becoming one with God as Jesus says in John

10:30, "The Father and I are one." Centering Prayer can "center" me in God at the start or close of the day. It can help

me move closer to my true self in God.

Please join us for an Introduc5on to Centering Prayer led by Jay Landry in Trinity Chapel. In each session,

Jay will share some background on Centering Prayer, and we will prac5ce this way of praying. We will gather on

Wednesdays at 10 a.m. or 6:30 p.m. on May 30, June 6, 13, and 20. You are welcome to aHend as many sessions as you

wish. Please invite a friend or family member.


I think this is a common ques5on above. I know for a fact that it has been asked many 5mes in my 20 years of doing youth

ministry. Here is why it is important.

Data speaks to the fact that a strong youth program will be a springboard for con5nued faith ac5vity later in life.

Youth are both the present and future of the Church. If we do not have show an interest in them now, then there is no

Church of the future.

Data speaks to the fact that families will go where their youth goes. If we can draw youth into programs and ac5vity their

families are more likely to aHend.

So, what does that mean for you if you do or do not have a youth?

I want as many adults as possible ac5ve as leaders in the program. Contact me to find our more informa5on.

I want to be able to share about youth ministry with as many people as possible. Contact me and I will take you to lunch

or coffee and we can talk about what youth ministry is and how we run it.

I want to be able to get to know everyone in the parish to find out about you. So, please reach out to me and we can get


What should I know about Youth Ministry? As much as possible, and I can help you with that!


If you going to have a 6-12 grader next year please pickup your packet of informa5on, email Philip to have it emailed to you or

mailed to you, or have your youth pick it up at the next youth ministry 5me.

We are also looking for more leaders this year in the program. Anyone that has graduated from high school can assist as a

leader. Please contact Philip Dezern if interested.


Contact Philip Dezern to register. Non-parish youth are welcome to a�end! There is scholarship money available for those

in need.

Michigan Adventure June 19 7 spots leW Open to anyone currently grades 5-12

Saint Meinrad Retreat June 26-30 wai5ng list Open to anyone currently grades 7-12

CONFIRMATION (Confirma5on Rehearsals will be 45 minutes before the Mass)

St. Joseph Church May 19 @ 5:30 pm Rehearsal 4:45 pm in the Gym

St. Catherine Church June 10 @ 5:00 pm Rehearsal 4:15 pm in Marian Hall

Youth Ministry Mission Philip Dezern 616-633-0994

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church PAGE 5 Portage, MI

Care and Support Mission Mary Beckley-Clark 978-2334

Anonymous Groups

Food Addicts Anonymous:

Tuesdays, 6:30 pm Rooms 6-8

Alcoholics Anonymous:

Tuesdays & Thursdays 5:30 pm

Rooms 10-12

Saturdays, 5 pm Rooms 10-12


Thursdays, 5:30 pm Rooms 6-8

Gamblers Anonymous:

Fridays, 7:30 pm Rooms 10-12

Overeaters Anonymous:

Saturdays, 11 am Rooms 6-8

RCIA & Adult Faith Forma+on Jay Landry 978-2331

St. Catherine Spiritual Renewal – Help Us Build It

Have you had an encounter with Jesus Christ that melted your heart that inspired you to change how you lived?

Once you began to realize how much God loves you and is bending over backwards to save you, did this experience move

you to fall in love (again perhaps) with Christ, God the Father, or the Spirit? This is spiritual renewal or conversion: when

we engage God in some way and it changes us, filling us with grace and joy that calls us to change our lives, and we

change joyfully, because we know that God is calling us to it.

Narcia Schutlz-Acker and Jay Landry are developing a spiritual renewal program for our parish around the four

pillars of our parish vision statement that are being illustrated in the bulle5n and by the videos of Fr. Ken and the parish

staff at the end of Sunday Masses. We are asking you, the People of St. Catherine of Siena, to share a bit of your spiritual

journey in one dream session to help us build this program, so that we can spiritually renew our parish and all of us can

con5nue to fall in love with Jesus Christ and follow him more closely to reach the goals of our parish vision.

Please consider joining us for one of these Fall in Love dream sessions, like a mini-retreat, where you will have

the chance to revisit an encounter with Jesus Christ, God the Father, or the Spirit and how that touched your heart to

begin to change your life. AWer revisi5ng this encounter, we will invite you to dream about the spiritual renewal that

you'd like to see happen at St. Catherine. Again, you are invited to aHend only one of these sessions.

The dates for these "Fall in Love" sessions are below. Please consider aHending one of these sessions. We will

start at 6:30 p.m. and be done in about two hours.

Wednesday, May 23 Thursday, June 7 Tuesday, June 12

Please RSVP to Narcia at or Jay at or 269-978-2331 to let us

know which session you wish to aHend. Please invite a family member and a friend at the parish to aHend with

you. Ques5ons? Please contact either one of us.

Prayer Shawl Weavers Apprecia+on Brunch

When: Tuesday, May 22 9:30-11:30 am

Where: Siena Conference Room (lower level)

Who Should ALend: All current and former kniHers and

those who are considering becoming part of this vital ministry.

Come join us for a delicious breakfast and see what we’ll all about!

Health Care Advisory CommiLee Mee+ng

When: Monday, May 21 7-8:30 pm

Where: Room 21

Who Should ALend: Anyone interested in being involved in the health care

ministries of the parish.

Prayer Line Apprecia+on Event

When: Sunday, May 20 1:30-3 pm

Where: Trinity Chapel

All Prayer Line volunteers are invited to join us for prayer, song and a short

reflec5on by Mike Fawley from The Gathering. This will be followed by a light

recep5on in the GLP Room (past the front office) to thank you for

your ministry to our parish.

Pastoral Care Coffee Group Please join our pastoral care staff for coffee and conversa5on with others who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Our May mee5ng will be on Thursday, May 31 (NOTE NEW DAY) at either 10 am or 6:30 pm in the Polly Pollard Room. (We will not meet on Monday due Memorial Day). We will resume our regular schedule on the last Monday of the month in June.








Preschool Connie Juszczyk 978-2348

Mary Hunt 978-2338

Religious Educa+on Janet Ingersoll 327-0861

Are you looking for something fun to do this summer? Do you enjoy working with

children? If so, then you should consider volunteering for St. Catherine’s Vaca+on Bible

School! This year’s theme is SPLASH CANYON! We are in need of LOTS of volunteers to

help with this program which will take place on July 16-20 at 9 am – 12 pm. There are

many areas where help is needed: snacks, craWs, games, nursery, Story Telling, Bible

Challenge, 3 year old – 5th

grade leader and more.

Volunteers who commit to volunteering the ENTIRE WEEK will not have to pay a

registra+on fee. On-site daycare in the church nursery is available free of charge for all volunteers.

This year there are two different ways you can sign up to volunteer. You can go to our church website, click on Parish Life

and then go to VBS. The link to volunteer can be found there. You can also volunteer by contac5ng Janet Ingersoll.

ALen+on Middle School and High School Students

Do you like working with 3 year olds – 5th graders? Do you like craNs?

Do you like organizing and playing games outside? Would you like to perform plays/skits for


St. Catherine of Siena is beginning to get ready for Vaca5on Bible School. The theme for this

year is SPLASH CANYON and it will take place July 16-20 from 9 am-12 pm.

We need your help to make VBS a fun and exci5ng experience for the children. If this sounds

like something you would like to do or just want more informa5on, please contact Janet Ingersoll.

Our 4 year old friends had the opportunity to take a field trip to the Kalamazoo Ins5tute of Art. They were provided bus transporta5on and were able to make their own art project.

Our preschool is wrapping up the school year. On Monday, May 28, we will be marching down South Westnedge at

10 am in the Portage Memorial Day Parade . Please show your support and wave to the preschoolers and teachers!

Administra+on John Emilio 978-2335

Date: 5-6-2018 Sunday Actual Budgeted Last Year

YTD Amount

Sunday ONLY-For 44 Wks $1,272,652 $1,256,035 $1,248,289

YTD Totals

Sunday & Holy Day $1,335,076 $1,324,035 $1,315,197

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church PAGE 7 Portage, MI

Other News

The Catholic Men’s Fellowship

(CMF) Saturday Morning Group meets

every Saturday morning in Room 1-3

from 7:30-9 am. AWer intercessory

prayers, and a brief discussion of the

Sunday readings, the group focuses the

discussion on a Catholic book. For the

next few months the book will be The

Four Last Things – A Cateche�cal Guide to

Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell by: Fr.

Wade L. J. Menezes CPM (2017). These

discussions are used to help men be

beHer husbands, fathers, grandfathers,

uncles, friends, co-workers, etc. Catholic

men, who are interested, can aHend

any Saturday morning mee5ng. For

further informa5on contact Steve

Borchert at (269) 327-5207 or email at


AWer delibera5ons by the Parish

Council and the Finance Council, we

are going to expand our Catholic

Preschool to be a full-day program for

3-year-olds and 4-year-olds. We are

also becoming part of the Catholic

Schools of Greater Kalamazoo. For

more informa5on and to register

please contact Connie at 978-2348 or

Mary at 978-2338.

Making a Report of Sexual Misconduct: A report of sexual misconduct may be ini5ated at the Diocese of Kalamazoo’s Sexual Misconduct Ques5on and Repor5ng Line (877) 802-0115. A caller will be asked to provide his or her name and telephone number. All calls regarding sexual misconduct will be returned, usually within one hour.


Commemora+on of Rwandan Genocide

Please join us for an evening of poetry, classical

music, a short documentary and tes5monies in

honor and remembrance of over one million lives

lost in the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. The event will

be followed by a recep5on dinner. Admission is


When: May 26, 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Where: Arcus Center for Social Jus5ce and

Leadership, 205 Monroe St.

The program will include candle ligh5ng and name

reading, survivor tes5mony by Valen5ne Iribagiza and a keynote address by Mr.

Corey Harabaugh of the Governor’s Council for Genocide Educa5on, followed by

a recep5on dinner. Dress code is semi-formal, black preferred.

Ques5ons? Please contact the Arcus center at (269) 337-7398.

Trauma Recovery Program en Español La Diócesis de Kalamazoo con5núa con el

Programa de Trauma Recovery (Recuperación de un Trauma) en español. Si

usted conoce a alguna persona que en el pasado o en el presente sufrió

cualquier 5po de trauma (\sico, sexual, negligencia, etc.), por favor remítalo

para ayuda a la siguiente persona, LiseHe Mira-Amaya (269) 929-7084. El

programa consta de dos sesiones personales con la consejera una al comienzo y

otra al final y diez sesiones en terapia grupal. El nuevo grupo de apoyo en

español, se reunirá comenzando el 25 de abril del 2018 con una sesión cada

semana hasta el 27 de junio. Es indispensable hacer cita personal entre el 26 de

marzo y el 20 de abril con la consejera Mira-Amaya (269-929-7084) antes de ser

admi5do al programa.

Hope for Marriages in Crisis: Do you feel lost, alone or bored in your marriage?

Are you frustrated, hurt or angry with your spouse? Are you constantly figh5ng?

Or, do you simply shut down? Have you thought about separa5on or divorce?

Does talking only make it worse? Rediscover healing and love and find hope by

aHending Retrouvaille (pronounced re-tro-vi with a long i). The program offers

tools needed to rediscover a loving marriage rela5onship. The next Retrouvaille

weekend begins September 28, 2018. For more informa5on, to register or to

sponsor a couple: Phone (616) 752-7004 or email


St. Catherine of Siena is s5ll accep5ng your D&W and Family Fare receipts to help our St. Vincent De Paul with hea5ng and housing assistance. Simply drop your receipt off in a collec5on basket.

THANK YOU to everyone who has made a pledge to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. Your giWs to the Bishop’s Appeal enable our Diocese to provide services to our parish. The programs and services funded by the Bishop’s Appeal offer assistance to individuals and families, parishes, schools, and Catholic Chari5es.

Our parish goal is $270,293.00. To date parishioners have pledged

$133,107.00, 49% of our goal, and 16% of our families have par5cipated. If

you have not yet made a pledge, we invite you to do so. Pledge cards can be

mailed to the parish or dropped in the weekly collec5on baskets. Extra

envelopes are available in the pews or church office. You can also submit your

pledge online at


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church PAGE 9 Portage, MI


We congratulate the newest members of our community on the occasion of their Baptism

Fritz Oliver Peer & SuLon Logan Peer, sons of Jonathan Gerard and Teea Marie (Zieba) Peer

Josephine Ber+lle Daoust, daughter of Timothy John and Jennifer Marie (Emming) Daoust

Aubrey Mae Prohaska, daughter of Ryan Michael and Rebecca Marie (Stegink) Prohaska

Claire Cornelia Stachelski, daughter of Timothy Stanley and

Nicole Elizabeth (MaHhews) Stachelski

Adalynd Jean Meacham, daughter of Brian A. and Megan J. (Malz) Meacham

Morgan Bullis, daughter of Timothy James Bullis and Meghan Marie Kirkendall

Winston Timothy Darrahyl Brown, son of Darrahyl Tyrone Brown, Jr. and Allison Tara Haley-Brown

Katherine Elizabeth Smith, daughter of Michael Paul and Susan Bess (Jarvis) Smith

We remember the souls of the faithful departed

Richard “Dick” Markus, brother of Jerry (Pat) Markus

Arthur Bonnell, husband of BeHy Bonnell

John Conner, husband of Sally Conner, father of Stephanie (Troy) Wagner

James Falahee, father of Chip (Diana) Falahee

Kimberly Nadwornik, daughter of Robert & Shirley Materi

LAUGH (Ladies Actively Understanding Godly Health) Life is busy! Life can be plain messy! Yet you were given this life to live...truly and fully live! So, come join us this summer on Monday nights! LAUGH is a non-profit ministry that seeks to help women live a vibrant life, right here and right now. We desire to embrace, encourage, and equip all women to know just how amazing they are. Walk or run, move

forward with us because we have a PLACE for your PACE as kick off our summer training for a special 5k event on Monday, June 4 at 7:30 pm. We meet at Southridge Church, 6726 Texas Drive. Learn more and register at

Are you a justice seeker? Come learn what Michigan United is doing in our communities to fight injustice. A “Michigan United Update” will be held on Wednesday May 30 at 7 pm in the Siena Conference Room. Parishioners and their friends are welcome to attend. Questions? Contact Paula White 269 330 3762 or


SATURDAY: May 19 Vigil of Pentecost Sunday Presider

5:30 pm †Michael Patrick O’Donnell Fr. Ken

SUNDAY: May 20 Pentecost Sunday

Acts 2:1-11/1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13 Presider

7:30 am People of the Parish Fr. Ken

9:00 am Benedic5ne Oblates of Fr. Basker

St. Meinrad Archabbey

11:00 am †Patricia Berninger Fr. Basker 5:00 pm †Mrs. DiMuzio Fr. Stan

Sunday, May 20, 2018

8:30 am Rosary, Trinity Chapel

9:00 am Nursery during the 9 am Mass, Nursery

10:00 am Benedic5ne Oblates, SCR, LL

10:00 am Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room, LL

11:00 am Nursery during the 11 am Mass, Nursery

12:30 pm Bap5sms, Church

12:30 pm Preschool Open House, Stanley Center

1:30 pm Prayer Line Volunteer Apprecia5on, Chapel, GLP

3:30 pm Life Teen Band Rehearsal, Church

6:00 pm Women of the Word, SCR, LL

SATURDAY: May 26 Vigil of The Most Holy Trinity


5:30 pm †Barney Ross Fr. Stan

SUNDAY: May 27 The Most Holy Trinity

Deuteronomy 4:32-34, 39-40/Romans 8:14-17/

MaHhew 28:16-20 Presider

7:30 am †Bob and †B. Depweg Fr. Stan

9:00 am People of the Parish Fr. Ken 11:00 am †Pat Berninger Fr. Ken 5:00 pm Missionaries Fr. Bill

Monday, May 21, 2018

9:45 am Rosary, Blessed Sacrament Chapel

10:00 am Medilodge, Off Grounds

1:30 pm Brookdale Assisted Living, Off Grounds

6:30 pm Bingo, Gym

7:00 pm Boy Scouts Troop #255, GWR

7:00 pm Health Care Advisory CommiHee, Room 21

7:00 pm Catholic Men's Fellowship, Room 17

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

9:30 am Prayer Shawl Weavers, PPR, LL

9:30 am Prayer Shawl Weavers Brunch, SCR, LL

9:45 am Rosary, Blessed Sacrament Chapel

1:00 pm Senior Center Yoga, GWR

5:30 pm AA Mee5ng, Rooms 10-12

6:30 pm FA Mee5ng, Rooms 6-8

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

9:45 am Rosary, Blessed Sacrament Chapel

1:00 pm Women's Cursillo Small Group, GLP Conf. Rm

1:30 pm Brookdale/Clarebridge, Off Grounds

6:30 pm Fall in Love - Dream Session, GLP Conf. Room

Thursday, May 24, 2018

8:45 am Reconcilia5on, Reconcilia5on Room, Church

10:00 am Women of the Word, Marian Hall, Nursery,


10:00 am Adora5on of the Blessed Sacrament, Trinity

5:30 pm AA Mee5ng, Rooms 10-12

6:00 pm Charisma5c Prayer Group, Rooms 9-11

6:30 pm Al-Anon Mee5ng, Rooms 6-8

Friday, May 25, 2018

9:45 am Bulle5n Stuffers, Rooms 1-3

10:00 am Adora5on of the Blessed Sacrament, Trinity

3:00 pm Benedic5on, Trinity Chapel

7:30 pm GA Mee5ng, Rooms 10-12

Saturday, May 26, 2018

7:30 am Catholic Men's Fellowship, Rooms 1-3

8:45 am Reconcilia5on, Reconcilia5on Room, Church

10:15 am Holy Love Prayer Chamber, Trinity Chapel

11:00 am OA Mee5ng, Rooms 6-8

3:30 pm Sienas Rehearsal, Choir Room, LL

4:00 pm Reconcilia5on, Reconcilia5on Room, Church

5:00 pm AA Mee5ng, Rooms 10-12

Sunday, May 26, 2018

8:30 am Rosary, Trinity Chapel

9:00 am Nursery open during the 9 am Mass, Nursery

10:00 am Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room, LL

11:00 am Nursery open during 11 am Mass, Nursery

3:30 pm Life Teen Band Rehearsal, Church

MONDAY: May 21 Saint Christopher Magallanes, Priest, and

Companions, Martyrs

James 3:13-18/Mark 9:14-29

9:15 am Our Lady Queen of Peace

TUESDAY: May 22 Saint Rita of Cascia, Religious

James 4:1-10/Mark 9:30-37

9:15 am †The Men of the USS Scorpion SSN-589 (50th


WEDNESDAY: May 23 Weekday

James 4:13-17/Mark 9:38-40

9:15 am †Richard Markus

THURSDAY: May 24 Weekday

James 5:1-6/Mark 9:41-50

9:15 am †Joan Benoit

FRIDAY: May 25 Saint Bede the Venerable, Priest and Doctor of

the Church; Saint Gregory VII, Pope; Saint Mary Magdalene de’

Pazzi, Virgin

James 5:9-12/Mark 10:1-12

9:15 am †Egon Zöchling

SATURDAY: May 26 Saint Philip Neri, Priest

James 5:13-20/Mark 10:13-16

9:15 am †BeHy Hartmann