St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School Maryborough 2020 Parent … · 2020. 4. 17. · St...

Post on 31-Aug-2020

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Transcript of St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School Maryborough 2020 Parent … · 2020. 4. 17. · St...

St Augustine’s Catholic Primary

School Maryborough

2020 Parent Information Handbook


58 Burke St Maryborough, Vic, 3465 03 54 604440 0409 539 280


WELCOME It is with pleasure that I welcome you to St. Augustine’s Primary School for the 2020 school year. For those of you, who are returning to our school, welcome back! For those families who are new to our school community, we extend a heartfelt welcome. I hope all families find in our school an educational home, which nurtures your children and offers them a caring, enjoyable

and safe place to learn and enjoy the company of their friends. Our school is a faith community, where Catholic values are taught and celebrated, where God’s presence is recognised, where Gospel values are modelled through Christian living and our pupils are shown how their faith and a way of living can be celebrated and achieved in everyday life. Our focus is on the spiritual, moral, social, physical, emotional and intellectual development of each child in our care. The children will enjoy the benefits of learning facilities, with our Multi-Purpose Gym, Library, classrooms, art/science room, Marian Community Centre and playground space. Thus, our school setting will enable each child’s natural creativity and individual talents to emerge and be celebrated. This booklet has been compiled to provide you with information that will be helpful in understanding the organisation and philosophy of our school. It is our hope that all parents become familiar with this booklet, thus enabling everyone to contribute to the healthy operation of the school. I hope that all pupils, parents and friends feel welcome and experience a real sense of belonging in 2020. All staff strongly encourages and welcomes personal contact from parents/guardians, for it is in partnership that we can fully cater for the children’s needs. May your association with St. Augustine’s Primary School be a productive, faith-filled and an enjoyable one. Many blessings,

Mrs Sonia Turner Principal


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO COUNTRY We would like to acknowledge that we are gathering on Dja Dja Wurrung Country; land that the Jaara Jaara People and their ancestors have been custodians of for thousands of years. We would also like to pay respect to the Elders both past, present and emerging of the Kulin Nation and extend that respect to other Indigenous Australians present.


At St. Augustine’s School we believe that children flourish and learning is more effective if it takes place in a caring and safe environment, where individual needs are addressed and challenged. It is our wish that as children progress through the

school they will be exposed to many and varied experiences to reach their full potential as Christian people, confident in themselves and willing to make a worthwhile contribution to other people and to the world in which they live.

Education at St. Augustine’s Parish Primary School is based on the person of Jesus Christ. We are a Catholic community and we have Jesus’ promise that He is always

with us. “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” (Jn 10:10)

The following Gospel values are at the core of our school community: Justice & Compassion Community & Trust Respect & Dignity Faith & Commitment

As a Catholic staff that responds to the presence of Jesus and aspires to live out these Gospel values, we will ensure that:

In all our interactions with each other,

our students and our community:

we will Respect one another,

be Open in our views,

respond Justly with Compassion,

seek for Reconciliation in conflict,

and look for Joy in every moment.


St Augustine’s is a Professional Learning Community

We focus on learning rather than teaching. We work collaboratively in matters related to learning.

We hold ourselves collectively responsible for the kinds of results that fuel continual improvement.

Learning is our FUNDAMENTAL purpose.

We are willing to examine all practices in light of their impact on learning.

Professional Learning Community message for teachers, parents and students:

Learning is required. You can and will be successful here.

You may not choose to fail. We want you to feel connected, get involved, be successful

You can think about and choose your attitude


● At St Augustine’s, learning for students and teachers is our priority.

● Teachers are committed to working collaboratively and with ongoing development to ensure improved

student outcomes.

● Responsibility and ownership is accepted by all members of the school community.

● Leadership ensures that the learning environment is supported to achieve our norms.

A copy of our collection of data and privacy policy can be found on our website.



Leadership team

Parish Priest: Fr John Monaghan

Principal: Mrs Sonia Turner

Co Deputy Principal : Mr Mark Healey – Daily Operations and Wellbeing

Co Deputy Principal: Miss Rebecca Pickthall – Curriculum

Co Deputy Principal: Miss Justina Shanahan – Catholic Identity Leader


Mrs Kate Balzan – Learning Diversity Needs Leader

Mr Tom Hogan – Digital Technologies Leader

Mr Warren Berry – Energy Breakthrough Leader

Teaching & Learning

Foundation/Year 1 team – Miss Chrissy James, Miss Kyra Wood, Miss Bethany VanRossum

Year 2 team –Miss Justina Shanahan, Miss Adele Carey

Year 3/4 team – Mrs Athina Johnson, Mr Tim Hawkins, Ms Trish Foran. Mr Mark Tanis

Year 5/6 team – Mrs Cait Upton, Miss Darcie Seers, Mr Warren Berry

Reading Recovery– Miss Rebecca Pickthall

Physical Education, BOOST – Mr Euan Tait

Library – Mrs Caroline Lovel

Indonesian – Mrs Robyn Typuszak

Digital Technologies – Mr Tom Hogan

BOOST, RE release, SEL, – Miss Samantha Palmer


Learning Support Officers

Miss Alyssa Typuszak

Mrs Deidre Polinelli

Mrs Gayle Firman

Mrs Janene Cole

Mrs Janette Lanfranchi

Mrs Nicole Cain

Mrs Rachael Whitnall

Mrs Tania Mottram

Administration & Finance Officers

Administration – Ms Amber O’Kearney

Administration – Ms Anne Mangan

Finance – Mrs Celia Jardine


Religious Education at St Augustine’s PS

At St Augustine’s, Religious Education lies at the heart of our curriculum. Our school has implemented “New Awakenings”, the Religious Education Curriculum mandated by our Bishop for the schools and colleges of the Ballarat Diocese.

The title “Awakenings” speaks of both the content and the purposes of religious education.

At its best, religious education sets out to inform, form and transform learners and teachers by engaging them with the intellectual, ethical and spiritual richness of the Catholic tradition. Religious education invites and enables a life-long journey of awakening to the deep meaning of human life and community, of the world we inhabit and sustain, and of our cultural and religious heritage, against the horizon of the Reign of God encompasses in the mission and person of Jesus Christ, and communicated in the Church.

Religious education intends to awaken us intellectually

• by encouraging critical thinking and inquiry

• by firing our imaginative capacity

• by enlightening our experiences with reason

• by broadening our perspectives through Scripture and Tradition

Religious education intends to awaken us ethically

• by forming moral character

• by arousing our desire for wisdom

• by attuning us to the attitudes of Jesus

• by promoting responsibility and integrity in living

Religious education intends to awaken us spiritually

• by relating our life to the mystery of God

• by valuing our interior life and capacities

• by developing prayerful and liturgical habits


• by connecting compassion with justice

Because it articulates intentionally the connectedness of the human person with the whole of reality, human and divine, religious education awakens all disciplines of learning to their deep potential. It lies at the heart of the curriculum of Catholic Schools, synthesizing, enriching and

complementing the learning experiences of students. To be awake intellectually, ethically and

spiritually, is to be fully alive and fully human. This is the invitation and challenge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Awakenings is, therefore, the explicit purpose of religious education, and the

graced task of religious educators.

Gaudium et spes the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, was one of the four constitutions resulting from the Second Vatican Council recognising the, “The Church in the World today”. The decree also makes a sustained attempt both to dialogue with the world and open up further opportunities for such dialogue in the future. It is now recognised more than ever that society has changed and our Catholic faith must keep up with the sign of the times and change.


• God, Religion and Society • Scripture, Israel and Jesus • Church and Tradition • Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments • Christian Ethics- Personal and Social

St Augustine’s now and moving into the future will look at all we do through an ECSI lens and then in turn our culture defines our identity as a faith community. This faith community includes staff, students, families and our church and Parish friends. We will deliver a high quality religious education from a preferred ‘Enhancing Catholic Identity’ viewpoint or stance. We welcome all religions and encourage open dialogue to fully gain understanding of our Catholic faith. A hermeneutical belief attitude is one that will become part of what we do as a natural process of invitation, tension, searching and reflection with a preferred Catholic faith outcome. …(International Journal of Public Theology, 2011) states, ‘It is not sufficient to simply interpret the sign of the times to bring about change but it requires a theology capable of simultaneously taking seriously the signs of the times and the radical perspective of the gospel message. It must include strategies for change which take into account the interaction between individuals and institutions, inspiration and policy, charity and justice,’


The preferred Post- Critical Belief stance is characterised by belief in a transcendent God and a religious interpretation of the world. However, the transcendent is not presented in a literal way, but symbolically represented. Only through opportunities can students, teachers, parents enter into a relationship with the transcendent reality: via stories, rituals, prayer, traditions. Faith is acquired through our active, creative and interpretative engagement with these mediations. These opportunities need to become a part of our culture. A hermeneutical belief attitude is knowing that believing is a continuous process of symbol interpretation, of uncovering new layers of meaning. The hermeneutical space of Catholic religion assumes that humans are open to the ‘transcendent transcendence’, at the essence is a relationship with God. This special relationship can only be recognised through various mediations such a prayer, song, rituals and that teachers must provide students with and they need to be integrated into everyday life. Post-critical believers are well aware of the many critiques that could be raised against religion, but nevertheless they keep holding on to their faith: they choose to remain confident. Religious faith always remains profound, it keeps a dimension of mystery that can never be penetrated. So religious answers are never definite, a form of uncertainty, one is prepared to live with. St Augustine’s embraces dialogue and openness to inquire with respect into other religions and beliefs. Bringing the gospel message in a new time requires educators to be open to learn and respect where the other is coming from will require a shift for most. To build community and identity we must go to the excluded and the poor. God created us all and this requires a reconciliation. Recontextualisation for a community of Post-Critical believers is the normative, while presenting, offering and being witness to the Catholic tradition which is the ultimate reward and most sustainable way of moving forward. In order to teach young people how to stand in the 'mediation' of the tradition, it is vital for them to have strong models, predecessors, witnesses from within tradition, allies who want to walk with them.


CONTEXTUAL STATEMENT Records indicate that a Catholic School was operating in Maryborough as early as 1854. With the current St. Augustine’s Church being built in 1869. We therefore have a rich history in the Central Goldfields area, with much of this being attributed to the Brigidine nuns who taught the children for many years. Today, our school is administered by laity whose mission is to teach the children the Gospel values of Jesus Christ. The staff aim to create a school environment that is curriculum enriched, community oriented and child-centred. Our school is named after ‘St. Augustine.’ Augustine was the Bishop of Hippo, an African province. St. Augustine’s vocation included this challenge to his fellow Christians: ‘Tolle Legge. ’ This Latin phrase is interpreted to: ‘Take up and read.’ His feast day is August 28th.

St. Augustine knew that the best way to Christ was through the Scriptures.

St. Augustine’s School, Maryborough continues to inspire the children to discover St. Augustine’s invitation to take the scriptures and read them. Our school logo reminds us of his message, by illustrating an open book.

Records show the Brigidine Sisters taught the children in the hall from 1902. In 1949, a new primary school was built with it’s octagonal rooms. This origin octagonal still forms a part of our school as we know it today. Sr Barbara May, was the last Brigidine nun. She came to Maryborough in 1993 and was a great presence and very active in the school and Parish until her passing in 2016. At the time of her passing she was the Pastoral Associate for St Augustine’s Parish and had just been named Maryborough Citizen of the Year in 2016. Today, the foyer of our school is a dedication to the Brigidine Sisters who taught at St Augustine’s and to their Brigidine Heritage. The Brigidine Cross woven from rushes is customarily placed above an entrance door as a sign of welcome and hospitality. At the heart is the lamp of learning encased in a circle symbolising a oneness with God. Our school vision and mission encapsulates the welcome and hospitality of the Brigidine Order and lifelong learning of St Augustine.

The St Augustine’s logo was changed in 2019 to include and represent both, St Augustine’s open book of learning from the scriptures and the Brigidine Cross of learning, welcome and




● Maintain the assumption of positive intent from all members ● Maintain an open mind to continuous learning ● Coaching conversations are part of our day to day practice ● Learning often requires challenge and intellectual conflict, don’t confuse this with

personal attack ● We recognise expertise within the group and seek external expertise when required ● We lead by example, using the Gospel value, habits of mind and growth mindset

AGREED WAYS OF WORKING *Effective communication *Assumption of positive intent *Show supportive body language *Value and participate in Professional conversations *Shared responsibility *Aligned with diversity *Allow and plan for humour and celebration *Acknowledge and respect Sacred spaces


“St Augustine’s Catholic School community ensures that all children are nurtured and aspired

learners, who will ‘Have life and have it abundantly’ (John 10:10)”



To fulfil this vision we:

• Commit to nurturing a religious education built on the Gospel values of Jesus Christ with respect

to Catholic tradition and the Brigidine heritage;

• Facilitate learning in an inclusive and supportive Child Safe school environment, celebrating

achievement. We develop their social, emotional, spiritual and intellectual growth to empower

them to reach their full potential;

• Challenge and engage children in a stimulating and dynamic educational and contemporary


• Engage with our parents, extended and parish families to ensure that St. Augustine’s embodies

connectedness, ownership and responsibility by all members of the community;

• Commit to working collaboratively to ensure results are achieved through on-going collective




• A Agreement. Assessment for Learning. Assessment Schedule. Attendance Roll.

Accident, medical & ill child procedure. Assembly.

• B Behaviour management. Bells & Music. Breakfast Club. Buses Book Club.

• C Child Safety. Camps & Excursions. Canteen/ CDF Pay Online Ordering. Catholic

Education Office Ballarat. Correspondence home. Class Dojo. Calendar. Curriculum.

• E Evacuation procedures

• F First Aid Training. Fruit Basket.

• H Homework. Hot Weather procedures. Houses.

• I Interruption Policy.

• L Late passes and SMS..

• M Mandatory Reporting. Message baskets. Movement around school

• N Newsletter

• O Occupational Health and Safety.

. P Professional Development & Responsibilities. Parents & Parent Involvement Participation. Publication of Student’s work & photos. PAM

. R Reporting Student Led Conferences. Rolls.

. S Supervision. School website. Sick bay and sick children. Signing In and Out.

SIMON. Social Media Policy Specialists STAR awards Student Supplies

Sun Smart policy-No Hat-No Play Sustainability SWPBS Student leadership.

. T Technology

. U Uniform




All Staff employed at St Augustine’s Primary school are under the Victorian Catholic Education Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2018.

Assessment for Learning

There is a strong emphasis on Assessment for Learning (AFL) at St Augustine’s. Staff are committed to:

1. Gathering information about their students

2. Analysing and interpreting that information

3. Using that information to inform their teaching and to help students learn for themselves

Core Strategies staff adhere to are:

❖ Sharing learning intentions and success criteria with students

❖ Engaging in high quality dialogue and discussion with students

❖ Giving immediate high quality verbal feedback

❖ Strategic Questioning

❖ Making effective use of peer and self-assessment

❖ Making formative use of summative assessment.

Assessment Schedule:

St Augustine’s has comprehensive literacy and numeracy schedules which outlines the core assessments that take place throughout the year. Data is used to inform teaching decisions and drive instruction. More detailed information around assessment can be found in the following documents;

❖ Literacy Assessment Schedule

❖ Numeracy Assessment Schedule


❖ Fountas and Pinnell testing folder

❖ Observation survey P-2

❖ Teaching and Learning Policy

Attendance rolls: It is a legal requirement that attendance rolls are marked twice daily and the absences are recorded appropriately. It is the responsibility of parents/carers to notify the school if their child is absent from school via PAM, calling the office or through Class Dojo. Please note: notification in the child’s diary cannot be archived. Office staff will send SMS notification at 9:30am every day asking for reason of absence for any child not at school without a reason.

Accident, medical or ill child procedures:

For minor accidents/injuries: When a child requires medical attention or is unwell, the teacher is to send the child to the office. Office staff will attend to the child and/or make necessary arrangements for the child’s parents to collect the child. ANY child with asthma must have an up-to-date asthmas plan signed by a GP and supplied to school along with medication required. ANY child with anaphylaxis must have an up-to-date anaphylaxis plan signed by a GP and supplied to school along with an EpiPen and any other medication as required. First Aid for children is the collective responsibility of all trained staff members For serious accidents/injuries:

The following procedure will apply: 1. Notify the principal/office and seek additional support 2. Follow first aid training procedures to assess and assist the injured (DRABC) 3. Call an ambulance, if necessary and inform parents or emergency contact. 4. Record all accidents in the CCI accident book 5. Complete the classroom/play ground incident report. 6. NB: if the child is hospitalized or breaks a bone. WorkSafe must by notified with 48 hours. 7. EPI-PENS are located in the staffroom a the external/playground side door. NB: each

student who requires and Epi-Pen has their own pen in individual packs, named with identifying photos.


Medication: If any medication is to be administered, the parents must complete a medication form. Medication is housed in the office in a locked cupboard and administered by office staff.

Assembly & Whole School Prayer

Every alternating week we will have Assembly & Whole School Prayer in the gym at 2:20pm. Each assembly all of the classroom teachers award students with the ‘STAR awards’ which then accumulate to House points. Winning House receives an out of uniform day at the the end of the Term.

Parents and families are invited and welcome to attend both Assemblies and Whole School Prayer.

B. Behaviour management

Please refer to the school website for our behaviour management policy

S - stay safe T - take pride A- act justly R -respond positively This STAR way of behaving is to be adopted across all areas of our school and is part of the culture at St Augustine’s. We also encourage STAR behaviour out of school and at home. Please refer to the SWPBIS handbook

STAR awards are given out fortnightly at Assemblies and accumulate House points. Each term the winning House is rewarded with an out of uniform day.

Our School Vision for behaviour at St Augustine’s Primary School

At St. Augustine's Primary School Maryborough, we take an instructional


approach to behaviour that assumes that children will have different experiences and skills in relation to behaviour, as they do with literacy and numeracy. School wide positive behavior process at St Augustine’s is to create and maintain a positive and safe learning environment that enhances our school culture where we maximise individual academic and social growth. Positive Behaviours and Interventions in School Mission Statement

St. Augustine’s School community values and upholds the PBIS process and


• We create an environment that cultivates a consistent and structured

approach to the development of positive behaviours;

• We celebrate the joy of learning and living by acknowledging positive


• We aspire for proactive reflection and ownership of personal growth

through positive behaviours.

‘I have come that you may have life and have it abundantly.’ John 10:10

We have high and specific expectations for the behaviour of all of our students. We promote a STAR approach to behaviour, and explicitly teach children to Stay Safe, Take Pride, Act Justly and Respond Positively. We equally understand that as is the case in academic learning, individuals will require different teaching in

order to achieve behavioural learning success.

Our STAR acronym defines the expectation for behaviour that we teach at our school.


What is PBIS?

SWPBS is “...a broad range of systematic and individualised strategies for achieving important

social and learning outcomes while preventing problem behaviour with all students” (Sugai &

Horner, 2001;2002)

The SWPBS approach is comprised of evidence based behavioural interventions and practices

that can be implemented by staff to effectively address and support the socially and

educationally important behavioural needs of students and their families.

PBIS helps us to establish a school environment that;

● shifts the emphasis from punishing to teaching and learning ● focuses on schools making small changes for biggest effects ● uses everyday interactions for learning ● considers the physical environment and routines that kids work and play in ● teaches and catches kids getting it right rather than waiting for them to get it

wrong This framework consists of:

● Ways of behaving that students must follow at all times. ● Positive recognition that students will receive from behaving/acting as STARs. ● Consequences that result when students choose not to follow the rules.

MATRIX OF STAR EXPECTATIONS Our matrix of expectations was developed in consultation with students and staff. It was sent home with every family in 2015 and adapted in 2018. The matrix is used to direct expectations.


Classroom management:

Each classroom needs to develop their own set of classroom norms adopting ‘STAR’. These should be clearly displayed for the children and other teachers to follow.

The plan provides a framework around which all of your classroom behaviour management efforts can be organised. The goal of the STAR framework is to have a fair and consistent way to establish a safe, orderly, positive classroom environment in which you can teach and students can learn.


STOP sheet Children who are physical towards another student or adult are sent to the staff room door for a STOP sheet. A STOP sheet is delivered during play times NOT learning times.

Filling out a STOP sheet - A STOP sheet is an opportunity for the child to reflect on their behaviour and discuss the correct behaviour with a teacher. This is a calm but firm conversation with the student. Senior students are able to fill out the STOP sheet themselves, junior students will need you to scribe for them.

1. Start the conversation by asking the child why they were sent in for a STOP sheet. Record this under “My Behaviour.”

2. Discuss with the child the consequences for their behaviour (missing out on play etc). Record this under “My consequences.”

3. Discuss with the child the reason their behaviour happened (anger, attention etc). Record this under “My behaviour happened because.”

4. Discuss with the child their plan to ensure this behaviour does not happen again. Record this under “My plan to change my behaviour.”

5. The child then signs their name to show their commitment to change their behaviour. 6. The teacher then signs their name. 7. Photocopy the original sheet twice. The original is placed in the child’s class message

basket, a copy is given to the principal and a copy is kept in the STOP sheet folder. 8. Record the stop sheet in the front of the folder with the date. If the child has received

three or more STOP sheets within a month, write child’s name on whiteboard for behaviour lessons.

A Guide to Behaviour Lessons Aim: Behaviour lessons are an extra opportunity for students to explicitly learn the expected

behaviour in relation to their stop sheet incidence.

Lesson 1:

Child reflects on their behaviour and the correct behaviour is taught/strategies are brainstormed.

Child draws steps of strategy (junior)

Child writes a step by step plan for behaviour (senior)

These are recorded in the space provided in the letter that is sent home to parents


Lesson 2:

Reminder of correct behaviour/strategy from previous lesson.

Link the expected behaviour to our school matrix. (The expected behaviour could be highlighted

and taken home)

Lesson 3:

Look at plan for behaviour from lesson 1 and re-visit steps

Child may be supervised for a period of time in the yard, positive reinforcement given when child

shows positive behaviour.

Resources: Behaviour reflection sheet, school matrix, letter for home.

List of positive behaviour rewards

At St. Augustine’s we encourage and reward positive behaviour through the use of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. Please find below a suggested list of rewards, being mindful of healthy eating and avoiding using confectionary as a reward.

● Assembly STAR award (given out weekly to acknowledge positive behaviour). You can award as many of these as you like each week. ● A class game or story. ● Verbal feedback or high five. ● Visual behaviour chart. ● Stickers, raffle tickets, pretend money, stamps etc. ● Class points ● Lunch with the teacher ● Class disco ● STAR morning tea ● Once a term we award postcards for children who have displayed exceptional STAR behaviour. These children are chosen by teachers and a STAR postcard is mailed home. These children then join the principal for a special morning tea. ● Once a term we award STAR money for a fortnight for the ‘gotcha’ moments where a STAR store is opened in the final week of term with non material prizes casual clothes, lunchtime movie, slippers, early lunch, bonus play



1. In classroom- refer to and follow ‘Behaviour Consequences’ found in the Behaviour Management Policy.

1. Physical Incident - escalated to Physical Incident procedure


Playground 1. On yard- child’s behaviour recorded in ‘Incident’ book. Data that is collected is then collated weekly, brought to staff meeting and then this becomes school wide positive behaviour intervention.

Behaviour focus sheets are explicitly taught in the weekly ‘PBIS and Me’ time and reinforced in appropriate teaching moments.

2. Physical Incident - escalated to Physical Incident procedure – STOP sheet In the case of a re-offence a Behaviour Modification Program and Behaviour Reflections will be implemented. These are not punishment lessons they are to assist child to develop strategies for a different approach to the situation next time. Three lessons, then five for repeat offence.

NB: Behaviour management is not to take place during learning time.

In the case of the child re-offending parents/guardians are contacted. Meeting will be set up with all parties involved. Child, parent and classroom teacher. Check in check out to be implemented. CICO Appropriate daily/weekly goals are set.

D) If there are further serious offences by the student, then the process outlined in

the Whole School Behaviour Management Guidelines based on Pastoral Care of Students in Catholic School CEOB 2010.

It is important to fill out these folders accurately, the data is then collected and recorded. By collecting the data we are able to see patterns in behaviour, problem spots in the yard or identify children that need checking in with


Bells and music

5 minutes prior to each bell there is music played. This signals to the children it is time to start

moving to class. This is the time children need to have a drink, go to the toilet etc. so they are

lined up and ready to start class when the bell goes.

The music also signals it is time for staff to be back to their class prior to the bell ringing.

8:30am Yard Care Supervision begins 8:40am Classroom teacher in classroom - meet & greet 8:55pm School classes begin 9am-11am 2 hour learning session 11am-11:40am First break 11:40am-1:40pm 2 hour learning session 1:40pm-2:20pm Second break 2:20pm-3:15pm 55 minute learning session 3:15pm Dismissal

Breakfast club - Wednesday mornings Breakfast Club provides a breakfast of toast and

milo drink to students from 8.10 am to 8:55am and operates from the Marian Centre. All children are welcome to enjoy breakfast and learn social skills of eating in company.


Bus travellers must be registered with Stephen Broad Bus Co-ordinator at MEC, 54617900. Two staff members will be responsible for marking bus rolls and making sure children are on bus to go home. Parents are responsible for letting office know if their children will not be taking bus home and then a note will be placed in bus roll. STAR behaviour is expected while waiting for bus and on ride home.

Book Club

St. Augustine’s participate in a Book club with ‘Scholastic’. Materials are distributed

approximately 8 times per year. Pamphlets for software and special events are also

distributed throughout the year. Completed order forms and money need to be returned to the school office by the date given in order to be processed. Alternatively, orders can be placed through the Scholastic Book Club Loop App.


C. Child safety

St Augustine’s is a Child Safe school. St Augustine’s School complies with the Child Safety

standards (2016). Staff members are required to make themselves familiar with these standards, and to comply with the obligations of the Standards, as well as the spirit of the legislation designed to ensure child safety. Detailed documentation including; an Overview, Code of Conduct, Child Safe Standards and PROTECT are to be found in Google Drive. Mark Tanis is our LOOKOUT co-ordinator for 2020. St Augustine’s Primary School is committed to the safety of all children in our care. As a staff we actively engage in child safe standards practice and regularly review these. We are all committed to a culture of child safety this being our highest priority of concern.

All staff complete the online mandatory reporting modules every year.

All staff commit to the St Augustine’s Child Safety Code of Conduct and Child Safe Policy. Please refer for more information

As a registered school St Augustine’s is covered by the Reportable Conduct Scheme.

Camps & Excursions

Staff are asked to plan camps and excursion well in advance to ensure adequate time for parents to prepare for the activities. All camps must adhere to the school’s camp policy. Teachers are responsible for ensuring the correct ratio of adults attend the camp/excursion. All camps and excursion require written permission from the child’s parent/guardian. Six weeks prior to any camp teachers must complete the on-line CEO camp/excursion permission form with the Principal. For summer camps, it is appropriate to consider the access to and from the camp, and to ensure that appropriate risk management strategies have been considered for the camp’s location e.g. a review of the camp’s EMP and procedures. It is recommended that supervising teachers closely monitor the Emergency Management Victoria website (or mobile app) for local emergencies. Progressive camp experiences that build upon the previous year at St Augustine’s Foundation – Wear pj’s to school, eat breakfast at school and a day of activities.


Year 1 – Day of activities away from school, return to school after all other children have left and have tea at school. Year 2 – Sleepover at school and activity day the next day Year 3/4 – 2 night camp at Log Cabin Lodge Creswick Year 5/6 – 2 night camp, alternating each year from a beach camp and Urban Camp.


Friday is canteen day. Orders are made through CDF Pay. CDF Pay is an online service that allows staff, parents and students to place orders online at a time and place convenient to them. Simply register on CDF Pay at The registration process only takes a few minutes and orders can be placed immediately. Instruction on how to register are available from the school office.

All families are placed on a canteen roster to assist in filling orders. It is very important that if you cannot meet this commitment then you must contact Nicole (the canteen manager) to enable her to contact another volunteer.

Catholic Education Office, Ballarat

Each year our school is afforded support, locally, based on school requests from our Annual Action Plan priorities. Support is provided in a variety of forms and includes:

• - Religious Education

• - Finance and Administration

• - Buildings/Infrastructure and School promotion

• - Speech Pathology

• - Child Psychology

• - Technology

• - Learning and Teaching

• - Indigenous Education

• - Special Education


Correspondence home:

All permission forms must be sent home on yellow paper, this will act as an indicator for parents to return the form.

Class Dojo

Class Dojo provides an easy, safe and secure way to let parents/carers/staff know much of the happenings of our school together with regular updates, and it provides parents with a most convenient way to receive school notifications.


The school calendar is updated regularly and can be accessed via Google calendar.


Please refer to the curriculum policy on our school website: Pursuing fullness of life: Student Outcomes.

E. Evacuation procedures

St Augustine’s has well organised Evacuation/Emergency Procedures. As part of our Health and Safety procedures, our school is required to conduct fire drills each term to be sure everyone knows how to evacuate outside quickly and safely to a designated area.

An alert is also be practised throughout the year to ensure everyone knows what to do in case of an internal threat. The school holds these drills both with and without staff and students prior knowledge so they can be carried out effectively.

The whole school drills practice in the event of a fire or a containment situation. These drills include fire drills, lock-down, out-in procedure and off site evacuation drills.

Evacuation and/or Fire Drills will be practiced each term.


Please note: OFF GROUNDS emergencies - the evacuation area is Highview College oval or in the case of a bomb threat we will assemble at the IGA carpark end of Phillips Gardens. CODE RED DAYS St Augustine’s Primary School is NOT a BAR (Bushfire At Risk) school. The Principal will in consultation with CEO advise of procedures on extreme weather days. It may be that parents can either keep children home or pick children up from school on extreme days. Some of our buses may not operate on extreme days. This will remain a parent choice if children stay home or attend school. In considering our students who travel in from country areas and possibly Code Red areas of Victoria, the school may run a modified program on these extreme weather days. Parents will be notified of any of these modifications/changes. The school will remain open unless instructed by CEO.

Notification on the school’s entrance door will alert parents or visitors to school on the day we have any drills.

F. First Aid Training

Staff at St Augustine’s are all trained in First Aide Level ll and annual CPR, Asthma, Anaphylaxis update training.

Fruit Baskets

The school provides fruit for each classroom. Children are welcome to swap from the basket or take fruit when they are hungry. Each class has a fruit break at about 10:00am they usually eat this while they continue to work or in the transition from one lesson to the next lesson

H. Homework

Children read each night. All teachers check and sign each student’s home reading/homework diary at least once a week. Teachers initial diaries every day with a particular focus on ‘students

at risk’.

All children have a Mathletics subscription as part of their homework. Foundation - Year 4 have reading eggs and Year 3-6 have Lexile subscriptions. All teachers monitor this weekly


homework and differentiate to suit children’s particular learning needs.

Homework will be appropriate to a child’s level of achievement and be relevant to work being undertaken at school. Homework should not be an undue burden on children and families or be new work but revision or consolidation. Homework that has been set must then be followed up and recognised appropriately by the teacher.

Hot Weather procedures

If temperatures reach or exceed 36 degrees, children remain indoors during break times and are supervised as per wet weather day.


There are four sport houses at St Augustine’s, these Houses are named after four past priests that were in our Parish. Scanlan- blue, Flanagan – red, Arundell, - gold/yellow and Fiscalini – green. All students are allocated a Sports House on enrolment.


Interruption policy

Academic learning of literacy and numeracy has to be the underlying focus of all that we do. To ensure that this remains a priority we must be mindful to limit interruptions to the daily timetable. At St Augustine’s we will refer to an Interruption Protocol to assist in remaining focused.


● What academic learning is going to take place? ● Will this make no more than 2 this term? ● Have we had another disruption this week?


L. Late Passes and SMS

Parents are sent a text message by 9:30am if their child is absent from school without a reason

or prior notification. Children who arrive at school after the bell are directed to come

through the front office to sign in and receive a Late Pass. This is handed into the classroom teacher.

In the case of a child being late to school, the office staff will take the child to the classroom as classes have begun and we need to limit the interruptions.

Children leaving during school hours: Parents must sign their child out on the ipad located in the school office. Children are not permitted to wait for their parents outside the school grounds.

Child lateness: Parents are expected to sign in on the ipad kiosk located in the school office. Children will deliver a late pass to the teacher upon arrival.

M. Mandatory Reporting

Every year staff are required to complete an online Mandatory Reporting module to ensure understanding, process and compliance.

Message Baskets

Every classroom has a message basket that can be used for any notes or items that need to be sent to the office. Similarly, any notes or items that need to go home are sent to the classrooms for distribution at the end of the day.

Movement around the school

At all times everyone needs to be aware of pace and surroundings when travelling around the school. Children, staff and visitors must think about safety and walk from one destination to another. Walking on the white.


N. Newsletter

A newsletter explaining current activities and upcoming events is emailed home to every family each second Thursday. This is a vital link in communication, between home and school. The newsletter is also placed on Class Dojo and on the school website.


Occupational Health and Safety

Trish Foran, is the current Occupational Health and Safety representative at the school. St Augustine’s school takes the safety of all children, staff and visitors to our school very seriously and complies to all OHS regulations.


Professional development & responsibility: Staff are encouraged to enrol in desired or directed Professional Development that will enhance pedagogy but all PD must be approved by the Principal. When applicable staff will engage in professional development, ie/professional readings in meetings Staff are expected to fully participate and be fully present in staff PD sessions and staff meetings. It is a professional responsibility of all staff to make themselves aware of whiteboard correspondence, staff meeting minutes and information via school newsletter.


● Feedback should be both honest and sensitive. Building good relationships with parents early in the year is vital.

● Parents will be given the opportunity to be ‘heard’. Staff will make every effort to understand the needs and concerns of the parent to find an acceptable resolution for all parties concerned. Meeting with parents will be at a mutually agreed time.


Parent Access Module - PAM PAM is the online portal that gives parents & families access to student assessment reports, attendance data, ability to make bookings for interviews, parent recording of student daily absences and updating personal and medical information. As we progress with PAM, other features & access will be available in the future as processes change and we endeavour to move to a paperless learning community.

Parent Involvement Parents are encouraged to be involved in the educational journey of their child(ren). This can take the form of: classroom helper- as directed by the teacher or through assistance on special activity days. One-off days are welcomed as much as on-going commitment. School Board (SAC): The St. Augustine’s School Advisory Council is the body that assists and advises the Canonical Administrator and the Principal in the formalisation and adoption of school policies. A member of staff is invited to be a staff representative on the school board and whose job it is to represent the views of the staff. Parent and Friends Association: The Parents and Friends Association at St. Augustine’s aims to assist in providing of a welcoming and supportive school environment. The main roles of the Parents and Friends Association are to run the canteen, organise social events for the school community, to welcome new families to the school, to co-ordinate the ordering and sale of uniforms and to assist and assist with fundraising efforts for the school. The school canteen is one of the main involvements that they have with the school as it is provided weekly. Parents are welcomed and encouraged to assist where they can.


All families are encouraged to be actively involved in all school related activities and events to foster the “sense of community” in our school.

Publication of student work and photos

From time to time children’s work or photos may be used in printed media (such as our school newsletter or the local paper).


R. Relationships

It is our belief that relationships are the cornerstone to a happy, vibrant, connected school. Successful relationships are built on how we talk to each other and how we talk about each other. Interactions with children are positive and constructive to foster growth mindset, hope and belief in self. Our talk about the children in the school should be kept professional and sensitive.

Reporting and student led conferences.

Reporting and communication between home and school is vital for the development and welfare of each child. Formal reports are provided to families twice a year; end of Term 2 & Term 4. As a school we have adopted student led conferences as a means of complimenting formal reporting on the individual progress of each child.

Celebration of learning nights are held in Terms 1 & 3 to provide ongoing progress to parents of their child’s learning.

Term 1: Celebration of learning night. Information evenings at start of Term 1

Term 2: Student led conference in last week of Term 2. Written report sent home at the end of Term 2.

Term3: Celebration of learning night

Term 4: Written reports at end of Term 4 and End of year celebration mass and graduation.


Rolls are marked electronically through SIMON. Rolls are marked twice daily.

At 9:30am in the morning office staff will send a SMS notification to any parents whose child is absent from school without and explanantion.


S. Supervision before and after school: Students will be supervised at school from the hours of 8:30am-3:30pm. If exceptional circumstances occur, where students need to be at school outside these times, parents are required to inform the school. Any students at school prior to 8:30am or after 3:30pm will sit in the corridor before school and at the office after school so they can be supervised.

Supervision of students in classrooms: The duty of the teacher includes exercising reasonable supervision in the classroom. Teachers are responsible for the group of students they have been allocated to teacher and/or supervise at a particular time. * At no time should a student of group of students be left unattended.

School Web Site

Our school web page provides a snapshot about many facets of life at St Augustine’s. Information about our Catholic School Culture, Leadership and Stewardship, Wellbeing, Teaching and Learning programs and Community along with our School Advisory Council is available.2 All staff should take time to familiarise themselves with the contents of the school web page.

Sick children/Sick bay

There is a bum bag system in operation, with all teachers on playground duty in possession of one for any child who comes to you with a minor injury i.e. Band-Aids, tissues etc. If further assistance is required, the teacher will then send two children, the injured child/ren goes directly to the office.

ANY HEAD INJURY or serious accidents must be placed in the accident book and parents notified to collect children. (Information about sick children with specific allergies or medications plans are distributed at the start of the year and are housed in the sick bay.

Signing in and out

All visitors to school must sign in and out of the school and wear a visitor lanyard while on the premises. This indicates to the children that this person has been to the office and they are safe to be in the school. Parents dropping off children who are late or leaving school early must sign children in or out of school.



SIMON is the reporting and Parent Access Module (PAM) platform used for reports, medical forms and in the future all permission forms. Please ensure that these forms are kept up to date and make changes when necessary.

Social Media Policy

All parents and students are required to read and sign a Social Media Policy outlining standards and acceptable use of various devices. There is great potential for the use of social media in school communities in terms of educational outcomes and as a means of communication.


St Augustine’s employs specialist staff to teach Digital technologies, Indonesian, Library and PE for F-6 and to provide general release. All levels are released together for planning and

professional development opportunities.

STAR awards

Each week all of the classroom teachers award students with the ‘STAR awards’ which then accumulate to House points. Winning House receives an out of uniform day at the the end of the Term. STAR awards will state the reason ie/ staying safe, taking pride, acting justly or responding positively

STAR postcards are sent home at the end of each Term to children who have been caught displaying exemplary STAR behaviour. These children do not know about the postcard until they receive it in the post. These children are then afforded a morning tea with the Principal.

Student Supplies

Each classroom budget will provide for necessary supplies and should provide for new enrolments during the year. Basic classroom supplies are ordered in the November of the year before. Families are asked to each supply a box of tissues for their child’s classroom.


Sun Smart - No Hat No Play

St Augustine’s is a Sunsmart school so a ‘No Hat No Play’ policy applies in Term 1 and 4. Children playing outside must wear a hat or remain under the tar shade area. Sunscreen is located outside the library and students are encouraged to apply at each break. Please note teachers DO NOT apply sunscreen, children must do this.

Teachers on duty are required to wear a hat in Terms 1 and 4 to model good sun smart

behaviours. It is very important that all staff wear a hat when on yard duty.


We all have a responsibility for ensuring the resources of the school as used sustainably.

Recycle when able. Keep heating and cooling at established levels – round heating a 22

degrees. Turn power off when not present in the room or not being accessed: computers,

lights etc. Each classroom has Recycling bins, rubbish bins, whitepaper bins and food scrap bins please model good practice and educate our children in preserving God’s creation.

SWPBS - refer to behaviour management & SWPBS handbook

St Augustine’s is a School-wide Positive Behaviour Support school (SWPBS) is a framework or approach comprised of intervention practices and organisational systems for establishing the social culture, learning and teaching environment, and individual behaviour supports needed to achieve academic and social success for all students. This compliments our commitment to RTI and school improvement. STAR is our acronym and now a part of the culture and the way we do things at St Augustine’s PS.

Student Leadership Program The Student Leadership program has been established to promote active participation in decisions that affect the welfare and education of all children at our school. All Year Six students will be part of a leadership team within the school and be called on to take on roles within their team when applicable. Year 5 students will be introduced to leadership skills. This is in addition to two elected School leaders and elected House leaders. Staff will be allocated a group and be responsible to lead these groups.


T.. Technology

St Augustine’s has a specific technology strategy being rolled out. Tom Hogan is our Digital Technology leader and responsible for the roll out of the new Chromebooks across the school. Juniors having access to iPads and class Chromebooks, Year 3-6 have individual Chromebooks & iPads. A bank of Chromebooks COWS (computer trolley) is also available for classroom use. Parents pay out the cost of the iPad/Chromebook across the 4 years from Year 3. The Chromebooks and iPads do not go home as this prevents many breakages and cuts the cost to our families. Leon Faustini is our current technician.

U. Uniform

School uniform is compulsory and students at all levels are expected to take pride in their appearance and grooming. If a student is not in full uniform a note of explanation should be

received by the classroom teacher. All staff are asked to be mindful of school uniform and

dress codes as outlined in the school handbook.

Out of uniform notes are available for all staff to use with any child that is out of uniform without a good reason. These need to be signed by a parent and returned to school. Please follow these through.

The Hats policy sees it compulsory for all children to wear their school hat during terms 1 and 4, and at our discretion for the other two terms. Please maintain a regular check on the hats and ensure that all children leave your room with their hat on.

Children are allowed to wear sports uniform on allocated sports days.

Please note: - St Augustine’s school bags are available for purchase - Each student requires an art smock - The polo fleece, rugby jumper, school windcheater and shell jackets are all part of the uniform - Cargo pants, such as those with oversized pockets, are not part of the uniform - Coloured runners are not an acceptable school shoe however all black leather runner style are acceptable. - Socks must cover the ankle and be visible above the shoe line. They must be plain white, NO LOGOs - All shoulder length hair must be tied back - Ribbons, headbands, scrunchies and similar items are to be worn in school colours only - All uniform items are to be purchased from the Uniform Shop. - Jewellery and nail polish are not acceptable.