St Andrew’s Church, Holt · St Andrew’s Church, Holt Sound and Light at St Andrew’s SAL@SA 1...

Post on 14-Jul-2020

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Transcript of St Andrew’s Church, Holt · St Andrew’s Church, Holt Sound and Light at St Andrew’s SAL@SA 1...

“No one could ever accuse the congregation at St Andrew’s of letting the grass grow under their feet! There is always something that requires our attention,

things to be done and needs to be met”

Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver

2 Corinthians Ch 9 v 7

St Andrew’s Church, HoltSound and Light at St Andrew’sSAL@SA


Dear �i�ds,The parish church stands in the middle of our community as a sacred place in which people gather for worship and prayer and to mark significant moments in their lives. Increasingly, it has become a place where the wider community gathers to enjoy concerts, exhibitions and other cultural events. The church is also a meeting place bringing people together in friendship, fellowship and mutual support and it is wonderful to see the church being used by so many people in so many ways.In order to maintain the church, the Parochial Church Council (PCC) has agreed to carry out some much needed improvements to the lighting, the organ and the internal decoration of the church. Such improvements come at a cost and the PCC has committed some funds towards the work but there remains a significant amount to raise.Once again, I am appealing to your goodwill and generosity to help us continue to provide a church building that is fit for purpose. Past appeals have proved that anything is possible and I have no doubt that this appeal for £150,000 will be successful.In anticipation of your help and support, I thank you.

Ev�y ���ng�. ��rd



A place of worship has been centred at this site for eight hundred years. The parish church of St Andrew’s was first mentioned in 1288 and the chancel, nave and tower were all constructed in the 14th century.In 1708 disaster struck when fire swept through the town with sparks igniting the thatched roof of the church. The beautiful Georgian centre of Holt arose from the ashes as did the church thanks to contributions from across the land. Later changes to the church’s interior were carried out by the renowned Victorian architect, William Butterfield. Over the years the congregation of St Andrew’s grew and the church thrived.Fast forward to the 21st century and in 2013, thanks to the generous support of the congregation and residents of Holt, the successful and sympathetic extension to the church was completed. This award-winning contemporary addition has not only provided vital administrative rooms but a wonderful community space and beautiful courtyard.Today, the church has a thriving congregation and plays a central role in the community. There are daily church services and the building provides a venue for important local activities, concerts, exhibitions and cultural events.

And so to the future...We need to ensure that St Andrew’s maintains its ability to play a central role in the spiritual and community life of Holt. The planned improvements will benefit the congregation and visitors of today and the generations of tomorrow.

What do we need?• Organ refurbishment• Modern and efficient lighting• Sympathetic redecoration






The meeting roomDeteriorating paintwork



The current organ was commissioned in 1994 and with a typical lifespan of 25 years it is now coming to the end of its reliable working life.There have been mechanical issues, problems with the quality of the sound of some of the stops and on a number of occasions, the organ has suddenly stopped working.A new organ would benefit greatly from the technical innovations in digital sound that have taken place over the last 25 years. The opportunity would also be taken to increase the number of stops to enhance the sound the organ makes.Makin, the company who originally supplied the organ, has provided a quotation which would update the existing console and save £10,000.The resulting quote total is in the region of £40,000

The current lighting system has served us very well over many years but recently, it has been necessary to replace light bulbs on a regular basis, each time, involving a cost of £125.In addition, certain fittings in the chancel have failed and can no longer be replaced as they are now obsolete.The advantages of the new lighting system:• Reliability - with a five year warranty • Life - the proposed fittings have a 50,000-hour life• Energy Saving – electrical consumption is reduced by 80%• Ease of use – the proposed scheme would allow for lighting control using remote handsets• Enhanced atmosphere – using mood lighting for services and concerts• Safety – the replacement of lightbulbs using ladders would be eliminatedHaving consulted a number of electrical suppliers, the PCC has agreed that Kings and Barnhams, based in Holt, should be the preferred contractor and they have quoted £38,500 + VAT



The meeting room


Deteriorating paintwork

RedecorationThe last time that the church was decorated was over 25 years ago and the need to redecorate has been recommended by the church architect.It is apparent that there are areas in the church where plasterwork needs repairing and if left as they are, will continue to deteriorate further. Many types of paint have been used over the years. We have recently taken advice from a church paint specialist who has removed and analysed several samples so that the correct paint type can be chosen for St Andrew’s.The meeting room is very well used and the floor is beginning to show signs of wear and tear which needs to be revarnished and the paint work also needs refreshing.The indicative cost of the decoration of chancel, nave, chapel, aisles, porch and meeting room floor is of the order of £60,000 – £65,000 + VAT

Autumn 2019

Details of fundraising events can be found on the ‘What’s On’ page of the Church website: www.holtchurch.orgDetails of musical and cultural events including SAL@SA fundraising concerts can be found at:

St Andrew the Apostle, Holt is a Registered Charity, number 1131726

Events already organised will include:

Fundraising CoordinatorTim BennettTel: 01263

The RectorFr. Howard Stoker Tel: 01263

ChurchwardensPaula HewittTel: 01263 712043Janet DickinsonTel: 01263 713387

TreasurerBarry HollissTel: 01263

Watch out for more details in leaflet updates and on St Andrew’s Church




Total Target £150,000Thank you for your generosity in the past. We need your support again to help raise the sum needed.



The last time that the church was decorated was over 25 years ago and the need to redecorate has been recommended by the church architect.It is apparent that there are areas in the church where plasterwork needs repairing and if left as they are, will continue to deteriorate further. Many types of paint have been used over the years. We have recently taken advice from a church paint specialist who has removed and analysed several samples so that the correct paint type can be chosen for St Andrew’s.The meeting room is very well used and the floor is beginning to show signs of wear and tear which needs to be revarnished and the paint work also needs refreshing.The indicative cost of the decoration of chancel, nave, chapel, aisles, porch and meeting room floor is of the order of £60,000 – £65,000 + VAT


Message from Holt PCC TreasurerDear Friends,

We are hoping to raise £150,000 to fund the new organ, the new lighting system and the redecoration. Would you consider making a one-off gift to the SAL@SA appeal or even a monthly donation over 12-months? Or, if you are leaving a legacy to St Andrew’s in your will, would you consider making your donation now instead? Your generosity could make a huge difference.

With many thanks from Holt PCC.

Making a donation? Please send cheques made payable to: Holt PCC, Parish Office, St Andrew’s Church, Church Street, Holt, NR25 6BB (please quote SAL@SA)

OR please make payments directly to the Holt PCC Santander bank account: Account no. 03810259, Sort Code: 09-01-29 (please use Ref: SALSA)

Cash donations would be most welcome in the church or at fundraising events.

Please use the special SAL@SA Gift Aid envelopes available in the church and at SAL@SA fundraising events if you are a taxpayer.

Please let us know if you would like your donation to be acknowledged in the Church Book of Gifts.

Please contact Barry Holliss, details below if you have any other enquiries about giving to the SAL@SA appeal.

Thank you

Contact Details

Thank you for your supportFundraising!

How can we achieve our plans?

Ways to help and give:




















Beach breakfastprayers and ...walk

Please get in touch if you would like to organise a

fundraising activity, however BIG or small.


Page 4

under Making a donation?

Cash donations would be most welcome in the church or at fundraising events.

and at SAL@SA fundraising events if you are a UK tax payer.