Ss2012 redux

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Ss2012 redux


Recap: 11.04.2012

Categories Things are generally to a lot better

Steven Pinker Longevity Health in General Managing Data Flood AGI

Ray Kurzweil, Vernor Vinge Access to and owing own data

John Wilbanks Singularity


Health Wealth including all levels Violence of all types way down Technology Much better narrow AI Longevity research

Vernor Vinge

Singularity from mulitple scenariosAGIIntelligence AmplificationDigital GaiaIntegration of human mentation

On uploadsMay simply be AGIs that are made to be

convinced they are humans

Peter Norvig His projections from 2007 were part wrong Hierarchical Knowledge / Concept abstraction

Automatic sellf learning recognizers Google’s Distributed Processing

Huge vision models Machine translation

Combining components at multiple levels over parallel text

Gives ability to guess reasonably an missing elements

Julia Galef Different aspects of mind

RationalMore primitive drives like status

Anecdotes have a lot of power for social creatures

Emotion moves us a lot Teaching Rationality

Supportive communityOvercoming biasesBelief rattling in mind

John Wilbanks

Medical data volume is increasing hugelyCan get own micro-arrays done, etc

Current medical record handling is closed and ancient methods

Health data is not like other data Law and health data Need to apply massive data mining privacy

Steve Pinker

We are living in the most peaceful era of our species’ existence

Types in decline:War HomicideSadistic Punishments and TortureDeath Penalty

PositivesRights recoginizedExpansion of “Us”

• ❑

Jaan Talinn

Hard takeoff could change the face of the universe

But how could we be in this position? Simulation Argument Anthropomorhic Notions Does the multiverse help?