SS Hindi July 2018 Cover CC -...

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Transcript of SS Hindi July 2018 Cover CC -...

OwbmB© 2018 3

OwbmB© 20184

{X. 1 OyZ H$mo CX`nwa Xw½Y CËnmXH$ ghH$mar g§K {c., CX`nwa n[aga ‘| "{díd Xw½Y {Xdg' H$m Am`moOZ {H$`m J`m, {Og‘| Xw½Y g§K joÌ H$s {d{^ÝZ Xw½Y g{‘{V`m| Ho$ AÜ`j/g{Mdm|, Xw½Y g§K Ho$ g§MmcH$ ‘§S>c gXñ`m|, [agmog© nagZ Ed§ Xw½Y CËnmXH$ gXñ`m| Zo ^mJ {c`m&

H$m`©H«$‘ ‘| g§K H$s AÜ`j ‘hmoX` S>m°. JrVm nQ>oc Zo AnZo CX²~mooYZ ‘| ~Vm`m {H$ nyao {díd ‘§o 2001 ‘§o nhcr ~ma {díd Xw½Y {Xdg ‘Zm`m J`m Wm& CÝhmoZ| Xw½Y {Xdg Ho$ ‘hËd Ho$ ~mao ‘o ~Vm`m {H$ nyao {díd ‘§o XyY Ed§ Xw½Y CÚmoJ go g§~§{YV {H«$`mH$cmnm| H$mo àMma àgma ‘§o ha df© Ü`mZ Ho$pÝÐV H$aZo Ho$ {c`o {díd Xw½Y {Xdg ‘Zm`m OmVm h¡& CÝhmoZo ~Vm`m {H$ g§`wŠV amîQ´ ImµÚ Ed§ H¥${f g§JR>Z Ûmam 1 OyZ ¶h {Xdg {díd ñVa na ha df© Xþ½Y {Xdg ‘ZmZo Ho$ {cE {ZYm©[aV {H$¶m J¶m& àmH¥${VH$ XyY Ho$ g^r nhcyAm§o Ho$ ~mao ‘§o OZVm H$s OmJê$H$Vm ~T>mZo Ho$ {c`o Bgo ‘Zm`m OmVm h¡& XyY eara Ho$ {c`o g^r nmofH$ VËdm| H$m EH$ ~hþV AÀN>m òmoV h¡, {Og‘o H¡$pëe`‘,

‘¡JZr{e`‘, qOH$, ’$mñ’$moag, Am`moS>rZ, AmBaZ, nmoQ>o{e`‘, ’$mocoS>²g, {dQ>m‘rZ E, S>r Ed§ 12 VWm amB~moco{dZ, àmoQ>rZ , ñdñW ’o$Q> Am{X ‘m¡OyX hmoVm h¡& `h ~hþV hr D$Om©`wŠV Amhma hmoVm h¡&

Xw½Y {Xdg Ho$ Adga na Xw½Y H$s JwUdÎmm na {deof Ü`mZ XoVo hþ`o {‘cmdQ> H$mo amoH$Zo,

Xw½Y g{‘{V`m| na OrEgQ>r ì`dñWm H$mo Amdí`H$ ~Vm`m& CZHo$ Ûmam Xw½Y g§K Ûmam H$m`©joÌ ‘| H$m`©aV Xw½Y g{‘{V`m| na AJco gámh go nwZ: H¥${Ì‘ J^m©YmZ H$m`©H«$‘ ewê$ H$aZo H$s KmofUm H$s JB©& AÜ`j ‘hmoX`m Ûmam Xw½Y {Xdg na Am`mo{OV g‘mamoh ‘| m‘memh new ~r‘m moOZmÝVJ©V àmá ~r‘m Šb¡‘ am{e

Ho$ M¡H$ JwS>m Xw½Y CËnmXH$ ghH$mar g{‘{V H$s gXñ`m lr‘Vr Vm¡cr~mB©, lrXodr qgh amOnyV Ed§ lr‘Vr Zdcr~mB© ‘rUm, ‘moS>m ‘rUm H$mo àXmZ {H$`m J`o&

Bg Adga na lr H$Ýh¡`mcmc S§>mJr gXñ` ZmdS>m Xw½Y CËnmXH$ ghH$mar g{‘{V {c. ZmdS>m H$mo Xw½Y g§K H$s AZyR>r `moOZm "gag cmS>cr `moOZm' `moOZmÝVJ©V ZdOmV H$Ý`m Ho$ OÝ‘ Adga na é. 5500/- H$s gmd{Y O‘m Xw½Y g§K AÜ`j Ûmam àXmZ H$s JB©& g§K Ho$ à~ÝY g§MmcH$ lr ZQ>da qgh MwÊS>mdV Zo Xw½Y g§K H$s {d{^ÝZ `moOZmAm| H$s {dñV¥V OmZH$mar XoH$a Am^ma ì`ŠV {H$`m J`m& H$m`©H«$‘ ‘| lr c{cV Omoer, g§`wŠV {ZXoeH$ newnmcZ {d^mJ,

CX`nwa Ûmam {d^mJr` `moOZmAm| H$s {dñV¥V OmZH$mar Xr JB©& Bg Adga na g§K Ho$ Cn à~§YH$ lr Oo. gr. Zy§B`m§, newnmcZ {d^mJ Ho$ S>m. Amo‘àH$me gmhÿ, Xw½Y g§K Ho$ A{YH$m[a`m| g{hV Xw½Y CËnmXH$m| Zo ^mJ {c`m& H$m`©H«$‘ H$m g§MmcZ g§K Ho$ S>m. {JaramO e‘m©, à^mar nrE§S>AmB© Zo {H$`m&

CX`nwa Xw½Y CËnmXH$ ghH$mar g§K ‘| ‘Zm`m J`m {díd Xw½Y {Xdg

NCCE of NCUI recently conducted a Training program on capacity building for Chairpersons and Women Directors of Cooperative Societies from different parts of country at New Delhi.

The prime objective of the training was up-gradation of the participants’ managerial and entrepreneurship skills so that they can manage their cooperative societies in professional manner. 29 participants from five states like Delhi, M.P., Kerala, Gujarat, and Assam attended the program.

The participants also trained about project preparation

and planning techniques for establishing micro-enterprises on cooperatives basis to involve more and more women and youth of rural areas in agriculture and rural based enterprises. Consequently, various subjects such as entrepreneurship skill, GST, Cashless transaction etc were discussed threadbare during the training program.

The programme was inaugurated by N. Satya Narayana Chief Executive NCUI.

In his address he said, Women Cooperatives are playing a very positive role in increasing the house hold income by undertaking various activities. He also said

agro-based small processing cooperatives should be started by women in rural areas.

In his remarks, V.K. Dubey, Director NCCE called upon the youth to get associated with cooperatives for their employment and regular income. Smt. Bhavana, Member Women Empowerment Committee of NCUI shared her experiences about proper management and smooth functioning of cooperatives.

The participants had nice things to say about what they had learnt and experienced during the event.

Anant Dubey, Assistant Director, coordinated the programme successfully.

NCUI : NCCE trains women cooperators across nation

OwbmB© 2018 5

'Sahakar Sugandha' English-Hindi edition is owned by Sahakar Printing & Publications Pvt. Ltd., printed & published by Bhalchandra Kulkarni, printed at N. R. Enterprises, S.No. 39, Manikbaug Industrial Estate, Sinhgad Road, Pune - 411051 & published at A-12, Nikhil Park, 'C' Society, Manikbaug, Sinhgad Road, Pune 411 051. Editor - Bhalchandra Kulkarni.

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Note: The editor may not endorse the views expressed in this magazine.

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ghH$ma ^maVr H$m ‘wInÌ

ghH$ma qàqQ>J A±S> npãbHo$eÝg àm. {b.g§MmbH$ ‘§S>b …lr. Á¶moVtÐ^mB© ‘ohVm (MoAa‘Z)

S>m°. CX¶ Omoer (g§MmbH$)

grE gVre ‘oT>r (g§MmbH$)

lr. {dZ¶ IQ>mdH$a (g§MmbH$)

lr. ^mbM§Ð Hw$bH$Uu (ì¶dñWmnH$s¶ g§MmbH$)

‘mJ©Xe©H$ :lr. gVreOr ‘amR>o (g§ajH$)

lr. g§O¶Or nmMnmoa (amï´>r¶ g§JRZ‘§Ìr)

lr. {dîUwOr ~mo~S>o (ghg§JR>Z‘§Ìr)

lr. {OVw^mB© ì¶mg, JwOamV

lr. gw^mfOr ‘m§S>Jo, ‘ܶ àXoe

lr. H$m|H$moS>r nÙZm^, H$Zm©Q>H$

lr. bú‘rZmam¶U Jwám, {X„r

A°S>. H$éUmH$aZ Zm§{~¶ma, Ho$ab

lr. gwem§V gaH$ma, Ag‘

lr. gaXma {dH«$‘qgh, Oå‘y H$í‘ra

lr. bIZbmb gmhþ, N>ÎmrgJT

lr. ‘mHª$S>o¶ qgh, CÎma àXoe

lr‘Vr ^maVr ^Q>, ‘|Jbwê$

lr. g§O¶ {~bm©, ObJm±d

lr. gw^mf hiU©H$a, Jmodm

S>m°. dmgwXod àgmX - am§Mr, PmaIÊS>

S>m°. ¶Vre O¡Z - O~bnwa, ‘ܶ àXoe

g§nmXZ ghmæ¶ : gm¡. lw{V Hw$cH$Uu

{dnUZ à‘wI d {dkmnZ g§nH©$ :lr. e{eH$m§V {eambH$a (‘mo~mBb: 7350004918)

aMZm : gm¡. AM©Zm JmT>do

gXñ¶Vm g§nH©$ : gm¡. ‘oYm {MdQ>o

ghH$ma gwJ§Y ‘m{gH$ n{ÌH$m -

dm{f©H$ ‘yë¶ : é. 300/-

Ì¡dm{f©H$ ‘yë¶ : é. 800/-

ghH$ma gwJ§Y H$m¶m©b¶ :

ghH$ma qàQ>tJ A°ÝS> npãbHo$eÝg àm. {b.Am°{’$g Z§.3+4, ‘§Jb‘yVu H$m°åßbo³g (A qdJ), A°p³gg ~¢H$ Ho$ gm‘Zo, qghJS> amoS>, nwUo - 411030. ‘mo: 8805981673B©‘oc-

(df© 6 - A§H$ 8)OwbmB© 2018

g§nmXH$ … ^mbM§Ð Hw$bH$Uu‘mo~mBb … 9822882509

lReactions of Co-operators on UCB's Conversion 7

lA{YH$ go A{YH$ `moJ H$mo AnZmE§, OZ OZ VH$ `o g§Xoe nhþ§MmE§ : g§O` nm§Mnmoa 9

l ghH$ma ^maVr amOñWmZ ^rbdm‹S>m {Obm Ed§ eha Ho$

H$m`©H$Vm©Am| H$s g§`wº$ ‘rqQ>J 10

lChatbots are future lifestyle managers 11

lJudgement for ATM failure : Feedback from Satish Marathe, Patron of Sahakar Bharati 13

lSaga of Lijjat papad, Co-operative and Anaskar 14

lgmoZm/ Mm§Xr ~§YH$ F$U ì`dhma 15

lKey initiatives aimed at doubling income : Govt source 19

lghH$mar ~¢H$ ‘wÐm `moOZm ‘| ahm {’$gÈ>r 20


lMmdÊS> coåßg Ed§ Xr CX`nwa g¡ÝQ´>c H$mo-Amnao{Q>d ~¢H$ {c. Ho$ g§`wŠV VËdmdYmZ ‘| {H$gmZm| H$m ’$gbr G$U ‘m’$ 23


l EZnrgrAmB© Zo A~©Z H$moAmnao{Q>d ~¢H$m| H$mo nwañH¥$V {H$`m 27

l EZgr`yAmB© ZmoES>m ‘| "g|Q>a Am°’$ EŠgrb|g' ñWm{nV H$aoJr 28

lJalgaon Janata Sahakari Bank holds AGM 29

lghH$ma ^maVr H$s J{V{d{Y¶m§ 33

lghH$ma ^maVr H$s J{V{d{Y¶m§ 34

OwbmB© 20186


Editorial hmb hr ‘| [aµOd© ~¢H$ H$s Am{W©H$ Zr{V {ZYm©[aV H$aZodmbr Ama. Jm§Yr g{‘{V

Zo ghH$mar ~¢H$m| H$m ì¶mdgm{¶H$ g§ñWmAm| ‘| ê$nm§VaU H$aZo H$m gwPmd {X¶m

h¡& ghH$m[aVm H$s µOS>o CIm‹S> H$a ’|$H$ XoZodmbm ¶h gwPmd OmZH$a Omhra h¡ {H$

ghH$m[aVm joÌ Ho$ AZoH$ hñVr {~ëHw$b hr ZmamO hmo J¶o& ³¶m|{H$ ghH$m[aVm H$s

Amoa emgZ H$m ad¡¶m h‘oem go ZH$mamË‘H$ ahm h¡& ghH$ma ^maVr Zo Bg {ZµOrH$aU

H$m OmoaXma {damoY {H$¶m h¡&

ghH$ma ^maVr Ho$ Aܶj lr. Á¶moqVÐ^mB© ‘ohVmOr Zo ZmamOr go H$hm h¡ {H$,

Ama~rAm¶ {Z¶§ÌH$ h¡ {’$a ^r ghH$mar ~¢³g H|$Ð emgZ Ho$ a{OñQ´>ma Ho$ Xm¶ao ‘|

AmVr h¢, Ama~rAmB© {g’©$ H$m‘H$mO na ZOa aI gH$Vr h¡ Bg{bE CZH$mo Bg ~mV

na Hw$N> {ZU©¶ boZo H$m A{YH$ma Zhr h¡& AmJo OmH$a CÝhm|Zo Eogm ^r H$hm h¡ {H

Ama~rAmB© ê$nm§VaU Ho$ {bE O~aXñVr Zhr§ H$a gH$Vr&

Bg ~mV na ghH$ma ^maVr Ho$ g§ajH$ lr gVre ‘amR>oOr Zo ghH$m[aVm joÌ Ho$

^{dî¶ ‘| hmoZodmbo ZwH$gmZ H$s Va’$ ܶmZ ItMVo hþE H$hm h¡ {H$, ¶h ê$nm§V[aV

g§ñWmE§ ‘Vb~ nma§n[aH$ gmhþH$mam| Ho$ AmYw{ZH$ AdVma hmoJr, {OZHo$ {Ibm’$

ghH$m[aVm Am§XmobZ Zo O§J N>o‹S>r Wr& ¶h g~ ~mV H|$Ðr¶ ‘§Ìr AéU OoQ>br VH$

nhþ§MmB© JB© h¡ Am¡a CÝhmoZo {ZOrH$aU H$m {ZU©¶ Zhr {b¶m OmEJm, Eogm AmídmgZ

^r {X¶m h¡&

ghH$m[aVm joÌ H$s OéaV {nN>‹S>o hþE bmoJm| H$mo A{YH$Va h¡& CZHo$ AÀN>o {XZm| Ho$

{bE hr ¶h g~ à¶mg Mb aho h¡§& BgH$m VmµOm CXmhaU h¡, {H$ CX¶nwa g¢Q´>b ~¢H$ Zo

amOñWmZ Ho$ F$UH$mo {H$gmZm| Ho$ F$U ‘m’$ H$a Ho$ CZH$mo EH$ {e{da ‘| F$U ‘m’$s

à‘mUnÌ {dV[aV H$a {XE& Bg Vah emgZ Ho$ {H$gmZm§o Ho$ {bE {ZYm©[aV Zr{V{Z¶‘mo§

H$mo ghH$m[aVm joÌ H$m ^r R>mog ¶moJXmZ ahm h¡& ¶h ~mV gm‘Zo aIVo hþE h‘ g~ Zo

h‘mao ghH$m[aVm Am§XmobZ H$mo Am¡a Vrd« H$aZo H$s Amdí¶H$Vm h¡&

O¶ ghH$ma!

OwbmB© 2018 7

Reactions of Co-operators on UCB's Conversion(R Gandhi Committee suggesting conversion of cooperative banks into

commercial entities.)Sahakar Bharati opposes privatisation of UCBs and will

submit a Memorandum to the Central Govt.

Sahakar Bharati President Jyotindrabhai Mehta has reacted angrily to the news of RBI’s Monetary Policy Committee’s approval of the recommendations of the R Gandhi Committee suggesting conversion of cooperative banks into commercial entities. “Its beyond their power to do so”, Mehta asserts.

“RBI is a regulator no doubt but the matter of cooperative bank falls within the purview of the Central Government and in fact with the Central Registrar; RBI can at best see that banking operations carried out by banks are following the Banking Regulations Act. Beyond that, their power is zero”, said Mehta who also happens to be on the Advisory Board of RBI.

Maintaining that RBI can at best make recommendation to the govt which has to take the final call on the issue, Mehta said RBI cannot force UCBs to convert. But the RBI recommendation is one side of the story, he said. “There are two more option in the matter; one is to engage the govt on the issue”, said Mehta recalling Union

Minister Radha Mohan Singh’s stand on the issue. “The Minister is convinced that this move is aimed at destroying the cooperative movement in the country”, he noted with a satisfaction.

“But most of all, we need to convince fellow cooperators engaged in in the cooperative banking sector of not taking the bait on RBI’s hook. It would amount to jeopardizing the interest of members who have put their deposits and trust in the UCB”, Mehta felt. It may be recalled that on January 30, 2015, the Reserve Bank had announced the constitution of a High Powered Committee (HPC) under the Chairmanship of Shri R. Gandhi, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India to examine and recommend

permissible business lines and appropriate size, and examine the issues with regard to conversion of UCBs into commercial banks.

As per the recommendation, “a business size of Rs 20,000 crore or more may be the threshold limit beyond which a UCB may be expected to convert itself into a commercial bank. The conversion need not be de jure compulsory. However, the types of businesses to be undertaken by those choosing not to convert may remain within the limits of plain vanilla products and services and hence, growth will be at a much slower pace. Their expansion in terms of branches, area of operations and business lines may thus be carefully calibrated”, read the statement.

Smaller UCBs with business size of less than Rs 20,000 crore willing to convert to SFBs can apply to the Reserve Bank for conversion provided they fulfill all the eligibility criteria and selection processes prescribed by the Reserve Bank and further provided that the licensing window for SFBs is open.

RBI has no power to force UCBs’ conversion : Mehta

Satish Marathe, Patron of Sahakar Bharati who is strongly opposed to conversion of Urban Co-op Banks into Joint Stock Companies is clueless as to how the matter came up in the meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of RBI .

Explaining the long-term damage to the cooperative sector because of this move Marathe said “when co-op banks would convert into Small Finance Banks this would go into the

hands of those who have deep pockets and whose sole aim is to maximize profits.”

This would lead to desertions of socially committed cooperators making a mockery of co-

operative goals, Marathe underlined. “This amounts to instigating corporate money lenders – modern avatars of village traditional money lenders, against whom the co-operative movement had risen in the first

place”, said Marathe who has been riled by the move.

Marathe also said that he had personally raised the matter before Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley who had promised not to encourage privatization of urban cooperative banks.

“We are dead sure that we would not allow this to happen; first we would petition the govt and if there is a need we would launch agitation”, he stated.

Conversion means entry of Corporate money lenders : Marathe

Contd. on Next Page...

OwbmB© 20188

Reactions of Co-operators on UCB's Conversion(R Gandhi Committee suggesting conversion of cooperative banks into

commercial entities.)Sahakar Bharati opposes privatisation of UCBs and will

submit a Memorandum to the Central Govt.

It bears recall that in the bimonthly meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC), Reserve Bank of India, among other things, has accepted the recommendations of the R Gandhi committee on

voluntaryonversion of urban cooperative banks.

The idea of financial inclusion goes for a toss with this move of RBI, said Marathe. “We are on the same page so far as tight regulations of UCBs are concerned and we don’t mind if the govt reviews the Banking Act or the functioning of TAFCUB after 10 years of its operation but allowing conversion of UCBs is a dangerous proposition”, he felt.

Marathe said Urban Coop Banks should be allowed to grow to their full potential and restrictions need not be imposed on their justified aspirations.

We are in favour of not only Licensing of new Urban Co Op Banks but also RBI liberalizing the regulatory framework for those Urban Co Op Banks that fall under the category of Financially Sound and Well Managed Banks.

“It is the considered opinion of Sahakar Bharati that the move to privatize Urban Co Op Banks is ill advised and needs to be rejected outright. The entire Co Operative Sector which has a long tradition of , producing illustrious cooperators and successful coop institutions”, stated Marathe.

The largest urban cooperative bank in the country Saraswat Co-op Bank has denied taking the bait offered by RBI in its recent move where it allowed conversion of urban co-op banks into Small Finance Banks. ‘At the business mix of Rs 60 thousand crore, thinking of converting into Small Finance Bank would be ludicrous”, said Saraswat Bank Chairman Gautam Thakur. “Let others do it but sorry we are not interested”, he underlined.

Thakur, however, agreed that due to working within the co-operative framework he feels hemmed in many a time. “There are indeed several limitations on co-operative banking operations in the country but even then we have grown and grown to a Rs sixty thousand business level”, Thakur said underlining the inherent strength of his co-op organization.

Elaborating on the limitations Saraswat Bank Chairman said “we cannot give home loan of say more than Rs 70 lakh and there are several core businesses where co-op banking is denied a level playing field.”

But this does not mean that we would depart from a working structure and milieu in which we have been operating for 100 years, said Thakur. Readers would know that Saraswat Bank is currently celebrating its Centenary year with a catchy tag line”100 years young”. Despite all the limitations existing in a cooperative milieu, there are some co-operative organizations which are doing a wonderful business, said Thakur quoting Amul, IFFCO and even Saraswat Bank. “I agree there are some bad co-operatives but so is the case with corporates, all of which cannot be called above board”, stressed the Chairman.

Extolling the virtues of Cooperative Principles Saraswat Bank Chairman felt that profit is important no doubt but what differentiates cooperative from corporate is while the former balances profit with social

commitment, the latter has no such commitment. “We are proud of our cooperative connection”, added

Thakur whose earlier statement-cooperative is in my DNA- had hogged the media headlines.

Besides, Thakur also felt that going into a private mode may not be a prudent move given the greed of corporate to acquire banking license, which is in short supply these days. “Anybody with deep

pockets may pick up your share upsetting your ownership; it would be like being a sitting duck on a corporate chessboard.

It bears recall that the whole controversy erupted in the wake of the Reserve Bank of India accepting the recommendations of the R Gandhi committee on voluntary conversion of urban cooperative banks in its meeting recently. RBI’s MPC meeting decided to allow voluntary transition of UCBs meeting the prescribed criteria into Small Finance Banks.


“Sorry, we are not interested”: Thakur on conversion

OwbmB© 2018 9

{XZm§H$ 10 OyZ em‘ 5.00 ~Oo ghH$ma ^maVr CVa-n{ü‘r {Obm| H$m H$m`©H$Vm© gå‘obZ Am¡a ZJa / Vhgrb H$m`©H$m[aUr JR>Z H$m`©H«$‘ amo{hUrZJa ‘| g§ñH¥${V gXZ goŠQ>a 1 amo{hUr Ad§{VH$m ‘| g§ånÞ hþAm& H$m`©H«$‘ H$m ew^maå^ Xrn ObmH$a ^maV ‘mVm Ho$ {MÌ na nwîn An©U go hþAm& CVa-n{ü‘ {Obm g‘Ýd`H$ lr AœZr {ÌnmR>r Or Zo H$m`©H«$‘ H$s àñVmdZm Ho$ gmW gmW ghH$ma ^maVr Ho$ H$m`© Ho$ ~mao ‘| ~Vm`m& ~¢qH$J gob Ho$ à‘wI lr ^maV ^yfU Am`© Zo ghH$m[aVm Ho$ B{Vhmg

Am¡a ‘hËd na àH$me S>mbm& àXoe AÜ`j lr gwZrb Jwám Zo ghH$ma ^maVr {X„r àXoe Ûmam {nN>bo 9 ‘hrZm| ‘| {H$`o J`o H$m`m] H$m ã`m¡am àñVwV {H$`m Am¡a ghH$ma ^maVr {X„r àXoe Ûmam AmJm‘r 3 ‘hrZm| ‘| {H$`o OmZo dmbo H$m`m] H$s `moOZm àñVwV H$s VWm H$hm, ghH$ma ^maVr {X„r àXoe Ûmam ghH$mar g§ñWmAm| go g§nH©$ H$m A{^`mZ Mbm`m Om`oJm& g§nH©$ A{^`mZ H$m CÔoí` ghH$mar g§ñWmAm|

H$s g‘ñ`mAm| go AdJV hmoZm h¡& {Oggo H$s ghH$mar joÌ H$mo Am¡a A{YH$ geº$ Am¡a g‘¥Õ ~Zm`m Om gHo$& H$m`©H«$‘ Ho$ A§V ‘| lr gwZrb Jwám Ûmam CVa-n{ü‘r {Obm| Ho$ amo{hUrZJa Am¡a H§$Pmdbm Vhgrb H$s H$m`©H$m[aUr Kmo{fV H$s JB©& H§$Pmdbm Vhgrb ‘| lr {ed Hw$‘ma H$mo AÜ`j Am¡a lr Am|H$ma Jwám Or H$mo ‘hm‘§Ìr ‘ZmoZrV {H$`m J`m & amo{hUrZJa ‘| lr E‘.gr.e‘m© H$mo AÜ`j Am¡a lr amHo$e R>mHw$a H$mo ‘hm‘§Ìr ‘ZmoZrV {H$`m &

ghH$ma ^maVr {X„r àXoe CVa-n{ü‘r {Obm| H$m H$m`©H$Vm© gå‘obZ Am¡a ZJa

/ Vhgrb H$m`©H$m[aUr JR>Z H$m`©H«$‘ g§ånÞ

Q>mBåg Am’$ B§{S>`m H$s EH$ [anmoQ>© Ho$ ‘wVm{~H$, B§Xm¡a {Obm n§Mm`V H$s grB©Amo Zohm ‘rZm Zo ghH$mar {d^mJ go {Obo ‘| H$moëS> ñQ>moaoO Ho$ {Z‘m©U Ho$ {bE àñVmd V¡`ma H$aZo H$mo H$hm h¡& A{YH$m[a`m| H$m H$hZm h¡ {H$ {Obo ‘| bJ^J 100 {ZOr H$moëS> ñQ>moaoO h¡ Am¡a Ho$db 6 H$moëS> ñQ>moaoO ghH$mar g{‘{V`m| Ho$ h¢& {ZOr H$moëS> ñQ>moaoO {H$gmZm| go AË`{YH$ ewëH$ boVo h¢&

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gamhZr` H$X‘ : B§Xm¡a ‘| n¡Šg y{‘ na hmoJm H$moëS>


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A{YH$ go A{YH$ `moJ H$mo AnZmE§, OZ OZ VH$ `o g§Xoe nhþ§MmE§ : g§O` nm§MnmoaghH$ma ^maVr Zo `moJ {e{da bJm H$a ‘Zm`m `moJ {Xdg

OwbmB© 201810

^rbdm‹S>m 3 OyZ& g‘mO OrdZ Ho$ ha joÌ ‘| ghH$m[aVm {dÚ‘mZ h¡& h‘mao Xoe ‘| ghH$ma H$s naånam H$m’$s nwamZr h¡& AZm{XH$mb ‘| XmZd Am¡a ‘mZd Zo {‘bH$a g‘w§Ð ‘§WZ {H$`m Wm, Bggo ~‹T>H$a ghH$m[aVm H$s ^mdZm Am¡a H$hm± XoIZo H$mo {‘b gH$Vr h¡& nwamZr naånam H$mo hr AmJo ~‹T>mZm h¡ & ghH$mar g§ñWmAmo§ H$mo {OZ bmoJm| Zo amOZr{V AIm‹S>m VWm emofU H$m ‘mÜ`‘ ~Zm {X`m h¡, Cgo h‘| g‘má H$aVo hþE g‘mO Ho$ A§{V‘ n§{º$ H$mo amï´> H$s ‘w»` Ymam go OmoS>µZo Ho$ {bE EH$OwQ> hmoH$a H$m‘ H$aZm hmoJm Am¡a A{YH$ go A{YH$ bmoJm| H$mo ghH$m[aVm go OmoS>µZm hmoJm& `h ~mV ghH$ma ^maVr Ho$ amOñWmZ àXoe ‘hm‘§Ìr àXrn Mm¡~rgm Zo `hm± g§ñH¥${V ‘§{Xa AemoH$ZJa ‘| ^rbdm‹S>m {Obm Ed§ eha Ho$ H$m`©H$Vm©Am| H$s g§`wº$ ‘rqQ>J ‘| H$hr&

CÝhm|Zo ghH$ma ^maVr H$s J{V{d{Y`m| na ^r àH$me S>mbm Am¡a H$hm {H$ g§JR>Z H$mo ‘O~yV ~ZmZo H$s Ñ{ï> go Vhgrb ñVa na ^r gKZ g§nH©$ A{^`mZ àma§^ {H$`m OmEJm& à{ejU Ho$ ‘mÜ`‘ go H$m`©H$Vm©Am| H$mo g§ñH$m[aV H$aZo H$s Amdí`H$Vm h¡ V^r g§JR>Z H$m {dñVma hmoJm&

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{~Zm H$maU Zm‘ n[adV©Z Zht: H|$Ðr` a{OñQ´ma

OwbmB© 2018 11

ARTICLES INVITED Original and analytical articles on current issues/ confronting the co-

operatives are invited for publication in "Sahakar Sugandha'. Successful stories emphasising life-like situations and experience, preferably with photos, related to cooperatives are also welcome.

Chatbots, once a niche concept are now turning into a necessity for mainstream business. Enterprises, especially, in the financial services domin, have been experimenting with them, using them especially in customer interactions. More refinements are being added to their functionlities and newer versions are emerging. YES Bank, for example, has launches YES ROBOT, an AI-enaled personal banking assistant for customers, available on the bank’s website and Facebook messenger. The bot has many disruptive, industry first feature like customers can send money, check balance, recharge their phones, pay bills, check recent transactions and do a host of other baking transactions. It uses GPS to offer real time assistance in locating the nearest branch/ATM. Users can check eligibility and apply for a commercial loan product with real time assignment of a relationship manager for further loan processing. The facility can be used by customers to apply for some 65 products of the bank in real time.

YES ROBOT is the second chatbot of the bank. It had earlier launched a unique, award-winning chatbot – YES TAG - which enabled users to send money. Check balance, order cheque book and do other prority transactions from 5 social media platforms – Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, Wechat and Skype.

The bank has also in partnership with bot platform Gupshup, launched YES mPower, helps customers get information about loan products of the bank and instantly get a loan eligibility. According to Ritesh Pai. Chief digital officer at YES Bank, YES mPower is an interactive, easy to use chatbot that gives an instant loan offering to customers from anywhere, anytime.

Deepak Sharma, chief digital officer at Kotak Mahindra Bank, says the bank is in the testing phase of

chatbot technology. “We will be launching our chatbot in the coming mouths. In the testing phase, we found that the customers’ chat text was getting broken. So. We are planning to add voice and text options to solve customer problems accurately,’ says he.

LEAVERAING & ADOPTIONBajaj Allianz General Insurance

gives extreme importance to its customers ans strives to enhance customer experience. The company has leveraged chatbot technology to offer some unique experiences to its customers. Sourabh Chatterjee, head & president - Digital & Technology at the company says : “We believe it is vital for us to provide the best in class services and this is the area where we can leverage technology to make it better. Through our chatbot BOING we have empowered our customers with self-service capalities like getting their policy documents, registering motor and extended warranty claims, changing certain

details of their policy and renreing motor policies as of now’.

Method Mansoori, member of Executive Management & group head, HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company reveals the objectives behind the adoption of the chatbot technology in the company;

“The objective of building the agent bot was to support call center agents by providing them with relevant and accurate information during the call and reducing average handle time by providing instant and accurance responses and eliminating discretioney actions and manual errors”.


After launching BOING, Bajaj Allianz General Insurance has experienced a marked reduction in the average handling time of the customers, and the number of customers who have accepted this form of interaction has also grown by 6X in a short span. The company will see the sales and partner version of

Chatbots are future lifestyle managersBanks & Financial services institutions are increasingly adopting

chatbots to engage customers.

Chatbots can perform several complex actions without any manual intervention.

OwbmB© 201812

the bot very soon and its confident that it will make the process of research, selection and ultimately purches, easy for the customers.

BOING utilizes a Natural Language processing (NLP) engine with artificial intelligence and leraning capabilities. The investment is minimal and the copany had worked with a start-up to develop the chatbot.

Says Chatterjee: “It has really made a huge difference in terms of our engagement with the customer and the customer’s ease of reaching to the company. BOING is different in the services that it offers. Most of our services on the chatbot are extremely simple to use, our entire focus is on self-service and can be realized in just a couple of step. It also differ in the way it seamlessly transfers control to a human agent if it is unable to resolve or help the customers.”

Mansoori feels the use of agent chtbot helps in complex actions such as premium calculation and refund calculation as well. “We are working with the customer experience management team to study address call center scenarios to automate, address queries, product FAQs, premium calculation, saes and agents,” he says.

CHATTING ERAWith smartphones and digital

interfaces becoming very common, more number if customers prefer typing and chatting and getting quick responses, instead of calling customers care call centres, Chatterjee explains the advantages of using BOING: “We have seen a considerable re-use of BOING. Since the very nature of our services is non-repeating, the repeat usage will generally occur only if the customer wishes to avail a different services each time. For example, a customer who has registered a motor claim again unless it is really the case. They may log on to enquire about the status of his claim or perhaps to enquire for preferred workshops around him. We have built in a feedback mechanism at the end of the chat, so far we have received a positive feedback from

our customers.”CUSTOMER QUERIESThe company has successfully

diverted the call volume to the bot resulting in significant improvement in service levels. Chatterjee says on an average the company receives around 2000 quires a day on BOING. It is not selling any products on this platform but has only enabled customers to do self-service for motor, health, extended on warranty, etc. “All the services provided on BOING are getting equally good responses. Most of the queries that we receive on the platform are on renewals, locations, claim registration, etc,” says he.

Some of the most frequently asked quires on YES ROBOT are related to linking Aadhar Card to bank accounts, changing debit card PIN, and applying for various YES Bank produce. Customers check their account balance, send money and query the location of YES Bank ATMs/branches quite often on the bot. Says Pai: “The adoption rate and feedback from early adopters of all the 3 chatbots have been very encouraging. YES ROBOT has already addressed over 2,00,000 customer queries without manual invention within 3 months of launch. This has helped the bank enhance its customer service by reducing the time-offirst response to just a few seconds.

Pai also says over 4,000 + leads have been enerated through YES ROBOT by customers. Over half a million interactions have happened between YES ROBOT and users since launch. Offering all transactions through Immediate Payment Service (IMPS), YES ROBOT boasts of the 24 x 7 customer services as well as transactions support to non-resident customers. YES mPower, he says, is presently being used by 61% of all branch staff on an average. This adoption number is projected to go up to 80% in the next 3 months time. Presently, on this platform on an average 20,000 + loan transactions/enquiries to go up to 50,000 transactions per month in next 3 months time.

YES Bank is planning to deliver

more on-demand services across channels to expedite customer on-boarding, resolve customer queries with more accuracy and leverage AI to study user behaviour, pre-empt periodic activities like mobile recharge and bill payments.


Chatbots would be the game changers in the BFSI industry and it provides major competitive advantage to banks and financial service institutions based on speed of learning and pace of implementation. Banker-at-beck-and call bots are poised to be personal banking assistances. One point contact for all conversations and transactions with banks. Since most Chatbots are powered by AI and are learning from their conversation with customers, they will turn more smart, personal and human.

Bots are adept at conversing with the customer by processing natural language powered with cognitive messaging abilities and acts as a personal advisor who is available to answer queries of customers 24 x 7. There is immense potential for usage of chatbots in the payments front as well as in grievance redressal.

As digital payments become ubiquitous and further fast and subtle, chatbots will not just be banking partners but also be intergrated such that they act as lifestyle managers,” says Pai.

Chatterjee too is enthusiastic : “We have learnt a lot from studying customer interactions and previous conversations on BOING. Digital infrastructure and rise in mobile connectivity in the country has offered an immense opportunity to provide services to the customers and address their queries in real-time. Customers are now expecting instant services and immediate resolution of their queries. All these lessons are good for the growth of capabilities of chatbots. Customer service will always be the focus area for BOING. Additionally, we are focusing on “Product Doscovery’ in self-service format.”

From Banking Frontiers May 2018

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Feedback on Judgement for ATM failureCan a Bank be held deficient

in services if its ATM does not dispense Cash for the reason"Cash not available"?

A consumer Court in Raipur has recently imposed a penalty of Rs.2500.00 on SBI for exactly the same reason overruling the arguments of SBI that 1) the complainant was not its customer and 2) failure of internet connectivity is not within its ambit, rather it is upon the internet service provider against whom, any complaint if any, should lie.

The Form countered SBI by saying that when Banks are charging for usage of ATMs for a whole year in advance and a client is Free to use any ATM he automatically becomes a customer.

The second point was countered with the reasoning

that when the ATM itself was showing"No Cash Available" on 3 different dates and times how it can be a case of internet failure? Moreover, when customers are penalised for no balance or less than minimum balance in their accounts, how can a Bank get away with no cash in the ATM?

It being the first such judgement for ATM failure it is expected to generate a lot of interest in the matter.

The incident happened in May 2017 , complained filed in June 2017 and the verdict was passed

recently.It's a reminder to be more

careful in loading Cash in ATMs especially before consecutive holidays to escape such penalty as well as customer dissatisfaction.

My views - 1. Its a Welcome Judgement. In

will help improve services.2. The Banks, while issuing

Cards, will now have to give Notice that ATMs can be operated only if Internet services are functional.

3. Additionally, Banks will have to put on Notice Service Providers.

4. Banks will have to include in its Agreement with Internet Service that in the event of its Services failing, vicarious liability will be theirs.

Satish MarathePatron Of Sahakar Bharati

15 OyZ 2018 H$mo ghH$ma ^maVr {X„r àXoe Ho$ ‘{hbm àH$moð> Ho$ JR>Z hoVw ~¡R>H$ gånÞ hþB©& ~¡R>H$ ‘| Hw$b g§»`m 30 ahr, {Og‘| {d{^Þ {Obm| go 29 ‘{hbm`| CnpñWV ahr§& H$m`©H«$‘ ‘| ‘w»` A{V{W lr ^maV ^yfU ~§gb àXoe ‘hm‘§Ìr aho& Bg H$m`©H«$‘ H$s g§`moOH$ ghH$ma ^maVr {X„r àXoe H$s ‘{hbm à‘wI lr‘{V g§Vmof Jwám Or Wr& H$m`©H«$‘ H$m ew^ma§^ Xrn ObmH$a ^maV ‘mVm na nwînm§O{b An©U go hþAm& lr‘{V C‘oe Jwám Zo ghH$ma JrV H$am`m& H$m`©H«$‘ ‘| lr‘{V g§Vmof Jwám Or Zo ghH$ma ^maVr H$s ñWmnZm,

ghH$ma ^maVr Ho$ CÔoí`, H$m`© Ho$ ~mao ‘| ~Vm`m& H$m`©H«$‘ H$s g§MmbH$ lr‘{V nyZ‘ Ë`mJr Or Zo CZH$s NGO Ûmam ‘{hbmAm| H$s ghm`Vm Ho$ {b`o {H$`o OmZo dmbo H$m`m] Ho$ g§X^© ‘| ~Vm`m& gwOmoH$ Woanr {defk lr‘{V g§JrVm e‘m©

Or Zo gwOmoH$ Woanr Ho$ ‘mÜ`‘ go ñdñW ahZo Ho$ Cnm` ~Vm`o& àXoe ghH$ma ^maVr H$s ‘§Ìr lr‘{V gwZrVm gw±{Ð`mb Zo ñd`§ ghm`Vm g‘yh Ho$ ~mao ‘| ~Vm`m& H$m`©H«$‘ Ho$ A{V{W àXoe ‘hm‘§Ìr lr ^maV ^yfU ~§gb Or Zo ‘{hbmAm| H$s ghH$mar g§ñWmAm| Ho$ ~mao ‘| ~Vm`m& H$m`©H«$‘ Ho$ A§V ‘| ghH$ma ^maVr {X„r àXoe Ho$ ‘{hbm àH$moð> H$s 15 gXñ`mAm| H$s àXoe g{‘{V Kmo{fV H$s JB©& lr‘{V gr‘m `mXd H$mo {X„r ‘{hbm àH$moð> H$m AÜ`j VWm lr‘{V C‘oe Jwám H$mo ‘hm‘§Ìr ‘ZmoZrV {H$`m J`m&

ghH$ma ^maVr {X„r àXoe ‘{hbm àH$moð> Ho$ JR>Z hoVw ~¡R>H$ gånÞ Ah‘Xm~mX Am¡a amOH$moQ> ‘| H$m`m©b` ImobZo

Ho$ ~mX, Mm°H$boQ> ghH$mar g§ñWm H¢$nH$mo Zo {nN>bo hâVo JwOamV Ho$ gyaV ‘| {dnUZ H$m`m©b` H$m CX²KmQ>Z {H$`m& `h H¢$nH$mo H$m JwOamV ‘| Vrgam H$m`m©b` h¡& H¢$nH$mo H$s Amoa go Omar àog {dk{á Ho$ AZwgma, H$Zm©Q>H$ Am¡a Ho$ab amÁ` ‘| CËnm{XV gwnmar H$mo CÎmar ^maV Ho$ bmoJ H$m’$s ng§X H$aVo h¢ Am¡a Bg{bE ~mOma ‘| Cn^moº$m H$s Oê$aVm| H$mo nyam H$aZo Ho$ CÔoí` go H¢$nH$mo Zo JwOamV ‘| AnZm Vrgam H$m`m©b` Imobm h¡&

Bgr Ho$ gmW H¢$nH$mo Ho$ Xoe ‘| Mm¡Xh {~H«$s {S>nmo hmo JE h¢& JwOamV ‘| gyaV, amÁ` H$m Xygam g~go ~‹S>m eha h¡, Omo hrao Am¡a dó Ho$ {bE à{gÕ h¡& gyaV ‘| ñWm{nV H¢$nH$m| H$m`m©b` H$m CX²KmQ>Z {nN>bo gámh H¢$nH$mo Ho$ AÜ`j gVreM§Ð Zo gwaoe ^§S>mar, à~§Y {ZXoeH$ Ho$ gmW {H$`m Wm&

H¢$nH$mo Ho$ AÜ`j Zo H$hm {H$ gyaV {~H«$s {S>nmo H$m ~mOma na gH$mamË‘H$ Aga hmoJm Am¡a Bggo {H$gmZm| H$mo CZHo$ CËnmXZ Ho$ {bE AÀN>r Xa ^r {‘boJr& M§Ð Zo Xmdm {H$`m {H$ H¢$nH$mo àma§^ go hr {H$gmZm| Ho$ {hVm| H$s ajm Ho$ {bE H$‹S>r ‘ohZV H$a ahr h¡ Am¡a Bgo AmJo ^r Omar aIoJr&

gyaV ‘| H¢$nH$mo Zo H$m`m©b` Imobm

OwbmB© 201814

Recently, the Indian Cooperative team conducted an interview with Vidhyadhar Anaskar, a veteran cooperator and Chairman of the Maharashtra Urban Cooperative Bank Federation. During the interview Anaskar talked about his life which was full of struggles.

Anaskar recounted how his mother, Anusuya Anaskar had set up Shri Mahila Grija Udyog Lijjat Papad in 1964 with the help of six women and how she would work hard to produce Papad. Anaskar said he was extremely poor and it was entirely thanks to his association with the cooperative movement that he could move upward in life. The MUCBF chairman has been associated with the cooperative sector for long 30 years now.

By profession an excise consultant, Anaskar has been enlightening the Maharashtra Police for 18 years on how to investigate economic offences.

In the interview, he not only highlighted the goals and targets set for MUCBF in the coming years but also its role in raising the issues related to UCBs. Anaskar talked about the history of the cooperative federation as well as the role of registrar of cooperative societies in strengthening UCBs in the state.

Excerpts:Indian Cooperative: When did

Maharashtra Urban Cooperative Bank Federation come into existence and how many UCBs are its members?

Vidhyadhar Anaskar: MUCBF

was established in 1979 under the leadership of Budhi Halkar. Presently, there are 506 UCBs active in Maharashtra out of which 501 UCBs are our members. The banks having their headquarters outside Maharashtra as well as having branches in Maharashtra are our members. Former President of India Pratibha Patil was one of the directors of our federation, he claimed.

Ten years ago, the number of our members was very low but after I took the charge our membership multiplied.

In the last 15 years, about 105 banks went into liquidation.

IC: What services are you

giving to member banks?Vidhyadhar Anaskar: Our

Federation is active and focusing on innovative banking. We immediately address complaints lodged by our member banks. We also offer legal services free of cost i.e. if any UCB approached us with any legal question we answer their queries in a day or two.

If there is any complaint pending with the registrar, we see to this that action is taken on a priority basis.

We focus on training directors and staff members. We have also formulated policies on staff accountability, investment, loans and many others which can help Urban Cooperative Banks grow further.

IC: Is the state cooperative registrar supportive of the federation?

Vidhyadhar Anaskar: Whenever

policy decisions related to UCBs need to be taken, the state registrar would call us and consult with us before finalizing them.

We have no issues with the Registrar and he is sensitive to us. According to the Maharashtra State Cooperative Act 1960 “if RCS wants to dissolve a board of the bank, the Registrar should consult with the MUCB federation and the federation should reply within 45 days”.

IC: What are the challenges you are facing in running the federation as per the guidelines laid down by the Reserve Bank of India.

Vidhyadhar Anaskar: We have urged the RBI to change the mechanism of the task force because the meeting called for discussions with the federation representative on plans and policies are barely fruitful. In several meetings, we have told the apex bank if things are already decided such meetings are unnecessary.

We have emphasized that before releasing any circular related to UCBs, the apex bank should release the draft circulars to UCBs for comments as the RBI does in the case of commercial banks.

We have demanded that the same system should be adopted for UCBs. We know the ground reality and the RBI does not know much about what is going on in the field. There should be regular consultations with the sector.

Briefly put, these are some of the challenges we are facing.

When Karuppasamay was the Executive Director of the Reserve Bank of India, he appreciated the work of Maharashtra Urban Cooperative Federation. It is worth recalling that in a meeting of federations he had declared MUCBF as the most active federation in the country.

With Courtesy from- Indian

Saga of Lijjat Papad .... Real Co-operative!

OwbmB© 2018 15

J«mhH$m| H$mo CZHo$ ñdm{‘Ëddmbo Ooda Am¡a OodamVm| na F$U - ~¢H$m| (Am¡a J«mhH$m| H$mo ^r) VwbZmË‘H$ ê$n go AmgmZ àVrV hmoZodmbm `h ì`dhma! My§{H$ `h nyar Vah go ~§YH$ na AmYm[aV h¡ Bg{bE Á`mXm H$mJOmVm| H$s Oê$aV Zht hmoVr, J¡a§Q>a H$s {PH${PH$ Zht²& gmam ‘m‘bm ’$Q>m’$Q>! {H$gr go ^r AmgmZr go hmoZodmbm Am¡a Bgr{bE bmoH${à` ^r!

~¢H$m| Ho$ {bhmµO go ~§YH$ dñVw CZHo$ H$ãµOµo ‘| ahVr h¡, ‘yë` Om§Mm Om gH$Vm h¡, Ý`m`mb`rZ à{H«$`m Ho$ {~Zm ^r dgwbr H$s Om gH$Vr h¡, F$U ImVm AZwËnmXH$ hmoZo H$s g§^mdZm VwbZmË‘H$ ê$n go H$‘ hmoVr h¡ - `o à‘wI bm^ h¡!

gmoZm ~§YH$ ì`dhma ~¢H$m| H$s Vah AÝ` {dÎmr` g§ñWmE§ ^r (NBFCs) H$aVr h¡§&

bo{H$Z Bg ì`dhma ‘| H$B© nhby Ow‹S>o hþE h¡& ~¢H$ Ed§ boZXma XmoZm| Ho$ hr {bhmµO go IVao h¡& CÝh| Q>mbH$a ì`dhma nyam H$aZm h¡ Vmo gmar ~mar{H$`m§ nVm hmoZr Mm{hE²& AmO H$m boI Cgr {Xem ‘| EH$ H$X‘ h¡&

* H$ãµOµm ~§YH$`h F$U ì`dhma H$ãµOµm ~§YH$ àH$ma ‘|

(Pledge) ‘| ew‘ma hmoVm h¡& `hm§ OodamV ~¢H$ Ho$ H$ãµOµo ‘| AmVo h¡§ Am¡a F$U MwH$mZo VH$ do bm¡Q>mE Zht OmVo& hmbm§{H$ F$U MwH$mZo VH$ CÝh| g§^mbZo H$s {Oå‘oXmar ~¢H$ na hmoVr h¡ Am¡a F$U MwH$mVo hr do OodamV Á`m| Ho$ Ë`m| bm¡Q>mZm Amdí`H$ hmoVm h¡& F$U Z MwH$mE OmZo na ~¢H$ do OodamV boZXma H$mo Amdí`H$ nyd©gyMZm XoH$a {~Ho$Jr Am¡a AnZm F$U dgyb H$aoJr& BgHo$ {bE {H$gr ^r Ý`m`mb`rZ à{H«$`m H$s Amdí`H$Vm Zht hmoJr& dgwbr ’$Q>m’$Q>! Bgr{bE ~¢H$m| H$mo `h ì`dhma AmgmZ bJVm h¡&

~§YH$ dñVwAm| H$s {~H«$s go AmZodmbr aH$‘ F$U H$s aH$‘ go H$‘ hmoZo na eof aH$‘ H$s dgwbr boZXma H$s AÝ` g§n{Îm go dgyb H$aZo H$m A{YH$ma ~¢H$ Ho$ nmg h¡ hr& bo{H$Z ~§YH$ dñVwAm| H$s {~H«$s go A{YH$ aH$‘ hmW ‘| AmZo na Cgo boZXma H$mo bm¡Q>mZo H$m ~§YZ ^r ~¢H$ na hmoVm h¡&

* boZXma H$s nmÌVm{OgZo C‘« Ho$ 18 df© nyao {H$`o h§¡, Omo

‘mZ{gH$ ê$n go ñdñW h¡, {Xdm{b`m Kmo{fV Zht h¡ Eogm H$moB© ^r ì`{º$ - "AZw~§Y

H$aZo Ho$ {bE nmÌ ì`{º$' - `h ì`dhma H$a gH$Vm h¡& AWm©V² CgZo [aµOd© ~¢H$ H$s Zr{V`m| Ho$ AZwê$n "AnZo J«mhH$ H$mo OmZ|' (KYC) {ZH$f nyao {H$E hmoZo Mm{hE& BgHo$ Abmdm àË`oH$ ~¢H$, AnZr IwX H$s Hw$N> eV] bJm gH$Vr h¡&

ghH$mar ~¢H$m| Ho$ ~mao ‘| boZXma gXñ` (AWdm Ý`yZV‘ Zm‘‘mÌ gXñ`) hmoZm Amdí`H$ hmoVm h¡&

(F$U boZo Ho$ {bE nmÌ BgH$m ‘Vb~ ~¢H$ Ûmam F$U {X`m OmZm hr Mm{hE, Eogm Zht h¡& F$U XoZm AWdm Z XoZm nyar Vah go ~¢H$ Ho$ AYrZ hmoVm h¡&)

AmdoXH$ go ~¢H$ H$m {Z`V ê$n ‘| AmdoXZ g‘w{MV ê$n go ^admZm Mm{hE& ^{dî` ‘| nVm, ’$moZ H«$‘m§H$ AmXr {ddaU ~Xb| Vmo Cgo ~¢H$ H$mo gy{MV H$aZo H$s {Oå‘oXmar CgH$s h¡ `h ñnï> {H$`m OmZm Mm{hE&

* F$U {H$gHo$ {bE {‘b gH$Vm h¡?My§{H$ `h ì`dhma ~§YH$ AmYm[aV

h¡ Bg{bE ~¢H$ F$U Ho$ H$maUm| H$s Img nyN>VmN> Zht H$aVr& nwamZm F$U MwH$mZm, ñdmñÏ` BbmO, `mÌm, g§V{V H$m {ddmh O¡go AZwËnmXH$ H$maUm| Ho$ {bE ^r F$U {‘bVm h¡& AJa F$U IoVr, ì`mnma, {ejm, ì`dgm` Am{X Ho$ {bE Mm{hE Vmo H$B© ~ma ~¢H$ (My§{H$ `o F$U àmW{‘H$Vm joÌ ‘| AmVo h¡) H$‘ ã`mµO Xa| bJmVr h¡& hmbm§{H$ Cg g‘` `h gy{MV {H$`m OmVm h¡, {H$ F$U H$m {d{Z`moJ ~VmE JE H$maUm| Ho$ {bE hr hmoZm Mm{hE²& F$U aH$‘ Ho$ {d{Z`moJ Ho$ g~yV XoZo n‹S>Vo h¡§&

F$U Ho$ H$maUm| H$mo {deof ‘hËd {X`m Zht OmZo na ^r CgH$m Cn`moJ Ad¡Y H$m`m]

Ho$ {bE Zht hmoZm Mm{hE& Cgr Vah OwE O¡go CÔoí` go (Speculative purpose) AWdm Z`m gmoZm IarXZo Ho$ {bE ^r F$U H$s aH$‘ à`wº$ Zht hmoZr Mm{hE²& d¡go AmdoXH$ Ûmam CgHo$ AmdoXZ ‘| H$hbdmZm hmoJm&

gmoZo H$s Am`mV H$mo àmoËgmhZ Z {‘b| Bg H$maU go [aµOd© ~¢H$ Zo Z`m gmoZm IarXZo Ho$ {bE ^r gmoZm ~§YH$ F$U Z XoZo Ho$ {bE H$hm h¡& bo{H$Z ~¢H$ Am’$ B§{S>`m Ûmam "H$‘mD$ ‘{hbmAm|' Ho$ {bE Ooda IarXZo hoVw {deof `moOZm bmB© hþB© XoIm J`m h¡&

* F$U {H$VZm {‘b gH$Vm h¡? ã`mµO Xa Š`m hmoJr?

[aµOd© ~¢H$ Zo Bg g§X^© ‘| Bg ì`dgm` H$s OmoIr‘ H$mo Am§H$Vo hþE AnZr AnZr Zr{V V` H$aZo H$s ñdV§ÌVm àË`oH$ ~¢H$ H$mo Xr h¡& Ý`yZV‘ Am¡a A{YH$V‘ aH$‘ ha EH$ ~¢H$ AnZr AnZr Zr{V go {Z{üV H$aoJr& gmoZm ~§YH$ ì`dhma ‘| {H$VZr aH$‘ {Zdo{eV H$s OmE, BgH$m AZwnmV r g§~§{YV ~¢H$ AnZr {ZXoeH$ ‘§S>b H$s ~¡R>H$ ‘| V` H$aoJr& H$moB© ~¢H$ àË`oH$ boZXma Ho$ {bE A{YH$V‘ gr‘m 20 bmI énE V` H$aoJr Vmo Xygar H$moB© Ý`yZV‘ gr‘m 5 bmI én`m| na V` H$aoJr& ã`mµO Xa ^r àË`oH$ ~¢H$ AnZr Zr{V Ho$ AZwê$n V` H$aoJr& àË`oH$ 10 J«¡‘ Ho$ {bE {H$VZm F$U XoZm h¡, `h Zr{V ^r àË`oH$ ~¢H$ Ho$ {bE AbJ hmoJr&

* H$B© ~¢H$m| Zo Bg g§X^© ‘| AbJ AbJ `moOZmE§ àñVwV H$s h¡&

ã`mµO Xa - à{Vdf© à{V eV hmoVm h¡ Am¡a dh ha ‘mh MH«$dmT> nÕ{V go Am§H$m OmVm h¡& gm‘mÝ`V`m ã`mµO Xa| ~XbVr (floating) hmoVr h¡& ^{dî` ‘| ~¢H$ Zo Xa ~‹T>mB© Am¡a H$‘ H$s Vmo Cg VmarI go nwamZo F$U na ZB© Xa| bmJy hmoVr h¡§& F$U ~mH$s hmo Vmo Ow‘m©Zm ã`mµO ^r Am§H$m OmVm h¡& AnZr AnZr nÕ{V go à{H«$`m ewëH$ ^r {b`m OmVm h¡&

* ~§YH$ H$m XOm©Omo OodamV ~§YH$ aIZo h¡§ do boZXma Ho$

AnZo ñdm{‘Ëddmbo hmoZo Mm{hE& Ho$db O‹S>-Ooda hr ~§YH$ aIo Om gH$Vo h¡§& Ho$db gmoZm `m {Mßg ~§YH$ Zht bo OmVo& AmO H$b H$B© ~¢H$ AnZo Zm‘-‘wÐmdmbo gmoZo Ho$ {g¸o$ ~oMVo h¡§& do ^r ~§YH$ aIo Om gH$Vo

gmoZm/ Mm§Xr ~§YH$ F$U ì`dhma

OwbmB© 201816

h¡§&OodamVm| H$s H$s‘V H$aVo g‘` CZ‘|

Ho$db gmoZo `m Mm§Xr H$s hr H$s‘V Ü`mZ ‘| br OmVr h¡& Cg‘| pñWV aËZ, hrao AmXr H$s H$s‘V Ü`mZ ‘| Zht br OmVr& gmW hr Ho$db gmoZo H$s H$r‘V hmoVr h¡, OodamVm| H$s Zht& Bg{bE ‘OXyar H$m {dMma Zht {H$`m OmVm&

* ‘yë`m§H$Z H$s nÕ{V{dMmamYrZ gmoZm 22 H¡$aQ> H$m hmoZm

Amdí`H$ hmoVm h¡& AJa dh H$‘ XO} H$m hmo Vmo CgH$s {H$‘V 22 H¡$aQ> ‘| ê$nm§VarV H$a Am§H$s OmVr h¡&

B§{S>`Z ~wë`Z E§S> Ádobg© Egmo{gEeZ à{V{XZ gmoZo-Mm§Xr H$s Xa| Kmo{fV H$aVm h¡& CÝh| Ü`mZ ‘| aIH$a OodamVm| H$s H$s‘V Am§H$s OmVr h¡& ‘yë`m§H$Z H$aVo g‘` hm°b‘mH©$ H$mo àmoËgm{hV H$aZo H$s Zr{V hmoVr h¡&

22 H¡$aQ> gmoZo H$s EH$ J«¡‘ H$s Xa {dMmamW© br OmVr h¡& ha EH$ ~¢H$ AnZr Zr{V Ho$ AZwgma F$U {H$VZm XoZm h¡ Am{X ~mV| V` H$aVr h¡& F$U H$s Hw$b AXm hmoZodmbr aH$‘ ~§YH$ g§n{Îm H$s H$r‘V go F$U nyam MwH$mE OmZo VH$, ~‹T>Vo hþE ã`mµO H$m {dMma H$aZo na ^r, H$^r ^r 75% go A{YH$ Zht hmoZr Mm{hE - Bg Vah Ho$ [aµOd© ~¢H$ Ho$ {ZX}e h¡§&

Oê$ar Zht {H$ OodamVm| ‘| gmoZo H$m XOm©, CgH$m ghr dOZ Am¡a H$r‘V V` H$aZo ‘| ~¢H$ H$‘©Mmar Hw$eb hmo& Bg{bE ~¢H$ à{V{ð>V gam©’$m| H$s ‘XX boVr h¡& CZgo A{YH¥$V AZw~§Y {H$`m OmVm h¡& gam©’$ ha ~ma ñd`§ ~¢H$ ‘| AmVm h¡, ~¢H$a Am¡a J«mhH$ Ho$ g‘j OodamVm| H$s naI hmoVr h¡& gam©’$ Ûmam V` H$r‘V J«mhH$ H$mo ‘mÝ` hmo V^r ì`dhma AmJo ~‹T>Vm h¡& ‘yë`m§H$Z H$aZo Ho$ {bE gam©’$ Hw$N> ewëH$ Am§H$Vm h¡ Omo J«mhH$ Ûmam hr {X`m OmVm h¡& hmbm§{H$ Hw$N> ~¢H$m| Zo AnZo H$‘©Mm[a`m| H$mo hr Amdí`H$ à{ejU {X`m h¡& dhm§ gam©’$m| H$s ‘XX Zht br OmVr&

gam©’$ go {H$E hþE AZw~§Y H$m WmdH$me nwZamdbmoH$Z H$aZm Amdí`H$ hmoVm h¡& Eogm bJVm h¡, {H$ Bg ‘wÔo H$mo ~¢H$ ZµOaA§XmO H$a ahr h¡&

* F$U H$s Ad{YAm‘ Vm¡a na gmoZm ~§YH$ F$U H$s Ad{Y

EH$ df© hmoVr h¡& Bg Xm¡amZ AbJ {H$íV| ^aZo H$s Oê$aV Zht hmoVr& ã`mµO H$s ^r

AbJ ‘m§J Zht H$s OmVr& Bg nÕ{V H$mo '~wboQ> no‘|Q>' g§km h¡& bo{H$Z df© g‘má hmoZo go nhbo hr gmar aH$‘ EH$ gmW ^aZm Amdí`H$ hmoVm h¡&

EH$ df© go A{YH$ Ad{Y XoZm hmo Vmo (Am‘ Vm¡a na VrZ df©) à{V ‘mh Ho$ {H$íV ~ZmH$a {XE OmVo h¡& do g‘` na dgyb Z hmo Vmo ImVm AZwËnmXH$ hmo gH$Vm h¡&

* XñVmdoOOmo gmdYm{Z`m§ AÝ` Vah Ho$ F$U XoVo

g‘` ~aVr OmVr h¡ dhr gmdYm{Z`m§ Bg F$U Ho$ XñVmdoOm| H$mo boH$a ^r ~aVZr Mm{hE& XñVmdoO ‘| H$moB© ^r ñWmZ [aº$ Zht ahZm Mm{hE& gam©’$ Ûmam d{U©V, H$ãµOµo ‘| {bE OmZodmbo g^r MrOm| H$m ñnï> Am¡a AMyH$ C„oI XñVmdoO ‘| hmoZo Mm{hE& VmarI, hñVmja AmXr H$mo boH$a {T>bmB© Zht MboJr&

`h H$ãµOµm-~§YH$ H$m XñV! ‘hmamï´> ‘| {’$bhmb Bg AZw~§Y Ho$ {bE ZµOa ~§YH$ H$s Vah hr ñQ>¢n S>çwQ>r XoZr n‹S>Vr h¡& Xg bmI go H$‘ aH$‘ Ho$ F$U Ho$ {bE `h à{V hOma é. 1 (Ý`yZV‘ é. 100) h¡ Am¡a Xg bmI go A{YH$ aH$‘ Ho$ {bE `h à{V hOma é. 2 h¡&

à{V df© 'F$U eof Am¡a ~§YH$ g§n{Îm' ‘mÝ` hmoZo H$m (balance and security confirmation) nÌ boZm Amdí`H$ h¡& Bg{bE ‘yb XñVmdoOm| H$s Ad{Y ~‹T>Vr h¡& (AÝ`Wm do VrZ dfm] ~mX H$mb~mø (time barred) hmoVo h¡&

dmñVd ‘| H$ãµOµm-~§YH$ àH$ma ‘| Ý`m`mb`rZ hñVjon H$s Amdí`H$Vm hr Zht hmoVr& Bg{bE XñVmdoO H$mb~mø hmoZo na ^r A{YH$ ’$H©$ Zht n‹S>Vm& (H$mb~mø XñVmdoOm| H$m Ý`m`mb` {dMma Zht H$aVm)& bo{H$Z AJa H$ãµOµo ‘| {bE hþE OodamV ~oMH$a n`m©á aH$‘ CnbãY Zht hþB©, F$U eof ahm Am¡a boZXma Ho$ AÝ` (~§YH$ Z aIr hþB©) g§n{Îm`m| na hH$ OVmZo H$s ~mar AmB© Vmo Ý`m`mb` ‘| {g{db ‘m‘bm XmIb H$aZm hmoJm& Eogo dº$ ‘| XñVmdoO H$mb~mø hmoZm ‘h§Jm n‹S>oJm&

* AZwËnmXH$Vm Non Performing sset -NP

Bg F$U H$mo [aµOd© ~¢H$ Ûmam d{U©V 'AZwËnmXH$ g§n{Îm' Ho$ {ZH$f bmJy hmoVo h§¡& `m{Z AJa F$U g‘` na Zht MwH$m`m J`m Vmo ~¢H$ H$mo F$U na ã`mµO H$m AmH$bZ amoH$Zm n‹S>Vm h¡& gmW hr Sy>~o hþE {Z{Y H$m

àmdYmZ ^r H$aZm n‹S>Vm h¡& Bgr{bE F$U dgwbr H$mo boH$a ~¢H$ H$mo gmdYmZ ahZm n‹S>Vm h¡&

Bg F$U H$mo nyao df© dgwbr H$m`©H«$‘ Zht {X`m OmVm& EH$ df© Ho$ ~mX nyam F$U EH$‘wíV ã`mµO Ho$ gmW bm¡Q>mZm hmoVm h¡& dh g‘` na Z AmZo na VËH$mb à^md go Bg F$U H$m g’$a "AZwËnmXH$ g§n{Îm' H$s Amoa ewê$ hmoVm h¡& Eogm Z hmo Bg{bE {H$g ImVo H$m df© H$~ g‘má hmoVm h¡ BgH$s OmZH$mar aIH$a df© g‘má hmoZo go nhbo hr J«mhH$ H$mo gy{MV H$aZm C{MV hmoJm&

F$U MwH$mZo Ho$ {bE EH$ df© go A{YH$ g‘` {X`m J`m hmo Vmo ã`mµO Am¡a ‘yb am{e bm¡Q>mZo Ho$ {bE ‘m{gH$ {H$íV| Xr OmVr h¡& Eogo VrZ ‘m{gH$ {H$íV Z AmE Vmo ImVm AZwËnmXH$ ~ZVm h¡&

* F$U dgwbrgmoZm ~§YH$ F$U "‘m§J H$aVo hr bm¡Q>mZo'

dmbo hmoVo h¡§ (Demand loan)& AJa ~§YH$ MrOm| H$s {H$‘Vo H$‘ hmoZo bJr AWdm AÝ` {H$gr H$maU go ~¢H$ H$mo IVam ‘hgyg hmoZo bJo Vmo Ad{Y g‘má hmoZo go nyd© hr nyar aH$‘ H$s ‘m§J H$s Om gH$Vr h¡& Eogo ‘| A{YH$ Ad{Y Zht {‘boJr&

Ad{Y go nhbo F$U bm¡Q>mZm g§‘V hmoVm h¡, CgHo$ {bE Am‘ Vm¡a na A{YH$ ewëH$ Zht {b`m OmVm& {’$a ^r F$U boZo go nyd© boZXma H$mo ~¢H$ H$s eV} Am¡a {Z`‘ g‘w{MV Vm¡a na g‘PZm ~ohVa hmoVm h¡& ~¢H$ Ho$ AZwgma `o AbJ hmo gH$Vr h¡&

dgyb H$s JB© aH$‘ nhbo ã`mµO, Ow‘m©Zm ã`mµO Am¡a AÝ` IMm] Ho$ {bE à`wº$ H$s OmVr h¡& CgHo$ ~mX hr CgH$m Cn`moJ ‘yb am{e Ho$ {bE hmoVm h¡&

F$U dgwbr Ho$ gmYmaU Cnm` ZmH$m‘ hmoZo Ho$ ~mX OodamV ~oMH$a AnZr aH$‘ dgybZo H$m A§{V‘ Cnm` H$aZo Ho$ {bE ~¢H$ ‘O~ya hmoJr&

BgHo$ {bE g‘w{MV nyd©gyMZm XoZm Amdí`H$ hmoVm h¡& ~¢H$ Ho$ [aH$mS>© ‘| XO© nVo na Eogr gyMZm a{OñQ>S>© S>mH$ go ^oOr OmVr h¡& Eogr gyMZm Ho$ ~mX ^r aH$‘ {Z{üV Ad{Y ‘| dgyb Z hmo Vmo ~¢H$ Omhra Zrbm‘r Ûmam AWdm {ZOr Vm¡a na CÝh| ~oM gH$Vr h¡& (~pëH$ VËH$mb ~oMZm Oê$ar h¡ AÝ`Wm "AZwËnmXH$ g§n{Îm' ‘| BOm’$m hmoJm!)

{~H«$s H$aVo g‘` {H$gr ^r Ý`m`mb` Ho$ hñVjon H$s Amdí`H$Vm Zht& Ý`m`mb` ‘| JE ~J¡a ^r ~¢H$ dgwbr H$a gH$Vr h¡, `hr

OwbmB© 2018 17

Bg ì`dhma H$s g~go ~‹S>r {deofVm h¡!OodamV ~oMZo Ho$ ~mX AnZr ‘yb aH$‘,

Cgna (MH«$dmT>) ã`mµO, Ow‘m©Zm ã`mµO, AÝ` ì`` dgyb hmoZo Ho$ ~mX AJa Hw$N> aH$‘ ~¢H$ Ho$ nmg AmB© Vmo Cgo boZXma H$mo bm¡Q>mZr h¡& bo{H$Z AJa OodamVm| H$s {~H«$s go n`m©á dgwbr Zm hmo, F$U eof aho Vmo {g{db ‘m‘bo H$m {dH$ën ~¢H$ Ho$ nmg h¡ hr! boZXma H$s (~§YH$ Ho$ A{V[aº$ Mb AMb g§n{Îm go) dgwbr H$aZo H$m ~¢H$ H$m A{YH$ma A~m{YV ahVm h¡& bo{H$Z CgHo$ {bE ñdV§Ì {g{db Xmdm H$aZm hmoJm&

* OodamV bm¡Q>mVo g‘`...nyam F$U MwH$mZo Ho$ ~mX OodamV bm¡Q>mZo

‘| H$moB© Amn{Îm Zht h¡, bo{H$Z {Jadr aIr hþB© MrOm| ‘| go H$moB© EH$ dñVy (Partial delivery) g§nyU© F$U MwH$mZo go nhbo bm¡Q>mB© Zht OmVr&

OodamV bm¡Q>mVo g‘` J«mhH$ H$mo F$U XoVo g‘` Cgo Xr JB© MrO H$ãµOµo ‘| {bE OmZo H$s àm{á agrX àñVwV H$aZr Mm{hE²& dh Z hmo Vmo CgHo$ nmg go J¡a§Q>r nÌ (indemnity letter) boZm Mm{hE&

MrO H$ãµOµo ‘| aIZo H$m ~¢H$ H$m gd©gmYmaU A{YH$ma (Right of Lien)

~¢H$ H$mo `h EH$ {deof A{YH$ma h¡&~¢H$ Ho$ gm‘mÝ` ~¢qH$J ì`dhma go H$ãµOµo

‘| AmZodmbr MrO| (`hm§ OodamV) AnZr Cgr J«mhH$ H$s AÝ` {d{^Þ àH$ma Ho$ ~H$m`m dgyb H$aZo Ho$ {bE à`moJ H$a gH$Vr h¡ (`Ú{n `o MrO| AÝ` ~H$m`m| Ho$ {bE ~§YH$ Z hmo Vmo ^r!) Bg A{YH$ma na A‘b H$aZo hoVw AÝ` {H$gr ^r AZw~§Y H$s Amdí`H$Vm Zht hmoVr& Bgo gd©gmYmaU J«hU A{YH$ma (Right of General Lien) H$hVo h¡&

* gmoZm ~§YH$ ì`dhma ‘| CgH$m ‘hËd g‘PZo Ho$ {bE EH$ CXmhaU XoI|Jo&

H$ënZm H$a|, {H$ A Zm‘H$ ì`{º$ Zo AnZm gmoZm ~§YH$ F$U ì`dpñWV T>§J go bm¡Q>m`m h¡& A~ ~§YH$ MrO bm¡Q>mZo H$m g‘` Am`m h¡, bo{H$Z dh bm¡Q>mZo go nhbo ~¢H$ Ho$ Ü`mZ ‘| Am`m, {H$ AÝ` EH$ F$U (Omo gmoZm ~§YH$ go g§~§{YV Zht h¡) ~H$m`m h¡, Vmo ~¢H$ AnZo H$ãµOµo ‘| OodamV boZXma H$mo Zht bm¡Q>mEJr& dh (AÝ`) ~H$m`m F$U H$s dgwbr Ho$ {bE à`wº$ H$aoJr& OodamVm| H$s {~H«$s H$aoJr Am¡a AnZr (AÝ`) boZ dgyb H$aoJr&

Bg A{YH$ma H$mo N>oX XoZodmbm AÝ` AZw~§Y ApñVËd ‘| hmo Vmo `h A{YH$ma

à`wº$ Zht {H$`m Om gH$Vm& H$m¡Z OmZ|, Ý`m`mb` ‘| boZXma `h Xmdm H$a gH$Vm h¡, {H$ H$ãµOµm-~§YH$ H$m ì`dhma Ho$db "gmoZm ~§YH$ {Jadr' aIZo VH$ hr gr{‘V Wm& Eogo g‘` boZXma H$h gH$Vm h¡, {H$ ~¢H$ H$mo Am‘ J«hU A{YH$ma Zht h¡ ~pëH$ CgH$m ê$nm§VaU {deof J«hU A{YH$ma (Right of Special Lien) ‘| hþAm h¡ Am¡a {ddmX CËnÞ hmo gH$Vm h¡& `h Q>mbZo Ho$ {bE `Ú{n Bg A{YH$ma Ho$ {bE AbJ AZw~§Y H$s Amdí`H$Vm Zht h¡ {’$a ^r A{YH$ gwñnï>Vm bmZo Ho$ {bE "H$ãµOµm-~§YH$' AZw~§Y ‘| hr `h àmdYmZ ñnï> ê$n go H$aZm ~ohVa hmoJm, {H$ "~¢H$ Bg H$ãµOµm ~§YH$ ‘| pñWV dñVwE§ AÝ` boZ/F$U dgyb H$aZo Ho$ {bE à`wº$ H$aoJr/~oMoJr'&

F$U dgwbr H$s ÑpîQ> go ~¢H$ H$m `h A{YH$ma EH$ ‘hËdnyU© h{W`ma ‘mZm OmZm Mm{hE&

* boZXma H$s ‘¥Ë wboZXma H$s ‘¥Ë`w hmoZo na F$U bm¡Q>mE

OmZo Ho$ ~mX OodamV {H$gH$mo bm¡Q>mZo h¡§, `h àý {Z‘m©U hmoVm h¡& My§{H$ OodamV dñVw h¡ Bg{bE C{MV Ý`m`mb` go à~§YZ nÌ (letter of administration) àmá H$aZm Mm{hE²& (My§{H$ OodamV bm¡Q>mZm ZJX aH$‘ H$m ì`dhma h¡ Bg{bE CÎmam{YH$ma à‘mUnÌ (Succession Certificate) Zht MboJm& `h à{H«$`m ~‹S>r hr noMrXm, g‘` ImZodmbr Am¡a I{M©br h¡! Amng ‘| {‘ÌVm H$m g‘Pm¡Vm (amicable settlement) ^r EH$ {dH$ën h¡& bo{H$Z CgHo$ {bE g§~§{YV dm[agm| ‘| Amng ‘| EH$‘V hmoZm Mm{hE&

H$B© ghH$mar ~¢H$m| ‘| H$ãµOµm XñVmdoOm| ‘| hr boZXma go {bIH$a {b`m OmVm h¡, {H$ ‘oar ‘¥Ë`w Ho$ ~mX `o ~§YH$ OodamV .. ì`{º$ H$mo {XE OmE& `h EH$ Vah go Zm‘ {ZX}eZ (Nomination) h¡& O‘m, bm°H$a, go’$ H$ñQ>S>r Ho$ {bE Zm‘ {ZX}eZ H$m àmdYmZ ~¢qH$J {Z`‘Z H$mZyZ ‘| h¡& d¡gr ñnï> ì`dñWm H$ãµOµm-~§YH$ ì`dhma Ho$ {bE Zht h¡& Bg{bE Bg Zm‘ {ZX}eZ H$mo ñdV§Ì d¡Ym{ZH$ AmYma Zht h¡& {ddmX hmo, ‘m‘bm Ý`m`mb` ‘| nhþ§Mo H$mo BgH$s H$moB© J¡a§Q>r Zht {H$ ~¢H$ H$mo g§ajU {‘boJm& Bg{bE Zm‘ {ZX}eZ H$mZyZ ‘| hr `h gwYma hmoZm Amdí`H$ h¡&

* ì`dgm` ‘| IVaoH$moB© ^r ì`dgm` hmo, Cg‘| IVao hmoZm

ñdm^m{dH$ h¡& OmoIr‘ Zht boZm h¡, Eogm

‘mZZo na ì`dgm` {H$`m hr Zht Om gH$Vm& bo{H$Z CgH$m nyd© AmH$bZ {H$`m OmE Vmo IVao H$m CnÐd H$‘ H$aZo Ho$ {bE Cnm` {H$E Om gH$Vo h¡§&

* gmoZm ~§YH$ ì`dhma ‘| {XIZodmbo à‘wI IVao {ZåZ àH$ma h¡§&

gmoZo H$m ‘yë`m§H$Z H$aZo H$m H$m¡eb ~¢H$a Ho$ nmg Zht hmoVm& gwZma, gam©’$ na {Z^©a ahZm n‹S>Vm h¡& Bg gam©’$ H$s {Oå‘oXmar Ho$db ‘yë`m§H$Z à{H«$`m VH$ hmoVr h¡& ^{dî` ‘| nm`m J`m, {H$ dh gmoZm C{MV XO} H$m Zht Wm Vmo dh `h H$h gH$Vm h¡, {H$ ‘oao Ûmam Om§Mo JE Ooda `o Zht Wo& `h IVam Q>mbZo Ho$ {bE gam©’$ Ho$ hñVmja bmI go ~§X W¡br H$s {MÇ>r ‘| aIZm hr ~ohVa! bo{H$Z AmO dh àWm Zht h¡&

boZXma H$s OodamV H$s {‘pëH$`V Om§MZm ‘wpíH$b H$m‘ h¡! A{YH$m§e g‘` boZXma Ho$ nmg Oodam| Ho$ IarXr agrX CnbãY Zht hmoVo& Eogo g‘` ‘| ~¢H$ H$mo Ho$db boZXma Ho$ ~mOma ‘| ì`má gmI na {Z^©a ahZm n‹S>Vm h¡&

OodamV ~¢H$ Ho$ H$ãµOµo ‘| AmZo Ho$ ~mX F$U bm¡Q>mE OmZo VH$ CÝh| g§^mbH$a aIZm OmoIr‘ ^am H$m‘ h¡& `hm§ ~r‘m Hw$N> hX VH$ Cn`wº$ gm{~V hmoVm h¡& ~¢H$ AnZo nmg aIo ZJX aH$‘ Ho$ gmW hr ~§YH$ OodamVm| H$m gdmªJrU ~r‘m H$admVo h¡§& Bg ~r‘o H$m ~moP boZXmam| na Zht S>mbm OmVm&

gam©’$, boZXma Am¡a H$‘©Mm[a`m| H$s àm‘m{UH$Vm na `h ì`dgm` MbVm h¡&

Bg boI ‘| Ho$db ì`{º$JV F$Um| H$m {dMma {H$`m h¡& H$B© ~¢H$m| Zo gam©’$, gwZma Am{X ñdU© ì`mdgm{`H$m| Ho$ {bE r {d{^Þ `moOZmE§ àñVwV H$s h¡& Bg g§~§Y ‘| {dMma Zht {H$`m J`m&

* XjVm - 1 ~§YH$ {XE OmZodmbo OodamV boZXma

H$s AnZr {‘pëH$`V hr hmoZo Mm{hE& d¡gm KmofUm nÌ F$U XoZo go nyd© boZXma go {b`m OmVm h¡&

AJa ~¢H$ OodamV ~§YH$ b| Omo boZXma H$s {‘pëH$`V Zht h¡ Am¡a `h gm{~V hmo, {H$ do CgH$s {‘pëH$`V Zht h¡ Vmo "Xygao H$s g§n{Îm ‘yb ‘m{bH$ H$s AZw‘{V Ho$ {~Zm Cn`moJ H$aZo' H$m Amamon ~¢H$ na hmoJm (Conversion) Omo H$mZyZr AnamY h¡ (Am¡a Bgr{bE {~ëHw$b ZE AmdoXH$ H$mo F$U {X`m OmE§ `m Zht, `h àý I‹S>m hmo gH$Vm h¡)& boZXma MwZVo g‘` Cgo naIH$a

OwbmB© 201818

hr boZm Mm{hE²& CgH$s {dœgZr`Vm Om§M br OmZr Mm{hE²&

boZXma H$s {dœgZr`Vm H$m ‘hËd XoIVo hþE boZXma Ho$ AmdoXZ na `h {Q>ßnUr H$aZm C{MV hmoJm, {H$ "J«mhH$ Zo g^r {ZH$f nyao {H$E h¡, H$moB© Ìw{Q> Zht h¡'&

H$B© ~ma OodamVm| ‘| ‘{hbmAm| Ho$ Oodam| H$m g‘mdoe hmoVm h¡& dh órYZ hmo gH$Vm h¡& órYZ ~§YH$ aIZo H$m A{YH$ma nwéfm| H$mo Zht h¡& Eogo g‘` ‘| Ka H$o nwéfm| Ûmam Ooda ~§YH$ aIZo Ho$ {bE g§‘{V XoZodmbm ‘{hbmAm| H$m nÌ [aH$mS>© na aIm J`m XoIm J`m h¡& ‘oao ‘V ‘| Eogm nÌ boZm ~¢H$ Ho$ {bE A{YH$ naoemZrXm`H$ hmoJm& `hm§ g§~§{YV ór {bpIV nÌ Ûmam `h ñnï> H$hVr h¡, {H$ "g§~§{YV nÌ ‘oamo h¡'& `m{Z do OodamV nwéf H$s {‘pëH$`V Zht h¡, `h AnZo Amn {gÕ hmoVm h¡& {’$a dh CÝh| H¡$go ~§YH$ aI gH$Vm h¡? ~§YH$ aIZodmbm Cg dñVw H$m ‘m{bH$ hr hmoZm Mm{hE Zm! BgHo$ Abmdm Eogm KmofUm nÌ XoZodmbr ‘{hbm Ho$ hñVmja H$s, CgH$s {dœgZr`Vm H$s Om§M H$m¡Z Am¡a H¡$go H$aoJm?

~§YH$ MrOm| ‘| ‘{hbmAm| Ho$ OodamVm| H$m g‘mdoe hmo Vmo F$U ‘{hbmAm| Ho$ Zm‘ XoZm AWdm CÝh| gh-boZXma H$admZm `h {dH$ën hmo gH$Vm h¡&

* XjVm 2‘yë`m§H$Z H$aZo hoVw MwZm hþAm gam©’$

à{V{ð>V hmoZm Mm{hE²& CgH$s ~mµOma ‘| gmI Om§M boZr Mm{hE²&

CgHo$ gmW hþE AZw~§Y H$m H$‘ go H$‘ à{V VrZ dfm] ~mX nwZamdbmoH$Z hmoZm Mm{hE&

OodamVm| H$s naI H$aVo g‘` gam©’$ ñd`§ ~¢H$ ‘| hm{Oa hmoZm Mm{hE&

gam©’$ Ûmam H$mJOmVm| ‘| C„opIV Oodam| H$m dU©Z, dµOZ AmXr MrO| J«mhH$m| Am¡a emIm A{YH$m[a`m| H$mo ñd`§ AnZr ÑpîQ> go nwZ… Om§M boZr Mm{hE& Hw$N> Qy>Q>r-’y$Q>r MrO| hmo gH$Vr h¡& CZH$m dU©Z gam©’$ Ûmam ì`dpñWV {H$`m J`m h¡, `h ñd`§ XoIZm Mm{hE& d¡go C„oI H$ãµOµm-~§YH$ AZw~§Y ‘| ñnï> ê$n go H$aZm Mm{hE&

gam©’$ Ûmam {H$`m J`m Oodam| H$m dU©Z, gmoZo H$m dOZ, Xa, {H$‘V ‘mÝ` hmoZo H$m nÌ J«mhH$ go boZm ~ohVa hmoJm&

AmO H$b ‘mo~mBb na Vñdra ItMZm AmgmZ hþAm h¡& H$ãµOµo Ho$ {bE MrO ñdrH$maVo g‘` hr BZ Oodam| H$s Vñdra

boH$a Cg na AmdoXH$ Ho$ hñVmja boH$a bmI go ~§X W¡br ‘| aIZm ~ohVa hmoJm&

* XjVm 3H$ãµOµm-~§YH$ àH$ma ‘| ~¢H$ Ho$ H$ãµOµo ‘|

aIr JB© MrOm| H$m Ü`mZ ~¢H$ Ûmam AnZr IwX H$s dñVw hmoZona {OVZm Ü`mZ aIZm Amdí`H$ hmo CVZr boZm Ano{jV h¡& (~¢H$ Ho$ {Z`§ÌU go ~mha O¡go H$s àmH¥${VH$ Amn{Îm go Hw$N> hm{Z hmo Vmo ~¢H$ {Oå‘oXma Zht hmoVr&)

OodamV ~¢H$ Ho$ H$ãµOµo ‘| AmZo Ho$ ~mX CÝh| gmdYmZrnyd©H$ H$n‹S>o H$s W¡br ‘| bmI ~§X H$a aIo OmVo h¡§& `h W¡br Xmohar Mm~rdmbr ‘O~yV {VOmoar ‘| (go’$) ì`dpñWV C„oI H$a aIr OmVr h¡&

W¡br na bmI H$s ‘wha bJmVo g‘` CgHo$ gmW AmdoXH$ Ho$ Zm‘ H$s {MÇ>r aIr OmVr h¡& dh bmI ‘| ’§$gmB© OmVr h¡, CgHo$ gmW gam©’$ Am¡a AmdoXH$ Ho$ ^r hñVmja bmI ‘| ’§$gmE OmE§ Vmo ~ohVarZ! bo{H$Z Eogr àWm AmO Vmo Zht {XIVr&

A~ F$U MwH$mZo VH$, g^r OodamV boZXma H$mo bm¡Q>mZo VH$ CÝh| AÀN>r Vah go aIZo H$s {Oå‘oXmar ~¢H$ H$s& AJa do Imo OmE Vmo ~¢H$ ZwH$gmZ ^aH$a H$r‘V XoZm Amdí`H$ hmoJm&

BgHo$ {bE hr ‘hrZo ‘| H$‘ go H$‘ EH$ ~ma g^r W¡{b`m§ [aH$mS>© Ho$ AZwgma AnZr OJh h¡ `m Zht, BgH$s Om§M H$aZm Oê$ar h¡& Am°{S>Q>a Ûmam ^r Eogr Om§M ~ma ~ma

H$admB© OmVr h¡&~¢H$ Ho$ H$ãµOµo ‘| aIo hþE g^r OodamVm|

H$m gdmªJrU ~r‘m H$am`m OmVm h¡& `h ha emIm Ho$ ñVa na Z H$aVo hþE H|$Ðr` ñVa na EH${ÌV ê$n ‘| H$aZm Mm{hE&

AJa OodamV ~¢H$ Ho$ H$ãµOµo go Jw‘ hmo JE ^r, Vmo ~¢H$ OodamVm| ‘| go Ho$db gmoZo H$s H$mJOmVm| ‘| XO© H$r‘V XoZo Ho$ {bE ~mÜ` hmoJr& (aËZ, hrao, H$marJar AmXr H$m OodamVm| H$s H$r‘V V` H$aVo g‘` {dMma Zht {H$`m OmEJm&) d¡go ñnï> C„oI H$ãµOµm-~§YH$ AZw~§Y ‘| {H$`m OmZm Mm{hE&

~mµOma ‘| gmoZo H$s H$r‘Vo§ M‹T>Vr-CVaVr ahVr h¡§& H$r‘V CVaVo g‘` ~§YH$ g§n{Îm H$s H$s‘V ^r H$‘ hmoZo bJVr h¡& F$U MwH$mZo H$m H$m`©H«$‘ V` Zht {H$`m OmVm& ã`mµO ~‹T>Vm OmVm h¡, [aQ>Z© H$‘ hmoZo bJVm h¡& Bggo F$U ImVm AZwËnmXH$Vm H$s Amoa PwH$Zo H$s g§^mdZm ~ZVr h¡& `h ‘h§Jm hmo gH$Vm h¡& BgHo$ {bE h‘oem ~mµOma Ho$ ^md H$s Amoa Ü`mZ Mm{hE& [aQ>Z© H$‘ hmo ahm h¡, Eogm {XIZo na AmdoXH$ H$mo Vwa§V aH$‘ O‘m H$aZo Ho$ {bE H$h|& AWdm A{YH$ H$r‘Vdmbo ZE Ooda àmá H$aZo Mm{hE& AÝ`Wm dgybr à{H«$`m ewê$ H$aZr Mm{hE&

àñVwVH$Vm© - lrH$m§V Yw§{S>amO Omoer

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Maharashtra based KAIJS Bank recently organized an annual meet of its employees and discussed the target to be achieved in this FY. The meet was on a par with Annual General Meeting.

On the occasion, the bank management informed the employees about the current budget and other issues. This event is organized by Kaijs Bank employees association every year. The bank has more than 500 employees.

On the occasion, the newly elected team of the bank was felicitated with memento. In addition, the best three branches of the bank in rural as well as urban areas were felicitated.

Recently the bank election was held in which Former textile minister Prakash Kallappa Awade and CA Chandrakant Bhausaheb Chougule have been elected unopposed as chairman and Vice-Chairman of Maharashtra based KAIJS Bank respectively. KAIJS Bank is a multi-Scheduled Bank.

The KAIJS Bank is the leading bank of South Western Maharashtra with a network of about 44 fully computerized branches spread across two states. The bank has earned a net profit of over Rs 10 crore in the previous financial year. The total business mix of the bank is Rs 3200 crore.

Achieving targets: KAIJS Bank holds brain-storming session

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National Farmers Commission was constituted in February 2004. After that, the National Policy for Farmers was approved on the basis of the Commission’s recommendations in the country, which aimed at improving the economic condition of agricultural sector as well as the net income of the farmers. Most of the recommendations had been left in the cold storage during the UPA government. As soon as Prime Minister Narendra Modi led government came to power, an inter-ministerial committee was set up to examine the increase of income of farmers and to accelerate these initiatives. While studying this, the committee started the task of accelerating this work under the direction of Hon’ble Prime Minister, which is as follows –

(A) Model Agricultural Land Leasing Act, 2016 issued to States, which is a very important step in terms of agricultural reforms through which not only the needs of landlords but the needs of the lease holders are also taken care of. Through this act, land holders can legally lease the land with mutual consent for agriculture and allied sectors. It is also noted that under any circumstances, no claim on the agricultural land of the lease holder will be valid.

From the point of view of the lease recipient, it has been taken care that it is provided institutional credit, insurance and disaster relief, so that they can invest more and more agriculture.

(B) In April 2016, a new entrance process for revolutionizing agricultural markets started by introducing transparency and competition, by ensuring better value search under national agricultural market scheme (e-NAM).

(C) Agricultural Produce and Livestock Marketing (Promotion and Simplification) Act, 2017 has

been released on April 24, 2017 for adoption by the States/UTs. Which comprises of e-business, the announcement of warehouses, silos, cold storage in the form of sub-yard, rationalization of mandis duty and commission charges and improvements in private sector.

In 2018, an amount of two thousand crores rupees has also been proposed through NABARD for the development of 22,000 rural agricultural markets in the country. It is clear here that in relation to the National Agricultural Market, the implementation of the suggestion given after the year 2004 was also done within these 4 years.

(D) Government has revised them after a detailed study of old schemes and has started the world’s largest farmer friendly crop insurance scheme i.e. Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana and Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme. By 2019-20, 50 percent of the gross cropped area is to be covered.

(E) Enhanced substantial increase in the adoption of micro irrigation has been recorded. Compound annual growth rate of micro irrigation (MI) coverage is 15 percent. During the year 2017-18, about 9.26 lakh hectare area has been brought under MI, which is the maximum coverage so far received in a calendar year. The target is to cover 1.5 to 2 million hectare per year by year 2022-23. In addition to the increase in budgetary allocation, a corpus fund of 5,000 crore has also been set up.

(F) National Agro-Forestry

Policy has been prepared for increasing the income of farmers and for achieving climate support. During the year 2016-17, a special scheme “Agriculture Forestry Sub-mission” was started and operated with the aim of “Har Medh Par Pedh”. Exemption in transit regulations for assistance under the Agriculture Forestry Sub-Mission is a pre-requisite. 21 states (8 states in year 2016-17 and 12 states in the year 2017-18) have given exemption to this regulation and all the states are being motivated in this direction.

(G) The reconstituted National Bamboo Mission- National Bamboo Mission (NBM) was initially started as a centrally sponsored scheme in the year 2006-07 and brought it under the Integrated Horticulture Development Mission (MIDH) during the year 2014-15. And was continued till the year 2015-16.

This scheme is mainly limited to the cultivation and promotion of bamboo due to limited weather and purification units and bamboo market. The main drawbacks of this scheme were lack of contact between producers (farmers) and industries.

The Indian Forest Act, 1927 was amended last year, from which the bamboo sown outside the forest area has been removed from the definition of ‘trees’ and the implementation of National Bamboo Mission reorganized with the outlay of Rs.1290 crore is also being done.

(H) Government has started the largest Universal Soil Health Card

National Farmers Commission : Key initiatives

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scheme in the world to provide information on the fertility of the land to the farmers on the basis of tested soil samples according to 12 parameters.

A study shows that due to the recommendations of the Soil Health Card, due to the application of fertilizer and micro nutrients, a decrease of chemical fertilizer application has been found ranging from 8 to 10 percent and the total crop production has increased by 5-6 percent.

(I) Traditional Agricultural Development Scheme (PKVY) – PKVY is being implemented with the objective of encouraging organic farming in the country. It will improve soil health and biological content and increase

the net income of farmers so that premium values can be identified. The progress of

targeted 50 acres (2015-16 to 2017-18) is remarkable. Now it has been started on cluster base (about 1000 hectares).

It is worth noting that on the recommendation of National Farmers Commission to promote sustainable agriculture, it was also institutionally and systematically implemented at the time of the Modi Government.

(J) Central Regional Scheme has been introduced by identifying the potential of organic farming in the North Eastern Region of the country. Biological Value Chain Development Mission (MOVCDNER) for the North East Region. The Northeast is being developed as the biological center

of India.(K) The present government

has released Model Contract Farming and Services Act, 2018 in 2018, which for the first time has been added to the country’s food additives farmers and agro-based industries. Through this act, where a young farmer can get good prices for the farmers, the losses will also be reduced after harvesting. Besides, employment opportunities will also be created in rural areas. Through this, FPA / FPC will be promoted.

(L) In the year 2003-2005, the scientists of this country had said that 100% neem coated to coated urea was also lying in cold storage which was completed in two yearsafter the arrival of the Narendra Modi led NDA government.

National Farmers .....

VrZ gmb nhbo ‘moXr gaH$ma H$s Amoa go ewê$ H$s JB© ‘wÐm `moOZm ‘| ghH$mar ~¢H$m| H$s ^y{‘H$m na EH$ AÜ``Z {H$`m Vmo nm`m {H$ ghH$mar ~¢qH$J joÌ H$m Bg `moOZm ‘| àXe©Z {ZamemOZH$ ahm h¡&

àYmZ‘§Ìr Za|Ð ‘moXr Zo Xyag§Mma Ho$ ‘mÜ`‘ go ‘wÐm `moOZm Ho$ bm^m{W©`m| go ~mVMrV H$s Wr& ‘moXr Zo H$hm {H$ ~¢H$m| Am¡a {dÎmr` g§ñWmZm| Zo ‘wÐm `moOZm Ho$ VhV² 12 H$amo‹S> bm^m{W©`m| H$mo 6 bmI H$amo‹S> én`o H$m F$U {X`m h¡, Am¡a Bg `moOZm go {~Mm¡{b`m| Am¡a YZ CYmaXmVmAm| H$mo ‘w§h H$s ImZr n‹S>r h¡ Omo E§Q>aàoÝ`moa Ho$ gnZo H$mo gmH$ma hmoZo go amoH$Vo Wo& [anmoQ>© Ho$ ‘wVm{~H$ Ho$db 14 ehar ghH$mar ~¢H$ Am¡a amÁ` ghH$mar ~¢H$ ‘wÐm `moOZm Ho$ VhV n§OrH¥$V h¡& Xoe ‘| H$ar~ 1500 A~©Z H$mnao{Q>d ~¢H$ h¡ Am¡a Bg `moOZm ‘| em{‘b ‘mÌ 14 ghH$mar ~¢H$m| H$m `h Am§H$‹S>m dmñVd ‘| {ZamemOZH$ h¡&

Bg na AnZr à{V{H«$`m XoVo hþE Q>rOoEg~r ghH$mar ~¢H$ Ho$ grB©Amo gwZrb gmR>o Zo H$hm {H$, hmbm§{H$ h‘mam ~¢H$ àYmZ‘§Ìr ‘wÐm `moOZm Ho$ VhV n§OrH¥$V h¡ Am¡a Bg `moOZm Ho$ VhV CÚ{‘`m| H$mo F$U ^r {dV[aV {H$`m h¡ bo{H$Z h‘Zo A^r VH$ gaH$ma go gpãgS>r H$s ‘m§J Zht H$s h¡& h‘| Bg‘| g§VmofOZH$ à{V{H«$`m {‘b ahr h¡&

dht ~o{gZ H¡$Wmo{bH$ ghH$mar ~¢H$ Ho$ CnmÜ`j `yar Jm|gm{dg H$m ‘mZZm h¡ {H$ Bg `moOZm Ho$ VhV F$U {dV[aV H$aZo go EZnrE ‘| d¥{Õ hmoJr Omo ~¢H$ Ho$ {bE KmVH$ h¡& h‘mao ~¢H$ Zo àYmZ‘§Ìr ‘wÐm `moOZm Ho$ VhV

F$U Zht {X`m Š`m|{H$ h‘| bJVm h¡ {H$ Bg `moOZm Ho$ VhV F$U {dV[aV H$aZo go EZnrE ‘| d¥{Õ hmoJr hmbm§{H$ h‘ Bg `moOZm Ho$ VhV n§OrH¥$V h¡, Jm|gm{dg Zo ~Vm`m&

‘§Jbdma H$mo ‘wÐm `moOZm na ~mobVo hþE àYmZ‘§Ìr Zo H$hm {H$, 12 H$amo‹S> bm^m{W©`m| ‘| go 28 à{VeV `m 3.25 H$amo‹S> nhbr ~ma CÚ‘r ~Zo h¢& nrE‘ Zo `h ^r H$hm {H$ 74 à{VeV, `m {’$a 9 H$amo‹S> CYmaH$Vm© ‘{hbmE§ h¡ Am¡a 55 à{VeV Eggr/EgQ>r Am¡a Amo~rgr loUr Ho$ ì`{º$ h¡&

àYmZ‘§Ìr ‘moXr Zo H$hm {H$ Bg moOZm H$mo `wdmAm|, ‘{hbmAm|, Am¡a ì`mnm[aH$ bmoJm| H$mo ~‹T>mdm XoZo Ho$ CÔoí` go ewê$ {H$`m J`m Wm& A^r VH$ 12 H$amo‹S> én`o H$m F$U {H$gr ^r Jm§aQ>r Am¡a {~Mm¡{b`m| H$s ^mJrXmar Ho$ {~Zm AZw‘mo{XV {H$`m J`m h¡& ‘wÐm moOZm H$mo H$B© gmb nhbo ewê$ {H$`m J`m Wm BgHo$ ‘mÜ`‘ go bmIm| bmoJm| H$mo AnZm H$mamo~ma ñWm{nV H$aZo ‘| ‘XX {‘br h¡& àYmZ‘§Ìr Zo H$hm {H$, `h F$U dm{UpÁ`H$ ~¢H$, AmaAma~r, bKw {dÎm ~¢H$, ghH$mar ~¢H$, E‘E’$AmB© Am¡a EZ~rE’$gr Ûmam {X`m OmVm h¡&

ghH$mar ~¢H$m| Zo Bg `moOZm ‘| em`X hr H$moB© ^y{‘H$m {Z^mB© h¡ Am¡a BgH$m à‘wI H$maU nyd© Am¡a dV©‘mZ gaH$ma Ûmam BZH$s bJmVma Cnojm ahr h¡&

ghH$mar ~¢H$ ‘wÐm `moOZm ‘| ahm {’$gÈ>r

bo{H$Z ghH$mar ~¢H$m| H$m `h N>moQ>m gm Am§H$‹S>m ^r ‘wÐm `moOZm ‘| ^mJ boZo ‘| nyar Vah go Ag’$b ahm h¡& BgH$mo g‘PmVo hþE ghH$ma ^maVr g§ajH$ gVre ‘amR>o Zo H$hm {H$, g^r AZwgy{MV ehar ghH$mar ~¢H$ ‘wÐm ~¢H$ go nwZ{d©Îm àmá H$aZo Ho$ nmÌ h¢, bo{H$Z BZ‘| go H$B© ygr~r H$‘ grS>r AZwnmV hmoZo Ho$ H$maU nwZ{d©Îm H$m bm^ Zht CR>m nmE h¢²&

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It is well known that with more than 8 lakh cooperatives, the cooperative movement has a huge network and reach in the country. The pioneering contribution of cooperatives in White Revolution is well-known to all. Whether it is fertiliser production/ distribution, agricultural credit disbursal, fisheries, dairy, marketing, tribal development, handloom, tourism, etc. the cooperatives have significant presence in all the areas of socio-economic activities. IFFCO, KRIBHCO, AMUL, SEWA network, Uralangul Labour Contract Cooperative Society, etc are some of the big success stories in the cooperatives sector. In early period of India’s independence, the cooperatives have played an important role in poverty eradication and employment generation in the country. In the rural areas, the cooperatives have saved the poor people from the clutches of the moneylenders by providing them credit at concessional rate. The strong network of primary agricultural cooperative societies, district central cooperatives banks and state cooperative banks has played an important role not only in providing credit support, but also in creating income-generating opportunities for the poor and vulnerable sections of the society.

Through the cooperative movement in India has several achievements to its fold, many of the cooperatives are not functioning well. The cooperatives have not been able to develop themselves as strong, viable and professional enterprises with modern nouns of functioning. No doubt, modernisation of cooperatives has emerged as a big challenge for the cooperative movement in India so that it can effectively compete in the market

economy. The good number of cooperatives at present are not well governed according to the cooperative principles and values. Transparency, accountability and lack of active participation of the members have emerged as major problems in the functioning of cooperatives.

Viewed against the above backdrop, modernisation of cooperatives must have the following components;

∙ Economically strong cooperatives capable of facing competitive challenges must function as commercially viable business enterprises. In doubling of farmers’ income by 2022, the cooperatives must diversify in new areas of activities like beekeeping, seaweed farming, etc.

∙ The primary agriculture cooperatives must be strengthened by selecting such PACS in each block which can act as nodal units by empowering them with all the facilities of warehousing, agri-processing, information support, etc. A cluster of such PACS developed all over the country can act as effective agents of modernisation.

∙ A network of cooperatives with efficient and cost-effective structures must be developed which can respond easily to the needs of the members so that membership support is strengthened.

∙ A code of conduct for

cooperative management must be devised so that the management functions in accordance with cooperative principles and values.

∙ Cooperatives must undertake strategic planning, and draw up corporate strategies and action plans to be used as tools in day to day management of business.

∙ Cooperatives must adopt digital modes of functioning so that they are able to technically equip themselves at par with private and commercial digital enterprises.

Digitalisation has become an important plank of modemisation. The Digital India Programme of the government is very ambitious, and it promises to transform India through digital revolution. The co-operatives with their wide network and reach are strategically better placed to play an important role in this Mission.

The cooperative organisations in India conducted several digital awareness programmes in the wake of challenges posed by demonetisation. The adoption of information technology by the co-operative banks helps these banks to offer new products and services to customers through ATMs/POS, mobile banking, internet banking, etc. Similarly, National Cooperative Dairy Federation of India focuses on adoption of technology and its application to ensure better returns to dairy cooperatives. The launch of NCDFI e-Market has enabled majority of dairy cooperatives market their produce through NCDFI eMarket. This has brought in complete transparency in their commodity transactions.

Capacity building of cooperatives is very important in the process of modemization. Training is a vital component of modernization. National


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Cooperative Union of India (NCUI) being an apex organization of the cooperative movement is primarily involved in cooperative education and training. The National Centre for Cooperative Education(NCCE), which was setup in 1958, organizes cooperative education programmes for all sections showing its wide reach. While the Diploma Programme in Cooperative Education and Development provides general inputs, the Leadership Development Programmes for chairmen/directors of cooperative movement aim to sharpen the competence of the leaders by imparting modern management skills. Orientation courses in cooperative management for university/college lecturers and faculty members of Junior Cooperative Training Centres are designed to provide them latest knowledge in cooperatives. Refresher Course for cooperative education instructors of 'state/district cooperative unions and farm guidance instructors are designed to enhance capacity-building of grass-root ftmctionaries.

Of late, the number of participants in NCCE’s training programmes has exceeded beyond targets. Based on the needs of the participants, the programmes have undergone several qualitative changes. The Diploma Programme in Cooperative Education and Development has gained international recognition as more and more participants from SAARC and African countries are now attending the programme. The Refresher Course for faculty of colleges and universities has been attracting large number of participants every year, reflecting NCUI’s commitment to expand cooperative knowledge in educational institutions so as to attract the youth. This is further strengthened by the fact that Diploma Programme in Cooperation has been started at Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila

University, Sonipat and Mahendra Garh University. Further, with the signing of MOU with Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, NCUI has been popularising cooperative education in the schools. In the recent years, the subjects of training programmes have diversified to touch upon the areas of digital awareness, GST, information technology, etc which are vital areas for modernisation of cooperatives.


NCUI is committed to strengthen co-operative roots in those areas where the cooperative sector lags behind. Integrated development of cooperative societies in the comparatively underdeveloped areas of various states is undertaken through Central Government scheme of cooperative education field projects located in various parts of the country. This aims to increase the productivity of the farmer members and also helps in creating job opportunities through income generating activities. There are 43 Cooperative Education Field Projects all over the cotmny located in relatively backward states and areas. Four projects exclusively for women are operational at Shimoga ( Karnataka), Aska( Orissa), Bhopal(MP),and Imphal West( Manipur). In the recent years, the NCUI projects have raised the living standards of the poor by engaging them in various income generating activities. The Bilaspur project in Himachal Pradesh through international collaboration with Ja-Zenchu, a highly successful agricultural cooperative of Japan, has become a role model for others.

National Council for Cooperative Training(NCCT) tmder the aegis of NCUI is the only cooperative training institute involved in capacity

building to strengthen HRD plank of cooperatives. Training of cooperative employees, both Institutional and departmental, is being undertaken through National Cotmcil for Cooperative Training(NCCT). The three tier training structure comprises of Vaikunth Bhai Mehta National Institute of Cooperative Management, Pune, 5 Regional Institutes of Cooperative Management(RICMs), 14 Institutes of Cooperative Management located at state capitals and 107 Junior Co operative Training Centres located at far-flung areas of the states meant for senior, middle and junior officials. To tap the best talent in the cooperative sector, Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Business Administration of two years duration is run at VAMNICOM, Pune. VAMNICOM also runs Diploma in Cooperative Business Management for in-service personnel working in the cooperative organizations. Research and consultancy is one of the major thrust areas of the Council. Training Units of the Council focus attention on conducting the fieldbased theoretical and analytical studies and disseminate the same through various publications. To ensure high standards in cooperative training, the Council collaborates with national and international organizations concerned with HRD. The institutes under NCCT organize collaborative programmes in collaboration with different national/intemational level cooperatives and other organizations.

The future vision of capacity-building and modernisation of cooperatives must focus on the following;

∙ Inventing new softwares and strengthening information technology to bring in more transparency and check cormption in the functioning of the cooperative department.

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{XZm§H$ 15.6.2018 H$mo MmdÊS> coåßg Ed§ Xr CX`nwa g¡ÝQ´>c H$mo-Amnao{Q>d ~¢H$ {c. Ho$ g§`wŠV VËdmdYmZ ‘| amOñWmZ ’$gcr G$U ‘m’$s `moOZm 2018 Ho$ VhV² Am`mo{OV {e{da ‘| coåßg Ho$ G$Ur {H$gmZm§o H$mo G$U ‘m’$s à‘mUnÌ {dV[aV {H$`o J`o& {e{da g‘mamoh ‘| ‘mZZr` Jwcm~MÝX H$Q>m[a`m J¥h ‘§Ìr amOñWmZ gaH$ma, ‘mZZr` AO©wZcmc ‘rUm gm§gX CX`nwa, A‘¥¥Vcmc ‘rUm {dYm`H$ gcwå~a, em§{Vcmc ‘oKdmc {Ocm à‘wI CX`nwa, gwÝXacmc ^mUmdV Cn {Ocm à‘wI CX`nwa, gmoZc ‘rUm, àYmZ go‘mar, à‘moX gm‘a, AÜ`j CX`nwa {Ocm n`©Q>Z ghH$mar g{‘{V, S> ‘rUm AÜ`j gamS>m H«$`-{dH«$` ghH$mar g{‘{V Am{X OZ à{V{Z{Y CnpñWV Wo&

S>m°. ApídZr d{eð> à~ÝY {ZXoeH$, Xr CX`nwa goÝQ´c H$mo-Amnao{Q>d ~¢H$ {c. Ûmam ghH$mar ~¢H$ H$s G$U `moOZmAm| H$s OmZH$mar XoVo hþE ~Vm`m {H$ dV©‘mZ gaH$ma Ûmam Bg G$U ‘m’$s `moOZm Ho$ VhV² CX`nwa {Oco Ho$ H$ar~ 60000 {H$gmZm| H$mo 140.00 H$amo‹S> é. H$s ’$gcr G$U ‘m’$s H$s JB© h¡& n§Mm`V g{‘{V go‘mar Ed§ gamS>m joÌ Ho$ coåßg Ho$ 6000 G$Ur {H$gmZ H$ar~ 9.00 H$amoS> én`o H$s G$U ‘m’$s go cm^mpÝdV hmoJ|&

H$m`©H«$‘ Ho$ ‘w»` A{V{W ‘m. Jwcm~MÝX H$Q>m[a`m Ûmam Ho$ÝÐ Ed§ amÁ` gaH$ma H$s

{d{^ÝZ OZH$ë`mUH$mar `moOZmAm| Ho$ gå~ÝY ‘| OmZH$mar XoVo hþE ~Vm`m {H$ {nN>cr gaH$mam| H$s VwcZm ‘| dV©‘mZ gaH$ma Ûmam {nN>co Mma gmcm| ‘| H$B© JwZm AÀN>o H$m‘ {H$`o h¢& H$Q>m[a`m Zo CnpñWV

{H$gmZm| H$mo Ho$ÝÐ gaH$ma H$s àYmZ‘§Ìr g‹S>H$ `moOZm, {d{^ÝZ ~r‘m `moOZmAm| Am{X go hþE cm^ Ho$ gå~ÝY ‘| OmZH$mar XoVo hþE Amh²dmZ {H$`m {H$ `mo½` OZm| H$m M`Z H$a amÁ` Ed§ Xoe H$mo {dH$mg H$s Amoa co OmE§& H$Q>m[a`m Zo dV©‘mZ gaH$ma H$mo {H$gmZ {hV¡fr ~VmVo hþE `h ^r ~Vm`m {H$ nyao amÁ` ‘| ghH$mar ~¢H$mo Ho$ 30 cmI G$Ur {H$gmZm| H$mo G$U ‘m’$s `moOZm go cm^mpÝdV {H$`m Om ahm h¡ VWm 8000 H$amoS> go A{YH$ Ho$ ’$gcr G$U ‘m’$ {H$`o OmE§J|, Omo B{Vhmg ‘| nhcr ~ma hmo ahm h¡&

CX`nwa gm§gX AOw©Zcmc ‘rUm Ûmam Ho$ÝÐ H$s OZ YZ `moOZm, ‘wÐm `moOZm Am{X H$s ^yar ^yar àe§gm H$aVo hþE {H$gmZmo Ed§

Am‘OZ H$mo CŠV H$ë`mUH$mar `moOZmAm| go cm^mpÝdV hmoZo H$m Amh²dmZ {H$`m J¶m& em§{Vcmc ‘oKdmc {Ocm à‘wI Ûmam ghH$mar g{‘{V`m| Ho$ ‘mÜ`‘ go A{YH$ go A{YH$ {H$gmZm| H$mo cm^mpÝdV {H$`o OmZo Ed§ 2022 VH$ {H$gmZm§o H$s Am` XwJwZr {H$`o OmZo hoVw Ho$ÝÐ gaH$ma Ûmam CR>m`o Om aho H$X‘m| Ho$ ~mao ‘| AdJV H$am`m& ‘oKdmc Zo {H$gmZmo§ Ho$ ‘¥Xm hoëW H$mS>© ~Zm H$a CgHo$ AZwgma ImX ~rO Ed§ Cd©aH$moo Ho$ Cn`moJ Ho$ gå~ÝY ‘| {dñVma go OmZH$mar Xr& A‘¥Vcmc ‘rUm, {dYm`H$ gcwå~a Ûmam CnpñWV OZ g‘wXm` H$mo dV©‘mZ gaH$ma Ûmam {H$gmZm§o H$mo H¥${f AmnXm amhV, àYmZ‘§Ìr ’$gc ~r‘m `moOZm, J«m‘rU g‹S>H$ `moOZm Ed§ Jm¡ad nW `moOZmAm| Ho$ gå~ÝY ‘| gaH$ma Ûmam {H$`o J`o H$m`m] H$s OmZH$mar Xr& g‘mamoh AÜ`j Ed§ CX`nwa {Ocm n`©Q>Z ghH$mar g{‘{V Ho$ AÜ`j à‘moX gm‘a Zo H$hm {H$ ‘hmamUm àVmn O`§{V Ho$ nyd© {Xdg na Am`mo{OV g‘mamoh ñdV§ÌVm Ho$ nwamoYm ‘hmamUm àVmn H$m ì`pŠVËd Ed§ H¥${VËd ghH$m[aVm H$m loð>Îm‘ CXmhaU Ed§ OrdÝV `WmW© h¡& gm‘a Zo CnpñWV ‘hmZw^mdm| H$m Am^ma ì`ŠV {H$`m VWm A{YH$ go A{YH$ OZ‘mZg H$mo ghH$m[aVm go OwS>Zo H$s Anrc H$s& P‘H$cmc O¡Z, AÜ`j MmdÊS> coåßg Ûmam CnpñWV ‘hmZw^mdm| H$m hm{X©H$ YÝ`dmX km{nV {H$`m&

∙ Developing trade & business alliances not only among cooperatives, but also with other public, private and commercial organisations which can strengthen selfsustainable character of cooperatives.


∙ Developing the various

modules of e-governance which enables cooperatives function in a democratic way based on active member participation.

∙ Cooperatives must explore multiple avenues of resource generation so that they are not dependent on govemment support.

∙ To strengthen capacity-building, the training programmes must be devised more in accordance with the demand of the changing times, for example touching upon the areas of skill development, social media, community media, sustainable

development, entrepreneurship development, agri-business, food preservation, etc. The syllabus of the training programmes must be updated at regular intervals so that is in accordance with the changing trends of cooperative development, and the needs of the participants. Impact of the training programmes in the professional development of the participants must also be assessed so that these programmes do not become a routine affair.



MmdÊS> coåßg Ed§ Xr CX`nwa g¡ÝQ´>c H$mo-Amnao{Q>d ~¢H$ {c. Ho$ g§`wŠV VËdmdYmZ ‘| {H$gmZm| H$m ’$gbr G$U ‘m’$

OwbmB© 201824

Imagine for a moment that Uber drivers, rather than Uber stock-holders, own Uber.

That is one way to understand what a platform cooperative is. Uber is a company built on a software platform that connects service providers with customers. As a platform co-op, it would be owned by the people who provide the service, by its users, or both. Platform co-ops are the leading edge of the cooperative-ownership movement. They extend the cooperative model into the fast-growing “sharing economy,” where they can help increase income equity in the technology sector. As the technology sector sends us hurtling toward a world of robots and artificial intelligence, “technological unemployment” becomes the threat as automation replaces jobs faster than we come up with new work for people to do. We will be left scrambling to find alternative sources of income for average people.

Those decreases in salaries, wages, and benefits also increase corporate profitability and the investment income that profitability generates for shareholders. Automation thus shrinks employment income while growing investment income. That means that strategies for radically broadening ownership will play an extremely important role in mitigating the threat of widescale declines in income from technological unemployment. That’s why extending cooperatives into the technology sector is so critical and where platform co-ops can play a vital role.

People have been thinking about platform cooperatives for a while.

Trebor Scholz, a professor at the New School in New York City, coined the ten “platform cooperativism.” For the book ours to Hack and to Ovm (2017), he and University of Colorado professor Nathan Schneider compiled 40 short essays by leading

thinkers in this field. I’ve compiled a “Platform Co-op” list on Twitter that includes many of the contributors in the book, along with a handful of other experts.

Number of platform co-ops already exist. Uber competitor Green Taxi Cooperative is one example. Another is Loconomics, a cooperative of home cleaners, pet caretakers, and

other service professionals who connect with customers via an app. A third example is Stocksy, an online stock photo service that is owned by its contributing photographers and videographers.

As we think about scaling up platform co-ops, we run into the financing problem that all co-ops face. I think of it as the “flywheel problem.” Flywheels are rotating discs, like a potter’s wheel. They require an upfront investment of energy, but once they are spinning they are very good at sustaining their own momentum. Think of it as an analogy for starting a company and keeping it going over time. Startup investments represent that initial energy to get the disc whining. And the company’s flow of income keeps it running.

Research shows co-ops are as good at sustaining themselves as traditional businesses but have a much harder time getting started. Here’s why. Investors are attracted to a new company because they hope to reap significant profits. These expectations create large spigots that hang off all for-profit corporations, spigots that drain resources from the company into shareholder bank accounts. The flow of cash through

these spigots takes the form of dividends as well as stock buyback programs aimed at increasing the company’s share price. According to an analysis of Federal Reserve statistics, in 2014, dividends and stock buyback programs transferred more than $1 trillion of wealth from corporations to shareholders. Since the year 2000, this transfer has averaged 5.5 percent of US GDP -every year.


These massive returns to shareholders have a macro impact of exacerbating income inequality as Well as a micro impact on the companies themselves. Between 1999 and the end of 2017, dividends and stock buybacks averaged 88 percent of operating earnings for the S&P 500. The problem is just as serious among non-publicly traded S-corporations and partnerships. These “pass-through” companies account for 95 percent of businesses in the United States. Because of interlocking ownership structures, the exact share of these firms’ profits going to owners is unclear. What is clear is that they contribute significantly to the concentration of wealth in the US. Recent research shows that 41 percent of that increased concentration of wealth took the form of profits to owners of pass-through corporations. What do

PLATFORM COOPERATIVES ARE A SOLUTIONPlatform cooperatives can play a vital role in addressing technological unemployment of the emerging economy.

OwbmB© 2018 25

spigots have to do with flywheels? This ongoing extraction of profits acts as a drag on the flywheel of the enterprise. Funds are drained out of the company rather than being reinvested to sustain the momentum of the enterprise.

Contrast that to how ‘things are designed to work within a cooperative company.

Reinvestment: Keeping the Wheel Spinning

REI is a consumer cooperative, which means that it is owned by and run for the benefit of its customers. A few years ago, I was talking with an REI employee who mentioned how good the company is about investing in technology - and more generally how it plows much of its profits back into the business and back into its stakeholders. REI does pay dividends to its owners ($138 million in 2016), but those owners are also its customers, and the dividends are in the form of discounts on store purchases. This creates a feedback loop that spurs the company’s growth while rewarding customers and reinforcing their loyalty.

The US Bureau of Labor and Statistics reports that 20 percent 'of businesses fail within their first year, with the rate increasing to 50 percent by year five, and 70 percent by the tenth year. Comparable statistics specific to” cooperative failure rates do not yet exist in the United States, but analysis in other countries suggests that cooperatives tend to sustain themselves as well or better than standard businesses.

Startup Funding: Getting the Wheel Turning

There are some 40,000 co-ops in the United States, less than two-tenths of 1 percent of our total 26 million businesses. Since co-ops sustain themselves as well as standard businesses, the real challenge has less to do with keeping the wheel spinning and more to do with getting new cooperatives up and running. Whether a cooperative or traditional company, all startups are risky; their lack of assets and existing revenue streams mean that traditional banks are generally not interested in financing them. Cooperatives face

an added hurdle because of their focus on benefiting members rather than outside investors. Why would a traditional venture capital firm be attracted to a company that would take their money without giving them a sizable return and a controlling stake? The short answer is, they don’t. So for financing, cooperatives have generally turned to cooperative banks and credit unions. But these financial institutions are not currently growing at the rate required to provide startup funding for the dramatic increase in cooperatives that we need.

For platform co-ops to play a vital role in addressing the technological unemployment of the emerging economy, we need new funding sources for them. This is particularly true given the upfront investments in technology development needed to build software platforms that stand a chance of competing with an Uber, Taskrabbit, or Airbnb. Three new developments may address this need. The first is the development of the impact investing field and the growing awareness of the power of Program Related Investments among philanthropic foundations. Cooperatives are an attractive investment because they meet the justice criteria of many foundations and impact investors. Innovative impact funders like RSF Social Finance are investigating how to better support the cooperative space in general. Laurie Lane Zucker’s concept of Integrated Impact Finance Vehicle envisions a chain of financial support starting with philanthropic contributions, moving to loans, and finally into an impact investment equity stake. The second development is the growing popularity of crowd funding strategies, turbocharged in recent years by the rise of sharing on social media.



The third opportunity for new co-operative funding is in the “Initial Coin Offerings,” or ICOS, of cryp-to-currencies. The lands of Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies swarm with scams and get-rich-quick schemes. But theunderlying technologies for decentralized computing on platforms like Ethereum can also be used to build new types of organizations and services built around the premise of democratizing ownership. The Holochain project is one example. Another is a startup called Colony, whose technology aims to change the nature of ownership.

A Platform for the FutureThe argument for platform

cooperatives is essentially the argument for cooperatives more generally with the added twist that platform co-ops carry the cooperative promise into important new technology markets. As automation and artificial intelligence cost jobs in one economic sector after another, employment related income shrinks and investment income expands, exacerbating wealth disparity.

Platform co-ops alter that equation by broadening the ownership of the companies that build and operate these technologies. A platform co-op alternative to Airbnb, for example, might use artificial intelligence and might need few employees. But it would be owned by, and share dividends with, its property-listing members - perhaps even renters much as REI does with its members today.

We are in a race that pits the explosion of artificial intelligence and automation against our ability to rapidly expand ownership of the engines that drive this technological revolution. Growing platform co-operatives from their nascent form today into a thriving new sector is a critical step toward a fair and vibrant economic future.

(Source: Yes Magazine)BY GIDEON ROSENBLATT

OwbmB© 201826

OwbmB© 2018 27

ZoeZb no‘|Q> H$m°anmoaoeZ Am°’$ B§{S>`m (EZnrgrAmB©) Zo hmb hr ‘| ‘§w~B© Ho$ hmoQ>b VmO b¢S>ñb¢S> E§S²g ‘| ZoeZb no‘|Q> EŠgrb|g AdmS>© 2017 H$m Am`moOZ {H$`m {OgH$m CX²KmQ>Z [aOd© ~¢H$ Am°’$ B§{S>`m Ho$ {S>ßQ>r Jd©Za$mZyZJmo Zo {H$`m&

Bg Adga na EZnrgrAmB© Zo AmB©E‘nrEg Ho$ joÌ ‘| AÀN>m H$m‘ H$aZo Ho$ {bE H$B© A~©Z H$moAmnao{Q>d ~¢H$m| H$mo nwañH$ma {X`m& Bg hmB© dmoëQ>oO g‘mamoh H$mo g§~mo{YV H$aVo hþE$mZyZJmo Zo H$hm {H$, g‘` Ho$ gmW ~Xbmd H$aZo go Amü`©OZH$ n[aUm‘ {‘bVo h¢& EZnrgrAmB© ^maV ‘| [aQ>ob ^wJVmZm| H$m EH$ A§~«obm g§JR>Z h¡ Am¡a ^maV O¡go {demb Xoe ‘| ZoeZb {dÎmr` pñdM EQ>rE‘ ZoQ>dH©$ H$s ~‹S>r g§^mdZm H$mo ~b XoZo ‘| H$m‘`m~ h¡&

Bg ‘m¡Ho$ na Xoe Ho$ g~go ~‹S>m ehar

ghH$mar ~¢H$ gmañdV H$mnao{Q>d ~¢H$ H$mo éno, EZE’$Eg EQ>rE‘ ZoQ>dH©$, grQ>rEg, Am¡a VËH$mb ^wJVmZ CËnmX (`ynrAmB©+ AmB©E‘nrEg+`yEgEgS>r+^r‘) Ho$ joÌ ‘| CËH¥$ï> àXe©Z Ho$ {bE ZdmOm J`m h¡&

gmañdV Am¡a H$m°g‘m°g ~¢H$ Ho$ ~mX Vrgam g~go ~‹S>m ehar ghH$mar ~¢H$-Egdrgr ghH$mar ~¢H$ H$mo EZE’$Eg EQ>rE‘ ZoQ>dH©$ Am¡a grQ>rEg ‘| CËH¥$ï> àX©eZ Ho$ {bE gå‘m{ZV {H$`m J`m h¡& Aä¶wX` H$mnao{Q>d ~¢H$ H$mo éno, EZE’$Eg EQ>rE‘ ZoQ>dH©$ Am¡a grQ>rEg ‘| AÀN>o àXe©Z Ho$ {bE nwañH¥$V {H$`m J`m h¡&

JwOamV pñWV H$mbynwa H$‘{e©`b H$mnao{Q>d ~¢H$ H$mo éno, EZE’$Eg EQ>rE‘ ZoQ>dH©$ Am¡a grQ>rEg Ho$ joÌ ‘| nwañH$ma {X`m J`m h¡& n§Om~ Am¡a ‘hmamï´> H$mnao{Q>d ~¢H$ H$mo éno, EZE’$Eg EQ>rE‘ ZoQ>dH©$ Am¡a `ynrAmB©/AmB©E‘nrE‘ ‘| CËH¥$ï> àXe©Z Ho$ {bE nwañH$ma {‘bm h¡&

Q>rOoEg~r ghH$mar ~¢H$ H$mo éno, EZE’$Eg EQ>rE‘ ZoQ>dH©$ Am¡a grQ>rEg ‘| CËH¥$ï> àXe©Z Ho$ {bE gå‘m{ZV {H$`m J`m&

AnZo g§~moYZ ‘| ~r.‘hmnmÌm, AÜ`j, EZnrgrAmB© Zo H$hm {H$, gaH$ma Am¡a {Z`m‘H$ (Ama~rAmB©) Zo {S>{OQ>b Am¡a H¡$ebog B§{S>`m H$mo ~‹T>mdm XoZo Ho$ {bE EZnrgrAmB© H$s ñWmnZm H$s Wr& EZnrgrAmB© Zo d¡{œH$ ñVa na gdm}Îm‘ ^wJVmZ godm àUmbr XoZo Ho$ joÌ ‘| n¡a O‘m`m h¡&

Bg ‘m¡Ho$ na B§{S>`Z ~¢H$ Egmo{gEeZ Ho$ ‘w»` H$m`©H$mar dr.Or.H$mZZmZ Zo H$hm {H$, A^r VH$ ^r H$B© Xoem| ‘| AmB©E‘nrE‘ {gñQ>‘ H$s ewéAmV Zht hþB© h¡ Am¡a h‘ Bg joÌ ‘| AmJo h¡& YmoImY‹S>r go ~MZo Ho$ {bE h‘| M¡H$ àUmbr Am¡a H$mS>© {gñQ>‘ go Xya ahZm hmoJm Am¡a `ynrAmB© {gñQ>‘ H$m ghmam boZm hmoJm&

EZnrgrAmB© Zo A~©Z H$moAmnao{Q>d ~¢H$m| H$mo nwañH¥$V {H$`m

OmoYnwa, 9 OyZ& ghH$ma ^maVr Ho$ amï´>r` g§ajH$ gVre ‘amR>o Zo amOñWmZ ‘| ghH$mar g§ñWmAm| Ho$ {bE ñdm`ÎmVm H$mZyZ ~ZmE OmZo Ed§ ghH$ma n[afX ~wbmH$a àXoe H$s ghH$ma Zr{V ~ZmZo H$s nwaOmoa ‘m§J H$s h¡&

CÝhm|Zo amOñWmZ ‘| A~©Z H$mo-Amnao{Q>d ~¢H$m| H$mo CZH$s Amdí`H$Vm Ho$ AZwgma H$‘©Mm[a`m| H$s g§»`m V` H$aZo Am¡a ZE H$‘©Mm[a`m| H$s {Z`w{º$ XoZo H$s ñdm`ÎmVm XoZo H$s ‘m§J H$aVo hþE, A~©Z H$mnao{Q>d ~¢H$m| H$mo CZHo$ H$m`© g§MmbZ H$s nyU© ñdm`ÎmVm XoZo H$s ^r ‘m§J H$s h¡&

‘amR>o OmoYnwa pñWV hmoQ>b agamO ‘| ghH$ma ^maVr Ûmam Am`mo{OV nÌH$ma dmVm© H$mo g§~mo{YV H$a aho Wo& CÝhm|Zo amOñWmZ ‘| H«o${S>Q> H$moAmnao{Q>d gmogmBQ>r Ho$ H$m`© {dñVma Ho$ {bE àmdYmZ AmYm[aV {dH$mg nm°{bgr

(Zm°åg© ~oñS> S>odbn‘|Q> nm°{bgr)~ZmZo H$s ‘m§J amOñWmZ gaH$ma go H$s& CÝhm|Zo amOñWmZ ‘| S>o`ar ghH$m[aVm Ho$ {bE ^r nyU© ñdm`ÎmVm àXmZ H$aZo na Omoa {X`m &

‘amR>o Zo J«m‘rU AW©ì`dñWm, àmW{‘H$ ghH$mar g{‘{V`m| H$mo H¥${f Am¡a J¡a H¥${f ì`dgm` H$s Amoa àmoËgm{hV H$aZo na ^r Omoa {X`m& CÝhm|Zo H$hm {H$ ghH$mar g§ñWmAm| Ho$ g§MmbZ ‘| gaH$ma hñVjon Zm H$a| & CÝhm|Zo ghH$mar g§ñWmE§ ì`mdgm{`H$ à{V~ÕVm Ed§ g‘mO H$s Am{W©H$ àH$ën Ho$ Vm¡a na

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‘amR>o Zo ~Vm`m {H$ ghH$ma ^maVr H$m amï´>r` A{YdoeZ AmJm‘r 22 Ed§ 23 {Xg§~a H$mo nwîH$a ‘| Am`mo{OV {H$`m OmEJm&

ghH$ma ^maVr OmoYnwa àm§V g§JR>Z à‘wI H$‘boe JhbmoV Zo g^r AmJ§VwH$ ‘hmZw^mdm| H$m ñdmJV {H$`m& Bg Adga na amï´>r` gh g§JR>Z ‘§Ìr {dîUw ~mo~S>o, JwOamV Am¡a amOñWmZ àXoe Ho$ g§JR>Z à‘wI hZw‘mZ àgmX AJ«dmb, amOñWmZ àXoe Ho$ ‘hm‘§Ìr àXrn Mm¡~rgm, àXoe H$mof à‘wI h[aam‘ IÌr, àXoe ‘§Ìr gË` àH$me ~moham Am¡a AemoH$ ~mhoVr, aVZbmb N>mOo‹S>, H$‘boe àOmn{V, gwaoe AJ«dmb VWm AéU e‘m© CnpñWV Wo&

ghH$mar g§ñWmAm| Ho$ g§MmbZ ‘| gaH$ma hñVjon Zm H$a| : gVre ‘amR>o

OwbmB© 201828

ghH$mar g§ñWmAm| H$s erf© g§ñWm EZgr`yAmB© ZmoES>m AWm°[aQ>r go nÅ>o na br JB© ^y{‘ na g|Q>a Am°’$ EŠgrb|g ’$m°a H$mnao{Q>d Q´oqZJ B§ñQ>rQ>çyQ> ~ZmZo H$s moOZm ~Zm ahr h¡&

erf© g§ñWm H$s {nN>br Jd{ZªJ H$mC§{gb H$s ~¡R>H$ ‘| ghH$mar ZoVmAm| Zo Bg ^y{‘ na g|Q>a Am°’$ EŠgrb|g ~ZmZo H$s BÀN>m ì`º$ H$s Wr& Bgo H$m¡eb {dH$mg Am¡a CÚ{‘Vm Ho$ {bE g|Q>a Am°’$ EŠgrb|g Ho$ ê$n ‘| {dH${gV {H$`m OmZm Mm{hE& EZgr`yAmB© Ho$ ‘w»` H$m`©H$mar Zo H$hm {H$ h‘ MmhVo h¢ {H$ `hm§ AmZo na amï´>r` Ed§ A§Vaamï´>r` ‘oh‘mZm| H$mo ghH$m[aVm Ho$ ‘mÜ`‘ go hþE ^maV ‘| {dH$mg H$s H$hmZr Ho$ ~mao ‘| nVm Mb gHo$, h‘ Bgo Z‘yZo Ho$ Vm¡a na {dH${gV H$aZm MmhVo h¢&

~Vm X| {H$ ZmoES>m AWm°[aQ>r Zo EZgr`yAmB© H$mo 90 gmb Ho$ {bE qàqQ>J à`moOZm ewê$ H$aZo Ho$ {bE ~r-81, goŠQ>a 80, ZmoES>m ‘| OyZ 2006 H$mo 3000 dJ© ‘rQ>a H$s ^y{‘ Amd§{Q>V H$s Wr& eVm] Ho$ ‘wVm{~H$, EZgr`yAmB© Zo ZmoES>m AWm°[aQ>r H$mo 2006 ‘| 69,30,000 én`o H$s Hw$b am{e Xr Wr& BgHo$ Abmdm, EZgr`yAmB© Zo ‘B© 2013 H$mo 90 gmb Ho$ {bE ZmoES>m AWm°[aQ>r H$mo 3,

69,350 én`o H$m EH$‘wíV ^wJVmZ {H$`m Wm&

ZmoES>m AWm°[aQ>r Ho$ ‘mZX§S>m| Ho$ {hgm~ go EZgr`yAmB© go ^y{‘ dmng br OmZo dmbr

Wr Š`m|{H$ Bg na H$moB© H$m‘-H$mO ewê$ Zht {H$`m J`m Wm& ~mX ‘| EZgr`yAmB© AÜ`j Am¡a grB© Ho$ hñVjon Ho$ ~mX {dñVma ewëH$ Ho$ ê$n ‘| Ow‘m©Zm XoH$a Bgo ~Mm`m J`m h¡&

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gm¡^m½` go ZmoES>m AWm°[aQ>r Zo EZgr`yAmB© Ho$ àñVmd H$mo ‘§Oyar Xo Xr h¡& AnZo nÌ ‘| BgZo {bIm {H$, qàqQ>J àog ñWm{nV H$aZo Ho$ Abmdm EZgr`yAmB© H$mo H$m¡eb {dH$mg à{ejU H|$Ð ñWm{nV H$aZo Ho$ {bE AZw‘{V Xr OmVr h¡&

ZmoES>m AWm°[aQ>r Zo AZw‘{V H$B© eVm] Ho$ gmW Xr h¡ {Og‘| H$hm J`m h¡ {H$ erf© {ZH$m` H$mo AnZr àñVm{dV J{V{d{Y`m| H$mo ewê$ H$aZo Ho$ {bE g‘`gr‘m nyar H$aZr hmoJr&

EZgr`yAmB© ZmoES>m ‘| g|Q>a Am°’$ EŠgrb|g ñWm{nV H$aoJr

CX`nwa 19 ‘B©, 2018& ghH$ma ^maVr, CX`nwa {Oco H$s {H$gmZ ^dZ Ho$ g^mJma ‘| gånÝZ ~¡R>H$ ‘| ghH$ma maVr Ho$ VËdmdYmZ ‘| AmJm‘r 7 OwcmB© H$mo AÝVam©îQ´r` ghH$m[aVm {Xdg na {demc ghH$ma gå‘ocZ Am`mo{OV H$aZo H$m {ZU©` {H$`m J`m h¡&

{Ocm AÜ`j amOoe {MÎmm¡‹S>m Zo ~Vm`m {H$ ~¡R>H$ ‘| ghH$ma JrV Ed§ amîQ´JrV Ho$ níMmV² ‘hmnwéfm| H$s Vñdra na nwîn A{n©V H$aZo Ho$ CnamÝV ~¡R>H$ àmaå^ hþB© d AÜ`jVm àmÝVr` AÜ`j em§{Vcmc e‘m© Zo H$s& ~¡R>H$ ‘| {OcmÜ`j amOoe {MÎmm¡‹S>m Zo ñdmJV mfU Ed§ ~¡R>H$ Ho$ CX²Xoí` na àH$me S>mcm& VËníMmV² àmÝVr` AÜ`j em§{Vcmc e‘m© Zo {MÎmm¡‹S> ‘| gånÝZ g§JR>Z g{‘{V H$s ~¡R>H$ Ho$ {ZU©`m| go Ed§ AmJm‘r H$m`©H«$‘m| go AdJV H$am`m&

S>o`ar à‘wI S>m. JrVm nQ>oc Zoo OmoYnwa

‘| Am`mo{OV hmoZo dmcr ~¡R>H$ H$s {dñV¥V OmZH$mar Ed§ ApIc ^maVr` n¡Šg ghà‘wI à‘moX gm‘a Zo amOñWmZ ‘| àñVm{dV amîQ´r` A{YdoeZ H$s OmZH$mar H$m`©H$m[aUr Ho$ gå‘wI aIr d J«m‘ ghH$ma n§Mm`V H$s ^y{‘H$m àñVwV H$s& ~¡R>H$ ‘| ghH$ma ^maVr Ho$ {Ocm {ZåZ nXm{YH$mar S>m. {H$aU O¡Z, A‘¥Vcmc ‘oZm[a`m, Amerf H$moR>mar, a‘oe

Omoer, S>m. Amo‘ gmhÿ, amO‘c {MVmo‹S>m, Hw$ÝXZ lr‘mcr, aodme§H$a Jm`ar, {dîUw àOmnV, X[a`mdaqgh, XodZmam`U Ym`^mB©, har cImam, amOoÝÐ H$Q>m[a`m, amOoe amR>r, S>m`mcmc c~mZm Am{X CnpñWV Wo&

amîQ´JmZ Ed§ g§JR>Z ‘§Ì Ho$ gmW ~¡R>H$ gånm{XV H$s JB© VWm A§V ‘| YÝ`dmX C‘oe Omoer Zo km{nV {H$`m&

ghH$ma ^maVr, CX`nwa {Oco H$s ~¡R>H$ gånÝZghH$ma ^maVr {d{^ÝZ joÌm| ‘| g§JR>Z {dñVma H$aoJr

OwbmB© 2018 29

With hundreds of delegates in attendance, Maharashtra based Jalgaon Janata Sahakari Bank held its 40th Annual General Meeting on Sunday with full gusto. Anil Govind Rao, Chairman listed the achievements of the UCB amidst a cheering assembly.

On this occasion, the bank has also launched BHIM application for encouraging cashless transactions.

“In the financial year 2017-18, the bank has performed well putting in efforts to reduce the Net NPAs from 0.98 percent (2016-17) to 0.40 percent. The Total Business Mix of the Bank stood at Rs. 2289.16 crore as on March 31, 2018 as against Rs.2127.02 crore in the previous year reflecting an increase”, Anil Govind Rao, Chairman soon after the AGM informed.

Rao said, “the bank has earned a net profit to the tune of 11.04 crore as on March, 31 2018 as against Rs 8.22 crore in the previous financial year. The CD ratio of the

bank stood at 64.61% as on March 2018 as against 61.60% as of March 2017”, he informed.

The Bank Deposits increased to Rs. 1390.62 Cr. during the FY

2017-18, depicting a net increase of Rs. 74.42 Cr. (5.65%) from Rs. 1316.20 Cr. Advances portfolio increased to Rs. 898.54 Cr. during the FY2017-18, depicting a net increase of Rs. 87.72 Cr. (Growth of 10.82%) from Rs. 810.82 Cr.

The bank has announced 10 percent dividend to its shareholders. Meanwhile, the bank is planning to lay the foundation stone of its new head office in this

financial year. “In 1995 our bank had purchased the land measuring 22,000 sq feet at the cost of about 1 crore. Now we are planning to start the construction work on the same land in October and this will be completed till 2020. The estimated cost of project is about 17 crore”, he added.

He further said, “On the occasion, we have announced the initiative with regard to SHGs run by the bank. As there are about 3500 self help groups run by the bank having more than 60,000 active woman members. During the AGM we announced that 50 percent of education expenses of children of women working in these groups will be borne by the bank after their twelveth standard”, he said. The bank has a network of about 40 branches across Maharashtra.

The bank continues to target schools, colleges, traders, shopkeepers and corporate entities for establishing banking business relations.

Jalgaon Janata Sahakari Bank holds AGM

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ghH$maš ^maVr Ho$ g§ñWmnH$ bú‘Uamd BZm‘Xma Am¡a ‘m§ ^maVr Ho$ V¡b{MÌ Ho$ nyOZ go ~¡R>H$ H$m ew^ma§^ hþAm nyOZ Ho$ nümV ‘hmZJa gh g§JR>Z à‘wI {demb gmhr Zo ghH$ma JrV {b`m&

J¥h àH$moð> Ho$ àXoe g§`moOH$ amOrd Mm¡~o Or Zo ghH$ma maVr H$s AdYmaUm, H$m`© {dñVma

VWm H$m`©H$Vm© M`Z na {dñV¥V ê$n go OmZH$mar Xr&

XwJ©š {^bmB© ‘hmZJa AÜ`j Jmonr a§OZ d¡îUd Or Zo A{V{W n[aM` H$am`m Am¡a ‘hmZJa H$m`©H$m[aUr H$m à{VdoXZ àñVwV {H$`m& ~Vm`m {H$ AmZo dmbo g‘` ‘| ~hþV hr OëX ‘hmZJa Ho$ g‘ñV H$m`©H$Vm©Am| Ho$ {bE EH$ Aä`mg dJ© Am`mo{OV {H$`m OmEJm&

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CnmÜ`m`, nyOm e‘m© Ed§ amZr ^wdmb Zo Bgo g’$b ~ZmZo Ho$ {bE H$‘a H$g H$a H$m‘ H$aZo H$s ~mV H$hr&

àXoe gXñ`Vm à^mar {Xbrn Xoe‘wI Zo gXñ`Vm A{^`mZ MbmZo Ho$ {bE H$hm VWm S>mŠQ>a gwZrb gmhÿ Zo AmZo dmbo g‘` ‘| CÚ‘erb àH$ën àma§^ H$aZo H$s Amdí`H$Vm na Omoa {X`m&

~¡R>H$ ‘| {deof ê$n go ghH$ma ^maVr ~o‘oVam go Vmon qgh Q>§S>Z,

‘h|Ð Om§J‹S>o, nX‘amO ^wdmb H$m {deof gh`moJ àmá hþAm& ‘hmZJaš H$m`©H$m[aUr go n§H$O gmhÿ, C{‘©bm CnmÜ`m`, {H$aZ qgh, nyOm e‘m©, amZr ^wdmb, S>m. {Xbrn e‘m©, {demb emhr, g§Xrn am‘Q>oHo$, hf© hm§S>m, d¡^d Omoer, Am{XË` gmhÿ, XwJm© àgmX nQ>ob Am{X CnpñWV Wo&

Am^ma àXe©Z AÜ`j Jmonr a§OZ Xmg d¡îUd Ûmam {H$`m J`m&

ghH$ma ^maVr XwJ© {^bmB© ‘hmZJa BH$mB© H$s ~¡R>H$ g§nÞ

OwbmB© 201830


"Lok Hitam Mam Karaniyam"

SHREE KESHAV CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT SOCIETY LTD. JUNAGADHMulti-District , ISO 9001-2015 Certified Society Reg.No. 3111/97 Dt. 22/10/1997

Head Office: 'Keshav Bhavan' , Rani Laxmibai Chowk, Near Sardar Baug, JUNAGADH-362001. (Gujrat)Phone: 0285 2636161. E-mail :

: Vision of the "Keshav" :"Advancement of Family by Advancement of Individual, Advancement of Village by Advancement of Families,

Advancement of Nation by Advancement of Villages." It means "Param Vaibhavam Netum Atat Rashtram.




Core Banking...For all your

Banking Needs

1) Profit-making society since incorporation.2) Audit rating "A" since the beginning.3) Working with the mission of "Service and not Profit'.4) Serving to people since 21 years with 19 Branches.5) First society of Gujarat having Branches in 12 district.6) First society of Gujarat having ISO 9001-2015 Certified Society.7) All Branches connected by Core Banking Solution.8) Members can make transaction in any Branch.9) Every year 15% maximum dividend to Members.10) Loan within 24 hours with minimum paper work.11) Rebate in interest for regular payment of loan.12) Facility of withdrawal at home without any charge.13) Members Family Welfare Scheme in case of death of any member.14) Rural Development activities and Aayurved Medicine Scheme in 136 villages.15) Public Celebration of one Festival by each branch every year.16) Members Meet and Branch Opening Day celebration in each branch every year.17) "Kamdhenu" Joint Liability group Scheme for Women Empowerment.

1) To open branches of in each district of Gujarat.2) Rural Development by each branch in 6 to 8 villages.3) Planning for Rural Development in 1,000 villages of Gujarat within next 3 years.4) To make more than 1,000 women self-Sufficient by each branch.5) Where there is branch of "Keshav", there shall be Rural Development, Self-sufficient, enhancement of wealth and thorugh advancement of Nation.

Social Responsibilities

< Academic Guidance<Career Guidance

<Vocational Guidance<Celebration of National Festivals<Members Welfare Scheme<Rural Development Program<Women Empowerment

Deposit Plans

Saving AccountDaily Saving Account

Keshav Fixed DepositMadhav CumulativeMonthly Income DepositRecurring Deposit

Loan Plans

Personal LoanConsumers LoanMortgage LoanHousing LoanNSC, KVP, InsurancePolicy Loan

As on March 31, 2018

Share Cap: Rs. 2.68 CroresReserves: Rs. 5.51 Crores

Deposites: Rs. 69.47 CroresAdvances: Rs. 45.92 CroresNet Profits: Rs. 1.45 CroresNet NPA: "0%"Members: 30000

H. K. Pandya(Chairman)

C. R. Pethani(Vice-Chairman)

N. S. Garach(Vice-Chairman)

M. B. Suchak (Managing Director)

S. N. Joshi G.M. (CEO)

N. G. Bhut(JO.Managing Director)

OwbmB© 2018 31

Our Representatives

Requires Representative for Sahakar Sugandha Magazine Contact on 98228 82509.

For Advertisements, information and payments please contact to our Sahakar Sugandha representatives.

Mr. Shashikant Shiralkar (Marketing Manager) contact No. 7350004918(Pune Office Mob No. 8805981673)

ghH$ma gwJ§Y n{ÌH$m dm{f©H$ ‘yë¶$ é. 300/- Ì¡dm{f©H$ é. 800/-Please Visit -

S.No. State District Name Mob.No.1 Aasam Guwahati Shri. Shankar Prasad Chakraborty 94354055872 Bihar Madhubani Shri. Haribansh Narayan Yadav 85212604523 Bihar Madhubani Shri. Dhirendra Kumar 94309236954 Bihar Madhubani Shri. Sonu Nishant 95704559945 Bihar Muzzaparpur Shri. Krishna Kumar 89693879846 Bihar Hajipur Dr. Rajendra Prasad Madhubani 78702808087 Chandigarh Chandigarh Shri. Shyamsunder Kaushal 98768660658 Delhi Delhi Shri. Deepak Kaushik 96505726269 Delhi Delhi Shri. Bharat Bhushan Bansal 9311081408

10 Gujarat Morbi Shri. Ramesh Pandya 982486669811 Haryana Panipat Shri. Rameshchandra Kashyap 946636424312 Jharkhand Dumka Shri. Bikram Kumar Sinha 705040141013 Karnataka Bengluru Shri. B. H. Krishna Reddy 997208940714 Madhya Pradesh Indore Shri. Kirtish Dhamarikar 982731365915 Madhya Pradesh Ratlam Shri. Sunil Porwal 900905047216 Madhya Pradesh Mahakoushal Shri. Punaram Kulhade 930247689517 Odisha Bhubaneshwar Shri. Ketan Kumar Nayak 943986330418 Punjab Amritsar Shri. S. D. Tiwari 988835111519 Rajasthan Bilwara Shri. Sunil Somani 946057777020 Rajasthan Udaipur Shri. Pradeep Choubisa 946058488221 Rajasthan Jaisalmer Shri. Hariram Khatri 961041072022 Rajasthan Jaipur Shri. Prakash Parik 946038098723 Uttar Pradesh Kanpur Shri. K. K. Rao 945154693724 Uttar Pradesh Avadh Shri. Devash Pratap Singh 811512211125 Uttar Pradesh Kanpur Shri. Gajendra Kumar 993505316226 West Bengal Kolkata Shri. Joydeep Roy 943294433227 West Bengal Nadia Shri. Jayanta Saha 8609561465

OwbmB© 201832

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A/c Name : Sahakar Printing & Publications Pvt. Ltd. State Bank of India, Hingne Khurd, Pune Branch

Current A/c No. : 36931889346IFS Code : SBIN0007159

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OwbmB© 201834

ghH$ma ^maVr H$s J{V{d{Y¶m±

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ApIb ^maVr` ghH$ma ^maVr O¡gb‘oa BH$mB© H$s ~¡R>H$ g§nÞ

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