SS - Chapter II

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Chapter II of Smooth Seduction

Transcript of SS - Chapter II


Smooth with Big Bob

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Coming Soon:

Smooth Seduction (The Mastery)

Smooth Seduction (Dark Seduction)

Mastering your Day Game (by Big Bob)

A Compilation of Field Reports

How to make your relationship lasts

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Published by the DHV Books Publishing

No. 1 East Drive, Rizal St. Calamba City 4027

DHV Books Publishing

First Book Edition

Smooth Seduction Part I

The Outer Game of a Pick-up Artist

Attract Her

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Copyright DHV Books Publishing, 2010

All rights reserved

First Published in Philippines as Smooth Seduction by DHV Books Publishing

Publisher’s note:

This book is a guide on how to attract women, characters, names are handles of real life pick-up artists.

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Printed by XY Printing, China

Designed by: Robert de Guia PHOTOTECH, Filinvest, Alabang, Muntinlupa

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To all the lovable losers… may this book be the start of your paradigm shift…

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First, I’d love to thank God!

Also the following:

I would not have mastered the art of pick-up if not for the following persons:

Mystery, my mentor and the World’s greatest pick-up artist. Without him, I would have never become Smooth;

Lovedrop, and Hawaii, who forced me into the field during my training days;

Big Bob, my co-author, a good friend, and one of the best pick-up artists in the Philippines. We spent the whole 2009 touring, teaching, and mastering the elegant art of cold approach;

Marco Mallari, my bestfriend, my financial advisor, and my life coach;

Sir John Calub, for keeping me motivated in whatever I am doing;

Jon de Guia¸a genius. Our 17 year old editor-in-chief;

Miruth A, our wonderful layout artist.

Sir Joel Gana and Sir Ivan for producing the reality show;

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Field Report: (sample)

Smooth: Hey, guys. How are you all doing? You guys look so friendly. I’d love to meet all of you. My name is Smooth, SET: (shakes my hand) I’m Anna, Ferrie, and Lenie.

The Indirect Opener is an opener that does not show your target any intent of picking them up.

Examples of these are:

“Hey, guys. Would you ever date a vampire?”

“Hey, do you know what time it is?”

“My friend and I have been arguing about something; which one do you think tastes better: mocha or caramel frappe?”

Field Report: (sample)

Smooth: (2 mixed sets: Bookstore: with a guy/gay guy, I stand next to the guy, then I open over the shoulder.)

Smooth: Hey guys. I don’t usually ask this, but would you ever date a vampire? (OPEN)

SET: (They looked at each other) Ahhh. If he’s handsome I will.

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Smooth: What if he’s a terminator?

SET: *giggles* I don’t know. Hahaha.

Smooth: Hold up. Before I go, you guys are the best couple today

SET:No! We’re just friends.

Smooth: Cool, get this… (Then stack forward)

While the Funny opener is an opener that will make her laugh right off the bat.

“OMGosh you look like my female version”

(Talk in Chinese; if you don’t know just act.) “shi wai ti ti lai e ampu shi ha.” (It doesn’t mean anything). Then the target will say “We can’t understand what you’re saying.” So say, “Damn, I thought you guys are my Chinese friends. Well, I’m already here, you are?” Then stack…

“Hi, I don’t have a brain. Can I be your friend? If she says “No.” say, “Why? You don’t have a brain either?” Then Neg/stack.

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Give the target Mc Donald’s fliers, then say, “Hey, I work there. I want you to go there and I’ll make you the best burger ever…” then stack.

“Hey, you look like a really nice person. Can I buy you an extra rice?”

“Hi, I’m only 9 years old. Can you be my older mother?”

The whole point of an opener is to get you into the set and

into their conversation. This will be your bait to lure them in and a way for you to calibrate your next moves based on their reaction.

I recommend you to use indirect opener, otherwise, your target would create a bitch shield. A bitch shield is a wall girls create to avoid potential suitors. If girls know you’re hitting on them, they’ll create this and it will be harder for you to do your pick-up routine. An indirect opener shows your target that you aren’t interested in them but you are asking them a legitimate question.

A good indirect opener is a question that makes your target think and have personal opinions on. Don’t ask questions that are too difficult to comprehend. Don’t ask for the value of Pi (unless you’re hitting on a nerd). Also,

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you would want your opener to be a question that you can follow up on with more questions on and explain why you’ve needed that question answered.

When throwing an opener, it’s very important that you smile. Statistics show that 90% of women like to be approached with a smile. It’ll make you look friendly and casual. Tough, mean-looking guys don’t get laid. Playful guys do.

A set is what we call the group the target belongs in at the time you want to pick her up. It may be a two set, or a group of two girls, a three set and so on. A mixed set is a set with a guy or guys in it. Opening a mix set is not impossible; I will discuss it later in this chapter.

Again, when opening a set, your body language is very important. You want to be as close as possible to your set, but you should never open facing them. Do this drill: get a girl, a friend or an officemate, have her stand in front of you. Move towards her, at least 2 feet away, and face her. Ask her how she feels.

You are standing beyond your set’s comfort zone. She’ll create a bitch shield against you because of this.

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Your body language when opening a set should be also indirect, which means that your body should not be facing them. Now stand in front of your friend, but this time your body should be perpendicular to hers, then just turn your head towards her. This is what we call over the shoulder. You may also stand beside her, shoulder to shoulder, then just turn your head and say “hey, I need a female opinion on something”.

This way, you can get as close as possible to your target without invading her personal space.

As soon as you open your set, you will need to pull an FTC or a false time constraint. When you open a set, the first thing that enters their minds is “when is this guy leaving?” So you have to throw an FTC. It’s called a false time constraint because, of course, you’re not really in a hurry. You could say “I only have 45 seconds, I have to get back to my friends” or “I can’t stay long, my friends are right there waiting for me” and stay for hours.

While saying your false time constraint, you’d need to accompany it with a move called the body rock. Body rocking is the art of moving your body back and forth from your set in order to make them feel that as if you’re really about to go. This makes your set feel that you are not

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interested in them, just their answers. You do not want to telegraph your interest right away.

Always act like you’re going any time soon but they’re making you stay. It shows them that they have to work for it if they want to keep you with them. This keeps them interested in you and ups your value. You see, beautiful women are usually very confident and are used to getting attention and anything else they want just by looking as good as they are. If you present them with something new and totally out of the blue, chances are they’ll bite.

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Here in an example for the opening routine:

This is the opener my best friend used when I was teaching him. He opened a mixed set, one guy and three girls.

(Open through the shoulder) Hey guys, quick question. I just need a female opinion here. What do you think about my ear piercing?

(Body rock) I can’t stay long, I only have 30 seconds. I have my friend right there waiting for me.

As soon as the set answers, it is the only time that you have to face them. Their answer is not important, but it’d be nice to appear that you’re interested. Then we make the lock-in. A lock-in occurs when you position yourself with group thereby making them feel that you are part of their group, or simply not a stranger to them. Like, if you opened a seated set, you’d have to sit with them. You can grab a chair outside, and if there is no chair near you, you can always say, “hey don’t be rude, grab me a chair.” Or, “hey, don’t be rude, move.” Then share a seat with someone in the group. If you opened a standing set, you can simply step inside their circle.

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You need to do the locking-in while you are replying to their answers to your question. You can say “anyway, the reason I am asking is…”

So let me continue my best friend’s routine; it goes like this.

(Open through the shoulder) “Hey guys, quick question. I just need a female opinion here. What do you think about my ear piercing?”

(Body rock) “I can’t stay long, I only have 30 seconds. I have my friend right there waiting for me. “

(Lock-in) “The reason I am asking is because whenever I am wearing my uniform, I can’t wear my earring. So I can only wear it when I am out with my friends. But my friends say it does not look good on me. ”

That is the end of the opener. I will continue this routine on the next chapters.

As promised, when opening a mixed set or a group with guys, you have to acknowledge the guys first. Never open a mix set without acknowledging the guys. The guy in the set is considered an obstacle. There are many types of obstacles; they are guys, gay guys, boyfriends, or the mother hen of the group. The mother hen is the over

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protective female in the group. She is their tribe leader. You will need to pay your respects to the obstacles first before you continue to hit on their girls.

An example is “hey guys, I need a female opinion on something, or a guy’s opinion perhaps”. Then you look at the guys and shake their hand. “Hey man, big bob here.” “Anyway…”

Or you could simply open the obstacles first, “hey, that’s a nice watch, where’d you get it?” or “hey man, I love those boots. I’ve wanted a pair like that for years. You actually pull it off.” Then you continue talking to him, and he would be the one to introduce you to his friends. When you’re doing this, it’s very important that you ignore the girls in the set, but you have to make sure you talk loud enough for them to hear. Girls in this setting would usually interrupt you when you are talking to the guy about something interesting.

When the girl tries to interrupt you, you simply turn your head towards her and say “hey, wait for your turn. Men are talking here.” You have to smile and say this in a very playful manner; you’d come off rude and lose the set when you don’t. Now, you face the guy again and say “where’d you get this girl? You can dress her up, but can’t take her anywhere.” And then end your conversation with the guy.

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