Sr.No. DBATU Lolrerc SU I(olhaPur -...

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Transcript of Sr.No. DBATU Lolrerc SU I(olhaPur -...

SU I(olhaPurSr.No. DBATU Lolrerc

lDBA'fU CLl ricLrlum is 'l'otally olr Oulcolrre SUI( Culricrllurr is Partially on Oulconre

Drse.l l'd Lrc rtinrr

Theory Exam Papers 100 Marks'fernr lvork 25 Marks

POE 25 Marks

No suclt rnechanisnr for acadentic rEvielv

Elect;ve Sulrjects only for sevenlh srrd eighlh

r-r611.Li6 I < n^wq


Lxrnr fbr 'l heory and l'ractical Pattern is 60 & 40

Theory Exrm I'aPerc 60 Madis

Intcrlral Asscssnrent 40 Marks

I'ractic.l Er.anr 60 Marks

Iniernal Assessrnerri 40 Marl(s

l lixlcrnal Acrdcnric N4oniiorirrg for Acadernro

Elcciile S;ubiccts fronr third seorester

lrrrnrr<lrir' 6n Drr.l l'ccrrre,,r ,'r .lr',l"rrrs llrro|glr ctrlr ''errler' l),,,,i!"r . r\ylr" ,- 6n"'.161,rr'.',r t'rotsr',rrr\ lo- \lrrdcrrt irnl



No slth nrcoliarrisnr lor fl.ccrnenl

lrcw (lcvclol)rncrrt |(.grrus for slr(l.rrl Nnrl laorrll\

(]nlt, li,r qnf(lwiclr ll)Lrrses




S{nderrt his 10 \\'ork iD ilrdustl'y in last scnrester a0d

asscssrnetrl is irased on perfolrrrance ofstudcrrt

r I'cr .r. .l r\ e l'l.rrr\.


Sr.No. I Scheme G Scheme


i Schcmc Cur'r'icLrlrun is'lcllnl1.i orr OLltcomc

llrsc(l I-l(illrrlion

(i Schenre ( urricuhnr is Partirll)'on Oulco,rte

BascLl Iducation

2t'.rniculrrn rrtll lrrcL :rl \\1.,r '',. 'l r.r.rll.'car do'at thc end ol eaoh rrr(l every snrall

arld largc lcaching leaming activity.Clrrricularrr \lill looli u( *4lal thc slLlLlcnls'cart

do'at thc cnd oi eaol a'oursc


l-;)i.rnr Pattem is 70 &.lt)I hcorY L\anr Pfpcrs 70 N,ltrks

hcrnnl Asseerircrl l0 Marks'lhcory Flxam I'apcrs 100 Marks

4 Miclo Proicct is Cornprlsrly ir. cach subiecl No nricr'o Ir0iecl

For N{icro I'}foicct Ciroup. No. ol(Lr(leIts irr each

gr(,uI i' ir dccrcrNiirgNo rs pcr Sorrcsrcr

..9 Ior lsl S n 3-9 slrr(llfts in ca.h groufI or ln(l Scnr (-7 . l'or l Serr 5 ,1. I 1ir,llh sern

I I 5lh S.rn I 2,\rrl (tlh lndi\ dral \l !r1,




I Sohc re is iulplcnrcnled as ]ler ( lA/\N t\_orrns

?017 \\ hi.h is Re\ lrcd to l:rll llll NllAai Schenre is irIlplcnrcrte(l as per (llAAN Nonns

20t t,t2


EAMC Grrde Out 01250 EAMC Grade Out of200

Ilxcclleflt >= 86 % Excellent >= 70 %

Ve[y Cood >= 7l% to 85 % Cood >= 60% 10 69 %

Cood >= 56% to 70 % Satislactory >= 50 % lo 59 %

Satisfaolor)'>= 40 % to 55 % lssuc Warrinjr':40 9'; 10 49 Yo

Poor < 40 % Poor < 40 % (Show Cause Notice)

l'hlllan lllucatior Socict\rs

Collcge of Ingineering, l)haltanFccdlrack or (lurriculunr

l ee<lbeck gi\cn hv I'ulcnt,/di(irlo)cr,' Iracully'l AIurnni / Slr(lerrt

I'ro8ranr e: l\Ie(linicxl / CiYil / Lll l ( /Co pr(cr / Nlcchnnicnl ( l)iPlolna ) / Dtr'l'(' ( l)iPlom:r)

Slonglt Ajlre. (5 Nlarks). Agree (.1 Nlarks). satislhcloN (l). Neutral (l \lark). I)isngrec (0 Nlark)

/\-\ lnstilutc is milraling liorn SLi|aji t-luivcrsit\'. Kolhapur to DLIA I ( l. Lonere. so Plcase givt' r ottr r altlcable

lae(lback 10 conrpare crrricuhrn oflhcsc uuiversilies.l4llbl"-{'t

Name (Optional) :- and Date

c r,,.-"' rl,i'#l*n,l *,' ri,r,,",Feedbach or Curricttlum

l'eedbeck gir,crr rr- l'.rrtrrt gPl'nplol tr l;x.ull\ \ltrnlni/ Slrdcnl

I\1)gmnlllle: l\Tcchani(r l / Clif il / llnT( l / ComPuter' / N'lechl it{l (DiphmlI) / F]nT( l (DiPlotna)

Slongl)'/\!uec (5 l\larlis). Agrcc ('1 NIarks). Salisl'ac10r) (j). Nctrtral (l Nlark). Distrgree (0 N4ark)

l\lsll ll hitscl)angcdcurricLrlar1llirrllt"c"schcnlelo'l"schcnte.sol)lcascgirelourralueablciicdbacklo\r.r'rl\1rc rlrc\( (,rrfi\ 'rl rr,r *lrcr'',"

lrrtc:_ I / ltol-ll )

Sr. Perliculars DBATU SUK

I l)oc! curriculLrni cxlmscs all recent tcchnologl' 3D(ie( cuuiculLrn errichccl lith soll skill. hurrirn taltlcs llnd etllics 4 3

l [)oes crlrriculunr gives sulllcienl industry c\Posure(ln(lusin Visil/lnlenrship'/S|of sorcd Proiecl)


4I)o \ou lhink cun iculLrm de!clopcd is \ulllcicnl lo enrich

enrrlo\ al)ilit-Y ol studcnl 3

5l)oes praciicrls in cur|iculunr gir e clcep lon)\ledgc ahotrl slthject { ,

6 Docs cLrrriculttnr helps to dcvelop enlrcprcncLlrs \ 2-

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curricuhm T" wrtn,t e xu )t rze-


No.l'erticulars I Scheme G Scheme

I I)oes cL[ricLrltur] c\l)()scs all rcccnl lecllllology \ 32 l)oc! cLrriculunr cllliched rrith soll skill- hlrtran lallrcs anrl cthics 3 e.-

I)()es crlrrirululrl givcs strllicicnt illdtlstr\ c\f()sLlrc( 1ndLlsl11 Visi(,]lnlcr.nship,sl)ons()lcd I)rojecl)


4L)o lou thiltl cLtfrioulLlln de\elolc(l is sLllll'icni lo crrrich

,'r 1,1.,' rl'ilirr ,, r,l, rl 35 tl;praclicrils in crrrlictrlLrnr gilc decf kllo\\ le(lgc abotrl sLllrjccl 3 2-6 I)ocs cut't iculunt hclps Ir dc\'clop cntt'ePretlcut's 37 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curiculum ti nczz Tnlvtzua4' '" ' 9 n no u.slt- 1224 L4l2J

Name (Optional):--a'4't-/ Sign snll Date

l'haltcn lldLrcation Societ-t's

Collcge ol lrnginccring, PhaltanFeed back on Curriculum

I'cetlback givcrt b!_ Parent ,/ Iintplo!€r r lracull\ i '\lulrlni ' SttLclent

l'r'ograrnmel Xlechrnical / CiYil / E IC/Cornputtt'Stongl) Agrce (5 lvl.uks). Agrcc (4 Nlalks). Salislaclorl (3)- Ncrrtral (1 Milrk), Disitgrcc (0 Nlillk)

As lnsliilrlc is uigratillg Shivaii Lhilctsit). Kolhapur to DBA-I[J. Lonc1c. so p]easc give lour valueable

leedhack to coml)arc cul.rictrlalll of thesc trnive] siticsl)fl le:-


Pert'iculars DBATU SUK

I G...;i.,,1 r" "tn."',,ll "'*,x rccl, r"-,'{ 6 z

2 D,*ai,",n"l*r, "r-h*l"xh sol'l skill. hunlaa \'.tltles and eftics 4 t

l n,*. c"11."1,u,'t g*{-nllficieDt indLrslrJ ClilosLlre

( Induslr'\ Visil/lnternsl)ip,rijpo1rsorcd l'rolect) 4 5i1\",, lilrk c,u,ri*1,,,n delelopcd is sullicicnl lLr enrich

(r'rt'1.\dl rlir" ol ..' rJe'rr4 7

l;".i,".ti."tt i,*,",i..r["n gile dccf krro\vlcdge al]oul subjcct 4 \

-)o"s;;i.Ltll,,,,lr"f Psio.le!eLof cnlreprencrns + )

1 Any Other Suggestions to enr.ich Curriculum =t*.l. "nt sl-s\,\'J. t^rb\4(\-'1.;"sf., ','\ \.o \ +la serrn qrtvt'

Name (optionat) :-I3h$""\ \ " N'\kN*''b*\L''"

l'haltan lldLlcatiol1 Socictl's

Collcge ol' Ilngincering, I'halta nFeerlhack ln Cttlt itttlttltt

lice(ll)ack givcn l))- larcnl I llnrllo)rr i 1'rrctrltl''\lLrrnni j SluLl' (

I'rogranrnre: ]\{echalical (Diplonrn) / lln l'C (Dipbnra)

Slongl!/\lllcc(5N'Iarks).Agr,cc(.1NIar]is).Sa{is]ac1or]'(]).Ncullel(lNTlll().Disaqree(()NIilrk)isl]llihaschrngecl curriculaulionr 'c scltc ie lo't'schcIle. so please gir'e -\'ouf !altleible lce(lback lo

|l1ra' these curricLllanl scllenles.

13t"ffi"r,:"rlSigd aod Date

Perticulars I Scheme G SchemeSr.No, 5 5

1 lrrn ernoses all reccrlt leclnlologlI2 ir,.". ",,.;.,,t,'n,.n.icfcd r{ith soli skil!- humitn values and ellllcs

I 33Docs cuuicLtlttln gi\'cs sLlftlcienl illdLlslrt oiposllre/rnr,rcna/ \/iaif l r.rnqlrin/Snonsr)led I\'oiect)


U,, r',* it,int, crrr-r'icLrlunr dcvclopcd is snlfi!rrcnL 1o enrich

^.--r,.."J-il ii., ^l (hvlaht


l)ocs flacticals irr cLirrlculullr gilc lllo\\'lcdge il'orl1 sr'rLrjc(L

ll!9!g!.llf ,r1,!]!:_!,!"'!(rl cr)1 rclrerr'ursr^, arrh.r \,'ou.rlinn\ lo e r'i(h Cllrl icultlltl

t )6 6f6,'c"^1,.j.ct ('o*9 sv<*\A G.7 5

. Nan,e(optionlr):'DI^{"t!"I\*$<r\t-b"tt'',r"€1"+r+=^-,r"9Sign a\d Date 3rt'" '

I'hnllrn llduciLliou Soci.ltr'-<

College ol' l!ngirreering, Phaltanlecrl bach on (lu|riculrrrrt

1'e.-dhack girr:nhr' I'arcnt , Lrrplol rr , I icull\ ,\lullrni 'SludcntI'roltrlnr e iUechxni(.ll / CiYil / Ln'IC. / (lonrputcr'

Stongll ,\grcc (5 lllarlis), -,\grcc (.1 I{irk,"). Srtislhctor: (3). Ncirlr.l (1 Nrrrk). I)i!agree (() i\lark),\s Inslitul.'is n)igraling liinn Shiraii tlni\r'rsill. Kollrapur to DB-,\Ti,. Lonere. !o Ilcx\e gi\e \otLr rrlueablelirdL.rok 1o conrfltrc ou|r'icularn of thcsc uni!r:rsilles

I'hrllln Ildlrcation Socicl] s

College of llngineering' PhaltanFcctl bach on Curt icltlutn

fccdback gir cn [,1 ]'ercnl , [irnl)loYrr / li crrll\ / ,\lurlrni r Stu(llrrl

['fo!rirrrttnc Nlethartic:rl (l)illonlir) / Ii'l'(' (l)iplonr:r)

Sn)nl-rl) ,\gret] (5 l\'lrrl(s1.,'\8rec (J N'larksl. Srli!hrlor\ (ll, N.LrlraL (l Nfu1L). l)islgr" 1ll \lilrk)\1SB IIt hirs chiuged ctrr'r'jculur liour'C" Sclrcule lo l" Schcnre- sopleasc give \otlrralueable licclbocli trr

:',r1ur.' lhcsc curticulalr scherncs.


l'erticulars DBATU SUK

I l)oe! clrlricululr e\poses a]l rccenl lechrlology q s2 l)ocs crruiculuIr cnriche(l \\'ith soft sl(ill. hlrnran valuc-s an(l elhics q


I)ocs curricLll(lm gilcs suflicienl indLrstlv cxfostlrc( JndLrslr\, \/isil,lnler)shiplSpo soreal l'rolecl)

1! 9

4Do you think cltrriculum developed is sufficient to enrich

'rnf'n)abilil) ot sr rdcnl + L5 J)rrcs practicals in cLlrricu[rnr give rleep linos,lcdgc aboul slLbjecl 4 g

l)o(-s cLrI'lictr]rrnr hclps lo deveLop cnttcl)rcncLI!s q

7 Aul' Othel Suggestions to elr ch Curriculurn t,

Name (Optional):- ate


No.Perticrlars I Sch€me G Scheme

I I)ocs cuniculuur exposcs nl1 rcccnt teclllrolog)' L1 ,l2 I)ocs curricultull enriched rlitll soft -<Lill. htunNtt valucs itnd elhics 4

Docs curriculunr givcs stllllcietll induslrr cxposure

( Indus1rl' Visil/i]rtemship'/SpoDsorcd Project) \ +,l llo Iou lJrilrk cLtrricrllurr der clopcrl js slrlll'ierrl 1o crrrirh

.. | ,,,\.,r,:li. ot .r,.]crq t

5Docs practicals it1 ctltricLllum givc cleep lolo\ 'lecige about slrbject

+ 1g 9-

1 Any Otlrer Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (Optional) r- drate

I'}hallrn Lducalion Sociclv's

College ol' E ngineering, PhultanFcedbach on Curriculunr

Iccdl)acl givcr) bv- I)arelll ,/ l}iploler / lincLrlll , ,\lLunni Slu(leniProqramrnc: N'Icrha ic.l/ (lilil / I!t|1( / (i)rnpulcr

Slrrrrsl\ Agree (5 N,lrrls). ,/\sree (.1 \,1.r'Ls ). -\r1islicloN li ). NeuLr0l ( I I\'1ark). Dis.gree (rl Ivlark)

r\s lnstilul. is rrligrnling liorn Shivaii Unir ersil\,. K(,lhalrLrr 10 DB,\ I L . Lonere- so plea-re eir c r orrr r alLteablc

lr.,r,r, l. 'r,'r'rl..rr.' tni.,tl.rt,r ,,1 lr-

Name (optional),- tb, F P' P-vaJt1 1

I'hallaD ljdrrcation So.iebrs

College of Enginccring, Pltflltrnfecd [,ICL on ( rr llicrr ltr m

fccdback givcn by- I'areul ,' limplo\'0r / liilcltllJ r'Alunrni , Sttl(lelllI'rolirnl]rmc: l\'Icchanical (Diploma) / tir'l C (Dipknnx)

Stolrgl) Agrcc (5 N4arks). Agrec (.1 Marks). SatislactuY (ll. Ncutral (l N4irrL). l)isagrc. {0 I\1lrl)N,ISR[-hascharrgcdcur|icularnf|olr"G"SehcnlclL)'l"Schenle.soplcascgi\etnur\'aluclthlcleealb.1ckto

.irn nale these crrl|ir:rrlarn scllrnres.


Perticulars DBATU SUK

I 1)ocs curriculum erpr)ses all rccelrl techrologJ' 2-2 l)ocs culrictrluur elLlclled \\'ith soft skill. hunrrn valLres arr(l ellrics L1 1,-l l)oes crLrriculuDr givcs sLrlficienl itldLrslrl c\]rosurc

( Industly Visil/lnternship/'SDLnlsortd Prolccllq v

4I)o r{)u think cr)rricLrhun develolied js sLrlllricrrt 1.) cnrich

crnployabilitv of sludent T 2-5 I)ocs D|acticrls irr cLrrriculuDr qivc dcep knorvledge ubout sLtbject /1 %

l)ocs cuLr'icLrlLro 1!clfs 1o rlcvclop crltrcllrcrrerrrs v/-1 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum


No.I'erticulArs I Schem€ G Scherne

1 I)oes curriculurlr exloscs all recerli lcchrr(-.log) ) 1-2 Does cuniculutn eniched t/i1h soll skill. human values and ethics ll 3l Doas cu!r'iculLrIn llives snllicicnl indLrslr\, ( rlasrrrc

(lndustry \/isit,'lDterrshiF/Sponsorcd l'rojecl) 7 \

4Do 1,ou think culricrLltrm clcvelopetl is strilicicnt to enrioll

ernployaL.ility ol studcnt 7 2-

lDoe-q p|rcticals in cunioulLrllr gi!c deel-. knorvlcdgt l\q111!!19! 3 2-

6 llocs cLrrriculum helps 1o delclol entlclrcirours ,- )

1 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculurn

Name (Opfional):

Dt. Parurlona"lh' P g.;fu


.Ol_-\--t-:ay, --,,->Sign and /)ate

Pltaltrtr) I ilucatiou Socict!"s

College of [,ngineering, PhaltanFeetlbach on Curt'iculum

i,eedback givenh)- 1'^r'c 1 ' EnlploYor / l aclllh l.Alrrlnni 1Slu(lenl

Progtirurnlc: Nlechanical / Cilil /lln'lCl / (lonlputer'

:ildrgl! Agree (5 N4arks). Agtee ('lNIarks)- Salislactory(l). Noutral (1 I\'lark) Disagrcc (0 N'larli)

.\s Inslillrtc is migr.lLlirg liont -shivaiiUDilcrsit). K(rlhal)Ur lo L)llAfil. l-oIere, so please gil c rour valucrble

lccdback 1,., compllre curicularn oflhesc urlilclsilies.

,i iA) n,,Dth,<1 <fuht4 aYt '" /'" '

Ntlur( (Optionlll):

I'hrllrn l (lLrc.tioLr S()ci.tI "College ol' Iingincering, l'halttn

I'cedbacl( 1)n Cttt ricttlttmliccdbrcli gi\'cn b)'Parcnl ' Illupk']cr / Iiitcultl' ?\lurnni Slr crrl

ProgLanrmc: Nlcthani(al (Diplo a) I It 'l ( (l)iplonrn)

Storgl) Agrce15 lvlafk-q), Agrce ('l N'latks). Satislilclor! (-l).Ncutlill {lN{rrl) Disilgrce i0 NIark)

NlSJ:]fI ltas t.lrrlrgcd eLrrriculrl]r llorl G" schcrne 10 'l' so llc.rse givc Iollr \'altreablc feedbacl( to

annare these cunictllaut schemes.@



Perficulars DI} A'TTI SUK

I L).,(s rLlrricLrlrurl cxposes all recefl t.chrrolog) q Lr

- I)ocs cuuicullrnr enriched r'rith soli skill- hLrll):ln valu.s enJ elhics q 9

[)o.s.uIric Irrrn !tives sut.ficicnl i dllstl)' exFosure

( lnrlu(tlT \iisil,rlntelllslljFi Sponsored Pr(tecl)q 3

1I)o loLr thinh cLrrricttlrrur dcrtloped is sLrllieieIl 1o cnricll

u,rrll. l'1,,,r'r,r.rt q \)

5 l)ircs practicals in ctrrriculum givc dcep kno\\'lcdge about subjcct h hIloas curriclrlum Iclps lo alcvclop e0trclrctleLlr's c l

1 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum


Perticulars I Scheme G Scheme

I lloes curriorllunr exposcs ltll rcccrll lcchnologl ll .l)-

jln*i.:,uli,r, ",,r.i.had

\\ilh sLrli sl'i11. hf !rrrr ralLrr:s anrl eLhics tt a

3f lt-', *,,r*',,1"r, g,*'-t,il1'"t.,rt,iirllrstlr crposL'r'.'

( hr.hrslr! Visitlllltcurshiplsf orsorcd Prcjcc!) \ 4

4tl,rl,r,, tt,i,,l .*ri"utunt dcvelopcd is !ulliciellt to enrich

..,n1^\,,hili1\,,1'clrLrlerrl \ 3

\ t5 Ir,.". ^ in , ,rrricrrlrrm r ir'c rlceo lrllrnlcdge aholrl sulr]cc1q ?

6 llfr h.ln,t to (le\,eloD entrcDrerlctrrs

1 ,r,- nrh"" srooecfions fo enrich Curriculum rate@*:nu /),'7tcA't+c f /"'''t

Sign anNdme (Optional) :- lgn

Pl'raltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on C-;rrriculum

Feedback given by- Parent / Emlloyer / Faculty / Alunni / StudertProgranlmc: N'lechAtlical / Ci!il / lin'l ('/ Computer

Shngl! r\grec (5 r,l11ks), Agrcc (4 l\{arks). Saristhclor'1. (3). Nculral (l NI.rrli). l)isaSree {0 Nlirrii)

1.. .,, 1 '..',,l',' r.rrr ,,'.Drtri

Name (Optional) :- ) Sigrr rrrrtl l):rlc

Phaltan ll.hrcatior Socict)' s

Collegc of Engineering, Phaltanfeedback on 9rriculutn

. tie(llirck si\:crr bt l' ,r< rr l,.rrriii,'r er I r tultr \ | nxri i Stlrdcnl

l)rlrgli]rlrrrc: \lechtrni(al (Dilrlonra) / Iio I C (DiPhnra)

Stolrgl\ Agrce (5 N4.r'ks)..,\grcc (:l Nlnrks). Satisfactory (-r), Ncutral il NIalk). llis.rgree i0 Nlnrk)

i\lSB l'l- llits changc.l curricrlaltt liom "(i ' Sc,leure lo "I" Schell1e, so llcasc give youI r'alueablL' lccclbach lo

. rpalc thcse crtuiculanr schemes.


No.Pcrticulars DBA'IU SUK

l L)oes currcrrlLrrn cxl..oses alj recenl lcclrrolog\ r\ I2 lloes cLrr[iculLurr crrIioher] rvith soll sLill. lrurrren Iahres ilrld elhi(! A q

l I)oes crrrriculUrn gi!es sulllcienl judustr! clposLrre

( lndustry Visil, Intcr rship,/:ilorlsored< Z

11)o you think culricululr dcr,cloped is srrlllcierl lo cnlichcrnployahilily of sluclcnt

4 1-5 Ilocs lracticils in curliculum gire deep knLrwlcdgc aboul sul.iecl ll a

L)oes cLuficulum helps to develop cntrcprenellrs

7 Any Other Suggestions 10 etrrich Cul culum


No.Perticulars I Schenle G Scheme

1 I)oes cuuiculurr exPoses nll rccenl lt]cllIoloS-vt>/

), Does curricuhun enrichecl rvilli soft ski11. hLrnar valttes an(l ethics 4 \

l Docs curricLrlum givcs sulllcienl indLrsLrl crpo!L rc

(lnrlLrstr.!- \risit/lnlemshiplli|ollsored Pr(iicct) \ 1--4

I)o yort think curriculum developcd is sLlllicicrrt to cluich

enrDlot ahilit), of shrdent b 2-

Does Dracticais in cuniculum givc deep knowledge aboul subjelt % 1-

6 llocs cLllricLrlum lltlls to (letclol) entrelrgnetrrs L I

1 ,\nv Other SuggestioDs 1o enrich Curricltlunl.r-

Sign ar(l DateNaine (Optionnl) :-


1'haltrl l:i&rcatiorr Socid\' s

Collegc of tingincering, PhallanFecdbach on Cu t'ricttlttnt

tcc(lhacl' givcrr Lr-v- Parcrrl rl"mlk))'cr I'l'ul1) ' AlurIni 'Slu'l'r1t

Pro"glamme: Mecha ical / Civil / EITC / Computer

Sto,rgly Aglee (5 Mark';,IilU;;;*'l' ';tisractory,(-:r

Ne uLrai:l-y:'i::"'.::::::YX'Iio, ,,,"''"liil i,s;;""",,:r]'fi"i'n;:i;;,';;,;i v,'rorr,op* '"

ps'{ru' Lone(e' so prease sive vour valLLeabre

ltc.lL.nck to conrprre cturiclllanl ol thcsc rrllilersilics'Date:-

ra4YrSigo in(l Dlte

Name (OPtio al):-

l'h.r11an llducatiul Society's

College of E'ngineering' Ph:tltan!'ecdbach on (lrtrricttlurtr

l:ect!hack gir'cn b) l'rrcnl i lilnploltrIl;'lculll Ir\lu!rllri ' SluLlerrt

l'rotrrrrrlnrer Ile0hxrli(il (DiPlorrlt) / U't l (l (Diplotrr'r)

Slongly ,\srci- (5 \lnr*l 'no.e" '''il"'i'l i"iittitu" 1l' N"utral (1 Ilrrrli)' Disagle' (1) Nlilrk)

\{SDIll llirs llranged cu,titt't"n' tiun' ' c; l sli"'rr" it'-it """"'" tofleese givc )1rlrr \rlucal-'lc lie(lhack to

rll1pare these ctllricuhlr schemes'

4!Y'-Sign and l)ale



DBATU SlJI{Sr.No. lr-1

I Does cunlculum exPoses dx *i,,rir*"" .,.t,,.s ,rnd e(lrics /1 1-) D,, .. cLf_r( Lrl 'r'l erll cll(\r \:! |:-- fl : ll

;;;.rl,^, Pl' '"'rrlr' rer'ir.lrr'r'' ( \r\'cr r'j . ,i --.-..^,r D-,,i^,.r\ A Z

3 ,Lr.{r. , \ \ ,'rrrl. ll'<n'l- \lri i\ 'r' ' ' '' i "

l),, \. r, ii-a;i'.. rr',;.' cr'1! " ' rr"'''"r r" c'''''r'

"'nnl"tn"it]",t'', tt'".t",,'ll

,,,,,:: ;.:: : ;;.;; i ;;;.,rJ; ,,r,,.*,r .,,,.,br.-.1

a> 2-4

7 2-5 l)oes Plactlcals lll(j 7 ')-

l\ '-,-:- r i0('\rr('lr'l rL IL -

An\ othtr Suggc\lions to enl.i(h (llrlricnlunl1

G SchemePerliculals

t@ir"",."..-ffi,,,";."m; "..t''"airsilill*" E '"-tLrlllicie [t irl,:lustr'! cxposure

( lndustry Visit/lnteriship'/Sponsorecl tl oiecl)

ffiie.1 to

curnlof irbilil) of studel

l).,". t,L^, in.,1{\ultlrtl tit'" d"

IrGGliil,,,, ff!g!ryl11:1tions to enrich Curriculuttt

Name (Optional) l-

















: r;3 o"




iE ='I


t,gquiJ] E

















PL]J rr F,ltrJr \.Ni.- Collcge ot Engineering, t'halta'r

Fe.dback on Ctrriculumn

Feedback grven b! Parctrr 1[mplols, |aN]r) ^lukiist'dsrI,.ogomme ivlrchanic|l / Ckil / E iTC / C0mputer I Ile(llrni.ll (Dillomr) / EnTC (DiIloni)

Does curicu un .\Doses all recer( kchnoLolyDDcs Nri.ulumcirich.d *i1h soll skLll. huDm ulues and dhis5Does cuiiiculum Bivcs s!fficient indusrry exposurs(lndlnfl visirlnkmship/SponsoFd PoiecDDoyorftinkdrictrh'mdev.lopcd trsuinsLenroen,ich

Does rm.Li.r s ln.L ictrltrm sive de.b kno\ki!c aborr !ubr.x

Atrr-. Olhrr Strggenion! ro eorich Cufliculum

N,mc (oDrion,ll I Kurbl.\a2 S 3 ,.1""r1lr

Ph: Lar E( trrar \.!.r) s

College of fDgineering, PhaltanFe€dbackonCurrictrlum

rcelbtrt ...n o 1.(r L p' a. ' \tu;tri \r,0.,Pros mm. nlech"nhit / cJir / Itn t ( /compurcrIyechinicrt(r)iDtomn)/rinTc


Does curilulum erDoses ill Henr,.u-.ul..:

'i..edrrI.o9.\1 hum \a -e!3no fln!5Doss.uri(u um! !$ surfi!knr

'n'l6r) e.p.\u[\iLrrrc, Lhlp sNinxrd tni/.o)

Do 1ou'hmt.utrtrtrlum de,cloprd \ sutt( enr h enrilh

Does pruslcrls incur,culuD glvr dcei,kno\helps D develop enrFpr.ieL6

any orher strggarions roenriclr cnrriculum

\8lto-t 2nt+

Nrme ion,ionir,: lut{j ri, c,liJe

[5phatrDEluqdon Smieto\

CoIl€ge of Engitr€eriDg, oo Curri(utoe

*""**,:"T,l::i ii;#i ; ?:1.i#Ifl .iill],"i,bf J:,i;:,.Ag


""- '*rcu'um nerps ro devetop cnteDr;-;Any Orh.rSugggriotrr to.rrict Curictrtuh

N.h! ,op,ioidr):. :/AJt rt,tal O"*y'

Phakrn Edu.a on So.tei] s

" College ofEngineering, phaltrn

ter/MRh,nicat (Diplomr) / EnTC (Dillon,)


Doescudiculun exDoEs al rscanr hchnoloDoe,ch.u'um enn(hed \i h {fr Ji I, h To terF ard e$h,Des(ur culum gner 5ulic'en!

'ndurryerpolureremship,/Sponsred Pdjec0Do )ou rhini crtri(utum devetoprd tr {fljc ent to ennlh

i"edepr"."k,le.,hofr bidheLps ro develop enreprenotrs

Any OthcrSugg€rion! roeorirh Cun.i.utuh

ttlt2lr-t7N,me roe,iomr) r Taoor€. ( h*k.?, 0

t-Phs Lan E( rci., s.r r !!

College of Engin€ering, PhaltanF€edhackoD CurncutuD

I:nrC / Comptrh. /IIe.Lrni.,t (DiIlon')/trnTC (DiDtori)- Paft /Enployer/Facllry/Al / Studenr


Ninr (option.r) r 1u"!aa,.t< A.D\7

(.r) 0) (l)chnologl

culun enriche,l rith eislill. human vrlu* and et itr\Des cunictrlum Sivcs sumcr

Prcje0Do you ink cuflcull'm devetoped is ,

ne d.cP kn.\ kdP. i6.ur nLt,.q

.ttr! orh.r strggelrons 0 enrich ctrrrirtum

Ph{lk. EducaLion Socieq \Coueg€ of Engineerins Ph{ltar

!cedhrc\ on Currictrlumr.Jbi-r o\fl,0).P,'u' Unmni ...0.

Pogrmma EnfC/Cohput.r/M.chrnicat (Dlptoh.)/EITCwl

^"t- t a )tt I



(3) (1)

ecetr {hndl0giculumenrichedsirh sollskill.humaivslue\rnddhics

Does .udiculum gives sufficienr incrnshD/sponeEd Proi€o

Do you rhink cudicut0fr dletoped h llilicienr to mictr

utrlcunm gjvc deep kion edqexhofryrbi!Jum hdps ro developenrroDrcneum

Any O0rr SlssciioN io en'ich cur.irurun Jlol-| rl,,qd l(r. t ul), (.n l

PharLu Edu.alionsocieqr q

Collcge of Engineering, PhaltanFeedbdck on Curriculun

leoDo(t . -n ". P?,:nr l n plo.e- t-8.,,. A 1

Prcgremm.: MdhaDical/ClrllEn tC/Compur.r/Me.hnicat (Diplon.)/EdTC (DiDlomd)

(t) (3) il) (0)

l .ulun e\poss aLi rt.ent rechnotolr) c! un in irhed $ rh \nft,t lt, hln n.,L!.indcLtrls

Does cniculum Snes slffi cient induslrr *pGurpoisored projeo)

Do you think curiculum developed is sufiiocnr ro enrich

D.espr& clhincniculumBived*pkn.\kdge sbour bludo.toPenrePrefdrs

:rnr oih$ ! ggstionstocnrkh curricntum

Nrn. (oDriotrrD: ?tiYanL4

Pliill,r adnlrton So( c1] !College of I,i ngnreering, Phxltan

reedback on CurricnluBFrrbr.rgi\ci h! Pxrc /trnproro / rNiil; / \ruDni/sodon {1r' {' tr'c' lrlcch,nical t2i rnlc (udpurer \,le,hxo'rrlrDinlom,r ltrlcininbmrr

I l)orscurin n e\ ,l I rccon I technolosy,nc,i. ed* 5 01. r r,daJr.,tu.,no!r .,

).scun,u L'n lessurli. e rndusryexp.suR







\,n. ln rn*)): flrr. Bh.ile ,turrh; .f.

PhrlranEdu. ionSocrcrr!

.lollege oI Enginoering, PhaltanFe€dba.kor (ltrrriculum -

F-iJo,..ksner-t) PrmD'. r.mnlo).r.ri.ut(-^tumni,srudetrrP'.!,.nnnr \lcclliniulr Cn il/ f,nl C / (ionrurcrr NI!(hntrist (Diprdnx)/ t,r tC (D,ptotr[)

Dos curiculum expnses sll recenr rcchnolos,ol + rr. hrfran\ah'erro dh -,

!!' J.rq \Nre(l,trlLNry vn rrniemsh'p/Sp.nsored P.oisr)

\n orhtrstrsscnio t ro s,' id' cu'rirutum

Does prrticrh in cur culum give deep loosledge sb.ut suhrerDoes cu iculun helps ro devclop .nrrepreneutr

',," roa;"*rl,f^f 6;ip"y' g,(,


Philbn ljr] cdi,nr So. etf\

Coll€sc of Etrginecritrg. l'hrltan

l[. riculum .xrots rll rcftnr tdrnoloI


- eloPed s suflicienl ro eDrich

edecPkr) )!\.triricrLrm helos (o dcveLor enreDrncLd

\nr ()rhu Strsscri, \ nr s'ri.h (.l" 'i.trltrn'


\r,nr (opronrr): SoJ,r\s\e.. n.L

t/ )Lrrt2otj l'9


\, rrl,! \i:llnntrrr,!n'nl'('u,ri(u!trtr'

tnt Gdqa t\'

f' r Emplo)dr Fr: {lumtri'srud€irEnTC, Computr/ \lr.trinitrl(Diplomi) / En'lC

r lr l


LJunn !i, L lN n)hrP sfonsored rloprJ h n'fti!'?nrI'effrh

\ol1 P"P

Phrsn Edr. ion SDc.rr;

- Coll€ge otErgin€ering. Phllllan ,Feedbackor Curricrlun)

F:edr.ksr.f b)-pxntrr /rmnror!r/Frtili. ruhnl,srud{,{a

(.1) t3l

DJrsir :rr In.\Dosesal.ecerl redDoo{rD.-.., '. - e.1'-h l$rl- ,or.t'rl,h1r, \.lu(,,.0dn..Drss.L rKu fr gns $firicnr indun.y exDosLE(l,,dx!^ ! rr InrernshjD,SmnsoredProied)Di Jou I rL r( ct r.!l m dareloped ii sufti.ienr h eiri.h

DDcsptufl:i. r rurictrhm sire dlep kno\hLlgr obour $bjecrDocicu L rrr hern ru Ll$eloP !nr.n(nfl$h oarc, \rleNnonsrod,.nr ( unrrDrxrn


Phdhn l Jtrc or \ii rLrr

College of Inginecring' Phl)lr'nFeedbrckon CnrriLul nr

r.ni6lk$rcb\ Partnr rlnDlo'rr -9't'1 rt"" ts*O*',, ,,,,,..,..i;;.;t""i gairr"rc'rn'npt'' rtlr r trir'ir rDifro lr/rnrc(orddni)



l,lrrlrxf I JruL.f !!r d\ !Collcgr ol Engineedng. ph,kx,r

rt1,,(,,trr,rrInr,rutrll lh \r' r,,, \,-r,,,,

\rr(rirr t.,t t) nt, Drx .rit(


llt 'Tlo*k

i',. tr1.,.Jr,1\.r\.( olhge ol Ergitrrcrins. PIxllx



fcoilbi(k on ( u.trrrlu r

r.,2, r,,pr,^* rrr.!r \rxr'trr \,!,r(n,\rLLr,ri rxttt) fr,trtrr, I n la t), ,tD,, fa


\tr\ orh(r susg$hr n\ i, rtrr rt, ( trr, nrr ,




[io\llJgr r6.urnrh {r

\n\ arhq \nsgrin ^

n, rn' ..1' rtrritruh"n

l,r.LLrJ L, r{ni, $!'n\ ,Colleg( ot ungincering, Phalta,.

l_eedbacL giren bJ.P4m,ihc. M(h,nicat / qgl

Feedb+l otr Curricuh'mPrrdri/ Emplnr$/ Fi.ul. / Alumni /Srudenlfn'I( lcompnlcr / ]|lelrrnicxl (D,ploD,) / EnTC I Dipl{,m|i r!,runc\p!.(\at (ri klt'nutr!ll).e\ cur cL lum ctrri!hcJ sirh \dt\lil. human \rh'csind dhir\l'.e\ cutr \L l' n !tr(\ n'rrisirnr nLrur'r (\p.!rcllrdu.'rr \ .nln(nhhin \ponircd ln'r!0Dolou rhlilcuricuhrmdorlopcd s \tr licie roennch

Dcs pmcLi.a \ in curlcL lLrm Ai\c d.rp kno\lcd( rbo[ !'bienDes cLrrctrhm he p\ lo dete op.rrrotoiruG

\trr Orh.r susgrslios brnrich ( trrri.Dttrtr'

sign 'rid

D,ft.i fir r1<:ir.r

Feedb,c( gn.n hlPtu{mnnne Nlechaniol I Cn{/


' Lr rdu r, liJ d\ \Couegc ot Engineering, I'haltan

Fecdl,d/(o Curri.ulun'I.l€nl r En' l!'\!rr rrctrlir / \luN i \tnirnrEnTC i ( un'Durrr \I..hLicxl1l),plon,r) / Ei r( lDiplom,) f,

Does('rictrltrm !\ElcsrLl rllctrr rccr o::\l),)e\.rrio'lum!nriclrcd $ lr {nLrklll.huNnralL'e\rndrLhirsDocs cni.ulum -{ir$ sula!r r lMun0 e\n \u.e(lndun^ Va lrlncnslrn \ponsoEd l'!oied)

l),ir\ nrrd.rL\ r {'r rtrhnn,r \t d.!n Lur[d!c]hotrL nh c.L

l),,r\ urrL r n r. f\ [,,lnr nf u rqtn.,^\trr , nLrr \trttcwr{'\ r, (n'i(1, ( urriculum

t.r) (r) (r)


Phi!ran Edutilion So.{Y \

College of trngineering' PhrltanFeedb!ck on Curricultrm

' ceo@ I - \en o P,runr I mplq'r fr\rlh '\lumni \"n

\b.hinnrl C'\r I tr lc' I umlukr llnhann'l'Dinlomat\,/Dn..'


noe5 rrnrrlun Stres sufll!ienl ii'lu(rv e\posurc

rtrs(u ! L! i lelP\ rodi\tlope

r)i \on,hnk nLrtrulum dcveloped

,t \ Orl'u susg6tions toetrrich Cnrri(lutr'

\,,m€ l"nuo ,l): Fl Ll( onEolr1

Pha hn Educdion So,'eryt

Colicg. of Engn'eering, I'halta nFccdbackotr Ctrrriculum \-,/

fccdb..k elvcn by- P,.enr / Employer /Frculty /Alumni/SrudenrP,o,r,armc. Mech,ni.,r / get/ Enrc / coDptrrr / M{h,nic,r (Dip,ll"ililiigr-, SL

i tr \ uu ( L , 'n

ermses rl l rcce rechnolo

),,!\ n, r.,l\ in curicul! n g !e dee

:ro.scu r rDren chcd Nirh sons[il -hu'nanvaluesmdethicsl)t)cs Nfl r Lrn arvcs n'ffic'enr indu{ryerpGure

LJ!u '1, 'r

(dr(u umde!eoped Rsull(ien' toenrnh

errlq!!L)os c ,ru u'n hclos ro deleLopenrc

O,l,!' sugsc(hnr roeD([ ( 'Drhulutr'

Phrtrsr F,Cucarion Soqerl, s

Collcg€ of trnginering, Phat(ar.Fcedbickor Curricnlum v/

Feedbacksiv.nb]. PrBtrr /Enployer/rscutty/Atunni/Sluitenll,'i!rnne M?clrrniclt /Sjlft / EnTc / cmrpurd / Mmh ical(Diptonr)/f, iDlom!)

)!j.!rL 'r L n grrs rrtlicf ]L nrJonD e\posurcI I ftrtr\ Y i\tr,lnremsh'p/SpoD$rcd Pru ccolrolourhi' .0ftrculu'ndevelopedissuflicimtroennch

nrich Curi.ulnm

Phxlrxi Edtrrm.i S..irtr !Colleg. or Ingn'ccring, PhattxL

l'ecdb!Lkotr Curri(ulu'Ft.dhrc( givcn b),-

Ptulrr'nnc. i[echrniBt / ciyir/PrEnr rEDrhre' /h.utb I \tu,nn, r\ruYcnrri,rc1.o'nrtrrrrr\rc.r,rtricit (Didonitr), rnr( iDrptdtri)

)(,ci0 rn tr !\Dorsrt rc..nLrednrotor)0L5rx rlnrenriched\eih soltskilt.humanviusandc,tncs

r . - lt/9ll


nrif'5Pu$r'd Prolcr0li! rutr h, l !!rKUtumder( oped

'_\u ijenIo!nflrh

^s,rt ls r.h.i,a lNrDrfr

^crcc I ". '-l'-'.'

I repreneuB

Pholbn ndrcauon Soc cry s

Colleg€ of ljngin€ering, PhaltarF..dlD.k.n C rri. l"tr,Parcnt / Employrr/ Ftulo /Aluhni/SrudenrEDTC/Compurer/ Mc.hatrical (Dinlo rr) / EtrTC (Diplomd)

Dde lS\q\la_a-:

urr!hcd I Lh \orl st'l.hnn,rn vr n$rD( .1r r!

rlntrl.unhulud developed is sumcieni roenich

[(iJ]Ls ir cni.ulu'n give deep Inon edge ablursuL,iect

College ol' lingineering. Phaltarrec,lhr.L.n(i'rricxl,

Feedback ttrcn b).- Prreit / f,Dplolerl liiculn /Alumni / srudeDt

Proln'nmc: Iledranicot /Clr'/'l / Enl C / ConDtrkr / llcrhnnrcrl (Diplomr) / 1:n'l

l).,,.1Lm givessuficrcnrirdusrycrp6urc(lrrdusD \L lnEhship/Sponsred Ptuieco

l),!\ nrr rD enriched tr Lh \ifr \ltiL hunu vilu* a,d dh'cs

ll).csDrao ca s incutriculum give d.ep knoNhdgcr ! r. , r. rrndd.r rd rnkk! \

- | '",

o,r,. .,gg*,io* ,o "".i"t

.0,,i",r,. I

L' LLN lrdrriN So.rr !Collcge of Enginccring, l'hxllnn

IccdD,ck on Currictr!umr.rdhi.kgven br I'rnnr i r,mllolerl Frculrr 97

Pn)!mmme, Meh,Dicrl/ I / EnTC / Conpukr / Meh0nic.l (O'pl0m!) /EnTC (D'plom')Dd.- ts\q ll?

t9l 1) t4

phakan Educarion Soc dy s

Colleg€ of Engine€ring, phatt,r,Feedb,ck on Curricutuh

r-edr.l g Le' b) prRnr.rnptulrrrFhrutn.Attrmni \ruh6-'. '.'r,e l(H.h,nmt

U,irt n,rc.. omp(e, u(th,nmt,D,rtom.,, rtrtc,nrpbmr,

i!\.. r. I un.\Dors.lL E.eiltcnnrorl)c\.u n rDr ennched $nh softsk'l,humanvaluesandcthics)oes nrrn'ltrn gives sunlcEnl indunryexposuE

1L' tr!t \1s r lnrcrNhif,/SponsoredL) JU ' I \drtru u'ndeveloped L suffic'ent ro enr .h

l)a.sprd!. s n cunictrh'm grvcdeep

' !\ !urrrlrn l'?lp\ ro Lir\c1.0 enre tr eu6

\tr1()rhr s gpAii'ff rocn d,CtrnictrlDm

()rIr, \ !!e(nrns i(, ru.i{h curricul,nn

'-i,) tg tt7A+. I r"Jh,t

)r,cs.utr nitrh gjves sunjctcnr

Lls in ctrricu h!I.Llt*,!!l,-lul\lpl 1,l

Phalra. Educa o. Soctetys

College of EngineeriDg, PhrltaLFcedback otr Curricutum

Feedbrck gilen by- P..enr /f,mptoye/r,ctrlr /Atumni /shii;iProcm,nnr: Mechrn'c'r / $ir / Enrc /comptrrer/rrechrni.,r (DiproTlf;ji,:3"*,

(l) o) (0)

L e\poscsrllrerdnrcLrotosvlrLresorn( rD, enrichcd \nh son s(itt. hum.n vatL'es rd.rhtrir)Drscur.u L'n gL!. sulric'e[ uir]exposure

is r lfLe shrpisponsored ProJcd)l)otou rh,[ cu iculum develooed r sumcrcm ro mrich

dcu um grvE deep knorvledEe abdur n'b eds ro develop enrepretreu6

\nr Orhrr sug!.nionr ru.nn.h currhutum

\nme prionr) | R, F- , Sonrso-Il"vtttl l,

PhalEn Edu!d,on SineL\ s

College of Ergineering, Phaltfl oFe€dh3ck on Curriculunr

F..db,.k -r,." b,,-;;;* ;;;;i;i;,;;',.',,."',.,;;ii,\le\lrrDicil r nir r nla aonpurr \kt[rnr,,r,uiprun'.,i I nr,,Dipron,x. s,,o




Do.s.u(,nr u exDo\esallrecenllahiolor:!)ies.utrrL n enrichedlnh \oftskill. humin rslu* and ungnessulfiqenrindtrlnlexposuril usD v. r lnthshiprspon$rd Prct{o)o )0u ( nnl ctrtrictrlum developed is sufllcEnt toenach

Dxs ptu.r r'l- i !!ri(!lum gi\e drep lnoskdge lbour nLbjenDles !trtrnu uhr helps ro de,e op en'kprcntuE

I'hrl'rn E,ltrcdion So..L\\

College of Engineering' l'hrltanF€edb!ck otr Curflcutunr 9tr


l)ocscuii.n rm givcs suficienr 'ndu$ry


d eloltd ssuln'EnrIi'nrd'

\rmt rorii"rl): Hs \1

i,!.rrr \t tm h(ln, 'o


\ Orl,u :tr9[.ni00socnrirh (uri.ulutrr


, r ne\Posallrn

PhrLr , F,LL. itr \o.trr\Collcgc ot Lngi"erring, Phnltrn

fr.-../-r.redbd!" I etun.i' sriior O,"

ItlNhinica nnrl'n'ptu'ni' lnlr rDi,rlomr ''-Dae:1<1o.r112-

(rl I (l)

lrr.srtrdcL un erDoses illrc.em tchnoloe)

c0tricllub developed h sullcienr Lo cnr ch


)o$ cutr r [L i cnri.hcd snh sofi !k ll, htrmi'

lL)i,s qur.ulum sives sulrici?nr rndND erposuE

rr)!sctr, itu r'n heLDs todcleloDonreprencum

()rhfl strgs$riL i().'ri.!' (\r!nLrltrn'

4jjJcho\'l a \ ilo7

Phrhn Educarior Sorirq\

College of Engina€ring, Phaltanreedbrckon Curriculunt -.-


Fecdb,.k sns, br-' PiFnt /Emplorr/Fmult\ /;1rtr nilsisd?ri\k.h,, r\.,, 9l-/


4u-@(rh r\'6balF@

Ph,luiFdu..r\(€q\Coll€ge of Engineering. Phrltan

FredbacLoh Ctrrri.ulnn' -.-


Phrlrai Fd, Mri.n,1,\Collegc oI Engineering, Phrlran

Fecdbrckon Curri.trlunrrc bril -sir bj- l',rcni /EDployer/fxrl\, l\tunnirSn,iicnr

sr,!!,n,!Ucdrinirrl/(irir/Lnrt'/(btrrIute'/\te(irnic,rt(D'rtrxni)rFnT((Dirtomxr l{

),,$.ur \trlu n !\po$s.ll rcccn( r.hnoloqv).rs .ur (li n cnrilhcd \nh solt slill huDratr ralues ,l erh.5

. l) crrur!rI'n snessunicienr'ndunq e\p6urel1 Prcst)

\.'m lo|ni,n'rl): t14n< $.Ers I ,11 13

Phalun Education Socie\ s

Colege of Engineering' Ph,llanrcedb.(k otr Cur.iculum L--.,/- Qte

reedh'cL 3.en r. P.Fnr . LEnlo).r/ F,. trlh / Alumri'5rud.olP, ,f, an'ne \tqh$ic,l / ( iir/-En] C / Cumnnrer ' \l€ch!triul

' Dinlomi

' ' E n I ('

' D'pltmll

dc. l\ ,o Y 1,

Do.scr(iculum exposcs 3ll recenl kchnolol)ucsnr n un!nached,vnh son skrl . human valus a.d elhics

lres.rr! lu r gnessufllcE induJr) e\posuE

,,rnu hmr. r'!u ui de\elop<d 5.ur'li.imrroennlh

N\\trtr! lL, i lJns ro J$< entlrF\n\ o'hr, \trccstiutr\ rn o,ri!h (u" iculun'

\ .- lln" .,| .''^ff,Ja

Phrlhn Ldu.rLii, s.! rr \Collcgc of l]trsinccrnrg. Plrallnn

Focdbrck on (lur ' icxlun, q,r

FecdbacI eiven h)', n-!r nne Mmha.icrl/(,|rdl

Prn r rlmrhrr/rir,nrr /{trnrni/Srudrrr,nTarcorru rrINrrdx i.rtinipbn,x)/tirTclDiltonr,)

r, rotr rr nl.ur culum dcveloped is suftlc'enr 10 etrrich

rcuhtrn give deeD kno\t.dse $jnr subFcr

rr,A cL r nr di' gN.s suffir enr indtrnD erposuft

r, . ,,,, u'n" 'hl.ed"

rr.ul -,t, Ldm \atu(,rn.lertr-,

L \rnr \ \ rLcntrhip/s|on\.redP.orcd)

l,(lp5'od.\eroprn knkkrnod,! \trrler{ion1r,u,irh cnrriruluir

\.uie (\iiomDr- I d qlc -

Philhn Ld,rr!, \ \

Collegc ol [ngitleethg, Phrlr:'nrc.ill)ick on Ctrrric lunlPr'.trt / Ltr,l'lurrr tx 'l'\ \lrtr'tr, \'triEtrlt iLdtrI ic' \l(1,,tr(,'lrtt'l,l x ri r( (Dif, rx) sli


;!) !



i \ nr Orl,o' Strsg6lioN htnrichCudctrlun

\rn, rolri, rr): Eolo., rao.U €JA rl

Phalton Educa on SocielY!

Coll€ge ofEngine€ otr cu

Fedbtcksiven bYTPrEnt / EnrPloYe

ir,vd'nn,c. Mech,nlml / crl/ EnTC /Conpurer

dereloped is suliicienl Lo etrrich




(lLlio \ugs$hotr\ ro orrid' (\'fl n{lutr' No Sus5e-t'&ions.

Pxrcnr /t-n,plorcr, rrNl6 r \|tr tri \ru'itnrEtrTC/Co pure' ilh(hinior(l)i o ur,IrI s20

Dos cun o'!um h.lps b drvcLo


, r f,I.r !.. i,. \r. - . .

, C{,llcgc ot l,ngiDccring. l'hnlrxtr _

\rLr".,trir gnr

\ r \.iril lhrnxn\rr$r,t),.r!1r., L n !,,.i n,trir,. iL uLlLtr I c\lrL i.

tDo jou thinL.utriculum derelop.d is suffi cienr

\ \ o,lLu \!!qrtionsroctrnrh(un'ictrl"tr'


Haru^-t Gv, u^rGA!-tSlst t7

PM rxn LriuciLion i.d ) \


l).$.ur\trldLn!!e\n,rfi( en' in'lun^.rpnsur'

lrnrsru, tr u' heLps bde\llnpe

\trv Orho \nsgArions ro.nnd' CuuiculDm

\trmc (or,ion l' Prl f..J. r^ir,-y 9l 'r l h

Collegc of Ergheering' Ph'tan

ri,!( nne M{bdhicir /grHEhrc / conptrt€r/M(brnio (Dipror')lIlT:-9'.'*' q 2l

Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum */-

Feedback given by- Parent / Employer / Faculty / Alumni / student

Programme: Mechanical / Civil / EnTC / Co4lB.pter / Mechanical (Diploma) i Ir,nTC (Diploma)

Date:- 66lf o lao'll



Does curriculum exposes all recent technolo

Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure

( lndustry Visit/InternshiDo you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrich

employability of studentknowledge aboutDoes practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subjecl

Does curriculum hel

Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (optionar) - S u n! N i" v.^,tli kln": f=

Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, Phaltan!!uuslu

".)r',r ur I rLull.lrll ,)

Feedback given by'- parenr lEffiover r' Faculty I Alv{nil Student

Feedback onpurriculum'- Parent lEffiover r Faculty- V-2"

ArProgramme: Mechanical / Civil / EnTC t Coffit"r / Mechanical (Diptoma) / EnTC @iptoma)Stongll'Agree (5 Marks), Agree (,1 Marks). Satisfactory (3). Neutral (l Mark). Disagree (0 Mark)

As Institute is migrating frorn Shivaji University. Kolhapur to DBATU, Lonere, so please give your valueablefeedback to compare curriculam of these universities.

Sr.No. Perticulars DBATI] SUK

I Does curriculum exposes all recent technology '+2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, hr*ffi 4-aJ

L)oes curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(Industry Visit/lnternship/Sponsored project) E

4Do you think curriculum developed is suffrcient to enrichemployability of student 3

5 Does practicals in curriculum give deep kr"*.l.dg. "b"rt

*bi..t ,?6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs 47 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum


Phaltan F.ducation Society's

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum ,/

Feedback given by- Parent tEqppe";;;; t etKril Student ASProgramme: Mechanical / Civil / EnTC / Cog{uter / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diploma)Stongly Agree (5 Marks), Agree (4 Marks), Satisfactory (3), Neutral (1 Mark), Disagree (0 Mark)

As Institute is migrating from Shivaji University, Kolhapur to DBATU, Lonere, so please give your valueablefeedback to compare curriculam of these universities.

Name (optionar) :- frlS, poqrnirnq A. Ckqrqn


Perticulars DBATU SUK

1 Does cumiculum exposes all recent technology ?2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics :J

Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(Industry Visit/Internship/Sponsored Project)


4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployability of student


5 Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject 56 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum / A\ -

Feedback given by- Parent / Employer / Faculty / Alumni / Student n-tProgramme: Mechanical / Civil / EnTC / Congprrter / Mechanical (Diploma) IEnTC (Diploma)Stongly Agree (5 Marks), Agree (4 Marks), Satisfactory (3), Neutral (1 Mark), Disagree (0 Mark)

As Institute is migrating from Shivaji University, Kolhapur to DBATU, Lonere, so please give your valueable

feedback to compare curriculam of these universities.


Perticulars DBATU SUK

1 Does curriculum exposes al1 recent technology

2 Does cumiculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics \-/ L

JDoes curriculum gives suff,rcient industry exposure(Industry Visit/lnternship/Sponsored Proiect)


4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrich

employability of student I

5 Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject .-t< q6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs Lr' L

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum


@PffiSifn andl Date

Fhaltan Education Society's

College of Exrgi*eerixlg, Phaltan A"f

Feedback on CurrieulumFeedback given by- Parent / Eniployer I Facertfy I efu./l i Student

Programme: &Iechanical i Civil i EnTC I Ctryfuter / &{echanical {Siplorna} / EnTC {tsiploma}Date:- i( tog ladtT


Ferf!e u!arsStrongly







l Does curriculum exposes all recent technology2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

-)Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(Industry V is itll ntern shipi S ponsored Pro I ect)


4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployability of student


Does practicals in curriculum give deep knorvledge about subject l-"6 Does cumiculum helps to develop entrepreneurs wl

Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (Optional):- ho r{M|.rrrr*unlo fl r-yur-g f,th,l1 It-w -2vL?

Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum

Feedback given by- Parent / Emptoyer / Faculty I Alyndil Stu#nt AgProgramme: Mechanical / Civil / EnTC / Comp&fer / MechanicU i'nipto ma) /EnTC (Diptoma)Stongly Agree (5 Marks), Agree (4 Marks), Satisfactory (3), Neutral (1 Mark), Disagree (0 Mark)

As Institute is migrating from Shivaji University, Kolhapur to DBATU, Lonere, so please give your valueablefeedback to compare curriculam of these universities.


Perticulars DBATU SUK

I Does curricu um exposes all recent technology a2 Does curricu um enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics 4J

Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(Industry Visit/Internship/Sponsored Project)


4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployability of student 3

5 Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subiect6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs o


7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum


Phaltan Education SocietY's

College of Engineering, Phaltan-Feedback on Curriculum ,/

Feedbacl< given by- Parent / Employer / Faculty / A{yn6ni / Student

*f ;;,-, 1 il;; 1,,I,;;;:;; d"x''i,;;i6il;,1, *rc (Diproma) &+Date:- nS ltolt{-

Does curriculum ex all recent technol

Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure

(lndustrl Visit/lntemshiplSponsored Pro.iect

Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrich

emolovability of student

Does practicals in curriculuDoes curuiculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum




@L"tsiffTna oate

$l tolot?Name (Optional).:-

Ohurnd ?err qHlcr fiwin Jt q

Phaltan Education SocietY's

College of Engineering, Phalt.-,Feedback on Curriculum ..,.

Feedback given by- Parent / Employer / Faculty / Alumni / Student

prggramme: Mechanical / Civil / EnTC I Coynter / Mechpnicr, ,Tn#Ir) / EnTC (Diploma) A6









1 Does curriculum exposes all recent technology




ffiwith soft skill, human values and ethics

JDoes cumiculum gives sufficient industry exposure

(Industrv Vi sit/lnternship/Sponsored Proj ect)

4Do you th


nk c.rni"ulrm developed is sufficient to enrich

lity of student

5 ffi give deep knowledge about subject

6 T)nec hrm helns to develoo entrepreneurs

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (Optional):- bya^La ("-k*rL Na.+'r,,wq-e L





V1 \/'- V4 V,5


Phaltan Education SocietY's

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculurn / @_

Feedback given by- Parent / Ernployer / Faculty I At:zftni / Student

Prograinme: Mechanieal / Civil / EnTC / Coffiter / &{echanical (Bip}oma) / En'IC (Diploma}

Date:- l2-lo-l+Ag

Satisfactory(3)Pertie ulars

Does curricuium exposes all recent techno

Does curricutrum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure

(lndustry Visit/lnternship/Sponsored Proj ect)

Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrich

empioyability of student

Does practicais in curriculum give deep knolviedge about subject

Does curriculum helps to develop en

b P"rovioje ptqternAny Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

4%1o_rrl_Sign and DateNarne (optional)'- Jaryarv't Tt rpy aa n*rarcqu^

Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, FhaltanFeedback 0n Curriculurn ,

Feedback given by- Farent / Ernployer I Faculty I AlgyLni I SfittntProgramme: Mechanical / Civi! / EnTC / Corygn*er I Mechanical {Diploma) / Bn'IC (Diploma}

Date:- \>\lc1zo1?Arc


Does curriculum exposes all recent technoloDoes curriculum enriched lvith soft skill. human values and ethies

Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure( I ndustrv VisitiinternshiplSponsored Proj ect)

Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichability of student

L)oes practicals in curriculurn give deep knorvledge abou-t subi

Does cLrrricuium helps to deveio

-(o provid e Plqce m?nf .Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (optional) :- .lud hqv k {d koneiloJ ,B*m*s,





Phaltan Education SocietY's

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum ",/




and DateName (Optional):-

B ha gyosh u, Ba3+)

firPhaltan Education SocietY's

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum

Feedback given by- Parent / Emplo'ver / F*culty / Aluq2ii St"l:-':

Programme: Mechanicail civiii Enrc / c;*pq"' / l\Iechanic" to;y,l::]"'r:f, rf ,(Diploma)



i)oes curriculum exposes all recent techno

ffi soft skiffiuman values and ethics

Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure


@ developed is sufficientto enrich

employability g!qq""tffiive deep knowledge about subject

L)oes curriculum helPs to devel

z\ny Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum


DoI;r*t.r-,ir* gt*s sufficient industry exposure

inclustrY Visit/krternshi

; nt to enrich

emp loyabi lit-v of studenta

Ifi.""i."I*lhJFStq-@ilny Other Suggestio*s to enrich Curriculum

Sign and Date

ffi,w>Name (CPtional):-s


Phaltan Eciucation SocietY's

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeeclback on Curriculum r-,.-'

Feedback given by- Parent / Emplo-ver / Faculty / Alumni / Student

Frogramme: llrechanicar i civ* i Enrc I cgpn*ter / Mechanicr' ,TX[::t ;i;:i (Biploma) Ail

Does curric*lum exp<;ses all recent te4!qD".*-"ir,,lr ricired ivith soft skill, l'ruman Values and ethics

Does currici-l1um gives sufficient indr:stry exposure

( I ndustri,' Vi s iti lntern sh ip6pon sored Proj ect)

D" ],-'- tl""k curricuium developed is sufficient to enrich

eni p io-vab i lily ol student

Does pracricals in c'*rrie ulutn gir e deep kno*'ledge about

lloes cut'ricuiurn helps to cievel

Any Other Suggesfions to enrich Cllrriculutn

MpttrSign and DatbName {Optir:n*!i t- $hos"-l e Sha,nlqh' N ^

Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum

Feedback given by- Parent / Employer / Faculty / A]"yrr'i / Student

Programme: Mechanical / Civil / EnTC / CopTruter / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diploma)Date:- t7l tt la-all










I Does curriculum exposes all recent technology2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

JDoes curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(lndustrv Visit/Intemship/Sponsored Proiect)

4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployability of student

) Does practicals in curriculurn give deep knorvledge about subiect \/6 Does curriculunr helps to develop entrepreneurs )r'

7 An_v Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Phaitar"r Education Society's

College cf Emgineeri$g, Fhaltar,:F'eeclhack on Curriculum

r -/Feedback given by- Paremt / Employer / Facuitl / Aliimni / Student

AttFrogramme: ilSecha*ical / Civi} I EnTC / Co*i@ter / hdeeEraniea* (Biplomra) / EnTC {Biptoma}

Date:- CI 9lLrt I


Pertie ularsStronglyAgree






Does curriculum exposes all recent technology \/j Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics w3

Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(lndustry V isit/lnternship/Sponsored Pro.i ect)


4-Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrich

employabil ity of studentl/",

5 Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject t/6 Does curriculurn helps to develop entrepreneurs ,/

v Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

tA^;-'Z>:'tl lo4llLSicn and Date

Phaltan Education Society'sICollege of Engineering, Phaltanv

Feedback on Curriculgtr{Feedback given by- Parent / Employer I fhdlty / Alumni / Student P,

Prosramme: Mechanicat / Civill E,LTC / Coy*er / Nlechanicr, (r3[ir),r li1a.r3_,{:Tr,

' 'Date:- t.L I ogt2-pl








Does curricuium exposes all recent technology

2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

3Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure( I nd ustry V i s itllnternsh i p/S ponsored Proj ect)

4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrich

ernployabi I ity of student

5 Does practicals in curriculurn give deep knowledge about subject

6 Does curriculurn helps to develop entrepreneurs

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

&lSign and DateNarne (Optional):-

1uts.ghel l<e she'+t{o.s

€z-Phaltan Education Society's

CcXlege of ErcgiraeeriElg? Fka}€amFeedback on Curric ulum/

Feedback given by- Parent / Emplotrier tFlac\+{ tAlumni / StudentteeobacK grven Dy- rarent / Irmplorr / IacEITy / Alumnl / stuoentProgramme: Mechanical i Civil / BnTC / Cryfiter / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diploma)

Date:- l,-q^Disagree




Does curriculum e all recent technoloDoes curriculum enriched with soft skill. human values and ethics

Does curuiculum gives sufficient industry exposure(lndustry V isit/lnternshiDo you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrich

employability of student

Does practicals in curriculum knowledge about subiect

Does curriculum helps to

Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

O- - ? / ,

Phaltan Education Society's

Ccllege *f Exrgixleerimg, Fk*EtaxeFeedback on Curriculyr

Feedback given by- Parent / Employer / Filvf;lty / Alumni / StudentPrograariae: Meehaaical / Civil I EnTC I Coryurtd'l htFechanical (Diplcma) / E*TC (BrpEoma)

Dare:- tl tg I t*



) ro ?.B \^ur . A'Name (Optional):-



Does curriculum e all recent techno

Does curriculum enriched with soft skill. human values and ethicsDoes curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(lndustry Visit/lnternshDoem

you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichability of student

icals in curriculum give

Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

An5z Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Phaltan Education Society's

College *f Engineei'ing, PhaltanFeedtrrack en Curric lulel;i'rz./

FeedbaTk givegby- Pf r#lu twxxpg{yl raffi / rJu{rail sru/emtFeedbacrli given,bS - pZrfrt I Empt14{eS / Fac\ilry.riechafeat t /\it iElrc t cvy6r t\fiechafzProgramme: t/tt rr,frc,.flT i I nAeen/eal {Blplonr a1 tEnTt/Dip}oma}' Date:- tt/041L_at/


N*. Fex"ticu!arsStr*nglyAgree






1E Does curriculum exposes all recent technology \-/2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics \-,/

Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(lnd ustry V is itll nternsh iplSponsored Proj ect)


4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployabiI itlr of student

V/Does prac isals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subiect l,/'

6 Does curriculum helps to derrelop entrepreneurs L.,'

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Nanre (*n:tional) ,- ilifrfrAykAY fi'd] -rW

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum

-.-Feedback given by- Parent / Employer I Facultyl Alumni / StudentProgramme: Mechanical / Civil / EnTC / Computef/ Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diptoma)











l Does curriculunr exposes all recent technolou_v

2 Does curriculurn enriched rvith soft skill. hurnan values and ethics

-)Does curriculum sives sufficient industrv exposllre(|ndustry Visit/lnternship/Sponsored Pro.iect)

4Do yoLrtlr

emplol'abnk curriculum developed is sufllcient to enrichlitl' of student

Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subiect6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs t/

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (Optional):-( \*n. ?u&qrr .4.1 )

Phaltan Education SocietY's

College of Engineering, Phaltan F6Feedback on CurriculutP.-

Feedback given by- Parent / Employer / Facffi / Alumni / Studentprogramme: Mechanical / Civil / EnTC / Comffier / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diploma)









1 Does curriculum exposes all recent technology \/). Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics \-/

-)Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure

( Industry Visit/Intemsh ipi Sponsored Proj ect)\-/

4Do yoLr think curriculum developed is sufllcient to enrich

eniplol'abilitl' of sttrdent




Do.r ptr.t,cals in curriculum gir. d..p kno*l.dg. ub V"-Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs v/'

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum Cr-rWLLdg1\\D yltecl'5 f'llc")( ho

y\Ct uj'trv-l \^ I \t \

irl" sName (optionar) :- P\ fi.I' B;-frfut{*.

,M,,,.\ o\ql^\zr


Phaltan Education Society's

C*llege *f Engimeer;ng, PhallnFeedbaek an Curric wlwny'

Feedbaek given by- Farent I Employer I FaHf / Aiumni I St$decit

frFrogramme: WCom;ruter / Me

\-/- Date:-

Does curriculum ex all recent technoDoes curriculum enriched with soft skill. human values and ethicsDoes curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(lndustry V isit/l nternship

Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichmployabil ity of student

icals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subiectDoes curriculum helps to develop ent

Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (oprional) r- ffU?, Mgrfu'S S

Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, FhaltanFeedback on Curriculu4r

Feedback given by- Parent / Emproyer / FacYlty / Alumni / studentProgran:me: l\{eetramieal / Civitr / EnTC / CotprJer I &{ectranical {siptoella) / EnTC (Biptoma}

Does curriculum ex al! recent technoDoes curriculum enriched with soft.t iffiDoes curriculum gives sufficient industry exposureIndustry Visitllnternshi

Do you think curriculum developed is suaficient to enrichemployabil ity of studentDoes icals in curriculurn give deep knowledge about s@EDoes curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Naane {*ptiona}},- P&cF, Path61n h, R'

Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, PhaltanYFeedback on Curriculum

Feedbacli given by- pJi/nt lEmploym/ Faculty / Alumni / Studentflrogramme: Mechanical I Civitl EnTC / Comffir / Meghanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diploma)


i-flf Ii{- *tii} f s







t Does curr CL uln exposes all recent technology2 Does curr et um enriched w'ith soft skill" human values and etl'rics

3Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(l nd u stry V i s it/h-rtern sh i pi S pon sored Proj ect)

4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployabil ity of student

5 Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about sub.iect

6 Does curuiculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

- Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

. ,. Namre (Optionat) :- \.\ € V 65 e V ai EhAi \ V \i ag Bate

Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedbeck on Curriculum

I n '-/' '-Feedback given by- Par6nt / Employer / Faculty / Alumni lstudent€Programme: Mechanical / Civil / EnTC / Colylsr / Mechanic", (r*[i"]/_rma_ (Diptoma)

Date:- O I








I Does curriculum exposes all recent technology2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill. human values and ethics

-)Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(Industryz Vi sit/lnternship/Sponsored Proj ect) \-/

4Do 1'ou think curriculum developed is suflcient to enrichenrployability of student

5 Does prac cals in cumiculum give deep knowledge about sublectDoes curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs \-/

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum



Phaltan Education Society's\-u Coilege of Engineering, Phaltan-

Feedbar( on CurriculumFeedback given by- pu# / Emplo;ler / Faculty / Alumni / Student PO

Programme: Mec-hanicat / Civil / EnTC /,CyytSter / Mechanical (Diploma) i EnTC (Diplonia) . o









1 Does curriculum exposes all recent technology v--Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics Y/-


Does curriculurn gives sufficient industry exposure

ilndustry Visit/lnternship/Sponsored Proi ect) Vr-

4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployability of student

{ Does practicals in curriculum give deeo knowledge about subiect .|.''

6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs t---

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum l-

\- Name (Optional):-xlogl 17

SiEm *nd Date4ru


Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedbyxt< on Curriculum

Feedback given by- paMt / Employer / Faculty / Alumni i Student


Programme: Mechanical i Civil / EnTC I Coyrter / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diploma)Date:-


Fertie ularsStronglyAgree






(t)I Does curriculum exposes all recent technology2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

JDoes curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(lndustry Visit/lnternshiplSponsored Project)

4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployability of student

{ Does practicals in cu,rriculum give deep knowledge about subiectDoes cumiculum helps to develop entrepreneurs \-/Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum


Fhaltan Education SocietY's'\--l College of Engineering' Phal"-x

Feed,Pack on Curriculg,trFeedback given by- ya{nt / Employer I Facflty / Alurnni / Student ?f

programme;WnTC / Coffi-uter / [ltpchanieal (Siplsrna) / ri'nTe (Diplorna)


Does curriculum ex all recent technol

O*r ..*i.ulum enriched rvith soft skill, human values and ethics

Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure

( I nd u st ry V i s iti I ntern th i pllpg1:o rg9 Jto-1..i

Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrich

employabi lity of student

tiCals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject

Does curriculum he to develop entrepreneurs

Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

-Nurne (Optional):-

s,r.-s .s flilll,'Sign and tsate

Fhaltan Education SocietY's

Ccllege of Enginecrixlg? FhantanF"eedbsck ** Curricsiuaar


Feedback given by- yaKt / Employg;: / Faculty / Alumni / Student

Programme: Mechanical I Civil / EnTC / CompMr / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diploma)Date:- 4- 1-

Fi*.Fer'{le ulars







i! Does curriculum exposes all recent technology L'

Z Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

-)Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure

( I ndustry V isit/l nternship/Sponsored Proj ect)L/

4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrich

employability of student _lrl

Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge abo{ Jgbjlg! ,L/'

B Does cumiculum helps to develop entrepreneurs L/'

Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum l/


Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, Phaltan f +Feedback on Curriculum

Feedback given b1.- P{ent / Employer I Facult-v / Alumni / StudentProgramme: Mechanical / Civit / EnTC / Coffiputer I Mechanical (Diptoma) / EnTC (Diptoma)









l Does curriculum exposes all recent technology \.-2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics V-aJ

Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(lndustry V i s itll ntern ship/Sponsored Proj ect)


AaDo you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployabil ity of student vDoes practicals in curriculum give deep knorvledge about subiect \.-

0 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

hlame (Optional):- Sign and Date

\-,, Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, PhaItaYFeedbeck on Curriculum

Feedback given by- puKt / Employer / Facurty / Arumni / student b^Programme:Mechanic-al/CiviI1EnTC/Computer/Mechanical(Diptoma)/EnTC(Diploma)


Sr.No. Perticulars







1 Does curriculum exposes all recent technology \/2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill. l'iuman varues and ethics

JDoes curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(l n4 u stry V is itllnternsh i p/S ponsored proj ect)


t+Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployability of student w

5 Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject \./6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

nsd*f,';Name (Optional):- Sig* amd *ate

Phaltan Education Society's

v College of Engineering, PhaltarFee$ack on Curriculum J

Feedback given by- PMent / Employer / Facutty / Alumni / StudentProgramme;Mechanical / Civil/ EnTC / Corilrp/uter / Mechanical (Djploma) / EnTC (Diploma)










t Does curriculum exposes all recent technology l--2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill. human values and ethrcs

3Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(lndustry Visit/lnternship/Sponsored Proiect) \-,

4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrich

employabi I ity of student\-/

-) Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subiect

6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs \-a7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

.-. Name (Optional):- M.r.ef I W-ot Z


Phaltan Education SocietY's\v'' College of Engineering, Phaltaro--

Feedback on CurriculumFeedback givenby-gLdnt / Employer I Faculfy I Alumni i S,od.r,*^ ._. , f ,,

plqsamme: Mechanicuir ciritTbnrp /."yp4rf$anical ,r1n,:*rfffl"i?:ilo'* I 'o:.,.i-..- 3\6\ '>< \V'









Does curriculum exposes all recent technology

2 D".r.r*i.rlr* .nriched with soft skill, human values and ethics v/

3Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure

( I nd ustry V i s itlh-rternsh i p/S pon sored Proj ect)


I+Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrich

employabi lity of student

5 D"* pt"cti*lt i, curriculum give deep tqo*ledge about s'bjed

6 Does curriculum helps to develop entreprerreurs

Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum l)o (

gn a*d Sate

3 (g \%'"tf'' Nume (Optional):-


Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum

Feedback given by- Parent / Employer / Faculty / Alumni / Stirdent

t ! ! -,, l:j. 1,:.-: i:41 i r;,

: -*--r'.+-- - -.Itrj#t


Programme: Mechanical / Civil I EnTC / Cgnputer / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diploma)IJate:-


Fertie eliarsStrongly






I Does curriculum exposes all recent technology7- Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics v--

3Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(lnd ustry V i s itllnternsh i p/Spon sored Proj ecr)Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployability of student

5 Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about sub,iect6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs \,/7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (optional) :- LhihiS S o-....!<-{ ctqln^*,r

= Phaltan Education Society's :College of Engineering, phaltan

Feedtrack on Curriculum .r/-Feedback given by- parent / Ernproyer rFacu].y* /Arumni / stuient

Programme: Mec'E'anical I civil / EnTC Lcofgrter / Mechanical (Diplonfa) / EnTC (Diploma) .9q-


Does curriculum ex all recent technolgges curriculunr enriched with soft skill, hunian uul*, undEii",Does curricu I urn gives ruffi

"i.nt-nd*try iiffi o(lndustry Visit/lnternsirip/Sponsored project)Do you think curriculu* d"u"ffiemployabil ity of student

icals in curriculum give knowledge about subiectDoes cumiculum helps to Oevilopiffire-niG

Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

-ra.\DdBar SqhJ i p Lct\''qa5Naxne {Optioruai}:-

!4poocr'\kaaSign and Date

1\\6 \lt

# rr-J-r^TSign and Date








I L.-2 L?--


4 L/'"{ L--6 L,/'7

Phaltan Education SocietY's

\) College of Engineering, Phaltan-Feedback on Curriculum -/

Feed back g i ven by- l, T:,,, ]ypt u,r- Tr",r,t, 1,,1T1 i llrff:,

Programme;Mechanical I Civil!EnTC / Coffiuter / Mechanical (Qiploma) lT"Tq (Diploma) C^r3


Name (opticnal)'- q" ,Lre+A p g*-er' ')'tl



Does curriculum ex all recent technol

Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure

I ndustry VisitilnternshiDo you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrich

ility of student

ticals in curriculum give knowledse about subiect

Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

sqPhaitan Education SocietY's

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum ,,/-

Feedback given by- Parent / Employer / Faculty / Alumni / student

Programme: Mechanical i Civil / EnTC / Computer / Mechanical (Diploma) / EITC (Diploma)Date:- 11/ q l)--ol









l Does curriculum exposes all recent technology.1L Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

-)Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure

(l ndustry V i s itll ntern sh i pi Sponso.ed Proj ecO*/



Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrich

ernployability of student _Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge abqq ryElg!-

5 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

.,hffi:.Name (&ptionai),- Angq t'{qnoJc BqD F111.














Phaltan Education Societv's\--l J \-/

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum

Feedback given by- Parent / Employer / Faculty / Alumni / Sturlent--Tro!ra-ihine: Mechanical / Civil I EnTC (Conffiuter / lVfechanical (Diploma) I EnTC (Diploma)










Does curriculum exposes all recent technology \---I Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

JDoes curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure( I nd r-r stry V i s itll nternsh i p/S ponsored Pro i ect)


n Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployabil ity of student

5 Does practicals in curriculum give deeo knowledge about subiect V5 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs \..'

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (Optional)r- SqmcLhq fornlay fawo.v


Sign and Date'

Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum

Feedback given by- Parent / Employer / Faculty / Alumni i StudentProgramme: Mechanical / Civit / EnTC / Coffiter / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diploma)


Does curriculum all recent technolDoes curriculum enriched with soft skill" human values and ethics

Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure

Industry V i s it/lnternsh i

Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichility of student

icals in curriculum give deep knowledge about

Does curiculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Narne (Optiomal) :- Pl ej 1. b-cr t-1e kta. ,










jI V"2 \./-J tz'




Phaltan Education Societv's\-'l College of Engineering, Phaltan-

Feedback on CurriculumFeedback given by- Parent / Employer / Faculty / Alumni / Stufnt

Programme: Meehanicatr / Civil/ EnTC lCogputer / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diptoma) _37Date:- |

- Namee (oprionar) ,- Nn)e 6cnesb fionarc.


.-a al

Fcrtie aglcers







Does curriculum exposes all recent technology2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, hrman ,aluer and etl,i.s

JDoes curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(l nd ustry V is itllntern sh i p/S pol sored proj ect)

i Do you think cumiculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployability of student

5 Do.. pruo,i.ulr in ggr.i"ulr* \/'5 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

"5 lwtV

Phaltan Education Society's

\--l College of Engineering, Phaltan-Feedback on Curriculum

Feedback given by- Parent / Employer / Faculty / Alumni / StudentProgramme: Mechar&.al / Civill EnTC / Coyfier / Mechanical (Diploma) 1-EnTC (Diptoma) S S



Does curriculum all recent technoloDoes curriculum enriched with soft skill. human varues and etrricsDoes curriculum gives suff icient industry exposureInd ustry Visit/lnternsh i

Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployabi I ity of student

icals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subiDoes curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum


-- Narne (Optionat):- l\u(,r^*^tl R r,a.4"Wct(c"r,rc,y Suefe ,, 'u \ ISign and Date


Phaltan Education Society,s

- of Enginee*ing, 'Ft

altan .-Feedback on Curriculum

Feedback given by- parent / Emproyer / Facurty / Arumni / sik6ntProgramme: Mechanical / civil I EnTC l.confrter I Mecianical (Diplorna) / Enr.C (Diptoma) "Sg

Does curriculuni all recent techn

Does curriculurn gives .rffiiffi industry exposurelnclstry Visit/lnternshi

Do you tntrO "u..ability of student

Does practicats i,ic*ricutu* t" lggp knowledge about subiectDoes"ur.iculrm heffiAny Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Date:- ttlo! le-ot+


v- cha\qrr pLr na frtName (Optional):- rr-9-14

Sign and Date

Phaltan Education Society's\--l College of Engineering, Phaltan -

Feedback on CurriculumFeedback given by- Parent I Employer / Faculty / Alumni / Student

Programme: Mechanical / Civit I EnT'C l"Cgplter I Mechanical (Diplomall PlTq

(Diploma) "$gODate:- llla.q{l








Does curriculum exposes all recent technology \t'2 Does curriculum enriched rvith soft skill, human values and ethics

JDoes curriculurn gives sufficient industry exposurf,"(lnd ustry V is itll nternsh i p/Sponsored Proj ect)


4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployabil ity of student

{ Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subiect{t] Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

gV{\rr1Sign aadName (Optional):-

Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum

Feedback given by- Parent / Employer / Facutty / Alumni / StuMProgramme: Mechanical / Civil / EnTC / Cornpr6r / Mechanical (Diploma) /InTp (Diploma)


Date:- tlloSllSr.No.







t Does curriculum exposes all recent technology w-'2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics \/-J

Does curriculurn gives sufficient industry exposure(l ndustry V i sit/l nternsh iplSponsored Proj ect)



Do you think curriculurn developed is sufficient to enrichemployability of student

Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subiect(] Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name {oprian:eE} ,-?O*tu I=.J.A f ,-Sign and Sate

Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum . -z $+*

Feedback given by- parent / Emprqy'er / Faculff / Alumni i str}t'entProgramme: Mechanical i Civil / EnTC I Coffiteri Mechanicat (Diploma) i EnTC (Diploma)

Date: u 1o 1 t1


No. FerticularsStronglyAgree






Does curriculum exposes all recent technology",} Does curriculum enriched w.Lth soft skill, human varues aM ethics \.""

-]Does curriculurn gives sufficient industry exposure(lnd u stry V isit/l nternsh ip4S ponsored proj ect)




Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enriChelnployabil ity of, student v.-"Does practicals in curriculum give deep t nowlidgeibout suffi V.'

{, Does curriculum helps to 4evelop entrepreneurs v.'n An-v Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (optionat) ,- 5 o nc,soj Fq r #g h*i ,t i .\opar)

, Phaltan Education Society's\_./

- ---'--J \--,/

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum L,_

Feedback given by- Parent / Employer / Facutty / Alumni / student\-" Prograiirme: Mechanical I Civit I EnTC l"Coffiuter / &iechanichl (Diploma) / hrT'C (DiplDate:- rr I o3 lJi?") -St{Le

Sr.No. F*rtie uEans







l Does curricu um elposes all recent technology L-'/2 Does curricu um enriched with soft skill. hurnan values and ethics i--'3

Does curriculum gives sufficient industryr exposure( I nd ustry V i s itll ntern sh i p/Sponsored proj ect)

n Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployabil ity of student


Does prac cals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subiect \---'6 Does curriculum helps tq develop entrepreneurs V7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (Optional):- u W,JtLolTSign and'Date

Phaltan Education SocietY's \-,\-r Cofiege of Engineering, Phaltan

Feedback on CurriculumFeedback given by- Parent / Employer / Faculty i Alumni I Student

Prograrrhe: Mechanical / Civil I EnTC rra"-ry,* / Mechanical (Diploma) i EnTC (Diplomai "99aDate:-








! Does curricu Llm exposes all recent technology

2 Does curricu um enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

-lDoes curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure

( I ndu str-y V is itll ntern sh iplSponsored Proj ect)

nDo you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrich

employability of student

Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about stbject

6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Naxne (Optionat):- ft\\q'r- ' 'f.{t'\t'U Sign and Sate



Phaltan Education Society's

\r College of Engineering, PhaltuFeedback on Curriculum

Feedback given by- Parent / Employer i Faculty / Alumni i St6ntProgramme: Mechanical i Civil / EnTC / Comnuter / Mechanical (Diploma) I EnTC (Djploma) STS.\-"/ ,./ Date:-


Fertie ::I:arsStronglyAgree






Does curriculum exposes all recent technology? Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

JDoes curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(l nd ustry V i s itllntern sh i p/Sponsored Pro.i ect)


Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichernployabi I ity o {- studentDoes practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject d

o Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Narne (optionat) :- MoM{r, A &'t^dR V i-k od{e.irlslr+

Sign and Date


Phaltan Education Societys

College of Engineering, PhaltanFACULTY FEEDBACK ANALYSIS

DATE:. ts19l20t7

Colage of ffireohgPhfft,EXot.Satrra (M.E,



F1 F2 F3 F4 F5

I Does curriculum exposes all recent technology 4 4 4 4 4

2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics aJ J 4 4 5


Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(Industry Vi sit/Internship/Sponsored Proj ect)

4 4 4 4 5

4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployability of student

aJ aJ aJ 4 4

5 Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject 4 4 4

6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs 4 4 J J 4

Phaltan Education Society's

CoIIege of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum

Feedback given by- Parent / Employer tFaffil Alumni / StudentProgramme: Mechanical / Civil I EW / Computer / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diploma)

Date:- t{/aE/ ?-o\7









I Does curriculum exposes all recent technology

2 Does curiculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

aJDoes curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(Industry Visit/Internship/Sponsored Proj ect)

4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployability of student

5 Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject

6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (optional) :- ?r"J . ,'{s-lkrcl^ eVB*-, S. s@q1"

Sign and Date

c o u. glhJffiffi:"Jiil:T, a rta nFeedback on Curriculum

Feedback given by- Parent / Employer t il61/ Alumni / StudentProgramme: Mechanical / Civil lEtf,C / Computer / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diploma)

V Date:-



Does curriculum exposes all recent technology

Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposureustry Visit/Internship/Sponsored Proj ect)

Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployabilitv of student

Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject

Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (optionat) z-P"{v\, fuJq71T , ? ,

Phaltan Education Society's

CoIIege of Engineering, Phaltan JFeedback on Curriculum

Feedback given by- Parent / Employer tFacffi / Alumni / Student C^Programme: Mechanical / Civil t l,gftComputer / Melihanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diptoma) t J


Sr.No. Perticulars







1 Does cumiculum exposes all recent technology

2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

aJDoes curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(Industry V isit/Internship/S p ons ored Proj e ct)

4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployqbility of student ,r/

5 Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject

6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs ,17 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (Optional) :- Sign and DateMffitr"tT

Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, phaltanFeedback on Curriculum

Feedback given by- Parent / Employer t FaSly / Alumni / StudentProgramme: Mechanical / Civil I Egrel comiuter / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diplomal F+


Sr.No. Perticulars







I Does curriculum exposes all recent technology

2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skil, human values and ethics

aJDoes curriculum gives sufficient inAust y.*pos.rre(I n du stry V i s itllntern sh i p/Spon sored proj ect)

4Do you think curriculum developea itffiemp loyability of student

5 Do.r practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subiect6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (Optional) :- Sign and Date

ffistt- \5 ."',-?tr# fils, R.Pt. Solru.ikctL

Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, phaltan \v

Feedback on Curriculum<Feedback given by- Parent / Employer t lafity/ Alumni / Student

Programme: Mechanical / Civil lEYrc / Computer / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diploma)Date:-



Does curriculum exposes all recent technology

Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposureVisit/Internship/Sponsored Pro i

Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichility of student

Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject

Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (optiona,),-ryf- M,M,qa\l Ae


ALUMM(Etrrc)DATEt.29l09l2017 29/09/2017 29t09/2017 29tog/2017 o3/tot2ot7 o6/tot2ot7 o6/ty2or7

A1 A2 ,A3 A4 45 A6 A71 Does curriculum exposes all recent technology 4 1

-tJ aJ aJ I 4

2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics J 4 J J 4 5 4


Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(Industry Vi s itllnternship/S p onsored Proj e ct)

4 5 4 4 5 4 4

4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployability of student J a

J 4 aJ 1 J a


5 Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject 4 aJ 4 4 5 5 4

6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs 4 aJ 4 0 4 4 J

DATE:- 06/1112017 06lttl20t7 2t/tt/2017 2t/tU2ot7A8 A,.9 A10 A11 Atz A13 At4

I Does curriculum exposes all recent technology 4 4 4 T

2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics 5 4 5 4J

Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(Industry Vi sit/Internship/S ponsored Proj ect)

4 4 5 4

4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployability of student I 1 5 T

5 Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject J 4 5 g6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs 0 J 5 4

"M $ ",:^

ffi- mei'mf *c*grnrrtm"*en{tfi ir",{'r*,..ties&Te$eewtn+urlg:trtl;xr*'lrrpll'r:i,"l:r1tr;ii-'sli *t f*grtnu*nr'tq,Fn+iitr''i,r-i'p;. i"'''-


P,E.$,$Golege of Enghle€rilg

Ptrailafr,fist.getru (M.8 r

Phaltan Education Society's- CoIIege of Engineering, phaltan -- '/

Feedback on Curriculum \.-Feedback given by- Parent / Employer / Faculty / Alumni / Student

Programme: Mechanical / Civil I E,Vg/ Computer / Mechanical (Diptoma) / EnTC (Diploma)Aa


Date:- ?-ol-

Sr.No. Perticulars








I Does curriculum exposes all recent technology2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethicsaJ

Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(Industry Vis itllnternshiplS pons ored Proj ect)

4Do you think cumiculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployability of student

5 Does practicals in curriculum g6 Does curriculum hglp! to develop entrepreneurs

7 Aoy Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (Optional) :- SignDhar.g ud e P ctilq n kq tsa"pruc(o


Phaltan Education Society's

CoIIege of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum /

Feedback given by- Parent / Employer / Faculty / Aluinni / studentProgramme: Mechanical / Civil t B^y{C/ Comfiuter / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC.(Diploma)

and Date

Date:- 9 9

Sr.No. Perticulars







I Does curriculum exposes all recent technology \t"2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human uutr.r i.,.lJ

Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(Industry V is itllntern sh ip/ S p on s ore d ploj e ct)

4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enriCiiemploJability of student

5 Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about srbject6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs r/'7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Sign and DateName (optionar) :- tsqrhad€ vqrtho H i.nrno-L


Phaltan Education Society's

- College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum

Feedback given by- Parent / Employer / Faculty / AlKni / StudentProgramme: Mechanical / Civil tnff C/ Computer / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diptoma) I\B

Date:- I








1 Does curriculum Jxpeles all recent technology2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

aJDoes curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(Industry Vis itllnternship/S p ons ored Proj ect)

4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployability of student

5 Does practicals in curiculum give deep knowledge about subject6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (optional):- Pri; enl<q Belt<hushno Devksr

AqPhaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum /-

Feedback given by- Paregt / Employer / Faculty / Ahimni / StudentProgramme: Mechanical / Civil I EgtrC / Computer / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diploma)









1 Does curriculum exposes all recent technology2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

aJDoes curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(In dustry V i s itllnternsh iplSp onsore d Proj ect)'

4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployability of student

5 Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (optional):- RoSal Pcrllav; MOnkuSh .,M*

Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, phaltan \-/

Feedback on Curriculum -/Feedback given by- Parent / Employer / Faculty / XKni / Student

Programme: Mechanical / civit try?e'^tcomputer / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diploma)Date:- 3 !Io 16

Name (oprionar):- B$dO $\ iJo ".\ Nornd wrnrq?

Does curriculum exposes all recent technoDoes curriculum enriched with soft skill, human uulu.r irsDoes curriculum gives sufficient industry e*posure

ndustry V is itllnternshiDo you think curriculum developed is sufficieni to e"richemployability of studentDoes practicals in curriculum give deep t "o@Does cumiculum helps to deve

Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

N'ry#rlr-dnd Da


Phaltan Education Society's

CoIIege of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum v-/

Feedback given by- Parent / Employer / Facutfy / Alumni / StudentProsramme: Mechanical / civil / EllC / Computer / Mechanicat ,r##1r?r,riJiJ:rfll*,

Date:- 6 I \o I a*o

Sr.No. Perticulars







1 Does curriculum exposes all recent @chnology \./2 Does curriculum enriched with roft.lJ

Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(Industry Vis itllnternship/S p ons ore d proj ect)


4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployability of student \./

5 Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject6 Does curriculum h4ps to develop entrepreneurs \/-7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

({ra."{uName (Optional) :- {d.dl^q., b#bh, nJL,


Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, Phaltan

Feedbackgivenr,Xlil"',",'ffi L',1l111#/Arffi ni/StudentProgramme: Mechanical / Civil / EnTC / Computer / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diploma)


Date:- 6lrrt?c>Sr.No.







1 Does curriculum exposes all recent technology v-2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics \---

-JDoes curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure

(Industry V is itllnternship/S p ons ored Proj ect)w-

4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemp loyability of student


5 Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject L-6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs \-7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (optionaU t- Akthalo 6urul kdko.d,

Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum /

Feedback given by- Parent / Employer / Faculty / Alumni / StudentProgramme: Mechanical / Civil I EYC / Computer / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diploma)

Date:- 6 -J L" a-d1"1Date:- 6 'J L" yc








1 Does curriculum exposes all recent technology

2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

JDoes curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(Industry VisitAnternship/Sponsored Pro i ect)

4Do you think curriculirm developed is sufficient to enrich

employability of student

5 Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject

6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

@trfiSign 'an[,,Date

G ^ I t'2*l'lName (Optional) :- r\ ild N itu&, 5 I iy I 'yq.)) Bhry"*

\-/ Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum /,

Feedback given by- Parent / Employer / Faculty / Alumni / StudentProgramme: Mechanical / Civil I EnlC / Computer / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diploma)

/ [\^+^. /rlarrt lr*tDate:- €f o1r /tSr.No.







1 Does curriculum exposes all recent technology

2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

-)JDoes curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(Industry V is itllnternsh iplS p ons ore d Proj e ct)

4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployabiliU of student

5 Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject

6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum +-

Name (Optional) :- Po,.o r S nehcrl D nYon erh u)q r Sign and Date

e l,,Jt+

Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum ,_.,/

Feedback given by- Parent / Employer / Faculty / Alumni / StudentProgramme: Mechanical / Civil I EgE / Computer / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diploma)


Date:- llSr.No.







1 Does curriculum exposes all recent technology

2 Does curriculum enriched with'soft skill, human values and ethics

aJDoes curriculurn gives sufficient industry exposureg!4!q!{y V i s itllnternship/S p ons ore d Proj e ct)

4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployability of student

5 Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject

6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

rlSi nName (Optional) :- i-%\''jr?Hurshqdq rg?qwqr BrU iro,-o.

Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, phaltanFeedback on Curriculum

Feedback given by- Pare nt- I Employer / Faculty I Aluffi Student ApProgramme: Mechanical / Civil I EW Computer / Mechanical fOiplo-a) / EnTC (Diploma)Stongly Agree (5 Marks), Agree (4 Marks), Satisfactory (3), Neutral (l Mark), Disagree (0 Mark)

As Institute is migrating from Shivaji University, Kolhapur to DBATU, Lonere, so please give your valueablefeedback to compare curriculam ofthese universifies.

etlt'llTSr.No. Perticulars DBATU SUK

1 Does curriculu@t technology I2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, hilman values and ethiCJ 14 \-/aJ

Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(Industry V i sit/Intern ship/S pon sored proj ect) v/ 4

4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployability of student I

5 Does practicals in curriculum give de.p t, 36 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs \v-7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (optionat) :- %Jo, P"o[r'", q H o=r"J-a ,,ffiM

( (rPhaltan Education Societys

College gf Engineering, Phaltan


P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8

I Does curriculum exposes all recent technology 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 5

2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics 4 4 4 4 J 4 4 4


Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposureflndustry Vi sit/Internship/S ponsored Pro i ect)

4 4 4 4 4 aJ 4 4

4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployability of student

4 4 J 4 aJ 4 4 4

5 Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5

6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs 4 5aJ 4 4 aJ 4 5

g /g t 2p\1 I /g / z-ott

P9 P10 Pl1 P12 P13 Pt4 P15 P16

1 Does curriculum exposes all recent technology I 4 4 5 f2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics a

J 4 4 5 5J

Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(Industry Visit/Internship/Sponsored Proi ect)

4 J 4 r -s

4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployability of student

J J 4 t 4

5 Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject 1 I 4 q \6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs I 4 4 5 5

ltmaffif ffiePafir:m#ffitfrlectronf*s & Tatesq$$nu*[e*ti+rn fr,*gi* e **ngC c l lege of E n gl ri eorin g, Plrel-tan o

D ist" Sieieta

P 0


Colegc of enefllrcsringFll.rd,Di$'sotne (M.s '

Phaltan Educatiort SocietY's -CoIIege of Engineering, Phaltan 2-l t t 18

Fceclbach oll Curricululn ,/Feedback given Uy- Vaft / Enrployer / Faculty / Alurnni / Stutlent

prograrnrne: Mechanical / Civil / trnTC / Cornputer i Mechanical (Diptoma) / EnTC (Diplomal f tDate:-









I Does curriculttm exposes all recent techrlology

2 D"-r-*,1*,1,* euricfied with soft skill, ltutnau valttes and ethics


Dr* *"fficient industrY exposure

(lndustry Visit/lntetnship/lpo,rsor*d ftoje t

\ n, v"u think cul'rioulurn developed is sufficient to enrich

employability of studettt

5 Does practicals itt curriculum give deep knowledge about sub,tecli

(r D".t *,,r't*,1l* helps tcr develop entreprelletlrs

7 Any Other Suggestions to enriclt Curriculultr

7;{;*t.,trSignNante (Optional) :-

- Phaltatr Education Society's -Collegc of Engineeritrg, Phaltan z\r I IryFeedback on Curriculum,/

PaY6nt / Employer / Faculty / Alumni I StudentFeedback given by-

Programtne: Mechanical I Civil I E,nTQ / Computer / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diploma)

l/ Date:-Yrt-








I f)oes curriculum exposes all recent technology \ ,-'.)z- Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, humau values and ethics ,\1 Y-/?


I)oes curriculuttr gives sufficient irtdustry exposure

(I ndu stry V is itilnternslr\---'

4Do you tlrink curriculunr developed is sufficietlt to enriclt

enrployatri I ity of studentl-^

{ I)oes practicals in cr:rricttltrm give deep knolvledge about suQiect Wr'-

6 Does curricu[ultt ltelps to develop elttreprel]ellrs v-'/"

7 Any Other Suggestiotts to enriclt Curriculum t .ri&-rnr'\ Cuwrtqi

Narne (Optional) :

ry,rr{r,twSign and Date

\-, Phaltan Education Society's .JCotlege of Engineering, Phaltan

Fggilbach on CurriculumFeedback given by- Parent / Employer / Faculty / Alurnni / student

Prograrnme: Mechanical / civil tw / computer / Mechanical ,r#al::"'ilIj,$intoma 3


r-lnpc ,-rrrrienlrrnl exnoses all recent tgchnology









Ilneq crrrricttllrn euriched with soft skill, humau values and ethics)


n*iutriculum gives sufficient industry exposure

lr.n A,, oj tr r \/ i o if /I. f enr qh i n/Snon sored Pro i ect)\lu


Do F* tlrirrk curriculutn developed is sufticient to enrlcll

^..-.^t ^.,^1. i I if.r n F ci r rrlalrf""'r-':1-.'-- " .- ' 'r)npc nrenliccls irr crtrriculum give deep knowledge about subject

5 t/uvJ vr (rv.rvsrv

------<T-\,-ac,-,,.,'inrrlrrrrr lrellrs to develoO gutrgprelletlrs \/


Any Other Suggestions to enriclt Curriculum7

iploma) F

Name (OPtional) :-Sign and I)ate

H.r igbr,'

\-, Phaltan Education Society's j'

College of Engineel'ing' PhaltanFe5lPack on Curriculum

Feedback giveu by- Patsent / Employer / Faculfy / Alumni / Student

Progratnme: Mechanical / civil / EnTC / Computer / Mechanical (Diploma) C] rplolna

Date: \


.0.\ t


r\^ao ^,,r.r.inrrlrrrn errnnqes all recent teChttO[Ogy








I -....._...n^pc nrrrrir.rrhrnr ertricfuecl witfu soft skill, llumau values and ethics


D"., .ilriculum gives sufficient industry exposure

, -r.^ s - - ^ **., \ / i. i r/I. f p.r', ch i n /S rron sored PfO i eCt)

4no you thinl< curriculum developed is sultlctent to etlrtcn

EoJslffiol, in ,rrri.ulum gir_. .1*.p k!lo*l.dg. ubort rrbj..t

r\ - - ^-----.:^,.1,,.,. l.ol,ro +.. ,tlr'rzelntr etrtrenl'elleUfS5

6 ljf)es uLlI I l\,ululll ltvrlrr LV uv -^'-- - r -.-".Any Other Suggestions to enriclt Curt'iculutrl


Diplorna) f A

dtwbeName (OPtional) :-

Sign and Date

'v Phaltan Education Society's '\--l

College of trngineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum

Feedback given AV- y#n t / Employer / Faculfy / Alumni / Studentprograrnrne: Mechanical / Civil / EnTg / Computer i Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diploma) tg

Date:- 9 |










Does curricululn exposes all recent technology

2 D*r .."rt*,I*" eprichecl with soft skill, humau valttes and ethics


Does curriculttm gives sufficient industry exposure

(Industry V is itllnterns

4Do you think curriculttnr developed is sufficient to enriclt

ernployabiI iry of sttrdettt

5 Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject

6 D".r **ttt,l,* helps to develop entreprelleLlrs

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

t-Name (Optional) :-

(Diploma) f6D




i / Studen'

oma) / En


Alumnrl (Dipl



.1011 ;

eerCul)yerter I











tan I



le ()fpelht'arentnTC /




Feedbaok given by-

Mecltanical / Civil i


ng, Phariculum/ Faculty /NtlechanicaProgratntne:

Date:- 2 \ t









I Does cut'riouluttr exposes all recent technology

') D"-r **t-r,I,* ertrichecl with soft skill, Ituutatt valttes attd ethics


Does curricttlum gives sufficient industry exposltre

(tntl ustry Visit4nternsh iplpporlsgredPl.oj'ect)

4no j,ou thilk curriculutn developed is sufficielt to enrich

ernployability ofqlLrdent -



6 f)oes crrrriculum helos to develop etltrepreneurs

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curricululn

Natne (Optional) :- Date


io,"#'ffiililHffi,Tnu*oo \-

Feedback on CurriculumFeedback given by- Parent / Employer/ Faculty / Alurnni / Sturlent

Prc-rgratttme: Mechanical / Civil / EnTC / Cornputer /\,/

Mechanical (Diploma) / EnfC (I)Date:- )-\\\ tp










1 I)oes curriculutn exposes all recent technology \./

2 D"-r r*rt.rl*, elriched with soft skill, hutrlatr valttes and ethics


ffir suff.i.nt industry exposlrre

(l nclustry V is i t/l ntern sh ip/Spon sored Projjct)

tl Do you thirrl< curriculttnr developed

crnployabil ity of studeltt

IS sufficient to enrich


6 D"*t *,,r1*,It* helps to develop etttreprelleurs

7 Any Other Suggestions to enriclt Curriculum


Name (Optional) :-

\-, Phaltan Education Society's

Cotlege of Engineering, Phaltan

Feedback given bY-

Programtne: Mechanical I Civil I

Feedback on Curriculuntp#tt / Employer / Faculty / Alurnni / Stuclent

E@tCornputer / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diploma) FBf)ate:- e-l l lte









I Does curricttluln exposes all recent technology

2 I)oes curriculurn enriched with soft skill, huuatt values and ethics


ffi sirffi cient industry exposure

(In du stry V i s itll n te m sllp/S po,"t s-o.9 d P t"g e\,/

4il. y", tlr," curriculum cleveloped is sufficient to enriclt

ort'rr.l.rrrsrhi I itv of qtt trlent'-'' -J1___!_-___-----!--

[)neq rrrac.ticals itr curricttlutn give deep knowledge atrout subject5

p*ffiir@.,,,""-*Any Otller Suggestions to eltrich Curricululrt



Name (Optional) :-

Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about tlqgl


rl2oi E

Phaltan Education SocietY's

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum

Feedback given by- Pgce*t / Emptoyer / Faculfy / Alumni / Student

programrne: Mechanical / Civil t EpComputer / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diploma)Date:- e) I t '-ol B

Name (Optional) :-Sign and Date

Ll ll2-ol€

'--,/ Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum

Feedback girren by- ParXil I Enrployer / Fnculty / Alulnrti / SttttlentV tro


Does curriculum exposes all recent technology

Does curriculurn elriched with soft skill, humau values apd ethics

ijo.u curriculu,r gives sufficie,t ildustry exposLlre

Industry Visit/Internshi sored Project)

fX, )",, thl,rk *rricult,nr developed is sufficient to ettrich

ernployabil itY of student

bo., practicals in curricttlum give deep knowleclge about subject

f)oes curriculuur helps to develop ent;eprelleurs

Any Other Suggestions to enriclt Curriculum

prograrnme: Mechanical / Civil t EtYrC. / Computer'/ Mechanical (Diplorna) / EnTC (Diploma)

"./' f)nte:-D\r\t q)

B@"Sig,, and f)ate

not.,- ?\ LU S -









I Does curriculutn exposes all recetlt techltology \/2 I)oes curriculgrn enricllecl with soft skill, ltuuratt valttes arld ethics


Does curriculurtt gives sufficieut irtdustry exposure

(l nd Lr stry V it itllnt.Iv/

4Do you think cttt'riculttm developed is sufficient to etlrich

entplovatr il itv o1' student\-t'

5 Does practicals irt curriculunt give deep krrolvledge a.bout subject y/

6 f)oes cttrricrlluttr helprs to develop entreprelleurs

7 ;;;. **estions to en.ich C*rricttlurtr

Narne (Optional) :-2-l lln-o18











2 l,/lr/a







-*/ Phaltan Educatic'n Society's \-College tlf Engineering, Phaltan

Feedback on CurriculunrParent / Employer / Faculty I Aluurni / StudentFeedback given by-

Mechanical / Civil /Prograrnnre:


Do 1,s11 think curriculutn developed is sufficiettt to ettriclr

ern ulovabi I itv of student

Does practicals in curriculunr give cieep knorvleclge about sutr.iect

Does curriculunr ltelps to deveiop entreprelleurs

Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculunt

Name (Op{ional) :

EnTQ / Computer / Mechanical (Diplorna) / En'\,/ Date:- q\f

C (Diploma)

Woffir,J tl24i8

Does curricululll exposes all recent technology

Does curriculurl enriched with soft skill, ltumatt values and ethics

IJoes curriculunt gives sufficiettt industry exposure

(Industry Visit/lnternship/Sponsored Pr

Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum

given by-g*6t / Employer / Faculty I Alumni / Student



Mechanicrrogramme: echanical / Civil I EflWComputer / Mechanica Iliploma) lEnfpDate:- Siq fut









t Does curriculum exposes all recent technology/- Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposlrre( I nd ustry V isit/l ntemshiplSponsored Pro j ect)

4Do you themployab

nk curricutum developed is sufficient to enrichlity of student

{ Does practicals in currlculum give deep knowledge about subjectDoes curriculum helps to deve lop entrepreneurs

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum No

-r4rftrgSigm *\rd Bate

alglqElzI{ame (Optional) :-


A. Phaltan Education Society's': Coilege of Engineering, Phalta.eFeedback on Curriculum

Feedbacl< given by- faffi / Employer / Facutty / Alumni / Student

--[ogqamme: Mechanical I Civii 1ffiCl Compu ter lMe-chanical (Diploma) i EnTC (Diploma)Date:-









I Does curr culum exposes all recent technology2 Does curr culum enriched with soft skill. human values and ethics

aJDoes curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(lndustry Visit/lnternship/Sponsored Proiect)

i+Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployabi I ity of student

Does practicals in curriculum give deep know-ledge about subject

5 Does curriculurn helps to develop entrepreneurs

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

-'Name (Optional) :-

O 3 - Og*dp11*

Sg*l sh FAq

Sign qrld pate


STUDENT Feedback for Curriculum AnalysisDATE:- 3/l0D0l7 3llol2ot7 3no/2017 3nol2ot7 3/1ot2or7 3/to/2017 28tst2ot7 tstg/2017

51 52 53 54 55 S6 57 S8I Does curriculum exposes all recent technology I 4 4 4 4 4 I aJ

2Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human valuesand ethics

aJ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

JDoes curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(Industry Vi s itllnternship/S p ons ore d proj ect)

aJ 4 4 4 4 4 J 4

4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployability of student I 4 4 4 4 4 I 1

5Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge aboutsubject J 4 4 4 4 4 J J

6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs 0 4 4 4 4 4 I 4

1 Does curriculum exposes all recent technology 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

2Does iurriculum enriched with soft skill, human valuesand ethics 4 4 J 4 5 4 4


Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(Industry Vi sit/Internship/Sponsored proj ect)

5 5 5 5 5 5 4

4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployability of student 4 4 4 5 4 4 4

5Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge aboutsubject 4 4 5 5 4 4 4

6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs 4 4 4 4o 5 5 4

il o:

DATE:- 28/9/2017 2819/2017 3/lol2ol7 3/10t2017 3not2ot7 3/10/2017 3/to/2017s9 S10 sll Sl2 S13 S14 Sls

NL{smd-m$ ffiePmr&rumrrt

tlr: isrr.-:*?q$ & Ye'iswfit$?tun$amfjslst *r:i:l r r *t' n *iirllir'p{r r{ SrlgtneeringpoFh*t'eii. l} ir,',!. : -'+' ;'' J

P.E.S'8Colbp of Engfuee'Tlg

pfiaftan,Dist.Satari.n f ij!.S r


Phaltan Education Society's

'--/ CoIIege of Engineering, Phaltan -rFeedback on Curriculum

Feedback given by- Pare n) t Employer / Faculty / Alumn i t StUdtProgramme: Mechanical / Civil t E\fr, / Computer / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diploma) S bDate:- 3-la-2*l

Name (optionat) :- Dhwar' U, . f fi^nt lr UJ

'@_Si[n and Date

B*1, *t_ot7

Sr.No. Perticulars

€ aE)b







I Does curriculum exposes all recent technology

2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics.lJ

Does curuiculum gives sufficient industry exposure(Industry V is itllnternsh iplS p onsored proj ect)

4Do you think curiculum developed is sufficient to enriclremployability of student

5 Pggt practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject Y6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum No {

Phaltan Education Society's

- College of Engineering, Phaltan \-/

Feedback on CurriculumFeedback given by- Pargrt / Employer I Faculty / Alumni I Stu#t

Programme: Mechanical / Civit I nffC / Computer / Mechanical (Diploma)/ EnTC (Diploma) gyDate:-








I Does curuiculum exposes all recent technology

7 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

3Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure

(Industry V isit/InternshiplS pons ore d Proj c ct)

/+Do you think curriculum developed is sutlicient to enrich

employability of student\--"

J Does practicals in curuiculum give deep knowledge about subject ,/fr Does curiculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (Optional) :- S$gxt

Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, Phaltan *,Feedback on Curriculum -/'

Feedback given Uy- {ryent / Employer / Faculty / Atumni / Stuh#Programme: Mechanical / Civil / E;TC / Computer / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diplomal I g

Date:- g1

Name (Optional) :-

Phaltan Education Society's \J-- College of Engineering, Phaltan

Feedback on Curriculum \r/Feedback given by- Parent / Employer I Faculty I Alumni / Student e ,

Programme: Mechanical / Civil I n}fC / Computer I Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diploma) J 1

te:- 0 \ IeSr.No.







I Does curriculum exposes all recent technology \-"t'

2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

aJDoes curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(Industry V is itllntemsh ip/Sponsored Proj r:ct)

4Do you think curiculum developed is sutficient to enrichemployability of student r


5 Does practicals in curiculum give cieep knowledge about subject \---.'-

6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

ff11ot\]and Date









1 Does curriculum exposes all recent technology

- Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

- Does ourriculum gives sufficient industry exposure

(Industry V is itflnternship/S p onsore d Proj r: ct)


A-?Do you think curiculum developed is suttcient to enrich

employabilitv of student*/

I Does practicals in cuniculum give deep knowledge about subject l/'

6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs ^*-''ry Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (Optional) :-

\_ Phaltan Education SocietY's

. --

College of Engineering, Phaltan vFeedback on Curriculum \------"'

Feedback given by- Pare;rt / Employer / Faculty / Alumni I Student

Programme: Mechanical / Civit t ffiC / Computer / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diploma) 3(Date:- 0\q








I Does curriculum exposes all recent technology

2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human vatrues and ethics

_)Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure

(Industry V isitfinternshiplS pons ored Proj r: ct)

&Do you think cumiculum developed is sutflrcient to enrich

employability of student '|*--/-

5 Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject

5 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneursle/

I Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculurn

Narne (optional):- G or"\.*-"{ Sone*-t_p' BU|*K

Phaltan Education Society's-\v"'

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum v''

Feedback given by- Pargnt / Employer / Faculty / Alumni / StudentProgramme: Mechanical / Civil t EfrC / Computer / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diploma)

PMc\ \o\'ul^f

SeDate:- q\fo\or








1 Does curiculum exposes all recent technology \-/2 Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

3Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure

(Industry Visit/InternshiplSponsored Pro.i r:ct)


Do you think curiculum developed is sufficient to enrich

employability of student \-/5 Does practicals in cumiculum give deep knowledge about subject v'5 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs \./'7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (Optional) :-

Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum

Feedback given by- Pare,nt / Employer / Faculty / Alumni / stvdn, S ?

Programme: Mechanicai/ Civii t E{C/ Comiuter / Mechanical (Diploma; I nnrC (Diploma)Date:- 28\3 Il




i:il;Doe*. rrir@ trr,lrrtry .rp*r*

ndus tr1, Visit/Internsh i

Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (Opticnal) :-


Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployabil ity of student

Does pr*ctir.als in curricutr* gi,

$%6\'$\1arrti Date '---

Phaltan Education Society's

CoIIege of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum \.."..'-r'

Feedback given by- Parent / Employer / Faculty / Alumni / Student .,.fProgramme: Mechanical / Civil I Ey-C / Computer / Mechanical (Diploma) I pnfC"(i)ploma)

s BL-

Date:- ,rl 4Sr.No. Perticulars







1 Does curriculum exposes all recent technology

2 Does ourriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

JDoes curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(Industry V is itAnternsh iplSp ons ore d Proj ect)

4Do you think curiculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployability of student

5 4.r practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject

6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

eltName (Optional) :--ffi-stt?

Sign and Dat'e

Phaltan Education Society's

- Cotlege of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum

Feeclback given by- P3rygt / Emptoyer / Faculty / Alumni / StnkfntProgramme: Mechanical / Civil / Ehfc / Computer / Mechanical (DiploS#tfl:finloma) Sg U

Date:- 28\ gIISr.No.







I Does curriculum exposes all recent technology

2 Does cumiculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics V-J

Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(Industry Vis itllnternsh i p/Sp ons ored Proj ect) >--

4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployability of student W"

5 Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject \-''6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (Optional) :-(ffi;***1igntafdDate n


Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum \-_,-_-

Feedback given UV- Pfpt / Emptoyer / Faculty / Alumni / Stud-ent g I g

Programme: Mechanical / Civit / EhaC / Computer / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diploma)


Does curuiculum exposes all recent technology

Does urmiculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposul'e(Industry V i s itllnternsh iplS pons ored Proj ect

Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curricululn




Do you think curiculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployabilitv of student

Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject

Name (Optional) :-A.Js--l YS ();lgllT


lrSign a;rtl Date

Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, PhaltanFeedback on Curriculum

Feedback given by- Parent / Employer / Faculty / Alumn i t Str#ntProgramme: Mechanical / Civil I EVtr, / Computer / Mechanical (Diploma) t^nyl

srrme: Mechanical / civil t l.+)ic / computer / Mechanical ,"#::?








I Does curriculum exposes all recent technology tv

2 Does cumiculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics l-.t^


Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(Industry Visit/Internship/Sponsored Proiect)


4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichernployability of student


5 Does practicals in curriculurn give deep knowledge about subject V=='6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs l!-I l l

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (Optionat)':- &:r\A,arSign and I)atle'

Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, Phaltan



Does curriculum exposes all recent technology

Does cumiculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

Does curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure

Industry Visit/InternshiDo you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployabilitv of student

Does praoticals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject

Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (Optional) :-


Sign and Date

Phaltan Education Society's

College of Engineering, Phaltan

Feedbackgiven., X;:#',"fffi]";::ll#/Arumn ,,rrtd, =AProgramme: Mechanical / Civil t BgdC / Computer / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diploma)


Does curriculum exposes all recent technology

Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethicsDoes curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure

Visit/Internship/Sponsored Proi ectDo you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrich

ilitv of student

Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject

Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (Optional) :- Sign and Date

Phaltan Education Society's

Feedback on CurriculumFeedback given by- Parent / Employer / Faculty / Alumn i t St(ent

Programme: Mechanical / Civil I ErTC / Computer / Mechanical (Diploma) / EnTC (Diploma)Date:- 63 liultT

*:#c*:Sign and Date

Date:- csllo)l t








1 Does curriculum exposes all recent technology

2 Does curuiculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

aJDoes curriculum gives sufficient industry exposure(Industry Visit/Internship/Sponsored Proiect)


4Do you think curriculum developed is sufficient to enrichemployability of student

5 Does practicals in curriculum give deep knowledge about subject

6 Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

7 Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Name (Optional) :- Srx

Phaltan Education Socieq"s

- -College of Engineering, Phaltan \-/Feedback on Curriculum t,_.-.--

Feedback given by- Parent / Employer / Faculty / Alumni / Student

Programme: Mechanical / Civil / EnTC / Computer / Mechanical (Diplorna) / EnTC (Diploma)s ir

Date:- S\tutt

Name (Optional) :- ffi1101\l


Does curriculum enriched with soft skill, human values and ethics

Does curriculurn gives sufficient industry exposure

(Industry V is itllnternsh ip/Sp onq or4 f roj {j ct

Do you think curriculum developed is sutficient to enrich

emplovabilitv of student

Does practicals in cumiculum give deep knowledge about subject

Does curriculum helps to develop entrepreneurs

Any Other Suggestions to enrich Curriculum

Scanned by CamScanner

Scanned by CamScanner

Scanned by CamScanner

Scanned by CamScanner

1,l[lhtr rtdoc.rion Socielyt

Collcgc of tr4gireerius, l,hnltrnFeedkk on curri.nh'n

Feedback Biro br-l',og{mmc Mdthanical / Civil /

P'ft Dr /EtrrDlO,er/l_nctrrrv/]\hunni / srudcniEnTC / Cinuuter/r'fu(hrni.xl (Didomr) /rn1c (DiDlonr,l

(s) (3) (1) (0)

culun exposes rll rtccnrreclnDloly.ulumeDrichcdwnh soft still-hum.nlxluesanddhics

Docs (ri.ulun glvs sulficienl indNrycrponre(rndusry visiL'hl.rE]riD/Sponsorcd Proleci)

nk nr.iculuDr dcrclopsd is sufficie roemich

Dolspndicrls inctrtri.ulum give deep knorhdlo i6od n'b cciDc\ \utrnulun hclps ro develop !n'rprcreun

lnl Olhr Snggdions ro.nricl Cuf iculnm


l'htrLrm lil, !d o so.ilrr\Collcge ofllngi eering, l'haltall

I,'€o{!h..i on C"rricuh'nrI | . :. ',. |.",trr I tr'rlullr I rnlhr.\l"N'i \'tr,1,n'

i\llchrnirir/civil/ll,il'(/(o,,t ri/ [{tthrnital(l)idotr,i)/ Etr l'C (DiIlotu')Ddc: A\'qIr'1


!!!:!]n!,1,.ryvryll! M!41lh;;i.,r;,;,.;, i, ",r *ilh s.rr ski r hunatr vlrues rnd elhic:r)!)r!ctr lNltrn ! \.s n'lllci.trt iirJtr{,l.rportr.rrrh^h\ !rnrlfu tr\,i/spnnsrdl'r1.i!u)r),)wn,drnlctrn cnlrndevelo|rcJis$'lJlcidrlbo .h, ln$.]| itr,, \r,rdri\ ! r (rirx s ir n' ir lrtrtr sir. (lcq, I roN cdsc :rlur s,tlctl

rrnartrn u'1tr n hcLPs h Jcvcl!) cf ricp'cf (trs



l'l lrm ljllL.dotr Sori!r)\

Collcgc oftrngincc ng, l'ltrltanIccdDrck on Cnrricunrnr

f-..,llr.c( ri'", hY'i'i*;i/ x-r,lovf / rrr.ullx /Alumni /siu{rltrrl,,ogrun. Nlcd,x iiol / (riYil / lr rC / co'trjrtd / N(l' icrl (Ditionio / linTC


plrxtrm hdu.riion Socicrr,s

C0llegc of trngnrccring, phrti!n,Ireulbnckon Curri.ntnnr

rc.dt)r.t livot! t,ifiil /E dorcr/rrrlr,/lhnn i/snd;r,,.!i rDr. i\r.dr nicrl/cn,it/,jtrt.c/co rncr/ Nto.l,uicxt (oidonr,) / Dilr (Diplonn0

@$rs1.r1'eg!rlr4!!1!e!1ll]]]11]]!!]1!]]::.l!]!f1!]]!l-.s (

', ic0 uDr giics $,ui.isnt iN[nry e\posrc

!rtr\ '1

\'\ir/hrcrrhil,sPo nmd h()lcc1)

ro lh f[rnd]l n dsvcl.Fd k $ llrf.ft !)c fich

fl,,rflr iL) dl{uJcnr .-,:.lrtriL.'!]ri]]]rrrlssrgrlsrl!$]]c!1l]]]]]l]]u!!1,{'tr' o,l',1!!!r4, $r9!i!9!j!!l!ll__1r)rl'L' s,trnn, ',id'




trrr,!s c0,,,.,ir.,;r!,;;n*Nr! 1.!r)tr, ,,nL Lrrorihr \irr \ntn\t.htrmr1,rLur i.u; ;i,,,,r,*.inr.;,1lrrr,,ir lrrlldr NrriD/sNNmdprojld)

i i,\ oihL, s{ssciir 5ru u jd' ctrftcur,rDr

Phrkrn Educariof so.icly !College ofInginer ng, Phaltan

I((.ll{ck on ( trr 'iculu'nFccdba.k giver hy- Pnretrt / EnrDloyer/Fxculiy/Atumni /sludenr

Progmnnne: Nlecb.nicxl/civ / Etr tc /compurcr/ Mcclrrni.nt(Diptom.) / EnTc (Dipton,r)

(s)(4) (3) 0)

u'luF e\noses alL rcccnr r.hnoLoqr.uh,n sn.icLrd Nirh soiiski . human valus rfitdt'i.\

l Docs4urictrlrn eivcs nrrfi.ienr inddh- e\)osLrc(h,du$ry visMnGhship/SDonsorcd P.o jed)Doyou thitrk Lricuh'd d.veloFd iss'ftlciur ro cnrichemploydbiliry olstudentDoes pmciicrh ir cmricuhrm give deeD kioLvled!! rbotrisLbledDoes cutriculum lrelDs to dsveloD enr.Dretreus

Any Ol,rer Strggesliotrs b cnricl Cn.rirulutrr

@ry$a- '

l,hrltn, Ldtr$li,,i sor r\ \( ollc,jc ol ltrlgnreernrg. l'hnltrn

InMh,cliou Currituluurl'lrlhrc. ! \o, bl

r!ir nN. II.d, / Cnil /t,ki i r tr,,rt,,,-; r,.,rrr ;,u,,n",i rst"r" tC /Con,Uncr/Nldd'.tricxl (Didomr) /I Ta


|,tt! i -,i"ri!!r!rtllutl-!M!9f !r v!irlL!l!irlli!r!ll!!:

rr!)r.rriu'1tr n ! \!sn'flici. i,nhstJ.rPonrcnnrr s! , \tr!J L i!!r,

ir,ir,,Lrri,i, -r,.,t.r,Lc* q,cd is n'Jlici!nro cnr'h

"ft,. ri' . r..r -, . . i, ." ,.r.r l.'tr tr",! | ""cr- l'!.r rir''

\r'OlhcrStrs,r.siiu stocnridrcurritul'nn

(,r) (]) (t)





Ph:lrxf lidn. otr So.icl!s

College ol trngircerirg, l'haltanl.e.dL,rckon Cu.dctrhnn

.( , l- ".r. l,irtrr lltrn,ni's!'n!n,Nlc!l'.tri.rl/ (ririlr li'il C / Cotr,rnttr/ l\'l.chtrtricrl (Di/o rrl/EnTC

D'., q10q



r).$ flxdi.rk in q*ri.trlL'm givcr)o.sctr i$l r lrc Ds krdcv.lop

d.rn ki.,rlcdrc .hont nrl.tcl

,' ' ,, ,,,.J 'lso, '.J\

Collcgc of Itnghrcorirg, I'haltarFcedhr.l( otr Curri.trhnn

r!ill.x.k aner bv l',i;rl / Iitr,Ilorcr/r',cnll: /Ann ri/stftni',,-i, r i\lo,hrnhxl'.ril Fnl'. ro,trftrr '\l(Ll'x it.'lrl'il ^rrr^rtrl'r'D'flon'.n


rru or dr Ln, ctricl[J \rirh sollslt ll. htrmanvalrcsI -.. 'i1L

L rr !r.\ ! rlirloi inltil o\fiu.rrB ir vi\irrhnfl rh rrsr.dRYcn Proicd)

u' nr r,., \l .J lrnntrrtur \n1,\ n!ll!!!r!tr!ull)mspridiciils,dricL thEircdetf ltiid$lcdgcD.N c, r rid'1tr tr l,cltx ro crcl.| eDtq,M

\tr\ oilrr strssNtnA t,.trrich



h rrr1 !,r i srlt, I.rud

P Lhi IldL. .trso.iclytColhgc ol trn,jinccri"s. I'hxlt r

F..,tha.l{ on ft,..ictlrnil.(br(]. !iv!r lv.l'rru'i /tint,l ICr/Irro'lh /]\l n i/stulgrt

\l,"li,,triiil ,i.i' \lnl,r'i,.'lrlnt,l tr r l-',1.Dk: 2-8lnj

Plr. iir lldu.xri0r so. etYs

Collese ol Ir,aiirccrir,], l'hrltrtrliull,xrl{ tr ( trrriLtrlMr'

I r(Lbrrl, -(iv.r h\- } un /Iitr,l,lorcr/Irrltr/Ahnnni/Sltrdml'tmnn. 1lc(l'ntrifl'l/(nil/ll r(r/(r trfntr/nlrcl,xtricrlll)it,lonxo/h'lC(l)iUon'r)

Dn. 28. o'],1

rr! ( ,it. rL n. '

ch.d Nirh soll r[il]. htr uhtsr,$ (L rricL trN gn' i'nlrLs'l c\pos, c

L n ! Lr d.rD l.ur\k,l1c.h.ut $Lr cdt!!. , i, r, hrlf! u,.rr ofrn r![.'ctr s



1... du'.nlun !n.s s,fii.i.trr irrdunrv.xDoqnc

i,,d' thi',. N r uilL nr d$.lL,t).J

Coll.gc ol' linghccritr,a. l'hrltxn

la!!trtrlr'tr I

rr r. r, r r.ns i', iL r lNlu r !i\r Jc., I tNful !r, lrlL 1 n hj$r

I\i\ r)rho snsg$rn r r'u'rid' (

l(dl rl!L hJ

l',r,Ln nr i\lrd'rtri.rl/Ciril/



(i,ll.l)hrlrN lidrcrriotr Sd!idJ s

gc oftrngincc ng, llhnltanrce(lbnrkon Ctrricnl'rmr',1,r , n.l.*r r,-rL' r rF.,rrs,l,ttitrTc / crrtl"rd, i\r(l','n'ol1ltit,l tr'r / F Tc


i rLrr r'{1'hn.' rhi/s!,iNntJ l'r(icci),,,{' frr ro,,ni,l-.l,irid :n lli. dnh

li)o1Dncri.rl\ ir dnri.oh -!ivc dcqr kno!ledgc

t, !tr r .tl\,, t!\!t ti



,,,a'i'i'.,\l..rrtrimlr(nil/riilC /Cu t)rtd'rNrchxritxl(Dirlonnn/Etrl(

r!\,trI"n!\$n'l iq i,rl,rh\ r\fo{' I

)ncs rrid'ltrn eim\e\ i ll rc.ctrr tednn,lo$, r,,,. rlntrj Ir nr,cr n(lj !, r rlJ l.,nii 1r L.:rr rl'ir(

|ri. {rf Ju.xri,,r s...1! !Collcsc ol Injanrccrirs, I'hrltan

Ioorl!)Ili on (jtrricnhrFI'r,.trt / linDlorr / IiKr/^h'tr'tri /stnlrtrrInifc/Conu'icr/Mcd'rtricrl(l)iDlotr )/n0TC

Dd.: 2gl0 3

l, ! ,trn\trtrr-1, as.ltulu'kllnr l-U

Ii.- rr !,-a,tl nr'

lt,(l)' 1.i1! f.o ic,,trr -! v.decl'ktr.Nhde.),r,!L!rin nf, hdr\ t, d{rlof



ge of Ongi !,IC

fll2\ 0 1

I(l) (0)


' , \ ( i rL L rr str rlr( (irli vllI s.r' 'r Lnrr,\r\rllillul

l,r. Lrn 11L! nnso.iclr1Collegc ol Ittrgnrecrnrg, l'hxltrtr

FoodDNck on (lnlicrl r

r*Jnr.llirdrhr PI.Di /rinrd.rd /r.r 'llr/Ah' trj/shiiltrti'itc /(-;'trItrr.r/ i\t.(r'rtri(rt (t)irto r)/ ['t f





rir| L u rL n.f'.lrurtr r I \)rl \.il hunrm\ntr$xfddr.s\rr { llir.i i'rlLLn'\ r\ r\tr.

L rr a rc J..D kDi\hd!. r[oui nLr.d

, i^'|r ()rho sn,tc$ri,rs r' m'id' ctr'iq,l' r

lihrli!n lidlcarioD Socid!\Collqre of Itngirccrins, l'haltau

r.fl r.irli gnr r rr- l,xrqn rlnnrlorcr/rrro,x\ //\r,nnni/stnhnriu"d,l",i / cjri'il D,fa / c-.p,r".ru*r,,ii*rftoilr-,o r r,irqcripr".o

/ / a . na"- ,.!l^ttu

(3) (r) ((D




l/!e91!!r9!Llv!rri!lr! lv1]1lg!:!]!.!Ilr!]]!!!!i!!4ql)L,.s cu".trnn givcs indnn.y cxDosure

ilrhrl L v sl/h o'shi/sDotrsoicd Ptui.crlL/

lr.]oL rlrirkcu'ric lumdev.lopcdknrJlicicnioctrich 1.,l)o.s rm.Ll.rls i', cL tiq'ltru uivc dcc|) knoNlcJ!e rboLl subjecr

r\, trr "lri \ f\'oJc,cl pentrqrcnor\

\tr\ orlio strggNti,,,s !,ctrrich Ctrr,iu,ln r

l'LHllar Edr.dor Socidys

Collcge of trngi" eering, l'haltanI...{lb,ck on Curricuhrtrr

l,.dl,rck giv$l)v-Ixreir /lnnl]lorcr/ lncnllv/Annnni/Sx'dcniIt"!' nDr: rrcd,itricil/cll /Lirfl (r{,,,f",1-/II".jdi",l Oi/on,r)/ Etr 0C(DiIlodn)

li (\ r'.id.rl: i'r r(, d'luDr sn! dqr ko.{lr !! rhid nhj.d

rirr,tr,, ],n.lrtrr!. l'.!ui i..hrno{\rr,,: {r,, rl,n. r ir k(l \irh {,ll !r.l l. lrtrnru rr L.: nl rl'i$I !

'\ntr !,! r, !n r , rr! l!!rl

1,, \, llrirl. rL r i(lur t.,cloEd n lllft n{ L.i'.h

, h\clrt,( rcl,rcicu's

; l\'1 olho snsecnn s

l'lrx hr l:dnrxliir s...r) s

(1)llcgc ol l,l'ignrccrnrg, l'hill,nFccilDn.k on Cnrric hrnr

,r-'.'r \.rr l'n'y',' 1. 0/u,,' hlr' \l,d\r,..r,.y',,...,r , ,,r r tr/ , ,{trr,tr, .\t!,r,/,,.rtrrlD,


"*"r r".1*,1,*lri.: LU (nl,n crla{\ r Iilra nmdhm c triclEd lvirh s.lishil. [unaD vrnrcsrtrilcrllicsrr! i !,|tr ,r \i., Lii trr , Lltr{,r r.nn!, c

,r!l!r!ry!L !rL)Lf Ll$!|,{).(lnn lln.fl(,. r irr

L,$ r,r(in : n' cL r n lirc (icp kD.\!l.dg. rLunk'Lrredir,,,,iLL ri hrlfs h d.!dq, !trtrlknc, x\ir r)rh(, rings.nirrs n) rtrirr, ctr,, i(trI,,trr

/fuL!?,ttul-%i ",r


I'l hm L(r! otr SocicL!s(illege ol Euginceritrg, l'hrlh'tr

I,,,lLr(1. o ( urri'tr1ntr.

"". r -trfl'lt Ir'.tr' \litr'tri ' s'M,tfl'rI'ig,rDnn. Nfu(hrnicrl/Cnil/EtrTC/ConNicr/Icclrtricrl(Dt omr)/larTc













"ll-dr..'illB,lll""i"',( */s|Dfarc






r,***.,r;rt".,.r*d,r,,\rfd;rr vls 11h


l,hrlt r Edo. ioi So.idr s

Collcgc ol trngineo.n'g, l,hxttallliccdb.rk on Crric t',n,


rr...cmrld'l Icxt].scs.ltruccnircduoh$),8 unricrrrri otr drci \iltr $lt ski . htrn;l;t,r;;i eirM

lri.:rtr, {,un!,lrlrion !{1a.\Nn,.,rrir,trh1 vn i/t ri/spofn,.d t,

(4) (3) o) ((D


| _. .. r.t..,,,nr I tr,t,tiil .Lnnx\.\t,,tr,i.\nr, \r,/i,,i..,r ,lt t"r ,..,,,1,,1 \r!,,,,trh,,r,r,ilr tr.,I

1,,,1('rr')ilnr,)tsl c"lll,r'i!:!r]]:1' :llltll]]]lr'"1! 11{ !rr rtfl[!]!!l

l'lrh lin!d oi s..i.rr\Collcgc of l lngi'rccrtu g, llh alt^n

Ff on atrrri lunrr Nrhr.r. q \ o, r)r- r'r / litrrr6! " I r',luy Lt,/.,i r sr,Jii"

,,..,"*"", rr"a,-,i."r r cfr r:,y'ti r c,t rnii. / N{.:,})nli,,l 0}ipl.,,r) / r."r{a(Dipl.,,,Dtrtt LS-a-t4


lr $ d, iuLltrr, c\t,o:cs il

t)!r r, rrlrltr B v.s $llici. 11 i,xhrol e\torrcrrnhrr, vil r/1trlr n$iis,of!n.d Prli!tr)

rr. rr rli rL dn,icL hin JcYdotrrd ir n'lrlcic 1.otridr. nf,^r,l,it.lnLd. l

D.\ni(..1J n Ntr u,lL g rsd.cDktrotrl.d!.rbotrtnrlicn





1, 10lidtr. iotr s.cid!s( ollcgc ol Engimcdng, l'hrltn


rrsrLr nLlL r rr\11n,lll.. i,ak(t\ r\ll.r'rcrrf l"r', \'1fu n,,i sroooLll\,'ircL)lr(,\on rl rh dtr'icr k'n, dc\.loNn i\ s'llrcicrl lo

rj(t,,.,.11rl\ l(]n r gilr dtt) LN1\l!1lr!ri..n I I'in ltl$hdr.]1,f . rpr.rc''s


,*., iuLltrrn fltr drcd ritl, solisIil. hutr,M r.lrcs and

College of trngincering, PhaltanFcdbrick on Curriculunr

Fccdbmk slvci 6y- Ptrfrr / [mDlorcr/ rircDkr /^runni/sl lenri\I!J trnrI\Uirt"m!J

(,r) (3) (1) (0)

D.s oiriculrnn eives nffrcicnr i du$ry e\posme(htrl rry vhir/lnrenship/sponsored P6]ed) l,/D(' r on rhirk aLnic(lum devdoped is nrmcieitro on ich

Dos pruduls i" cutri.trltrD, sivedeep kmN edce rbour {Lbjecll1 !.\ Lr\"lun r( l!r1,.! r.|rs! i\

t][! B-5-hj!&

Pl,rhr F.ducriio, Socier_\,\

Collcge of Engin€ering, PhaltanFecdbrck on Curriculum

leedba.l-.\c'EmDlolrr/r,.ulD'alun'oi. srudrnlPos{. e:Mmhrnic,r Ci'irrr,Yc.r".n,r. \4c.h.nnrl(D'rlomr)rrnTr (Diplona,

(.1) (3) o)

Do6 clr icu lu'n expo$ all recem re. hnolox!skill l,un, i van'cs rrd erl,i.s

Dols.urietrlrn Eives suficienl inddry erpoetrcrh,Jr n^ vhiil'te,rship/sDo'sored Pturod)

nk curticulum deveLoped issumcierrro etrrich

\r ,.rr.lm-enedc\fl \le,lsi rbur v'rr \nr' (n hep\ rodcrlone, '.p <ncL u

r\ay oibtr snlg6lions ro cnrich Curri.ulun'

I { Yt"")t

Phr ratr Educxlion so.ietls

Colleqc of Enqincerins, Phaltan

Feedback given by-

'Prosmm'ne: Mec,Enic.l / ci,il /

Fccdhtk on Crrri.ulumPr4nr r EDplo) u'/ Iracultr / Ahdn'i / sbdcErl}c / conputr/ Mc.h'nicNllDi,,rom,)/ Enrc

/ 20) E

UoA!trtr(trlt ie.pon.J lRc t Gdmo oqrD..s.utricuhLmenichedNifi son slill. humtr vrLrcs andenri.s

Dosflr ! un snL\nffr cnrindunD e\po re

llndunryVhlr/l {nsh iplspo Nored P rcjecl)

troJU' rh trl!n!tr|! nd.\eloped Ev'llt c ioen!h

Docs nmdnxk i" cmictrLun sive delp k'o\lslg!q!!!!rg1

An! orlIr Sqpdions ro tnrith CDrricnl"n' /J.D

Phrlr.i Educdlo I socie!_'s

College of EngiDeering, Phaltatr' treedb/ck on Curriculun

r+oba.rnen or- Pdrl rnph:c' IiLurD,crumni sruJenr\4e!harhrl Cn il , I n ft . ( onn,r.r !l.rhrui l(Dinlo x''Fnl





rheson.trlLnne\oosesallrecc lcclmoloDo* triiculm enriched uiih soli skill. hnnan v.lrcs ind elhics

noAoLtrtrtrl n'rt\esi'fficie indtr{q e. nsm(l drri\ v s uLnren \ltrp st,osoreLl P ote\nDoror 'l'inl\ufl! !md ropcJ 5\uffi!'en'ornrnll

Does ir Nricul n glve deep tnoNh&e about subjccr

Doss c!ni.ulum helps lo dereLop entcpre reun

An) Olhersussesrions th cnrich Cun'i.ulun)


Philtu Educdior Socicly\

Collese of Engineering, Phaltan

Feedback giron by-Prosra'nmer Mecliani.d / CiYil /

reedfdck on ctrrriculumPlrynr r Emplolcr/ rrcnliy / aluDni/Sr eni

Lifr / comnurer/ vtchrnkil(Diplomal / Enl'cDde:- to/4lt I


Dos o'oiculLLmexpo*s alL Ecenl lechnoLo

r)o( or .,'l i enLched,rirh son *ill. htrnal vrLL$ d clhi.!L.\\.u ,tru trn !iLA .,ii. enl lnt !ir) \.pi\!re(hrdnso Vn r/lrn{nshlprspoNored ltojed)Oolo rr nl rnrulu ide\eloped airii! enr octr\lr

D@s D.adicaLs lr cudcnlumAivcdeep knoNLedse aboul n'bjeclhelps ro develop entcpr.rc!6

rlft\nJ Oil'rr slsgsr'uns ro tnrkh curriculun'



Phrltai EdNrtioi Socieq\

Coll€ge of Engineeritrg' Phalt'nFeedback on Curriculln

IeedM kJ.enbl Pulr cmDlo' 'l' "lD'Alumni/srud'nru*m"t,i, cr,ir r"Yc'e"-puter/ u(l[rk'r (Diprom'''rn r' 'Dirromr\Ddc:r5/a J e

N. ii.uL ncrnosesillIecen(..lnroloD*;i",1,*i"h"d "irh -li skill, huDar vllus aid erLrics

Do.5.n Lu un gns am.ienr inLlAn] e'pon E( hnrr {r! visir/rnren$hiprQg!!!lgl!91!!!lii-"l6iili,iiiii*tereropea h n'nicic ro oftich

D_. .--*. F.rc"I" i" *,,i,,,r,,11g]]!qlr !]:]11

Does dfficulm, helps o devclop entcqEllll!

,^trr OrlrcrsugCstion\ rt.nri(h Cu' rhdlum


Ph.lki Edtr!{ of So!is1r!

Colleqe of EnqincerinA, Phaltan

Feedback givn by-

F€cdback on CurriculyrPIenr / Implov.r/ ttcy'ry / Aluf,ni/ srudenrEnTC /comDurer/ M.ihtrnii,l (DiDlonr) / EnIC

Dde: t./+t t


Do.s cndculunr exDoses all rcent tchno log

DoescuricuLmr gives suficietrr i' unry exposLre

I rndtr!q Visir/lncrdshlp/SponsotuI Prciecr)n. \otr rlntrkcutrictrlrLirdeveloped is sulficietrl loerrich

Doesp,aclic*incmiculumeivedeepkdorlecerbo nbicdDocscnriurlum hclps ro d.lelop efrrqrrcf{'6

Atry Othr.Susssrionr ro enrich Cuficulun, NI

NNmc (oriionrr) : ?2,{. sr YaJA

Phahan Educarloi Sociery\

College olEtrginccring, PhaltaDF..dh,.k on Cnrricn!',8

leedba.l-.\e' br-P.reir tmrlots hcylrr Allnb,'srudenli'ou:m e. Mtrr,rqic.l. Ctr 't toTc, .omrukr \a.l(Jn'{,1 LD'rlomr) rol.tDiplomr)

Dar lolo'llotz

(1) (3) o) (0)

Docscffi.u trm.rDosesall rccqtrr rlchiolorr

Doescuiihu um giressuttici.trl trdustiyexpos'rc( lndNiry V h h/lincnsh ipls potrsor.d Prc iect)

is sufiic atioerich

Docs pmdicah inruriculu'n silc dccp kDoskdac abour nhiccrI)oescurictr un helpsro develop enhep.enfl'a

,lu Oth(SussBtioDs io eniicl! Currhultrm (ooiionaD:- EhosJe ( .s

Plrh Edu.diotrSocclys

Collcgc of Engincerirg, Phaltan

Doescutrrtrlum exposesrll recenrtchrololv

Docs cni.uLuh sives sumcieDr iDdunry cxposurc(hi 6rJ Vnir l crnn i0/Spoi\uRd Proir! )lr.vouthirknn cuhm developed is srllicietrr ro enrid,

Does pndicaLs i', ctrdcuLum give deep kmlv edle aboutsrbieclDoes cffi(Lum hdps ro developemrepreie 6

AN o.her strsecsioos to cnricb Cuu'irulum

Pl,rltu Educar or SmieiYs

College of Etrgineerins, PhaltanFccdbrck on curriculurt

r(dba.k,:.r. b1 l,Jfrnr rLo'nrur,r ri.'rli {rrnni SrudenrPogndrne::ttrcl,rnicrl/civil/ trnrcr compulsr/ Mel(,ric,l (Diplomr) / Enl c (Diptomr)

Does cff ictrLun,.rDoses all rcccr r..hiol.

Do.scnr Lnm ejves s r'licieDr iDddraexpo$r( lndu *ry v is irhnernsh ip/s potrsoEd Prc iect)Do r-otr think cunictrlum dcvslopeJ is s,mcienl 10 onich

Does pndicals in cmiculum sive deep knowledqe s6oursLbieciDocs cnicuL$h hDlbs ro dcvelop en0lprcf, otr^



Plr 1.n LdL.rno So. {!Collcsc of trnAineerins, l'halta n

Feedback given hyPrcsmnn,c: Mehnnic.l/ Civil/ on Ctrrriculum'r',rtnr tmnru)r' / lju/x / {['mni/clu'lertEnTc / con'DUtrr M..hinic.l (DiDlono/ EnTc

Dat - \n/L / !8

(n 14) (3) o)oL[m e.por!.] RLen krl olo!.!.ul n etrr ched nirh soi sl il, hL nDn \il L!nJcrh \s

Dos cuiiculrD Eives $fficienl indtrsry etrposurs( l rddry visiri'te. ip/Sponso.ed P.oieco

llk qutriculum dereloped is sufiicient to enricb

icik incu'riculum sive deep knowledge a60o1r'6icd t/.!u trm I'e psrod elopenreprer 6

.\ r Orhri SnegNrions ro .nrich cuficulum

l'hall Lduc.riof Soclclys

Collcgc of l)rgnrec' ing, I'haltnnln.dlucko CurricrnDn

Indl)r!l tivcn hr l'i,atrr / Irnrlurd / l.r(lrt / ,\hntrnir'-" tu Nr..r,rtri.rrfiril /nn.,.c/con,ptri.r/M.c,,rnicr,.ixlli|1)l;,i,i,**

(,1) (3) (r)

i, I|,.r"....n ri i d,rr,,r.rrL u'.lLl{L' flL\,' ,rui'r(,rLld i.i

L ,u rL r qn$ n lli. crl i'nlN[Ycrpon'.,\ \'nirllr . rhi./s rr,{tr{l I'io rr)!Lr i. dtr' d,, nr d$ck,Nd is $ lli. cfr hcnicl,

rr(i.i: r un'.1 L nlncdrro I'anllcdrcilidn'Lrcd

il'r' strrscni,nA i'.tr'id, ( r,' iNlrtr'

l'hr ri LJtrur.r so.lrr\ \

Collcgc ol l,lDginccrirg, l'haltanF..,thrcI n (irr.irulutrr

(,rhrr I \lvhr,, r r. [r(r,rni.i]/( nil/

, /",,,,,t,'",,,1,,'',/,,,,,",,,';, _t \11,,t{tu r\rt#ntr.,lr'rLrltr,r/r,trlr.1r"rr,'l



Ph.lhn ndtrcntiLr r So!icl]\Collc,ac oftr sircclirs,l'h ltxn

r€cdDack on Ctrrric hrnr|c.dbic( lilctr [], rarur / li!$q r / lr,+{r{t / Ar*,i / Si, cn.,,i..r / ciY/ s,.&r/ G""{"n r / rr.€*nift(+ri,t"l.9+[c+en. tr- Il 1

IL \.il hr D,r, rrl si,., i, lL rr\({Llli!. i'nhltr\ \pon'.

rh,,ltri'\ \ Airll . ,\,iL)sDotrnrnlP,dc!11,, { rr'i'i. unl.r Lnr d$rlecd iss lli. c lh

Itrt,r,,\rhillr.lntrt d

r,,r. n,,!i.,r. ,d ' d rLm=rt!t!!L!]]!


|hillli Edr. ron So. clys

Collego of Ergnrcoring, l'hnll anl.codbnck on Ctrrricnhun

...Jr' i rr |r,ctrr ttr,I,tu.,, t-, h: \hutrtr, srrtctrrr'. . \r,,ril ..,r.(,,,r rtrri ,,{trt,trre, Irnr,rtrnxrLr'ilnutrL,, r',,rr rr'il,ror

d': li- !4_2!\'}

rj.:0'r.r utri gncs sullic'.fr indLirt cxpostrctrLn \ \i rl,hi.!trr, r/sD!n$cd rrcjc.r)



r,rr.lli, iah,txri,,r sorld\ \

Collcge ol tirrgireornrg. l'lnltatrl.ocdhx.l( otr Cu.ricultr 'I x'ttrr iLtr't,l"r.' r lx. l'r \ltrnn"/\'rl,trl



Itr,lu't Vi\iLhn.hslr D/Srtrsorcnl)r.jccl)r,\d'1hi',1rtr.or trrr Jcvcl.pcll aslll.lcDrro

ortlL,tnh t .l!tr11.

'.. r, .,'.Li i l(n,gir! ,.q I r tr\ rJlr 'b! 1s li.rrr,.s flrr (ltrn lrclr n) d!vcl.C

'r..]'1il |j \ i!.\ll'.(I1 1(lj|ollt)

ri, \.tr l rint.Lr l{'lunrdcvclnpd is

.,,r1!r!!r!! llilllgrlr\i.\urr (rls i:r ctrdsulrr

l',iLLri r(Lrr on \o.idr!( otl(itc ol lingincctiDg, I')hallan

Inrdbrck on Ctrrric lunrlFn.(k | rcn hl

.r r rl(l'rtrnrl/ ( nili

iLri,i",1ii,i rriNln ls lnlti.nt tu cr' .h

, I T. ,' ''',. 'lJtr i-"I -{"-c l"' I '

, ,1,,, /,,1,,,,, ,

'.1,r,. / \,,r/,,, , s',, ,,.,,r

r,ir, , ;rtrr,,\t..,,tr..,IrLiI,I tr.'r/Itrrt rDir,r, r,r

Ii ';,i\']

Pli.illrr lltu! nf $r '!J


Cotlcsc of ti gnrccrirrg' l'hxltln

" rzl+/!8

[:-* - =-_,---."*of *i,lli::r-,nr-

l,; -,,;.,,r,,,',* ' 111 ! lnr II'rh(\no 1

It +'+.+:*+*+#lt+"'"'-I ll]*,Li;:,.1;nt-*1."t-t;;;-1r.- r*rl1]ll4ull"L""l]!!]tL"t --






(rl (.r)

I'l[ l.Ln lahr.r f \o.i!r]iCloll.gc ol Inrginccritrg, I'hrllxtr

I:c.dl,r(kon C r.i.uluDr| )- ' " l'x',trr I tr't,|,,. 1 r nk\ \r"rni ('trnon'

. \n,r' lii,.'l \ln'l'rtr'r'l,l,it'|, i,r' ltrl.'n't'lon'.',


rr r,! rli n, n".L LL' n (lrdql

rl\.1'!l'ir,!v.f, rrnlr L[ !)rls.ilL.lrn


I r" i r,r [, Ll\ i".L ] lrlutrr -!n! Lh.l) I urle!. rho( ! hi.trli,6 rr' .I'n ltlp\ h d!!.hD cn(!ptturs

r !1,(, snrg$riirJ r4 u',id' {i" 'ictrl"tr'

s,s,i,- nfiriri