SRL Wellness Card Plans

Post on 06-Mar-2015

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Transcript of SRL Wellness Card Plans

IndIa’s Largest dIagnostIcs network.

trusted by MILLIons


suPer reLIgare LaboratorIes LIMIted 01

beneFIts oF HeaLtH & weLLness card 02

tyPes oF HeaLtH Packages

ankur (for kids) 03

oorJa (for teenz Male & Female) 04

unnatI (for adults Male & Female)

unnatI (for adults Male) 05

unnatI (for adults Female) 06

kaVacH (above 45 Male & Female) 07

test reLated MedIcaL InForMatIon 08

generaL InstructIons 13

FaQ 14

our network 19

India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions 1

suPer reLIgare LaboratorIes LIMIted (formerly srL

ranbaxy Ltd.) started a revolution in diagnostic services in India by

ushering in the most specialized technologies, backed by innovation

and diligence. within 11 years of inception it has become the largest

Pathology Laboratory network in south asia offering preventive health

care services in India, Middle east and parts of europe.

srL has a network of over 900 collection centers and 40 laboratories,

from Leh to kanyakumari & bhuj to lmphal; there is hardly a place

where srL does not touch the lives of people. today over 5 million

people , every year, repose their trust in srL for their testing needs.

about super religare Laboratories Limited

2 India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions

• Health & Wellness Card is a value packed product which offers

Preventive Health check facility for the customer covering all age

groups (kids, teens, adult & above 45 years ).

• Intoday’slifestylewhereallofusarerequiredtobealwaysonthego

, this health check would act as a tool to identify any kind of disorder

well on time & act towards its cure.our Mind & body work 24 Hrs of

the day, even when we are sleeping & thus like any other engine


• Thecardofferschoiceofanyonehealthcheckfromthefollowing:

• Ankur(ForKids)

oorja (For teenz Male & Female)

unnati (For adults Male & Female)

kavach (above 45 Male & Female)

• The customer has a choice to avail any of the abovementioned

packages, and he can avail this offer for all family members by

purchasing 1 card for each member.

• EachHealthCheckhasarationalcombinationofvariouspathology

tests which would help the customer to get a reality check about

his or her health. unlike any other preventive Health checks which

include only basic routine tests, these panels include at least 1 high

value specialized test.

• Thecardentitlesthecustomertoavailthecheckataveryspecial

price of 1000 rs as against the MrP of at least 2500 rs.

• ThecustomercanapproachanyoftheselectedSRLcollectioncen-

ter or Laboratories (list enclosed) to avail the offer. the card needs

to be handed over to the concerned srL Lab or collection center in

order to avail the offer.

• ThereportofthehealthcheckcanbecollectedfromtheSRLLab

or collection center where the customer has given the sample after


Benefits of Health & Wellness Card


India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions 3

the religare srL diagnostics health packages for all age groups

include the investigations to screen for the common health problems


ANKUR (for Kids)

Preventive health and wellness for the child is the foundation for a

lifetime of healthy choices. It ensures good health and overall well

being for the child and paves the way for a life lived with health and


•coMPLete bLood count



•PerIPHeraL sMear

•bLood grouP abo,rH

•urIne routIne eXaMInatIon

•stooL routIne eXaMInatIon

•bLood sugar FastIng

•totaL ProteIns

•aLkaLIne PHosPHatase

•seruM creatInIne

•seruM caLcIuM



•seruM Iron

•seruM cHoLestroL



types of Health Packages

Benefits of Health & Wellness Card

4 India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions

OORJA (for Teenz Male & Female)

adolescence (from the Latin verb ‘adolescere’, which means, “to grow

up”), or teenage, is a period of mind and body transition. an emotional

rollercoaster for the individual as well as the parent, this is also a time


Preventive health and wellness in this age goes a long way in ensuring

a healthy and stress free adolescence both physically and emotionally.









•SeruM creatInIne

•SeruM bILIrubIn






•SeruM caLcIuM






•coMPLete bLood count


• bLood grouP abo,rH

•urIne routIne eXaMInatIon

•urIne cuLture & sensItIVIty

•bLood sugar FastIng

•bLood urea nItrogen

•seruM creatInIne

•seruM bILIrubIn



•totaL cHoLesteroL


•seruM caLcIuM


•tsH, Ft4



India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions 5

UNNATI (for Adults Male & Female)


Playing the male role in our society, you are always under pressure

to be strong and by virtue of this expectation; you end up neglecting

any minor illness or health concerns. with study, work and life related

pressures on the rise, and chronic diseases affecting increasingly

younger age groups, prevention is the only way to ensure your health

and wellbeing. Followingtestsareconductedunderthispackage:

•coMPLete bLood count


•bLood grouP abo&rH

•urIne routIne eXaMInatIon

•bLood sugar FastIng

•bLood sugar PP

•seruM creatInIne

•seruM bILIrubIn





•seruM urIc acId




6 India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions


as a woman, your role is perceived to be that of a caregiver. you are

a multi tasker and the backbone of the family and spend more time

taking care of others than you do taking care of your self. as a woman,


own needs in the hustle bustle of taking care of the needs of everyone

aroundyou.Mostofyouwouldfind the time toconsultadoctoronly

after having prolonged symptoms and there are very little chances of

opting for a preventive health screen.

a proactive attitude towards your overall health and regular screenings to


your health and well being and your family’s happiness; because being

a woman is not about ignoring your health and tolerating illness but

about making prevention and healthy living a way of life for yourself and

your family. Followingtestsareconductedunderthispackage:

•coMPLete bLood count


•bLood grouP abo&rH

•urIne routIne eXaMInatIon

•bLood sugar FastIng

•bLood sugar PP

•seruM creatInIne

•seruM bILIrubIn




•seruM caLcIuM

•seruM urIc acId

•tsH, Ft4




India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions 7

KAVACH (Above 45 Male & Female)

According to James Garfield, “If wrinkles must be written upon our

brows, let them not be written upon the heart. the spirit should never

grow old.” thus as you enter middle age and beyond, do not neglect

your body and the needs it has. Preventive health in this stage of life

is probably the best investment for yourself as it helps to shield you

from common conditions which become more common with increasing

age. Make wellness a way of life to enjoy the golden years of your

life in peace and harmony. Following tests are conducted under this



•coMPLete bLood count


•urIne routIne eXaMInatIon

•stooL occuLt bLood

•bLood sugar FastIng

•bLood sugar PP



•seruM creatInIne

•seruM bILIrubIn








•coMPLete bLood count


•urIne routIne eXaMInatIon

•stooL occuLt bLood

•bLood sugar FastIng

•bLood sugar PP



•seruM creatInIne

•seruM bILIrubIn



•ca 125

8 India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions

• Blood tests (cbc & esr) to rule out a wide spectrum of diseases

including anemia, bleeding disorders, any acute or chronic

infection, allergies etc.

• Urine tests for ruling out diabetes, jaundice or any infections of

the urinary tract. these also act as preliminary markers for

screening of kidney disease.

• Blood group/ Rh factor analysis for awareness and future


of blood transfusion.

• CRPasamarkerofinflammationinthebody.

• Peripheral Smear, to help diagnose a range of deficiencies,

diseases, and disorders involving blood cell production, function,

and destruction; and to monitor cell production and cell maturity.

• UrineCultureSensitivitytest to screen for any infections.

• Stool Examination to detect the presence of any worms or

parasites which may be the cause of allergies and anemia.

• StoolOccultBlood for screening for various conditions affecting

the gastrointestinal tract including certain malignancies and ulcers.

• FastingBloodSugar, to rule out diabetes.

• Blood sugar testing, fasting and post meal, as part of the diabetic

evaluation - regular to screen for diabetes, the silent killer. (India

has the maximum number of people affected by diabetes in

the world).

• TotalProtein levels to check the functioning of the liver.

• Alkaline Phosphatase is an enzyme found in the liver, bones,

intestines, kidneys, and other organs. kids and teens normally have

test related Medical Information

India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions 9

higher levels of aLP than adults, even when they’re healthy, due to

bone growth. but aLP levels can also increase when kids have

viral infections or diseases of the liver.

• Bilirubin, to check liver function and watch for signs of liver disease,

such as jaundice, hepatitis or cirrhosis, or the effects of medicines


bile ducts, which may occur if gallstones, tumors of the pancreas, or

other conditions are present.

• SGOT and SGPT are liver enzymes and early markers

for any damage to the liver or any compromise in the liver function

due to alcohol or medication abuse, viral hepatitis, or any other

disease process causing liver damage.

• GGT(Gamma-GlutamylTransferase) is a screening test for liver

disease and is commonly used to identify early signs of liver

damage in customers with regular or excessive alcohol intake. It

also helps to determine whether a raised aLP level is because

of liver or bone disease.

• HbsAg (Hepatitis b surface antigen) or (australia antigen) is


causes one of the most severe types of liver diseases. It not only

diagnoses the infection but also indicates infectiousness, severity

and the future outlook of liver disease. with the increasing incidence

of Hepatitis b virus infection, this test is becoming extremely


• Serum Creatinine level evaluation is the simplest and most

commonly used indicator of kidney function.

• BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) levels help in detecting kidney

disease, as well as severe dehydration, severe stress, and

high fever amongst others.

10 India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions

• SerumUricAcid levels which help in detecting kidney function

and any compromised state like alcohol abuse, kidney disease,

and gout.

• SerumCalcium is a blood test to measure the amount of calcium in

the blood. serum calcium is usually measured to screen for or

monitor bone diseases or calcium-regulation disorders (diseases of

the parathyroid gland or kidneys).

• Phosphorus test is done to assess phosphorus levels in the blood,

to help diagnose or monitor kidney disorders, gastrointestinal and

nutritional disorders, and calcium and bone problems.

• (TSH & FT4) Panel comprises of, tsH (thyroid stimulating

Hormone), which is often considered the “gold standard” to assess

thyroid function and evidence suggests that it can detect

sub clinical thyroid disease in people without symptoms of thyroid

dysfunction; and FT4,which is reflective of unbound and directly

effective thyroid hormone levels.

• Serum Cholesterol, is different from most tests in that it is not

used to diagnose or monitor a disease but is used to estimate risk of

developingadisease—specifically heart disease.Becausehigh

blood cholesterol has been associated with hardening of the

arteries (atherosclerosis), heart disease, and a raised risk of death

from heart attacks, cholesterol testing is considered a routine part of

preventive health care.

• (Cholestrol & Triglycerides) Lipid Screen is a blood test for

assessing the levels of fats and cholesterol that can increase the risk

of heart disease and stroke. this comprises of the estimation of the

total cholesterol levels which directly indicate the risk of coronary

heart disease, hypertension, arterial thrombosis; and the triglyceride

levels which is one of the risk factors of metabolic syndrome and

increases the risk for heart disease and other disorders, including


India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions 11

• LipidProfile is an exhaustive blood test for assessing the levels

of fats and cholesterol that can increase the risk of heart disease

and stroke. this comprises of the estimation of the total cholesterol

levels which directly indicate your risk of coronary heart disease,

hypertension, arterial thrombosis; triglyceride levels which is one

of the risk factors of metabolic syndrome and increases the risk

for heart disease and other disorders, including diabetes.

cholesterol sub components into HDL (High density Lipoproteins,

indicative of “good” cholesterol), LDL (Low density Lipoproteins,

indicative of “bad” cholesterol), and VLDL (Very Llow density

Lipoproteins) and the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL, as well

as LDL to HDL cholesterol, thereby giving an accurate picture of

your blood lipid level and helping in determining the exact causes

of risk and the treatment protocol to be followed.

• hsCRP (high sensitivity C - Reactive Protein) is a marker for


by itself or along with other tests for effective cardiac disease risk


• SerumIron, very useful in determining the cause of anemia. Iron


the iron is being absorbed properly and to detect when enough iron

has been taken. the test also may be ordered to rule out excessive

levels of iron.

• lgE, a screening test for allergies in children.

• Testosterone a hormone responsible for puberty in boys is

measured to screen for any hormonal imbalances.

• LH, or Luteinizing Hormone is responsible for the production of

testosterone and its estimation is a screening test for any hormonal

imbalances caused by a number of underlying reasons.

12 India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions

• LH(LuteinizingHormone),FSH(FollicleStimulatingHormone),

and LH:FSH Ratio, are evaluations to assess the hormone

balance in the body and to screen for any disturbances which

arise from the imbalance of these hormones as they play an

important role in puberty, menstrual cycle, and the general well

being of the person. In certain cases these may also help screen

for polycystic ovarian disorder and other hormone related


• VDRL, is a test for the diagnosis of syphilis, which is a highly

treatable disease.

• Estradiol test measures the amount of a hormone called estradiol in

the blood. estradiol is the most important form of estrogen found in

the body. this test is used to check the function of the ovaries,

placenta, or adrenal glands, particularly when certain types of

ovarian tumor are suspected or when there is delayed or abnormal

development of male or female body characteristics. It is especially

important for any kinds of menstrual or other hormonal disturbance


• PSA(ProstateSpecificAntigen) levels estimation in blood for the

screening of prostate cancer, which is the most common cancer

among men. as this cancer does not produce any noticeable

symptoms in its early stages, and many cases aren’t detected until

the cancer has spread beyond the prostate, so it is very important

to screen regularly for prostate cancer. early detection can positively

affect the treatment and prognosis of prostate cancer. a number

of non cancerous conditions like benign enlargement of the

prostate, urinary infections, and prostate inflammation can also

cause an abnormality in Psa levels.

• CA125 is a marker for ovarian cancer and is a useful test as ovarian

cancer usually is asymptomatic in its early stages. the values could

also be affected by other benign conditions.

India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions 13

• You are requested to fast for 12 hours before reporting for

sample collection in case of all packages other than ankur (for kids)


water, and black tea (with no sugar), but no coffee or breakfast in the


• All regularmedicines (if any) which can be eaten on an empty

stomach may be taken.

• UrinesampleforUrineRoutineExamination, part of all packages is

to be collected in a sterile container. the same can be procured a

day in advance from the srL center. such containers are also very

easily available at pharmacy stores and are sold under the name of

“sterile containers”.

• TocollecturinesampleforUrineCulture&Sensitivity, part of oorja

(for teenz Male & Female), you are advised to collect midstream


• ForStoolRoutineExamination, part of ankur (for kids), please

bring 5 – 10 grams (1/2 tsp) of the stool sample in a clean container.

these containers are also available at srL centers and can be

picked up at your convenience.

• Sample collection for Stool Occult Blood, part of kavach

(for above 45 Male & Female), is same as above. In addition, the


• You must not take meat or fish for at least one day before

the test

• Youmustnot takeany ironcontainingdrugsat least48hours

before the test

• You must not brush teeth vigorously at least one day before

the test

• Itisalwaysadvisabletomentionanypreviousmedicalhistoryatthe

time of sample collection for better correlation of your test results.

general Instructions

14 India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions


Preventive health checks are of immense importance for early detection

and screening for diseases affecting children. children are commonly

affectedby infections,allergiesandnutritionaldeficiencieswhichcan

be detected and easily corrected. studies suggest that children who

have undergone health checks are healthier than those who did not get

their health checks done.

Is it important to get health check ups for normal healthy


children who look apparently healthy may actually be suffering from

anemia, chronic infections or nutritional deficiencies without very

apparent symptoms. these can be detected early if children undergo

health check ups regularly.

serious problems may occasionally manifest as trivial symptoms hence

delaying diagnosis and treatment.


Health check ups should be done once a year between the ages of 2-6

years and then once every two years. you could also discuss this with

your Family Physician or Pediatrician.


a screening test is method of detecting disease in an individual who

does not have any signs and symptoms of the disease. It helps to detect

the disease early and allows the individual to take corrective action


allergies have varied manifestations in children. they may be present

as a post nasal drip, running nose, cough, wheezing, itching all over

the body, skin rashes, dryness and scaling of skin etc. allergies have

become common in recent times due to the increase in environmental

pollutants. rarer presentations of allergy could be as fatigue, weakness,

sore throat etc.


Many studies have demonstrated that atherosclerosis (presence of

fatty streaks within arteries) has its silent beginning during childhood


India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions 15

Junk food, diet rich in saturated fats and lack of physical activity are

all contributory and lead to obesity in children with an increased risk

of cardiac disease at a later age. studies in eminent pediatric journals

have also shown lipid levels to be higher in children of parents with

premature coronary artery disease.

16% of children and adolescents (2-19 years) suffer from obesity in the

united states. the disease is becoming common in India too. these

children are at increased risk of cardiac disease at a later stage. also

screening for cholesterol level abnormalities in childern may help to

uncover any inherited disorders of lipid metabolism early in life.


one of the common allergies known as allergic rhinitis is caused by

pollens, dust, mites and other atmospheric pollutants. over 20 million

americans are affected by this disease and it is commoner in children

and adolescents. allergies are fast becoming common in India due to

increased levels of pollutants. children with these allergic conditions

have increased levels of Ige.



associated with poor eating habits.

eating disorders are complex illnesses that affect adolescents with

increasing frequency. In fact in Canada they rank as the thirdmost

common chronic illness in adolescent females this may lead to

adverseconsequences in later years includingosteoporosis,obesity,

hyperlipaedemia , sexual maturation delays and affected height of an


estimation of serum Iron, calcium and phosphorous, haemoglobin

levels and cholesterol are some of the indicators used to assess the

nutritional status of the individual.


Hormones secreted by the pituitary gland (a small gland in the brain)

and ovaries help in the normal development of female reproductive


menstruation (periods), an ovulation and infertility.

16 India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions

additionally Pcos (Polycystic ovarian syndrome) is a common

conditions occurring in young females as a result of hormonal

imbalance. It may present as weight gain, acne, irregular periods and


knowing the thyroid hormone levels females in all age groups is also

relevant as imbalances of this hormone are common amongst females.

thyroid hormone helps in regulating the metabolism of the body and

thyroid problems may therefore present themselves either as weight

loss or weight gain. It can play havoc with a woman’s puberty and

menstruation. abnormally high or low levels of thyroid hormone can

cause very light/very heavy or irregular menstrual periods. they can

even lead to amenorrhea (absence of menstrual periods). an over- or

under-active thyroid can prevent a woman from ovulating. also, the

ovaries are at a heightened risk for cyst development if the woman has

an under-active thyroid


testosterone is a hormone secreted by the testes. It helps in the

production of sperms and the development of secondary sexual

characters in males. LH or Leutinizing hormone helps in the production


improper development of the reproductive organs in the males and can

also result in infertility.




Lipid profile estimation includes results for Total cholesterol, LDL

cholesterol, HdL cholesterol, triglycerides, VLdL cholesterol, LdL/

HdL ratio and cholesterol /HdL ratio

LdL cholesterol (Low density Lipoprotein) is also known as ‘bad

cholesterol. It is deposited in the inner lining of blood vessels and results

inatheromatousplaquesinthebloodvesselssupplying the heart and

the brain. several laboratories do not actually perform LdL cholesterol


levels of LdL reported. these results are therefore approximate levels

and not actual levels.

India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions 17

cardiologists and Physicians today depend greatly on the levels of LdL

cholesterol to initiate and monitor treatment for lipid disorders. all prefer

measured LdL cholesterol i.e direct LdL. elevated blood levels of LdL


to lower these levels.your panels includes a measured (direct) LdL


over 40 million Indians - 60 per cent of them women - suffer from

thyroid-related disorders, according to the cochin-based Indian thyroid

society (Its).

according to experts, approximately one in 50 women and one in

1,000 men are likely to develop symptoms of hypothyroidism (lack of

thyroid levels) at some stage in their lives. In case of mild

hypothyroidism, the patient may not see the symptoms coming -

simply because the condition exhibits no symptoms at all. weight

gain however is the commonest symptom.

a hyperactive thyroid, manufactures an overdose of thyroid hormones.

the condition is called hyporthyroidism and it triggers weight loss, a

faster heart rate and sensitivity to heat Hyperthyroidism can cause

restlessness, irritability, increased perspiration, fatigue, insomnia,

irregular menstrual periods and muscle weakness. sometimes, the

tissues around the eyes swell up and appear to bulge out, leading to

`toad eyes’. Very often, symptoms of hyperthyroidism - such as lack of

menstruation,hotflashes, insomniaandmoodswings-areconfused

with the onset of menopause.

graves’ disease an auto immune disorder is common amongst

women, teens and middle-aged adults.

the good news with thyroid disorders is that if detected in time, they

are usually easy to treat and cure.


estradiol also popularly referred to as e 2 is a sex hormone. estradiol

is the most important form of estrogen found in the body. Most of it is

made in and secreted from the ovaries, adrenal cortex, and placenta.

18 India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions

estradiol is responsible for the growth of the female uterus, Fallopian

tubes, and vagina. It promotes breast development and the growth of

the outer genitals. the hormone plays a role in the distribution of body

fat in women and stops the process of growing taller.

It not only critically affects reproductive and sexual functioning but

also affects other organs like bone structuring. In females it helps in

the growth of the reproductive organs. Deficiency of estradiols in

menopausal women leads to severe menopausal symptoms. estradiol

therapy may also be used in cases of infertility. Hence it is important to

know the levels of estradiol in blood in females.

What is hsCRP?

hscrP or High-sensitivity c-reactive protein test is most often done

in conjunction with other tests that are ordered to assess risk of heart


the risk for heart attack in people in the upper third of hs-crP levels

has been determined to be twice that of those whose hs-crP level is

in the lower third.


gamma glutamyl transferase (ggt) or gamma gt is an enzyme that

is found mainly in the liver, but it may also be found in the kidney, biliary

tract, heart, brain, intestine, pancreas and the spleen. It is a sensitive

indicator of hepatobiliary disease

Its levels increase in cases of damage to the bile duct. Its levels in

blood are increased in cases of cirrhosis, fatty liver, alcoholic liver

diseases, gall stone disorders, liver tumours and medication.


ca 125 is an important tumour marker in the evaluation of pelvic

masses. It is a glycoprotein present in 80% of non mucinous ovarian

carcinomas. overall ca 125 levels correlate with disease in 87%

individuals. although normal levels do not rule out disease, its elevated


India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions 19

our network


022-2823733 / 6780111

20 India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions


Amalapuram specialty Medical services college road, Pin - 533201 9347233265 / 08856-233265

Anantpur Premier diagnostic services 10/429, upstairs opp. guild of service school, adimurthy nagar, Pin - 515 001 08554-240002/9849222070

Bhimavaram raju srinivas a (dr.) care super speciality dental Hospital, J P road 0881-222021 / 228870

Cuddapah Premier diagnostic services 20/1111, r k nagar, opp Lane to ramesh theatre, Pin - 516 001 08562-248844/651446/ 9849222070

Guntur Mother theresa diagnostic centre d. no. 13-04-76, 77 old club road, gunturivari thota , kothapet, Pin - 522002 9390732656/0863- 6453519

Pulse diagnostic centre doctor Plaza, ground Floor, beside HdFc atM Lane, yadavallivari street, kothapet, Pin - 522001 9000442611 /0863- 2214369

Hyderabadclinical reference 10-3-304/c, anil chambers, Laboratory services Humayun nagar, Masab tank, Mehdipatnam, Pin - 500028 9849070209/ 040 23532257

nischal diagnostics 8 - 13 - 8 / 23/1, beside swapna theatre, ganesh nagar, katedan, and also at 11-3-551/adc, near anwarul uloom college, new Mallapally, Hyderabad 500001 2334 3172, 092463 73172

nova Micro specialities to 1117, shobha collection centre Pavani arcade, LgF 14 & 19, opp aMs Hospital, o.u. road, Vidyanagar, Pin - 500044 040-27624180 / 9849000578 r k diagnostics no.28,1st Floor, r k commercial complex, golconda X-road, Pin - 500020 9246506293 / 040-27672783 specialtys diagnostic centre door #6-3-655/2/3, somajiguda, Pin - 500082 09848113044 / 040 23327972 / 66668631Kakinadagodavari Micro specialities d no. 21-5-19,Indanavari street, salipeta, Pin - 533001 0884-2351121 / 09440322160

Karim Nagar nova specialities - karim nagar #6-6-264/3, sai nagar, Pin - 505001 0878 2241159, 9849731103

India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions 21

Kurnool Premier diagnostic services 46/289, upstairs, opp. Medical college gate, budhawarpet, Pin - 518002 08518-277288/9849222070

Nalgonda nalgonda specialty shop no 20, Police complex, diagnostic centre V.t.road, ramgiri, Pin - 508001 0868-2223502 / 9396620120

Narasapur gene Microspecialities Panja centre, 9849635788

Nellore shambhavi diagnostics 16/2/227-a, gandhi nagar, beside urban bank, Pin - 524001 9963338011

RajamundryJagruthi speciality Pathology rao nageshwara g (dr.)Laboratory d #46-22 -19, danavaipet, near china gandhi bomma, Pin - 533103 9849183665/0883 - 2443612

SrikakulamLaxmi diagnostics opp dharmana tVs, day & night Junction, Pin - 532001 9440195524 /08942 - 229779

TanukuHealing touch Medicare Pvt. Ltd. dr. M krishna rao,old Police station street, door no. 21-4-23, Pin 534222 08819 - 241088

Tirupati chola diagnostic Laboratory 5/138, 1st Floor, t. k. street, opp. saibaba temple, Pin - 517501 0877 - 2229162/9441531276

Vijayawadabandaru diagnostics door no 33-25-29, 1st Floor, besides dr. b rama rao Hospital, Pushpa Hotel centre, kasthuribai Pet, Pin - 520 010 9440101853 / 0866-2434389

VishakapatnamChaitanyaMedicalCentre 16-1-35,Collector’sOfficeJunction, Maharanipeta, Pin - 530002 0891-2731761 / 9849113322

Vishakapatnamrana rajesh singh (Mr) srl specialty diagnostics,Haritha Plaza, 1st Floor,opp raksha Plaza, kgH down, Maaharani Peta, Pin - 530001 9849429769 / 0891-2590130

specialty Health care 50-13-14, 1st Floor, Madu residency, seethamma Peta 6455484 / 9246675484

srikanth Medilab Mangalagiri shopping complex, shop no.1 (cellar), new gajuvaka 9866033379/2768251

22 India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions

Warangal NovaSpecialities-Warangal D#6-7-123/2,OppRayapuraMosque, rayapura, Hanamkonda, Pin - 506001 0870 2449792/9849104785


Dibrugarh cherish cherish Patient care center, arora-complex, opp. saligram Petrol Pump, thana chariali 09435131360

Guwahati chikitsa Medicares opposite kalpana Market, gnb road, guwahati club 09864207355, 0361-2666007

Panacea abc, g s road, opp. Pallavi Motors, 9954090288 Pioneer east Point tower, M.r.d. road, bamunimaidani 9864045700

super religare Laboratories Pulse diagnostics, near satsang Vihar, g. s.road, bhangagarh 0361 2452717, 09401184094 utkarsh opp. citi Mart, g. s. road, ulubari, 9401038616

Jorhat Plazzma - Jorrhat gaar aali 9435330555

Khanapara Medi - assist opposite nayantara super Market, g.s. road, 6th Mile, 9864025836

Nalbari Miracle borama road, near burah Maszid, 9864093662

Silchar bio-Med netaji subhash avenue, opp. gopinath cinema, 03842 221469/221854

super religare Laboratories Progressive towers, netaji subhash avenue, silchar 03842 - 220154

BIHARBegusarai Health care services In Front of dr. k. k. singh, near kachari road, Mungarigang 09835087871/09934865988

super Health centre rameshwar complex, opp. anand Hotel, kali asthan, Pokharia 09852110468/09835651165

Bhagalpur Marina diagnostic centre dr. shankar, Zilla Parisad road, near Hotel rajhans court area 09431214538/09431215883

India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions 23

Chhapra Health service centre Pramod shukla, Health service centre, super Market, near bus stand, chhapra club 0615 - 2244248/09835405050

Darbhanga raj Patho care shanti sadan, ramanand Path, new balbhadhra Pur Laheriasarai, Infront of M L academy 09334739123

Vijaya Laxmi diagnostics dilawarpur, east of donar, railway crossing 09304024925/09801709846

GayaHealth services centre gaya college More, a.P. colony 09835005867/0933425199

Hajipur Patient Health centre kuldeep sadan , trimurti chowk, Vaishali 09852110468/09835651165

Katihar adarsh Janch ghar binodpur, katihar 0943129156

Madhubani shashi Patho center bajrang Market, south to watson school 09835427969

Motihari Manglam diagnostic centre super complex, Hospital road, near railway gumati 09431269804/0625 - 2240966

Munger k k Health care bari bazar, near Lal kothi, thakur bari 09934609659

Muzaffarpur sanjivini collection centre Zila Parishad Market, opposite road no. 1, near apollo dental clinic, Juran chapra 0621 - 2210321/09304793782

Nalanda nalanda collection centre ranchi road, Hospital chowk, opp. IncomTaxOffice,Biharsharif 0611 - 2231046/09308467463

Patnabio-care collection centre c/20, Housing colony, road no.1, kankarbagh 0612 - 3250588/09234348821

cure and care centre behind sbI bank atM, Patna city chowk, 09308120486/09934771583

International Health centre raja bazar apartment, near Petrol Pump, baily road, raja bazar 0612 - 22295702/09835282443

Patient care centre ds/24c, b n apartment, behind Mahendra Lok apt., kankarbagh 0612 - 2347212/09431077709

24 India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions

Patient service centre rajesh singh, c/o raja Market, NearSalesTaxOffice,GujriBazar 09334088919/09835005867

Perfect collection centre arya kumar road, dinkar chowk, opp sbI rajendra nagar 0612 - 2660196/3252155, 09835643906/09334326361

speciality Health centre Quality corner, boring road, chowraha 0612 - 2525299/09934098299

super religare Laboratories c/o krrish care (P) Ltd., 101, ‘b’ block, capital tower, opp. aakashwani bhawan circle, Fraser road 0612 - 2216036

PhulwariSharif national Health centre beside sbI atM, al noor Mansion, opp. Mahavir cancer sansthan, Phulwarisharif 0612 - 2258299/09934098299

Purnia khushi bio Laboratory shah Market, shiv Mandir road, opp dr. d. n. ray, Line bazar 09431260141, 06454 - 242659

saharsa Medicare centre naya bazar, Lalkothi, saharsa, 09431587609/06478 - 222027

samastipur sunshine Patho centre Hospital road, kashipur, near central bank, beside telephone ExchangeOffice 09835435772/09955493695

Sasaram arya diagnostics near Vikash nursing Home, rauza road 09304378498

Sitamarhi tirhut Janch ghar Hospitar road, sitamarhi 06226 - 251096/9431281471

Siwan saran Health center bengali Pakri More , gaushala, Hospital road 09934973228/09431077574

CHANDIGARHChandigarh religare wellness sco 423, 424, ground Floor, sector 35-c 0172-4663498


Bhilai BloodCareCollectionCentre UshaTower,NearHaribhumiOffice g.e. road supela 0788 - 4031265/09827113539

Bilaspur Pathology services - bilaspur Jail Line road, opp. chhattisgarh school, near nagrik sahkari bank 0775 - 2418600/09826156244

India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions 25

Durg shubham Life Line shop no. 19, below consumer court Housing board complex, opp bus stand, g.e.road 0788 - 4012376/09907150105

Raigarh Pragati Pathology centre Mr. shridhar swain, katra road 07762 231512/9827941855

Raipur clinical reference - raipur Indravati colony, raja talab, near shyam Petrol Pump 0771 - 4057230/09893334744

Pathology Point Madan Mahal complex, shop no. 2, shankar nagar road 0771 - 4092060/09827161240

reference Lab 446-a, radha krishna Mandir Marg, near gupta electrical, samta colony 0771 - 4031490/09893406499

shubha diagnostic baijnath Para, opp. noor Jahan Hotel, near narendra sheet, cover shop 0771 - 4004851/09425502534

super religare Laboratories MMI Hospital campus, MMII Hospital, Lalpur 0771 - 2419001

Rajnandgaon JJ Pathology Lab Lalbagh, gali number - 9, sindhi colony 07744 - 407415/09300676214


Delhi aditya diagnostic centre e-333, shop no-7, khosla Market near samrat society, Vasundhra enclave 09810945224/09910945224

appurva diagnostic centre 10/2, old rajinder nagar, near sir ganga ram Hospital, 09717849555/09891044555

appurva diagnostics 6/27,west Patel nagar, opp. dav PublicSchool,NearMetroPillarNo:197 09891044555/09717849555

care and cure clinic c-140, sarvodaya enclave, near IIt, delhi 011 26536548/41829550, 09971588844/09810859476

chakshu clinic gupta alka (Mrs.), c-15, opp. Lions bhawan, Vivek Vihar, 011 22156735/65951314

clinic dee-31 d-31, amar colony, Lajpat nagar IV, 011-26414440/41625554, 09810128022

dr shikha nutri systems b-10, derawala nagar, First Floor, Pvt Ltd. - Model town opposite Model town-II, 47013232, 47013434

dr shikha nutri systems sF-26, 1st Floor, Plot no. 9d, aditya Pvt Ltd. – shahdara Mega Mall, cbdc, shahdara, 011 43015803-05

26 India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions

dr. r k goel diagnostics dr. rakesh kumar goel, c - 4, anand Vihar, opp. Pushpanjali Medical center 011-42427475, 011-22155678, 09818744424

dr. shikha’s nutri - Health Plot no. 49, road no. 43, near systems Pvt. Ltd. commercial complex, west Punjabi bagh 011-42466484/42466485/42266486

dr. surana’s eyetech X-22, basement, X-block, Internal road, Hauz khas 09811144216/09313066670

g. k. Medical centre b-11, Plot no. 2, Vasantkunj 011-41753266/09891040406

garg bros diagnostic centre shop # 8, Pocket H-17, csc - 3 near Metro Piller 420, sector- 7, rohini, delhi 27052952/1885/ 09810267966

getwell soon shop no. 6, Plot no. 49, neelkanth apartment, sector 13, rohini, 011-27864283, 09868586862

Harnam Medicare amita rosha, 71, daryaganj, (behind Police station) 09811270025, 09810305795

Health care diagnostic 282, rajdhani enclave, ground Floor, Pitam Pura, near Mahendra Park chowk, road no. 44, delhi 011 47042822, 09810071070

Health care services shop no. - 344, Vardhaman star, city Mall, sector-23, dwarka 011-28052057, 09891285307/ 09911441061

Hi-tech diagnostic services 7/10, Vishal Mkt, bhai Parmanand colony, dr. Mukharjee nagar - west, delhi 27215385, 27444555, 09811054279, 09811286504

Indident Medical & diagnostic center 3e/15, Jhandewalan extension, new Link road, opp. Videocon tower, 011 41543747, 09810294477

Janakpuri diagnostic centre c-4b/296a, Janak Puri, near surajmal college 011 64718672, 09210788672

khurana Health care Flat no.6, Pocket-25, sector-24, rohini, delhi 011 64560101, 09810498984

Life care d-52, greater kailash, enclave-II, near savitri cinema 09810130635, 011 29221714, 09910494958, 09818201636

Merrill Healthcare dr. Praveen tewari, g-8, shivam Plaza, b & e Market, chetak complex, dilshad garden 09313116491, 09810676601

narang diagnostics c/o. neelam narang, F-27, Madhu Vihar Market, behind gurudwara, Patparganj, 011-20050398 / 09968285396 / 22235396

India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions 27

new aditya diagnostic centre 226a, Pocket-b, Main bus stand, (near Pocket - c, gate no. 1) Mayur Vihar, Phase - II, 09810945224, 09910945224

om Physiotherapy clinic e-4/30, opp. Jain Mandir, krishna nagar, 09313779177, 011-22091710

real Health care diagnostic 14-central Market, ashok Vihar- I, near Punjab national bank, delhi 27211778, 27468832, 09811118465

religare wellness g - 34 - 35, Vardhman star citi Mall, Lsc - 3, sector 7, dwarka, near ramphal chowk 011 64617501 / 25072305

religare wellness Himalaya Manufacturing & sales co.,3632, Park Mansion, netaji subhash Marg, daryaganj, 011-43600636

religare wellness shop 14b, basant Lok community centre, Vasant Vihar 011- 46016308/09

religare wellness shop 4 & 5, aggarwal chambers, block 4, sector 12, near ayushman Hospital, dwarka 011-45532516/45532589

religare wellness M-32b, Main Market, greater kailash, Part - I, delhi 011-46528536/46528537

religare wellness M - 10, greater kailash - II, near oriental bank of commerce 011-64586706/46529468/46529469

religare wellness s-5, green Park, Main Market 011-46064361/62/46529469

religare wellness a-59, khan Market 43528313/43587154

religare wellness ground Floor, c-11/19, ground Floor, near axis bank, Lajpat nagar- II 011-46586125 / 64586703

religare wellness c/o Medsource Health care (Pvt) Ltd, wZ-409b, Janak Park, Hari nagar, opp. deen dayal Hospital 011 32450302 / 64542678

religare wellness-arjun nagar-delhi 7a/1, shop no.4, ground Floor, east arjun nagar, opps. Hedgewar Hospital 011- 6473 2729,

ReligareWellness-NebSarai C-3,GateNo:3,FreedomFighter enclave, neb sarai 011 - 64732728,

SSDiagnostic A-5B/122,SFSFlats,GateNo: 3, Paschim Vihar, Multan nagar crossing, delhi 25267671, 25280150, 0935007193

sapra diagnostic centre dr. amandeep sapra, 50, ring road, Lajpat nagar III 011-29833982, 09810476490

28 India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions

shikha’s nutri Health system 131, uday Park, khelgaon road (Pvt) Ltd, new delhi 011-26519627/28

shivam care centre dr. urvashi, d-5, kalkaji, near JIMs Institute 011-26435543, 09818015706

south ex Pathology n-1/1, n.d.s.e., south ex Part-I, near HdFc bank atM, defence colony Flyover 011-32674161

super religare Laboratories rotary blood bank, 56 - 57, tugklabad Instutional area, near batra Hospital 011 - 29964263 / 29964262

super religare Laboratories c-57, ground Floor, Main Vikas Marg, Preet Vihar 011-44121212 / 39401111 / 30217200

wellness solutions g-39, Jangpura extension, near birbal Park 011-65803939, 09911363639

GOAGoa barve’s diagnostic center Ist Floor, skylarc apt., near bicholom Muncipality, bicholim 083-22255280

Mapusa Humacare Lg -15, gomes cattao commercial complex, rajwado, near alankar theatre 083 -23567198

Margao dr. willy Fernandes s-11, Fatima chambers, next to Hotel saaj, near IcIcI bank, Margao 083 - 22733333

Panaji ananta diagnomed Laxmi dutt, off dada Vaidya road, (unit of Farmacia ananta) behind Mahalaxmi temple, 083 - 22425577


Ahmedabad H. b. diagnostic centre shop 18, Parth empire, opp ram baug Police station, rambaug, Maninagar, 079-25464408 / 09824600507

J. V. diagnostic center 23, dinesh chember, Indian colony road, bapunagar 09375976676

relaible diagnostics centre 5, Vraj Vihar-5, b/H rahul tower, anand nagar cross road,100 Ft road satellite, ahmedabad, Pin-380051 079-26932627 / 09227254200

shubham diagnostic center 207, People’s Plaza, near Memnagar Fire station, navrangpura 09974737071 / 09898587244

India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions 29

super religare Laboratories Premises 1 to 8, the grand Mall, 1st Floor, ambawadi 079-39401111

UniqueDiagnosticCenter G-20,ShukanMall,Near rajasthan Hospital, shahibaug 09429024135

Anand Parth diagnostic centre shop no. 31, shubhalaxmi, shopping center, opp. Jivandeep Hospital. 02692-320629 / 093274331333

Bhavnagar nidan seva centre c-113, kaliyabid, near Lakhubai Hall 0278-2570075 / 09824221982

Bhuj relief diagnostic centre santosh tower, Plot no. 160, shop no.2, Vijay nagar, Hospital road 02832-223235 / 09227626222 / 09227626221Himatnagar Meditech diagnostic center 3rd Floor, amarjyot building, above national Insurance company, arogyanagar 02772-243031 / 09426566438

Junagadh Hi tech diagnostics near Philips Hotel, 1st Floor, chittakhana chowk, 0285 2651619, 09824241619

Navsari Vatsal diagnostic centre Lg-17, Paradise tower, ground Floor, near Jahangir cinema, station road, 02637-231287 / 09879019443

Rajkotnu - tech diagnostic centre a-106, nilkanth complex, 6, rajputpara, opp. Fast colour Lab 0281-3292563 / 09825219517

SuratMedicare - the diagnostic centre u-4, western View, opp. bhulka bhavan school, adajan road, 0261 2730994, 09825770556

shubh diagnostic service F/2, Jash Point, opp. kshetrapal temple, sangrampura 09825137008 / 09377983676

we - care diagnostic center a turning Point, shop no. 418, bhatar road Junction, ghod-dod road 0261-2234049 / 09924722600 / 09898585510 / 09978836770

Vadodara alphanumeric diagnostic centre 1st Floor, satyam appt., brajwadi, opp. Paratha House, Jetalpur road 0256-3222003 / 09925231333Valsad Health care diagnostic centre shop no.5,grd. Floor, Vishwa karma bhuvan, opp. avabai High school, Halar road 02632-324811 - 248381/09825120906

30 India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions

Vapi Halani Health care a-5, anukul complex, koprali road 09328408648


Ambala good Health centre #10-a, Friends colony, t b Hospital road, ambala city 9416188183

Patient care centre - ambala Mrs. Meenakshi saini, shop no. 1, gagan Plaza complex, Hotel sukh sagar, nicholson road, ambala cantt. 0171 2641483, 09416188183

Bahadurgarh star diagnostics & Healthcare delhi - rohtak road, opp. bus stand, (near bal bharti school) 01276-326588, 09215333118, 09416518992

Bhiwani Life care centre kaushik sadan, shop no. 4, Meham gate 09812157687, 09812336592

sana diagnostic centre 1st Floor, dhamija chest Hospital rohtak gate, bhiwani 01664-240447, 09812030447

Faridabad ashwini diagnostics shop no. 407, (adjacent to sanjay Medical store), new bhoor colony, opp. sector 29 0129-4084407 / 09910866644

city Healthcare centre yash Pal arora, 5e/54, b.P., near dayanand school, b.k. chowk, nIt 0129-6452333, 09212799959

Family Health care centre sco-136, First Floor, above allahabad bank, sector - 21c, Main Market 0129-4039683, 09810740683

Health care centre c/o. arora enterprises, scF - 48, sector 22, Main Market, near rachna cinema, nIt 0129-6454666, 09212799959

Patient care centre - Faridabad Mr. sanjay nair, H. no.193 ashoka enclave-I, sector-34, Faridabad 0129-2257060, 09313999934

Pushpanjali Medical centre a-1766, gate no.5, green Field colony, near nHPc chowk 09899117522 / 09911610377

stellar Healthcare block - III , basement - 49, erose garden , charmwood Village, suraj kund road, 0129-4118462, 09818246667

SuperReligareLaboratories SunflagHospital,Sector-16A 0129-4007963, 09350505068

India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions 31

Fatehabad apollo Health care rajiv kumar / krishan kumar, behind bus stand 09812344867, 09896136809

Gurgaon dr Jaideep’s diagnostic centre JcM - 30, Jacaranda Marg, dLF - 2, next to telphone exchange, gurgaon 09899223388, 09899223399, 0124-2355460

Life stream Family care Lg - 12, Malibu town, shopping arcade, gurgaon 0124-4295373, 09999977512, 09811548996

noble Health care b - 03, style Plaza, Jharsa road, sec-15-I, near relIance Fresh 09899557794

religare wellness ca-112, central arcade, Qutab enclave, dLF Phase-II 0124-4250835 / 6453158 / 09212092305

shiam diagnostic cetre 390/1, new railway road, near american centre of Language,gurgaon 09810082233, 09811029614

shikha’s nutri Health 101, First Floor, dLF shopping Mall, system Pvt. Ltd. - gurgaon arjun Marg, Phase - 1 0124-4018673 / 74

super religare Laboratories b - 24b, sushant Lok, Phase - I 0124 - 4047733

super religare Laboratories Plot no - g P 26, sector - 18, udyog Vihar, near Motherson Factory, gurgaon 0124 - 4591000, 4591109

Hisarom Health care centre oM Health care centre 114, BasementGreenSquare 01662-236591, 09812157687

Jagadhri Life care center - Jagadhri 228, gandhi dham, near sales TaxOfficeJagadhri,Yamunanager 09813020108

Jind gupta diagnostic centre 380,gandhi nagar scheme no.6 01681-255931, 09355137702

Kaithal s.M diagnostic centre opp. Hind theatre 09416111012 / 09466706222Kalka Interlabs Medical services shop no. 1728, railway road, Opp.S.D.M.Office 9896085456 / 9417350717

Karnal chawla clinical Laboratory opp. civil Hospital, 69, Jarnelly colony 09896422555, 0184-2201999, 2202999

32 India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions

krishna care centre 2 nirmal, Market, Hospital chowk 09416172401, 09416323508

Krukshetrakrukshetra Health care agarsen chowk, Mohan nagar, kurukshetra, 09812444988, 09812190844

Panipat gupta anil (HuF) 718, Phase-1, sector-11, Huda, opp. angel Prime Mall 09812223398, 0180-2661000, 2662000

kartik diagnostic centre suresh wadhwa, salar gunj gate, opp asian Public school, near dada-Pota Market 09812375480, 09812114953, 0180- 4022036

Rewari rewari diagnostic centre (gahri bolni road), 126 L Model town, near bharti blood bank, rewari 09354841515, 01274-221128

Rohtak Hitesh care centre Medical Mor, opp central bank 09812466888 / 09255077992, 09315397307

Sirsa arora Mother child care & dr. anita arora, dabwali road (near Vaccine centre sangwan chowk bus stop), sirsa 01666-223238, 09354210738, 09896298987Sonepat sindhu care centre naresh kumari, opp.rajasthan bank sikka colony, delhi road, sonepat 09466569196

Yamunanagar kamboj diagnostic centre 40, subhash nagar, opp. waryam singh Hospital 09896240337, 01732-262537


Chamba chamba Pathology Lab c/o dhal Medical store, near civil Hospital 01899-222407, 09816622407

Dharamsala khanna Patient care centre s.k. khana, kotwali bazar, near old taxi stand 09418292009 / 0189 - 2222340

HamirpurPatient care centre - Hamirpur bhota chowk, Hamirpur 01972-225103, 09816044213

Mandi banga diagnostics Mandav Hospital road, Mandi 9418123810 / 0190-5223922

Simla Patient care centre - simla, daulat ram chohan complex, Lakkar bazar 0177-2841526

India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions 33


Jammu Tawi Patient care centre - I 2, b/c, gandhi nagar, opp. k. k. travals, Main road, (near govt. Hospital), Jammu 0191-2580358,09419789679

Patient care centre - II 18, bakshi nagar, near Hotel new karan 9464289356

Karanagar karanagar collection centre kaksarai, near s.M.H.s. Hospital, opp. shakti sweets, srinagar 9419073277

SrinagarPatient care centre - soura ansa complex, soura, srinagar 01822-231817

Patient care centre - srinagar 63-First Floor, Muneer Manzil, regal chowk, residency road, srinagar 0194-2454545,09419073277


Adityapur a. P. enterprises shop no.3, M. P. nagina tower, adityapur-1, dist. saraikela-kharsawan, 09430735071, 09204118066

Bokaro Ishu Health care 156, co. operative colony, bokaro steel city 9431734388

Daltonganj shree diagnostics c/o. Prasad Medico agency, Hospital road, daltonganj, dist. Palamau 09334511835/9334213316

Deoghar balajee diagnostic centre seth surajmal Jalan road, caster town, opp. ashoka Hotel, deoghar 09934500100 / 09431311109

Dhanbad Puja X-ray & ecg saraidhela,near canara bank dhanbad, Jharkhand 9334001046

Jamshedpur Health care shop no. 9/b,srikrishna sinha sansthan,behind Voltas House bistupur 9431112863, 9334045124, 9234743241Koderma arogya bajgaria road, Jhumri tilaya, koderma, 9431163348

Ranchi Modi Health care baralal street, upper bazar, 06513293862 / 9835162799

Modi Health centre g-6, narsaria tower, opp. Lalpur thana, H.b. road 09835162799

34 India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions

s.s. diagnostic shop no 218, ground Floor,the Heritage near r.M.c.H., bariatu road 9835083244


Bangalore apple Multispeciality clinic 13, ramaiah reddy colony, basavanagar Main road, basavanagar, Pin 560037 080 25227940, 9902919498

daya Laboratories 31, b, 2nd cross, aswath nagar, near sbM atM, Marath Halli, Pin - 560037 080-65667722, 9241241543

diagnostic affair c/o tooth affair, super speciality dental clinic, channakeshwara building, kaggadasapura Main road, c.V. raman nagar Main road, bangalore Pin 560093 080-25240416, 09886108363

M r Healthcare no.34/35, kathriguppe Main road,Vivekanand nagar bsk III stage, Pin - 560085 080-26799660 / 09845540935

M. F. collection centre c/o, M. F. dental clinic,, 1st ‘ Floor, b.t.M. Layout, 1st stage, b. g. Main road, opp. sri Jaideva Inst. of cardiology, bangalore, Pin - 560076 080 26786372, 09845824665

Psc-bangalore (II) Property no.44,chinmaya Mission Hospital road Indiranagar 2nd stage, bangalore 080 23431754

scintilon spect scans no. 27, dr. M.H. Marigowda rd., (Husw rd) arekempanahalli, wilson garden ‘ 080 26570543, 09901117416

super religare Laboratories clinical reference Lab, 47 Millers road, opp Mahaveer Jain Hospital, Vasanth nagar, bangalore Pin - 560052 080-44121212 Belgaum ankita Medicals #1564, Maruti galli, belgaum - 590002 0831-2461658, 09341100749

Bellarysneha collection centre beema reddy complex, beside sbM bank, kappagal road, bellary Pin - 583103 08392-254365, 09902101526

Bhadravathi krishnanand clinical Laboratory c/o gokul diagnotic Laboratory, srujani, bhotanagudi 1st cross, BehindMuncipalOffice,OldTown badravathi, Pin - 577301 9448782837/08282-263480

India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions 35

Bijapur adarsh Paramedical Institute bagali building, collection centre 1st Floor Meenaxi chowk, bijapur - 586101 08352-252634, 09845801399

Chikmangalur ravi clinical Laboratory Manchandra complex, opp. Head Post Office,MGStreet,Pin-577101 9448817511/08262-234546

Chitradurga Murthy diagnostics s.b.M. road, chitradurga, Pin - 577501 9845316090/08194-220555

Davangere gokul diagnostics 3rd Main road, Pooja children’s Hospital building, P.J. extension, davangere, Pin -577002 08192-270543, 9844167739

Gulbarga shree Mahalaxmi agencies b -16,ground Floor, kssIdc techno Industrial complex, Jewargi cross, gulbarga, Pin - 585102 9972157437, 9448814113

suprabha collection centre ground Floor, kothari complex, court road, opp. sbH, gulbarga Pin - 585102 08472-250403, 9845279612

Hassan raghav diagnostic & #859, shankar Mutt road, near research centre Muslim Hostel complex, 9845263331

Hubli dambals diagnostic centre 1a, ground Floor, eureka Junction annexe, beside ravenkar kalyan Mantap, t. b. road, deshpandenagar, Hubli-580029 0836-2253360/0836-4253362, 9448113384

Karwar Phayade diagnostic centre # 1269/a, Maruthi galli 08382 225045, 223911, 226291, 226548, 9448136511

Mangalore Health care diagnostics shop no. 7, ground Floor, Medifair complex, karangalpady, kodialbail 0824-2494380 / 2491121 / 2215488 / 2440881 / 9449111791

Medicity Lab Medicity, opp. unity Health, westgate terminus, Highland 9845083847mysore sri sapthagiri diagnostics #470, behind swathi Medicals, M. g. road, sameeksha Mansion, agrahara, Mysore Pin -570004 0821 4282317, 09844066112

36 India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions

Tiptur dhristi diagnostics & s. n. nanjappa complex, b. H. road, research centre opp. Vaishaly restaurant, Pin - 572201 9845263331

Tumkur Padmashree diagnostics Padmashree complex, M g road, Pin - 572101 0816 2274657/ 6530277 / 09886734657

Udipi kumar diagnostics Vidya rathna building, near service bus stand 0820 2531760, 9448952964


Calicut Medical & allied Inc. 1st Floor, seema towers, opp. national Hospital, Mavoor road Junction, Pin - 673001 0495- 2723612 / 3921159

Cochin tropicana specialty Laboratories 32/2291, a - 6, opp. HdFc bank, Palarivattom 0484-6586260 / 0484- 2346774

Kannur biomed specialty Laboratories cw-35, biomed House, Jubilee bazar buildings, onden road 0497-2766712, 09447430540

Kollam new Venus speciality Lab opp. ambady super Market kadappakkada , Pin - 691008 0474-3250537

Kottayam Medicare specialty Lab yoonus bldg, opp Medical college, kottayam 0481 2599774

TellicherryMedi Lead diagnostics shakhaz arcade, good shed road, tellicherry, kannur dist. 0490-3290409 / 09744781870

Thiruvalla Life Line super specialities 226 (2), kodiattu building, ward #VII, Pushpagiri road, opp. Main gate Pushpagiri Med college 0944773131

Trichurdia care Laboratories 33 - 1858, Laxmi complex, opp. Metro Politan Hospital,kokalai, Pin 680021 0487 2443286 / 09387404595

Trivandrum Labline Patient care centre Ponnambalam shopping complex, kumarapuram Jn., Medical college P.o, 6, Pin - 695011 0471-2555528

India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions 37


Bairagarh divya diagnostics shop no. 5, satguru complex Mini Market, sant Hirdaram nagar 9425677548

Barwani shrinath diagnostic centre c/o, suvidha Medical stores, In front of dist. Hospital 07290 224491, 09425090423

Betul betul X-ray & diagnostic centre cement road, kothi bazar 9425002391

Bhopal accurate diagnostic Lab shop no. FF-11, Minal shopping Mall, Minal residency, J.k. road 0755 4260253 9826247874

agarwal diagnostic centre LgF 19, Metro Plaza, near arun Fitness club, bittan Market, arera colony 0755 4272516, 9826055745

raj diagnostic centre shop no. 8, Phase - III, sterling enclave, shahpura 0755 4056333, 09826024913

reliable diagnostics centre shop no.10, reliable Plaza, opp. s.b.I., sultana road 9425393484

spectrum diagnostics centre 12-b, First Floor, above coffee House, behind Pragati Petrol Pump, Zone - II, M. P. nagar 42342442 / 9826042817

super nova diagnostics shop no. 5, opp. dr. ambedkar Library near gandhi Medical college Fatehgarh 9827097680

super religare Laboratories First Floor Janak Vihar complex, 6, Malviya nagar, opp. airtel 9826083727

Zenith diagnsotcs 1st Floor, shop no.3, Jain tower, nehru nagar 0993153173, 09098050134

Chhindwara RajScientifics OppDist.Hospital,BesideDr.Ismal, nagpur road 9826447174

Damoh Life care diagnostics shop no. 25 & 26, First Flour, shaheed bhagat singh Market, damoh 07812 - 280337, 09977863922

Dewas Laad sunil kumar (dr) dewas Pathology Laboratory, 162, bhagat singh Marg 9425049209

shree ganesh diagnostic centre shop - 1, radha krishna Market, agroha nagar 0727 222 8540, 094253 67941

38 India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions

Dhar sanket diagnostics raj kamal complex, 124, Jawahar Marg 07292 408291, 09425047021 / 9425046731

Gadarwara Padma Pathological services opp. dr. Modi, central bank road, 09300803822Gwalior adarsh diagnostics Jhawar estate, shop no. b-12, thatipur chauraha 9425328826

real Lab services shop no 3, Jagannath chambers, Padav 0751-2426459Harda Vedant diagnotics shiv kunj, behind Mourya complex, off chipaner rd., Maharana Pratap colony 07577 226364, 09893228454

Hoshangabad guru chhaya collection centre Vaibhav Jain, behind guru Medical store, Main road, 9827212456

Indore Joshi rajendra (dr) 64, Plouden road, Mhow, opp. Police station 0732474370 Pathology Point (a unit of Mr. rakesh bahrgava, 3-Jaora bhargava sales agencies) compound, g-7 uravashi complex, opp tempo stand 0731-2700227 r diagnostic solutions samradhi complex, shop no.g-7, near Hotel shehnai bhawar kuan Main road, Indore 0731-4049008

royal care diagnostic solutions 9/1, LIg colony, behind bata showroom, sbI atM 0731 4058608, 9827528883, 09893462553

s g Patient care 104, nagar nigam Market, 209, Jawahar Marg, near city nursing Home rajmohalla 4248800, 9826607800

super religare Laboratories near om shanti bhawan circle, behind Industry House 0731-39401111

UniqueDiagnosticCentre 45-B,JaoraCompound, opp. M.y. Hospital 9827062244Jabalpur Life Line services 1553, wright town, beside trivedi dental clinic 0761 - 4064574, 0761 - 2412772

Pathology Point opp. ranjhi Police station, In Front of sbI bank gurunanak Medical Jabalpur 0761 - 2632534, 09893470351

India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions 39

super religare Laboratories ground Floor Hotel rishi regency, civil Lines opp. sbI Main branch 0761 - 4412121, 4428378, 2624291Khandwa Jain rajeev (dr) shysit Medical centre,kahan chambers, Indore road, opp. Main Hospital 094250-86688Khargoneagarwal diagnostic centre banka Market, Mavlana azad Marg, barwaha, dist. khargone 07280 22214141, 09826322123

OnkarlalJagannath 08-TilakPath,NearPostOfficediagnostic centre chouraha, 07282 232193, 09893013481

Mandla Mandla blood services In Front of bus stand, beside Manule chashmawale 07642 - 253490, 09229573250

Mandsaur sai diagnostic centre 50, stadium Market, near bPL chouraha 7422 222342, 470342, 9425327222

Narsinghpur narsinghpur Pathological services Pramod ojha/gajendra kumar, bahri road, In Front of Hari road Lines, narsingpur 09826307561, 09926628548

Neemuch dhanwantari diagnostic centre Patlasi complex, In Front of rest House, Manasa road 07423 226692, 09425368556

Pipariya shiva diagnostics raj badone, sardar ward, First Line, Pipariya, Hoshangabad 9893225565

Ratlam arihant collection centre 15, Ved Vyas colony 9425103800

Rewakrishna diagnostics besides goyal Market, amahiya road, rewa 07662 - 403226, 09424975423

Sagar aastha diagnostic centre House no. 112, chackra ghat, near dr. tiwari X-ray centre, sagar 9302912400

Satna blood care services bhagwati chhaya apartment, khermai road, satna 07672 - 417771, 09993414975

Shadol shadol Pathology services near shakti dham, gayatri Mandir road, rao colony 07652 - 300231, 09993917262

40 India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions

Ujjain bansal sonography clinic 211, kanthhal choraha, 1st Floor, 0734 2511164, 2558891, 9826312084, 9926491731

diagnostic aids 3/1, shaheed Park, Freeganj 0734-2513121Waidhan om diagnostic centre 19, shopping complex nigahi Project, ncL, P. o. nigahi, waidhan sidhi, M. P. 09415206148


Ahmednagar shah Pankaj b (dr) Vardhman computerised Lab, devendra chambers, navi Peth 9822011382

Akluj dobhada ninad (Mr) dobhada Pathology Laboratory, Harsh - ninad bhagwan Mahavir Path 9422458173

Akola dhara diagnostic center behind ushakiran complex, near sbI treasury branch, shashtri nagar, 93250 20480

Aurangabad specialty Health care services 133, gurukrupa chambers, opp. Vadgaonkar eye Hospital, smarth nagar 09881142197/0240 2361085

Baramati Mangesh Path Lab cinema road, ranaware towers 9422501816

Barshi seema diagnostic centre dilip karad, 32/siddeshwar nagar, kasarwadi road, barshi 02184 225225 / 9422650580

Beed yash diagnostic centre Jijamata chowk, opp. ashwini Hospital, sahyog nagar (east) 9822848462

Chandrapur DevanshiScientifics SherManzil,OppositeGovernment Hospital, Main road 07172 271801, 09421858096, 09860487778

Jalgaon tulasi Pathological services g-14, 2nd Floor, golani Market 09226556906 / 09422281400 / 0257- 2237553Jalna shivkanta Pathological services near amarchhaya talkies shivaji PutaLa road, Jalna 9325821642 / 02482 232007

Kalyan kalyan collection centre shop no.4, ramkumar Mansion appt., opp. Zojwala Petrol Pump, ground Floor, Valipeer road, bail bazar, kalyan (w) 0251-2327903

India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions 41

Karad aarohi diagnostic services Flat no 5, koyana-krishna building, dutta chauk, shaniwar Peth, karad 415109 9326710464Kolhapur Pooja diagnostic services chandani chowk In Front of dr. Prasad kulkarni, near uttam theatre, Ichalkarnji, tal. Hatkanangale 09421114226/0230-2434026

samarth surgical & HealtH care 1837/3, 1st Floor, Mungalikar complex, ‘c’ ward, Lugadi Lane, 0231-2643038/9371102367

shree Laboratory services 611/e,below rendal co-opp. bank, In Front of bank of India, shahupuri, second Lane, kolhapur 9822255409

Latur srL Latur collection centre shop no 195, om chambers, near MitraNagarPostOffice,MitraNagar Latur, Pin - 413512 o2382 253525 / 9422470747

Malegaon Parag Pathological services shop no 54, Market yard shopping, Malegaon camp 9422258887

Miraj shree diagnostic services 4a, arwavattagi Zenith, opp arwavattagi Petrol Pump, Miraj sangli road, Miraj Pin - 416410 9822255409Mumbai alpha diagnostic centre “shashinil”, Jawahar nagar, opp. s.t. stand, behind Vikram rickshaw stand Pen - raigad 02143-699485 / 641222

baksheshi enterprises 259, V. P. road, next to ahura dental clinic Prarthana samaj, goregaon, 022 65522168 / 09833627168

bandra collection centre 233/3, Pragati building next to siddharth Hotel, s V road, bandra (w) 022-65739432, 9322830152, 022- 26558733

BodyReviveHealthClinic HafiziHouse”,ShopNo.1,S.V.Road,&research centre opp. alif Hotel, Jogeshwai (w), Mumbai, Pin - 400 102 09833645116, 26792843, 26792853

c M Health solutions 5, rajkamal apartment, opp. Vidyanagari, kalina, 022 26653156

care & cure diagnostics centre 8, nehru shopping centre, kambli wadi, V s khandekar Marg, opp railway stn. Vile Parle (e) 9821667665,022-26146849,26173499

dr. Pol clinic & diagnostic centre Flat no. 6, Plot no.21, sector-19, ramashray cHs, nerul 022-65196364

42 India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions

dr. rohinton J tarapour Polyclinic 800, burjobehram building,Jame Jamshed road, Parsee colony, dadar 022 24149581, 9819229492

excellent diagnostic 181, om surya Vihar, 5th building From centre - cc sion sion Hosp towards sion circle, Main road, sion (w) 022-65539834, 24093845

kiran diagnostic centre shop no. 2, sai Puja complex, Plot no. 52, sector - 14, Vashi 022-32054616

Life care diagnostic centre shop no. 5/b, kantakunj , telli galli andheri (e) 9869792064

Mukta sonography X-ray & bldg. no. 1, ground Floor, ambika diagnostics nagar, Mahim rd, Palghar (w) 9823134926, 02525-254226

nidan diagnostic centre 52-saisuman co. opp. H. society, 1st Floor, bldg. no. k2, d. n. nagar, J. P road, andheri (w) 022 65285030, 9323516701, 9969117298

nidhi diagnostic centre shop no.7, yash Paradise, sector 8 - a, airoli 022-27640897,

om diagnostix 1, umiya bhuvan, dr. r. P. road. ground Floor, opp. Vardhaman nagar, Mulund - west 022-25910202

Patient service centre - goregaon Plot no. 1/gaiwadi Industrial estate, near Patel auto, opp. Mahesh nagar, s. V. road, goregaon - w 022 - 65701810 / 09870642194 / 9323319542

Psc - Peddar road satnam sagar building, ground Floor, shop no. 10, opp. Jaslok Hospital, BehindPostOffice 022 32014519

relief diagnostics 2, Venus regency, navroji Lane, next Lane to corp. bank & IcIcI bank, ‘ ghatkopar (w) 9867964796, 9323285927

s & s diagnostics 12, bPs Plaza, devi dayal road, next to Mulund bus depot., Mulund (w) 25916242, 25938151

s b associates 3,Veena Vadini cHs Ltd, M g road (opp anand Hotel), Mitha nagar, goregaon(w) 022-28789489, 9820560211

sai Health care centre shop no.9, dwarkesh, subhash Lane, opp. Mayur talkies, kandivali (w) 9867665621/9820806344, 022-’ 65820884

shree bhagwati Veena apts, s V Patel road (opp bhagwati Hosp.), borivli (w) 9820557896,022-20315606

India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions 43

siddivinayak diagnostics centre shop no. 1, Patil wadi, tank road, opp. Mini Land, bhandup 022-25949608

SmitaDentalCareCentre C-2,B-2,0:4,C-1C-2,Opp.Abbott Hotel, sector no.2, Vashi 022 - 27825732 / 27822727

srl ranbaxy Ltd. - 27, kakad arcade, near (Marine Lines Psc) bombay Hospital, opp. Liberty cinema, Marine Lines 022 66351898

sujata diagnostics 11/84,anand nagar, near reliance energy, nehru road, santacruz (east) 022-26109582,9969158759

super religare Laboratories Plot 113, 15th street, MIdc, andheri (e) 022-30811111

Vasan ajit singh (dr) dr. Vasan’s Polyclinic, 1st Floor, Plot no. 202, d. k. sandhu Marg, Opp.PostOffice,Chembur 022 - 65296050

Nagaon deotale diagnostic centre 1-b, Prashant nagar, behind Mount carmel school, ajni chowk, wardha road 09226118006, 09860204241

Nagpur nagpur Laboratory services Morey bhavan, Plot no. 58 opp. dhantoli Park Main gate 9823271065

Nanded shree Laboratory services behind bajaj Hospital complex, Jazirabad 09890171075/02462248319

Nasik om diagnostic center 1, Megha apt., d’suza colony, gangapur road 0253 2343151, 09823744125, 09421564232

specialty ranbaxy nasik centre sindekar Plaza, old agra road, gole colony 09373908938 / 0253-6605164

Vrundavan Pathological services Mr. wale chandrashekhar d., shree chakradhar niwas, behind om Hospital, gaikwadmala, shop no.1 09822511752/0253-2456272

Pandharpur dr. bhinge a. s. “Hari om” building, In Front of s.t. stand, Pandharpur 9422068166

Pune disha diagnostic centre 1, disha apartment, behind Ishwar Motor school, sanghvi nagar, near Parihar chowk, aundh 020 25883946 9371020849

44 India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions

kothrud diagnostic centre shop no.11, kimaya apartment, near kothrud stand, kothrud 09822338499

Life care diagnostic centre shop no. 113, kakade Plaza, opp. kakade city, karve nagar, 9975432244, 9975122244

om diagnostic centre shop no.7/121/1, sus road, niranjan complex, Pashan 982374125

om sai diagnostic durga ramniwas building, survey no. 25, opp. bharati Hosp. Pune-satara road 9923495042

SrishradhaDiagnosticCentre AditiMall,OfficeNo.3,AboveRohit wadewala, baner 020 27200129, 9422084329 / 09422084329

srL collection centre - I - Pune shop no.11, choice arcade, opp. ruby Hall clinic, dhole Patil road 020-30523984/09822539941

super religare Laboratories 2nd Floor, Matru chayya, 1256, deccan gym, J.M.road 080 - 39401111

the doctor’s Place shop no. 5, sunshin court, kalyani nagar 9822287255

Satara Life care diagnostic center shop no. 59, satara trade centre, shahu stadium gF. shop no. 59, ravivar Peth, opp. satara Petrol Pump 9270307917 / 9423262624

Solapur srL collection centre - solapur shop no. 30, antrolikar complex, dutt chowk 09822019385/0217-2726764

Thane a&M diagnostic centre shop no.1, shri gangadhar Housing society uthalsar, thane 022-25473342,

ambernath diagnostic centre 103, Panvelkar Plaza, opp. dombivli nagrik bank, station road, ambernath (e) 0251 2609341, 09822554655

amit diagnostic center shree somnath chs. Ltd, shop no. 3, opp. kirti computer Inst. savarkar road, Phadke cross road, dombivali (e) 0251-3244282, 9870120193

arogyam Pathology Lab avantika appt., shop no.3, M.s.e.b. rd. Masoli, dahanu rd. 952528 -221265,

bhakti Pathology & diagnostics shop no. 5, shreedeep society, Manisha nagar, gate no.3, near kalwa naka, kalwa, thane (w) 022 25419848, 22950554, 9820966067

India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions 45

dhanwantari diagnostics shop no. 3, godavari apt., Lokmanya tilak Marg, near Mangala High school, 022 - 25325877 / 9869622571

khan diagnostic centre shop no 8, dost apt. next to co-op bank Ltd, kousa Mumbra, 022-25353892, 9224396030

Mauli diagnostic centre sector-4, shree nagar, shree ketan, Plot no.4, opp. nirmala devi charitable Hospital, thane (w), 022 25831596, 09870426951

shwelam diagnostic centre shop no. 7 konark tower, opp sao baba Mandir, off. ghantali road, dharmvir Market 022-25381854, 9821526061

Ulhas Nagar shivkala diagnostic centre 1st Floor, dr. t. s. gwalani building, Hiraghat road, sector - 17 0251-2543788,9322445500

Yarwada chikitsa Lab shop no.1, ganga complex, Jail road, yerwada 09373597381


Imphal Padma Medicare Patient service centre, rIMs road, near nityanand temple, 9436026455


Shillong accurecea s.M.s. shopping complex, below Hotel Moonsoon, g s raod, Police bazar 09863067621, 0364 2504804


Mizoram aizwal Zomed Zomed, Hospital road, aizwal, Mizodam 0389 232 7942, 09862372286

NAGALANDDimapur Patient care-dimapur shan complex, circular road, opp. Metro Hospital 03862-228247 / 09435112294


Bargarh Hemalata Patho-clinic super Market complex, shop no.144, n.H.-6 06646 231819, 09437209339Berhampur om sai diagnostics - berhampur g - 9, sri ganesh bhaskar residency, kali temple road, near new bus stand, 9437325667/0680-2283447

46 India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions

Bhubaneshwar gita diagnostics Plot no -267, sahid nagar, near Hotel Meghdoot 9437344776/0674-6539493

kalinga diagnostic center n-1/40, Irc Village, nayapalli area, In Front of rajdhani gas House, ground Floor 9437011606/9937231539

shree Jee diagnostIc center 43/1, ekamra Marg, unit 6, near south gate of capital Hospital, 9861520030/0674-2595563

blaze Health care Plot no.104, bapuji nagar, near Hotel Venus Inn, dist. khurda 0674 2587460, 09437570180

Cuttack Leo diagnostics c/o suraksha diagnostics, ranihat Medical road 9861031042/986116400

Rourkela utkal Medico sector-19, big shop no.-8, rourkela 9337400635

Sambalpur a k clinic near Janata Hotel, burla 9861070627 bio navnit c/o. a. k. Medicines,near swimming Pool, s.r.I.t. Market complex 0663-2404975/9437126393


Abohar abohar Healthcare centre bishnoi Market, shatya sadan road 9464307195 / 01634-500765

Amritsar Patient care centre-amritsar shop no. 45, opp. shri guru ramdass Hospital 0183-5006163,09888694451

Patient service centre - amritsar 18,opp. sacred Heart school, Majitha road, near govt. Medical college 0183-2422795,09855593613

religare wellness akshit retail, 1, circular road, opp. Medical college gurudwara 0183-5063371,9814053432

super religare Laboratories s.c.o. 44, nagpal tower II, b block, ranjit avenue, near M. k. Hotel 0183 - 5004221,0183-3940111

Bhatinda Patient service centre - bhatinda specialty ranbaxy centre,near Fire brigade chowk the Mall, bathinda 01642 - 235032 /9814223432

Chandigarh speciality Path Lab scF 154, sector 24-d 0172 5025093 / 098880430430

India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions 47

Ferozepur Patient care centre - Ferozepur 39, red cross complex, the Mall, opp . sadar thana 01632-249961 / 9876376400

Hoshiarpur Patient care centre-Hoshiarpur govt. college road, college chowk. Hoshiarpur 9419178340

Jalandhar Health care centre 285, defence colony, Medical college road, Jallander 0181-8610873 / 09888140990

Patient care centre - Jalandhar 47-bhagwan Mahavir Marg, opp. nIc, near bMc chowk, Jallander 0181-4616930, 09814541744

super religare Laboratories Patel Hospital, civil Lines, Jalandhar 0181 - 44121212

Kapurthala Patient care centre - kapurthala shop no. 7, college road, opp. civil Hospital, kapurathala 9797495064

Ludhiana Patient service centre- Ludhiana opp. old dMc, civil Lines 0161 4634683, 09814245684

Pooja diagnostic center 744 - c, urban estate, Phase 2, near usPc Jain school, Focal Point 0161 4614310 9876507310

religare wellness scF no. 33, saraba nagar Main Market 0161-4639040

super religare Laboratories upper ground Floor, sco-32, Feroze gandhi Market, 636-L, Model town 0161 - 44121212, 4428373

Mansa Friends Health care centre opp. civil Hospital, water works road, 01652 - 501776 / 09815316033

Moga disha diagnostic centre Pankaj gandhi, basant singh road, near khalsa school 9814245684Mohali wellness solutions b-63, Phase - II , back side bassi theater 0172 4654363, 09878041744Nabha Jujhar diagnostic centre basant Pura Mohalla, near Mata rani chowk, 09878016070, 09876644587Pathankot Patient care centre-Phathankot shop no. 3, opp. P.s.e.b station, near L.I.c. Lane, dhangu road 0186-5082141 / 9814605118

religare wellness opp. Indra colony, near bus stand, Pathankot 0186-6540111

48 India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions

Patiala Patient care Laboratory - Patiala sco b-4/131, Jagdish asharam road, near thind Plastic surgery n/H 0175-5061149, 5002123, 09988110149

Taran Taran SachPatientCareCenter Opp.S.S.P.Office,AmritsarRoad 01852-506067 / 9914517555


Ajmer Vatara collection center 32, Indra complex, near Jawahar rang Manch, Loha gal road, ajmer - 305001 0145-2627995, 0145-6999367, 9252028843, 9252679990Alwar Jagdamba Pathology near alwar gas agency, collection center ramganj, alwar - 301001 0144-2333330, 09829643605

Bhilwara sample collection doctor’s House shop no. 3, basement centre - bhilwara sewasadan road, bhilwara - 311001 01482-232435, 09414112435

Bikaner sample collection centre - bikaner Plot no.28 nirmal complex, near gurudwara, sadul colony, bikaner Pin - 334001 0151-2520445, 09461473952

Jaipur Patient care centre-Jaipur 2/263 , Vidhyadhar nagar, Jaipur 0141 2235690 , 09887873706

religare wellness s-10, Vaishali nagar, near rainbow tower, amrapali Marg, Jaipur 0141-4017474, 09785061596

religare wellness shop no.5,6,7, sector 5, Zone 52, Housing board shopping ctr., opp.saville Hospital, shiprapath, Mansarovar 0141-2783181 / 0141-2783184

shree Vijay diagnostic centre b-2, Vinayak enclave , amrpali Marg, near tata Indicom, VaishalI nagar 0141 - 4027571/09352550592

super religare Laboratories 10, narain singh road, 0141 - 2565350, 3245299

Jodhpur sample collection Jodhpur centre 22, Jalori bari, near Jalori gate circle, Jodhpur - 42001 0291-2623051/09414128373

Kota sample collection centre - kota 8-b, rajbhavan road, arora building, collectrate circle, kota-324001 0744-2451040, 09414488149

Sriganganagar SampleCollectionCentre-Sri 151SukhadiaShoppingCenter,Opp:ganganagar adarsh nursing Home, sriganganagar, Pin - 335001 09414432891, 09351714792

India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions 49

Udaipur sample collection - udaipur centre abhay niwas, 6 - F, sardarpura, near Hanuman tample, udaipur - 313001 0294-2427685/9414165685


Chengalpetto wilson diagnostic centre 143, annai sathya nagar, thirumani (V), & (Po), Pin - 603001 9444350361/ 044- 27429094

Chennai clinical bio Lab 1949, g block, 1st street, anna nagar, chennai, Pin - 600040 9841071550

ganeesh bio diagnostics no. 42, bazaar road, sadasiva nagar, Madipakkam, Pin - 600091 044 43581637, 09884088942

global clinical Lab old no.37, new no.6, arcot road, opp. bus depot, Vadapalani, Pin - 600026 9840050457/ 044-23651765

Jeevanam clinical Lab 4a, new no. 162, thiruvallur salai, thiruvanmiyur, Pin - 600041 044-43042807 / 9884321264

Plasmaa Lab Mr. t. rajesh, no. g 3 ,new no. 81, old no. 61 , Peters rd, royapettah (next to Hitech Furnitures) 9841747376

serum diagnostics Pankaj complex,no.89 Perambur berracks road, doveton, Purasawalkam, chennai Pin -600007 9841595294,9841818001, 044-26614157

specialtys Medical diagnostic g-3, bbc Plaza, 178-180, north usman road,t. nagar, Pin - 600017 9840050457/ 044 28144192/93

super religare Laboratories new no. 9, old no. 67, new avadi road, kilpauk, Pin - 600010 044 - 44121212, 44283784

universe clinical Laboratory 60/96, Lb road, adayar, chennai, services Pin - 600 020 044-42115070 / 9884900890.

Venkat Lab no. 325, west avenue, Mkb nagar, opp. bus depot, chennai Pin - 600039 Mr. alagu, 9841740480

Coimbatore raja Megha ranbaxy collection centre, 100, bharshyagarlu road (west), r.s. Puram, Pin - 641002 0422-2543358 / 9443042777

Erode anandha diagnostics 22, k.k.n. road 0424-2260355

50 India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions

Madurai get well clinical Lab MIg 344, Vairam complex, 80 Feet road, anna nagar, 0452 2524563, 965590633, 9965580633

specialty Medical Laboratories MIg 312, 80 Feet road, anna nagar, 0452653421, 9842713913, 9842165421

spot diagnostic centre 171, east Veli street, opp to christian Mission Hospital, Pin - 625001 9842173685

Nagercoil Paul diagnostics centre 22, Mead street wcc, college road, Pin - 629001 0465 2403282

Pollachi crystal Lab 92/4, new scheme road, Pollachi 9443329463

PondIcherry specialty’s clinical Laboratories no. 153, Laporte street, opp. thiruvalluvar girls Higher secondary school, Pondicherry, Pin-605001 9842315454Salemomega diagnostic centre ambrose M., 166, Iind agraharam, opp. Lakshmi Vilas bank 0427-4050803

Trichy M r diagnostic centre no.10, s.P.c.a complex, e.V.r. road, opp. government Hospital, Puthur 9443127912


Agartala care Pathological Laboratory near Melarmath, kalibari, 9436459963


Agra arshita diagnostic shop no. 11, Lower ground, shri Heera Pathology centre Plaza Market, near Heera talkies, bye Pass road, 0562-3254164

bharat Pathology & b-31, akhilesh tower, near Hari diagnostic centre Parvat Police station, 0562-4000531

Aligarh FarooqOmar(Mr.) G-1,SangheeraApartment, Medical road, 0571 - 3290695 LbM diagnostic centre shop no.1, LbM tower, near Marris road crossing, 9319077803

India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions 51

Allahabad Patient care centre-allahabad opp. Vishal Mega Mart, shop no. 2, krishna Parisar, civil Lines, 0532-3209810

yes collection centre 650/545, colonel ganj, near Jain Hostel, 0532-2460568

Amroha kanti diagnostic centre Mohalla Jai om nagar, near bus stand 09412391602, 09259016716

Anpara national diagnostics b. d. yadav katra, near Mansarovar, auri More, sonebhadra 09415272933

Auraiya Veermati smriti diagnostic centre old exhibition road, tilak nagar 09219173194, 09412183741Azamgarh sunbeam blood collection centre Harra ki chungi , In Front of gramin bank, azamgarh 0546-2325753

BahRaich t.n. clinical Lab ‘dewana House‘ , 354, kanoongopura (north) 05252-233300

Ballia sharddha diagnostic centre Jagdishpur, Hospital road 09918690979, 09336115033, 09335353862

Balrampur urmila clinical Lab city Palace road, near district Hospital (Male) 09839841676

Barabanki garg diagnostic centre shop no. 4, raghu nandan Plaza, Munsi ganj 09235419599, 09918721634

Bareilly EsquireCollectionCentre A-31,ButlerPlazaComplex,Opp. H.M.t. showroom, civil Lines 0581-3208232, 0581 - 2558232

PatIent care centre-bareilly 19, deen dayal Puram, near selection Point tower 0581-3292403, 09837726108Basti Meher Patient care centre dr. b.H. rizvi Hospital chowk 09336721008, 09415713648

Bhind Parashar diagnostics FF/36 , dhanvantari complex, etawah road 9301247136

Bijnor k r diagnostic centre goel akash, shop no.12, near aijaj ali Hall, nagar Palika chowk 01342-264883

52 India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions

Bulandshar navneet Path care 4, sharma Inter collage Market, kala aam 0573-2256198

Deoband bharat diagnostics center subhash chowk, railway road, deoband, dist. saharanpur, 01336 220901, 09219197205

Deoria Life Line blood collection centre Hare - krishna gate, ramnath chauk, deoria 09936147561

Etawah ashirwad diagnostic & dr. s.c. gupta, allergy centre opp. g.g.I.c., near IdgaH 05688-255277, 09412283112Faizabad shrankhala blood H no.163,rekabganj, shop no.9, near collection centre district Hospital 09415047842

Farrukhabad Modern Patient care centre dr. Prabhat gupta, c/o. Modern ultrasound & ct scan cenre, state bank street 05692-210917, 09415146417, 09839724379

Firozabad om diagnostic & Pathology near dr. k.k. Jain, Jaleshar road center 9412315702

Ghaziabad anand Path care centre sec -14/196, Vasundhra, near Jaipuria Institute of Management 09871278987 / 09871867488, 0120 -4100176

arun Imaging center 69, shakti khand - 1, Indrapuram - 2 Indrapuram, ghaziabad 09811005136, 0120-2605400

arun Imaging centre rtg - 150, royal tower, Indirapuram shipra sun city 09811005136, 0120-2650100

dhanush Imaging & diagnostics offIce no. 2, First Floor, RameshwarTower,PlotNo:10, Main Market, sector 4, Vaishali 9810049012, 0120 - 4116930

eye & child speciality clinic shop no. 7 & 8, IIIrd b-3, nehrunagar, near Holy child school chowk 09891344440, 0120-4114408

goel diagnostic centre kc-115, kavi nagar, ghaziabad 0120-4123570, 0120-2712250

GoelSaurabh(Dr) ShopNo14,3/44,AmanBanquatHall, (opp. Maurya kothi) sector-5, rajender nagar, sahibabad 09910441515, 0120-2639292 / 4103510

gupta chhaya (Mrs.) b -19,surya nagar, district ghaziabad, 0120-3219614, 09810888343, 09313381516

India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions 53

Patient care diagnostics 1/412, Main road, sec -1, Vaishali, near Pushpanjali Hospital 09810676609, 09873961811

Gonda s s clinical Lab station road, bargaon, gonda 09451607790

Gorakhpur chandra Patient care centre behind baldev Plaza, goalghar, 0551-2332315 urmil Patient care centre near shani dev Mandir, Jatepur, Humayunpur (n), 0551-2253869, 09454271342, 09453224746GreaterNoida raghu diagnostics behind arjun Plaza, Jagat Farm gamma-1, greater noida, 0120 4291819, 09312907732

Jhansi rivi diagnostic centre 1st Floor, navjeevan complex, opp Medical college gate no 1 9936705155

Kanpur Med Lab Patient care centre 111/26, ‘a’ ashok nagar, behind coca cola, 0512-3249547,09415161135

religare wellness near r.k. devi Memorial Hospital, Jagmeet singh, 113/154, swaroopnagar, 0512-6458569, 6458570, 3013026

Lakhimpur Indra blood collection centre Indra auto service, kheri road, Lakhimpur kheri 09415325329

Lucknow navdeep Patient care centre narain Market, Lalbagh, opp. basant cinema 0522-4047420

religare wellness #shop no. 7, Jehangirabad Mansion, Hazratganj 2288815, 6450617, 4074913

religare wellness 553/128 adarsh nagar, tehri Pulia, alambagh 0522-4081991, 4081992 religare wellness surbhajan enterprises, M-3, gole Market, Mahanagar 0522-4081993, 4081994

super religare Laboratories b - 1/2, Vipul khand, gomti nagar 0522-2205707Mathura Vrinda Pathology & Mehta nursing Home, diagnostic centre 6-b, krishna nagar, 9837027645

Mau disha diagnostic centre brahmsthan taxi stand, opp. Petrol Pump, Maunath bhajan 0547-2224365

54 India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions

Meerut a g diagnostics 4, samrat shopping Mall, samrat colony, opp. Hotel samrat Heavens, garh road, 0121 4029647, 09837035472, 09760035472

chopra ram (dr) 216, western kutchery road, opp. Jain Mandir 0121-2642570 / 09897243614

Mirzapur Vindhya Patient care centre 479, awas Vikas colony 05442-320109Modinagar tandon diagnostics Lab dr. bholi tandon, near raj chopla, opp.dharam kanta, g. t. road 01232-242180

Moradabad Life care diagnostic centre shop no. 13,14 , basement ekta complex, civil Lines 0591-2420068, 09219426400, 09719145451

shri Vinayak diagnostic centre F-9,1st Floor chaddha complex,tadikhana g. M. d. road, Moradabad 0591-3296385,09927988392

Muzaffarnagar Pathological diagnostics - 2000 36, ch. charan singh Market, ground Floor. opp aggarwal Market, near Mahavir chowk 0131-2623390

Noida k b Health care diagnostic nH 29, P - 4, opp. senior citizen centre aptt., near kendriya Vidyalya, greater noida, dist. gautam budh nagar 9818312946

Maheshwari clinic a-2/27, sector-110, Market distt- gautam budh nagar, (opposite kendriya Vihar-II sec-82) 09818783505, 09971365115, 09810656922

new sai Health care a-41, sec - 22, (near chaura Mor) diagnostic center 0120-4265746 / 09873757176/ 09873696705

religare wellness gF-35, k-24, Pearl Plaza, sector 18, near Hsbc bank 0120-4219545, 4215022/6471967

religare wellness satchit anand trade n Mart Pvt. Ltd., shop - 22, block c - 58/15, a, tot Mall shopping complex, sec-62 0120-4228008 / 6478008 /2404008

the Heart clinic g-32, sector 27, NexttoDMOffice,Noida 0120-2552225 / 2534222 / 09313608452 / 09818405586

India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions 55

ultrasound clinic shop no.11, c - block Market, sector - 41, noida 0120-2578142, 3235640, 09313608452, 09818405586

Pilibhit V-care diagnostic centre 13-ashok colony, opp. d.g.I. college, gandhi stadium road 0588 - 2253888, 09219237719

Raibareillysparsh blood collection centre shanti nagar, near anukampa nursing Home, Jail road 05352-209353

Rampur Patient care centre (rampur) opp. distt. Hospital rampur 09897966128, 09258482313

Saharanpur Vardhman diagnostics - raghunath Market, saharanpur opp. HdFc bank, court road 0132 2726330, 0132 2711188, 09219446330, 09358320040 kashish blood collection centre Moh. tajukhel near telephone exchange, 05842-226241, 09839747749, 09335510397

Sitapur tirupati collection centre Mrs. seema Mahendra, greekganj, naibasti, 05862 214553, 09235415444, 09336617113

Sultanpur CareBloodCollectionCentre ShopNo47,NearB.S.A.Office, sultanpur 09415359094

Varanasi rangolee Mahmoorganj, Laxmi cinema complex, 0542-2363584 s s diagnostic centre shop no. 286, karpatri smriti estate, dharmasangh, durgakund, 0542-2314145


Dehradun aashirwad dignostics 215, neelkanth shopping complex, near yak Petrol Pump, 43, rajpur road 0135-2674970 advance diagnostics 66, saharanpur road, Patel nagar, 0135 2722411, 09412051426

Labro diagnostics Lalit anand/ajay uniyal, onkar Palace, 1, chakrata road, 0135 2100730

Labro Health centre Juyal complex, araghar chowk, Hardwar road, 9412053652

56 India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions

Haldwani garv diagnostic centre 9/454, dharampura, bareilly road, 05946-327323, 09219423410

Roorkee ratra diagnostics shiv Mandir shops, opp. bhatia brothers, civil Lines, roorkee 9837096010

Rudrapur Ish Patient care centre shop no. 47, s.g.a.d. shopping Plaza nainital road, civil Lines, rudrapur (u s nagar) 05944-240144, 09719470111


Barrackpur new saxby diagnostics subhadip Mukherjee,1, s M ali road, rani Market, 1st Floor, 9836023234Bolpur Vivekananda netralaya - ranbindra bithi, bye Pass road , dist. Pathological division birbhum, 03463 645123, 9475264402

Burdwan bio - Modern 63, r b ghosh road, khoshbagan, near Masjid tala, 0342-2569393/9474375336Chandannagore anwesa 461, g.t. road, west barabazar, dist. Hoogly 033 26832299 9830572936

Durgapur arogyya c-19, ashabari sarani, bidhannagar, 9832815813

Haldia anima collection centre Haldia durgachak, Purba Medinipur, 09830456528, 9933731173, 9748775538

Hooghly Life Line 55, raja Peary Mohan road, uttarparh, 033 664 1423

Howrah neelkanth Pathology services 35 rameshwarmalia, 1st by Lane 9831627071

Kanchrapara krishna Health clinic 117/a, netaji subhas Path, kanchrapara, 033 25855915, 09830830516

Kharagpur chaulya diagnostics 15/10/2, ward no.27, taljhuli, chota tangra, P. o. kharagpur, P. s. kharagpur (t), dist-Paschim Medinipur, 03222 221973, 9434118294

Kolkata bio asha 70b, Purnadas road, 033 - 2465 2550 / 09830146648

India’s Largest diagnostics network. trusted by Millions 57

BioLab 1/6,RafiAhmedKidwaiRd.,DumDum, nager bazar, 033-25506237 / 9330831313

bio Life 10 - c, krishna ram bose street, kolkata 033 64573092, 098303 41081

bio seetal 20, camac street, 033 2280 7364 /9831010592

biocare diagnostic a-29, 1st Floor, kolkata greens commercial complex, 1050/2, survey Park, e.M. bypass, 033 64592425, 09831124746

dr. ghosh’s Pathological 28, santosh roy road, sumangalam Laboratory building sakher bazar, beside srishti durga Pooja club, 033 - 2498 1009 / 6450 5155

Jeevandeep P-126, kalindi Housing estate, kalindi, 9830058619, 9836917588

Lily Medical stores 8b, Harish Mukherjee road, kolkata 09831706151 , 2223 6504

Mohini diagnostics binod gupta,35, b, desh Pran sasmal road, tollygunge 033 - 2424 5829 / 3259 0765

radiant Lab 96, Jatindra Mohan avenue, near shyambazar, a.V. school, 033-32556662/ 9830094254

super religare Laboratories 30b, chowringhee Mansions, Jawaharlal nehru road, 033-44121212 / 2227 1315 / 1317

super religare Laboratories Midland Park building, a. n. block, sector V, salt Lake bye Pass road, 033 - 30203421

udita enterprise c-12, baghajatin Pally, 033 - 2425 5409 / 9433800559

Midnapur b.r.c. diagnostic Mrs.tanusree samanta 2/20,rabindra nagar, Midnapur 9433283586

Nadia Patient service centre - nadia a/9 - 3 (s), station road, kalyani, 033 25809449,03473 245048

Siligurisuper religare Laboratories apollo towers, 2nd Floor, sevoke road, siliguri 0353 2539333

SuperReligareLaboratoriesLimited 4thFloor,PiccadilyHouse,275-276,Capt.Gaurmarg,NewDelhi-110065