Squirrly 2015 Content Creation Pitch

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Squirrly 2015 Content Creation Pitch

Squirrly Content

Content Creation Where You Pay for Real Results, NOT written words

What we do:

We provide small businesses, personal brands and large

enterprises with content for their websites and use it to

drive visitors.

Those visitors will turn into customers

What makes us different:

Other Content Providers will only give you written words.

You’ll pay us for Real Measurable Results:

- Unique Visitors to the articles- Lower bounce rate- Higher time on site

Success Stories

Two of our customers quit our


Success Stories

Wait?! .. What?

Success Stories

They quit working with us, because we brought more

leads than their teams could handle.

Success Stories

“I have more customers than I can handle and I owe it to your






florin@squirrly.co -> for more

Our writers and marketers:

11 People currently work @ Squirrly.More will be added soon.

Come to our Expo Table @

Webit. We’re here and we’re happy to talk

to you.

Shoot us an email:


Let’s talk content. Ask about the process.

What recommends us?

Our Success Stories

We’ve built the most popular content marketing tool for


Our Own Marketing Strategy: We get leads through the content we

produce for ourselves.

What recommends us?

Over 39,000 subscribers to our free content marketing trainings.

+470 students to our $147 premium content marketing course on Udemy

Let’s talk: florin@squirrly.co