Spying - US Spy Establishment in Panic Mode Over Washington Post Expose

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  • 7/27/2019 Spying - US Spy Establishment in Panic Mode Over Washington Post Expose


    By Daniel TencerFriday, July 16th, 2010 -- 5:59 pm

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    DCs spy establishment in panic mode over

    Washington Post expose

    Washington's intelligence establishment appears to be in

    panic mode over an upcoming Washington Postseries

    about runaway growth in defense and intelligence spending.

    A State Department email has accused the Postof planningto make public "top secret" information about defense and

    intelligence contractors working for the US, despite an

    admission in the same email that the Post's information

    came from "open sources."

    The series, by Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Dana Priest,

    will include a TV partnership with PBS's Frontline and is

    expected to consist of three articles and an online database

    of military and intelligence contractors and their projects.

    It's that database of contractors that seems to be worrying Washington the most. Josh Rogin at

    Foreign Policyreports that the State Department sent out an email Thursday warning all 14,574

    Washington-area employees of the upcoming reports.

    "On Monday July 19, the Washington Postplans to publish a website listing all agencies andcontractors believed to conduct Top Secret work on behalf of the US Government," the email

    stated. "The website provides a graphic representation pinpointing the location of firms conducting

    Top Secret work, describing the type of work they perform, and identifying many facilities where

    such work is done."


  • 7/27/2019 Spying - US Spy Establishment in Panic Mode Over Washington Post Expose


    However, the extent to which the Post's information will be "top secret" is debatable. The State

    Department email goes on to say that the information the Post has gathered came from "open

    sources," suggesting the information published in the Post's database is already publicly available.

    The email also tells employees they must "neither confirm nor deny" the claims made in the Post


    That line is echoed in a letter to "industry partners" from the Office of the Director of National

    Intelligence. In a blog posting entitled "Is Wash Post Harming Intelligence Work?", the

    Washington Times reprints the letter from the ODNI, which asks contractors to "remind all cleared

    employees of their responsibility to protect classified information and relationships."

    Marc Ambinder at the Atlantichas obtained a memorandum from the ODNI's communications

    chief, Art House, in which House lays out what he expects to see in the Post series, and his

    predictions paint a negative picture of defense and intelligence spending over the past decade.House said while he "can't predict the content" of the piece, he expects it will draw several


    The intelligence enterprise has undergone exponential growth and has become

    unmanageable with overlapping authorities and a heavily outsourced contractor


    The IC and the DoD have wasted significant time and resources, especially in the areasof counterterrorism and counterintelligence.

    The intelligence enterprise has taken its eyes off its post-9/11 mission and is spending

    its energy on competitive and redundant programs.

    House also lays out a strategy for an expected public-relations battle after the series' publication:

    It might be helpful as you prepare for publication to draw up a list of accomplishmentsand examples of success to offer in response to inquiries to balance the coverage and

    add points that deserve to be mentioned. In media discussions, we will seek to garner

    support for the Intelligence Community and its members by offering examples of agile,

    integrated activity that has enhanced performance. We will want to minimize damage

    caused by unauthorized disclosure of sensitive and classified information.

    And Foreign Poli cy's Rogin reports that the Obama administration is already refuting the Post

    series, even though it won't launch until Monday.

    "A lot of this is explainable," an unnamed administration off icial told Rogin. "You want some

    redundancy in the intelligence community and you're going to have some waste. These are things

    we've been aware of and in some instances we agree are troubling. However, it's something we've

    been working on for a year and a half. It's something we've been on top of."

    The official went on to say that "there will be examples of money being wasted in the series that

    seem egregious and we are just as offended as the readers by those examples."

    10 people liked this.

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  • 7/27/2019 Spying - US Spy Establishment in Panic Mode Over Washington Post Expose


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    2 people liked this.

    "It might be helpful as you prepare for publication to draw up a list of accomplishments and examples of

    success to offer in response to inquiries to balance the coverage and add points that deserve to bementioned."

    Does that include successfully blowing up World Trade Center buildings 1, 2, and 7?

    Perhaps they should leave out forgetting to open the cabin door when faking the black box recording for the

    Pentagon attack.

    9 people liked this.

    If their concerns are being expressed this publicly, then we can assume that half of what the Post is about to

    report is bullshit designed either to set something up or to disinform. These guys are working off the "Last

    Temptation of Christ" principle -- the more hell that's raised outside the movie the more tickets you'll sell.

    WoPo is about to make a killing with an assortment of bullshit that may have even been written by some guy

    on the CIA's payroll. WoPo and NYTimes are now infamous for cutting and pasting what the agency feedsthem. Israel has even gotten into the act. If the journalist wears a yarmulke on Saturdays, you can bet his

    bullshit is pro Israel.

    There are actually a lot of intelligence leaks coming out of the rank and file of these private contractors. The

    trick is discerning how much of it is official disinformation.

    IMHO, at the heart of this story is the ongoing turf war between traditionalists at CIA and the Cheney-

    Rumsfeld cabal of neocon hawks still infesting the Pentagon. Under Cheney, the Pentagon's Office of Special

    Plans preempted the power and status in the national security state formerly held by CIA. Obama has

    long-time CIA associations and, as some analysts claim, he is working to restore the balance. Remember that

    it was Cheney and the neocons who insisted on contracting out the operations of government. This includes

    everything from the prison industry in which Cheney is invested heavily, to mercenary companies like

    Blackwater, Dyncorp and Triple Canopy, to surveillance contractors under the supervision of the NSA.

    If the intel insiders are right, we can expect to see the re-federalization of these functions of government back

    out of the hands of the corporatists who have been abusing their contracts and embezzling government


    Betcha dollars to donuts that this story is designed to agitate the public into demanding that the privatization

    of government functions ends ASAP.

    The simplest way to put it is that CIA is sticking a knife in Cheney's heart. After Cheney outed Plame and her

    CIA front, Brewster Jennings & Associates, who were hot on his ass over the lies being manufactured by his

    neocons in the Pentagon to justify the Iraq invasion along with Cheney's heroine and nuke technology

    network into Central Asia, and thus to be planted in Iran, there is no love lost between these principals.

    (Edited by author 10 hours ago)

    Benway for the Nova Police Today 11:46 AM

    cliffhammond Today 03:34 AM

    Third_stone Today 10:51 AM in reply to cliffhammond

  • 7/27/2019 Spying - US Spy Establishment in Panic Mode Over Washington Post Expose


    While I would not dispute the probabilities of your theories being correct, I think we may be a bit ahead

    of ourselves answering what has not yet been said. Everything you said is entirely likely for the CIA to

    do, but let us see the story.

    "WoPo is about to make a killing with an assortment of bullshit that may have even been written by

    some guy on the CIA's payroll"? Excuse me, if this is really by Dana Priest, there won't be any WaPo

    assortment of bullshit. Dana Priest is Sy Hersh, James Risen -- the miracle is that the WaPo lets her

    and a number of other first-rate investigative journalists stay on -- I suppose it's all the Pulitzers. Without

    them and a few columnists, WaPo in my view is just a rightist rag, bought-and-paid-for. Dana Priest's

    expos will be honest and important.

    4 people liked this.

    Cliffhammond really pulls together a lot of strings into a nice whole, and he's right about the effort to

    move public opinion against the contractors and back to public opinion. But the contractors and their

    rightist friends see it too. So watch for personal profiles of contractors showing up in the mainstream

    media. How hard they work, how much they sweat, how their families miss them. If you want to win a PR

    war in America, you have to make it up close and personal.

    6 people liked this.

    i lived through the Viet Nam war era. this stuff was known back then. that war was to benefit Big Business

    and, get this: Big Oil. There are large deposits of oil on the west side of Viet Nam. Right now, it's Halliburton,etc who are the opportunists of the era but back then, it wasn't just defense contractors but also

    subcontractors who prepared those k-rations, etc. the worst part was all the deception about the oil. i knew a

    lot of vets who came back to campus after they got their GI ed benefits. There was an organization called Viet

    Nam Vets Against the War. The movie "Born on the 4th of July" was pretty accurate even though Tom Cruise

    wasn't very believeable as Ron Kovik. This country went down to corporatism under Nixon. Does anyone

    know if there's any gold left in Fort Knox?

    13 people liked this.

    Nailed it harrylord. I'm 52 years old and the whole damn time has been an illusion. I think they are getting

    greedy and arrogant now though. It is getting obvious. it's hard to point to it exactly but you can feel it in the

    air. You know in the pit of your stomach that something is way off in America.

    The press labels it as Left and Right, if you pay attention you can see it's about money and money is about


    The sad part is until we get off this left, right kick and realize it's about rich poor as it has always been in thisnation, we can never come together collectively and defeat this raging cancer of greed and power.

    The ubiquitous " THEY" have a plan and it is working flawlessly.

    Webster Tarpley's theory is that the powers behind the throne have simply changed frontmen, replacing

    the neocons with the Obama Wall Street crowd. I tend to think he's probably right, though, like hismentor Lyndon LaRouche, he's a bit of an alarmist.

    3 people liked this.

    I'm there too. There are just to many things that are happening that shouldn't be and to many things that

    are being completely overlooked or outright ignored by the media that shouldn't be.

    dwightpeck1 Today 09:49 AM in reply to cliffhammond

    David Today 05:36 AM in reply to cliffhammond

    ladygeekIT Today 01:18 AM

    Harry Yesterday 11:36 PM

    Benway for the Nova Police Today 11:58 AM in reply to Harry

    usmcr Today 08:39 AM in reply to Harry

  • 7/27/2019 Spying - US Spy Establishment in Panic Mode Over Washington Post Expose


    If you consider we have just gone through 10 of the most corrupt years in this countries history... and

    still no one is prosecuted? And the only place there is any outrage is on the internet.

    4 people liked this.

    "The intelligence enterprise has undergone exponential growth and has become unmanageable"...

    "Unmanageable" is the scary word in this scenario...

    It's just administrative-speak for "out of control".

    (Edited by author 15 hours ago)

    "Has," as in recently? I guess you missed that business in the 60s where folks managed to get

    assassinated from on top of bath tubs behind tree limbs and shot in the back of the neck from 3 feet in

    front. The CIA got out of control a long time ago.

    3 people liked this.

    No wonder our intelligence is so shitty and off the ball. What in the fuck hasn't been outsourced?

    Sorry, that last comment was directed towards Harrylord.

    5 people liked this.

    This is one of the most insightful responses I have ever read to an article.

    Few people would believe anything you said here which is how it has actually been pulled off.

    When the people doing it are perfect clinical Socio and Psychopaths (with no conscience and a brain that can

    be turned on and off) then of course nobody among the "masses" are going to even be interested in it.

    And well it should be known that things got suddenly weird in the world when the OSS became the CIA and

    Project Paperclip brought thousand of scientists here that were very good in their field.

    It is unfortunate that people now only remember Werner von Braun and the rocket scientists but there were

    many others who were seeded into industry, government and the education system as well.

    And just as people won't believe the things that Gary Webb wrote about (and died for) in Dark Alliance or

    GHW Bush's direct involvement in the CIA drug trade, neither will they believe how just as nefarious these

    people are still to this day.

    There IS a war going on........a much bigger one that you may see glimpses of on the news.

    It is a war for your mind and your children's minds and the people at the top have state of the art techniques

    and technology to drive it in to your brain.

    For what TV does to condition your mind they should be paying you to watch it, not the other way around.

    And thank you for the book tip.

    I have started reading The Last Circle online tonight.

    Keep your guard up friends!!!.......

    The "impossible" hasn't been so for 30 years.

    9 people liked this.

    M i n d c o n t r o l

    starvapor Yesterday 11:17 PM

    Benway for the Nova Police Today 12:02 PM in reply to starvapor

    gypski Yesterday 11:03 PM

    chuck Yesterday 10:47 PM

    chuck Yesterday 10:46 PM

    harrylord Yesterday 08:49 PM

  • 7/27/2019 Spying - US Spy Establishment in Panic Mode Over Washington Post Expose


    Jim Bamfords The Man Who Sold the War published in The Rolling Stone Magazine, in December 2005,

    put the spotlight on the Rendon Group.

    The Perception Management strategic field in psychological operations in mass media spin control was

    useful to enable Bush to attack Iraq, and, by extension, escape war crimes prosecutions.

    Now, enter Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide, its Vice President, is also Coast Guard Petty Officer, and,

    BPs oil slick spin doctor.

    John Quins Montauk Project Report makes use of the less known term Reality Engineering to explain a

    cover-up technique so sinister nobody would believe.

    The truth about Watergate and Iran/Contra have been supressed by elements of government mind control

    operations rooted in Operation Paperclip that allowed major Nazi War Criminals to escape war crimes

    prosecution with illegal immigration into the United States.

    Out of Paperclip emerged Project MK-Ultra CIA Mind Control Research that exposed America to LSD, Crystal

    Methamphetamine, Cocaine Hydrochloride, and the free base method of Cooking Crack Cocaine into a

    purer, more addicting smokable substance.

    Of coarse, the petro-chemicals needed to refine Cocaine Hyrdocloride was patented by IG Farben

    Pharmaceticals and transfered to Atlantic Richfield Rifining Co. ARCO and taken over by BP.

    Make no mistake, these dangerous drugs, are in fact, chemical weapons for mind control operations run and

    managed by the CIA Clandestine Services under the field operational code name; MK-Delta.

    The Last Circle by Carol Marshall is very informative on the Mind Wars in electronic media manipulation and

    subliminal seduction in campaigning and marketing strategies, and, of course, MK-Delta CIA Drug induced

    mind control.

    The foundational structural component upon which the success of these operations are built, is public


    Dr. Robert N. Proctor coined the word agnotology meaning the scientific study of culturally induced

    ignorance, its technical co-eficient being public education.

    Nelson Mandela denounced the educational policies of Apartheid as truly a crime against humanity, the

    pernicous effects of this phenomena has injured the minds all humanity, the events of 9/11/01 further crippled

    an already permanently impaired mind.

    The most infallable symtom of constitutional liberty, was never intended to protect any constitutional rights,

    rather, it protects constitutional wrongs with impunity.

    Enforcement is inherently a highly selective endeavor, the case of Dread Scott invoked the 5th Amendment to

    maintain slavery, the birth of the FBI emerged out of a local and federal law enforcement shootout at theKansas City Union Station that was blamed on mob gangsters to justify the creation of the FBI. Gangster

    Adam Rechetti was framed and executed for this local and federal cop gunfight.

    Bradley Birkenfeld, Leonard Peltier, Micheal Riconosciuto, Delmart Mike Vreeland, Jeffery McDonald, all

    framed and serving time for crimes that the government committed.

    The National Academies of Science Forensic Science Report endeavored to address some of these

    shortcomings, however, the report remains advisory and nonbinding.

    Of particular interest, was the interoperable data sharing that vendors were found to be reluctant in

    cooperating with.

    A chilling effect that can be cited as a reason for this reluctance, would no doubt be, the U. S. Justice theft

    and piracy of Inslaw Corporations Prosecutors Management Information System or PROMIS Software.

    Hamilton Securities Community Wizard Software met a similar fate.

    The Community Wizard Software was designed for place based tracking of housing mortgage loans and

    repayment that would have prevented the housing market bubble from developing and subsequent burst that

    burned down the house of cards that triggered the Wall Street Financial Crisis.

    As for the pile of ashes that buried PROMIS, had the Justice been honest in dealing with Inslaw Corporation,

    the attacks on 9/11 would have been detected in advance and prevented as well. Ashes, ashes all fall down.

    The main objective behind the piracy of PROMIS was the proliferation of WMD under the false sense of

    security that these operations could be monitored in real time all the time with a view towards preempting any

    hostile move before any serious damage could be done.

    PROMIS also allows the CIA with the capability to monitor all drug enforcement operations to ensure the

    controlled deliveries of drugs without detection to meet the MK-Delta drug induced mind control agenda.

  • 7/27/2019 Spying - US Spy Establishment in Panic Mode Over Washington Post Expose


    PROMIS as a money laundry machine can hide drug money or looted assets by pinging them through one

    electronic account to another, a point and click ahead of auditors virtually at the speed of light.

    Any person of average prudence would have to question how can any part of this corruption be possible? Let

    alone all of it! Which brings us full circle ending where we started.

    Through perception management, reality engineering, and mind control.

    TO: Harrylord

    You mentioned The Last Circle in your comments below. The Last Circle (TLC) is now being published

    in book form, due at bookstores in September 2010. A good overview of the upcoming completed book

    can be read at ark-roundtable.com. Click on "About the book." The Internet version of TLC contains only15 chapters, the completed book contains 25 chapters --- the last ten chapters being the most


    Thank you. Very instructive. Did you write this yourself or do you have a source to the original?

    3 people liked this.

    This study by the University of Michigan describes why many people even when presented with the real

    facts cling on to their false beliefs even stronger.

    We'd like to believe that most of what we know is accurate and that if presented with facts to prove

    we're wrong, we would sheepishly accept the truth and change our views accordingly.

    A new body of research out of the University of Michigan suggests that's not what happens, that we

    base our opinions on beliefs and when presented with contradictory facts, we adhere to our original

    belief even more strongly.

    The phenomenon is called backfire, and it plays an especially important role in how we shape and

    solidify our beliefs


    8 people liked this.

    Let me guess, we outsourced our intelligence to a firm in Tel Aviv whose been telling us we need to attack


    They have an established track record of providing us with the information arguing the necessity to attack

    Afghanistan and Iraq.

    (Edited by author 17 hours ago)

    1 person liked this.

    Yes - you are correct.

    3 people liked this.


    CalifVision Today 08:54 AM in reply to harrylord

    w000t Today 04:08 AM in reply to harrylord

    notroll Today 02:45 AM in reply to harrylord

    Prattvictory Yesterday 08:38 PM

    ladygeekIT Today 01:20 AM in reply to Prattvictory

    damnadamzama Yesterday 09:24 PM in reply to Prattvictory

  • 7/27/2019 Spying - US Spy Establishment in Panic Mode Over Washington Post Expose


    I suspect that someone has been reading monster.com.

    The AIPAC and Israel comments on this page are incomprehensible. There's no reference to either in the

    article, yet the crack-brained anti-Semites use it as an opportunity to trot out their favorite dementia.

    "Oooo, I've got a hangnail. It's all Israel's fault!"

    It just goes to show how stupid and irrelevant their fantasies are. These obsessive, reflexive Jew-haters really

    are a pathetic lot of idiots.

    1 person liked this.

    The truth hurts doesn't it my Israeli friend???

    2 people liked this.

    FYI, here's an excellent mainstream documentary about the Israel Lobby. Note that I'm not addressing

    your accusations about the commenters here, just underscoring that there is indeed a large scale

    infiltration of American politics by elements strongly allied to Israel. This was the case in the Bush

    administration, particularly in neocon circles, and it is the case in the Obama administration,

    represented most notably by Obama's chief of staff and his campaign director.

    2 people liked this.

    Anti-semitism accusers

    2% of the US population

    ...all israel all the time...

    5 people liked this.

    Oh thinking Israel has infiltrated the US intelligence service is just crazy anti-Semite talk.

    Piss off.

    The Jew haters on here are part of a Zionist plot to discredit those who can discern the most

    clever and most secret of malevolent conspiracies.

    2 people liked this.

    xf Yesterday 07:18 PM

    panskeptic Yesterday 07:09 PM

    Bahb2 Today 09:27 AM in reply to panskeptic

    w000t Today 04:12 AM in reply to panskeptic

    NadePaulKuciGravMcKi Yesterday 09:54 PM in reply to panskeptic

    Prattvictory Yesterday 08:41 PM in reply to panskeptic

    n3542576 Yesterday 09:59 PM in reply to Prattvictory

    whoodoo Today 03:50 AM in reply to n3542576

  • 7/27/2019 Spying - US Spy Establishment in Panic Mode Over Washington Post Expose


    Wow, that's mighty fancy bait - for trolling. And it seems to work. I guess it's better to be

    obtuse and convoluted, with lots of angles, lest your prey get bored and swim away.

    8 people liked this.

    Fifteen years ago I was defending jews against the crazy white-wing militias. Now I'm starting

    to think they know what they're talking about, even though I hate racists. The FACTS are

    that the thinktanks and Center for A New American Century who advised us into Iraq were

    majority jewish. FACT that the corrupt banking system is at least a quarter or a third jewish.

    FACT is that the Israel-lovers on the East Coast drive US foreign policy. Six million zionist

    have had their way. Enough already. Israel isn't the only agenda we need to dump, but it's

    on of the majors. Stop the boohooing about anti-semitism. Semites caused it.

    3 people liked this.

    This guy has the same response to any post, about any subject....He needs to be picked up

    and put on a 48 hour psych-evaluation hold. I'm surprised he doesn't use a bar code for his


    (Edited by author 15 hours ago)

    Starv a por? You must be one of those IDF guys that kills children in Palestine.

    2 people liked this.

    I have no idea who is your Crack dealer is, but you should have a talk with him. Few days

    ago you spoke like a tea bagging nutcase, calling Blacks "mud people" and Arabs Muslims

    "savages", calling for Israel to exterminate Muslims, nuking Iran, and today you are engaging

    in "Zionist denunciation".Say no to drugs Cracker...Meph is bad for your health

    3 people liked this.

    There is no conspiracy against the Jews, Individuals like yourself are acerbating the tension

    between those crackpots who believe the Jews are victims of some cosmic conspiracy, &

    the rest of us.

    You are nothing but a petty provocateur and everyone seems to understand it

    6 people liked this.

    Hillary & her Neocon friends at AIPAC have been very busy.

    Why does the State Dept. have 14,574 employees in D.C.?

    WikiLeaks now has plenty

    of high-caliber disclosures.

    Very Explosive.


    leak wiki leak

    Anti Today 12:58 AM in reply to n3542576

    starvapor Yesterday 11:21 PM in reply to n3542576

    Bahb2 Today 09:29 AM in reply to starvapor

    UnkindByDesign Yesterday 10:29 PM in reply to n3542576

    UnkindByDesign Yesterday 10:15 PM in reply to n3542576

    NadePaulKuciGravMcKi Yesterday 06:05 PM

    RawReader Yesterday 05:24 PM

  • 7/27/2019 Spying - US Spy Establishment in Panic Mode Over Washington Post Expose


    5 people liked this.

    I wonder how many of the companies being protected are in Israel?

    4 people liked this.

    This isn't new info they are 'exposing'. What do they think Booze/Allen/Hamilton does? They sell intel to US

    and have been for years. Last time I checked, that met the definition of 'outsourcing'.


    Clients: * US Department of Defense Military Health System

    * Dynamic Macro-Economic Impact Modeling

    * US Navy Aircraft Carrier Fleet Gap Analysis

    * CDC and Public Health Laboratories Lab Capacity and Resource Planning

    * Federal Aviation Administration Next Generation Air Transportation System

    * Federal Aviation Administration System Approach for Safety Oversight Program Office

    * U.S. Office of Management and Budget govbenefits.gov

    * Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-level Data (HIFLD) Working Group

    * Office of the Secretary of Defense Sustainable Ranges Initiative

    * U.S. Army Unified Quest Program

    * U.S. Green Building Council

    4 people liked this.

    I expect a limited hang-out. WaPo and Frontline are controlled. Remember, this is mainstream media.

    They will reference 911 as if the official story is true.

    I wonder how many references to Mossad they will make.

    So does Huffpo and Raw. Jew-owned???

    2 people liked this.

    You can probably count those references to the Mossad on the fingers of one finger.

    2 people liked this.

    They've got to protect their phony-baloney jobs!

    Seriously, does anyone think WaPo would do anything to harm the national spying apparatus--WaPo is part

    of it!

    The growth in private contractors/mercenaries is to keep this stuff beyond the control of Congress (not that

    Congress has much control over intelligence matters, or cares to); private companies can get away with

    murder, literally.

    1 person liked this.

    Wow...WaPo actually doing some good?!?

    PrissyPatriot Yesterday 04:54 PM

    texanarch Yesterday 04:38 PM

    Bahb2 Today 09:31 AM in reply to texanarch

    fabmurphy Yesterday 05:36 PM in reply to texanarch

    Genessender Yesterday 04:33 PM

    RadicalCaveman Yesterday 04:25 PM

    C H Yesterday 04:09 PM

  • 7/27/2019 Spying - US Spy Establishment in Panic Mode Over Washington Post Expose


    11 people liked this.

    This whole country has been outsourced. The military has been outsourced. Our military still die, we haven't

    outsourced death yet, but everything the military used to do so well is outsourced to contractors. In fact

    contractors now out number military over there.

    Our financial information in our banks is now outsourced in foreign country's. When you call your bank youget someone from Hong Kong, Taiwan, or the Philippines or elsewhere. As if financial TERRORISM will

    never be a problem. Spying that our allies do for us, and just how safe is that? Christ on a crutch! So what is

    the surprise? That with all our incompetence at nearly everything, that incompetence might have spread to

    who we outsourced to.

    I often wonder just how we became so powerful. I have watched the last 25 years in horror. I have never in all

    my days seen or heard such nonsense come from Washington. Such stupidity. Such a lack of ethics, or

    purpose other then wrecking the country. And never have Americans embraced such insanity, such a love of

    ignorance and such a hatred of education or anything smacking of intelligence.

    Spying seems to now be done by rank amateurs. This is one lame brained country.

    I agree! T his country was the envy of all and the people in this country were intelligent, hard working

    and creative. My question is HOW did this country become so stupid? Take a look at what has been

    said in politics in the last 10 years! Such complete stupidity and people almost seem proud of it! People

    actually voted for a man who was a c student {who was again proud of being stupid} and liked because

    he was the "kinda guy you could have a beer with"!! This country has become a country of fat, spoiled

    and stupid people in a relatively short time. Is some one putting something in the water? How did this

    country become a country that reveres stupidity and encourages it? Immigration opponents should be

    patient. It won't be too much longer before no one will want to come here, legally or not.

    2 people liked this.

    Your right. I loved the analogy of having a beer with Bush or any politician as if this were the real

    test of how good a leader he would be. God forbid we should hold out for intelligence and ethics. I

    listened to some speeches from Bush when he was Governor of T X. It was terrible. And when he

    was elected I could not believe it. And as President he was worse then I thought he might be.

    What really struck me besides this idiot being elected twice was the willingness of the press to roll

    over and die. We have been so long without a free and objective press, that I forgot we ever had

    one. It used to be we wanted more for our children in the way of education and becoming better

    able to take care of themselves. Now people look upon intelligence or an education as elitist.

    Thanks to the kind of insanity both religious, economic and political, we seem willing to let the

    corporate owned media and politicians define what we are and who we should want in office.

    My family has been in this country since 1755. And the past ten years is the first time I have ever

    wanted to leave it. Religion and politics have become joined in some unholy unit. And not to the

    betterment of this country. Our framers knew the fallacy of not keeping church and state

    separated. Now it has become a litmus test for office. As if you cannot have decent government

    without a prayer book in one hand. Look around the world and see what religion sponsored

    government has done to other country's.

    The only test for running any government is intelligence and decency and some kind of

    willingness to do the best you can. The best for not just one segment, say the top 2%, but for the

    rest of us as well. For the people here that pay the taxes and send their children to do the fighting

    and dying for the whole country, and not just the favored who get richer off the labor of the few.

    Words like Nazism and socialism get thrown around as a pejorative slap in the face. But howmany people really know the definition of the words. How many people know just what a Nazi is.

    The history of it, and other then Germany and Hitler, how many can give you a real definition and

    the social context of how the movement came about? Very few, they only know it as an insult. But

    if you ask them to define it and how it applies to what they say the President is, they cannot.

    The stupidity of this country can be dumped at the feet of our text books in our schools. There is a

    very small company for lack of a better name. Run by one man not and educator. He inherited it

    from a couple that died. They two barely made it through high school. They did not like the text

    books. And they complained so loudly and vociferously, that the text book publishers allowed themto go over the books before printing and tell them what they did not like. It became a lifetime

    paying job. And it is to them we owe the level of text books used around the country. Now this man

    mindboggeling Today 10:04 AM in reply to C H

    C H Today 11:11 AM in reply to mindboggeling

  • 7/27/2019 Spying - US Spy Establishment in Panic Mode Over Washington Post Expose


    who currently does this, line by line on text books, is taking out the history of slavery, Jefferson,

    the history of union, and Washington etc. Nearly everything relating to this country that is not

    conservative enough.

    This list is endless. The list of what has happened to our depth of understanding of this country

    and the world in general. When you have a country the celebrates, a Bachmann, Palin, Coulter,

    Limbaugh, Savage, Hannity, and Beck, you have a country in crisis. When people would rather

    have someone tell them what to think and what to do you have crisis. When people think that socalled entertainers are thinkers and hold some unique understanding because of a platform, you

    have crisis. When you have people that give up their ability to question and allow someone, some

    demi-god to think for them, you have crisis. And when you have the nastiest element in our

    country running the opposite party you have crisis. Now peace has become a dirty word for

    liberals. And the desire for life without the chaos of war, is now anti-American.

    Here I am one of the terrible, secular humanists. Here I am wanting the best for this country and

    wanting it for all of us. Shame on all of us out here that want an end to the hateful rhetoric. Maybe

    one day the pendulum will swing the other way. Somewhere down the middle. Right now I am fed

    up and exhausted with it all.


    9 people liked this.

    Check this out. This could explain alot about why things are the way they are today--the insanity of it all.

    (Sociopaths are drawn to power and wealth.)



    "Imagine - if you can - not having a conscience, none at all, no feelings of guilt or remorse no matter

    what you do, no limiting sense of concern of the well-being of strangers, friends, or even family

    members. Imagine no struggles with shame, not a single one in your whole life, no matter what kind of

    selfish, lazy, harmful, or immoral action you had taken. And pretend that the concept of responsibility is

    unknown to you, except as a burden others seem to accept without question, like gullible fools. Now

    add to this strange fantasy the ability to conceal from other people that your psychological makeup is

    radically different from theirs. Since everyone simply assumes that conscience is universal amonghuman beings, hiding the fact that you are conscience-free is nearly effortless. You are not held back

    from any of your desires by guilt or shame, and you are never confronted by others for your

    cold-bloodedness. The ice water in your veins is so bizarre, so completely outside of their personal

    experience that they seldom even guess at your condition.

    In other words, you are completely free of internal restraints, and your unhampered liberty to do just as

    you please, with no pangs of conscience, is conveniently invisible to the world. You can do anything at

    all, and still your strange advantage over the majority of people, who are kept in line by their

    consciences, will most likely remain undiscovered.

    How will you live your life? What will you do with your huge and secret advantage, and with the

    corresponding handicap of other people (conscience)? The answer will depend largely on just what

    your desires happen to be, because people are not all the same. Even the profoundly unscrupulous are

    not all the same. Some people - whether they have a conscience or not - favor the ease of inertia, while

    others are filled with dreams and wild ambitions. Some human beings are brilliant and talented, some

    are dull-witted, and most, conscience or not, are somewhere in between. There are violent people and

    non-violent ones, individuals who are motivated by blood lust and those who have no such appetites.

    Maybe you are someone who craves money and power, and though you have no vestige of conscience,

    you do have a magnificent IQ. You have the driving nature and the intellectual capacity to pursue

    tremendous wealth and influence, and you are in no way moved by the nagging voice of conscience

    that prevents other people from doing everything and anything they have to do to succeed. You choose

    business, politics, the law, banking or international development, or any of a broad array of other power

    professions, and you pursue your career with a cold passion that tolerates none of the usual moral or

    legal encumbrances. When it is expedient, you doctor the accounting and shred the evidence, you stab

    your employees and your clients (or your constituency) in the back, marry for money, tell lethal

    premeditated lies to people who trust you, attempt to ruin colleagues who are powerful or eloquent, and

    simply steamroll over groups who are dependent and voiceless. And all of this you do with the exquisitefreedom that results from having no conscience whatsoever.

    mindboggeling Today 01:31 PM in reply to C H

    yvonneo Yesterday 04:32 PM in reply to C H

  • 7/27/2019 Spying - US Spy Establishment in Panic Mode Over Washington Post Expose


    You become unimaginably, unassailably, and maybe even globally successful. Why not? With your big

    brain, and no conscience to rein in your schemes, you can do anything at all."

    Thank you.

    Thank you for the link. That author is spot on and does a good job at explaining the mind of a

    sociopath., I know a couple myself, that was a great read.

    Our brains are not as evolved as we might think...

    There are some more clues here:


    2 people liked this.

    Your main point is that ordinary people can't wrap their heads around the behavior of socio- and

    psychopaths. Indeed, that is perhaps their greatest and most gruesome strength, like "The Big

    Lie" that ordinary people always make excuses for, where they would perceive and condemn petty

    lies. Not having a conscience, socio- and psychopaths lack what cancer cells lack built-in

    self-limiting machinery.

    Normal cells undergo apoptosis ("falling away") when their internals go awry. They just die off.

    Cancer cells lack that humility.

    1 person liked this.

    I agree with you CH. We can't even get bottles of water to our own army without calling someone to do it

    for us. It's absolutely incredible that our military can't do its own work.

    and on top of that we cannot control the people who work for us. They have us over a barrel and can do

    whatever they want because like ill legal immigrants, they do the work that our military won't do for itself.

    And I blame the leadership of the military for that.


    TaoGuyMike Today 09:29 AM

    From Twitter via BackType

    DCs spy establishment in panic mode over Washington Post expose | Raw Story: http://bit.ly/csPOkf via


    BurnNoticeFan1 Today 09:08 AM

    From Twitter via BackType

    DC's spy establishment in panic mode over Washington Post expose ...: cia DCs spy establishment in panic

    mode over... http://bit.ly/akzcIQ

    azhermit Today 12:16 PM in reply to yvonneo

    notroll Today 01:57 AM in reply to yvonneo

    starvapor Yesterday 11:33 PM in reply to yvonneo

    ProudPrimate Yesterday 08:01 PM in reply to yvonneo

    Shiva Yesterday 04:25 PM in reply to C H

  • 7/27/2019 Spying - US Spy Establishment in Panic Mode Over Washington Post Expose


    kdawg1012 Today 08:11 AM

    From Reddit via BackType

    If the information was obtained, as stated in the email, from "open" sources, then the intelligence community

    has a serious problem. The Post is right in highlighting this problem.


    From Twitter via BackType

    RT @basharepublican: DCs spy establishment in panic mode over Washington Post expose http://ht.ly


    BentNotBroken Today 07:13 AM

    From Reddit via BackType

    Who will supply the *Pentagon Papers II* to end this mockery of secrecy and deceit. There is no nobility in

    continuing such a charade of deceit in the name of national security. Of course there is panic. Panic is to

    always be found just before a fragile web of lies is exposed. There is no security in what Eisenhower warned

    the country about. Fortunes and careers are at stake. Too bad. Open the windows. Air the place out. Let new

    defenders create the new security. This bunch has fouled the nest.

    I_luvtheCIA Today 06:30 AM

    From Reddit via BackType

    Should the Washington Post really be posting all private businesses that do work for the intelligence

    agencies? That is compromising ongoing intelligence work by making a comprehensive list. Homeland

    Security, where are you guys on this? Asleep at the wheel?

    ricelaker Today 06:00 AM

    From Twitter via BackType

    DCs spy establishment in panic mode over Washington Post expose | Raw Story http://bit.ly/d0sOk5

    JPDubbYA Today 05:25 AM

    From Twitter via BackType

    DCs spy establishment in panic mode over Washington Post expose http://ht.ly/18aRLp

    basharepublican Today 05:25 AM

    From Twitter via BackType

    DCs spy establishment in panic mode over Washington Post expose http://ht.ly/18aRLq

    jmcesteves Today 01:43 AM

    From Twitter via BackType

    "DCs spy establishment in panic mode over Washington Post expose" http://is.gd/dvviq "you're going to

    have some waste" #damagecontrolmode

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