Sprint 101 Review / Sprint 102 Planning February 25, 2013.

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Transcript of Sprint 101 Review / Sprint 102 Planning February 25, 2013.

Sprint 101 Review / Sprint 102 PlanningFebruary 25, 2013

Sprint Resource Pages

• For this sprint, visit: https://developer.connectopensource.org/display/NHINProgress/Sprint+101

• For next sprint, visit:https://developer.connectopensource.org/display/NHINProgress/Sprint+102

• For information on the CONNECT 4.0 release, visit:https://developer.connectopensource.org/display/CONNECT40/CONNECT+4.0


Sprint 101 - Community Contributions

• Open forum for community members to shareo Their work of the last two weeks

o Their needs from CONNECT

o Ideas and suggestions

• Community contributionso CMS - CONNECT 4.0 Alpha 1 / WebLogic

• WebLogic FIPS Installation Instructions

o UPMC - CONNECT 4.0 Alpha 1 / WebSphere

o ONC VLER Support - 4.0 Beta IV&V Progress


Sprint 101 Summary - Cumulative Flow


Sprint 101 Summary - Burndown Chart


Sprint 101 Summary –Sprint Stats

• Points committed = 35

• Points remaining (unclosed) at end of sprint = 5

• Points completed in sprint (velocity) =


Sprint 101 - Themes & Tasks


•CONNECT 4.0 Implementation Support

•HIMSS ’13 Interoperability Showcase Preparation

•Direct Connect-A-Thon

•CONNECT 4.1– CI and Build optimizations

– Corelib optimization

– Component technology upgrades


Sprint 101 - What We are Showing TodayCONNECT 4 Implementation Support

• CONNECT 4.0 Implementation Support– Forums + Community Support

• http://www.connectopensource.org/developer-resources/forums

• CONN-146 - Performance Testing - additional testbed information

• CONN-147 - Contributing Code documentation page does not render

• CONN-135 - Complete WebLogic Performance Testing

• CONN-66 - 4.0 Test Summary Report

• CONN-142 - test Direct functionality on WL

• CONN-143 - test Direct functionality on WS

– Webinars• Business Overview (

CONN-11 - As a CONNECT adopter, I want a presentation/webinar on the 4.0 release from a business perspective so that I understand the business value of the features in this release.)

• Technical Deep-Dive (CONN-12 - As a CONNECT user, I want a presentation/webinar on the 4.0 release from a technical perspective so that I understand how to implement the features in this release. )


Sprint 101 - What We are Showing TodayHIMSS ’13 Interoperability Showcase Preparation

• HIMSS ’13 Interoperability Showcase Preparation– CONN-53 -

As an Exchange interoperability showcase participant. I go to a CONNECT web app, enter in my endpoints, synch up my cert, and enter in the basic demographic data about MY patients, so I can demonstrate my use of Exchange technology.

– CONN-54 - I'm an Exchange interoperability showcase participant, I want to go to a CONNECT web app, enter in my endpoints, synch up my cert, and look up the basic demographic data from other participants, so I can exchange with them.

– CONN-136 - As an Exchange interoperability showcase participant. I need an UDDI to store Exchange addresses.


Sprint 101 - What We are Showing TodayDirect Connect-A-Thon

• Direct Connect-A-Thon– CONN-16 -

As a CONNECT developer, I want to participate in the Direct Virtual Connect-A-Thon so that I can test the Direct feature with other Direct instances and understand scalable trust, trust bundles


Sprint 101 - What We are Showing TodayCONNECT 4.1

• CONNECT 4.1– CONN-63 -

As a CONNECT developer, I would like to see the default build take less than 5 minutes

– CONN-130 - CONNECTCoreLib: No Findbugs Problems

– CONN-126 - As a CONNECT developer, I can build core libraries and services independently from each other

– CONN-127 - As a CONNECT developer, I run wsdl2java generation as few times as possible during normal CI

– CONN-174 - As a CONNECT developer, I would like to have a profile that would disable the SOAPUI tests.

– CONN-173 - CONNECT deploy using ant fails

– CONN-122 - As a CONNECT developer, I would like the interoperability dashboard collector program updated to provide test diagnostic information.

– CONN-137 - As a CONNECT tester, I want the regression test ready to run at regular intervals in the CI environment

– CONN-44 - As a CONNECT adopter, I want CONNECT to use Apache CXF 2.7.3, inorder to fix some security vulnerabilities found in 2.7.2.

– CONN-133 - As a CONNECT Developer, I want to Increase Cobertura coverage for Patient Correlation and Doc repository packages by at least 20% in line, method, and branch statistics so that code quality is improved


Sprint 102 - Proposed Themes

• HIMSS ’13 Interoperability Showcase Preparation & Attendance

• CONNECT 4.1– CI and Build optimizations

– Corelib optimization

– Additional component technology upgrades

• CONNECT 4.0 Community Support (Forums, etc.)

• Multi-Spec DQ Investigation & Analysis (CONN-46, CONN-15, CONN-215)

• Product Backlog



CONNECT 4.0Community Announcements

• CONNECT Awareness

– Open sprint review and planning meetings

Next sprint meeting will be Mar 11th

– CONNECT 4.0 Blogs and Forum posts upcoming

– CONNECT 4.0 user group meeting being planned for Spring 2013

– HIMSS 2013 Mar. 3rd - 7th


Questions and Discussion