Spring Cleaning Tips From Professional Organizers

Post on 16-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Spring Cleaning Tips From Professional Organizers

Spring Cleaning Tips from Professional Organizers

Spring Clean Your Computer Delete your downloads. These take a up a lot of space on your

hard drive, and once you’ve downloaded a file, image or document, you generally don’t need to keep it in your downloads folder. This will

help your computer operate at full speed again.

Penny Catterall @OrderYourLife Founder: Order Your Life

Spring Clean Your Digital WorldYou should have unique passwords for all your sites, and you

should change them up periodically. You’ve heard it before, avoid the most obvious password combinations (e.g. dog’s or child’s name + year you were born). Get creative, mix it up and, make

your passwords hacker-proof. Also, consider programs like LastPass or OnePassword to help you recall all the new passwords.

Heather Walker@orgnzrheatherFounder: Functional Spaces Organizing

Spring Clean Your Home Taking a few minutes each week is a great routine to uncover clutter that’s hiding around your home and to get organized.

Remember, small efforts add up when it comes to decluttering so don’t pass up the opportunity to clear it out when you find it.

Scott Roewer @TheOrgAgency Founder: Organizing Agency

Spring Clean Tax Documents Bye bye tax season, hello spring. It's likely that some tax documents were digital and some, paper-based. Use your

ScanSnap scanner to turn the paper items to digital so they're stored together in the same computer folder (e.g. 2015Tax).

Move the entire folder into a "Z-Archive" folder to keep it from always showing up at the top of the list (computers sort A to Z)!

Karen Simon Technology Organizing Specialist Island Organizers

Spring Clean Your Desk Organizing your desk is not complicated, but prioritizing your schedule

and carving out the time can be the hardest part. It’s a wise time investment. Find 30 minutes today and get started!

Monica Friel @chaostoorder CEO: Chaos To Order

1. Collect all your kid's paperwork in ONE location.2. Go through piece by piece and recycle all old newsletters, worksheets, and spelling tests.3. Save your child's school papers and artwork in a binder.

Spring Cleaning For Your Children

Lisa Woodruff@organize365Founder: Organize 365