Spring 2007 NLM and NN/LM Update. MedlinePlus.gov Target date for new MedlinePlus release is now...

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Transcript of Spring 2007 NLM and NN/LM Update. MedlinePlus.gov Target date for new MedlinePlus release is now...

Spring 2007

NLM and NN/LM Update


Target date for new MedlinePlus release is now March 28.  All health topics in English and Spanish will have images.  About half the English ones will have summaries, the rest in English will follow in the next couple of months.  The page designs work with or without the summary and image components.  NLM expects to start work to translate the Spanish summaries this summer.

Toxtown – Port

Toxnet’s Results New Look

NIH SeniorHealth.gov

New TopicDepression

New VideosDry Mouth

Heart Attack

Low Vision


NIH SeniorHealth.gov

New TopicDepression

New VideosDry Mouth

Heart Attack

Low Vision


Genetics Home Reference InformationRx

Genetics Home Reference includes over 500 topics on genetic conditions and related genes. The site also features an illustrated tutorial that explains the basics of genetics and a glossary of genetics terms. The site is regularly updated by scientific staff and reviewed by external experts. http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov

American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the American College of Medical Genetics have teamed with NLM and National Institute of Child Health and Human Development on this initiative.

The Information Rx pads can be ordered from the following Web site: http://www.informationrx.org.

PubMedThe Limits page menu for "Type of Article“ includes nine new Publication Types, including Comparative Study. The option for OLDMEDLINE was removed from the Limits "Subsets" menu. To limit to older citations, use the Dates section in Limits. New type of Comment/Correction notation has been added to PubMed citations to indicate when an article has been partially retracted. Citations for the partial retraction will display the note, Partial retraction of, followed by citation information for the article being partially retracted. The citation for the article being partially retracted will have the notation, Partial retraction in, followed by citation information


MUID (MEDLINE Unique Identifier) data has been removed from records. The PMID remains as the unique identifier for PubMed records. New Web page that lists the journals accepted for MEDLINE indexing after the Literature Selection Technical Review Committee meetings in February, June, and October. An updated version of the Web-based browser RxNav is now available to search RxNorm, the NLM database of standard names for clinical drugs that references the names of approximately 17,000 clinical drugs from several sources.


BabelMesh, a cross-language tool for searching MEDLINE/PubMed. Queries can be submitted as single terms or complex phrases in French, Spanish, and Portuguese. Citations will be sent to the user in English. See: Liu, F, Fontelo P, Ackerman MJ. BabelMeSH: Development of a Cross-Language Tool for MEDLINE/PubMed. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2006;:1012. http://babelmesh.nlm.nih.gov


Txt2MEDLINE, a text messaging system for processing incoming Short Message Service (SMS) queries, retrieving medical journal citations from MEDLINE/PubMed and sending them back to the user in the text message format. See Fontelo P, Liu, F, et al. Txt2MEDLINE: Text-Messaging Access to MEDLINE/PubMed. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2006;:259-63. http://sms.nlm.nih.gov/tbl/index3.php


NLM proposed to consolidate its 83 subject headings

Library community and NLM have lively discussion to save subject headings

NLM decides to retain subject headings in their present form

NCBI Course Offered

Advanced training course designed specifically for information specialists who provide support to users of NCBI's molecular biology services Five-day course is scheduled for August 6-10, 2007, at the National Library of Medicine, and is approved for 40 MLA C.E. contact Applications are due by June 1, 2007 athttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Class/NAWBIS/

NLM’s Long Range Plan

The final version of the Long Range Plan has been posted to the NLM web site:


Traveling Exhibit

Mini-exhibition "Opening Doors: Contemporary African American Academic Surgeons“ available

Visit the exhibition web site at:http://www.nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/aframsurgeons/

For more information, Contact Jill L. Newmark at 301-435-5241 or at newmarj@mail.nlm.nih.gov

DeBakey Outreach Award

The Michael E. DeBakey Library Services Outreach Award for Outstanding Service to Rural or Underserved Communities to recognize an outstanding librarian in the area of outreach to rural, unaffiliated, or underserved medical populations. The winner will receive a $500 cash prize and travel expenses for two to Washington, DC for the awards ceremony which will be held May 8, 2007. Nominations are due at the Friends of the National Library of Medicine by April 1, 2007.

NN/LM News

Certificates were sent in January

Outreach Challenge issued to ALL Network members

Still time to submit outreach project ideas – see Web site for application form

Year 02 budget was cut by 10%

Disaster planning underway

SE/A Outreach Challenge

Activities held with community or faith organizations, public libraries, health consumer groups or health professionals not affiliated with your institution qualify as outreach. Activities include: training sessions, presentations or demonstrations of PubMed, MedlinePlus or other NLM databases; classes or presentations on finding or evaluating health information on the web; sessions on technology innovation such as RSS feeds or using a PDA; or consultations/site visits on building consumer or hospital health libraries, implementing technology or planning outreach. Send in activity form

Disaster Planning

National collaborative projectImplement back up plan for NLM and RMLs

Regional task force met in Ocean Springs, MS

Assessment found few libraries have plans

Working on a procedure for notifying RML when disaster strikes

Web page under developmenthttp://nnlm.gov/sea/outreach/disasterrelief.html

Disaster Planning

Express Planning AwardCan be used by state associations to develop state plans or buddy systems

Training AwardFor classes on developing plans

NN/LM News

New classes ABCs of DNA (consumer genetics class)GrantsEvaluation No Comprende online- Veterans health (under development)

Web conferences for hospital librariansMagnet programs - March 14Disaster planning - TBA in June

Web conferences for everyoneDOCLINE - April 10


Community Outreach CoordinatorMandy Bayer

Begins July 9, 2007