Sports Nutritionist Program Guide

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Transcript of Sports Nutritionist Program Guide

Sports Nutritionist Program Guide

Table of Contents

Introduction and Overview of the Nutrition Industry ......................3

Why AFPA? .........................................................................................6

Why Study Nutrition? ........................................................................9

What Is a Sports Nutritionist? ...........................................................11

What Can I Do as a Sports Nutritionist? ...........................................13

How Much Can I Earn as a Nutrition Professional? ..........................17

Why Should I Become Certified? .....................................................19

How Do I Decide Which Program Is Right for Me? ...........................21

What Will I Learn? .............................................................................23

How Does the Program Work? ..........................................................25

What Other Nutrition Certification Programs Does AFPA Offer? ....27

How Do I Get Started in My Career? ................................................30

FAQs ..................................................................................................32


Welcome to the Sports Nutritionist Program Guide!

This guide is intended to give you an inside look into what you’ll learn through

AFPA’s Sports Nutritionist Program and what opportunities it can create for you.

In addition to the program curriculum and benefits you receive from AFPA, we

will take a realistic look into the nutrition industry, explore career options, how to

select a career path, and how to get started in your career. We hope this guide

serves as a resource to help you decide which AFPA certification program is

right for you, help you understand the various career options and specializations

for nutrition professionals, and help you choose a path that suits your desired


Whether you’re looking to embark on a new career path, grow in your current

field, find a niche, or educate yourself and your family on nutrition best practices,

AFPA’s Sports Nutritionist Program could be a great fit for you.

Introduction and Overview of the Nutrition Industry



We started AFPA 25 years ago because we believe in the importance of having a

job you love and feel good about doing. (Since you downloaded this guide, we’re

guessing you do, too!)

We set out to create an organization that would inspire and grow a network of

fitness and health professionals with the highest quality and level of skill sets and

expertise. It was our goal to enable them to transform the lives of millions through

progressive nutrition and training concepts. At that time, we had no idea the

magnitude of which we would grow or how profoundly our education, graduates,

and community would affect people’s lives.

Today, the AFPA family has grown to over 110,000 health and fitness professionals

across 124 countries through our 28 certification programs—and we’re just

getting started! We make it a priority every day to make sure that our programs

stay current with the most up-to-date information and to continue creating new

programs and certifications in up-and-coming fields to help you expand your skill

set and grow in your career.



It’s our mission to help students graduate with the most comprehensive,

qualified education at an affordable price to set them on a path to personal and

professional success in the health, fitness, and wellness industry. Everything we

do is to ensure our graduates are prepared with the knowledge, skill sets, and

resources that they’ll need to build their careers.

We’re so pleased to have you here exploring opportunities for your future—it’s an

exciting time! We hope to become a resource for you as you embark on your path

to a fulfilling and successful career. If you have any questions or concerns, our

team of industry-leading experts and education specialists are readily available to

support you.

Wishing you all the best,

Amy + Mark

AFPA Founders


- Harvey Slater, AFPA Holistic Nutritionist


• Nationally & internationally recognized• Online library full of career resources• Ongoing educational support• Continuing education opportunities

With AFPA, you get so much more than an education.

We reach beyond the certifications to bring you extensive resources that help

you apply your new credentials and grow in your career. Our team of industry-

leading experts and education specialists are committed to providing the most

up-to-date information about the health and wellness industry. We offer ongoing

professional support to each of our program graduates to help you stay on track

for success and assist with any questions or concerns that come up along the way.

Why choose AFPA?



Our programs fit your schedule and your budget.

AFPA’s 28 certification programs are among the most comprehensive options

available. Not only are they a low-risk financial investment, but each program

provides you the knowledge, skills, and qualifications you need to start your

career or to expand upon your credentials to grow in your current field. AFPA is

an excellent fit for those who may not necessarily have the time, money, or need

to pursue a four-year degree program at a college or university. Whether you’re

looking to embark on a new career path, create more opportunities for yourself

in your current field, or educate yourself and your family on health and wellness,

AFPA has programs and resources for you.

■ Flexible, self-paced study schedules

■ Affordable and payment plan options

■ Digital or physical textbooks (or both!)

Course study materials are delivered online and/or to your doorstep, and you

can learn at your own pace from anywhere in the world and select a payment

plan that suits your budget. You have assignments to complete and—when you’re

ready—you can complete the final certification examination. We strive to provide

maximum flexibility in our programs to fit your schedule and budget.



A well-recognized educational source for over 25 years

AFPA has provided certification and continued education to more than 119,000

certified health, nutrition, and fitness professionals around the world.

We have received, and continue to receive, numerous international accreditations

and recognitions from third-party accrediting organizations.

Our extensive experience, international recognition, and expansive library of resources will help you stand out and build a successful career in your new industry.


AFPA’s Sports Nutritionist program provides an unprecedented, evidence-

based, professional training on how to improve your client’s or athlete’s abilities

through well-designed performance nutrition in 6 months or less. This is the

perfect program for nutrition coaching consultants, personal trainers, strength

trainers, group fitness instructors, athletes of all levels, and all associated health

practitioners and enthusiasts!

This program, paired with AFPA’s graduate resources, will provide you with a

strong skill set and the confidence to coach and consult with any client seeking to

improve their performance.

Nutrition professionals play an increasingly vital role in the health and wellness

industry. As convenience foods increase in popularity and people struggle to

balance proper nutrition with day-to-day demands, many are beginning to turn

their attention to the role their diets play in their overall health. In fact, according

to the World Health Organization, at least 80 percent of chronic diseases and

40 percent of cancers can be prevented and treated through a healthy diet and

physical activity.

Why Study Nutrition?



Shockingly, 6 in 10 Americans live with a chronic disease, such as heart disease, obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, or diabetes.

■ Over 221 million Americans are overweight or obese (68 percent)

■ 78 million Americans have hypertension

■ 20 million Americans have diabetes

■ 84 million Americans have a cardiovascular disease Source

Research continues to discover diet-based disease prevention and treatment options, however, with so many diet trends and conflicting information out there about what is truly healthy, more are seeking professional guidance and are investing in their own health and wellness. Demand for health and wellness professionals is higher than ever and growing fast. From 2016–2018, the health and wellness industry experienced a 12.8 percent spike and is showing no signs of slowing down. Out of the $4.2 trillion industry, the healthy eating, nutrition, and weight management landscape makes up $702 billion.

According to the research firm Technavio, the health and wellness industry can expect growth of at least 6 percent from 2018 through 2020. Another research organization, Nielsen, notes in a recent report that “most consumers are more interested in staying out of the doctor’s office than they are about scheduling their next physical.” This is leading many people to take charge of their nutrition and fitness goals in meaningful, long-term ways. With such high demand in the industry, a wide variety of specialty areas, and flexible job options, career paths in the area of nutrition are becoming highly sought after. Most jobs for nutrition professionals are very people-oriented, getting to know clients on a personal level, and helping them make adjustments to their diet and lifestyle that suit their individual needs. It’s a highly rewarding career path that presents the opportunity to make a direct, personal impact on your clients’ quality of life.


What Is a Sports Nutritionist?

Sports Nutritionists are professionals who work with athletes and fitness

enthusiasts to help them in developing healthy nutrition programs to suit their

needs and achieve their goals. They may educate individuals on supplement

and vitamin usage, managing weight, and a diet that supports optimizing their

athletic performance. The optimum way for athletes to get the most out of their

workouts and feel their best is to work with a nutritionist to develop an energizing,

performance-enhancing nutrition plan tailored to their body’s specific needs.

Physicians and traditional healthcare providers may not have the time to advise on

the nutritional needs of athletes. More and more athletes and exercise enthusiasts

are turning to specialized nutrition consultants to support their weight loss, weight

gain, or fitness goals; help them optimize their performance; or simply to help

them make and sustain new healthy eating habits.

That’s why AFPA created a curriculum to help both established and aspiring

nutritionists, personal trainers, group fitness trainers, health practitioners, and

athletes of all levels to understand how to create sports nutrition plans. It provides



nutrition and fitness professionals with higher-quality education and advanced

skills specific to the needs of athletes. With your Sports Nutritionist certification,

you can embark on a new career path in the nutrition industry; supplement your

coaching, instructor, or nutrition certification to develop a specialization working

with athletes; or expand upon your skill sets and opportunities within your current

career. Whether you are an entrepreneur or an employee, you can put your

certification to use in a variety of ways, depending on your goals and needs.


A good way to start navigating all of the options presented by the nutrition and

wellness industry is to first define what you are looking for in your career. Begin by

asking yourself what you want…

■ Self-employment?

■ Full-time employment?

■ Part-time employment?

■ A steady paycheck?

■ Health benefits?

■ Flexible hours?

■ Independent work?

■ Team-based work?

■ A walkable commute?

■ A home office?

■ A side business?

What Can I Do as a Sports Nutritionist?



Of course, no career path offers all of these things at once. Opting for perks

such as flexible hours often means you won’t receive health benefits or a steady

paycheck, so it’s important to set your priorities based on the lifestyle you’re


Many certified nutrition professionals take an entrepreneurial approach to their

new career, either starting their own full-time nutrition consulting business

or running a small practice on the side. There are also plenty of opportunities

available to nutrition professionals if you’re more interested in seeking either part-

time or full-time employment.


Start your own independent consulting practice. Many nutrition professionals

choose to start their own business, find their own clients, and set their own hours

and rates. Whether you work one-on-one with clients on their nutrition plans,

partner with other professionals to offer a wider range of services, host events or

workshops, or build your nutrition consulting business online, there are boundless

opportunities to keep expanding your business and optimize your revenue

sources. Working for yourself also means you have the flexibility to decide where

and when you work and what services you do and don’t provide. You can also

create and make strategic decisions for business growth and explore the ideas that

excite you.



Here are some ideas to get you started:

■ Start an online business: There are many pathways you can take if you want

to run your business online. While some opt for remote one-on-one client

consulting via video calls, there are also opportunities for blogging, podcasts,

YouTube, social media coaching, subscription-based programs, virtual events,

and so much more.

■ Become a personal nutrition coach: If you’d prefer to keep your overhead

costs low, you can also meet clients in their own homes or build partnerships

with local gyms to use their space to meet with clients.


■ Fitness clubs and private studios: Many fitness clubs and private studios

already have nutritionists on staff. Many gyms are working to expand their

expertise and provide a wider variety of solutions for their customers to stand

out in the market and round out their health and wellness offerings.

■ Weight loss programs: Many weight loss programs are attractive to athletes

who are trying to manage their weight. Having specialized sports nutritionists

on staff to provide customized support to the unique needs of their clients is


■ Athletic training centers: Nutritionists can be a strong addition to sports-

specific training centers that cater to both professional and amateur athletes.



■ Create sports nutrition programs for your community.

■ Create your own products related to sports nutrition.

■ Host a sports nutrition retreat or seminar.

■ Author books on sports nutrition.

■ Create an online course or host live webinars about sports nutrition.

■ Lecture or speak on sports nutrition at events, conferences, or

podcast interviews.

■ Open your own sports wellness clinic.

Some other career ideas:


How Much Can I Earn as a Nutrition Professional?

No matter what career path you choose, nutrition is an exciting, growing field that

is rich with earning possibilities. The earning potential in the field can vary greatly

depending on a variety of factors. Keep these important factors in mind as you

consider how much you may be able to earn as a fitness professional:

■ Location: Where you live, the cost of living there, and the demand for

nutritionists in your area all impact earning potential.

■ Education: Many clients or employers won’t even consider you unless you have

some formal education as a nutrition professional. There are two tracks you

can take: a college degree or a certification.

■ Experience: How long you have been working as a nutrition professional or in a

relevant field can make a difference in your salary or what clients are willing to

pay for your services. The more experience you gain, the more you can earn.

■ Specialization: Selecting a specialty within nutrition, such as sports, can help

you boost your salary as clients or employers are willing to invest more to fit

specific needs. Furthermore, you may want to consider specializing in helping

clients through specific sports-related issues or goals.



■ Commitment: Beyond the logistical factors is the more personal side of

success—your commitment to helping your clients succeed, your dedication to

staying up-to-date on industry trends and discoveries, and a positive and self-

motivated attitude.

■ Type of employment: Whether you want to work full-time in a salaried

position, part-time, freelance, or start your own business, the earning potential

varies greatly based on how many hours you put in and what services you offer.

Overall, the salaries for nutrition professionals range from $25,000 up to $125,000

and beyond. It’s up to you to define your career path, create and identify

opportunities, and spend time on personal and professional development to

maximize your earning potential while maintaining your ideal lifestyle.


While there are several organizations that offer educational courses on topics

in the nutrition industry without a certification, it’s important to consider why

you should select a program that offers certification before you invest time or

resources into enrolling in an educational program.

Certifications are a commonly preferred credential by employers and employees

alike. They differ from licenses and degrees in a variety of ways.

For employers, certifications provide evidence of your continued learning;

demonstrate a level of experience, knowledge, and skills; and are validated by

third-party entities that have a solid understanding of the occupational field.

For employees, certifications are a more affordable alternative to a college

degree. They still open doors to career development and validate that you are

knowledgeable and committed, and they often take less time and money to earn

than a bachelor’s or master’s degree.

Why Should I Become Certified?



Certifications have the additional benefit of having a common national definition.

They are recognized throughout the country and are not state- or government-

regulated and, therefore, not subject to changing policies. Compared to licenses,

they only differ in terms of legal status, and there may be very similar or even the

same assessment process for earning a certification or a license. In some cases,

certification assessments can be more comprehensive than licensing assessments.

Certifications are primarily earned from an educational or professional

organization or institution. They are proof that your education and skill set are up-

to-date and you are equipped with the most current best practices because they

need to be renewed periodically via reassessment or logged hours of continued



Making big decisions about your career and continued education can be

overwhelming. We are here to help make it simpler by providing all the information

you need to feel confident in your choice.

Before making a commitment, we suggest looking into all of these factors for each

program you’re considering.

Accreditation and recognition: Is the school approved and recognized by

third parties? This is important to employers and clients so that they know your

education and credentials are legitimate and recognized. This also is a good

indicator that the content they’re teaching you is accurate and fact-based.

Curriculum: Is it comprehensive? A curriculum that doesn’t connect the dots or

provide enough depth into each subject often leaves you guessing and doesn’t

give you enough insight into how to choose a career direction that is right for you.

Also important to consider is, does it align with your personal beliefs?

How Do I Decide Which Program Is Right for Me?



Types of learning:

■ Is it online, in-person, or a hybrid?

■ Is it a flexible self-paced study or a rigid class schedule with strict deadlines?

■ Can you choose from either physical or online textbooks?

Affordability: What will your total investment be? A lot of schools charge

thousands of dollars for program enrollment and only provide non-accredited

credentials, meaning you’ll need to invest more after completing the program to

get certified. Make sure that your enrollment fees cover everything you’re looking


Instructors, advisors, or education specialists: Is there accessibility to an

education specialist or instructor to assist with any questions you may have? Often

times students need assistance during the learning journey, so be sure there is a

qualified and knowledgeable individual available.

Reputation: If a school is well-established with a history of providing quality

customer service and career-building resources and has a lot of great reviews

from their graduates, it is a strong indicator they’re qualified to prepare you for

success in your program and the next steps in your career.


The AFPA Sports Nutritionist Certification course will provide nutritionists and

fitness specialists with advanced skills and knowledge specific to developing

nutrition plans for athletes of all levels.

Overview of Course Topics:

■ Nutritional strategy

■ Meal timing

■ Pros and cons of supplements

■ Optimizing athletic performance

■ Weight management

■ Macro & micronutrient intake

■ Immune system strengthening

What Will I Learn?



Overview of Course TopicsStudents who complete the Sports Nutritionist Certification program will:

■ Offer a sound performance nutritional plan by presenting a balanced

nutritional strategy that leads to optimal performance

■ Discuss pros and cons of supplementation and optimal performance meal


■ Identify the effects of eating disorders on sports performance, including

bulimia and anorexia, and examine the psychological link

■ Assist athletes in understanding the importance of meal timing for optimal

performance results

■ Administer a safe, effective, and reasonable weight loss program for athletes

who cut weight, such as wrestlers, gymnasts, weight lifters, and bodybuilders

■ Describe the recommendations for macronutrient and micronutrient intake

in athletes based on the current research

■ Construct an eating plan to assist a client to lose body fat while minimizing

the loss of lean body mass

■ Interpret the relationship between nutrition and immune function in athletes


Nearly all of AFPA’s certification programs are available via textbook and online.

Whether you like studying with a physical copy or on your digital device, you can

choose your preferred format. No matter your preference, everything you need is

covered within the price of the course.

AFPA’s programs offer flexible self-paced study schedules that are completed

in 6 months or less. Students will spend approximately 7–10 hours per week on

study, but your experience will be entirely up to you! Some students opt to spend

more time per week and complete the program faster, and others choose to work

through the program more slowly over a 6-month time period. We don’t hold back

your course materials, so once you are enrolled, you will receive all of your course

instructions to access your materials online and/or tracking information for any

materials you have requested to be shipped to you. Move through them at your

own pace!

As you complete the program, you will test your knowledge through chapter

quizzes, review questions, and assignments that are designed to support your

learning. You will also complete a practical skills assessment by completing

How Does the Program Work?



coaching and consultation sessions with a volunteer of your choosing. This will be

followed by a comprehensive online certification examination.

Here’s what to expect after you enroll:

■ The AFPA team will send you a Welcome Enrollment Email, which includes your

course instructions and other important course information.

■ Begin your studies by accessing your online materials and/or receiving your

physical textbooks.

■ Progress through the curriculum at your own pace, including readings, online

videos, assignments, client assessment, and quizzes (you have 6 months to

complete everything but can complete it sooner or request additional time).

■ Take the online final exam.

■ Receive your certificate and start your sports nutrition career.

■ Check out AFPA’s career-building resources and receive continued

professional support as you get started down your new career path!


We’ve talked a lot about the various career paths that exist within the nutrition

industry. AFPA offers a variety of certification programs that give you the

education and credentials you need to get your foot in the door in this industry

and select a specialty.

Once you’re clear on your career path, it’s important that you select the right

program for you. The following list highlights some of the other programs AFPA

offers related to nutrition.

■ Holistic Nutritionist Certification — AFPA’s Holistic Nutritionist certification

program will teach you how to guide clients toward an overall healthier life,

considering the interconnectivity of the body, mind, lifestyle, and other factors

while emphasizing a whole-food, plant-based diet. A holistic nutritionist is

a trained professional who uses an integrative approach to both diet and

lifestyle changes to improve their clients’ health. They will look at their clients’

nutrition patterns, eating habits, and health conditions that could be treated

or prevented by changes in diet before providing a plan for how to make and

sustain lifestyle changes.

What Other Nutrition Certification Programs Does AFPA Offer?



■ Health & Wellness Coach Certification — The AFPA Health & Wellness

Coach certification program will teach you how to develop tailored wellness

plans for your clients to integrate into their lives and teach clients how to be

accountable, follow through, and reach their goals. You will learn to facilitate a

process of self-directed lifestyle behavioral change that can lead to greater life

satisfaction, better performance, less disease, and a more fulfilling life.

■ Nutrition & Wellness Consultant Certification — The AFPA Nutrition &

Wellness Consultant Certification program will teach you how to give educated

nutritional guidance and nutrition coaching to individuals seeking advice on

weight management and enhancing health and fitness performance and overall


The Nutrition and Wellness Consultant Certification program is based on

MyPlate, a government recommendation that was a revision of the Food

Pyramid. MyPlate is promoted by school lunch programs, hospitals, and the

government in general. This program incorporates the latest research and

position papers from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the American

Health Association, and the 2015–2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. This

program introduces students to the fundamentals of nutrition and will provide

practical, consumer-based nutrition information to share with your clients.



■ Nutrition Consultant Certification: Master Level — The AFPA Master Nutrition

Certification program is the most comprehensive nutrition course we offer.

Completing this course will set you apart from others with your personal level

of educational development, expertise, professionalism, and commitment to

the nutrition, health, and wellness industry. Includes the following certification


■ Holistic Nutritionist Certification

■ Nutrition & Wellness Consultant Certification

■ Weight Management Specialist Certification

■ Sports Nutrition Certification


Once you’ve completed the Sports Nutritionist Program and have earned your

certification, you’ll be well on your way to kick off your career!

First, browse through AFPA’s Online Career Resource Library. Read through

anything that sounds interesting or relevant to you!

Next, you’ll want to set some specific goals for your career to further shape your

path. If you’re feeling uncertain about what you’re looking for, start by asking

yourself the career questions in the “What Can I Do as a Sports Nutritionist”

section on page 13. Make a list of the qualities you want in your career and use

that as your starting point for your business planning or job searching.

No matter your career goals, here are some first steps that can help you get your

name out there and make effective connections:

■ Add your credentials to your resume and update your LinkedIn profile.

■ Make business cards with your name, contact information, credentials, and any

specialties or focus areas to pass out at networking events.

■ Attend networking events in your field and get to know others in the industry.

How Do I Get Started in My Career?



■ If you don’t know where to find networking events, browse MeetUp, look for

local Facebook groups, and check local organizations for event calendars! Use

social media to connect with other professionals in your industry, potential

employers, and potential clients.

■ Join the mailing lists of some of the relevant organizations or companies you

admire. Staying in the loop on what they’re up to will give you good insights

into the industry, or if you want to apply for a job with them, it’ll look great that

you’ve been following along with their company updates!

If you are starting your own independent consulting practice, consider the

resources you’ll need to get it off the ground. Depending on your business model,

some examples of your next steps include:

■ Register for a business license and cover additional setup fees.

■ Get legal support for establishing contracts such as Client Services


■ Acquire business insurance.

■ Clearly define your products and services.

■ Set your prices.

■ Create a website, branding, and marketing strategy.

■ Purchase business operation support software.

If you’re seeking employment, browse some of the job search websites. Don’t

forget to check Glassdoor for their employee satisfaction ratings—you’re

interviewing them just as much as they’re interviewing you!


Who can enroll in this certification program?

We welcome anyone interested in making their lives better and those around them

through creating a healthy lifestyle!

Also, any licensed and credentialed healthcare professionals, as well as individuals

working in any of the following fields, may be interested in taking this program to

further their skills and practice: physicians, physician assistants, licensed clinical

counselors, chiropractors, nurse practitioners/clinical nurse specialists, RN/LPN/

LVNs, therapists and assistants, dentist/licensed dental hygienists, registered

dietitians, certified nutrition specialists, certified nutrition professionals, certified

athletic trainers, certified exercise physiologists, licensed acupuncturists, certified

personal trainers, and certified fitness professionals.

My background is not in healthcare or nutrition. Can I still enroll?

Absolutely! Although experience in a health and wellness field is a plus, great

coaches come from diverse career backgrounds and prior life experiences.




What are the prerequisites for this course?

There are no formal prerequisites to enroll in this course, however, to be

successful with this program, we suggest you have a sincere interest in helping

others, are committed to health and wellness, and have a strong desire for a

career change or to expand your current professional position. Additionally, you

must be at least 18 years of age. A college degree is not required to enroll in this


I just want to learn for my own self-improvement. Can I still enroll in this program if I do not want to practice being a sports nutritionist?

Absolutely. We encourage you to foster your personal and professional growth

even if you have no desire to become a professional sports nutritionist. We are

confident that the information you learn from this course will not only benefit you

personally but also those with whom you share your knowledge.

When can I enroll? What do I need to do in order to enroll? Whenever you want! We have a rolling enrollment for all programs, meaning that

all you need to do is complete your enrollment online, anytime.

How much does the program cost? Visit the online enrollment page for more information.

Are there any payment plan options?

Absolutely! Pick the loan that fits your budget and make payments over three,

six, or 12 months. Our payment plans offer instant approval, are safe and secure—

security of your personal information is a top priority—and payment reminders

can be sent via email and text. Please visit our Payment Plans page to learn more



about available options.

Is the program set up for international students?

Yes. The program is designed to be accessed from any device and can

accommodate students from around the world. You can select your delivery

method—100 percent digital, in print and delivered to your doorstep, or a

combination of both—when enrolling.

What if I need technical support with my online access to materials?

Should you have any questions or problems, we provide contact information

so you can reach out to your instructor or the technical support team to

troubleshoot any technical difficulties.

How long is the certificate valid for?

Your credential is valid for two years. Certification renewal is a process whereby

the certified professional demonstrates ongoing efforts to maintain and enhance

the ability to perform health and wellness services in a competent manner.

Certification renewal also assures the public that the certified professional

remains committed to adhering to a code of ethics and standards of practice.

To demonstrate continued competency, the certified professional is required to

renew their credential by obtaining 16 hours of continuing education. Continued

education can include new activity that took place during the two-year

certification period and cannot pre-date a certificate submitted for renewal.

Approved educational activities may include: taking AFPA CEC courses, attending

conferences for wellness professionals, attending professional development

events or workshops, taking additional classes online or in-person, reading



relevant books or scholarly articles, etc.

For more information, visit our renewal information page.

Does health insurance cover sports nutritionist services?

There are some health insurance companies that cover nutrition consulting.

We recommend that you ask the healthcare provider if these types of services

are covered. Nutritionists do serve as an essential component of the healthcare

system, so many people are looking for preventative and improved lifestyle

services from a consultant rather than from a physician.


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