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Transcript of SPIRITUAL WARFARE: BREAKING YOKES On the first … July-August 2016... · SPIRITUAL WARFARE:...


    To see Gods purposes for America fulfilled through sustained prayer and Spirit-led obedience

    FIRST FRIDAY PRAYERJuly 1 - August 5, 2016

    We offer this publication 10 times annually (Jan / Feb, Jul / Aug combined) for a suggested donation of $25 per year.

    On the first Friday of the month, we encourage all to fast and pray for America using the

    prayer focuses below.By Cindy Jacobs

    TRUTHIf you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (Jn. 8:31-32). Pray that you and fellow be-lievers in your area would hear and obey Jesus teaching and thereby know the truth that sets people free.

    July / August 2016

    PLATFORMS | ELECTIONSAffirm the sovereignty of God and the supremacy of Jesus Christ over all U.S. political parties, candidates, super delegates, and platforms for the July 18-21 Republican nominating conven-tion, and July 25-28 for the Democratic nominating convention (Col. 1:9-20).

    RETURNING VETSPray for an in-crease under-standing of the traumas of war, the spiritual needs of sol-

    diers on the battlefield, the strains upon their families, and how to alleviate post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

    LIBERTYNow the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (2 Cor. 3:17). Pray for an increase of spir-itual hunger and desire for the Lordship of Christ, and for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of believers and in local congregations across America. Pray that God grant revelation and understanding that obedience to biblical truth is the basis for personal liberty and national freedom.

    By your sword you shall live, and you shall serve your brother; and it shall come to pass, when you become restless, that you shall break his yoke from your neck. (Gen. 27:40)

    Y okes are heavy loads of spiritual oppression that Satan puts on peo-ple in order to hold them in bond-age. It is not uncommon during interces-sory meetings to hear the term breaking a yoke. In order to get a clear picture of the meaning, you need to know the nature of yokes in biblical times. They were usually double yokes, made for a team of two oxen. The stronger ox would take the larger side with the younger, weaker ox on the opposite side. Thus, as they worked, the weaker ox had to plow or track with the stronger ox. This is one reason the passage in Matthew 11:29-30 is so beautiful for us as believers: Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

    When we are in the yoke with Christ, the burden is light because He is pulling the weight and making the way as the stronger one. Satan has counterfeited this principle to put heavy yokes on people to oppress them and bring them into bondage to sin, law, oc-cult oppressions, and wrong relationships.

    Samson is a good example of one who had the yoke of Satan upon his neck. He was a mighty man but became bound by his affair with Delilah. This yoke brought great spiritual blindness to Samson, and he could not free himself from her embrace. This happens to modern-day pastors and lead-ers. The Bible is clear that we are not to be yoked to unbelievers: Do not be unequal-ly yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? (2 Cor. 6:14).

    H ow do we pray for those who have been enslaved by Satans yokes? There are several effec-tive weapons:

    1. Fasting. Isaiah 58:6 says: Is this not the fast that I have chosen: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free, and that you break every yoke? I usually sug-gest a 21-day fasting chain for leaders in-volved in known sin. People sign up to fast through different days or meals until the whole time is covered in fasting. Each per-son needs to understand exactly why he or she is fasting in order to have proper agree-ment.

    2. Binding and loosing. Pray a binding prayer against the power of sin, legalism,

  • Connecting to others


    Intercessors for America



    I s it possible to be at peace when the world is in crisis? One man who stood in faith through both World Warsintercessor Rees Howells demonstrates a life laid on the altar.

    This strategy changed how he expe-rienced events. It also altered the world around Rees Howells, revealing the big-ger role God was calling him into, despite the extreme nature of current events at that time. As Howells often said, Mans extremity is Gods opportunity.

    Heaven knows we need similar interces-sors today. Recent incidents of terrorism have reignited fears about national securi-ty. Demonstrations-turned-riots in U.S. cit-ies are becoming more common. And after 11 years of praying in Washington, D.C., I can only agree with observers who call this years election cycle unprecedentedwith more surprises likely to come.

    Living in Wales during the first half of the 20th century, Rees Howells faced a rapidly changing world. Technology opened up new possibilities, nations realigned, the balance of power shifted, and tensions flared among different nationalities and people groups. Sound familiar?

    One event early in his ministry illustrates how intercession gave Howells insights that even the most well-informed, high-ranking leaders did not possess. In May 1915, a German U-boat torpedoed the Lusitania,

    the worlds largest passenger ship at the timean act of war that killed 1,198 peo-ple and ultimately led to our nations enter-ing World War I against Germany.

    Called by God as missionaries to Af-rica, Rees Howells and his wife Elizabeth were booked on a ship entering the same dangerous waters only months after the Lusitania disaster. Some passengers canceled their voyage, while others were

    wife. Now he could stand for the protec-tion of all!

    Later in their voyage, their ship captain received reports of U-boats nearby their vessel and considered turning back. In a meeting with the fearful captain, Howells assured him they would have safe pas-sageknowing God was taking them to Africa to serve Him.

    They arrived safely and got to work ad-vancing the Gospel. Over the course of six years in Africa, the Howells saw more than 10,000 people come to salvation in Christ!

    The parallels to our current age can-not be ignored. In a time of fear and global unrest, God is moving in the earth with revival and awakening. What the Body of Christ needs in this hour is selfless intercessors who will prevail in prayer to see Gods divine will established in the earth.

    Rees and Elizabeth Howells knew God secured specific victories for their pivotal time. Can we not stretch out our faith and personal sacrifice for victories in our day? I believe we can lay hold of realities in prayer that make an impact on inter-national situations.

    A s Rees Howells so powerfully stated: People are too easily satisfied with little time spent with God and much activity to influence a few, rather than much time spent alone in the Divine Presence to see the wicked strongholds of evil broken and millions released from spiritual darkness and bondage.

    Matt Lockett is a full-time mis-sionary serving as executive director of Justice House of Prayer D.C. JHOP DC is hosting The Howells Project, a prayer intensive this summer. Learn more at JHOPDC.com.

    By Matt Lockett

    consumed with fear. The Howells knew God was sending them; therefore, He would guard their ship. According to Howells biographer, Richard Maton, Rees assured all who needed it that God would protect them.

    To believe that God would guard their ship from German submarines, and to publicly declare it to those who were afraid, was a leap of faith that few have taken, Maton continues. Here was a man of God who had secured a victory in the heavenly realm for himself and his

    Rees Howells, Elizabeth Howells, and Samuel Howells

  • Connecting to God


    Intercessors for America


    This First Friday Prayer Letter, provided on request, is published 10 times annually. IFA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit ministry. All Scripture refer-ences are NKJV unless otherwise noted. Contents may be reproduced, except for items separately copyrighted; please credit IFA. IFA Office: Post Office Box 915, Purcellville, VA 20134; Tel 800-USA-PRAY; e-mail IFA@IFApray.org. IFA Web sites: IFApray.org and IFAresources.com

    gathered together to do whatever Your hand and Your purpose determined before to be done (vv. 27-28). These verses contain mystery, and much bibli-cal study is needed to parse out their full meaning. Do we understand that Gods overall purposes will prevail? We inter-cede to glorify Him in surrendered agree-ment, not to urge Him to fulfill our plans.

    T hey prayed for boldness to witness, not for personal protection. grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and won-ders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus (v. 29). Todays Church must seek the courage to stand, rather than the comfort of safety.

    The rest of Acts 4 reveals Gods immediate response. May we be so guided today.

    T he Churchs first intercessory prayer is recorded in Acts 4:23-31. It arose from initial perse-cution and their response offers modern believers guidance in shaping an aggres-sive prayer response in todays freedom-threatening culture. How then should we intercede? Note their appeal to heaven.

    They prayed in unity. they raised their voice to God with one ac-cord (v. 24). To foster that unity, we can be inclusive in our communities, joining

    with all who will pray for our nation. God is raising up movements of repentance and intercession across the country, and IFAs focus is its Get Out The Prayer initiative, through which Christians of many churches are interceding together in this election year. (Sign up at GetOutThePrayer.com.)

    They cited Scripture pronounc-ing judgment on nations gath-ered together against the LORD and against His Christ. Read Psalm 2 to see that Gods judgment awaits all who stand against Christ. We love v. 8, but do we give v. 9 equal honor? To reject the Son is to invite His rod of iron. We share Gods love, and we warn of His wrath.

    They prayed in recognition of Gods sovereign purposes, not their own agenda. For truly against Your holy Servant Jesus, whom You anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles and the people of Israel, were



    continued from page 1

    By George Taylor, IFA Media Editor

    Spiritual Warfare: Breaking Yokes

    5. Praise. Praise releases captives from their captivity, as Psalm 149 relates; it binds their kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron.

    6. The Anointing. One of the most powerful weapons in breaking yokes is the anointing itself. The Holy Spirit will move through us in intercession and tear apart the yokes of Satan. Isa. 10:27 says in the King James Version: And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.

    A sample prayer concerning breaking yokes is:

    In the name of Jesus I thank You, Fa-ther, that every yoke that the enemy has put on [name] is being broken. Satan, you will no longer cause him to partici-

    pate in sin. Lord, I thank You that the blindness is falling off his/her eyes con-cerning this sin right now and that the glorious light and truth of Your Word is being revealed to [name].

    This article is adapted from Cindy Jacobs book Possessing the Gates of the Enemy, rev. ed. (Grand Rapids, MI: Chosen Books, 1994), 98-100.

    Minor edits have been made for space considerations.

    occult practices, and so on in a persons life. Forbid Satan from holding him or her in his grasp (see Matt. 18:18).

    3. Spiritual Warfare. Command Satan to stop blinding his or her eyes to the glo-rious light of the Gospel (see 2 Cor. 4:4).

    4. Sexual Infidelity. In such cases, pray the tie be broken. Pray a loosing prayer wherein you command the people involved to be loosed from the wrong re-lationship. An interesting passage, Ezek. 13:18-23, describes women who hunt for mens souls through witchcraft. This still happens today; and if that is the case and the people are thoroughly deceived (as Samson was), fasting and prayer will be needed to break the yoke from their necks.

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    Answered Prayer


    To place orders with Intercessors for America, call 812-814-9690 or visit IFAresources.com.

    Publication index: BCN=Breaking Christian News; CP=Christian Post; CPCF=Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation; FHG=Forbes.House.Gov; WT=The Washington Times

    Connecting to God


    Intercessors for America



    MUSLIM CONVERTS GET BAPTIZEDOver 80 Muslim refugees from Iran and Afghanistan have converted to Christi-anity and been baptized in Hamburg, Germany. Albert Babajan, the pas-tor who conducted the mass baptism, said that

    the converts were dissatisfied with Islam and were looking for something more. The motive for the change of faith is the same for many: they are disappointed with Islam. Shima, one Christian convert who was recently baptized, shared about her conversion: Ive been looking all my life for peace and happiness, but in Islam, I have not found it, she said. To be a Christian means happiness to me. Another convert, Somaz, said: In Islam, we always lived in fear. Fear God, fear of sin, fear of punishment. However, Christ is a God of love. In order to determine who the true converts are, Babajan says he asks them how Christ has changed their lives. (BCN 5/18)

    IN GOD WE [STILL] TRUSTThis year marks the 60th Anniversary of President Eisenhowers signing the bill on July 30, 1956, making In God We Trust the official motto of the United States, after a joint resolution by the 84th Congress. Our national motto has been referenced by presidents, inscribed on our currency, and is found in the fourth verse of our National Anthem, The Star-Spangled Banner. God is acknowledged in our Pledge of Allegiance, and has been the source of Americas hope and confidence since its incep-tion. Dependence upon God and the integration of the Divine Creator into American life even predates our Founding documents. Even though the courts have consistently and repeatedly upheld the motto as constitutional and something clearly not in vio-lation of the First Amendment rights guaranteed to all Americans, there are still a number of anti-God groups that work relentlessly to overturn these deci-sions. Continue to give thanks that this freedom is still upheld. (CPCF 5/26)

    FIRST FRIDAY PRAYER CONFERENCE CALLPlease plan on setting these important 30 minutes aside to join with hundreds across the U.S. in praying for America, its leaders, and its citizens on Friday, July 1, 2016 and August 5, 2016 from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m. (ET) Call: 712-432-0075 Access Code: 1412452#

    Issues for Prayer

    THE INN CONFERENCE, JUNE 30-JULY 3The Christian Training Center International (The INN) in Franklin, North Carolina has an-nounced its summer conference. The theme is An Intercessory Prayer and Worship Con-ference. IFAs president David Kubal will be a featured speaker, along with worship lead-ers Bob and Kathy Fitts. For more details, visit www.lifeisrelationships.com or call 828-524-5741.

    NATIONAL RIGHT TO LIFE, JULY 7-9The National Right to Life Convention will be held in Herndon, Virginia. This years theme is Build-ing a Pro-life Future. For more information and to register, go to www.stoptheabortionagenda.com.

    IGNITE AMERICA 2016, AUGUST 4-7Registration is open for the annual worship, prayer, and renewal conference returning to Campbellsville U. campus (Kentucky) with the theme, Rediscover-ing Jesus for the Third Great Awakening. Worship and celebrate with multi-generational believers and experience transformation through the power of Jesus. See more at www.IgniteAmericaLife.com.

    TARGET STOCK PRICES TUMBLEThe Rev. Franklin Graham says Target CEO Brian Cornell is in denial over the reason for the com-panys plunging stock prices, insisting that the conservative boycott against the retailers trans-gender bathroom policies is playing a key role. Mr. Graham wrote, Target stock is tumbling after they announced a pro-transgender restroom pol-icy allowing men to use womens bathrooms and changing rooms. Stock value has fallen 20 percent and shareholder value has lost $10 billion since they began promoting this dangerous policy. He then referred to a media statement made by Cor-nell, who denied suggestions that the conservative boycott is to blame for Targets financial decline. Christians should note the power of a spontaneous boycott on moral grounds. Pray for a reversal by Target. (CP 5/24)

    NATIONAL POLITICAL CONVENTIONSWe will not publish The Connecter again until September, so please pray through the summer for the two major parties national conventions. Overall prayer is vital, irrespective of your party affiliation or favorite candidate. The Republican National Convention will be held in Cleveland, OH July 18-21, while the Democratic National Convention will be held in Philadelphia, PA July 25-28. Both meetings could be divisive, and our nation will need healing up to and beyond the November elections.

    BATHROOM PRIVACY GOES TO COURTA coalition of 11 states led by Texas is serving as the first line of defense against President Obamas mandate

    compelling schools nationwide to permit toilet and locker room access on the basis of gender identity, not biological sex. The lawsuit against the Obama administration, filed on May 25, challenges the directive as unconstitutional executive overreach and a misinterpretation of federal anti-discrimi-nation law. The lawsuit says the privacy and safety of children are recklessly put at risk through the mandate, arguing that the decision of how to accom-modate transgender students is a matter properly left to the states. The issue is not going away and will give intercessors an ongoing focus for prayer in coming months. (WT 5/26)

    NAVAL READINESS COMPROMISEDRecently, Rep. J. Randy Forbes (R-VA, representing Virginias 4th district, including Norfolk and Portsmouth), shared with constituents and other citizens a report directly from some of our Navy warfightersthe men who command our ships and our aircraft every dayabout the challenges they face equipping, resourcing, and training our fleet. The report came from a tour Rep. Forbes led of a bipartisan group of legislators who met with Navy ranking personnel and viewed aging naval equipment. The tour was preliminary to Rep. Forbes leading the subcommittee he chairs in overall military preparedness, assisting his colleagues in properly assessing budget recommendations. The tour meetings disclosed alarming facts, including that fewer than half of the demand for ships from commanders around the globe can be met currently. Also, one in two naval aircraft is grounded due to shortage of parts and maintenance, and only one in four Navy fighter [planes] is ready for combat. This is part of a larger prayer focus on the challenge to military readiness in an age of growing threats and shrinking budgets. (FHG 5/25)