Spirit Winds Massage Newsletterspiritwindsmassagetherapy.abmp.com/December_2012.pdf · Spirit Winds...

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Transcript of Spirit Winds Massage Newsletterspiritwindsmassagetherapy.abmp.com/December_2012.pdf · Spirit Winds...

Spirit Winds Massage NewsletterDecember 2012

Continued on page 2

Invest in Your HealthMassage Offers Excellent Return on Investment

Massage is a health investment, helping to manage stress, support wellness, and boost immunity.

We will beknown foreverby the trackswe leave.-~ Dakota~

Office Hours and Contact

Kimberly Schacht CRMT720-629-2775spiritwinds2012@gmail.comPlease call or email for appointmentsMon. - Sat. 9am - 6pmDays and times may vary

In this Issue

Invest in Your HealthHealthy HolidaysEasing Holiday Angst

"Invest for the long term" is greatfinancial advice, but it's also greathealthcare advice. Never is investing forthe long term more important thanwhen you are making day-to-daydecisions about your health. There areshort-term gains from taking care ofyour health, to be sure, but thelong-term benefits are not to beunderestimated.

You already know the value of bodywork.For all the short-term stress and painrelief you get from massage today, thereare lasting rewards you'll thank yourselffor down the road. Massage therapy as apreventive measure and part of anongoing care regimen can mean fewervisits to the doctor, as well as fewer

co-pays, prescriptions, andover-the-counter medications.Ultimately, it means a healthier andhappier you.

An Excellent ValueAs you plan the family budget, ponderhow massage therapy impacts your abilityto make good decisions, cope with extraresponsibilities, stay on an even keel

emotionally and spiritually, andmaintain harmonious relationships withcoworkers, family, and friends.

Research supports the value of massage.Massage provides many benefits,including improved concentration,energy, circulation, and self-esteem, aswell as reduced stress, fatigue, and pain.It's helpful with more acute healthconditions, also. If you, or a loved one,are already dealing with a healthcondition, massage is an even moreimportant part of your healthcareplanning.

Research shows:-- Alzheimer's patients exhibit reducedirritability, pacing, and restlessness after

neck and shoulder massage.-- Deep-tissue massage is effective intreating arthritis, back pain,fibromyalgia, and osteoarthritis.-- Fibromyalgia patients receivingmassage have fewer sleep problems andless anxiety, depression, fatigue, pain,and stiffness.

The value of bodywork runs deep, for nothing is more valuable than good health.

Continued from page 1

-- Massage during labor appears to helpblock pain, reduce stress and anxiety,and relax muscles. Some medicalprofessionals say massage shortens labor.-- Massage can reduce sports-relatedsoreness and improve circulation, and isbeneficial in reducing symptomsassociated with arthritis, asthma, burns,high blood pressure, and premenstrualsyndrome.-- Oncology patients show less anxiety,depression, fatigue, nausea, and painfollowing massage therapy.-- Preterm babies receiving massagetherapy gain more weight and haveshorter hospital stays.-- Massage therapy is effective inreducing post-surgical pain and caneven reduce the time required forpost-operative hospital stays.

You may be trimming some extras out ofyour budget, as many Americans are.When weighing what goes and what stays,consider what an excellent value massageis, especially in relation to things thatmay be less valuable, but still cost youplenty. The price of massage hasremained stable in recent years, whilethe cost of movies, dining out, andsports events have risen. Which of theseactivities has the power to improve yourhealth and which has a better return oninvestment?

Get CreativeThere are many ways to keep massage inyour life if you use your imagination.While vacations are definitely neededright now by just about everybody, moreand more Americans are staying closerto home and taking "staycations." Howabout planning a healthy, home-basedvacation and including massage as partof your relaxation?

When it comes to gift-giving occasions,why not give and ask for massage giftcertificates? Massage makes a wonderfulreplacement for flowers that wilt,sweaters that don't fit, or another box offattening candy. Some folks buy spapackages or put together their ownoutings with a massage, a museumexcursion, or lunch at a favoriterestaurant. Mothers, daughters, aunts,and grandmothers are enjoying spastogether and massage is a key part of thepackage. These events create bondingexperiences that launch new traditionsand reinforce a healthy lifestyle.

Gift certificates for chair massage atairports are an option for wearytravelers, as is chair massage at malls forpackage-laden shoppers. If you are anemployer, consider gifting your staffwith on-site chair massage, which hasbeen shown to reduce stress andimprove performance. Just think of it asthe ultimate pat on the back for staff andone that pays you back.

Maintain Well-BeingYou may be tempted to trim yourwellness budget when economic timesare tough. Yet, a recent nationalconsumer survey showed mostmassage-minded Americans are stillcommitted to maintaining the healthbenefits they experience with massage. Itonly makes sense. The better you feel,the better job you can do of caring foryourself and your loved ones. Massagetherapy will also help families understress create healthier households, and

more focused and relaxed moms anddads. Children are sensitive and oftenpick up on tension in a household;parents who are taking care ofthemselves are more likely to provide asense of calm to their kids. This goes forcaregivers of aging parents, too.

Now, more than ever, massage shouldplay a role in reducing your stress andstrengthening your health. When peoplefeel their best, they are more able to facethe challenges difficult times present.With greater health and peace of mind,you can face difficulties with poise,clarity of purpose, and strengthenedemotional reserves.

Truly, massage is more than aluxury--it's a vital part of self-care thathas a positive ripple effect on you as youwork, play, and care for others.Investing in your health is oneinvestment that's sure to pay off.

Staying healthy is key to a good vacation.

Healthy HolidaysFive Tips for the Natural Traveler

Easing Holiday AngstFive Stress Busters for a Joyous Season

Planning a vacation or business trip?Consider packing a small kit of naturalremedies before you go. Unfamiliarsurroundings, unusual foods, and jet lagcan make you vulnerable to viruses,stress, and gastrointestinal (GI) upset.Colorado Naturopathic PhysicianMichael Sutton suggests the followingitems:

1. Grapefruit Seed ExtractThis extract fights and prevents virusesand helps reduce symptoms of diarrheaand GI upset. It can even be used todecontaminate water (4-5 drops extractper quart of water). A few days beforeyou leave, mix 4-5 drops with juice orwater and drink it before bedtime, andcontinue for the duration of your trip.If you do catch a cold or flu, you candrink as much as 8-10 drops, 3-4 timesa day.

2. AirborneAvailable in natural products stores,Airborne is an effervescent tabletcontaining herbs, antioxidants, vitamin

C, and amino acids. It helps prevent andfight colds, as well as motion sickness,when traveling.

3. MelatoninTo ease jet lag, Sutton suggests leavingyour watch set for the time zone fromwhich you're departing. When yourwatch shows your normal bedtime, take3-6mg of melatonin, then go to sleep toregulate yourself quickly and easily tothe new time zone.

4. Bach Flower Rescue RemedyTo calm nerves and reduce anxiety,place a few drops of this remedy underyour tongue when you're feelinganxious, or add 5-6 drops to your waterbottle and drink throughout the day.

5. WaterH2O is essential to healthy travel. Drinklots of water and avoid alcohol, asdehydration is a major cause oftravel-related illness.

By packing a few natural remedies and

paying attention to your body's needs,you'll be able to fully enjoy your trip.

You enter the holiday season with thebest of intentions -- looking forward totime spent with family and friends,decorating, shopping, baking. But assoon as you pile holiday activities on topof an already busy life, you're likely tofind yourself relating more to EbineezerScrooge than Martha Stewart.

Consider these five suggestions to keepholiday stress at bay:

1. Determine a Shopping BudgetFor many, gift giving is an importantpart of the holidays, serving as a way toexpress love and appreciation for friendsand family. But when the credit cardbills arrive in January, you may discoveryou've extended your holiday stress wellinto the New Year. Plan your budget inadvance, determine what you can spend,and stick to the plan.

2. Create a Time BudgetMany will make a shopping budget, butwhat about making a time budget?Before accepting every invitation thisyear, decide ahead how many parties youcan and want to attend whilemaintaining your sanity. Make choicesabout your time commitments based onwhat you'd really like to do this year,rather than what you think you shoulddo or what you've always done. Don'tforget to leave time for yourself.

3. Set Food-Intake BoundariesYou'll likely be tempted to eat in excess,and don't be too hard on yourself if youdon't stick to your pre-holiday eatingstandards. But do decide ahead of timejust how much you'll deviate from youreating routine.

4. Stick to Your Exercise Regimen

Regular exercise is a powerful stressbuster. You'll feel better, sleep better,avoid weight gain, boost your immunesystem, and maintain a positive outlookabout yourself. While it may seem likean easy time concession to make, don'tgive in to the idea. Stick to exercise, andyou'll thank yourself for it.

5. Take Time to RestTake time from your schedule to honorthe cycles of the season. The holidays fallduring winter solstice -- the shortest dayof the year. Learn from nature, and getplenty of rest.

When a manmoves awayfrom nature hisheart becomeshard-~ Lakota~


Buy a gift card at the regular price and get a 2nd gift card for1/2 price! (Value - $65 or $90)

Gift cards expire: 3 months from date of purchase.


Buy a regular priced massage and get a second massage fora friend for only $40

(Terms-friend must schedule their massage within 1 week ofthe 1st massage being scheduled and all Spirit WindsMassage Therapy Policies apply)

Expires: 3 months from date of purchase.


Spirit Winds Massage Therapy

15334 E Hinsdale Circle #2B Centennial, CO 80112