Spider Life Cycle

Post on 16-Feb-2016

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- PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Spider Life Cycle

      A spider starts life inside an egg.  The mother spider lays many eggs.  Sometimes the mother spider dies after laying her eggs.  The eggs usually hatch in a very short time.  A baby spider is shaped like its mother, but may be lighter in color.  The baby spider is soon able to spin its own web and capture its own food.  It does not have to be taught.  This comes naturally.  Just like when you learn how to crawl or walk when you were a baby.

Spider Life


Wolf Spider

Black Widow

ProceduresOn four sections of the flip book, students draw four stages of a spider's life cycle: eggs in the sac;, larva in the nest hatching and leaving the nest; nymphs ballooning; adults spinning a web to catch prey.Color the drawings.Label each section and make an observation about the spider in the picture.

Directions for Flip Book