SPEECH FROM THE THRONE - Caribbean Elections

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Transcript of SPEECH FROM THE THRONE - Caribbean Elections





His Excellency

The Hon. Elliott Belgrave CHB

February 12, 2008



Mr. President and Members of the Senate;

Mr. Speaker and Members of the House of Assembly;

The representatives of the House of Assembly have been elected; and

the members of the Senate have been selected.

You have met and have chosen your respective presiding officers.

Parliament is now fully constituted and so the new term of this great

parliament can begin.

It is now my privilege and my duty to outline my Government=s

programme for the second Parliamentary term of the 21st Century.



My Government comes to this hallowed place at this critical juncture in

the history of this nation, fully conscious of the varying yet significant

contributions that our predecessors have made to the cumulative

development of our beloved country. This Parliament is also acutely

aware of the awesome responsibility and the great expectations which

the people of this country have placed on the shoulders of their


This second Parliamentary term of the 21st century starts at a time when

there is much foreboding internationally about global climate change,

growing anxiety about global peace and security, and most recently

great fears of global economic depression.

These notwithstanding, my Government reaffirms its commitment to

moving Barbados forward while keeping and promoting our cherished

traditions, aspiring to a higher level of development that is people-

oriented, culturally specific and socially rooted in the basic spirituality of

our ancestors.


It will ensure that the heritage, aspirations and goals of all of our

National Heroes are not lost in a race for crude materialistic

development. In short it will resume our quest for a better Barbados that

is just, industrious, prosperous, proud and unitedYa nation that can

stand tall in the international arena.

My Government understands most clearly that as a small island

developing state it must make its voice heard on the international stage.

It can only do so by investing in its people, asserting a positive national

identity and working in tandem with its trusted allies regionally,

especially within CARICOM, and internationally.

My Government does not believe that these things will happen

miraculously. History has shown that with astute leadership, good

governance, creativity, co-operation and respect, the people of Barbados

can overcome whatever hurdles are placed in their way. They did so,

most recently, in the 1960=s and in the 1990=s; and they will do it again.

The details of my Government=s programmes will be discussed in more

detail in the Government=s Estimates in March 2008. Work has already


begun to address these debilitating issues that tear at the heart of this

nation. Its number one priority will be to address the most pressing

needs of the people of Barbados.


My Government is conscious that it is the state=s obligation to intervene

in the market to correct failings of the system and re-balance inequities

therein. My Government will adopt a holistic approach to the problem of

the cost of living.

As a matter of its first order of business, my government will establish

an inter-disciplinary committee of Ministers and members of the social

partnership and the informal sector to tackle the following tasks:

First, the contraction and consolidation of the import, wholesale and

retail distribution sectors in this country. It will use the power and

patronage of the government not to disadvantage existing participants in

the distribution sector, but to allow for new and efficient players to come

into the sector and through increased competition contribute to the


creation of a fair market structure. It will liberalize this sector to spread

the options available to Barbadians.

My Government will also provide incentives to new and existing small

and medium size players to come into the sector. It will honour a

previous commitment to more aggressively move to ensure that at least

40% of all government=s procurement requests for goods and services

are reserved for sourcing from small and medium size enterprises.

At the same time it will review the basket of goods on which VAT and

other impositions have been removed. It is obvious that that basket is

too limited and in light of the high incidence of chronic non-

communicable diseases and the need for healthier eating among the

population something must be done, over time, to ease the costs of

foods that fall into these categories. It will therefore expand that basket

significantly, following full consultations with sector stakeholders,

consumer bodies, and nutritional experts.

Energy costs have risen more often than they have fallen in the last two

years and this has driven up the cost of production. My Government will


examine the feasibility of removing the VAT initially on electricity bills

for households and businesses alike; but it will ensure that some of our

poorest households receive relief in this area.

My Government is mindful that workers are also consumers and as a net

food importing country we have to be very careful how we balance the

need to protect jobs in the local market, balance our trade accounts and

at the same time provide food for Barbadians at a reasonable cost. The

time has come for a complete review of our various regimes of

protection for goods coming into Barbados. The need to lower or

completely remove some tariff and non-tariff barriers is evident

notwithstanding the necessity of defensive trade measures.

In the final analysis, this Government will introduce through the Ministry

of Agriculture and Rural Development an innovative Food Security

Policy that not only lowers the cost of basic foods but also enables the

nation to feed itself for an extended period in the event of a natural or

other disaster.


My Government will also increase the amount of disposable income

available to workers. It intends to do so by means of human resource

development, by identifying pockets of poverty and introducing

additional reverse tax credits, and by strengthening the capacity of an

extended Social Partnership to work out an effective Prices and Income

Protocol as a matter of priority.

Rest assured that my Government will leave no stone unturned in its

effort to do something tangible and meaningful about this vexing issue

of the cost of living.


Access to decent, affordable housing and land - Aowning a piece of the

rock@ - remains one of the major concerns of Barbadians from all strata

of society, especially those now starting out on life=s journey. Decent

housing is the key to good family life, educational success and

productivity at work.


My Government is philosophically committed to ensuring that every Barbadian

resident has access to comfortable shelter. It will therefore over time:

Remove VAT from building materials on houses valued up to


Establish a Home Ownership Revolving Fund for public sector

workers, providing interest free loans to appointed public servants

with 5 years service who are first time homeowners.

Provide 500 lots of land in five (5) months at $5 per sq foot for first

time homeowners. These lots have been identified and land will be

acquired by private treaty where necessary to speed up the


Provide 2,500 house spots for sale to low and middle income wage


Build 2,000 housing solutions per year in the first term.


Increase the tax deduction for mortgages to $20,000 per year.

Initiate the full transfer of National Housing Corporation units to

occupants living in the units for 20 years or more free of cost

except for legal and transaction expenses.

Build and maintain a pool of rent-to-purchase units for low-income

earners, pensioners, and the disabled who may not qualify for

mortgages and loans.

Introduce Housing Communities, for low-income earners in which

all the amenities B social, recreational and commercial - are


Promote starter home projects and partner with private sector

companies in promoting the concept of Abuild and live@.

Negotiate reverse mortgages with the financial institutions and

give incentives where necessary, to provide for dignified standards

of living for our elderly in their golden years.



The biggest challenges facing Barbadians are improvements in health

care facilities and the development of healthy lifestyles. HIV/AIDS and

chronic non-communicable diseases are the major causes of death in


My Government will place health once again on the national priorities list

and will immediately embark on a health promotion campaign to

sensitize the public to the dangers of unhealthy lifestyles. It will intensify

the campaign to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS and give to all those who

are sexually active a sense of ownership of the campaign.

My Government will implement a ARescue the Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Plan@ which will include changes to the structure of the Board of the

hospital as well as upgrade the geriatric hospitals and open selected

polyclinics on a 24-hour, 7days a week basis.

The new St. John Polyclinic will be completed as a matter of priority and

other capital investments, both private and public, in the health care


sector will be undertaken to ensure the restoration of Barbados= place as

a number one community health care provider.


My Government recommits Barbados to high-quality, free education for

all from pre-school to tertiary level. Education is the vehicle on which

we have relied to improve our economic and social development. More

than 20% of our national budget is spent on education but the return

from this expenditure is becoming less and less satisfactory.

My Government is in the process of convening a National Consultation

on Education to address the relevance of our present education system,

ensure adequate and affordable educational opportunities for every

Barbadian, make school a rewarding experience for every child, ensure

that every school child benefits fully from the educational system, and

help every child to realize his/her potential through education.


My Government believes that families should come first because they

are the building blocks of nations. It believes that education begins at


home. It further believes that man is a social animal who needs to be

involved in family and community life.

My Government has established two important Ministries with a new

focus: a Ministry of Family, Youth, Sports and Environment as well as a

Ministry of Social Care, Community Empowerment and Urban

Development. These Ministries will work together to give maximum

support to parents in raising their children, strengthening communities,

uplifting the level of sporting prowess and producing happy and

productive citizens.


Many of our young people are emulating mores borrowed from alien

cultures. This value system is based on what is convenient and

pleasurable, but not socially acceptable. The country needs to return to

the values and standards that made us the envy of the Caribbean and

the world.


My Government will put special emphasis on technical skills training for

children whom the present education system is failing; broaden the

scope and availability of adult education opportunities; promote

programmes to foster and support strong family units and relationships

and promote the values of self-help and community innovativeness. It

will provide training and support in life skills such as parenting, dispute

resolution and effective communication; eradicate the scourge of illegal

drugs that is wrecking our communities; protect minors against

indecency, vulgarity, illegal activity, and corrupt practices; restore

Barbados= reputation of respect for authority, property, traditions, icons

and symbols; develop and inculcate a relevant system of values at all

levels of society in consultation with community leaders.

My Government has already begun to review the Division of Youth

Affairs with a view to introducing a comprehensive National Youth

Service Programme to ensure that all young people are exposed to

opportunities for empowerment, for giving civic service and making a

smooth transition to adulthood.



My Government is committed to caring for all Barbadians in their senior

years. It will introduce a minimum pension threshold for all Barbadians.

No Barbadian citizen will receive less than BD$500 a month on reaching

pensionable age. It will ensure that old age pensioners receive a non-

contributory pension of $6,032 per year and contributory pensioners

receive $7,384.00 per year.

My Government will also increase the tax-free exemption threshold for

pensioners receiving $3,000.00 per month or less; and review the

legislation that discriminates between government pensioners employed

before 1975 and those after in relation to their government pension and

NIS pension.

It will reduce the drivers licence fee for drivers over 70 years of age;

introduce a deductible allowance for nursing home fees and expenses;

and encourage Senior citizens to use the Community Resource Centres

for training and recreation.



It is ironic that Sports has become a major industry at a time when

Barbados has become a weak sporting nation. This has coincided with a

growing sense of despair among young people, an increase in crime and

violence among our youth, an increase in chronic non-communicable

diseases among citizens and disdain for rules among children and

young people.

My Government is convinced that Sports has the capacity to prevent

these maladies among our people. It is therefore committed to

supporting the 57 and more sporting disciplines that are practised in

Barbados as a means of bringing health, social, psychological and

economic benefits to the people of Barbados.

As a matter of urgency, my Government will reorganize the National

Sports Council to reach out more effectively to schools and

communities; and create a Sports Administration Centre for all sports

without a home.

It will also construct a National Sports Hostel for athletes; upgrade the

facilities at North Stars; build an international stadium in the East of the


island; and work with the various associations and clubs, particularly

the Barbados Football Association, to improve sporting facilities.

My Government will develop centres of sporting excellence in schools

and communities; provide community-based coaches; offer Certificate

and Diploma Courses for athletes and sports organizers; offer National

Development Scholarships to budding athletes; offer paid leave to

athletes in the public service; and encourage the private sector to do the

same. It will support training for sports administrators at national,

organizational and club levels.

My Government will waive Value Added Taxes on training and sports

equipment; waive duties on transport facilities for sporting

organizations; offer tax deductions for businesses which help sports

charities; and make grants to successful sporting organizations.

It will work closely with the Barbados Olympic Association; complete the

National Sports Policy; and draw up a Sports Development and Strategic


Plan. Finally it will assist in the promotion of sports as a worthwhile

activity for all Barbadians.


My Government will put in place a final safety net to ensure that no

citizen, for whatever reason, falls through the cracks into abject poverty

and despair. It will change the conditions that tend to transform resilient

people into long-term welfare recipients, who become increasingly

dependent on the state.

My Government will therefore ensure that benefits will be given to

eligible welfare recipients as a human right and not as patronizing

handouts. Programmes to wean them off welfare will be introduced

enabling them to become more productive.



My Government will make our unique culture work for us by creating the

conditions for the full expression of our authentic way of life. Barbadians

will be empowered to draw on our culture in a creative way, in order to

improve the quality of our lives and enhance the tourism products that

generate the bulk of the income on which the nation lives.

My Government has already begun to address the issues that have

dogged our ACrop Over@ Festival, which is one of Barbados= largest

foreign exchange earners, and will embark on an aggressive programme

to develop and sustain the cultural industries.


People enjoy their lives better when the hassles of going about their

normal business are removed. Despite living in a small country

Barbadians spend several hours of frustration getting from place to

place and in dealing with various agencies both in the public and private

sectors. This includes time spent on our congested road systems and is

a cause of stress and other related illnesses.


My Government is convinced that it is necessary that services, including

employment, be located where they can be conveniently accessed by the

public. To this end it will make access to government services more

convenient to the public by increasing access locations and using

modern technology more effectively.

It will also facilitate commercial and industrial development in country

areas; increase the availability of government services in places outside

Bridgetown; facilitate and support the development of town centres in

major areas of settlement; review the country=s traffic management

systems with a view to improving the flow on major highways; improve

public transportation to encourage its wider use; and promote the use of

flexi-time by businesses and in the public service.



The development of a country is essentially a relationship between capital,

labour and the government. My Government is therefore committed to an

expanded Social Partnership which incorporates the informal sector to

promote the development of Barbados. It will continue to provide appropriate

support for private sector initiatives but will, in turn expect the private sector to

respond with a sense of corporate social responsibility. It has already sent a

signal to the nation by strengthening its economic development muscle

through the appointment of three Ministers with strong technical skills in

management, finance and labour-relations within the Prime Minister=s Office to

enhance the delivery of its goals in this area.

My Government recognizes that the rapidly changing global economic

environment of the 21st century presents particular challenges to small

economies. The impending cessation of preferential market access; the move

towards full reciprocity through the accelerated liberalization of domestic

markets; and the removal of all remaining barriers to the movement of finance

and investment capital are all conspiring to narrow the scope of our policy



Against these realities, my Government will give maximum priority to the

creation of a macro-economic environment that stresses fiscal prudence in the

allocation of expenditure and the absorption of revenues; protection of the

fixed exchange rate regime through careful management of the fiscal and

external current account deficits; a tightly managed debt accumulation

strategy targeted at the reduction in both domestic and foreign components of

the national debt; the attainment of full employment through the private=s

sectors response to new domestic entrepreneurial and investment

opportunities in traditional and, more importantly new, industrial, cultural and

knowledge sectors.

Fiscal prudence will be the hallmark of my Government. It will restore fiscal

stability to the management of the affairs of government. This objective is a

central theme of good and responsible governance; it is absolutely essential

to the credibility and maintenance of the fixed exchange rate regime. In light of

this, my Government will give priority to achieving and maintaining a balanced

budget while allowing for small manageable fiscal deficits where necessary to

facilitate the development objectives of the country.


It will implement taxation policies that reduce fiscal drag on the economy. This

will require that public expenditure be kept under continuing review to promote

efficiency and economy in the use of fiscal resources. It will also undertake a

comprehensive review of the proliferation of government-owned companies.

Given the commitment to a fixed exchange rate, my Government will adopt a

cautious, measured, systematic and selective approach to liberalization of the

capital account and will adopt a sequenced approach to capital account

liberalization within the CSME.

My Government will implement a program to promote further development of

the capital markets. Its capital market programme aims to foster the

development of the domestic capital markets by increasing the range and

scope of domestic financial instruments and promoting increased liquidity in

the stock and bond markets. This will serve to increase savings and

investment opportunities, improve the pricing of financial instruments,

enhance foreign exchange reserves by providing attractive investment

instruments to keep capital at home and attract capital from abroad and of

course create jobs for Barbadians.



Another major responsibility of Government is the establishment of an efficient

infrastructure for the development of the economy. However, there are serious

problems of worsening traffic congestion on our roads and poor

communication within the region.

My Government wishes to reiterate that a possible solution to the problem of

traffic congestion is to decentralize the provision of services. It will establish a

constellation of town-centres across the country that are the seats of

Constituency Councils. Each Constituency Council will have at its disposal a

budget that would enable it to deal with local problems at the level at which

they emerge. Provision will be made for both the Parliamentary

Representative and the Local Councillors to show their accountability to the

people of Barbados on a regular basis.

My Government will, with a sense of urgency, explore the feasibility of using

ferries to take passengers and goods from secure berthing points around the

island to and from Bridgetown and other towns. A modern efficient ferry

service will link places such as Six Men=s Bay, Speightstown, Holetown,


Bridgetown, St. Lawrence Gap, Oistins, Silversands, Foul Bay, Martins Bay,

Bathsheba and River Bay, thereby taking the pressure off the roads.

It will also invest heavily in modern information technology with the

appropriate training of people to facilitate e-government, e-commerce and the

growth of the informatics industry.


Regional integration will not flourish without the implementation of

mechanisms that facilitate the free movement of goods and people. With

respect to regional travel, it is useful to remember that 46% of our trade is with

CARICOM countries; and that the third largest source of visitors to our

country, which depends on tourism, is these CARICOM countries. Yet

communication between these countries, many of which are less than 500

miles away, is embarrassingly poor and expensive.

My Government, because of the significant investment by it in LIAT, will

review the capacity of LIAT to meet the needs of air travelers in the region. At

the same time it will spearhead negotiations with CARICOM countries to


invest in maritime transport to move large numbers of passengers and goods

between the countries of the region.


My Government will prioritize the creation of a new and genuine production

enterprise culture in Barbados. This will be marketed behind a holistic policy

that will include (a) the creation and prioritization of a new industrial enterprise

culture which seeks to aggressively enhance and promote the country=s

potential to be an export leader in the areas in which it clearly has some

comparative advantage; (b) the location of its new industrial policy within the

context of the opportunities for new market access both in the CSME and

further afield in global markets; and (c) the reallocation of national resources

to areas of private sector investment that push profitable and sustainable

industrialization and manufacturing.

My Government will also consolidate the various venture capital windows in

Barbados into one agency. It will create a new industrial development and

innovation fund through partnerships with UWI to vigorously promote research

and development activities in this area; and offer appropriate tax credits to


companies that pursue research and development of innovative projects

targeted towards manufacturing or agro-processing activities.

My Government will re-examine the Port charges with a view to significantly

reducing these to manufacturers and Port delays which are of concern, as

cruise liners are almost always given priority over cargo ships.

Finally it will introduce policies that will encourage commercial banks to work

with local manufacturers to allow them greater access to, and a freer flow of

finance and support as well as an accelerated write-off for investments in new

manufacturing, processing, and associated information and communication,

energy, and environmental technologies.


Barbadian workers face competition in the labour market from foreign

workers. For the most part, these workers come from other CARICOM

countries, attracted by employment opportunities and the improved standard

of living that Barbados offers. These workers may initially accept lower wages

and less agreeable working conditions than their Barbadian counterparts,


thereby affording some employers the opportunity to bypass the Barbadian

worker. The potential for tension is obvious.

My Government will therefore introduce policies to manage immigration in the

interest of the local labour force and the foreign worker who may otherwise be

subject to exploitation.

My Government will put in place the legislation, institutional structures and the

resources to increase the number of self-employed entrepreneurs from about

10% of the working population to 20% by 2016. It will assist in the creation of

new enterprises through training, direct subsidies and easier access to capital

for investment and promote actively the cooperative model by entrepreneurs

as a business development model.


My Government will as a matter of priority expedite the implementation

of a AWorker Protection And Workplace Conditions Of Service Security

Policy@ aimed at guaranteeing high quality work for all Barbadians and

invited immigrant workers alike.

It will also move to immediately enact a comprehensive national Labour

Rights legislative compendium which will include a full Employment

Rights Act, an Alternative Disputes Settlement and Arbitration

Committee, a Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Act, national

Minimum Wages legislation; and legislation fully recognizing Trade




The importance of Tourism to the growth and diversification of the Barbadian

economy is part of the success story of Barbados. The tourism industry has

allowed Barbados as a country to take advantage of the few natural resources

with which it was blessed - fine beaches and a warm equable climate.

However, the time has come for us to address in our tourism planning, critical

issues such as manpower and human resource development; the carrying

capacity of the destination; the diversification and enhancement of the tourism

product; and improving the economic yield of tourism.

My Government will therefore draw up a Tourism Master Plan, which will

diversify and enhance the tourism products of Barbados by linking tourism to

agriculture, culture, sports, the arts and the environment. This will include the

development of the concept of Community Tourism through training and

motivating local people to provide accommodation and other services to

visitors in their communities.


Establishing priorities in land use planning is of critical importance in a small

island faced with competing demands on its limited land resources. Policies


that leave the use and sale of land to market forces, are putting considerable

pressure on agriculture and the natural environment.

My Government is convinced that sugar cane production is essential to

environmental and ecological sustainability in Barbados, and will apply its best

efforts to ensure that the maximum benefit is derived from the production of all

the products and byproducts of the sugar cane plant.

It will provide continuing support of viable agricultural production, when

viewed not from a narrow focus of financial profitability, but from a broader

perspective of national resource use. Agricultural output contributes vitally to

food security in the context of the possibilities in a small island economy. It

continues to provide income, employment and output for rural communities

and contributes to rural prosperity. Indeed, the growing demand for healthy

food to combat obesity and related lifestyle diseases provides welcome

opportunities for efficient production.

My Government will also encourage the orderly development of the fisheries

subsector, which continues to be an important part of our economy, through

the provision of necessary infrastructure and the conclusion of negotiations

with Trinidad and Tobago on a Fisheries Agreement.


On a larger canvas, my Government=s land use policies and the need to save

agriculture, are part of the commitment to preserve the natural environment. It

will therefore introduce the Agriculture Protection Act that will require a 2/3

majority of both Houses of Parliament for a change of use of land from

agriculture. At least 30, 000 acres of land will be reserved for agricultural use.

It will introduce amendments to the Land Acquisition Act that will require

Government to pay compensation on the replacement value rather than the

market value of properties being acquired where those properties are owner-



The single biggest challenge of our generation is the drain on foreign

exchange created by the high cost of oil. Responsible governments around

the world are therefore moving to change long held and cherished

consumption patterns.

My Government is prepared to be bold and move aggressively in the area of

energy conservation, reducing the oil import bill and preserving our delicate

environment for the future.


It will therefore provide significant incentives to encourage ownership of fuel-

efficient vehicles, particularly motorcars. It will also provide incentives for

greater use of solar energy in meeting the electricity needs of consumers and

businesses. The goal is to implement a package of incentives to cover up to

50% of the cost of installing solar electric systems.

It will create a SMART ENERGY FUND of $10 million to provide low interest

loans to households seeking to purchase solar panels to power their homes;

introduce a tax rebate for the cost of installing a solar electric system; ensure

all new government or government related facilities will be fully fitted with solar

electric systems; and phase out the use of incandescent light bulbs from all

Government buildings and private households.


Government is the single largest employer in Barbados. My Government will

spare no effort to establish a well-trained and impartial public service, free

from political interference, which is essential for good governance. It will

formulate and implement a Human Resource Development Policy for the

public service. It will also implement a service-wide public service training


policy, which will see the establishment of Public Service training programmes

to meet the qualification requirements for public officers; the reintroduction of

Induction Training for all new public officers; and management and leadership

training at various points in a public officer=s career.

It will review the results of the last job classification exercise; establish a full-

time Chairman of the Public Service Commission to play an effective role in

the management of the Public Service; re-organize, retrain, rename and retool

the Data Processing Department to become the Central Information

Technology Agency responsible for a new focus on information technology in

the public service with a goal of having all Ministries and Departments fully

computerized and connected by 2016.

Finally, it will strengthen the office of Public Sector Reform; providing the

required staff and other resources necessary to carry out its functions

efficiently; providing it with statutory powers to ensure implementation of

agreed reform initiatives; and implementing customer charters in all

Government Ministries and Departments to develop a truly customer-focused,

customer-driven public service.


It will provide new options within the pension plan for public servants, which

will allow better provision to be made for the surviving spouse of a public

servant who dies either before or after retirement.

It will improve the physical and environmental conditions under which many

public servants work; introduce a pilot project providing day care facilities for

the children of public officers; increase the no-interest vehicle loan facility to

$60,000 for those who qualify; and provide duty free motorcars for designated

public servants.


Good Governance is essential for the sustained development of Barbados. Its

characteristics include participation, accountability, transparency,

responsiveness to the needs of voters, effectiveness, efficiency, equity,

authentic inclusion and respect for the rule of law.

Good Governance assures that corruption is minimized, the views of the

people are taken into account and that the voices of the most vulnerable

members of society are heard in decision-making.

My Government will put systems in place to reverse the trend of concentrating

power into fewer and fewer hands, as well as attempt to rekindle trust and


confidence in the system of parliamentary elections and constituency


It has already kept the people informed of what the Government is doing on

their behalf through regular press briefings following meetings of the Cabinet.

It will also publish essential details of agreements and contracts involving the

Government and its agencies. It will issue formal Ministerial statements at

regular intervals on the progress of ongoing programmes and projects. There

will also be a revision of and adherence to the rules regarding Parliamentary


My Government will also establish state-funded Constituency Councils to

execute community enhancement and development projects. These Councils

will comprise representatives of the church, civil society, and the political

administration. In this way, perennial problems of street lighting, sporting and

recreational facilities, drainage, poverty alleviation and youth programmes will

be administered and resolved at the constituency level. My Government

intends giving power back to the people.

My Government has established a Governance Unit in the Prime Minister=s

Office to service a Public Integrity Council which will immediately circulate

draft integrity legislation requiring a declaration of assets by public officials; a


Code of Conduct for Ministers; a new Freedom of Information law;

amendments to the Defamation laws; and new constitutional provisions to

rationalize the powers of the Prime Minister.


As a matter of urgency, my Government will provide better remuneration and

group disability and life insurance for Police Officers; improve and/or build

new police stations in designated areas; review the ranks in the police force

thereby creating more promotion opportunities; and permit the police force to

function free of political interference.

It will also upgrade the Government Forensic Sciences Centre to help solve

outstanding crimes and restore confidence in law enforcement agencies.

Finally, it will consider converting Glendairy Prison into a publicly funded

modern drug treatment and rehabilitation centre. Above all, it will put more

emphasis on the prevention of crime and the rehabilitation of criminal

offenders, in an effort to reduce the incidence of recidivism from 60% to under




In addition to enhancing its role in the existing security systems, the Barbados

Defence Force (BDF) should be part of our national identity.

My Government will seek to ensure that the BDF becomes more involved in

the march towards First World status, more innovative, more strategically

focused and more proactive. It will, as a matter of urgency, carry out a

comprehensive Organizational Review of the BDF and develop a strategic

plan for the Force. This will include a complete analysis of its structure, size

and management of resources.

My Government will expand the career prospects, training opportunities and

counselling and welfare services available to all ranks; introduce performance

indicators; develop a scheme of resettlement training for persons leaving the

force; review and simplify the procedures dealing with pension; and provide

new options within the pension plan for soldiers, which would allow better

provision to be made for the surviving spouse of a soldier who dies after


It will also improve the intelligence and security information-gathering

capabilities of the Barbados Defence Force and forge closer ties with the


Royal Barbados Police Force. It will implement a building maintenance

programme to restore and maintain the current facilities; and build multi-

purpose disaster management facilities, which may be used during normal

times by youth groups and sporting organizations. These facilities will also

house areas for skills training as well as for coaches in various sporting



My Government will re-engineer the country=s external trade policy to securing

and increasing market share abroad; and winning the battle to maintain

dominance in our domestic markets.

With this in mind it will, to the extent permitted by our regional and

international commitments, negotiate and secure expanded foreign market

access for Barbados= goods and services.

It will build a competitive productive sector that produces world-class goods

and services capable of increasing our market share across the world; and


allow for managed entry of goods and services from abroad so as to protect

our most vulnerable sectors, and enhance our food security profile.

It will increase the foreign exchange earning capacity of the country and

thereby attract higher levels of investment.

In pursuit of these objectives my Government will prioritize the negotiation of

bilateral, regional and multilateral trade and economic development


In the final analysis, Barbados will continue to pursue its long-standing policy

to be Afriends of all and satellites of none@. It will continue to defend the

interests of its citizens at home and abroad.

My Government will respect those treaties entered into by predecessor

Governments and seek new alliances conducive to the achievement of our


My Government will work towards the realization of the CARICOM Single

Market and Economy. However, it will embark on a major public education

programme to sensitize Barbadians to the challenges and opportunities that

the free movement of labour, goods and services will bring. It will then prepare


Barbadians for taking a leading role in the development of the wider

Caribbean Community.

TOWARDS SECURING OUR PLACE IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY Mr. President and Mr. Speaker, Fifty years are but a moment in history. It is a short time in the life of a nation. But it is a long time in the life of an individual. Whatever your perspective, my Government owes it to the people of Barbados to demonstrate what a resourceful people can do within 50 years of achieving their Independence. Put simply, my Government intends to use all the resources at its disposal during this Parliamentary term to make a great leap forward on the pathway to developed country status. My Government is confident that with God=s help and with the support of all segments of society, Barbados can secure its rightful place as a good jurisdiction in which to live, study, work, invest and enjoy the highest quality of life. I extend to you best wishes for a successful and productive Parliament.

GOVERNOR GENERAL Government House BARBADOS February 2008