
Post on 18-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Speech




• When King Herod was in the throne of Judea, Wise men of the East arrived to Jerusalem asking for the King of the Jews who had born in that region: Jesus of Nazareth.

Herod got furious and ordered them to announce him the place where that baby was..

Although, the Wise Men didn´t tell him nothing,

so Herod got more furious and sent orders to kill all children under two years old born in Bethlehem (Judea), so he killed many innocent people

In order to commemorate this day, in Spain and in Latin America people make every kinds of jokes on December 28.

A commemorable


we all know odd jokes to make to friends family, neighbors, etc.

since putting a pin or melted chocolate on your chair so that someone sit down

, hitting a piece of paper with a message like "hit me a kick in the ass" on the back of someone, or simply putting a rag doll which represent this day,

forward or back the clock, etc.

However, some people invent other weird an very funny jokes:

One of my sisters…

April Fools' Day is celebrated in different countries around the world on April 1 every year.

Is a day when many people play all kinds of jokes and foolishness.


Traditionally, in some countries such as Canada, New Zealand, the UK, and South Africa, the jokes only last until noon, and someone who plays a trick after noon is called an "April Fool”. Elsewhere, such as in France, Italy, Japan, Russia, Netherlands, and other countries, the jokes last all day.

In France and Italy children (and adults, when appropriate) traditionally tack paper fish on each other's back as a trick and shout "poisson d'avril!" or "pesce d'aprile!“ in each countries.


Yes, yes, jokes,… but I would advice to prepare very well what to do so as to avoid this funny accidents: