Speech 1318 Fall Crn 76546

Post on 03-Mar-2016

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Transcript of Speech 1318 Fall Crn 76546


ddffdfdfdQUESTIONNAIRE INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATIONStudent is responsible for completing this form and turning it in by WEEK 1. If it is not turned in, you are not a member of this class and will not receive a grade. Student will also be deducted Participation points from the their average. By turning in this form the student acknowledges that they have read the syllabus and will adhere to the rules and requirements contained within.

Name: TRUNG NGUYENE-mail: HOUSTON231187@GMAIL.COM Learning web address: http://learning.hccs.edu/faculty/ruth.salisburyI have gone to the Instructors Learning Web page, downloaded and read the syllabus provided by the instructor and acknowledge that I will adhere to the rules and requirements contained within.

I understand that all materials needed in this course, including the Syllabus, grading rubrics and outline formats as accepted by the instructor, are provided and it is my responsibility to download all necessary materials.

I have read the section on the Speech assignments and assessments and acknowledge my understanding of the professors expectations and requirements.

I have read the section of the Instructors grading legend and criteria and understand the contents as they will affect my grade.

I have read the section on the assignment calendar and understand and acknowledge the expected due dates of all assignments in this course.

By providing my name and email address on this questionnaire I am confirming my acknowledgement of the above and my status as a member of this class. I understand that I am responsible for my grade and meeting the requirements of the Instructor as established within.

Note: Students are responsible for seeing to it that this information is updated as required.