Specifies technique skill of the goalkeepers at football

Post on 21-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Specifies technique skill of the goalkeepers at football

Specifies Technique Skill of the goalkeepers at football

The Little Goal Blogthelittlegoal.blogspot.com.es

Beginning of the offensive game (Service of Goal)

Goalkeeper who extracts well from the soil, it constitutes a very important advantage for his team.

The objectives are: To keep the possession. To give advantage to

his teammates delivering a good ball in good conditions.

To be fast and precise.

Gone out for the feet of the adversary

It is the action in which the goalkeeper shortens distances with regard to the holder of the ball when this one goes towards the desk.

Objectives:Reduce the capacity of

action of the adversary. To prevent it from

could to obtain goal.

The prolongations It is the action in

which the goalkeeper by means of one I throb manages to change the height of the ball but not the direction or path.

RejectsIt is the action

executed by the goalkeeper in which the only objective is to interpose the body or any of his surfaces to strike the ball and to prevent the adversary from obtaining the goal.

The Clearance or FreeingGoalkeeper strikes a

ball with the intention of removing it from the nearly zones of his desk. Generally there are in use the fists, one or both, and the feet, though in awkward situations.

The Stop or BlockThe Stop is the

action in which the goalkeeper catches the ball and remains with this one between the hands.

Also it is possible to call "block" is to hold the ball with the hands.


