Specialized Guidance for Catering to Clients Corporate...

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Transcript of Specialized Guidance for Catering to Clients Corporate...

© Advent Media Group 2014

L Brands, including Victoria’s Secret, Bath & Body Works® and La Senza. Tween Brands.® Big Lots.® Express. � ese are just some of the world-renowned corporations whose top exec-

utives turn to Steinhaus Financial Group for counsel.“High-ranking professionals face distinct � nancial

challenges,” observes Ric Martin, Columbus CEO of Steinhaus Financial, a � rm whose clientele is nearly 90 percent retail executives.

“They have so many moving parts—salaries, bonuses, stock options and tax complexity, as well as attorneys, private bankers and insurance advisors. But they often don’t have one professional to coordinate all the pieces. � at’s our niche.”

Steinhaus Financial Group is located at 7650 Rivers Edge Drive in Columbus, OH. Call 614-431-4342 or visit steinhausfi nancialgroup.com for more information.

Specialized Guidance for Corporate Retail Executives


Catering to ClientsOne challenge that all executives face is time—or rather a lack thereof.

“Our service is all about convenience,” says Martin, who is willing to meet with clients in their own o� ces and ensures that meetings run e� ciently and e� ectively.

Because his wife is a former buyer for Express, Martin harbors a personal appreciation for his clients’ fast-paced world. “I lived that life. I understand what they’re going through,” he sympathizes.

It’s a world in which executives don’t have the time nor the interest to manage their own a� airs.

“Our goal is for clients to have � nancial sense of security for whatever their next move may be,” Martin says.

Personalized, Proactive StrategiesWith an emphasis on consultative fee-based services, Steinhaus Financial makes it a priority to “sit on the same side of the table” as clients. � e team employs advanced portfolio strategies, such as stocks, bonds, exchange-traded funds and asset management pro-grams, with a focus on tax e� ciency.

“We’re fortunate to have access to CPAs who help us deliver exceptional tax planning services,” says Martin.

“We’re proactive. We won’t wait until April 2014 to run a tax forecast.”

Clients are encouraged to be generous to the com-munity, but rather than donating cash via standard payroll deduction, Martin’s team has advised some clients to consider the donation of highly appreciated stock, which can save clients in capital gains tax.

“Sometimes people don’t know what they don’t know,” Martin says with a nod to his team’s creative solutions. “We’re always looking out for clients’ interests.”Adam Weingartner

Shawna UlicneJanet KoblensJohn Schatz, CRPC®

Ric Martin, CFP®

Ric Martin is a registered representative of Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp. Securities and investment advisory services offered through Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp., a broker-dealer (member SIPC) and registered investment advisor. Insurance offered through Lincoln affi liates and

other fi ne companies. CRN-778336-120913

Columbus is a hub for corporate retail headquarters, and this fi rm meets the unique fi nancial needs of the city’s top executives.