Speak Up in Class

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ejercicios speak up revista 353

Transcript of Speak Up in Class

  • Answers on page 6 one 1

    By Pamela Linwood


    The Internet Movie Database [A2 PRE-INTERMEDIATE]

    A - Before you startAnswer the questions with a partner.1) Do you often go to the cinema?2) What kind of films do you like?3) Where do you look for information if you cant remember the names of the actors or the director of a film?4) Have you ever used the Internet Movie Database (IMDb)?

    B Read and answerRead these statements and write T (true) or F (false).1) The IMDb contains information about all the films that have ever been made.2) The information on IMDb is nearly always accurate.3) The website was first started in Hollywood.4) Its founder, Col Needham, lives near Bristol.5) Nick Park and Col Needham both moved to Bristol from the north of England.6) Needham started the film database in his spare time.7) He isnt the boss of IMDb any more.8) Needham saw his first film when he was a teenager.

    C Read and answerRead the article again and answer the questions.1) Who uses the database, besides film fans?2) What does the article say about the popularity of the IMDb website?3) What kind of films are the Wallace and Gromit films?4) Where did Needham move to Bristol from?5) Why did he move to Bristol?6) Who did he sell the company to?7) How does the website make money?

    8) What effect did seeing the movie Jaws have on Needham?

    D Learn it! Use it!Complete these sentences with words from the glossary. (You may have to adapt the word(s) in some way, e.g. change the verb tense.)1) At the job interview, they asked me if I had ________ worked while I was a student.2) Sarah is a graphic designer who works for an ________ company.3) A _______ _______ is a person who writes the script of a film.






    A - Before you startAnswer the questions with a partner. 1) What was the title of the last book you read?2) Did you read it on paper or as an e-book?3) What changes has the arrival of digital books brought about for authors, publishers and booksellers? 4) If you wanted to become a writer, what would be the best way to start, in your opinion?

    B Listen and answerRead these statements. Then listen (without reading) and write T (true) or F (false).1) Gabrielle Zevin is a well-known screenwriter who has written a novel.2) Zevin says she went out with Lyle just because they were both fans of Guns NRoses.

    Gabrielle Zevin A Letter to the Editor [C1 ADVANCED]GETTING STARTED

    4) Jacks children are an embarrassment because they always ________ badly.5) I have a ________ to my favourite newspaper so I can read it online.6) I found Charlottes phone number in the telephone ________.7) Thomas has never been to the USA because hes ________ of flying.8) Our dog looks ferocious but ______________ hes very friendly.

    E Ready for KET? (Paper 1, Part 5)Choose the best word for each space.Wallace and Gromit are characters in a series of animated films. They were created 1________ (from/by/of) Nick Park of Ardman Animations. Wallace is 2_________ (an/a/one) absent-minded inventor who is very fond 3________ (for/about/of) cheese. He has various jobs, but in his 4________ (busy/open/spare) time, he builds complicated machines 5________ (who/that/they) often dont work. Gromit is Wallaces pet dog and his 6________ (best/better/worse) friend. He is generally more intelligent 7________ (of/than/that) his owner, Wallace. Gromit doesnt 8________ (never/rarely/usually) speak.

    Instead he communicates through his facial expressions and body language.The Wallace and Gromit films are popular all over the world and have been translated into over 20 languages.

    F Write about it Write about a cartoon character that you particularly like. Mention: - who/what the character represents;- the characters personality;- what he/she/it usually does;- where the cartoons are popular;- why you like this character.






    three 3

    3) After the Guns NRoses concert, she sent an angry letter to a newspaper to complain that the concert had been a great disappointment.4) As a result, an editor of the newspaper phoned to ask her to contribute to it.5) At the time, he didnt know how old she was.6) She thinks writing to newspapers is still a good way to become a writer.7) Its impossible to predict whether a particular book will be successful because there are too many factors involved.8) The number of books that are self-published is about the same as the number that are published conventionally.

    C Read and answerRead the article and answer the questions. 1) Why did Zevin leave her boyfriend, Lyle, the morning after the concert?2) What two phrases indicate that she didnt enjoy Lyles company at all?3) Why did she think it natural to express her annoyance at the review of the concert by writing to the newspaper?4) Why isnt it necessary to write angry letters to newspapers any more?5) What connection does Gabrielle Zevin make between letter-writing and writing books?6) What do writers have to come to terms with, according to Zevin?

    D Learn it! Use it!Complete these sentences with words from the glossary. (You may have to adapt the word(s) in some way, e.g. change the verb tense or change from singular to plural.) 1) The Times ________ a series of articles about historic pubs this month.2) We were ________ when we found out that our flight had been cancelled because there werent many passengers.3) James picked up the letter and ________ it to Karen to read.4) That crossword puzzle was difficult but ________ I managed to solve it.5) The children loved the film, although the _______ _______ was rather difficult for them.6) The meetings probably going to last for several hours because there are quite a few ________ to discuss.

    E - Ready for CAE? (Paper 3: Use of English, 5)Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use between 3 and 6 words including the word given. Example: Gabrielle Zevin has written some books which are best-sellers.IS Gabrielle Zevin is a best-selling author.

    1) Editorial Lumen has made a Spanish translation of her latest book.TRANSLATED Her latest book _________________________ Editorial Lumen.2) The car was mainly what attracted me to this boyfriend at the time.MAIN The car _________________________ this boyfriend at the time.3) We had decided on going to see Guns NRoses.ARRANGEMENT We had _________________________ to see Guns NRoses.

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    Call an Ambulance [B1 INTERMEDIATE]

    A Before you startAnswer the questions with a partner.1) Do you know what number to dial to call an ambulance?2) Have you ever called one? What for?3) What kind of person do you have to be to work for an ambulance service?


    B Listen and answerListen to the main article (without reading) and write T (true) or F (false) beside these statements.1) You can practise summer and winter sports in New York Citys Central Park.2) The Central Park Medical Unit provides emergency medical treatment all week.

    4) It was arranged that Lyle would drive me.SUPPOSED Lyle _________________________ drive me.5) My age wasnt mentioned in the conversation.UP My age _________________________ in the conversation.6) Nobody knows your identity when you write something.WHO Nobody knows _________________________ when you write something.7) Thats how I happened to get my first writing job.ENDED Thats how I _________________________ my first writing job.8) Some of it is a matter of kismet.HAS Some of it ___________________________ with kismet.

    F Talk about it In pairs or groups. 1) Have you ever protested about something on a social media site? If so, what?2) Have you ever written a letter to a newspaper? If so, what was it about? Was it a letter of complaint? Was your letter published?3) Would you like to become a writer? If so, what would you like to write about?

    G Write about itImagine that you bought something and werent satisfied with it. Write a letter of complaint to the company. Begin your letter with Dear Sirs and end it with Yours faithfully.Explain in the letter:- where and when you bought the item;- whats wrong with it;- what you would like the company to do about it.

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    3) Most of the employees of the CPMU are volunteers.4) They use several different types of vehicles to respond to emergency calls.5) The CPMU only operate within Central Park.

    C Listen to the interview (Optional)N.B. This interview is graded as C1, so dont be discouraged if you find it difficult. Try to understand the main points.Read these statements. Then listen to the interview with Brennon Jones, without reading, and write T (true) or F (false).1) Brennon Jones is almost 60.2) Because of his experience as a journalist in war zones, hes never been afraid of the sight of blood.3) Brennon isnt affected by what he sees because he has to concentrate on following procedures.4) Even before he became an EMT, he had a strong sense of being part of the community. 5) The CPMU is one of many volunteer ambulance corps in the USA.6) Many of the CPMU volunteers are young people who want to study medicine.

    D Listen, read and check your answersListen to the interview while reading the text.(If you did Exercise D, check your answers while reading.)

    E Read and answerRead the main article and answer the questions.1) Why is Central Park a good place for cycling, jogging and skating at weekends?2) Who should you call in an emergency on weekdays?3) Why is it difficult for normal ambulances to get to people needing help in Central Park?4) Whats special about the CPMU ambulances?5) Which vehicles are used when theres snow on the ground?6) Which disasters did CPMU volunteers respond to?

    F Learn it! Use it!Complete these sentences with words from the glossary. (You may have to adapt the word(s) in some way, e.g. change the verb tense or change from plural to singular.)1) Anne didnt see the bags on the floor and she ________ and hit her head on a chair.

    2) This hotel isnt suitable for ________ people. Theres no lift.3) The company received so many orders for their new product that they couldnt ________ them.4) After his vaccination, Tom felt dizzy and thought he was going to ________.5) At the end of the garden, there was a small ________ with frogs living in it.6) I couldnt ride my bike up the hill because it was too ________.

    G Ready for PET? (Paper 1, Writing: Part 1) Complete the second sentence with 1 to 3 words so that it means the same as the first. (They are constructions used in the article.) 1) On weekends you cant drive through the park.On weekends the roads through the park are ________________ cars.2) None of the employees working at the CPMU are paid.The CMPU has ____________ employees.3) In 1975, an ambulance often arrived 45 to 90 minutes after the call.In 1975, it ________________ 45 to 90 minutes for an ambulance to arrive.



    AnswersTHE INTERNET MOVIE DATABASE B Read and answer1) T 2) F Its always accurate. 3) F It was first started in Bristol. 4) T 5) T 6) T 7) F He sold the company but he is still the boss. 8) F He saw his first film when he was eight years old.

    C Read and answer 1) Journalists and people in the film industry (actors, directors, etc.). 2) Its one of the worlds 50 most visited websites. It has 160 million

    unique users per month. 3) They are animated films. (Theyre about life in the industrial north of England.) 4) From Manchester. 5) To work as an engineer at Hewl-ett Packard. 6) He sold it to Amazon. 7) It makes money from advertising and from its subscription service, IMDb Pro. 8) It made him scared of both the sea and swimming pools.

    D Learn it! Use it! 1) ever 2) advertising 3) screenplay writer 4) behave

    5) subscription 6) directory 7) scared 8) actually

    E Ready for KET?1) by 2) an 3) of 4) spare 5) that 6) best 7) than 8) usually

    4) Brennon Jones became a member of the CPMU 20 years ago.Brennon Jones ________________ a member of the CPMU for 20 years.5) Working for the CPMU, you meet all the ER staff, the nurses and doctors.Working for the CPMU, you ________________ know all the ER staff, the nurses and doctors.6) I am responsible for anyone in the community who is hurt.Anyone in the community who is hurt is ________________.

    H Talk about it In pairs or groups. 1) What do you know about the voluntary organisations in your area? What do they do? Who are they organised by? Do you or any of your friends belong to them?2) Are there any volunteer ambulance services? If so, what are they called?3) Are you the kind of person who can keep calm in an emergency?4) Would you be the right kind of person to work for an ambulance service? Why (not)?

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    CALL AN AMBULANCE B Listen and answer1) T 2) F It provides it at weekends. 3) F They are all volunteers. 4) T 5) F - If needed, they operate outside the park, too.

    C Listen, read and check your answers 1) F Hes in his 60s. 2) F When he was in war zones,

    he was consistently frightened by the sight of blood. 3) T 4) F He says he wasnt really a part of his community. 5) T 6) T

    E Read and answer 1) Because its roads are closed to traffic. 2) You should call the New York Fire Department.

    3) Because there are steep hills, curvy paths, ravines and lots of steps. 4) They fit all the bridges and tunnels in the park. 5) Polaris Rangers are used. 6) They responded to two airplane crashes, to the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and to the Hurricane Sandy disaster.

    F Learn it! Use it! 1) tripped 2) elderly 3) handle 4) faint 5) pond 6) steep

    G Ready for PET?1) closed to 2) no paid 3) often took 4) has been 5) get to 6) my responsibility

    GABRIELLE ZEVIN A LETTER TO THE EDITOR B Listen and answer1) F She is a novelist who has also written a screenplay. 2) F She went out with him because he had a car. 3) F She complained because she didnt agree with their review of the concert. 4) T 5) T 6) F She doesnt recommend it. 7) T 8) T

    C Read and answer 1) Because she wasnt in love with him. She had only needed him to drive her to the concert. 2) She says she toughed it out

    while she was waiting for the con-cert, and shed suffered a lot to go to the concert. 3) Because she comes from a family of angry letter writers. 4) Because there are so many other places where you can ex-press your anger, like Facebook, Amazon, and other social media outlets. 5) She says that writing a book is like writing a letter to someone. 6) They have to accept the fact that most books are failures

    D Learn it! Use it! 1) ran 2) outraged 3) handed 4) eventually 5) subject matter 6) issues

    E Ready for CAE?1) has been translated into Spanish by 2) was the main attraction of 3) made an arrangement to go 4) was supposed to 5) didnt come up 6) who you are 7) ended up getting 8) has to do

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