Speak Innovatively Newsletter

Post on 25-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Speak Innovatively Newsletter

Speak Innovat ive ly

Connecting People, Talent, Innovation and Results

A Civic, Industry and Community Provocateur: Richard Seline

Poor Richard’s Almanac was one

of several significant

contributions that Benjamin

Franklin created for linking

science, technology, the arts

with the Common Man of

early America. Its abbreviated

content could best be described

as Franklin’s ability to speak

provocatively - or rather

innovatively - to a broad base

of citizens - from the

intellectuals among his peers to

the merchant and investor

serving the emerging

entrepreneurial spirit of

Philadelphia, New York City,

Boston and the booming East


Another voice - another Richard - has become a civic, industry, and community provocateur from behind podiums, in front of audiences around the world, engaging discussion and debate about the impact of science, technology, innovation and the Common Man (and Woman) in the 21st century.

Groomed at a young age to

run for elected office - at the

State or U.S. Congress levels -

Richard has grown up in the

public light between political,

community, philanthropic and

academic interests. Each step

provided the basis for

exploring, researching,

discussing and debating the

unfolding story of enterprise,

entrepreneurship, innovation

and society in ways that

culminate in a rich and robust

story that Richard uses to

inform, inspire, and frankly

provoke audiences to take

action, respond, get engaged in

their work, their community,

their networks of personal and

professional links. Through

100+ engagements and

assignments in the U.S. and

abroad, he has created a vast

amount of survey, interview,

and data-analysis that serve as

the real-world examples

tailored for each event and


HOW TO USE RICHARD’S TALENTS & SKILLS: 1.1 KEYNOTE PRESENTATION From breakfast to after-dinner, Richard has made 45+ keynote presentations per year to audiences ranging from 150 to 15,000

1.2 MODERATOR While keeping an eye on the clock and ensuring interaction between the speakers and the audience, Richard seeks the one or two key takeaways for participants to work on the next day.

1.3 HALF-/FULL DAY FORUM This is where the real work and impact of Richard’s expertise and experience delivers for clients: accelerated learning, decision-making, and prioritization of next steps

2.4 CUSTOMIZED FACILITATION Adapting two decades of knowledge, data, and best practices into a customized solution that engages civic, community, academic, and entrepreneurial leaders through a highly-regarded process around economic, societal, and organization transformation. A customized facilitation is a longer-term initiative - lasting up to six months plus - and based on Richard’s Going from Analysis to Implementation approach used in diverse communities such as challenging locations in Detroit and Providence, university-towns Austin and Gainesville, diverse global centers Britain and New Zealand.