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Spatial Planning Support System for an

Integrated Approach to Disaster Risk Reduction


Heri Sutanta

A thesis submitted to The University of Melbourne in fulfillment of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

December 2012

Centre for Spatial Data Infrastructures and Land Administration

Department of Infrastructure Engineering, School of Engineering

The University of Melbourne

Victoria, Australia



This is to certify that the thesis has not been submitted for a higher degree to any

other university or institution.

Due acknowledgement has been made in the text to all other material used,

The text does not exceed 100,000 words.

Parts of this work were published in books, journals and refereed conference

proceedings as listed in Appendix.


Heri Sutanta

December 2012




Natural disasters are increasingly threatening human lives, infrastructure, and

economic and social activities. Although most of the losses and casualties result from

rapid onset disasters, the effects of slow onset disasters cannot be neglected. Little

attention is paid to slow onset disasters, as their effects are not immediately evident.

Nonetheless, their economic impacts are high and might hinder development and

sustainability in many highly developed and densely populated cities. With the

global climate change, particular attention should be paid to coastal cities. Global sea

level rise, combined with locally borne hazards, have threatened many lowland areas

in coastal cities.

Coastal cities are economically and socio-politically important, with more than half

of the worlds’ largest cities located in the area. Environmentally, the areas are

sensitive to sea- and land-based activities, and are vulnerable to many types of

natural, human-made and human-enhanced hazards. In light of this situation,

protecting coastal cities from current and future natural hazards is an urgent matter.

Specifically, it is important and less expensive to reduce the potential risks of

disasters before they materialise.

Disaster risk reduction is an activity that involves multiple disciplines, perspectives

and actors. Therefore, it requires an integrated approach that brings together all

elements. It also requires cooperation between government agencies at different

levels of hierarchy and jurisdiction.

Time is an important element in natural disaster risk reduction, where there are short-

and long-term activities. Without discounting the benefits of short-term activities,

long-term benefits will be higher, although not immediately evident. Long-term

efforts rely on the reduction of exposure of elements at risk to multiple types of

hazards, as well as measures to increase the coping capacity of the community and

government to withstand disaster impacts. Long-term efforts should be served well

by managing long-term relationships between people and infrastructure on one side,

and natural hazards on the other. Spatial planning, with its function to regulate the

long-term utilisation of land, is potentially very useful in minimising the exposure of

people, socio-economic activities and infrastructures to natural hazards. It is

important to both rapid and slow onset disasters, but is particularly relevant for slow

occurrence natural hazards or predictable hazards such as sea level rise and land


This thesis asserts that the development of spatial planning would be better if

facilitated by a planning support system (PSS), which functions to help planners and

decision makers envision the future by simulating the developmental likelihood

using a set of parameters and scenarios. The process will result in a prediction of

where and when a particular development will occur. At the same time, the potential

progression of natural hazards is also modelled. This information is essential for

evaluating whether the initial spatial plan has met disaster-resiliency measures. Any

possible collisions between the predicted progression of natural hazards and planned

development would be avoided in advance.


The model has been developed based on the acceptable risk concept. All land use

designations have different levels of risk, vulnerability and coping capacities, which

should be taken into account when developing a spatial plan. Determining the

acceptable risk level should be a result of public consultation; however, the

government, which has better knowledge and resources, should lead the process.

Considering the physical and psychological distance between people and the

government, the process is best conducted at the local level. Local governments need

guidance and directives from the relevant central government agencies, as they have

limited resources, funding and capacity.

This study presents the methods and requirements to predict the potential effects of

future natural disasters. The research differentiates between slow and rapid onset

disasters, and focuses on slow onset disasters. The findings revealed that neglecting

the possibility of disaster progression would result in a high economic cost in the

future. The economic cost will likely be unaffordable for less affluent people, who

are forced to live in marginal lands that are highly vulnerable to a number of

disasters. To overcome limitations in the available space, cooperation with

neighbouring jurisdictions is required to transfer activities from disaster-prone to

disaster-free areas.

A PSS is essential for delivering the method, and particularly for obtaining the

information on where and when the projected development will be realised. Spatial

data infrastructure (SDI) is required to facilitate data discovery and exchange among

local and national government agencies working on the topic. However, the use of a

PSS has been limited in local government agencies. In the event that a PSS is to be

introduced, it needs to be low cost, have high compatibility with existing GIS

software and have a shallow learning curve.

Many recent statistics from national and international agencies reveal an increasing

number of natural disasters, along with greater numbers of people affected and

higher economic losses. Advanced preparations will benefit both the government and

the people, leading to sustainable development. This research fills the gap in linking

risk mapping and disaster risk reduction.



Over the four years journey of my research, I have received valuable helps from a

large number of people. It is a great pleasure to express my thanks to many people

who help me in some ways to complete this thesis.

Firstly to my supervisor, Professor Abbas Rajabifard and Professor Ian Bishop, who

provided me with support, guidance and encouragement throughout this long

journey. I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to Professor

Abbas Rajabifard for his extensive knowledge and network, his patience, confidence

and critical comments that help shape my research. My sincere thanks and

appreciation also goes to Professor Ian Bishop who critically and meticulously

review my thesis and papers, and provided very valuable remarks to improve the


I would like to thank Professor Ian Williamson, who in his role as the Chair of

Advisory Committee always ask critical questions and provided encouragement. I

would like also to thank Assoc. Prof. Matt Duckham, member of the advisory

committee for his valuable input. I would not forget to thanks Assoc. Prof. Gary

Hunter who was my first supervisor before he left the University of Melbourne.

Although we only had less than six months of working together, the foundation of

some parts of the thesis were laid down in that period.

I had chances to meet several visitors of the Centre for Spatial Data Infrastructure

and Land Administration (CSDILA) with whom I had several inspiring discussions. I

would like to thank Assoc. Prof. Joep Crompvoets of the Leuven University,

Professor Harland Onsrud of the University of Maine , and Professor David Coleman

of the University of New Brunswick.

My study was funded by AusAID through the Australian Development Scholarship. I

thank for excellent support provided by AusAID liaison officers at the University of

Melbourne, Ms. Lucia Wong, Ms. Jacqui Chu and Mr. Samuel Taylor.

I would like to thank a number of people from the Department of Geodetic

Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada for their valuable helps and support: Mr.

Sumaryo, Dr. Subaryono, Dr. Djurdjani, Mr. Parseno, Dr. Trias Aditya, Mr. Diyono,

Dr. Catur Aries, Mr. Andi Arsana. Professor Bambang Hari from the Department of

Architecture and Planning is thanked for the reference letter and support.

I indebted to many help and supports from the staffs of the City of Semarang: Mr.

Farchan, Mr. Budi Prakosa, Mr. Ferry Kunto Aji, and Mr. Purnama Dwi. Mr.

Hidayat from the Agency of Energy and Mineral Resources is thanked for providing

natural hazard data. I had many interesting discussions with Prof. Fahmi Amhar of

Bakosurtanal and Mr. Nurhadi Kusmantoro of the Directorate of Spatial Planning.

The family of my aunts in Semarang, the late Sunaryati and Sumarni, are thanked for

their support during my fieldworks.

I would like to thank the present and past members of the CSDILA for your

friendship, support, inspiring discussion as well as an enjoyable environment: Dr.

Mohsen Kalantari, Dr. Rohan Bennet, Ms. Jude Wallace, Mr. Hamed Olfat, Mr.

Faisal Qureshi, Dr. Sheelan Vaez, Ms. Katie Potts, Mr. Muyiwa Agunbiade, Dr.


Serryn Eagleson, Dr. Mal Park, Mr. Sam Amirebrahimi, Ms. Serene Ho, Mr. Ali

Aien, Ms. Nilofer Tambuwala, and Mr. Brian Marwick. Many thanks go to Ms.

Pauline Wolcook and Ms. Rose Macey for excellent administrative support.

During my stay in Melbourne, I received numerous helps and support from my

Indonesian friends, I would like to thanks to the families of Dr. Solihin, Adjie

Pamungkas, Dr. Wiryono Raharjo, Dr. Bagus Aryo, Ari Rahmadi, Lugin, Gigih

Atmo, Irwan Taufik Ritonga, Nanang Indra, Cucuk Budianto, and Rusdha Muharya.

I indebted to my parents -Ngadiri and Puji Winarti-, and parents-in-law –Soegiharto

and Nuriyah- for providing care to me and my family. I extend my thanks to my

sister-in-law Luluk and her husband, Kelik.

Lastly and most importantly, I owe my sincerity and thanks to my beloved wife Lilik

Herawati, my children Fahmi, Affan, Naila, and Kayla. We endured good and bad

times together during this long journey. I cannot find the right words to express my

feeling, and just want to say that your endless support, patience, inspiration and

encouragement are priceless. I owe you more than I can repay.



To my wife Lilik Herawati

To my children, Fahmi, Affan, Naila and Kayla

To my father and mother




DECLARATION .......................................................................................................... i

Abstract ....................................................................................................................... iii

Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................... v

Dedications ................................................................................................................ vii

Table of Contents ........................................................................................................ ix

List of Figures ........................................................................................................... xiii

List of Tables ............................................................................................................. xv

List of Acronyms ..................................................................................................... xvii

Chapter 1. Introduction ................................................................................................ 1

1.1. Background and Motivation ........................................................................ 1

1.2. Research Problem ........................................................................................ 3

1.3. Research Aim, Questions and Objectives ................................................... 4

1.4. Research Approach ..................................................................................... 5

1.5. Scope of the Study ....................................................................................... 7

1.6. Organization of This Thesis ........................................................................ 8

Chapter 2. Integrated Approach to Disaster Risk Reduction ..................................... 13

2.1. Introduction ............................................................................................... 13

2.2. Natural Disaster ......................................................................................... 13

2.2.1. Key terminologies ..................................................................................... 13

2.2.2. Natural disaster in the coastal zone ........................................................... 17

2.3. Assessment of Impacts on Elements at Risk ............................................. 21

2.3.1. Mapping and projecting elements at risk .................................................. 21

2.3.2. Methods for risk assessment ..................................................................... 24

2.4. Disaster Risk Reduction ............................................................................ 25

2.4.1. The increasing impacts of natural disaster ................................................ 25

2.4.2. Methods for disaster risk reduction ........................................................... 28

2.5. Acceptable Risk in Disaster Risk Reduction ............................................. 31

2.6. Conceptual Model of the Integrated Approaches ...................................... 35

2.6.1. Requirements for integration ..................................................................... 35

2.6.2. Model for integrating disaster risk reduction into spatial planning .......... 40

2.7. Summary ................................................................................................... 43

Chapter 3. Developing Planning Support Systems Application ................................ 45

3.1. Introduction ............................................................................................... 45

3.2. Spatial Planning ......................................................................................... 45

3.3. Roles of Spatial Planning in Disaster Risk Reduction .............................. 47

3.4. Planning Support System .......................................................................... 51

3.4.1. Evolution of planning support system ....................................................... 51

3.4.2. Elements of PSS ........................................................................................ 52

3.4.3. Development model for a planning support system .................................. 54


3.4.4. User need assessment ................................................................................ 55

3.4.5. Challenges in the implementation of a planning support system .............. 57

3.5. Building a PSS for Disaster Risk Reduction ............................................. 59

3.5.1. Conceptual model ...................................................................................... 59

3.5.2. Technical framework ................................................................................. 61

3.6. Spatial planning in Indonesia .................................................................... 63

3.6.1. Practices of spatial planning ...................................................................... 63

3.6.2. Issues related to spatial data ...................................................................... 67

3.6.3. Issues related to disaster risk reduction ..................................................... 69

3.6.4. Use of planning support system for disaster risk reduction ...................... 72

3.7. Summary ................................................................................................... 73

Chapter 4. Public Participation Using Planning Support Systems ............................ 75

4.1. Introduction ............................................................................................... 75

4.2. Public Participation in Spatial Planning .................................................... 75

4.2.1. Public participation ................................................................................... 75

4.2.2. Benefit of public participation ................................................................... 78

4.2.3. Methods of public participation ................................................................ 79

4.2.4. Challenges in public participation ............................................................. 81

4.2.5. Focus on local government ....................................................................... 82

4.3. Public Participation in Disaster Risk Reduction ....................................... 83

4.3.1. Disaster risk analysis and modelling ......................................................... 83

4.3.2. Disaster risk communication ..................................................................... 84

4.3.3. The use of planning support system .......................................................... 84

4.4. Public Participation and PSS ..................................................................... 85

4.4.1. Planning support system functions in public participation ....................... 85

4.4.2. Making use of planning support system in public participation ............... 86

4.4.3. Spatial information .................................................................................... 89

4.4.4. Technology ................................................................................................ 89

4.5. Indonesian Context of Public Participation ............................................... 91

4.5.1. Institutional settings .................................................................................. 91

4.5.2. Issues and challenges ................................................................................ 93

4.5.3. Defining Who is “Public” ......................................................................... 95

4.5.4. Implementation of public participation ..................................................... 96

4.6. Summary ................................................................................................... 97

Chapter 5. SDI Platform for Spatial Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction ............. 99

5.1. Introduction ............................................................................................... 99

5.2. Spatial Data Infrastructure: Concept and Drivers ..................................... 99

5.2.1. Spatial data infrastructure concept ............................................................ 99

5.2.2. Spatial data infrastructure components ................................................... 100

5.2.3. Drivers for Spatial data infrastructure development ............................... 101

5.3. SDI in Local Government ....................................................................... 102

5.3.1. Issues and challenges .............................................................................. 102


5.3.2. Building capacities .................................................................................. 104

5.4. SDI for Spatial Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction ........................... 104

5.4.1. The need for spatial data infrastructure ................................................... 104

5.4.2. Spatial data .............................................................................................. 105

5.4.3. Policy ....................................................................................................... 106

5.4.4. Conceptual model .................................................................................... 107

5.5. Indonesian Context .................................................................................. 109

5.5.1. National policy ........................................................................................ 109

5.5.2. Local government situation ..................................................................... 110

5.5.3. Organizational settings ............................................................................ 112

5.5.4. Discussion ............................................................................................... 113

5.6. Summary ................................................................................................. 114

Chapter 6. Case Study .............................................................................................. 115

6.1. Introduction ............................................................................................. 115

6.2. The Case Study ........................................................................................ 115

6.2.1. How the case study was conducted ......................................................... 115

6.2.2. Description of the case study area ........................................................... 117

6.3. Natural Disaster in Semarang .................................................................. 119

6.3.1. General characteristic of natural disaster ................................................ 119

6.3.2. Land subsidence and sea level rise .......................................................... 121

6.3.3. Flood dynamics ....................................................................................... 125

6.3.4. Impacts of natural disaster ....................................................................... 125

6.3.5. Disaster prevention and remediation ....................................................... 128

6.4. Spatial Planning in Semarang ................................................................. 130

6.4.1. Procedures and process ........................................................................... 130

6.4.2. Stakeholders analysis .............................................................................. 131

6.4.3. Spatial Plan Regulation ........................................................................... 132

6.4.4. The use of planning support system ........................................................ 133

6.5. Disaster Risk Reduction in Spatial Planning ........................................... 134

6.5.1. Statement from local government plan ................................................... 134

6.5.2. Response from the spatial plan ................................................................ 136

6.6. Public Participation ................................................................................. 140

6.6.1. Existing public participation ................................................................... 140

6.6.2. Public participation facilitated by planning support system ................... 141

6.6.3. Implementation of public participation in Semarang .............................. 142

6.7. PSS for Disaster Risk Reduction ............................................................. 143

6.7.1. Method and dataset .................................................................................. 143

6.7.2. Projecting future elevation ...................................................................... 147

6.7.3. Acceptable risk level ............................................................................... 148

6.7.4. Calculating future impacts of disasters ................................................... 149

6.7.5. Implication .............................................................................................. 155

6.8. Summary ................................................................................................. 157


Chapter 7. Discussion .............................................................................................. 159

7.1. Introduction ............................................................................................. 159

7.2. Summary of the Findings ........................................................................ 159

7.3. Discussion ............................................................................................... 161

7.3.1. Integrated approach to disaster risk reduction ......................................... 161

7.3.2. Planning support system in spatial planning and disaster risk reduction 162

7.3.3. Public participation ................................................................................. 163

7.3.4. Spatial data infrastructure platform ......................................................... 163

7.3.5. Case study ............................................................................................... 164

7.4. Response to Research Aims, Objectives and Questions ......................... 165

7.4.1. Response to research aim ......................................................................... 165

7.4.2. Response to research objectives ............................................................... 165

7.4.3. Response to research questions ................................................................ 167

7.5. Contextualization of the Research Findings ............................................ 168

Chapter 8. Conclusion and Future Research ............................................................ 169

8.1. Conclusion ............................................................................................... 169

8.2. Future Research ....................................................................................... 170

Reference ................................................................................................................. 173

Appendix: List of Publication .................................................................................. 187



Figure 1-1 Research stages. ................................................................................................... 6

Figure 1-2 Thesis structure and its relation to the research objectives. ................................. 9

Figure 2-1 Relative position between land level and sea level............................................ 18

Figure 2-2 Multidisciplinary elements of disaster risk reduction. ....................................... 29

Figure 2-3 Inter-relationship between spatial planning and disaster mitigation ................ 31

Figure 2-4 Stakeholders’ interest in disaster risk reduction. ............................................... 37

Figure 2-5 Elements in the integration of disaster risk reduction into spatial planning. ..... 38

Figure 2-6 A model for the integration of disaster risk reduction into spatial planning. .... 40

Figure 2-7 Dynamic risks modeling in spatial planning. .................................................... 42

Figure 3-1 Development of spatial plan .............................................................................. 47

Figure 3-2 The importance of local planning in disaster risk reduction. ............................. 49

Figure 3-3 Elements of spatial planning support systems. .................................................. 53

Figure 3-4 Process of decision making in spatial planning ................................................. 54

Figure 3-5 Stages in the PSS implementation. .................................................................... 57

Figure 3-6 The conceptual model of the use of SPSS in disaster risk reduction. ................ 60

Figure 3-7 Classification of spatial plan in Indonesia ......................................................... 65

Figure 3-8 Procedure to develop a district/city level spatial plan. ...................................... 66

Figure 3-9 Organizations responsible of spatial planning and disaster mitigation at

different level of government in Indonesia. ...................................................... 70

Figure 4-1 Public participation continuum. ......................................................................... 78

Figure 4-2 Combination of time-Place collaboration models. ............................................ 80

Figure 4-3 Schematic view of the use of PSS in the public participation. .......................... 88

Figure 4-4 A billboard to publish the general planning map of Semarang City. ................ 94

Figure 5-1 Relation between SDI components and its nature. .......................................... 100

Figure 5-2 Conceptual model of the SDI for spatial planning and disaster risk reduction 108

Figure 6-1 Location of the case study, Semarang city, Central Java, Indonesia. .............. 118

Figure 6-2 Land subsidence rate, the critical infrastructures, and the population

concentrations ................................................................................................. 124

Figure 6-3 Impacts of land subsidence in Semarang. ........................................................ 128

Figure 6-4 The land use change model. ............................................................................. 145

Figure 6-5 Results of a simulation of future development ................................................ 150

Figure 6-6 Visualization of the results in Google Earths .................................................. 151

Figure 6-7 The comparison between the estimated impacts of the business-as-usual and

the disaster-resilient scenarios. ....................................................................... 152




Table 1.1 The chapters and summary of their content .................................................... 11

Table 2.1 Samples of vulnerability and coping capacity of different elements at risk. .. 22

Table 2.2 Long-term measures to reduce disaster risks. ................................................. 27

Table 2.3 Land use planning in disaster risk reduction. .................................................. 30

Table 3.1 Review of PSS software .................................................................................. 52

Table 4.1 Methods for conducting public participation. ................................................. 79

Table 4.2 PSS functions in public participation. ............................................................. 85

Table 4.3 List of relevant spatial information ................................................................. 89

Table 6.1 List of organisations interviewed. ................................................................. 116

Table 6.2 List of natural hazards in Semarang. ............................................................. 119

Table 6.3 The rate of land subsidence in Semarang. ..................................................... 121

Table 6.4 Economic characteristic of the disaster effect. .............................................. 127

Table 6.5 Stakeholders in the spatial planning in Semarang. ....................................... 132

Table 6.6 Buildings and parcels in Semarang in 2000. ................................................. 146

Table 6.7 Estimated numbers of industrial buildings in different elevation classes. .... 153

Table 6.8 Estimated economic value of residential and industrial buildings

(construction cost only) vulnerable to flooding, in US$m. .......................... 154




AAL Average Annual Losses

BAU Business-As-Usual

BKPRD Badan Koordinasi Penataan Ruang Daerah

BKPRN Badan Koordinasi Penataan Ruang Nasional

BNPB Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana

BPN Badan Pertanahan Nasional

BPBD Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah

CBA Cost benefit analysis

CD Compact Disc

DAD Decide, Announce and Defend

DESA Department of Social Affairs

DGTL Direktorat Geologi Tata Lingkungan

DRR Disaster risk reduction

DRSP Disaster-resilient spatial plan

DSP Detailed Spatial Plan

DTDP Different Time Different Place

DTM Digital Terrain Model

DTSP Different Time Same Place

DVMBG Direktorat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi

EMA Emergency Management Australia

FDMA Fire and Disaster Mitigation Agency

FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency

GDP Gross Domestic Product

GIS Geographic Information System

GUI Graphical User Interface

HFA Hyogo Framework for Action

ICT Information and Communications Technology

IDSN Infrastruktur Data Spasial Nasional

IPCC Inter-governmental Panel for Climate Change

JICA the Japan International Cooperation Agency

LGR Local Government Regulations

NGO Non-governmental Organisations

NIMBY Not In My Back Yard

PBB Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan

PC Personal Computer

PML Probability of maximum losses

PSS Planning support system

RDPA Regional Development Planning Agency

SDI Spatial data infrastructure


SLR Sea level rise

STDP Same Time Different Place

STSP Same Time Same Place

SWP Satuan Wilayah Pengembangan

UN United Nations

UNISDR United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction

VR Virtual Reality



1.1. Background and Motivation

Natural disasters are increasingly threatening human lives, infrastructure, and

economic and social activities. Statistics from the Emergency Events Database (EM

DAT; available from show that there were more than 500,000

casualties in the past 15 years from different types of natural disasters, including

earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, droughts, wind storms and landslides. Recent events

include an earthquake in Haiti (January 2010), flooding in Pakistan (July 2010), a

landslide in China (August 2010), a volcanic eruption in Indonesia (October–

November 2010), extreme flooding in Queensland (December 2010–January 2011)

and a tsunami in Japan (March 2011). In addition, there are slowly occurring

hazards—the effects of which are not immediately evident—including the rise in the

global sea level rise (SLR) as a result of climate change (Raper, Wigley et al. 1996;

Bindoff, J. Willebrand et al. 2007) and a more localised disaster resulting from land

subsidence (Sutanta and Hobma 2002; Rodolfo and Siringan 2006). Although they

may result in few casualties, the economic damage is higher, since they strike many

highly developed and densely populated coastal cities.

The high number of casualties and enormous economic losses has raised awareness

among community, government and international organisations regarding the

importance of a more systematic and institutionalised way of dealing with disasters

in an effort to reduce their effect on people and the economy. Efforts to reduce

disaster risk involve many disciplines and can be viewed from many perspectives,

such as data, actors, modelling strategy and management perspective. Therefore, an

integrated approach to disaster risk reduction is needed, which brings together all

available resources and perspectives. It requires cooperation between government

agencies at different levels of hierarchy and jurisdiction. A new agency should be

established to coordinate and govern disaster risk reduction activities.


Time is an important element in natural disaster prevention. Disaster risk reduction

can be classified as involving short- and long-term efforts. A short-term effort may

involve, for example, evacuating people from the flank of a volcano to protect them

from the danger of eruption. Long-term efforts rely on reducing the exposure of

elements at risk to multiple types of hazards, as well as measures to increase the

capacity of the community and government to withstand disaster effects. This

includes, for example, the relocation of residential areas to safer locations and

building dykes along the coast. The benefit to the community of long-term efforts

may be greater, but short-term activities are always required.

Spatial planning, with its function to regulate the long-term utilisation of land, is

potentially very useful in minimising the exposure of people, socio-economic

activities and infrastructures to natural hazards. It is important to both the rapid and

slow onset of disaster, but is particularly relevant for slowly occurring natural

hazards or predictable hazards such as the rising sea level and land subsidence. These

hazards are predictable, at least partially, in terms of their progression and the

location of the likely occurrence. In addition to land use management, sudden

disasters, such as earthquakes or typhoons, requires hard engineering or structural

measures, such as building better and stronger infrastructures. Spatial planning for

disaster risk reduction is important because:

1. There is a need to reduce the vulnerability of development by minimising

exposures to natural hazards.

2. It provides ample time to study different options and choose the best strategy

to provide the greatest benefit to the community with the least cost.

3. Reversing already-developed areas is expensive, time consuming and faces

hard social resistance, which in many cases is almost impossible.

4. Natural hazards are dynamic; their behaviour, frequency, magnitude and

spatial footprints are changing through time, which need to be addressed in

the long term.

5. The progression and consequences of slowly moving natural hazards are

observable but less likely to get appropriate attention because their adverse

impacts are not directly obvious in the short term.


A spatial plan is formulated through the cooperation of multiple agencies and

therefore needs a platform to facilitate data sharing and data integration. One crucial

component in spatial planning is the availability of accurate, up-to-date and complete

spatial data, which often have to be sourced from many government agencies. The

establishment of spatial enablement and spatial data infrastructure (SDI) is a

necessary means to facilitate spatial data-sharing activities. While SDI has already

been well developed and utilised in many developed countries (Masser 1999;

Rajabifard, Feeney et al. 2002), it is still at the early stage of development and

nation-wide implementation in many developing countries (Boos and Mueller 2009).

Among sub-national governments, there is a lack of technical expertise, funding,

spatial data, supervision from a national agency and a supportive policy. This

situation will impede spatial plan development. In addition to the involvement of

many government agencies, participation from the public and collaboration with

stakeholders are important for achieving better spatial plans (Boaden, Goldsmith et

al. 1980; Creighton 2005; McCall and Dunn 2012).

1.2. Research Problem

In facing increasing events related to natural hazards, disaster risk reduction is an

indispensable element in ensuring the safety of life, as well as sustaining socio-

economic activities and urban environment infrastructures. It is a complex situation,

requires multidisciplinary involvement, multi-stakeholders’ participation, and a need

to access and share multiple types of spatial and non-spatial data. Long-term efforts

in disaster risk reduction activities need to be implemented by integrating different

elements in spatial planning, which is not sufficiently addressed in current practices.

Therefore, an integrated approach is needed in disaster risk reduction by using spatial

planning facilitated by an enabling platform for data sharing and integration.

Absence of an integrated approach and dedicated systems for

supporting spatial planning and lack of a spatial enabling platform

for data sharing, discovery and integration is impeding in disaster

risk reduction.


In this thesis, a study has been conducted on developing an integrated approach for

disaster risk reduction using spatial planning in the framework of a spatial-enabled

platform. This research has adopted a case study approach, focusing on a coastal

urban environment that is currently threatened by the impacts of natural disasters. An

acceptable risk indicator was used to evaluate the initial land use designation. A

prototype of a planning support system (PSS) and a spatial platform was tested in a

real-world situation, involving participants from local government agencies, the

community and other stakeholders.

1.3. Research Aim, Questions and Objectives

In response to the research problem described above, the aim of this research is to:

Design and develop an integrated approach for disaster risk reduction

using acceptable risk measures and spatial planning support systems.

The main deliverable of this research is a new approach for disaster risk reduction

that makes use of the PSS and spatial-enabling platform. SDI will be used as an

enabling platform for spatial data sharing required in the formulation of spatial plans

using spatial PSSs. An integrated approach to disaster risk reduction is the

application subject of this research.

To achieve the aim, the following objectives have been defined:

1. Identify the issues and challenges of current practices in disaster risk reduction.

2. Design and develop a model for an integrated approach to disaster risk reduction.

3. Design and develop a method for incorporating a spatial PSS for an integrated

approach to disaster risk reduction using acceptable risk concept.

4. Investigate the role of spatial enablement and SDI in the integrated approach to

disaster risk reduction using spatial planning.

5. Test the applicability of the integrated approach in a case study approach using a

prototype of a spatial PSS.


These objectives were developed to answer the following research questions:

1. How can disaster risk reduction be conducted considering the number of parties,

disciplines and policies involved?

2. What are the roles of SDI in spatial planning that is facilitated by a PSS?

3. How can a PSS be used for disaster risk reduction?

4. What are the roles of SDI in disaster risk reduction in the framework of an

integrated approach?

5. Can the concept of an integrated approach be implemented in the case study

area, and can the result be generalised?

1.4. Research Approach

This thesis uses a mixed approach, drawing on both qualitative and quantitative

methods. The qualitative approach was used to investigate issues and changes in the

current practices in spatial planning and disaster risk reduction worldwide, as well as

in the study area. It was used to answer ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘why’ and ‘how’ questions.

The ‘who’ question was developed to ascertain the stakeholders and participants in

disaster risk reduction and spatial planning. The ‘what’ question related to the types

of disasters affecting a particular locality and a survey of the list of actions to reduce

the disaster risk. The ‘why’ question examined the reasons for developing alternative

solutions for designating land use and incorporating hazards. Finally, the ‘how’

question sought understanding of the current practice of disaster risk reduction and

its connection to spatial planning.

The quantitative and exploratory approach was used to develop the PSS and analyse

the results. It was designed to calculate the extent and magnitude of disasters in the

future, the impact on infrastructures and communities, and possible economic losses

due to the negligence of natural hazards. The result is a cost benefit analysis (CBA)

of natural hazards incorporated in spatial planning.

The research consists of four steps (see Figure 1-1) and concludes with a case study

that demonstrates how the developed method was applied. Stage 1 comprises

research formulation, whereby a literature review was conducted to find the existing

methods that are available in scientific literature, agency reports and publications and


to use them as the basis for developing a new, integrated approach. Further, the

research method was developed to achieve the research aim and objectives.

Research Formulation· Literature review

· Formulate research aims and objectives

· Formulate research questions

· Development research approach

Identify issues and challenges· Development of questionnaires

· Identify potential respondents

· In-depth interview with planners

Integrated Model Development· Formulation of conceptual model

· Development of the framework

· Development of the tools

· Validation mechanism

Case Study· Discussion with planners and stakeholders

· Spatial data preparation

· Implementation of the model

· Model refinement

· Analysis

Research Outcomes· Model for an integrated approach to

disaster risk

· Thesis

Figure 1-1 Research stages.

Stage 2 covers the identification of issues and challenges in the current practices of

disaster risk reduction and spatial planning at the global level and in the case study

area. At the global level, the issues and challenges were gathered and analysis from

literature. To support assessment at the local level, two types of questionnaires were

developed: one for the local development planning agencies at the district level in

Indonesia and one for the planners and stakeholders in the case study area. For the

first questionnaire, respondents were sought from the participants of a workshop on

SDI and disaster management that was held in July 2009. The participants came from

various planning agencies in Indonesia. The questionnaire was also distributed to


other planning agencies by mail. In-depth interviews were conducted with

stakeholders from the case study area of Semarang, in the Central Java Province in

Indonesia, including planners, government officials, consultants and real estate

developers. The second questionnaire was distributed to planners, non-government

organisations (NGOs), consultants and academics in the case study area.

Stage 3 involves the development of the integrated approach model. In this stage, the

conceptual model of integrated approach was formulated. In addition, it covers the

development of acceptable risk measures, how they can be implemented in spatial

planning and what circumstances should be considered. Finally, the strategy for

model validation and evaluation was elaborated.

Stage 4 implements the model in the case study. It involves spatial data preparation,

processing and running the model, refinement and analysis of the results. Discussions

with planners and stakeholders were conducted before the system was developed,

during the development process and after the finalisation. The aim of the discussions

was to gather input from stakeholders, inform participants of the results, obtain

feedback and fine-tune the model.

Stage 5 analyses and summarises the results. The integrated approach to disaster risk

reduction is presented. The stage also includes the writing of the thesis.

1.5. Scope of the Study

This study focuses on developing an integrated approach to disaster risk reduction by

employing an acceptable risk method in a PSS environment. It attempts to combine

and enhance the processes of disaster risk reduction and spatial planning, which are

often conducted by different agencies without close collaboration. The approach is

implemented using a PSS to facilitate a scientifically sound and more objective

assessment of the environmental situation. This will ensure that there are few short-

sighted views regarding land use management. Considering that many hazard-prone

urban areas are already developed and populated, the acceptable risk method is

proposed. It is infeasible to completely abandon areas facing certain types of

disasters because of several difficulties, including the limitation of available land.


The research was implemented using a case study approach. The city of Semarang, in

Central Java, Indonesia, was chosen as the case study area. Six types of natural

hazards threaten the city, including coastal abrasion, floods, land subsidence,

landslides, tidal inundation and typhoons. The research focuses on the effects and

containment of land subsidence and rising sea levels. Both can be considered the

most costly disaster, although they are slowly progressing and create no direct

casualties; thus, the effects are not immediately obvious. The spatial and non-spatial

data used in the research were obtained from the Regional Development Planning

Agency (RDPA) of Semarang. The data were also used by the RDPA for the

development of a new spatial plan that was enacted in June 2011. However, the

research and the city’s spatial planning were not connected. The development of an

acceptable risk method in spatial planning was mostly directed towards finding the

optimal plan for the ongoing and continuously progressing land subsidence, which

affects a large part of the city’s lowland area.

1.6. Organization of This Thesis

The results of this study are presented in eight chapters. The outline of the thesis,

along with its relation to the research objective, is presented in Figure 1-2. The

following descriptions outline the content of the chapters.

Chapter 2 identifies issues and challenges in the current practices of disaster risk

reduction, especially in relation to spatial planning. It includes a description of

natural hazards, the importance of elements in risk mapping and methods for disaster

risk reduction. The chapter specifically examines hazards that affect coastal urban

environments. It argues the necessity of using acceptable risk measures to overcome

difficulties in disaster risk reduction using spatial planning. Considering the

utilisation of hazard-prone areas and the limited space available for relocation, living

with disaster situations cannot be avoided. Therefore, an acceptable risk measure was

developed to assist planners with land use management. The chapter concludes with

a model for an integrated approach to disaster risk reduction.


Chapter 1


Chapter 2

Integrated Approach in

Disaster Risk ReductionObjective 1 & 2

Chapter 3

Planning Support System

and Disaster Risk ReductionObjective 3

Chapter 5

Spatial Enablement, SDI and

Planning Support SystemObjective 4

Chapter 4

Public Participation and

Planning Support SystemObjective 3

Chapter 6

Case StudyObjective 5

Chapter 7


Chapter 8

Conclusion and Future Research

Figure 1-2 Thesis structure and its relation to the research objectives.

Chapter 3 investigates the development of PSSs for disaster risk reduction and

critically reviews spatial planning and its importance in disaster risk reduction. It

then considers how a PSS can be customised for disaster risk reduction, as well as its

system architecture, technical requirements, and challenges and opportunities for


Chapter 4 discusses the way that stakeholders can participate in spatial plan

development related to disaster risk reduction. It covers the general concept of public

participation and how PSSs can be adapted and used to aid public participation. It

then describes the components and strategies necessary for public participation and

collaboration using PSSs. The architecture and mechanism for collaboration is



Chapter 5 examines how spatial enablement and SDI can facilitate better spatial

planning and, in turn, a better disaster risk reduction strategy. It comprises a

discussion of spatial enablement, elements and requirements for spatial enablement,

and how SDI can contribute. Specifically, this chapter discusses the development of

SDI for spatial planning and the conceptual model of SDI for spatial planning and

disaster risk reduction.

Chapter 6 presents the results of the case study. It begins with a description of the

physical situation, the natural hazards affecting the case study area and governance

related to spatial planning. The preparation and processing of spatial data is

described, and the concepts of PSS development and parameterisation are expanded.

Chapter 7 summarises and discusses the research findings. It is followed with the

response to the research aim, objectives and questions. The chapter concludes with a

discussion on the contextualisation of the research.

Chapter 8 concludes the research and is followed by recommendations of potential

topics for further research. A summary of the chapters and their deliverables is

presented in Table 1.1.


Table 1.1 The chapters and summary of their content

Chapter Deliverables

Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 2 Integrated Approach in Disaster Risk Reduction

List of issues and challenges in disaster risk reduction regarding spatial planning

List of hazards in the coastal urban environments Review of the existing disaster risk reduction methods Conceptual model of an integrated disaster risk reduction

Chapter 3 Developing a Planning Support System Application

Review of spatial planning Review of PSS Roles of spatial planning in disaster risk reduction Requirements for the inclusion of disaster risk reduction in

spatial planning Conceptual model of PSS application for disaster risk

reduction Method to build a PSS application

Chapter 4 Public Participation and Planning Support Systems

Issues and challenges in public participation Roles of public participation in spatial planning Roles of public participation in disaster risk reduction PSS functions in public participation Implementation of public participation in Indonesian context

Chapter 5 Spatial Data Infrastructure Platform for Spatial Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction

Issues and challenges in SDI development Drivers for SDI development at the local government level SDI conceptual model for spatial planning and disaster risk


Chapter 6 Case Study

Assessment of the case study area Issues and challenges in spatial planning Issues and challenges in disaster risk reduction Issues and challenges in public participation Issues and challenges in SDI development Analysis of the PSS implementation for disaster risk reduction

Chapter 7 Discussion

Chapter 8 Conclusion and Recommendation





2.1. Introduction

This chapter provides a foundation to develop a strategy for disaster risk reduction

based on past and current practices. It elaborates on the development of an integrated

approach in disaster risk reduction. The importance of this approach is related to

necessities in response to the various natural disasters faced by societies, and the

involvement of different organisations and disciplines in the disaster mitigation

process. Thus, this chapter begins with a description and analysis of natural disasters

and the elements at risk. These sections will form an understanding of several key

factors underpinning the study of natural disasters, how they interact with each other,

the types of impacts and the features to be affected. It is followed by an elaboration

of the disaster risk reduction concepts, how they evolve into current practices and the

methods that are currently employed. An acceptable risk measure is proposed as one

of the key indicators in disaster risk reduction. The measure is chosen considering

the current state of land utilisation in many urban environments and the limitation of

options for disaster mitigation faced by planners and decision makers. Finally, the

conceptual model of integrated approach in the disaster risk reduction is presented

using acceptable risk.

2.2. Natural Disaster

2.2.1. Key terminologies

A discussion about natural disaster requires a clear definition of many terminologies.

Hazards are a potentially damaging phenomenon that can cause damage to property

and other public infrastructure and disruption to economic and social activities, as

well as injury or loss of life and environmental degradation (Federal Emergency

Management Agency [FEMA], 1997; United Nations International Strategy for

Disaster Reduction [UN/ISDR], 2009). When the source of a hazard derives from

nature, it is called a natural hazard. A natural hazard is the product of a geological,


geophysical or hydro-meteorological activity in the form of an earthquake, landslide,

volcanic eruption, flooding or storm (Benson and Clay 2004). When it strikes an

uninhabited area and has no impact on human life, it is still a natural phenomenon. A

natural hazard can be transformed into a natural disaster if it directly affects human

activities and infrastructure. A natural disaster is a result of the exposure of elements

at risk to hazards and a community’s incapability to tackle the situation (Misonali

and McEntire 2008; UN/ISDR 2009). While the capability of communities and

governments to confront natural disasters is increasing, the exposure of people and

infrastructure to hazards is also increasing, which in turn results in an increase of the

disaster risk. The degree of disaster risk faced in a particular location is a function of

hazard, vulnerability and resilience, as presented in the following formula:

Disaster Risk = Hazard x Vulnerability – Resilience

In this formula, vulnerability is a condition of the potential to suffer damage or loss

due to hazards. Resilience is the condition whereby a system or community faced

with disaster can withstand its impacts using its own resources to restore its pre-

disaster conditions and functions. However, it is not easy to quantify resilience;

therefore, other methods need to be used to calculate risk in the economical or

structural terminology. The modification of the previous formula is as follows:

a. Disaster Risk = Hazard x Vulnerability x Amount

b. Risk = probability x consequences

c. Risk = hazard x (vulnerability / capacity)

d. Risk = f(hazard, vulnerability, exposure)

For a, consider a house worth $100,000 that is located in an area subject to flood,

with a recurrence period of 20 years. In this case, the hazard is the probability of

occurrence in a given time. In one year, the hazard will be 0.05; therefore, the risk

for one year can be calculated as follows:

Risk = 0.05 x 1 x $100,000

= $5,000

The above example is a simple illustration, as it only involves one element at risk

and one hazard type. The calculation would become more complicated in the real

world, and it would consider:


number of elements at risk that are involved

that the hazard will not threaten entire sections of the element at risks

number of hazards incorporated

predictability of hazards

progression of hazards

variation in the recurrence period

variation in the coverage of a different hazard’s recurrence period

different level of threat from individual hazards (low, medium, high).

With the increasing interaction and complexities between human activities and

natural phenomena, it is generally accepted that natural hazards sometimes evolve

into unnatural disasters (UN 2010). The originally pure natural phenomenon can be

altered by human activities and become a human-enhanced disaster, with further and

larger impacts. Land use and land use changes modify the natural path of hazards,

creating human-made or human-influenced hazards. Therefore, it is important to

carefully manage land use and land use changes to reduce the impact and alteration

of natural disasters. This requires the incorporation of natural disasters into

development planning.

Considering the time of occurrence, natural disasters can be classified as either rapid

or slow onset. Rapid onset disasters occur suddenly, in a very short time, without any

prior warnings to people in the area. Slow onset disasters provide early warnings so

that people can prepare for the catastrophic events and are able to see how they

develop. The impact is develop slowly, from a low risk within limited areas to a

higher risk that affects wider areas.

Based on their recurrence, natural disasters can be categorised as sporadic or

continuous. Earthquakes, landslides and volcanic eruptions are examples of sporadic

natural hazards. They may strike once or several times in a certain period, but there

will be a time when there is no disaster and people can return to normality. These

types of disasters have a recurrence period of several years to hundreds of years,

although their impact can be felt days, weeks, months or even years after they strike.


In the category of continuous disaster, the process never stops for a long period. The

disaster continuously progresses with no break until it reaches its end. Continuous

disasters include rising global sea level and land subsidence, which have in effect

developed into local relative sea level rise.

The calculation of risk from a continuous disaster is different from the risk resulting

from a sporadic disaster. In the case of relative sea level rise, as time passes, the risk

continues to increase. The number of residential buildings to be affected by tidal

inundation in 20 years, in an area subject to a rise of 10 cm per year in the relative

sea level, will increase substantially.

Natural disasters have many severe impacts on society and infrastructure. The

affected features can be classified as follows:

· Human: disasters can cause loss of life, injury, disease and psychological

impact from traumatic experiences.

· Economic; disasters can disrupt economic activities, causing loss of land,

property, income and economic opportunity, destruction of economic

infrastructure and financial losses due to the re-allocation of funds for

response and reconstruction efforts (Benson and Clay 1998).

· Physical: includes destruction of road networks, bridges, railways and utility


· Environmental: includes loss of wetlands, changes in land cover, biodiversity

loss and destruction of ecological areas.

These impacts can directly or indirectly strike people and infrastructure. One type of

natural disaster can trigger a sequence of disasters, where the primary disaster (e.g.

volcanic eruption) can create a secondary disaster (e.g. destruction of agricultural

fields) and perhaps a tertiary disaster (e.g. starvation). Land subsidence can develop

into a relative sea level rise and then increase the frequency and magnitude of floods.

Disaster risk reduction requires consideration of the progression and predictability of

the hazards. Progression is a result of the increasing magnitude of the hazard sources

and/or the developmental activities that occupy disaster-prone areas. Predictability

relates to the possibility of early projection regarding when and where a particular

disaster will occur. The advancement of scientific method and technology has made


sophisticated measurement methods and early warning systems available for some

natural disasters, including floods, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, hurricanes, land

subsidence and landslides. Some disasters are predicted weeks in advance, while

others can be predicted in days or hours. Only earthquakes are still impossible to


Due to different environmental settings, one type of disaster may have different

characteristics that affect its predictability. For example, floods in lowland flat areas

are more predictable than flash floods in areas near mountainous regions. Floods are

one of the major threats in coastal zones and currently play an important role in

economic and socio-political activities. The coastal urban environment is also

environmentally sensitive to many external influences and physically vulnerable to

many types of natural, human-made and human-enhanced hazards.

2.2.2. Natural disaster in the coastal zone

Coastal urban environments are currently highly utilised, densely populated and are

sought after for new developments. The areas are economically and socio-politically

important, but they are environmentally sensitive and physically vulnerable to many

types of natural, human-made and human-enhanced hazards. It is estimated that

around 38 per cent of the world’s population live in areas less than 100 km from a

shoreline (Cohen, Small et al. 1997; Kay and Alder 2005), with more than 50 per

cent of the Asian population living in this area (Mimura 2008). Fourteen out of 25 of

the world’s largest cities are located in coastal environments, including Tokyo,

Mumbai, New York, Manila, Los Angeles, Shanghai, Osaka, Karachi, Guangzhou,

Jakarta, Buenos Aires, Istanbul, Rio de Janeiro and Lagos (Brinkhoff 2009).

A coastal zone is a transition area between the land and the sea, and it possesses

characteristics of both elements. It is influenced by physical processes and human

activities (Fletcher and Smith 2007) from both land and sea, with different functions

and scales of effect (Le Tissier, Hills et al. 2004). The interaction between physical

processes and human activities in the coastal zone determines the vulnerability of the

coastal environment to natural hazards. Many coastal cities are located in a delta

region or alluvial plain and have low elevation. Coastal urban cities usually consist


of an inner urban area surrounded by suburban areas (Gurran, Blakely et al. 2007)

along the coastline or in the hinterland area.

Many natural hazards, especially water related hazards that threaten coastal cities, are

directly related to the low elevation of the area. This includes flooding, tsunamis and

deterioration of groundwater. Sea level rise caused by global warming increase the

vulnerability of many coastal cities (Titus and Narayanan 1996). The eustatic, or

absolute sea level rise, is relatively small compared to the rate of rapidly subsiding

coast (Raper, Wigley et al. 1996). Figure 2-1 illustrates the relative position between

land and sea levels in different conditions.

Figure 2-1 Relative position between land level and sea level.

Figure 2-1.a illustrates the normal conditions between the land and sea levels. A

variation of the sea level occurs daily with the tidal cycle. Figure 2-1.b shows the

extent of seawater inundation if the sea level rises. The land area will be taken by

seawater. A similar situation and effect occurs in the event of a land subsidence

situation, as shown in Figure 2-1.c. The combined effect of the sea level rise and land

subsidence is illustrated in Figure 2-1.d. The impact is enhanced, although the share

of land subsidence is higher than the sea level rise.

a b


c c


Land subsidence is commonly occurring in coastal cities around the world, such as

Venice, Shanghai, Bangkok, Jakarta and Semarang (Hoogeven and Van Leeuwen

1995; Sestini 1996; Teatini, Ferronato et al. 2005; Phien-wej, Giao et al. 2006;

Zhang, Xue et al. 2008; Abidin, Andreas et al. 2010; Kaneko and Toyota 2011). To a

degree, it is a natural phenomenon caused by the consolidation of the clay layer in

the coastal zone (Sestini 1996; BGR 1998; Kaneko and Toyota 2011). These coastal

cities have several things in common, including the young alluvial sediment

underlying the city, rapid population and industrial growth, buildings and

infrastructure load, and extensive groundwater withdrawal (Teatini, Ferronato et al.

2005; Rodolfo and Siringan 2006; Zhang, Xue et al. 2008; Kaneko and Toyota

2011). Thus, the previously classified natural disaster becomes a human-accelerated

disaster (UN 2010).

The clay layer that supports coastal cities is very sensitive to the amount of water

above it. In normal situations, the clay layer is compacted due to its own weight and

the weight of the sediment above it. The compaction of the clay layer may be

accelerated by extensive groundwater extraction, the building load and the reduction

of water infiltration in recharge areas of the water basin. This process is followed by

lowering the land elevation relative to a certain datum, which is called land

subsidence (Sutanta, Rustamaji et al. 2005; Phien-wej, Giao et al. 2006). The direct

and indirect impacts of land subsidence and relative sea level rises include (Titus

1991; Milliman and Haq 1996; Titus and Narayanan 1996):

1. Direct impact:

a. cracking and bending of structures and pipes

b. detachment of septic tanks

c. water flows back during high tide

d. coastal erosion

e. deterioration of groundwater and salt water intrusion

f. increase in the length, depth and frequency of floods and tidal inundation.


2. Indirect impact:

a. slowing down economic activities

b. land loss

c. decrease in land value

d. reduction in health quality due to problems in the sanitation network and


e. reducing the government’s capacity for development, since they have to

allocate a budget to overcome the direct impact

Regarding the current utilisation and state of development of the coastal urban

environment, the consequences of a relative sea level rise will be severe in terms of

the economic cost, population affected and damaged infrastructure. The rapid

development in coastal urban environments add more involvement from a range of

stakeholders and interest groups, leading to more complex requirements in the

government’s decision-making process to guarantee physical and socio-economical

sustainability (Milligan and O'Riordan 2007). More interest from stakeholders means

more competing uses of space, which needs to be addressed appropriately.

In response to higher demand for space, land use conversion is usually high to

accommodate the need for housing, industrial and commercial uses. It creates

multiple effects, such as the disappearance of protected areas and conflict in the use

of available space. Some people will be forced to live or work in marginal land areas,

which are usually located along the riverbank, close to swampy areas or on the slopes

of steeper hills. These areas are more vulnerable to disaster compared to prime

locations. Regulated and unregulated developments occur in areas susceptible to

future disasters. Unregulated settlements are common in fast-developing coastal

cities. The community and infrastructures, which constitute elements at risk, need to

be identified, classified and mapped to reducing disaster risks.


2.3. Assessment of Impacts on Elements at Risk

2.3.1. Mapping and projecting elements at risk

Element at risk includes all human-made infrastructure and natural features, which

consist of physical and non-physical infrastructures that face risks from natural

disasters (Montoya 2002). Human-made physical infrastructures include houses, road

networks, utilities networks, bridges, drainage networks and railways. Human-made

non-physical elements consist of economic, cultural and political environments.

Natural features that may be affected by natural disasters include beaches, river

systems, swamps, vegetation and all fauna in these environments.

Understanding what constitutes elements at risk is essential in determining the most

appropriate method for risk assessment and disaster risk reduction. In response to a

particular disaster, the elements at risk possess different levels of vulnerability and

coping capacity. Compared to road networks, residential houses have a higher

vulnerability to floods but less coping capacity because of their individualistic usage

and funding capacity. Elements at risk inherently have a different significance to the

community, which will determine the response of governments and communities to

defend them. Table 2.1 shows an example of the classification of vulnerability and

the coping capacity of elements at risk for different types of hazards.

Table 2.1 was developed using the land use commonly found in many urban and

rural settings. The time of the hazard’s occurrence will modify the vulnerability and

coping capacity of the elements at risk. Over time, the spatial footprint and

magnitude of natural hazards may also be changed. In this regard, it is essential to

map the elements at risk in the present situation and project their possible future


The elements-at-risk map depicts the location and identification of the elements in

society and infrastructures that are at risk if confronted with certain types of natural

and human-made hazards at any given time and magnitude. It requires large-scale

maps of infrastructures and utilities, as well as small- to medium-scale hazard maps.

The basic map for this purpose would be a parcel map, planning permit and/or

property information. Unfortunately, not all of these maps are available in all

countries or jurisdictions. There are gaps in the availability of complete and reliable


spatial data between developed and developing countries, and between sub-national


The absence of the operational use of SDI as an enabling platform may also impede

the flow of data between agencies responsible for property maps and disaster

mitigation. This situation will also affect data discovery and access. Irrespective of

this circumstance, the spatial data are required to be as detailed, complete and current

as possible.

Table 2.1 Samples of vulnerability and coping capacity of different elements at risk.

Hazards Elements at risk Vulnerability Coping capacity

Floods Residential building Low–high Low Government building Low–medium High Commercial building Low–high Medium–high Industrial building Low–medium High Road Low High Railway Low–medium High Utilities Low–medium High Drainage network Low–high High

Landslides Residential building Low–high Low–medium Government building Low High Commercial building Low Medium Industrial building Low High Road Low–medium High Railway Low High Utilities Low High Drainage network Low High

Land subsidence Residential building Low–high Low Government building Low–high High Commercial building Low–high Medium–high Industrial building Low–high High Road Medium–high High Railway Medium–high High Utilities Medium–high High Drainage network Medium–high High

Volcanic eruption Residential building Low–high Low

Government building Low–medium High

Commercial building Low–medium Medium–high

Industrial building Low High

Road Low High

Railway Low High

Utilities Low High

Drainage network Low–high High

In line with the hierarchical structure of government—that is, central or federal,

provincial or state, district or cities—elements-at-risk mapping needs to be conducted


at different scales, from a small scale at the national level to medium at the

provincial level and large at the district level.

Regarding the integration of this information into disaster risk reduction in the

framework of spatial planning, the number and location of elements at risk in the

future needs to be projected. Projecting future development requires detailed

information or comprehensive plans to be available in every local government. These

spatial plans usually consist of information regarding where planned developments

will be allocated, the capacity of each allocated area and the approximate time when

each development project should be started and finished. Although the realisation of

these plans depends on several external factors, such as economic and political

situations, it is a formal guidance on development and will serve as initial data for

projecting the extension elements at risk.

At any stage in the development of a detailed spatial plan, the natural hazards that

may affect the future use of land are considered. At different levels, the government

requires reliable data and resources. However, these requirements are not always met

in many developing countries. For example, local governments in Indonesia do not

always have the resources and data to conduct the appropriate mapping of natural

hazards; therefore, the detailed spatial plan still exhibits deficiencies. In effect, a

disaster-prone area may still be incorporated into the detailed spatial plan. An area

that is currently disaster free, but is projected to become disaster prone in the future,

may still be designated as an area suitable for development. Other factors that

contribute to this unfortunate situation are the current limited availability of suitable

locations, and jurisdiction constraint, which limits some planning aspects to consider

only one administrative unit.

The limitation of vacant and suitable land in the current situation leads to the

occupation of marginal land and even environmentally sensitive areas for industrial,

commercial and residential use. Many local governments have been forced to utilise

marginal lands, although several precautions were developed to limit potential loss

due to natural hazards. Thus, many elements at risk may not be appropriately mapped

and projected.


2.3.2. Methods for risk assessment

Different models have been proposed by researchers to assess disaster risks. These

models take into account different variables and serve different purposes. Three

methods of risk assessment will be reviewed, including methods developed by the

Munich Reinsurance Company (Munich Re), Hazards Research Lab, Department of

Geography at the University of South Carolina and the Institute of Spatial Planning

at the University of Dortmund (IRPUD).

The Munich Re model aimed to discover the overall risk index of 50 megacities

around the world. It consists of three major indices: hazards exposure, vulnerability

and exposed value. The hazards exposure component consists of average annual

losses (AAL) and probability of maximum losses (PML). The vulnerability

components consist of six elements: standard of preparedness, standard of

safeguards, residential construction vulnerability, commercial/industrial

vulnerability, building density and quality of construction. The exposed values

components focus on the area’s economic values and consist of average value for

households (residential), gross domestic product for commercial/industrial buildings

and value in an overall context. The three main components receive the same weight

of 33.3 per cent. The model appears to end with an overall risk index of the existing

environment, but without a prediction of the future situation. This can be understood,

since the model was developed from the viewpoint of an insurance company.

The Total Place Vulnerability Index ranks counties according to their level of

vulnerability to hazards. The description of this model follows the ‘State of South

Carolina Hazards Assessment 2005’ (SCEMD 2005) and Greiving, Fleischhauer et

al. (2006). To detect the total place vulnerability, the model received inputs from the

scores of total probability of hazards’ occurrences and total social vulnerability.

These two inputs have the same weight of 50 per cent. The scores for total hazards’

probability of occurrences were based on the historical data of all hazards’ affected

counties in the region, without considering their extent and magnitude. The total

social vulnerability scores were obtained from the following variables: age, gender,

population, race, income and number of mobile homes per county. All sub-elements

in the two inputs have similar weights, regardless of their degree of importance.


Although mathematically simple, some extreme values in one sub-element can

distort the final place vulnerability index.

The Integrated Risk Assessment of Multi-Hazards index was developed by the

IRPUD (Greiving, Fleischhauer et al. 2006). The objective of the model was to

develop an integrated risk map based on integrated hazards and vulnerability maps.

Inputs for the integrated hazards map were all relevant hazards in a particular

geographical location. The weight for each hazard class—for example, typhoon,

landslide, flood—were derived using the Delphi process, based on the opinion of

scientists and stakeholders in the region. Therefore, there will be different weights

for each hazard class. The vulnerability map consists of hazard exposure and coping

capacity. Hazard exposure is the product of GDP per capita and human damage

potential based on population density. GDP per capita is an aggregation of

infrastructures, residential buildings and production capacity. Coping capacity

represents the financial capacity of the nation or region to cope with the disaster.

The Integrated Risk Assessment of Multi-Hazards index is thought to be the most

common method of risk assessment currently employed worldwide (van Westen,

Montoya et al. 2002). Its strength is that it can reveal the information of the total

hazard for any given location. However, the three methods reviewed concentrate on

the present situation and do not examine future possibilities in terms of the extension

of vulnerable elements. Nevertheless, the result of the risk assessment process will be

beneficial for developing the most appropriate strategy in disaster risk reduction.

In summary, the risk assessment methods that best serve as the basis for long-term

disaster risk reduction should:

use the highest-detailed base map available

incorporate all relevant hazards

evaluate the current hazards as well as the prediction for the future.

2.4. Disaster Risk Reduction

2.4.1. The increasing impacts of natural disaster

Statistics from several sources, such as the United Nation Development Program

UNDP (2004), (Scheuren, de Waroux et al. 2008), EM DAT (2011) and the


UN/ISDR (2012) show that there was significant increase in disaster casualties and

economic losses in the past 20 years. The increasing number of casualties in many

natural disasters triggered a question of why this situation occurred. Is it merely

related to the increasing number of natural hazards, or is it a combination of

increased natural hazards and increased exposure of humans and infrastructures? On

the hazard side, climate change was thought to be one of the factors in the increasing

frequency and magnitude of hydrological and meteorological disasters

(Resurreccion, Sajor et al. 2008), and sea level rise ((Titus and Narayanan 1996;

Meehl, Stocker et al. 2007)Titus, 1996; the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate

Change [IPCC], 2009). Other researchers argue that this situation can be attributed to

the increasing exposure of people to hazards due to rapid urbanisation, physical

infrastructure development, uncontrolled land use and land use change, as well as

limited available space in disaster-free areas (Sanderson 2000; Pelling, Özerdem et

al. 2002).

Statistics also indicate that the number of economic losses is increasing significantly.

Between 1975 and 2010, economic losses increased from less than US$5 billion to

more than US$120 billion annually (EM-DAT 2011). The increase is related to the

increase in disaster frequency, the state of economic value in different years and the

country where the disaster occurred. In the immediate past, a disaster might strike an

area with a small population; however, that area might now be densely inhabited.

This will certainly increase the economic values at stake. Losses to a disaster of

similar magnitude in developing and developed countries may result in completely

different economic losses due to the different stages of development and economic


High economic losses will force the government, and private funding to be re-

allocated for emergency response, recovery and reconstruction efforts, instead of the

continuation of economic and infrastructure development. Disasters also affect the

poverty alleviation program, in part because poor people are more vulnerable

compared to the wealthy. The financial effects of disasters may severely affect a

country’s annual budget (UNDP 2004).


To minimise casualties and economic losses, and to ensure sustainable development,

a number of policies and efforts should be sought and immediately implemented to

reduce the disaster risks. This can be done using short- and long-term measures.

Short-term measures usually involve structural activities, such as building protection

walls and heightening dykes and levees. Long-term measures incorporate

readjustment to the relation between hazard sources and elements at risk. This

includes better land management, the relocation of affected or predicted-to-be-

affected elements at risk and modification of the underlying hazard sources. Each of

these approaches has its own advantages and disadvantages, as presented in Table


Table 2.2 Long-term measures to reduce disaster risks.

Activities Structural Non-structural

Classification Extensive Land reclamation Increase of groundwater infiltration Delay runoff Decrease groundwater extraction Relocation

Regulation Zoning Building regulation Groundwater extraction

Intensive Polder Pumping house Drainage networks Levees, dikes Dams Flood gates Diversions and channel improvement House raising

Defence Projection Warning Relocation

Advantages Immediate results Delay runoff and increase infiltration Groundwater control

No significant environmental impact Lower economic cost Reduce building load

Disadvantages High possibility of environmental impact High cost for construction and maintenance Increased building load

Pressures for other location Rise of property values Depend on the land availability Benefit are not immediately visible

Sources: (Petry 2002); (BTRE 2002)

However, these efforts were not always possible due to complex circumstances

surrounding the relation between natural hazards, people, infrastructures, and

economic and social activities. For existing built-up areas, the solutions are more

difficult to find, as they will directly affect a large number of people and

infrastructures already in the location. In many developing countries, building


massive protection infrastructures is impeded by insufficient funding. Relocating a

large number of people and infrastructures that are severely threatened by natural

hazards is almost impossible because of the funding required, social resistance,

political difficulties and the emotional attachment of the residents to the land. The

difficulties are smaller for newly planned developments for vacant land. There are

several available options for reducing disaster risk that are easier to achieve.

However, the most difficult limitation is searching for available and suitable land. In

this situation, authorities and people are often left with only one option; that is, to

live with disaster risk. The implication to the spatial plan is that some land use

designation already assumed they would be affected by natural disasters to some


What degree of risk can people accept or live with? Can acceptable risk measures be

implemented for all land use designation, or only partially? More importantly, how

can the concept of acceptable risk be integrated into disaster risk reduction efforts?

To answer these questions, the components and methods of disaster risk reduction

need to be thoroughly investigated.

2.4.2. Methods for disaster risk reduction

With reference to the severity of the impact of natural disasters, comprehensive

efforts are urgently required to reduce disaster risk. UN/ISDR (2009) defines disaster

risk reduction as

‘the concept and practice of reducing disaster risks through systematic

efforts to analyze and manage the causal factors of disasters, including

through reduced exposure to hazards, lessened vulnerability of people and

property, wise management of land and the environment, and improved

preparedness for adverse events’

The reduction of the exposure of elements at risk to natural hazards can be achieved

by, for example, better planning of land use. In some cases, such as landslides, land

use planning can be used to reduce its sources. It can also be employed to increase

the coping capacity of the land use designations, thus reducing its susceptibility. This

effort should be comprehensively conducted in a systematic way, and it requires the

involvement of many government institutions, NGOs and communities. It should


also have a multidisciplinary nature, as shown in Figure 2-2. Organisational

management and participation methods between these parties needs to be carried out

systematically— not as an ad hoc activity—to sustain its effectiveness.

Figure 2-2 Multidisciplinary elements of disaster risk reduction.

Essentially, disaster reduction policies should have a two-fold aim:

enable societies to be resilient to natural hazards

ensure that development efforts do not increase vulnerability.

As disasters occur in a certain geographic location, spatial information is vital in

disaster risk reduction. The locations at risk of certain types of disasters are at least

partially predictable. Therefore, as a representation of spatial data, a map is an

indispensable requirement for successful efforts in disaster mitigation (NRC, 2007).

The functions of spatial data in disaster risk reduction are, for example, the creation

of thematic maps of populations and infrastructures potentially affected by natural

hazards, and underlying hazards in certain areas. Elements at risk can be identified

individually, but current practices show that a multi-hazard approach is more

frequently implemented. This has made elements-at-risk mapping become more

complex, since different characteristics of multiple hazards need to be taken into


One of the key elements in disaster risk reduction is conducting effective land use

management. This initiative is one of the efforts listed in the Hyogo Framework for


Action 2005–2015 (HFA, 2005), a key endorsement from the UN/ISDR. It has also

been advocated to integrate disaster risk reduction into land use planning (Burby et

al., 1999; Sengezer & Koc, 2005). The HFA requested that risk assessment be

incorporated into urban and rural land use planning, especially in mountainous and

coastal flood plain areas. Before the middle of the 1990s, a lack of attention was paid

to spatial planning and its functions in disaster mitigation (Sanderson, 2000).

Fortunately, in more recent research, it was found that land use planning for risk

prevention has been implemented in some places, including France and Italy

(Menoni, 2004). Table 2.3 provides examples of the types of measures of mitigating

disaster risk specifically related to land use and spatial planning that have been used,

implemented or researched in the past 40 years.

Table 2.3 Land use planning in disaster risk reduction.

Period Method and disaster types Researcher/organisation/country

1970–1980 Hazard zone and land use control—hurricane (1977)

Baker (1977)

1980–1990 Vulnerability-based land use planning—multi-hazards (1988)

Centre for Prevention of National Disaster in Central America—CEPREDENAC (Montoya, 2002)

1990–2000 Local planning to address natural hazards—multi-hazards 1998

American Planning Association (Burby et al., 1999)

2000–2008 Community participation and collaborative efforts, information dissemination, multidisciplinary approach—multi-hazards Decision support framework for hazard mitigation—land subsidence and sea level rise (2005) Incorporation of hazard risk information in regional planning and land use planning—multi-hazards (2005) Land use policy—land subsidence, sea level rise and flooding (2007)

UNISDR Stockholm and Gdansk (Schmidt-Thome et al., 2005) European Union (Greiving et al., 2005)

There is a close relationship between disasters, spatial planning, mitigation and

adaptation, as presented in Figure 2-3. Mitigation refers to lessening adverse impact

of hazards by implementing various strategies and actions (UNISDR, 2009). Not all

natural disasters can be completely avoided; some can only be reduced. Mitigation

may result in different adaptation strategies. In general, there are three possible

adaptation options: retreat, accommodation and protection (IPCC 1992). The

adaptation strategy that is suitable for a given locality or community depends on the

type of disaster and the capability of the community to withstand its effects.


Mitigation and adaptation strategies are important elements in formulating a spatial

plan. They contribute to the consideration of land use designations and aim to reduce

and modify natural hazards.



Contributes to


Mitigation Adaptation





Contributes to





Figure 2-3 Inter-relationship between spatial planning and disaster mitigation

(modified from Fleischhauer, 2005).

2.5. Acceptable Risk in Disaster Risk Reduction

With limited options available on how to best allocate land in the framework of

reducing disaster risks, planners and decision makers need to accept that an

unfavourable outcome needs to be made. Land use designations are affected by this

situation. Some people or infrastructures may voluntarily or involuntarily be located

in a disaster risk area. It is important for the government to know the degree of risk

faced by a particular land use allocation. This information can be obtained from an

integrated risk map, which presents information on all types of hazards that threaten

a particular location. Previously, individual hazards were treated individually—

sometimes by different government agencies that were also executing hazard

prevention activities. This traditional method was suitable when disaster mitigation

mostly relied on structural measures. Spatial planning requires that all natural

hazards be approached integrally before being fed into GIS or PSS modelling and

used in the spatial plan development.

Basically, there are two predominant methods used in developing an integrated risk

map. The first method requires individual risk maps to be assessed, scored and

weighed. Using a weighted overlay technique, all individual maps are then integrated


as a unified risk map. This method has been used, for example, by Greiving et al.

(2006). The second method considers that every element at risk has a different

capacity to cope with different types of natural hazards. The coping capacity of all

land parcels or planning zones needs to be evaluated against all relevant hazards in

the area. The terminology of ‘acceptable risk’ is used to denote the severity level at

which a particular land use designation can withstand a certain type of hazard. For

example, an area susceptible to floods with a 10-year recurrence period can still be

designated for agriculture use, but not commercial or residential use. An earthquake

is disastrous to residential areas but poses no risk to agriculture fields. Conversely,

floods will have negative consequences on both residential and agriculture use.

Therefore, a criterion needs to be developed for the acceptable level of risk for each

land use in relation to the different types of hazards. This process requires the

assessment of the coping capacity of each land use designation, especially regarding

who will utilise the land. However, this first requires the definition of risk and

acceptable risk.

Risk can be defined as the probability of the loss of lives, injury, damaged property

or infrastructure and disruption of economic activities as a result of hazards that

strike a particular place at a given time and of a given duration (Crichton, 1999;

Downing et al., 2001). It can also be defined as the probability of occurrence of

certain hazards (Downing et al., 2001; Brooks, 2003). Risk involves hazards,

vulnerability and exposure (Crichton, 1999).

Defining acceptable risk involves professional judgment, historical precedents and

formal analysis (Fischhoff et al., 1984). It is a decision problem that includes

ascertaining crucial facts and values, as well as predicting human responses to

hazards (Fischoff et al., 1981). These steps are common in spatial planning and are

particularly relevant for assigning the most suitable designated land uses for a

particular area. In this approach, the possibility of actions being conducted by

different parties to minimise potential risks (e.g. by hard engineering methods)

should also be recognised. The realisation of this approach requires the description of

acceptable risk measures.


Acceptable risk criteria are affected by different perceptions of risk thought by

different individuals, communities (Vrijling et al., 1998) and governments. Each

individual has a different perception of what constitutes risk depending on their

experience, knowledge and the information they received. It may differ from the risk

perceived by the wider community, particularly for residents who are living or have

activities in the areas that are potentially affected. Conversely, governments can be

expected to act as an expert, providing information and advice to individuals and the

community. In addition, governments have some political and economic risks from

disaster. The way the government disseminates hazard information to the public will

influence the perception of risk among community members. These three actors have

choices of voluntary and involuntary actions and have different degrees of

acceptance. For example, an individual or a community may or may not opt to live

in, travel to, buy property from, run a business in, or invest in natural disaster-prone

areas. To avoid budget risk, governments may or may not approve development

proposals or impose certain conditions.

Based on the above description, the definition of acceptable risk from the UN/ISDR

(2009) is followed here: ‘the level of potential losses that a society or community

considers acceptable given existing social, economic, political, cultural, technical and

environmental conditions’. In an address regarding water quality standards, Hunter

and Fewtrell (2001) proposed that, to make risk acceptable, it should fall into the

following conditions:

below the predicted probability of occurrence

below the level of tolerable threshold

cost of preventing and reducing risk, including ‘cost of suffering’, would

exceed the cost saved

cost of reducing risk would be better spent on other development projects

agreement between the public and politicians.

The key components here are cost, potential losses and acceptance from potentially

affected parties. Potential losses consist of two main elements: safety of people and

economic loss. Acceptance from potentially affected parties depends on their


perception of risk, coping capacity and voluntary or involuntary situation. Less

fortunate people may involuntarily accept the disaster risk because they have no

other choices. Peculiarities in the real-world phenomenon are unavoidable. After the

recent eruption of Mt Merapi in Indonesia, which killed 312 people, several villages

were defined as inhabitable by the government because they were located in the level

3 danger zone. However, some villagers insisted on living in these danger zones.

This case might not be an isolated one, especially if it deals with slow onset disasters

that have little threat to people’s safety or lives. Nonetheless, it provides a clear

example of the difficulty between the government and community in agreeing on the

acceptable risk level. There are evident differences in the perceptions of risk between


Risky outcomes are inherent in defining acceptable risk (Bell et al., 2005). It

involves uncertainty and inaccuracy in spatial data, hazard information and future

projections. A safety margin in the modelling of likely impacts will help stakeholders

and decision makers to establish the most appropriate course of action. It also

requires technical assessment of the situation, historical data and precedents as the

basis for projecting possible future events and devising solutions. As it involves the

economics and safety of life measures, there will be trade-offs between the

anticipated costs and the expected benefits of different types of responses (Fussel

2007). Relocation or change in land use designation will certainly have impact on the

cost of development, transport and public infrastructures. Regarding the potential

economic loss, a CBA can be used to facilitate the determination of the acceptability


The projected risk is likely to change over time with different types of conditions.

Bell, Glade et al. (2005) identified several factors that may alter the risk assessment

in the future, including change to the risk itself (e.g. changing a fire risk because of

vegetation growth) or change to the estimated risk through alteration to the assumed

process, the process model employed, the risk model used, the reference units and

the resolution of the underlying spatial data. In modelling complex natural

phenomena, all required elements may not be completely captured, and the

interaction between them may be incompletely recorded and assessed. The projection

results will be affected by this situation.


The occurrence/recurrence of natural disasters will also affect their associated risks.

Sporadic and continuous disasters have different types of risks, as do their

acceptability levels. For continuously progressing disasters, the acceptability level

will decrease through time as the hazard is increasing. Therefore, the period for

assessment should consider when the hazard would stop to develop further.

However, in some cases, the time frame for hazard projectionis matched with the

validity of the spatial plan for a particular jurisdiction. In this respect, the

sustainability of the development cannot be ascertained. A lack of reliable data and

an accurate prediction developed by local governments may impede the long-term

assessment of the susceptibility of land use designation. The length of the disaster

occurrence may not be fully understood and modelled.

Once the level of acceptable risk has been established, the government will decide

what action to take. Three general options are available: retreat, accommodation and

protection (IPCC 1992). Retreat is usually taken if the safety of the people is in

danger, or if the threat is greater than the coping capacity of the community and the

government. Retreat is suitable for planned developments that can be relocated,

provided there is available land. Accommodation relates to the situation where

people consider the hazards manageable and to possess limited risks to their safety.

Heightening the ground level of a house is part of the accommodation strategy. For

an area that has high importance and cannot be moved to another location, building

protection infrastructure is the only viable solution. For an area that has a mixture of

developed land and land that is suitable for development, a combination of these

actions is usually taken. For an area that is already occupied by existing buildings

and infrastructures, the accommodation and protection strategy is more suitable.

2.6. Conceptual Model of the Integrated Approaches

2.6.1. Requirements for integration

Disaster risk reduction requires input from many disciplines, sectors and agencies.

Some researchers argue that there is a need for an integrated disaster management

(Chen, Blong et al. 2003; Gopalakrishnan and Okoda 2007) or holistic approach

(McEntire, Fuller et al. 2002). However, there is a diverse definition of what can be


considered an integrated approach. Chen, Blong et al. (2003) used a definition that

relates to the capability of the Geographic Information System (GIS), data

integration, risk assessment and supporting decision making. Although somewhat

technical, this definition is useful in developing a conceptual framework. To

implement an integrated approach, Gopalakrishnan and Okoda (2007) proposed a

new institution as a vehicle. Building a new institution that has a specific mandate to

conduct disaster mitigation has been implemented in many countries, including

FEMA in the United States, Emergency Management Australia (EMA) in Australia,

the Fire and Disaster Mitigation Agency (FDMA) in Japan and Badan Nasional

Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB), or National Agency for Disaster Mitigation, in

Indonesia. These agencies not only deal with disaster mitigation, but they also work

on aspects of risk reduction. They are required to cooperate and collaborate with

existing agencies, such as geological or meteorological agencies, that were

established to deal with specific types of hazards. This collaboration mainly relates to

information sourcing and sharing. They do not have the authority to direct land use

planning, which is conducted by the governments.

Taking this into consideration, the integrated approach proposed in this thesis does

not develop a new institution; rather, it focuses on the viewpoint of risk reduction. It

needs to involve a long-term vision, relevant disciplines, stakeholders and agencies.

Several key stakeholders involved in DRR (Figure 2-4) have their own perspectives

and expertise. Their focuses are diverse, from housing provision to ensuring the

safety of lives, saving public infrastructures, the continuation of economic activities

and environmental sustainability. All focuses and interests should be placed together

in one integrated approach that aims to satisfy different needs.


Figure 2-4 Stakeholders’ interest in disaster risk reduction.

The integrated approach to disaster risk reduction makes use of existing knowledge,

datasets, expertise, perspectives and existing institutional settings. Regarding the

long-term objective, the integrated approach is best facilitated by spatial planning,

which is concerned with the management of land use; therefore, it is important in

managing and modifying the relationship between land, people and natural hazards.

As many interactions between natural components and human activities are relevant

to spatial planning, a tool is required to facilitate assessing, analysing, modelling and

envisioning the future. PSS is important in supporting spatial plan development; thus,

it is fundamental in the integrated approach to disaster risk reduction.

PSS is essential in enhancing the capabilities of actors involved in spatial planning

and disaster risk reduction. It can facilitate an objective modelling of the land use

allocation based on clearly defined parameters and aims within a data- and model-

driven process. Even though people create the parameters, aims and models, and

subjectivities may be carried forwards in alternative solutions, the results are less

subjective than they are without these factors. In fact, the choice of policy is a result

of dialogue between stakeholders. The objectivity of the results is an important

element, as spatial planning involves political processes with conflicting interests.


To achieve a high degree of participation and objectivity, transparent collaboration is

required among stakeholders, for example, using web-based systems. The use of

web-based systems will enable Same Time Different Place (STDP) and Different

Time Different Place (DTDP) collaborations. It is also a medium for disseminating

the spatial plan and inviting stakeholders to participate in the collaboration process.

However, in many jurisdictions, the local Internet infrastructures or Information

Technology (IT) situation does not permit the use of web-based collaborations. In

this situation, deliberation can be conducted via in-office meetings facilitated by a

PSS running different scenarios.

The integration of disaster risk reduction into spatial planning involves several

aspects: policy, organisational, data and platform (see Figure 2-5). Policy provides

direction on how the integration can be conducted, who should be involved, how

they operate and the specifications and standards of data. Policy manifests in the

form of laws, government regulations, ministerial decrees and sub-national

regulations. Laws and regulations will clearly define the responsibilities of all

participating agencies, institutional arrangements and how the operational procedures

will be executed. Regulation is required at the national level to ensure that standards

are realised and maintained at the local levels, and to provide the umbrella for which

local policy will be derived.










Figure 2-5 Elements in the integration of disaster risk reduction into spatial planning.

Regarding the organisational aspects, it appears that organisations with tasks on

disaster risk reduction and spatial planning are working in isolation. Local planning

agencies are responsible for spatial planning and the local disaster mitigation agency

is responsible for disaster mitigation. This situation can be attributed to the lack of

clear regulations and guidance from the higher level of government. It appears that


there is no direct relation between national or local disaster management agencies

and their counterparts on spatial planning.

Data for disaster risk reduction are received from agencies in different formats. A

standardised data format is preferable to enable seamless data exchange and sharing,

especially for spatial data. Spatial data that originate from different agencies might

have different formats, projection systems, visualisations, semantics and scales. The

similarity, or interoperability, of data formats and projection systems is a basic

requirement. Different visualisation coding may be used by different organisations to

depict similar features, which should be resolved. The classification of categorical

data among participating organisations—for example, slope steepness—should be

made alike. Natural hazards such as landslides and flooding are usually represented

in medium- and small-scale maps. Conversely, detailed spatial planning requires

large-scale representation for zoning purposes. Matching scale maps that are largely

different can lead to discrepancies and inaccuracies. Interoperable spatial data need

to be established through standardisation to avoid poor modelling outcomes and

misleading decisions. In essence, the following thematic maps are required for

integrating disaster information into spatial planning:

past events of disaster

hazards map

current and projected element-at-risks map.

Incorporating disaster risk reduction strategies into spatial planning involves active

participation from various government agencies and public engagement. A platform

is required to incorporate the hazard data into the spatial plan development and

facilitate collaboration and public participation. A PSS is proposed as the tool to

facilitate spatial plan development, with disaster data as one of the main components.

SDI is required to facilitate data exchange and sharing among the government

agencies involved. Careful design is essential for the improvement and development

of the three interrelated components in SDI: people, technology and policy.


2.6.2. Model for integrating disaster risk reduction into spatial planning

The previous risk assessment methods reviewed in Section 2.3.2 provide a

foundation on how to assess multi-hazard risks in urban and rural areas. However,

those models are deficient; that is, they stop after the risk indexes or maps have been

produced. They do not move forwards into projecting the extension of elements at

risk into the future and integrating within spatial planning. In this section, a model is

presented that takes risk maps into spatial planning (see Figure 2.6.





Land subsidence


Sea level rise






Volcanic eruption


Intergrated hazard





Building &


Spatial Plan

Vulnerability map

Integrated Risk


Disaster resilient

Spatial Plan

Planning Support


Requires dynamic risk modeing

Figure 2-6 A model for the integration of disaster risk reduction into spatial planning.

This model makes use of part of the Integrated Risk Assessment Model developed by

IRPUD; that is, the aspect of developing an integrated hazards

map. The essential components of this model, which improves on other methods,

focus on the following aspects:


explicit incorporation of natural hazards into the spatial planning

projection and prediction of natural hazards’ progression

assessment and mapping of the current elements at risk

projection of the elements at risk in the future

use of acceptable risk measures to evaluate land use designation.

An integrated hazard map is the cumulative product of an individual hazard. In this

model, the natural hazards considered are those that are commonly found at many

coastal urban cities located in a deltaic area or an alluvial plain. An individual hazard

map is developed using historical data and predicting future progression. The latter is

essential in the context of dynamic disasters. They contain information on the

frequency, magnitude and extent of the disaster. The vulnerability map is created

using three inputs: building and infrastructures, population, and economic activities.

Although hazards may affect social activities, they are difficult to quantify or model.

It is assumed that the social fabric of a society is the manifestation of its resiliency

towards disaster. Therefore, if the disaster risk can be reduced or removed, there will

be limited effects on social activities.

Building is an aggregation of residential, commercial, industrial and public buildings.

Ideally, the value of all buildings can be sourced from a property valuation map.

Thus, the calculation of risk will be more realistic. If these data are not available or

complete, estimation is required. Infrastructures consist of road and rail networks,

bridges, utilities, and energy and telecommunication facilities. The number and

distribution of the population can be calculated from census data. All of these factors

need to be mapped and assessed for the current situation and projected into the

future, and large-scale maps are required for this purpose. The integrated hazard map

and the vulnerability map are then combined to develop an integrated risk map.

The integrated risk map is used to evaluate the fitness of the initial spatial plan to

ascertain whether they comply with the acceptable risk requirements. The spatial

plan preferably, although not necessarily, uses a PSS for its development. The

conventional method of developing a spatial plan is still sufficient, as long as the

results are in a digital database. In this respect, a measure on the acceptable risk


indicators should be developed to accommodate any land use assignments that can

accept a certain degree of risk. For example, an agriculture field can be located on a

flood plain, as its danger to human life is minimal. All land use designations passed

in this process will result in a disaster-resilient spatial plan, otherwise the spatial

planning should be repeated until it satisfies the requirements. The testing procedure

is essential in relation to the possibility of future disasters, as shown in Figure 2.7.







Dynamic Risk Modeling(sea level rise, land subsidence,

flooding, etc.)

Prediction on

integrated risk map (10, 20, 30,..yrs)

Identify element at risks(infrastructures, housing,

utilities, commercial, etc)




Evaluate risks



Exception apply?* Identify options for other use

* Restriction on use


Disaster resilient

Spatial Plan

Figure 2-7 Dynamic risks modeling in spatial planning.

The process begins with the dynamic risk modelling of some natural hazards, for

example, sea level rise, land subsidence and flooding. Sea level rise and land

subsidence in a lowland coastal city can amplify the current flood and increase its

frequency, magnitude and extent. Locations that are not currently subject to floods

may be inundated 10–20 years from now. Therefore, an anticipation strategy should

be developed at the earliest possible time, as almost all development activities are

irreversible. Relocating highly populated residential areas or industrial complexes

will be costly and delicate, and it will culminate with high financial losses.

The next step is to evaluate the degree of risk of the designated land use plan. If no

risks are found, or if the risks are within the acceptable threshold, the designation


plan for the area can be made final. If the risk is not acceptable, a second test will be

conducted to ascertain whether a condition of exception is applicable. An example of

an applicable exception is the location of the seaport in the flood-prone area. There is

little possibility of moving the seaport to another location, but the flood hazard

should be overcome by hard engineering measures. If the disaster risk cannot be

accepted and no exception applies, then the next step is to identify options for other

uses or to impose restrictions on use. This will go back to spatial plan formulation. A

PSS will speed up the process with a technically unbiased result.

2.7. Summary

The occurrence, casualties and economic cost associated with natural disasters are

increasing. There is growing awareness that reducing the disaster risk before

disasters occur will be of more benefit to society and the government. Reducing

disaster risk is best approached from the perspective of reducing the exposure of

elements at risk to the source of the disaster. In this context, the integrated approach

to disaster risk reduction is relevant. It aims to reduce disaster risk by incorporating

all stakeholders, disciplines and perspective, and to be conducted with long-term

vision in the framework of spatial planning.

Spatial planning is essential in managing relations between elements at risk and

natural hazards. Each parcel or zone in the spatial plan may possess several risks

from different sources of hazards. All natural hazards that may strike each zone need

to be identified, assessed and mapped. Their level of threat at the current situation

and possible progression in the future are fundamental. The process of spatial plan

development will be significantly enhanced if it is supported by a PSS. The possible

limitation is that PSS may not be found everywhere.

In many local governments, land use planning is often impeded by the availability of

vacant and suitable land. When the behaviour of natural hazards changes, the amount

of available land decreases. Disaster-free areas are becoming smaller and land use

needs to be allocated in areas with known hazards. Given that different land use has

different coping capacities for different hazards and hazard levels, the acceptable risk

indicator was proposed. It attempts to accommodate the limitation faced by planners


and decision makers on the available land, the high demand from community and

industry, and the requirement to minimise disaster risks. It may not be an ideal

solution that provides satisfactory results for all stakeholders, but it is a compromise.

The implementation of acceptable risk measures using a PSS requires the evaluation

of all initial land use designations. If a particular designated land use meets the

acceptability level set for it, then it can be considered the final designation. On the

contrary, if there is no exception, alternative solutions are sought. The evaluation

procedure is especially relevant for dynamic disasters that may develop into larger

disasters covering wider areas. With the use of a PSS in the spatial planning and the

incorporation of disaster risk information into the process, it is expected that the final

product will be a disaster-resilient spatial plan. The use of an integrated approach to

disaster risk reduction is expected to minimise the long-term losses to people and the





3.1. Introduction

One of the key components of an integrated approach to disaster risk reduction

through spatial planning is the use of a PSS. This chapter discusses spatial planning

and its development, the use of a PSS in spatial planning and the method used to

build a PSS for disaster risk reduction. A PSS facilitates a vision of the future using a

set of assumptions, runs different planning scenarios and evaluates the consequences

of following (or not following) certain actions. Further, the special position of spatial

planning and a PSS in disaster risk reduction is discussed. The development of a

conceptual model is presented for the use of a PSS for disaster risk reduction.

3.2. Spatial Planning

Spatial planning is the process of allocating, forming, sizing and harmonising space

or land for multifunction uses (Albrechts 2006). This activity is the responsibility of

planning agencies at different levels of government and jurisdictions. It requires

input from many disciplines, such as planners, economists, sociologists, public

administrators, transport analysts and geo-information specialists (Berke and

Godschalk 2006). The objective of spatial planning is to develop a plan that ensures

the sustainability of land resources to fulfil the needs of citizens and future

generations in term of economic activity, liveability, environmental protection and

socio-cultural life. Many factors affect the process and outcomes, including existing

land use, population growth, economic development, environmental carrying

capacity, infrastructures, transportation policies, socio-cultural aspects and natural

hazards. Natural hazards are essential to ensure that current and future development

will not be set back by future natural disasters. Further, political groups and the

business community also try to influence spatial plan development to gain the

highest benefit.


There are several ways to classify a spatial plan (Berke and Godschalk 2006;

Greiving, Fleischhauer et al. 2006; Hudalah and Woltjer 2007). The first is the area

covered by the plan. There are national or federal, provincial or state, and district or

city-level spatial plans. National or federal level plans cover the entire country. They

are represented in small-scale maps that depict general and macro-level plans.

Provincial or state level plans are represented by larger-scale mapping with better-

detailed coverage compared to the national plan. District or city-level plans cover

smaller areas and are represented in a larger-scale map. At the district or city level,

there are comprehensive and detailed plans. Comprehensive plans comprise all

designated land use plans, and detailed plans focus on sub-district, or several sub-

district, plans (Hudalah and Woltjer 2007).

A successful spatial plan should meet a set of requirements. (Berke and Godschalk

2006) suggest four core values to be achieved: environmental protection, equity,

economic development and liveability. Environmental protection values relate to the

issues of land resource utilisation and the production of waste, with environmental

sustainability as the main element. Equity values aim to maintain the harmony of the

social situation and promote the equitable distribution of resources, services and

opportunities. A spatial plan needs to consider the benefits of better management of

land, since land and location are important factors in production and investment.

Land value and land market are significant elements that affect, and are affected by,

land use allocation. These general principles need to be attained to develop a

successful spatial plan; however, the unique characteristics of each location are

equally important.

Spatial planning begins with a description of these core values that are relevant to the

region. This will guide the formulation of the spatial plan (see Figure 3-1). Advances

in computers and geographic information systems (GISs), as well as more complex

data requirements and the involvement of more stakeholders, have led to an

increased need for effective PSSs (Geertman and Stilwell 2004; Batty 2007).

However, there are impediments to its widespread use (Vonk and Geertman 2005).

The function of a PSS is to gather, manage and analyse spatially relevant information

(Berke and Godschalk 2006), thus facilitating spatial plan development. A PSS can


provide information on the outcomes of policy while facilitating discussion and

decision making about the vision, structure and pattern of space utilisation.

Figure 3-1 Development of spatial plan (modified from Berke & Godschalk, 2006).

Although a PSS is increasingly being used by planning agencies, many planning

activities require human planners and thus cannot be completely replaced by a PSS

(Lowry and Balling 2009).

3.3. Roles of Spatial Planning in Disaster Risk Reduction

Spatial planners are responsible for decisions regarding the long-term utilisation of

land and the interaction between people and space. Although planners are not

directly responsible for disaster risk reduction, the planning process plays a

fundamental role in disaster risk reduction. The main functions of spatial planning in

disaster risk reduction are to reduce the exposure of the elements at risk to the

disaster sources and to modify the pathway of the disaster event.

The first function can be achieved by appropriately managing the relationship

between present and future land utilisation and potential disaster sources. This

requires the projection of future development (an inherent function of spatial

planning) and the progression of disasters. By avoiding a collision between these two

frequently opposing transitions, the exposure of the elements at risk can be

eliminated or reduced, both in the present and in the future.

The second function relates to the modification of disaster pathways by applying

proper land use management. These functions can be achieved only in the medium to

Values* Environment

* Equity

* Economy

* Livability

Planning Support

System* Population

* Economy

* Environment

* Land use

* Transportation

* Infrastructure

* Socio-cultural

* Natural resources

* Topography

* Hydrology

Types of Plans* General plan

* Detail plan


development* Environment

* Equity

* Economy

* Livability

Monitoring, Evaluation, Adjustment

Spatial Planning







long term, which means that spatial planning is not a suitable short-term remedy for

disaster mitigation, except for prohibiting certain land use types.

Spatial planning plays a role in reducing the exposure of elements at risk to disaster

(Greiving, Fleischhauer et al. 2006). It has the power to direct land use allocation in

ways that are beneficial to risk reduction, and to reject proposals that increase the

vulnerability of people and infrastructures. These roles mainly lie in the long-term

arrangements of interactions between space utilisation and disasters. (Fleischhauer,

Greiving et al. 2005) identified four potential roles of spatial planning in disaster risk


Prohibit future development in certain areas: in high-risk areas, especially

with a history of disaster occurrences, development should be prohibited.

Areas required for public use during emergency response and retention

should be kept free.

Classify different land use zoning for different levels of disaster-prone areas:

each disaster has its own acceptable risk in different land use classes.

Agriculture fields, but not residential areas, may be located in five-year return

floodplains. Steep slopes that are highly susceptible to landslides should not

be in residential or commercial use, but may still be suitable for plantation.

Regulate land use or zoning plans with legally binding status: in an area

vulnerable to earthquakes, regulations on building codes and building density

are essential to reduce the impact of building collapse.

Hazard modification: spatial planning can play a role in promoting soft

engineering methods to reduce the risk of flooding. For example, a retarding

basin that is required to contain floodwater should be keep free from

development in order to maintain its function.

The need to incorporate disaster risk reduction into spatial planning has been

advocated by many researchers (Menoni and Pergalani 1996; Menoni 2004;

Campbell 2006; Greiving, Fleischhauer et al. 2006; Neuvel 2009; Berke 2010). In

addition, several recent international initiatives have taken the message to a wider

audience. They include the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) and the Incheon

Declaration (HFA 2005; Incheon 2010). Specifically, the Incheon Declaration stated


the importance of local government activities in disaster risk reduction. The

endorsements in the HFA and Incheon Declaration are relevant to the hierarchical

nature of spatial planning, as disaster risk reduction is best conducted at the local

government level (district or city). The local government is initially required to

respond to the disaster, in the hope of averting a catastrophe. During the prevention

stage, it is responsible for preparing a comprehensive policy on disaster mitigation.

Figure 3-2 shows the relationship between the local disaster, planning and action.

Local disaster Local planning

Local action







Figure 3-2 The importance of local planning in disaster risk reduction.

As disaster occurrences originate in a small geographic area, the local government

has the responsibility and authority to prepare plans to overcome the consequences.

Any disaster incidents will require local planning and actions. In this respect, the

local government is indispensable in developing a mitigation strategy that clearly

incorporates disaster risk information, preferably into its spatial plan. The advantage

of local government involvement is its knowledge and understanding of local

contexts (Kartez and Lindell 1987).

With this in mind, predicting how disasters will occur in the future is an important

element in developing a disaster-resilient spatial plan. Prediction is more likely to be

accurate for slow onset disasters with gradual progression, such as land subsidence

and sea level rise. Disasters of these types produce noticeable signs for their

progression in the long term, although in the short term, they may not be visible. In

addition, their impacts may not be immediately felt by residents. For rapid onset

disasters, combination between hard and soft engineering methods is more suitable to

protect people and infrastructures.


In all natural disasters, planners and scientists are confronted with uncertainty, for

example, in geographical coverage of the disasters, their magnitude and frequency.

The uncertainty factor makes risk assessment difficult and requires several safety

measures to be taken into account. To accommodate a problem that is larger than

predicted, a safety margin should be employed. However, the safety margin should

not be higher than the level necessary to reduce the associated cost required, and it

should not remove the development potential.

Essentially, reducing disaster risk by utilising spatial planning requires an integrated

approach (El-Masri and Tipple 2002). It requires input from a broad range of

disciplines, involving many stakeholders and facilitated by a spatial-enabling

platform. The realisation of an integrated approach concept requires projection of the

population growth as well as progression of infrastructures and natural disasters. The

first two have been commonly conducted by planning agencies; however, the latter

has only recently received increasing attention. Local governments may have

deficiencies in this aspect, thus requiring assistance and supervision from higher

levels of government.

With growing pressure from population growth and the limited availability of

disaster-free land, developments affected by natural disasters are unavoidable.

Residents must adjust to living with disasters. However, there is a certain level at

which the impacts of disasters are beyond the capacity of the residents to withstand

them. Setting up an acceptable level, whereby the potential loss and cost of

protection are tolerable (Schmidt-Thoméa 2006; UN/ISDR 2009), is part of the

formulation of a spatial plan.

The common language used to estimate the acceptable level is economic valuation. It

requires detailed information on natural disasters, buildings, land uses and

infrastructures. Not all of the required data are available or fully utilised due to

limited resources at the RDPA.


3.4. Planning Support System

3.4.1. Evolution of planning support system

The advent of new computer technology and improvements in GIS software has

enabled the emergence of PSSs since the late 1980s (Malczewski 2006; Batty 2007).

The term ‘planning support system’ was first coined by (Harris 1989), when he

discussed the use of GISs among planners. Following (Geertman and Stilwell 2004),

a PSS is defined in this thesis as a dedicated framework to support planning tasks. It

consists of elements for information gathering, data modelling and visualisation. A

PSS is specifically directed for planning related to spatial aspects. Although PSS

functionality is provided largely by geo-information technology, it is different from

GIS in the sense that GIS serves general purpose tasks while PSS focuses on

planning tasks (Vonk, Geertman et al. 2007).

PSS users are planners, geo-information specialists, government officials and

politicians, citizens and other stakeholders. They use PSS at the various stages of

plan development, with planners and geo-information specialists at the forefront.

They design, develop and use PSS at the early stage of plan development, including

presentation in the deliberation process.

PSSs have been widely used in assisting spatial plan formulation; however, it seems

that there are geographical biases. Most users originate from the United States,

Europe and Australia (Vonk and Geertman 2005). As a subset of geo-information

technology tools for supporting planning, the implementation of a PSS must be

preceded by the mature use of a GIS. That is, if there are no operational and

extensive uses of GIS in a planning agency, there is little chance of having a PSS

implemented. The operational use of a PSS requires extensive GIS data and

experience in GIS modelling. These requirements are not always found at the local

planning agency in developing countries.

To date, various PSSs have been developed with diverse approaches and scopes.

Most PSSs are designed for general purpose use, such as WhatIf?, CommunityViz,

INDEX, SLEUTH and UrbanSim, and only small numbers are built for specific tasks

(Klosterman 1999; Waddel and Ulfarsson 2004; Allen 2008; Clarke 2008; Waddell,

Liu et al. 2008; Walker and Daniels 2011). Many more PSSs are available from


research institutions and the commercial sector. A comprehensive list of the PSSs

available in the market and at research institutes is provided in (Geertman and

Stilwell 2004; Klosterman 2005). Table 3.1 provides a list of the PSS software that is

currently used in many cities and countries.

Table 3.1 Review of PSS software

Approach Modelling Application

scope Visualisation

CommunityViz ArcGIS extension Rule-based model Local level 2D, 3D, Google Earth

CUF Independent— open source

State-change model Regional 2D

INDEX ArcGIS extension Rule-based model 2D, 3D METROPILUS Large-scale urban

model Regional 2D, 3D

SLEUTH Independent— open source

Cellular automata Regional 2D, 3D

TRANUS Independent— open source

Large-scale urban model

Local-regional 2D

UrbanSim Independent— open source

Large-scale urban model

Regional 2D

WhatIf? ArcGIS extension Rule-based model Local-regional 2D

Different techniques are applied by a PSS, including a large-scale urban model, rule-

based model, state-change model and cellular automata (Klosterman 2005). The

selection of the most suitable model for a particular planning agency depends on

several factors, such as the objectives of the modelling, the capacity of the planning

agency and the data availability.

3.4.2. Elements of PSS

A PSS consists of elements for information gathering, storage and retrieval, system

modelling and analysis, communication and visualisation (Vonk, Geertman et al.

2007). In some instances, the GIS can be regarded as a PSS itself. There may be a

loose connection between the two or no connection at all. In the loosely coupled

connection, output from the spreadsheet is fed into the GIS software to be used in the

spatial analysis. There are cases where the GIS and the spreadsheet are used

independently, without any connection at all. The results from each processing area

are treated individually.


As presented in Figure 3.4, information gathering is located at the beginning of the

system, and the result is entered into a database. Two types of data are required in a

PSS: spatial and non-spatial. Non-spatial data are part of government regulations and

are required to define parameters such as density regulation, setback rules,

conservation zones and growth projection. These data are stored and maintained in a

database to be used in the modelling and analysis stages.




Modeling and



and collaborationVisualization


planning policies

Figure 3-3 Elements of spatial planning support systems.

Many planning laws require that scenarios used in spatial planning and policy

development are communicated to stakeholders in various ways, such as the Internet,

as part of the consultation process (MacEachren and Brewer 2004). Two-way

communications exist between modelling and analysis, communication and

collaboration, and visualisation. Web technology is the most efficient medium for

communicating detailed information regarding government programs and regulations

in developed countries, and it is increasingly popular in developing countries. It can

facilitate highly effective socialisation through different forms of presentations,

encourage engagement and participation from the public and facilitate collaboration

in spatial planning. Batty (2007) highlights that the planning process has been largely

influenced by visualisation and Internet map usage. Two- or three-dimensional

visualisation is an effective means for communicating planning concepts to


constituencies. The use of the Internet to disseminate city planning options will

enable stakeholders to provide feedback, regardless of the place and time.

3.4.3. Development model for a planning support system

Several methods for developing an IT-related project have been suggested, including

waterfall, incremental or iterative, and rapid prototyping. In the waterfall model, each

step needs to be completed before moving to the next step. This model is suitable for

projects with time and budget constraints, and limited changes are allowed. The

incremental model consists of several project components that match the waterfall

phases. Proof of concept can be conducted at an early stage; thus, errors can be fixed

earlier. This model suits software development projects. In the rapid prototyping

model, a rough prototype is built according to the draft of the system concept.

Regarding the development of a PSS in developing countries, the iterative model is

the most suitable method. In this model, each increment is a waterfall model, thus

allowing the tight monitoring of activities. Conversely, it allows for some changes, as

the planning agency is in the learning period.

As shown in Figure 3-4, the development of a PSS follows three steps: intelligence,

design and decision/choice (Sharifi and Rodriguez 2002). The intelligence phase

gathers the information required to develop the system while the objectives of the

system are formulated.

Describe the system

Understand the system

User needs assessment

Formulate objectives

Formulate model

Gathering data

Generate alternatives

Assess impact

Evaluate & decide

Communicate results

Intelligence Design Decision/Choice

Figure 3-4 Process of decision making in spatial planning,

modified from Sharifi and Rodriguez (2002).


3.4.4. User need assessment

The implementation of a new system in an organisation requires appraisal of the

organisation’s current situation, its needs and projections of future development. The

need assessment aims to identify the user’s requirements, considering their local

situation, need, scalability and implementation program. Users’ needs will also be

different according to the differences in challenges between developed and

developing countries. Given the limitations in developing countries, the intended

PSS should be:

low cost

fast to learn

compatible with existing systems and data

easy to incorporate into support deliberation processes.

Several factors influence the definition of a low-cost system, including software

purchasing costs, hardware costs, maintenance costs and additional software required

to run the PSS software. Up-front costs to purchase the PSS software and hardware

are relatively affordable for many local governments in developing countries. There

are different PSS systems on the market with different price ranges, from no cost to

tens of thousands of dollars. UrbanSim, TRANUS and SLEUTH are currently free,

while there is a cost for INDEX, Metropilus and Wadbos, as they bundle the

software with site-specific customisations. Other considerations include the use of

supporting software for the installation. CommunityViz and What?If require the

installation of ArcGIS to run the software, while UrbanSim and SLEUTH do not

require additional proprietary software. If a planning agency chooses PSS software

that requires a supporting GIS, there is a potentially high cost for purchasing and

maintaining the core GIS software. The cost can be reduced if the planning agency

has the software in advance, and in many cases, a planning agency wishing to adopt a

PSS is already using a GIS in spatial planning. A free PSS system such as UrbanSim,

TRANUS or SLEUTH can be trialled to gain initial experience. As these systems are

based on an open source initiative, a planning agency may be faced with limited

documentation and support.


Current PSS software can be run on virtually any ordinary computers. For relatively

simple simulation and modelling, the processing time will not be significantly

affected. The better the computer specification, the faster the process.

Open source PSSs use sophisticated advanced modelling techniques that can

accommodate multiple inputs and models, and they can run complex simulations.

These facilities suit high level and detailed planning of a city or regional area.

However, planning agencies in developing countries lack capable and dedicated staff

to study and implement the software. Further, there is a limitation on the data to run

the sophisticated models. While present-state data may be available, historical data

are difficult to obtain, as good data production and archiving only began in the past

20 years or so. In effect, agencies may prefer to use software that is easier to learn,

possibly with less modelling capacity but without compromising its outcomes.

It is difficult to assess the training requirements of different systems in advance. It

depends on the skills of the staff members, complexities of the program and required

customisation. Of the PSS software reviewed, CommunityViz, WhatIf, INDEX and

Metropilus were the easiest to learn, as they were add-ons to ArcGIS, which is used

in many countries. Their Graphical User Interface (GUI) is also familiar to most GIS

users. UrbanSim and SLEUTH were more difficult to learn. These open source

software have limited documentation and support, and a limited GUI.

Consideration of the existing available data is significant to find the most suitable

PSS. If the existing data format is not interoperable with the PSS, extensive data

conversion will be required. When there is an existing GIS, an add-on is likely to be

preferred. Converting existing data into the new system is time consuming and prone

errors. A favourable PSS makes use of existing data, with only small adjustments


3.5.6. Stages of planning support system implementation

The stages of PSS implementation are similar to other types of IT projects (see

Figure 3-5). It begins with the growing importance of the PSS, first with the

acknowledgement by a few individuals in the organisation, until it is fully adopted by

the organisation. In the support role, a PSS is usable at the operational level but

possesses no strategic influence to the organisation. At the intermediary level, the


importance of the PSS moves up and becomes more than a support tool. If the

implementation if successful, then its function becomes strategic. At the strategic

level, a PSS is indispensable for running the organisation. If the PSS fails to meets

the organisation’s expectations, it can be scaled back to become a support tool,

otherwise its presence will be vital for the organisation (Bestebreurtje 1997).

Figure 3-5 Stages in the PSS implementation.

The steps for adopting a new system in an organisation consist of adoption, diffusion,

management, integration and maturity phases. Initially, a number of individuals

within the organisation are exposed to the new technology and are interested to apply

them. The initiative, at first is not coordinated and or properly planned. As the

benefits become evident, the number of users increases and the system gains wider

acceptance. From a system with limited planning, the next phase has better planning

and funding, as it is being integrated into the organisation. The business process is

re-engineered to maximise the benefits of the new system and ensure the smooth

transition from the old mechanism to the new model. At the end, the new system

matures and is fully integrated into the organisation to fulfil its duties.

The process to implement a PSS in an organisation follows a similar path. However,

as a PSS intensively uses a GIS and GIS data, its implementation should be preceded

by the maturity of GIS use. As with other types of IT implementation, some

challenges lay ahead.

3.4.5. Challenges in the implementation of a planning support system

Despite advances in the PSS and its associated technology in recent years, a survey

conducted by (Vonk and Geertman 2005) found that there are some impediments to

the spread of its usage, along with a geographical bias of users. The diffusion of a

PSS to planners is relatively slow. Further, they stated that a strong focus on the

systems side and little attention to the user side is one cause of the bottleneck ((Vonk

and Geertman 2005). Therefore, it is crucial that research on PSSs conducts

consultations with planners to obtain information regarding their needs (Petit 2005).

Support Intermediary Strategic Vital


Most current users are from North America and Australia. In many developing

countries, PSSs are still in the early stages of adoption. In developed countries, PSSs

are widely available and frequently used, although the use is perhaps still at the

strategic level (Batty 2007; Vonk, Geertman et al. 2007). IT readiness in developing

countries is one of the factors in the slow adoption of PSSs into daily practice.

Although not specifically directed towards assessing Geo-IT readiness or spatial

enablement readiness, the United Nations (UN) Surveys on the e-government

readiness index (DESA 2008; Economist 2009) and The Economist’s surveys on e-

readiness (Economist 2009; McCall and Dunn 2012) can be used as a guide. There is

an indication that IT situations highly correlate with PSS adoption. Countries with a

high ranking in both readiness indexes have widely implemented a PSS (e.g. the US,

Australia and the Netherlands). Thus, local governments in countries with low e-

government readiness or an e-readiness index will have more challenges to

overcome, such as:

funding: start-up funding for preparing new IT infrastructures and inducting a

PSS from scratch will be high. Funding for an investment that does not

directly affect people’s daily life is usually limited. Many urgent programs

other than PSSs directly improve people’s welfare and are easily visible to

taxpayers. Investing in GIS or a PSS will have few direct effects compared to

building new roads or other public facilities.

human resources: as discussed in Section, local planning agencies in

developing countries lack skilled staff members to design, run and maintain

such a system. In Indonesia, not all local planning agencies have staff

members with official backgrounds in geomatics-related disciplines

(geography, geodesy and surveying). This results in a relatively low use of

GISs, as those disciplines produce staff that are qualified in operating GISs.

supportive policy: there are no laws or central government regulations that

explicitly or implicitly order the use of digital processing methods in spatial

planning. Specifically, there are no requirements to conduct certain types of

spatial analysis to fulfil spatial planning needs. A GIS was mostly used to

generate maps that, while important, were separated from the non-spatial data


analysis. Non-spatial data were treated independently from spatial data.

Although the management of spatial information was conducted using a

better method than five years ago, managing information spatially is in its

very beginning.

organisational setting: appropriate intra-organisational arrangement and inter-

organisational cooperation was absent, partly because there were no

directives from the central government and no policies supporting

reorganisation to respond to the current challenges and future requirements.

Regarding the political and cultural contexts, in Indonesia, a top-down approach is

more feasible than a bottom-up approach. This was started by the enactment of a new

law on Geospatial Information: Law 4/2011. This law provides a legal umbrella,

direction and mandate to the national, provincial and local governments to advance

the use of spatial information for governance. It covers the production, management

and utilisation of spatial data. Technical specifications and institutional settings

regarding spatial data, data discovery, access and sharing have been defined clearly

in this law. This will be covered further in Section 5.4.3.

3.5. Building a PSS for Disaster Risk Reduction

3.5.1. Conceptual model

The four roles of spatial planning in disaster reduction that were discussed in Section

3.3.2 provide a foundation for the development of a conceptual model of a PSS

function for disaster risk reduction. These four roles need to be translated into

schematic operational roles.

The fundamental idea of using a PSS for disaster risk reduction lies in the capability

of a PSS to facilitate a prediction of future growth, specifically on the simulation of

where, when and how certain types of buildings and infrastructures will be built. By

integrating this information with the prediction of disaster progression in the period

of a spatial plan, planners and decision makers will be equipped with better

information on future disaster risks in their original plan. Figure 3-6 illustrates the

conceptual model of this integration.


Progression Projection

Spatial coverage

Time of occurence





Number to be



valueTime to build



Detailed plan

2D / 3D risk

mapsProperty at

riskPeople at risk





Planning Support System












Economic activities




Land subsidenceSea level rise


Coastal abrasionTyphoon

Land use

Planners Decision makers

AcademicsNGOsPrivate sector

Interest groups

Figure 3-6 The conceptual model of the use of PSS in disaster risk reduction.

As with any plan development mechanism, the existing condition of buildings,

infrastructures, population and topography will be used as the starting point for the

formulation of a spatial plan. They are essential factors in the growth projection in

order to calculate the carrying capacity of the environment and to estimate when and

where a certain development will occur. The projected growth will then be evaluated

regarding possible future risks. Communicating risks to all involved parties is

essential to obtain a common understanding and gather additional input.

The main stakeholders will also be provided with similar information held by

planners. In this instance, comparable information held by different parties is

expected to benefit the spatial planning and increase the quality of the outcomes.


3.5.2. Technical framework

A. Hardware Trends

Three decades ago, the price of hardware with moderate computing power exceeded

the capacity of many government agencies, especially in developing countries.

Currently, the cost for acquiring a high-performance personal computer (PC) has

dropped dramatically, allowing local planning agencies to own sufficient numbers.

The hardware component of a PSS should serve as high-performance computing and

a good display unit. Typically, local planning agencies do not have high numbers of

staff; therefore, only few workstations are required for the installation of PSSs. It

should be noted that the peak use of the system would not be year-round. After the

spatial plan has been defined, the system will be used in a moderate capacity, such as

for implementation monitoring and facilitating permit issuance.

A good display unit is essential, especially in the process of public deliberation. A

good projection system is sufficient to facilitate an effective public meeting.

Advanced visualisation techniques can be implemented at a later stage.

B. Software trends

Before the availability of PSSs, some planning agencies used spreadsheets and early

versions of GIS software. With a PSS, the two different processes were merged,

allowing full spatial analysis to be conducted integrally. Some systems, such as the

early version of CommunityViz, provided a policy analysis module to assist planners

with decision making. Without the policy analysis in place, PSSs have already

improved the decision-making process in spatial plan development.

The use of the Internet for spatial planning has increased since the mid 2000s for two

reasons in particular: the introduction of web mapping and Web 2.0 (Kingston 2005;

Bugs, Granell et al. 2010). Web mapping technology enabled planning agencies to

publish planning maps online to reach a wider audience. This was accelerated by the

introduction of Google Earth and Google Maps, followed by Bing Maps and

OpenStreetMap. The public became spatially literate and increasingly familiar with

maps and satellite images. Further, the widespread use of smartphones and tablets

increased the usage of maps. Users were spatially enabled anytime and anywhere. In


the context of spatial planning, this opens new opportunities such as to evaluate the

spatial plan or making queries. Essentially, the public does not need to go physically

to the planning office to obtain, for example, a planning overlay in their property.

Web 2.0 offers possibilities for interactive communication among users. For

example, users can actively query planning-related information with planning

agencies. However, the use of the Internet was still limited for publishing purposes.

Online digital charrettes are difficult to conduct due to the limitation of available

bandwidth and processing power, as spatial planning is a computation-intensive

activity. A change in one parameter in the modelling may require several minutes or

hours of computation time, which is not acceptable. If charrettes can be conducted,

the DTDP collaboration can be effectively run. In countries with limited Internet

infrastructure, STSP collaboration is the most effective method.

C. Spatial data requirements

Spatial data are fundamentally required in spatial planning. With the development of

GIS software over the years, numerous data formats are available on the market. On

the commercial side, the leading package in the market includes ArcGIS, MapInfo,

Geomedia, MapGuide, Smallworld and Bentley. Recent years are marked by the

growing popularity of open source GIS software such as PostGIS, GRASS,

QuantumGIS, ILWIS and uDig. The vast number of GIS software available and used

in the market may create obstacles in meeting the requirements of a particular


As a result of spatial data being sourced by planning agencies and other participating

agencies, it is necessary to obtain a unified spatial data format. All software keep

their native formats, but providing a facility to export them to popular formats

currently serves as the de facto standard (e.g. shapefiles). Otherwise, third-party

transformation software may be used to obtain a unified spatial data format. This

aspect is also applied to other technical specifications, for example, datum and map

projection systems, so that the spatial data are interoperable.

Regarding the scale aspect, the data need to be at a similar level of scale and pursuant

to the specifications set by laws or government regulations. The planning agency

often has to work with scale differences that are too broad. For example, they have


infrastructure maps at a scale of 1:5,000, which need to be combined with the natural

hazard maps at a scale of 1:100,000. Careful inspection and use must be conducted to

ensure the accuracy of the outputs of the modelling.

The semantic aspect of the data also needs to be examined, as different agencies

usually employ different terminologies to denote similar features or classes. The use

of the same terminology to depict two different features should also be avoided.

Having all spatial data in a unified system, format and data model is a fundamental

requirement in operating the GIS and PSS. It is preferred that all spatial data use a

similar data model as the PSS. This similarity will ensure interoperability, reducing

the extra work for conversion and transformation, and increasing the reliability.

3.6. Spatial planning in Indonesia

3.6.1. Practices of spatial planning

The history of modern spatial planning in Indonesia can be traced back to the time of

Dutch occupation (Pratiwo 2005), when the Dutch colonial government enacted

permit and zoning regulations through the Nuisance Ordinance 1926 (Hudalah and

Woltjer 2007). Many cities, including Jakarta (formerly known as Batavia),

Bandung, Surabaya, Semarang and Malang, were planned by Dutch planners. For

example, Semarang was designed by Thomas Kartsen (Coté 2004) as a residential

and business city. After independence on 17 August 1945, the influence of Dutch

planners slowly began to disappear. The diminishment of the Dutch planning style

notably occurred when relations between the two countries deteriorated in the late

1960s. The void was then filled by American-educated American planners (van

Roosmalen 2003).

Due to the uncertain political situation, national development was not planned well

until the early 1970s. Cities were developed organically, with limited government

intervention. The introduction of the first Five-Year Development Plan in 1969

ensured that orderly physical infrastructure development began to take shape. The

terminology of the Developmental Area Unit (Satuan Wilayah Pengembangan

[SWP]) was introduced to denote specific areas for planning. Specific national laws


for spatial planning did not yet exist; at that time, it was based on several ministerial


It was not until 1992 that the Indonesian government enacted the first law on spatial

planning (Law 24/1992). It consisted of eight sections with 32 articles. The changes

to the political landscape in 1999—that is, the introduction of decentralisation and

democratisation—make this law irrelevant (Hudalah and Woltjer 2007). Law

24/1992 was replaced by a new law on spatial planning: Law 26/2007. This law is

more comprehensive (13 sections and 80 articles) in the topics it covers and in its

detailed information content. One new aspect of the law is that it contains a sanction

for activities that breach a spatial plan. The sanction and punishment are applicable

to individuals and business entities that violate a spatial plan, and also to government

officers who issue planning permits that violate the law. In developing a spatial plan,

other important laws should be referred to, including:

Law 5/1960 on Basic Agrarian

Law 5/1984 on Industry

Law 4/1992 on Housing

Law 23/1997 on Environment

Law 32/2004 on Regional Autonomy

Law 38/2004 on Road

Law 24/2007 on Disaster Mitigation

Law 27/2007 on Management of Coastal Zones and Small Islands.

In addition, there are presidential decrees and ministerial regulations that provide

policies and technical guidelines on how to conduct spatial planning, data that are

required, types of zones, types of limitations pertaining to environmental

sustainability, agency-specific responsibilities and engaging the public to participate

in the spatial planning. The new law explicitly orders the incorporation of disaster

risk reduction activities into every spatial plan at all levels of government. This

requirement is strengthened by two other laws: the law on Disaster Mitigation and

the Law on the Management of Coastal Zones and Small Islands.

According to the law on spatial planning and its derivative regulations, the

hierarchical structure of spatial planning in Indonesia starts at the highest level, with


the national spatial plan, followed by the provincial and district, or city, level spatial

plans (see Figure 3-7). District and city are at the same administrative level; the

difference between them is that the city area is mostly urban or dominated by urban

characteristics, while district refers to an area that is dominated by rural

characteristics. The highest detail of spatial planning is made at this level. The

development of a spatial plan at the city level must conform to the spatial plan at the

provincial level, while the spatial plan at the provincial level must adhere to the

national spatial plan. The Provincial Development Planning Agency supervises and

harmonises the spatial plans of the districts and cities in its jurisdictions. At the

national level, the National Coordinating Agency for Spatial Planning (Badan

Koordinasi Penataan Ruang Nasional [BKPRN]) coordinates the development of the

national spatial plan. The agency also supervises and evaluates the spatial plan

developed by 34 provinces and almost 500 districts and cities. The spatial planning

law ordered the revision of spatial plans at all levels to be completed by 2010. Due to

several new requirements and a high number of spatial plans to be evaluated at

BKTRN, many districts’ and cities’ spatial plans were enacted in 2011.

National RTRW

(min 1:1,000,000)

Provincial RTRW

(min 1:250,000)

District/City RTRW

(min 1:50,000 – district

min 1:25,000 – city)

Island/Strategic Area RDTR

(not specified)

Strategic Area RDTR

(not specified)

District/City RDTR

(min 1:5,000)


(not specified)


(not specified

Zoning Regulation

(min 1:5,000)


National Provincial District/City



l o

f d




Plan (RTRW)


Plan (RDTRK)


Plan (RTR)

Figure 3-7 Classification of spatial plan in Indonesia

(Hudalah and Woltjer 2007; GOI 2010).

As mandated by Law 32/1999 on regional autonomy, many national government

activities are delegated to district or city governments, including spatial planning.

The development of spatial plans at the city level is coordinated by the Regional

Coordinating Board for Spatial Planning (Badan Koordinasi Penataan Ruang Daerah

[BKPRD]) with the RDPA as the lead agency. Other local government agencies are


involved, such as Public Work, Statistics, Agriculture and Forestry, Geological, and

Land Administration. Additionally, the spatial plan formulation requires data,

assistance and cooperation with local offices of national government agencies’

located in the region.

Although local autonomy has been implemented in the spirit of Indonesian

governance, provincial and national governments are involved in local spatial

planning (see Figure 3.9). The technical component of the city spatial plan requires

approval from the provincial BKPRD before going through the next steps. After

approval is received, the draft spatial plan is sent to the local legislative body to draft

local government regulations (LGR). The draft of the LGR is then sent to the

provincial government and the National Coordinating Board for Spatial Planning

(BKPRN) to obtain approval. Once approved, the LGR can legally be enacted.

Governor cq.

Provincial BKPRD


letterAgencies involved

in Spatial Planning

Letter requesting

evaluation from Mayor

Approval on the



Mayor submit Draft of Local Government

Regulation (LGR) after approval from Legislative


Technical substance


LGR on

Comprehensive Plan

Agencies involved

in Spatial Planning

GovernorMinistry of

Home Affair

LGR Enactment

Draft of Spatial Plan

Coordinated by Ministry of Home Affairs (Law 32/2004)

Coordinated by Ministry of Public Work (Law 26/2007)




Reported to

Figure 3-8 Procedure to develop a district/city level spatial plan.

Most technical activities that support spatial planning are carried out by a consulting

company that works under close supervision and collaboration with the RDPA. They

develop maps, conduct field surveys and draft documents. During the development,

several public hearings, seminars, workshops and parliamentary meetings are


conducted. The participation from stakeholders is highly important. The following

parties are represented in the spatial plan development:

mayor of the district/city

local parliament

local government agencies

real estate developers’ organisation

business chambers



representative from residents.

3.6.2. Issues related to spatial data

Spatial and non-spatial data required for spatial planning are sourced from many

government agencies. While non-spatial data are easily sourced and more available,

there are several issues related to the acquisition of spatial data for spatial planning.

The following issues were identified in discussions with planners and in the survey

conducted in 2009 (see Section 1.4.):

spatial data are not available

spatial data are not accessible

format and specification are not suitable

spatial data are not up to date

software to process spatial data is not available

lack of staff members capable of operating GIS software.

The required spatial data may be not available in many local governments, especially

those in remote areas. Many local government agencies do not have a digital spatial

database repository due to staffs’ limitations and infrastructure. They rely on their

archive of printed maps and on private consultants for digital databases. Although the

situation is improving, many local governments still experience this problem.

Data accessibility issues arise when spatial data are produced by different

organisations that do not always cooperate. Some government agencies that produce

and maintain large amounts of spatial data are vertical institutions, which mean that

they report to their national superior rather than their counterpart at the local level.

The relation to their local counterparts is through coordination activities without


supervisory or directive roles. These two vertical institutions are the National Land

Agency (Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN)) and the Directorate of Tax. The BPN is

responsible for mapping land parcels and registering land titles, and the Directorate

General of Tax includes the former Directorate of Land and Property Tax, which was

merged into the Directorate of Tax in 2006. The Directorate of Tax is responsible for

mapping and managing the property database and land valuation. The land and

property database is more comprehensive, although less accurate, than the BPN’s

parcel maps. These agencies have relatively complete land parcel maps, but they do

not have the freedom to share their data with the RDPA. The absence of central

government regulations on spatial data sharing contributes to this situation. In effect,

the RDPA needs to rely on its own data, or data produced by its local counterpart.

The recent reorganisation of the Property Tax section implies that land and property

tax is currently the responsibility of the local government. However, in many

districts and cities, the spatial data have not been handed over to the local

government. Further, it was found that only few RDPAs utilised the parcel map as a

base for developing their detailed spatial plans. In effect, many RDPAs use

inaccurate, incomplete and obsolete spatial data.

Another problem found is that the spatial data used did not always meet the technical

specifications for spatial planning. With limited time and resources for proper spatial

data, many local governments were forced to rely on any available data for spatial

planning. Therefore, the spatial data they used often had an inappropriate scale (too

small), incompatible projection systems and diverse classification schemes. These

problems were exacerbated by infrequent updates. Due to funding restrictions, most

spatial data used in spatial planning were not up to date. The acquisition or update of

new spatial data is not usually included in funding for spatial plan revisions. Recent

changes in actual land use and new developmental activities were infrequently

recorded and represented in the maps. As a result, analysis of the existing situation is

commonly not based on the real world, which will affect the final outcome.

Further, in many places, spatial data were underutilised because of limited GIS

software availability and low GIS capabilities among staff members in local

governments. GIS software has actually been widely used by RDPAs and private

consultants since the early 2000s for facilitating spatial plan development. However,


the survey conducted in 2009 reveals the surprising fact that a small number of

RDPAs still did not recognise the need for using a GIS for spatial planning. Rather,

they may rely on consulting companies for their GIS needs. Of the 34 respondents,

70 per cent stated that they did not have a GIS section or a similar type of

organisational arrangement to handle spatial data processing. This situation is related

to the limited funding, managers’ visions and a lack of skilled staff members who

can manage GIS operations. Regarding spatial planning, it was found that 26 per cent

of respondents did not use a GIS for spatial plan development. A PSS has not been

widely used by the Indonesian local government. Even the terminology of a PSS is

still new for many respondents. Therefore, the main functions of a GIS are to create

maps and conduct relatively simple spatial analysis, such as buffering and overlay.

The employment of advanced spatial modelling and predictions is limited.

Estimations of the non-spatial data parameters, such as population growth, drinking

water requirements and wastewater production, were conducted separately from the

spatial analysis. For example, there are no clear links between the analysis of

additional schools that are required and the location to accommodate the new

schools. However, with this limited practice, spatial plans have already met all

regulatory requirements. Considering the characteristics of the spatial data used and

the estimation mechanisms, the spatial accuracy of the modelling will be poor.

These issues will directly affect the introduction of a PSS into the practice of spatial

planning in Indonesia. As PSS uses extensive GIS capacity, the absence of GISs and

GIS databases will significantly reduce the familiarity of the PSS. The

implementation of the PSS will be slowed down, while spatial planning will not

immediately obtain the benefit of using the PSS.

3.6.3. Issues related to disaster risk reduction

Several devastating disasters in 2004 and 2006 prompted the national government to

recognise the importance of incorporating disaster risk reduction strategies as a

formal requirement in a spatial plan. In effect, all district-level spatial plans now

have disaster risk reduction components. The BPBD is now involved in spatial

planning, although it is not the main actor. Figure 3-9 illustrates the hierarchical


structure of the organisations responsible for spatial planning and disaster mitigation

at all levels of government in Indonesia.

In general, the RDPA does not conduct natural hazard mapping by itself; rather, it

obtains hazard maps from other government agencies—mostly from the relevant

national agencies. Prior to the establishment of the BNPB, natural hazard mapping

was conducted by the Agency for Geology (formerly the Direktorat Geologi Tata

Lingkungan [DGTL]) and the Centre for Vulcanology and Mitigation of Geological

Disasters (Direktorat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi [DVMBG]). Four

issues related to the availability and uses of disaster risk information were identified

in the 2009 survey:

availability of hazard data and maps

modelling of hazard progression and impacteffects

period for hazard projection

educational backgrounds of the staff members.

Figure 3-9 Organizations responsible of spatial planning and disaster mitigation at different

level of government in Indonesia.

The issue of the availability of data and maps is related to the fact that intensive

natural hazard mapping has only recently started, notably after the Indian Ocean

tsunami in December 2004 and the earthquake in Yogyakarta in May 2006. The

necessary skills have only recently been acquired by a number of local government

officials. The formal requirement to incorporate disaster mitigation into spatial

National level

National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB)

Developing national policy on disaster mitigation

Coordinating disaster mitigation activities

Coordinating BPBDs activities

National level

Directorate General of Spatial Planning and

National Coordination Board for Spatial Planning (BKTRN)

* Developing national policy on spatial plan

* Coordinate the development of national spatial plan

* Provide approval to provincial and district/city spatial plan

Provincial level (33)

Provincial Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD)

Developing provincial policy on disaster mitigation

Coordinating disaster mitigation activities at provincial level

Coordinating BPBDs activities

District (400) or City (100) level

District/City Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD)

Developing District/City’s policy on disaster mitigation

Coordinating disaster mitigation activities at District/City level

Provincial level (33)

Provincial Coordination Board for Spatial Planning (BKTRD)

Lead agency: Provincial Development Planning Agency

* Developing comprehensive plan at provincial level

* Synchronize district/city spatial plans

* Provide approval to district/city spatial plan

District (400) or City (100) level

District/City Coordination Board for Spatial Planning (BKTRD)

Lead agency: District/City Development Planning Agency

* Comprehensive plan

* Detailed plan

Disaster MitigationSpatial Planning


planning has only been stated in the three laws enacted in 2007 (Law on Disaster

Mitigation, Law on Spatial Planning and Law on Management of Coastal Zones and

Small Islands). Many natural hazard maps sourced from external sources are only

available in a small to medium scale, which affects the accuracy of merging them

into large-scale planning maps.

The second issue is related to modelling the progression of hazards and possible

impacts in the future. Natural hazards are occasionally perceived as static events,

without any possibilities for progression or reduction. The possible collision between

planned development and the extension of natural hazards has received little

attention. Areas that are currently hazard free can become disaster-prone areas in the

future. Limited activities are devoted to predicting the likely progression of hazards

and linking them to development plans.

The third issue is the period for hazard projection. The implementation period for a

spatial plan is 20 years, with a periodic review every five years. Longer-term

forecasts have not been encouraged in law or government regulations, which causes

RDPAs to consider only parameters that are relevant in this period. However, many

sporadic natural disasters have a recurrence period of more than 20 years, and

continuously progressing disasters may extend well beyond the period of the spatial

plan. Planners may simply ignore such long-term events due to insufficient

information, no scientific justification or no regulation that requires it to be

incorporated. This situation may jeopardise the spatial plan beyond its

implementation horizon.

Few RDPA staff members have an earth science background, which is identified as

geology, geophysics, geography or geodesy in the 2009 questionnaire. A lack of such

qualified staff members may impede the incorporation of disaster risk information

into spatial planning.

Generally, disasters are incorporated into spatial planning only when they have been

clearly visible and have significantly affected people and infrastructures. The

situation arises partially because there are no guidelines regarding the types of

disasters that need to be incorporated, the technical and non-technical requirements

of the incorporation, and how to incorporate them. To address these deficiencies, the


first task is to identify the roles of spatial planning and what they can offer to disaster

risk reduction.

3.6.4. Use of planning support system for disaster risk reduction

Basically, implementing a PSS for disaster risk reduction in Indonesia is similar to

the process in developed countries. However, since PSSs are a relatively new

technology for supporting the planning process, an introduction phase is needed.

Findings from the 2009 survey reveal that only 9 per cent of respondents are believed

to have experience in PSSs. Further, during a workshop on 13 February 2012 in

Semarang, only three participants had heard of PSS terminology. Therefore, more

time and effort is needed to implement a PSS as a tool to support spatial planning

and facilitate disaster risk reduction. However, while the required steps to implement

a PSS are similar to other countries, there are some differences in practicalities

(Vonk and Geertman 2005), including:

weight of each work package

technical needs in data and software

period to be considered

impact models to be considered.

More effort is required in data gathering, preparation and smoothing. Data are

scattered in many government agencies, with little use of e-government systems and

spatial data infrastructures. A mechanism for technical cooperation was not

established with the central government agencies that own the fundamental data;

thus, the required data could not be obtained in a timely manner.

Many local planning agencies do not have a dedicated GIS unit. Based on the survey

in 2009, it was found that only 30% of the RDPAs have GIS unit. Further, the

sustainability of a GIS unit in many agencies depends on the availability of

competent staff members. Among the staff with technical background

(architecture/planning, geo-information and earth sciences), the portion of geo-

information specialists, who are considered to have capability in developing GIS

unit, only 14%. They. If the staff members who are mastering the GIS operation are

promoted or moved to other agencies, the GIS unit may not be sustainable.


Projections on future developments are not long enough to cover all affecting factors.

The period for the simulation is commonly made similar to the duration of the spatial

plan, which is 20 years. Every five years, the comprehensive and detailed spatial plan

will be reviewed by the local government. However, a long-term projection of up to,

for example, 50 years, has never been conducted. The existing period for modelling

future developments is not suitable in relation to the progression of natural hazards in

the area.

Current practices show that scenario development and simulation is not always

available or written explicitly in the associated documents. Therefore, many

stakeholders find it difficult to criticise the draft of the spatial plan. For many

planning agencies, scenarios and effect models could be developed intuitively based

on their knowledge and experience.

3.7. Summary

This chapter presents a description of spatial planning in general and spatial planning

in Indonesia, as well as the roles of spatial planning in disaster risk reduction, the use

of a PSS for disaster risk reduction and the development of a PSS. The challenges

and opportunities for doing so are also discussed. A description is given regarding

the hierarchical structure of spatial planning. It is argued that local-level spatial plans

are the most suitable for disaster risk reduction for several reasons, including the

familiarity of planners with local disasters and the responsibility of local

governments in the event of a disaster.

There are some commonalities and differences in developing a PSS in developed and

developing countries. The similarities relate to the steps required for adoption and

implementation, while the differences are the weight of each step and the maturity of

the GIS unit. The maturity of the implementation of a GIS is necessary in the

implementation of a PSS, since a PSS intensively uses GIS data and a GIS-type


The development of a PSS needs to consider the technical framework, which consists

of three aspects: hardware, software and spatial data. With computer hardware

becoming cheaper and more powerful, this aspect is not a problem. The use of a


Virtual Reality (VR) system may provide advantages, but it may not be significantly

required. The decision regarding the PSS software to adopt should consider existing

GIS software, the format of available spatial data and the capability of staff

members. Additional work for data conversion is unnecessary and should be avoided.




4.1. Introduction

This chapter discusses the conceptual model and methods of public participation in

spatial planning and disaster risk reduction facilitated by PSSs. It begins with a

general discussion of public participation and its benefits and challenges, as well as

methods for implementation. This is followed by a discussion of the functions and

requirements of a PSS in public participation. It then argues the importance of

implementing public participation in the local government context. The chapter

concludes with a model for incorporating a PSS for facilitating public participation in

spatial planning and disaster risk reduction.

4.2. Public Participation in Spatial Planning

4.2.1. Public participation

Public participation is not a new topic in the public policy-making arena, including

spatial planning. Since the 1960s, researchers have argued the importance of public

participation and showed the methods and procedures where communities and the

public can actively participate in governmental policy-making (Levine 1960; Burke

1968; Arnstein 1969; Boaden, Goldsmith et al. 1980). In the US, the legal

requirement to incorporate public participation started in 1954 in the urban renewal

program (Brody, Godschalk et al. 2003). The emergence of public participation

cannot be separated from the issue of democratisation and the increased demand for

greater transparency and accountability of public decision making. The public is

increasingly curious about how their future is determined by the government. The

spatial planning has shifted from the technocratic approach of the land use planners

to involving a social science approach with wider participation (Rakodi 2001). In

(Arnstein 1969) model of public participation, the top ladders are reserved for

activities that are classified as having a high degree of public participation. They

include partnership, delegation of power and citizen control. The lowest ladders—


manipulation and therapy—occur when there is no involvement from the public in

the decision-making process.

Several definitions of public participation have emerged, as well as similar

terminologies. Some researchers previously used the term ‘citizen participation’;

however, the use of ‘public participation’ is now more widespread. Public

participation is the process of providing the public with an opportunity to express

their concerns, needs and values, and to incorporate them into the government’s

decision-making process (Glass 1979; Creighton 2005). However, it should be noted

that the planning agency has a mandate to perform the development and will be

responsible for the output.

Many government projects directly affect people; thus, public involvement in the

decision-making process is essential. Public participation is one step further than the

previous method of Decide, Announce and Defend (DAD). In DAD, the government

decides the best solution to a particular problem, announces its decision and defends

it to any critics. This top-down approach worked well in the past, especially in

countries implementing authoritarian-style governments with strong central-

government control. However, this approach has been heavily criticised for ignoring

people’s aspirations, assuming the community to be an object and disregarding local

knowledge. As a response, a bottom-up approach has been introduced to overcome

the top-down approach’s weaknesses and limitations.

The bottom-up approach aims for greater inclusion and to gather input from the

people likely to be affected by the development, as well as grass-roots people and

beneficiaries (Landstrom, 2006). Other objectives include information sharing,

educating stakeholders and supplementing decision making (Burke 1968; Glass

1979). Community participation is an alternative to government-centred development

planning, which seeks to empower communities and allow them to have greater

influence in development activities. Internationally, the importance of public

participation was highlighted in the Earth Summit, which was held in 1987, with an

emphasis on sustainable development. Local participation is one of the methods used

to achieve sustainable development objectives, along with greater government

decentralisation. The functions of public participation also align with the five


components of good governance: accountability, legitimacy, respect, competence and


Currently, public participation in spatial planning has been recognised as having

higher importance and has become a legal requirement in many government

regulations (Zhonga, Younga et al. 2008). Many steps in the spatial plan

development must include community participation. This covers a broad range of

activities in spatial planning, such as evaluating the previous spatial plan, visioning,

identifying the push and pull factors, projecting the growth of the population and

economic activities, estimating effects of certain scenarios, investigating and

defining alternatives, and the decision of the overall plan (Boaden, Goldsmith et al.

1980; Brody, Godschalk et al. 2003; McCall 2003; Kingston 2005).

Evaluating the implementation of previous plans is a routine activity conducted by

planning agencies. It involves assessing whether the previous plan has been

implemented accordingly, evaluating whether any deviations have occurred, and

setting a new approach to respond to development trends and requirements that were

not previously anticipated. Residents have good local knowledge of the area and thus

their input is beneficial.

In the visioning stage, residents are invited to share their concerns and expectations

for the future of their city. Projecting population growth and economic trends is the

domain of planning agencies; however, informing the public of the results is essential

in spatial planning. Finally, the most important segment in public participation within

spatial planning is assessing the alternatives of future development based on

scenarios developed by planning agency officials.

The involvement is related to the fact that public participation is a continuum process

(see Figure 4-1) that consists of informing the public, hearing public opinion and

input, involving the public in problem solving and decision making, and developing

agreements (Creighton 2005). Each element has its own objectives that support the

overall objective of the plan.




Engaging in the

problem soving

Listen to

the public


the public

Figure 4-1 Public participation continuum (Creighton, 2005).

4.2.2. Benefit of public participation

Public participation is the realisation of democratic principles that aim to encourage

the public to participate in the governmental decision-making process. The

implementation of public participation is beneficial to the government, the plan and

the participants (Irland 1975; Drew 2003; Halvorsen 2003; McCall 2003; Creighton

2005; McCall and Dunn 2012). The benefits include:

improving the quality of the plan: theoretically, as more people are involved,

there will be more input and corrections to the plan, which will eventually

improve its quality.

increasing the public acceptance: as the plan is developed through a

deliberation process, with the public actively participating, it will partially

belong to the public. Acceptance from the public will be higher than if the

public had no involvement.

increasing the credibility of the agreed plan: this can be achieved as the plan

quality is improved and the public is well informed regarding the rationales

behind the plan being discussed.

increasing the legitimacy: if the public observes that government officials

work hard for the public and are willing to listen to their input, they will trust

the government’s activities. The public believes that the government

initiatives represented in the spatial plan can be trusted.

increasing the ease of the plan’s implementation and reducing resistance: as

the public are involved from the beginning, the sense of ownership increases.


Further, they feel that the plan represents their interests and therefore that

successful implementation serves their interests.

4.2.3. Methods of public participation

There are three classification methods for public participation. The first is based on

the types of interactions among participants, the second is based on facilitating

technology and the third is based on the relationship between the time and the place

of the interaction. In the first category, participants can interact directly or indirectly.

Table 4.1. lists common methods in public participation and the potential participants

that can be accommodated in each method. The advantages and disadvantages of

each method are typically caused by time and place dependency.

Table 4.1 Methods for conducting public participation.

Methods Participants Advantages Disadvantages

Public hearing Government officials General stakeholders Members of parliament

Solutions/agreements immediately found In-depth discussion is possible

Time- and place-dependent Limited number of participants

Seminar Government officials General stakeholders

Solutions/agreements immediately found In-depth discussion

Time- and place-dependent

Workshop Government officials General stakeholders

Solutions/agreements immediately found In-depth discussion

Time- and place-dependent Limited number of participants

Public survey General stakeholders Well documented Larger number of participants

May not receive expected responses

Web forum Government officials General stakeholders

Time- and place-independent Wider audience

May not receive expected responses

Online digital charrette

Government officials General stakeholders

Time- and place-independent Requires dedicated infrastructure

The second classification is based on the facilitation of technology, as proposed by

(Walker and Daniels, 2011). In their classification, the higher the technology used,

the smaller the audience involved:

low-tech visioning: mainly focuses on obtaining consensus from the

audiences of the likely future without too much discussion on the present

situation. The process is usually facilitated by a series of printed photos,

maps, graphics and charts. It results in a sketched map depicting the location

of planned development.


higher-tech visioning: scenarios for planning are prepared by planners.

During public meetings, planners and the public will have opportunities to

explore and analyse the outcomes and modify the models.

high-tech visioning: plans and text are created by public planners or planning

consultants, with a limited number of people involved. Their involvement is

based on their expertise rather than engaging community representatives.

A range of media can be used to facilitate public engagement during spatial plan

development, including web sites, leaflets, booklets, workshops, seminars and public

hearing forums. Web sites have been used to disseminate the text and maps of spatial

plans for some time. Barton, Plume et al. (2005) and Shen and Kawakami (2010)

have shown how the Internet, particularly 3D visualisation was able to increase the

interest of the participating public. To increase the effectiveness of the participatory

process, knowledge on the local customs, goals and values should be taken into

account (Golobic and Marušic 2007).

The third classification is based on the collaboration model. There are four possible

combinations of time/place collaborations, as shown in Figure 4-2. The combinations

are same time same place (STSP), STDP, different time same place (DTSP) and


Same Time Different Time

Same Place

PSS in a decision room Web-based PSS Multimedia presentation Document sharing

PSS in a decision room Web-based PSS E-mail Web forum

Different Place

Web-based PSS Document sharing Video/audio conferencing Computer conferencing E-mail Web forum

Web-based PSS E-mail, Web forum Document sharing

Figure 4-2 Combination of Time-Place collaboration models.

The most common type of collaboration is STSP, as it is similar to the usual

decision-making meeting. The public also has a high familiarity with this method.

The DTSP type requires a collaboration room where participants can go at different


times and input data into the system. The STDP type accommodates situations where

participants cannot gather at the same place. It has the most challenging requirement

given that real-time collaboration needs to be conducted from different places. The

DTDP type is useful when participants are located at different places and are unable

to communicate at the same time. A web-based system will support a wide range of

situations and stakeholders. However, the existing system does not have the full

capability of the desktop-based PSS.

4.2.4. Challenges in public participation

Despite the benefits described in Section 4.2.2., some challenges need to be

overcome. The challenges are caused by an increase in participants involved in the

process and the new environment faced by government officials. Before public

participation is conducted, the following aspects need to be addressed:

definition of a clear framework and period for conducting public

participation: it is possible that the involvement of a larger number of

participants will result in a need for a longer-time period; however, the results

do not usually need to be redone (King, Feltey et al. 1998).

overcoming short-sighted benefits by some participants (Cupps 1977): there

are always free riders that seek the highest benefit for themselves or their

groups at the expense of the wider community.

ensuring real representation and legitimacy of the participants: it is not

possible to have ‘one man, one voice’ in the spatial planning and disaster risk

reduction. Representatives must be chosen or appointed among the

communities and interest groups. The representatives should voice the

concerns of the community and not act as a rubber stamp for the government.

overcoming power inequality among participants (Rakodi 2001): this relates

to the asymmetric information held by, and the knowledge of, participants.

Lay people should not be placed in a disadvantaged position based on their

lack of knowledge and unavailable information.

development of criteria to measure the quality of the output: as more

participants, other than planners, are involved in the deliberation, measures

regarding quality indicators should be developed


clear definition of roles and responsibilities among the stakeholders: in the

end, the planning agency will take responsibility for the plan rather than the


Despites many positive outcomes, the involvement of more parties in spatial

planning will generate some difficulties. On the downside, the more people involved

in the decision-making process, the more difficult it becomes to reach an agreement.

Difficulties also arise due to the many diverse backgrounds of the participants.

Parameters and scenarios may not be well understood by participants with different

backgrounds, which can lead to prolonged discussions and deliberations. In the case

of Semarang, the development of the new spatial plan took almost four years,

although Law 26/2007 ordered that the process be completed in one and a half years.

However, as long as the result is better, the delay can be accepted politically.

4.2.5. Focus on local government

While many development plans originate at the national or provincial level, the

detailed development plan is the authority of the local government, which is

responsible for preparing, developing and executing the comprehensive and detailed

spatial plan at the district level. Greater involvement from the local community has

been advocated internationally and nationally. As local spatial planning concerns the

neighbourhood, which will be directly affected by development plans, the

importance of influences on the spatial plan development is evident. The ability to

provide inputs and modify or reject any development proposal will ensure the

interests of the public are protected.

Another factor contributing to the increase is a reduction in the distance between

planners and the public. Making acquaintances and facilitating communication

between them is easier at the local level than at the provincial or national level. As

face-to-face meetings are conducted more frequently than e-meetings, distance is


At the local government level, the scrutiny from mass media is usually less than that

for national issues. This situation may lead to a decrease in the public’s control on

the government. In this situation, public participation gains relevance, as it can be

used to influence public control over local government decision making.


4.3. Public Participation in Disaster Risk Reduction

4.3.1. Disaster risk analysis and modelling

Disaster risk analysis encompasses the following activities: gathering risk

information, calculating its potential impacts and ascertaining elements at risk that

will be affected. Spatial planning requires input from disaster risk modelling, while

disaster risk modelling is concerned with activities of predicting the changes disaster

risks coverage, intensity and frequency. Further, it estimates the potential impacts on

the people and infrastructures. Both activities require a set of data on the past

occurrences of disaster, their current characteristics and prediction on their


Officially, the required data are kept at several government agencies. However,

recent disaster occurrences may not be recorded in the database or the data may be

missing. Therefore, the first objective of public participation is to fill the gaps in the

government database. The second objective is to educate the public on the potential

impacts of disasters in their neighbourhood. The latter is essential in spatial planning

in order to provide early warning to the public regarding the importance of avoiding

disasters that may disrupt public activities.

Many established software products are designed specifically for hazard and disaster

analysis. HEC-RAS is a hydrological model that is useful for flood modelling.

Hazus-MH, from FEMA in the US, is available for assisting estimations of the

potential losses from earthquakes, floods and hurricanes. This software is available

free, thus reducing investment costs for interested planning agencies. For simpler

analysis, GIS software can also be applied. In fact, GIS software is currently

employed by many planning and disaster management agencies in their analysis to

help prepare hazard and disaster maps.

As disaster occurrences are spatially referenced, reliable spatial data and their

visualisation tools are important. Public interest regarding potential disasters in their

neighbourhood is usually high, while it is relatively low for other areas. The problem

commonly found is map availability, since most natural hazard maps are produced as

small- to medium-scale maps. Overlaying a small-scale hazard map with a large-

scale map of buildings and infrastructures may result in unsatisfactory and


misleading conclusions. Therefore, the higher-scale natural hazard and disaster data

are important to increase the credibility of the process.

4.3.2. Disaster risk communication

Disaster risks should be known by residents to enable them to prepare for potentially

catastrophic events and to avoid new developments that are not suitable for disaster-

prone areas (Dunbar 2007). The analysis and modelling of disasters may involve

only a limited number of people, but the results should be communicated to wider

audiences. The public should be informed well in advance regarding the potential

occurrence of disasters so they can be protected from a speculation-type


Disaster risk information should be disseminated to residents using methods such as

newspaper articles, government websites, leaflets, books and school lessons, as well

as through seminars, workshops and other types of public meetings. Neighbourhood

meetings are a good forum for disseminating information and discussing disaster

risks—particularly disasters that have a direct local impact.

Regarding spatial planning, neighbourhood-level discussions on disaster risks are

particularly important. Through these meetings, in-depth discussions can be

conducted in a relaxed environment, thus reducing the power gap between those with

knowledge and those without. A neighbourhood usually has important local

knowledge on natural disasters and practical mitigation strategies. The public needs

to be able to voice its concern regarding disaster risk information provided by the

local government. Information from the public will enrich the disaster database by

providing locally sourced information.

4.3.3. The use of planning support system

A PSS has several functions in public participation in relation to disaster risk

reduction. First, as described in Section 2.6.2., it can facilitate analysis on future

threats and development. By using this method, the public are able to understand the

consequences of a development in a particular disaster-prone location. Further, a PSS

can be a useful tool for communicating disaster risks. Its function is similar to the

GIS software. However, it has its own advantage of being able to visualise not only

the disaster risk itself, but also the elements at risk.


A PSS uses tools to simulate different types of developmental scenarios as well as

the impacts of placing different types of regulations into the disaster case. The public

will be able to explore and analyse different types of scenarios and parameters of the

disasters, as well as to check the proneness of their neighbourhood and their city

(Walker, Simmons et al. 1999; Godschalk, Brody et al. 2003).

4.4. Public Participation and PSS

4.4.1. Planning support system functions in public participation

Among the functions of PSSs mentioned by Berke and Godschalk (2006) was the

facilitation of clear communication and provision of credible information to decision

makers and stakeholders. Further, they argue that communication is a fundamental

requirement in spatial planning that relies on a collaborative effort. In addition, a PSS

allows planners, decision makers and the community to share their visions and

examine the results of various parameters and scenarios for the future development.

The functions of a PSS in public participation are shown in Table 4.2. The effects of

different scenarios can be studied and the optimum alternatives for different planning

objectives can be judged.

Table 4.2 PSS functions in public participation.

Planning stage PSS function Types of collaboration

Spatial visualisation

Aims of participation

Evaluation of the previous plan

Visualisation STSP, STDP Spatial plan v. actual development

Gather input from public on the execution of the previous plan

Envisioning new plan

Visualise existing situation and future potential


Satellite and aerial photo images Spatial plan

Gather input of the types of futures the public has in mind

Scenario development

Manage spatial and non-spatial data

STSP, STDP Spatial plan Analysis diagram

Share and improve modelling methods

Effect analysis Provide tools to calculate possible effects of different scenarios

STSP Existing condition, 2D and 3D visualisation

Gather input from public regarding the acceptable scenario

Decision making

Compare different scenario and effect analysis to facilitate informed decision

STSP 2D and 3D visualisation, animation

Gather input from stakeholders Build consensus Obtain agreement


PSSs are relatively new for many planning agencies in developing countries, and

particularly for stakeholders. Conversely, to a degree, many stakeholders are

acquainted with GIS software; therefore, the basic menus of the PSS will be easily

understood. In this instance, the introduction of a PSS to stakeholders will not be

difficult. Nonetheless, planning agency officials are responsible for operating the

advanced functionalities of the PSS.

Using a PSS, the spatial data used to develop the plan, as well as the final designated

land use, are to be visualised to the participants. These are also applied to the models,

parameters and scenarios being employed. In this instance, the process of the plan

development will not be in a black box hidden from the public, as interested

stakeholders can inspect and evaluate them. This transparency will certainly increase

the credibility of the plan.

4.4.2. Making use of planning support system in public participation

There is a loosely coupled link between a PSS and a public participation mechanism.

A PSS itself can be effectively operated without public participation. However,

public participation in spatial planning is necessary. Through this connection, the

linkage was formed. A public engagement does not necessarily mean that all inputs

from the community should be accepted. The link should aim increase the use of all

PSS functions to facilitate collaboration between planners, decision makers and the


Here, the PSS’s main function is to provide the results of different scenarios, which

can be used to improve the deliberation process. The information contained herein is

essential for informing the public of the spatial plan.

In the traditional method, the community can only share its concerns and inputs in

the map. The result of changing parameters and scenarios are not immediately

available to participants. The community may be provided with the result of these

changes in the following meeting, whereby the context and atmosphere will be

different. A PSS offers the capability to change the period for seeing the results.

In a workshop facilitated with a PSS, participants could interactively play with the

draft of the plan and see the real-time effects of changing parameters in different

scenarios (Al-Kodmany 2000; Stock, Pettit et al. 2005; McHugh, Roche et al. 2009).


Inputs from the public will require further PSS processing, and the result will be

reflected in the revised plan.

The use of a PSS in facilitating public participation is mostly for supporting STSP

collaboration. Here, it functions as a tool for displaying the scenarios, as a computer

program to simulate the development scenarios, as a facilitating medium to exchange

ideas and to search for different available options. Figure 4-3 illustrates the use of a

PSS in facilitating public participation.

The website should be able to deliver high-quality communication materials that are

essential for public participation. It can deliver high-quality graphics, animated

pictures and maps, and 3D interactive displays. The Internet also offers several

advanced ways of communicating the draft of the spatial plan to a wider audience. In

particular, it can facilitate DTDP collaboration, whereby participants are not required

to sit in a meeting room for a discussion and exchange of ideas. (Aditya 2010) tested

the idea of using a portal as a tool for the community to participate in infrastructure

planning and emergency response. In infrastructure planning, the input from the

community mainly consisted of reports regarding areas in need of repair. In

emergencies, the portal was mostly used to report the occurrence of disasters (e.g.

locations, casualties, required aids).










Scenario 3

Scenario 2

Scenario 1







DecisionDraft of

spatial planSpatial planEvaluation

Figure 4-3 Schematic view of the use of PSS in the public participation.

In spatial planning, the situation and requirements are different. It requires in-depth

discussions and intensive deliberations that can only be optimally fulfilled in a face-

to-face meeting. There are some difficulties if the collaboration is conducted in a

different place and at a different time. A different-place meeting, such as using video

conferencing technology, can replace face-to-face meetings. However, in developing

countries, the use of video conferencing techniques is rarely part of daily operational

use due to limitations in the Internet infrastructures and bandwidth.

However, the Internet plays a fundamental role in spatial planning, although it is not

used for online collaboration. It is required for disseminating drafts of spatial plans

and gathering public input through websites. Online digitisation is also useful for

obtaining other perspectives on land use designation. Nevertheless, a full spatial

analysis of the impact of different people’s choices could not be immediately visible

in the Internet collaboration. The current practices of Internet collaboration show that

the methods are mostly aimed at gathering input from the public. A connection with

the PSS engine for impacts analysis is yet to be developed for web collaboration. In

this instance, digital charrettes, which can be conducted in face-to-face meetings,

cannot be run.


4.4.3. Spatial information

Two types of spatial information are relevant for public participation in spatial

planning and disaster risk reduction: the spatial information of the existing situation

and the predicted situation. The list of the spatial information is provided in Table


Table 4.3 List of relevant spatial information

Existing situation Predicted situation

Satellite images Topography

Aerial photos Land use

Toponym Zoning

Infrastructures Road network

Topography Transportation network

Land use Drainage network

Road network Utilities

Transportation network Buildings and built-up areas

Drainage network Progression of natural hazards


Buildings and built-up areas

Natural hazards

In all situations, the up-to-date nature of the spatial information is essential. The

public can be expected to provide input on the missing features due to obsolete data.

However, in this situation, the credibility of the plan could be reduced.

4.4.4. Technology

Essentially, the technology required in the public participation process serves to

support STSP and DTDP collaborations. In the face-to-face meeting, the PSS will

need to be used in the live demo or to process some simulations. The aim is to show

the participants models, parameters, scenarios, data and results. It is important to

demonstrate that the processes and models are transparent and available for the

public to inspect. It may not always be possible to demonstrate the process of the

simulation for the whole city or region considering the limited time and processing

steps required. However, a subset of the area or the macro model needs to be

presented. During the course of public participation, it may not be possible for


participants to scrutinise all models or scenarios during the meeting, but they should

be made available for later inspection.

Unlike back-office processing, which has more time available, public participation is

usually constrained by time. Fast and reliable computers need to be employed to

ensure that the process runs smoothly.

The Internet is significantly useful in public participation, and its uses are varied,

including informing the public of the activities of the spatial plan process,

disseminating the draft and product of the spatial plan, obtaining input and ideas, and

engaging public debates regarding the draft of the spatial plan. The advancement of

WebGIS in the late 1990s, followed by the growing use of mash-ups through Google

Maps and other available online maps, changed the way the public interacts with

maps. The public is not only able to query online maps to search for certain

information, but it is also able to create online annotations to express its views. The

public creates voluminous geographic information, which can be used to assist public

participation. However, a method needs to be created to ensure the validity of the

public-generated spatial information.

The backbone of online public participation is Internet penetration. The potential use

of the Internet to support public participation is reflected in the increase of available

bandwidth and the use of broadband-enabled tools. The widespread use of

smartphones, especially in the younger generation, which is better educated, is

particularly important. However, the younger generation’s use of the Internet relates

more to social media and less to tasks that are more serious, such as participating in

government matters. Therefore, there might not be a positive correlation between the

increased number of Internet users and the number of concerned individuals willing

to participate in the spatial planning.

On the government side, the readiness of the government to employ ICT- and

Internet-based public participation is reflected by The Economist’s e-readiness index

(Economist 2009) and the e-government readiness index of the Department of Social

Affairs (DESA) of the United Nations (DESA 2008). Although it is not particularly

focused on the local government, the index can be used to infer the state of the e-

government readiness index of the local government in a particular country.


4.5. Indonesian Context of Public Participation

4.5.1. Institutional settings

Indonesia has just started greater regional autonomy after 1999, through the Law

number 22/1999 on the Regional Autonomy. Local governments now assume a

greater role in development planning, and spatial planning is part of the government

authority delegated to the local government. In spatial planning, public participation

formally began with the introduction of the first spatial planning law in 1992.

However, before 2000, public participation activities were mostly ceremonial-type

activities, as the public’s involvement was limited in terms of participants and

contents. The national-, provincial- and district-level spatial plans need to be

approved by parliament before being enacted as a law or regulation. This process is

claimed to be a reflection of public participation. After 1999, public participation

was essentially implemented. The political landscape is becoming conducive to the

full implementation of public participation practices. In addition to the law, there are

three reasons for the increase of public participation in recent years:

The awareness of public and government officials is increasing and needs to

be accommodated formally in the governmental decision-making process.

Spatial planning has become increasingly important, and many people feel

that they may be directly affected by the spatial plan. This issue also relates to

stricter regulation in the spatial plan. Therefore, involvement in the early

stages of the spatial plan development will ensure that the public’s interests

will be protected.

Decentralisation has given the responsibility of spatial planning to the local

government. Consequently, the distance between planners and the community

is decreasing.

The previous and current laws of spatial planning have mandated active participation

from the public in spatial planning. Methods for public participation are described in

the government regulations. Generally, it consists of workshops, public hearings and

seminars. However, in the Indonesian context, the use of websites for disseminating

drafts of spatial plan maps and text has only begun recently. The following findings

were obtained from a survey conducted in 2008 on the use of local government


websites for disseminating spatial information, and a survey conducted in 2009 on

spatial planning and disaster risk reduction.

Of the 33 provinces, only the special province of Jakarta, the Indonesian capital,

provided drafts of the spatial plan on its website. Other provinces only used the

‘traditional methods’ of dissemination, such as workshops, seminars and public

hearings. The documents and maps of the spatial plan are kept at the provincial

planning agency, with copies available at each district or city in the province.

From the survey in 2009, it was found that at the district level, 62 per cent of the

district’s RDPAs stated that the spatial plan regulation and its associated map could

only be accessed in its office. Further, 22 per cent of respondents said that the public

should make a request in advance before accessing the document. Only 16 per cent

stated that they provided the documents on the website. Fifty-four per cent of

respondents observed that stakeholders became aware of spatial planning revisions

from the newspaper. Another 38 per cent found out from the announcement board

located at the RDPA’s office and only 8 per cent found out from the Internet.

According to RDPAs, 88 per cent of the stakeholders were actively participating in

the spatial plan development using various methods. Almost half of the RDPAs have

a website facility to accommodate public participation—mostly in the form of

forums, guestbooks and e-mail (sequence is based on ranking). Online chatting was

never mentioned by respondents.

Respondents were divided when asked to what degree suggestions from the

community were incorporated into the spatial plan. One-third of respondents stated

that the input was sufficiently accommodated, one-third said it was highly

accommodated and one-third said that almost all suggestions are accommodated.

These findings reflect that the suggestions from the community are relevant,

important and highly regarded by the RDPA.

Three-quarters of the respondents indicated that they had never used any type of PSS

in their office. Eighty-seven per cent of respondents had not used 3D maps in their

spatial plan or in the process of its development. They felt that their current system

and methods were sufficient for spatial plan development. The largest constraint they

faced was a lack of in-house staff members able to operate a PSS, which was


indicated by half of the respondents. The second-largest constraint related to the

limited availability of funding devoted to the installation of such systems.

Surprisingly, 19 per cent of respondents stated that a PSS was not required in the

spatial plan development. When asked about the period for adoption of a PSS, half of

the respondents did not know when they would implement it, while half stated that

they would consider the use of a PSS within four years.

4.5.2. Issues and challenges

Spatial planning affects, and is by, public activities in many ways. Therefore, public

involvement is a necessary condition for developing a better spatial plan, reducing

resistance and increasing public understanding, reaching consensus and creating a

greater sense of belonging and responsibility. Public engagement and participation

were addressed in the Law of Spatial Planning and further expanded in the

Government Regulation (Peraturan Pemerintah [PP]) no. 68, 2010. The regulation

describes how the public can participate in spatial plan development, implementation

and monitoring.

The regulation defines the public broadly as inhabitants who will be affected by

spatial planning activities, people who have expertise in spatial planning, and/or

people whose activities are related to spatial planning. There are five aspects in

which public involvement is sought, including:

preparation of spatial planning

defining the vision

identification of opportunities and challenges

formulation of concept for spatial plan

enactment of spatial plan.

To facilitate public engagement, the government must provide detailed information

on the draft spatial plan through face-to-face meetings and mass media. Face-to-face

meetings include seminars, workshops, public hearings, discussion forums and

exhibitions. Radio, television, newspapers and the Internet can also be used to inform

the public. The use of the Internet is not imperative, and it has rarely been used by

the local government to date.


Generally, the draft of a spatial plan has had limited distribution to key stakeholders.

Although it may not be widely available or easily accessible via the Internet, a draft

spatial plan can be requested at the RDPA office. The decentralisation process,

which began in 1999, has increased the transparency of spatial planning, although

hard copies are still used to disseminate the draft, the final spatial plan map and the

documentation. The documents can be accessed at the RDPA’s office and sub-

district offices in the entire region. Some local governments erect billboards (see

Figure 4-4) to disseminate the spatial plan map to the public. These billboards are

placed in strategic locations throughout the city. Although detailed information can

hardly be seen, the method is innovative in a society that has low Internet usage.

Only a small number of RDPAs publish spatial plan maps and documentation via the

Internet (Sutanta 2008). The quality of the map reproduction is generally low, thus

limiting the possibility to read the detailed information. However, some RDPAs are

able to publish high quality and complete spatial plan maps as well as the local

government regulations on the spatial plan.

Figure 4-4 A billboard to publish the general planning map of Semarang City.

In this situation, public participation is mostly facilitated through public hearings and

discussions with an invited audience. Most participants are from the real estate

developer organisations, business and industry chambers, academic institutions and

NGOs. Maps were limitedly used in all public hearings to support the presentation


and deliberation. Due to the non-existence of the PSS, maps and GISs were mostly

used to create illustrations. Advanced spatial analysis and modelling were never

used, particularly in the public hearings and discussion forums.

In summary, public participation was an integral part of formulating the spatial plan.

The introduction of regional autonomy increased public participation. However,

participation is still limited and is usually hindered by the limited availability of data

and documents to study. There has been minimal, if any, use of the Internet to

disseminate drafts of the spatial plan and invite wider participation.

4.5.3. Defining Who is “Public”

Representativeness is an important issue in the public participation. It is not always

easy to determine who really represents the public involved in the spatial planning,

for example, it is difficult to determine whether the representatives are self-claiming

or not (Creighton 2005; Berke and Godschalk 2006). If nothing unusual occurs,

such as major developments that affect a large number of people, the resistance from

the public is usually low. Otherwise, the public will react strongly to oppose

development plans that are against their values and that endanger their social and

economic interests. For example, in the Central Java province, rallies were attended

by thousands of people who opposed the designation of the Kendeng mountainous

region as a mining region in the provincial spatial plan (Suara Merdeka, 2009). In the

Kulon Progo district, in the Yogyakarta Special Region, several thousand people

rallied against two proposals of land use designation in the district-level spatial plan

(KedaulatanRakyat 2011). The first related to changing the land use designation from

agriculture to mining, as a large volume of iron was found in the area. The second

related to the development proposal to build a river dam in the mountainous area.

Therefore, it is critical to have a real representative from the public.

The answer to the question of who can really represent the public is important. Being

able to have a real representative who voices public interest ensures the originality of

the public participation. It is also important to ensure that no part of the public is left

behind. There will always be a debate if concerned individuals are not invited to the

public meeting. In this instance, several local governments placed advertisements in

the local newspaper announcing relevant meetings and inviting anyone to participate.


In doing so, the local government has legally put in the highest effort to ensure all

residents are aware of the event. It is then up to the residents whether or not they

participate. In addition, government regulations set up the definition of who can be

considered relevant stakeholders.

In Indonesia, the definition of a member of the public is provided in the Government

Regulation no. 68/2010, which relates to methods for the public to participate in the

spatial planning. Article 7 of the regulation identifies three parties that can be

classified as the public: residents who will be directly affected by the plan, people

who have expertise in spatial planning and people whose activities are in the spatial

planning. This broad definition is usually expanded to invite wider participation.

However, many participants in the public participation process are, to some degree,

self-selecting (Creighton 2005). Their concerns may not entirely represent the public;

they may lean towards self-interests or organisational interests.

The public invited to participate in the spatial planning can be categorised into four

groups: residents, business communities, NGOs and academics. Generally, the

residents are only concerned with the development planning that directly affects their

neighbourhood, and they pay little attention to proposals for other areas, which is

known as the not-in-my-backyard [NIMBY]) syndrome. The business community

consists of real estate developers and business chambers. They have a high interest in

the development planning and are therefore eager to participate. They are interested

in obtaining important information well in advance and influencing the spatial

planning. The composition of NGOs is fluid and varies from environmental to social

empowerment organisations. Academics from nearby universities are invited to

provide scientific advice to the drafting of the spatial plan.

4.5.4. Implementation of public participation

In determining the most suitable methods, the following aspects are considered:

working culture, technology, organisation and regulation. Understanding the local

situation will determine the success of introducing the use of technology to support

public participation activities. Working culture relates to how staff members work at

the local government agencies. It is a realisation of the standard operating procedures


in the particular organisation. In many organisations, the use of information and

communications technology (ICT) is low in the daily operation of the organisation.

The existing technology will determine the type of facilitation to be conducted.

Individual organisations’ arrangements, combined with the existence of visionary

leaders and champions, play a significant role in the use of ICT. Findings from the

survey in 2009 revealed that most RDPAs lack reliable hardware, bandwidth and

capable staff for Internet-related activities. The words ‘Internet’ and ‘web’ were not

mentioned in the government regulations on public participation. Implicitly, the

public participation in the government regulation still relies on the traditional


Regarding the above factors, and considering the findings of the survey in 2009, the

most suitable method for public participation is currently STSP, or face-to-face

meetings. While other methods have been tested (Aditya 2010), their wider use in

spatial planning is not feasible in the near future.

4.6. Summary

This chapter discusses the importance of public participation in spatial planning and

disaster risk reduction. The need for public participation reflects the paradigm

changes from the top-down to the bottom-up approach—the response to more

democratic processes in governmental decision making directly affecting public life.

Public participation provides benefits to spatial planning by improving the quality of

the plan, increasing public acceptance, increasing credibility and legitimacy, and

enabling easier implementation of the plan. That is, public participation supports

good governance practices.

A PSS is not only beneficial for spatial plan development, but it is also essential in

public participation activities. It provides transparency of the plan development and

facilitates a technology-supported deliberation. The use of spatial information

technology will ensure an informed decision-making process, increasing trust from

the public and effectively improving the quality of the output.

In disaster risk reduction, a PSS is complementary to hazard and disaster modelling

software. It functions in the disaster risk analysis and modelling, and disaster risk


communication. The advantage of using a PSS is that the analysis can be combined

with future developmental scenarios, enabling participants to examine the possible

impacts of disasters. In this respect, the public will benefit by being able to explore

and analyse the disaster progression and the spatial plan development.

However, there are some challenges in employing a PSS for a public participation

mechanism. These challenges appear both before the execution of public

participation and because of public participation. Although public participation aims

to listen to the public and reach an agreement, in some cases, conflict and confusion

may arise.

The chapter then discusses the methods and technological requirements for

conducting public participation activities. Although there are similarities in

conducting public participation in developed and developing countries, a few

differences remain. IT limitations and Internet infrastructures, combined with

inadequacy in other resources, create an STSP-type collaboration, which is the most

suitable method in developing countries.

The chapter concludes by observing that, for effective public participation activities,

local situations need to be taken into account. This complements the common

parameters that are implemented worldwide.




5.1. Introduction

This chapter discusses the concept of SDI, the issues in its development for spatial

planning and disaster risk reduction, and the conceptual model of the SDI for this

purpose. It begins with a discussion of the concept and components of an SDI,

followed by a discussion of the SDI in local government. The chapter then discusses

the characteristics of SDI for spatial planning and disaster risk reduction. The

Indonesian situation of SDI development is presented to provide context of how SDI

for spatial planning and disaster risk reduction is developed.

5.2. Spatial Data Infrastructure: Concept and Drivers

5.2.1. Spatial data infrastructure concept

SDI is a framework for exchanging and sharing spatial data between stakeholders

utilising spatial data (Rajabifard, Feeney et al. 2002). It aims to maximise the use of

spatial data among stakeholders, at the same time reducing duplication in spatial data

acquisition and maintenance as well as any related costs. In some countries, it is

common to find that several government organisations develop and manage similar

datasets. SDI helps to find relevant spatial data located at repositories in different


Similar to the adoption stages of a PSS, the development of an SDI should be

preceded by the proliferation of a GIS. Indeed, the widespread use of a GIS in many

government institutions, and with various technical specifications, led to the idea of

an SDI. The isolated development of spatial data employed by various government

institutions may result in data duplication.

As an infrastructure, SDI should be widely available, standardised, easy to use,

flexible, multi-purpose and for the public good. SDI should be readily accessible and

used by all participating members as well as the public.


SDI implementation varies in nature according to the level of government in which it

resides. It ranges from a corporate SDI at the bottom level to a global SDI at the

highest level. The functions, roles and content vary according to the respective


Developing SDI at the local level will have different requirements compared to

development at the national level. The differences are related to the objectives of the

respective SDIs. As such, there are different stakeholders, data and needs.

At the local level, an SDI platform will mainly facilitate the exchange and sharing of

large-scale spatial data of a single administrative unit. However, there are always

situations that require the cooperation of the central or provincial government, such

as in spatial planning.

SDI is an indispensable element in facilitating and streamlining the flow of data

between government agencies. SDI is not only used in spatial data sharing, but also

in discovering the types of spatial data that other agencies have developed.

5.2.2. Spatial data infrastructure components

The core components of SDI are the people, data and technology. SDI has a dynamic

nature that is related to changing people and their requirements (Rajabifard, Feeney

et al. 2002). Figure 5-1 presents the nature and relation between SDI components.



Access network



Figure 5-1 Relation between SDI components and its nature (Rajabifard et al, 2002).

SDI components include users, access networks and technology, policies, and the

fundamental data. Users include producers, providers, users, administrators and


custodians of the data. Users may consist of the public, business entities, value-added

resellers and particularly government agencies.

Access networks and technology are required to facilitate the sharing of data from

one node to another. Before the advent of SDI, data sharing was conducted by

physically moving the data using a tape or disk.

Policy is fundamentally required to provide legal protection, direction of use,

development and regulation of use. In non-federated countries, SDI policy is issued

by national governments to ensure national compatibility for all government agencies

at all levels. In federated countries, each state has its own policy. SDI is to be

combined at the provincial or national level.

Important data placed in an SDI is typically the fundamental dataset, and there are

variations among countries regarding what constitutes this dataset. Generally, it

consists of a geodetic control network, administrative boundaries, topography,

geographic name, hydrology, road network and land use. In many cases, land parcel

maps are indispensable but may not be part of the fundamental dataset. Each sectoral

application may define additional datasets in this category to fulfil its specific needs.

However, it is essential that all involved parties at all government levels are able to

access the fundamental dataset.

5.2.3. Drivers for Spatial data infrastructure development

Drivers for SDI development derive from the organisation’s internal needs and

external pressures. Internal needs are applied to internal institutions and local,

provincial, national and government levels. They need to be able to easily locate,

access and use the spatial data from other government agencies. Spatial data sharing

needs to be streamlined to achieve this outcome. Externally factors include

globalisation, advances in ICT, sustainable development and community needs

(Rajabifard, Feeney et al. 2002). All of these factors facilitate the development of


Ultimately, the drivers of SDI development are to support development activities to

achieve prosperity for the people. Therefore, SDI is an essential component of a

spatially enabled government (Kok, Rajabifard et al. 2008; Masser, Rajabifard et al.

2008), whereby the government not only manages spatial information, but also


manages information spatially (Williamson, Rajabifard et al. 2007; Williamson,

Rajabifard et al. 2007).

5.3. SDI in Local Government

5.3.1. Issues and challenges

There are commonalities as well as differences related to issues surrounding the

development of an SDI at the national and local government level. The development

of an SDI in local government faces several challenges that are not present at the

central government level. The issues arise from the nature of the socio-technical

alignment of SDI implementation (De Man 2006). Generally, it covers the following

issues: human resources, data, technology, organisational arrangement and funding.

National-level agencies usually do not have any problems with these issues, unlike

local government agencies, which have several limitations that slow them down in

the development and implementation of SDI.

Data sharing is another challenge faced by local governments, particularly when they

have to deal with their counterparts at a higher level. The problem is not only

experienced in federated countries (McDougall, Rajabifard et al. 2005), but also in

non-federated countries. For example, in many developing countries, local

governments do not produce and maintain the land parcel database. Although the

problem with integrating these data into the SDI exists at the national level (Jacoby,

Smith et al. 2002), larger challenges are faced by local governments. These data are

the domain of the National Land Agency (Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN) or the

former Land and Property Tax Agency (Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan [PBB]), which do

not have to report to the local government. Due to the nature of the data (i.e. privacy

issues), national-level agencies are occasionally reluctant to share their data with the

local government. Other reasons include power relations among government

agencies and data availability concerns (Mansourian 2005).

Issues in spatial data that may affect the development of SDI are categorised in the

technical and non-technical issues. For the technical aspect, the following issues need

to be addressed:


currency: the local government usually does not have enough funds to

invest in spatial information, although it understands the importance of

maintaining reliable spatial information. There is less justification for

investing in the production of spatial information compared to investing in

the development of physical infrastructures such as roads and drainage.

Therefore, many local governments rely on old spatial information.

scale and level of detail: each government agency maintains spatial data

with specifications relevant to their intended use. Collated spatial

information from different agencies will therefore vary in scale and level

of detail. This situation can introduce difficulties and inaccuracies in the


data format: numerous types of GIS software have been used by local and

national government agencies. Shared spatial data may not be fully

interoperable, and transformation and correction may be required. This

process is time consuming and requires additional funding.

tools to obtain data: IT infrastructure in local government agencies is not

as good as in national agencies. Many local governments in developing

countries still rely on paper-based databases.

semantic: due to thematic requirements, different agencies may use

different terminologies to denote similar features or similar terminology to

refer to different things.

These issues are related to standards, access networks and data. Remedies to these

issues mainly involve building capacity and upgrading the qualifications of the local

government’s staff members.

The non-technical aspect produces the following issues:

visibility: relates to whether the information of the data held by

government institutions is known by others. If one government agency

believed that the required data were not available, even though they did

exist, there is a chance of duplication.

availability: relates to whether the required data are available in all

government agencies participating in the local SDI.


accessibility: relates to whether the available data are accessible to other

government agencies. Some government agencies have strict regulations

regarding data privacy, which prohibit them sharing their data with other

government agencies.

human resources: at the national government, the development of SDI is

usually initiated by a national mapping agency or the national land agency,

whose staff members are well qualified for SDI development. Many local

governments have a lack of qualified staff to develop or maintain SDIs due

to funding or the organisational structure.

These issues are related more to the policy and people. For the policy aspect, there is

a requirement to have a national law and regulation to provide local governments

with directives and guidance. More importantly, it is imperative to have national

government agencies whose spatial data are essential for local government use (e.g.

the BPN and the PBB) to make their data accessible.

5.3.2. Building capacities

Capacity building aims to strengthen organisational capacity to deliver its mandates.

Regarding SDI, capacity development refers to increasing the capability of the

organisation to develop reliable policies and deliver functional SDIs. Capacity

building should focus on the empowerment of the local government to ensure that

they are able to develop all SDI elements independently. Therefore, capacity building

consists of:

developing or maintaining fundamental and thematical datasets

developing appropriate policies for the operation of SDIs

developing IT infrastructures for accessing data

developing standards to ensure smooth data transfers

improving qualifications of the staff members who will administer the SDI.

5.4. SDI for Spatial Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction

5.4.1. The need for spatial data infrastructure

One of the main purposes of the use of spatial data at the local level is to support the

planning process. It is generally agreed that 80 per cent of the decisions made at the


local government level involve some aspect of location (O'Looney 2000), including

spatial planning. Spatial planning is an inter-agency collaboration that requires an

efficient mechanism of spatial data access and sharing. Among the potential benefits

of SDI supporting spatial planning as identified by, for example, (Phillips,

Williamson et al. 1999), are:

reducing duplication in data production, thereby reducing cost

facilitating platforms for better-informed decision making

improving data availability and accessibility

facilitating public participation to response to increasing collaboration

among relevant government agencies.

Reducing duplication in data production can be achieved, as the information

regarding the available data is known to the other parties. SDI at the local or

municipal levels will enhance spatial planning at the local level as well as at the

higher level (Carrera and Pererira 2007).

On the disaster risk reduction, recent examples from large-scale disaster occurrence

have provided lessons on the importance of having a good SDI in place (Asante,

Verdin et al. 2007). It is required during all stages of the disaster management cycle:

emergency response, reconstruction and rehabilitation, preparation, and disaster

mitigation. The specification for each stage is different, especially related to the

immediacy of access. SDI equips potential users with knowledge regarding whether

the required data exist, where the data reside and how to obtain them. Emergency

response is time-critical, while disaster risk reduction is not a time-critical activity.

However, timely and compatible data are required in both activities.

For the emergency response, the spatial data are ideally available in as little time as

possible, and with high currency, while the accuracy may be at the lower level.

Conversely, during the preparation stage, the accuracy is highly important, while

immediacy is not as urgent. In this respect, SDI for disaster risk reduction should be

accurate, serve all stakeholders and provide detailed information.

5.4.2. Spatial data

Spatial data for spatial planning are sourced from different government agencies at

different levels. Naturally, the data are specified in various formats, projection


systems, scales and semantic information. The SDI’s function is to standardise the

various formats to ensure that the end-user application can be run without


Spatial data that are used in local government spatial planning vary in scale

depending on the types of plans being developed. Typically, they are in the scale of

1:50,000–1:10,000 for comprehensive planning and 1:10,000–1:5,000 for detailed

planning. The data characteristics are highly correlated to the data producers.

Most of the spatial data required in disaster risk reduction are similar to that of

spatial planning. All data relevant for spatial planning will be used in disaster risk

reduction. In addition, the specific data will be the existing hazard maps and the

estimated progression. Natural hazard maps have been incorporated in spatial

planning for a long time (Baker 1977; Kartez and Lindell 1987). Periodic disasters,

such as flooding, have been widely considered in spatial planning (Menoni and

Pergalani 1996; Petry 2002; Lavalle, Barredo et al. 2005). However, they are mostly

regarded as a static disaster without any progression in the future.

The only problem relates to the scale of the hazard maps. Most hazard mapping is

conducted at a small to medium scale. If all technical specifications are met, they are

interoperable, but they may not be sufficiently accurate.

5.4.3. Policy

The engagement of disaster management agencies into SDI development is

understandably late, after the land agency and mapping agency implemented it for

some time. Even so, they consider SDI after the spatial planning agency. For the

policy aspect, they usually follow what other, more relevant, institutions have done.

It is possible that disaster mitigation agency, such as BNPB in Indonesia or FEMA in

the United States, developed their own SDI with their own specification. However,

the specification may not suitable if it is to be used in combination with external

data. The reason is that the spatial data used at the local government level are more

diverse compared to the national level, as the local government use spatial data from

the national level agencies and the data produced locally. In pursuing an operable

SDI, the policy should be developed at the national level.


In the disaster management cycle, disaster risk reduction can be categorised into two

types of activities: preparedness and early warning. SDI functions in both activities

are for facilitating hazards, vulnerability and risk assessment (preparedness), and

supporting risk communication (Asante, Verdin et al. 2007).

5.4.4. Conceptual model

Spatial planning and disaster risk reduction require spatial data from different

sources. The data consist of various thematic maps, such as topographic, parcel,

hazards, infrastructure and land use. Various government agencies, the private sector,

NGOs and universities produce the maps. Spatial planning and disaster risk reduction

is not a time-critical activity; however, relevant and timely available information is

essential. Therefore, an infrastructure is required for facilitating the discovery,

sharing and access of spatial data.

The SDI for spatial planning and disaster risk reduction brings together different

types of applications orientation and organisations involved, which is the

fundamental role of SDI itself. However, if disaster risk reduction is implemented

under the aegis of the local planning agency, the requirements will be simpler.

Essentially, SDI is to be built for spatial planning, but with a disaster risk reduction

component in place. The conceptual model is a slight modification from the one

proposed by (Mansourian, Rajabifard et al. 2006).

SDI implementation is connected to the context (de Man 2007); therefore,

understanding local context is indispensable. The context aspects also apply to the

application. In this respect, every SDI will be unique, although the fundamental

technical components are the same. SDI for spatial planning and disaster risk

reduction are unique; however, if both activities are to be conducted through spatial

planning, then it will be better to extend the capability of the SDI for spatial

planning. Benefits of doing this include simpler bureaucracy and technical



Data producers




Guide and



Data Quality


SDI Model

Policy for



Policy for















Scale &





Access &

Analysis Tools





NGOsPrivate sectorUniversities

Planning AgencyDecision MakersDisaster Management Agency

Planning AgencyNational Land AgencyNational Mapping AgencyLand & Property Tax AgencyPublic Work AgencyForestry AgencyGeological AgencyAgriculture AgencyDisaster Management Agency


Multi scaleTemporal resolutionSpectral resoution

Point-base dataAreal based data





Lead agencyWorking groups

Data custodianshipPrivate sector roleAcademic sector rolePartnership modelFinancial aspect

TechnologicalManagerialEconomicalPartnershipHuman resources

Fundamental dataThematic dataPredictive data





Data collectionData storageData presentationData accessData integrationData analysisQuality control & assurance

ContentData identification informationData quality informationSpatial reference informationEntity & attribute informationMetadata reference information

Standard developmentMandate for usageFacilitating the usage

Figure 5-2 Conceptual model of the SDI for spatial planning and disaster risk reduction modified from (Mansourian, Rajabifard et al. 2006).


5.5. Indonesian Context

5.5.1. National policy

The development of computerisation of spatial information started in the mid 1980s,

both in the National Coordination Agency for Surveys and Mapping (Badan

Koordinasi Survei dan Pemetaan Nasional [BAKOSURTANAL]) and in the National

Land Agency (Badan Pertanahan Nasional [BPN]). At the beginning, the aim was to

have a digital map database instead of a GIS database. Therefore, CAD software was

commonly used. The move to a GIS occurred in the 1990s after a considerable

amount of the digital map database had been developed. The production of the new

topographic maps and the land administration project marked the leap to a digital

spatial database. The GIS was then deployed to other local and national government

agencies. At the local government agencies, the first to be exposed to the GIS was

the planning agency.

In Masser’s classification (Masser 1999), Indonesia is considered the early adopter of

SDI through the National Geographic Information System (SIGNas), which was

developed in 1991 (Lilywati and Gularso 2000). An annual seminar and meeting is

conducted under the name of SIGNas. The participants are officials from the national

agencies and planning agencies at the provincial and district levels. In 1999/2000, the

initiative was renamed to National Spatial Data Infrastructure (Infrastruktur Data

Spasial Nasional [IDSN]) to reflect a paradigmatic shift and latest developments. It

refocused again in 2011, and the current name is Indonesian Spatial Data

Infrastructure (Ina-SDI), with the Ina-Geoportal launched on 17 October 2011

(Karsidi 2011).

The development and implementation of SDI at the national level has progressed

rapidly in recent years. The issuance of the Government Regulation 85 in 2007 and

the enactment of the Law on Geospatial Information in 2011 proved to be important

factors in raising awareness and providing direction for the development of SDI

across government agencies at all levels. The law also mandates the transformation

of Bakosurtanal into a new organisation: the Geospatial Information Agency (Badan

Informasi Geospasial [BIG]).


5.5.2. Local government situation

For many local government officials, SDI is a new concept that is not urgently

required, as they have just increased their use of spatial data and the GIS. In this

instance, the local government follows any regulations and directives issued at the

central government level. Local governments have started to initiate an SDI, with

many based on a gentlemen’s agreement rather than coordinated policy. However, at

the local government level, much still needs to be done. Based on the findings of the

survey conducted in 2009, in the Indonesian context, the specific challenges faced by

local governments are outlined below.

There is a lack of skilled staff members available to develop, operate and maintain

the SDI. Among the 26 RDPAs that participated in the survey, 14 do not have staff

members with a spatial science background. There are only 23 staff members with

spatial science qualifications out of 1,172 in the participating RDPAs.

In addition, there is a lack of the fundamental dataset required for SDI. While

topographic databases are easily accessible by local governments, geodetic control

networks and land parcel maps are scarce.

IT infrastructure may not be sufficient to support SDI operations. Half of the

respondents felt that their IT infrastructure was not efficient enough to handle current


In addition, there may be limited Internet connection and bandwidth availability.

Although Internet penetration has increased significantly, the number of Internet

users in 2008 was estimated to be around 25 million (APJII 2008), which increased

to 30 million in 2010 (Internet World Stats, 2010). As of December 2007, Indonesia

has 80 Gbps and 5 Gbps of domestic and international bandwidth respectively

(Iskandar 2007). However, many local governments lack the necessary bandwidth

for spatial data transfers. The loading time of many local government websites is

slow, even without the spatial data visualisation.

Another issue is that the custodianship arrangement is not clear. This aspect needs

clear direction of who will act as the local node for SDI. Bakosurtanal started to

tackle this problem in the past five years. The RDPA is designated to become the

lead agency for SDI at the local government level.


There is also limited funding available. Many local governments have difficulties in

justifying fund investments in spatial information, as they do not directly benefit

people, similar to the physical infrastructure project. Therefore, funding for spatial

data development, management and dissemination can be considered small.

It is clear that all planning agencies require spatial data from other agencies. Ninety-

four per cent also make their spatial data available to other government agencies.

This finding indicates a high degree of interdependency among government agencies.

Only a small number (18 per cent) of planning agencies publish their spatial data or

maps on their websites. This finding is similar to that of (Sutanta 2008), who

evaluated the provision of spatial data on the local government’s website. A greater

number of planning agencies inform other agencies about the availability of their

spatial data. However, existing practices observed in the field indicate that they do

not use a formal mechanism in informing other agencies. They usually inform other

government agencies in a meeting rather than through formal letters. The term

‘metadata’ might be relatively new for some planning agencies, although a working

definition was provided in the questionnaires. It was found that 56 per cent of the

planning agencies have created simple spatial metadata.

The findings of the survey indicate that formal cooperation is limited, as only 10 per

cent has an agreement with other agencies. Almost all work within a ‘gentlemen’s

agreement’ framework regarding data sharing and exchange.

For government regulation, the finding is surprising. Only 17 per cent of the planning

agencies were aware of the central government regulation on SDIs. Most planning

agencies were not aware of the Government Reguation 85/2007. This situation

revealed that more work needs to be done to ensure that planning agencies are more

aware and ready to collaborate with each others.

Technical and non-technical difficulties affect the development of SDI at the local

government level. Technical difficulties are encountered more frequently by local

planning agencies than non-technical difficulties. These include data specification,

projection system, differences in spatial data format, accuracy, no staff members able

to use the data and the data is out of date. Non-technical difficulties include different

procedures used among different agencies to obtain data, difficulties accessing data


from central government agencies (BPN and Statistics), lack of coordination and

difficulty finding the person in charge of the data.

The issues and difficulties in implementing SDI at the local level in Indonesia are

understandable, since the 400 districts and 100 cities have varying degrees of

readiness. Many have been established for less than 10 years, while others have

insufficient resources. In response, BIG has developed a capacity-building program

in parallel with the Ina-SDI development.

5.5.3. Organizational settings

At the local government level, several agencies report to the local government

(horizontal agencies) and some agencies report to their superiors at the provincial

and national levels (vertical agencies). Horizontal agencies include the RDPA; Public

Work; Education; Transportation; Fisheries; and Forestry. The BPN and the PBB are

vertical organisations that have a strong presence in the local government. In 2012,

the work of mapping and managing information on land and property tax was handed

over from the PBB to the local government. Ideally, the data would be handed over

as well. However, the spatial data are still kept at the PBB, and the local government

is unable to benefit from them. Parcel mapping for legal land titling and rights

remain with the BPN. These agencies have their own mandate and internal

regulations that limit them to sharing their data with their local government


The PBB has more complete parcel maps, but with lower accuracy. However, it

cannot share its data with local government agencies. The privacy of the taxpayer is

its main consideration, although this problem can be solved technically. The BPN

and the PBB own the land parcel maps, which are indispensable for spatial planning;

however, its data are inaccessible to the local government. Conversely, provincial

agencies are willing to share their spatial data with the city government.

Two other agencies stationed in the city hold a substantial amount of spatial data: the

BPN and the PBB. However, they are required to report to their provincial and

national superior rather than the local government. Their relation with the local

government mainly focuses on the coordination aspects.


This situation means that the local planning agency can only rely on its counterparts

at the city or provincial level. This situation is not ideal for developing an SDI, and

regulation from the central government is required to overcome this problem.

Regarding the current situation and regulations, as well as to meet the future

requirements in spatial planning and disaster risk reduction, the institutional

arrangement of the relevant local and central government agencies needs to be


5.5.4. Discussion

A fully operational SDI is still in its early development at many local governments.

Several issues and challenges need to be solved before an effective SDI can benefit

from the local government activities. In this situation, data sharing and exchange

were mainly conducted using a gentlemen’s agreement, which was mostly facilitated

by personal acquaintances. This situation hinders the effective conduct of spatial

planning. For example, planners were unable to access the parcel maps produced by

the BPN or the PBB. The effect of using lower-detailed data appears in the detailed

spatial plan. Many zoning boundaries intersect with the parcel’s boundary or even

with the building’s footprint.

Spatial data sharing mostly ran smoothly among the local government agencies, but

faced problems with the national government agencies (BPN and PBB). Cooperation

with national-level agencies was obstructed by the mandates of the different

organisations. The BPN and the PBB were only answerable to their superiors in the

provincial and national governments, and had no obligations to the local government.

Fortunately, internal and external factors are supportive of the SDI development.

Internally, there is a growing awareness among younger staff members at many

government levels regarding the importance of being able to access the required

spatial data smoothly. The current practices are unable to accommodate future

requirements in spatial data utilisation across the agencies. Formal arrangements

need to be developed for better results and to ensure long-term sustainability.

Externally, the issuance of the Government Regulation 85/2007 and the enactment of

the Law of Geospatial Information will foster the utilisation of spatial data and the

establishment of SDI at the local level. Bakosurtanal is actively promoting and


supervising the development of local SDI. A combination of internally motivated

developments and external assistance will speed up SDI development.

Further, the capacity of local government agencies responsible for SDI development

needs to be increased. Capacity building should be conducted for all aspects of SDI,

including people, technology, data, standard and policy.

5.6. Summary

This chapter begins with a discussion of SDI concepts and components. It then

discusses issues and challenges in developing SDI at the local government level. The

clarity on these aspects supports the discussion of the development of SDI for spatial

planning and disaster risk reduction.

Both types of SDIs have many similarities and few differences. The similarities

relate to the model and the differences relate to the participants and data. This

chapter asserts that, to make the implementation easier, both SDIs need to be

developed as one SDI in the spatial planning domain.

The chapter also highlights the importance of developing capacity at the local

government level. While the central government may have sufficient resources and

infrastructures, the local government is lacking in both.

The chapter also discusses the Indonesian case of SDI development. It highlights

several advancements and future prospects, but also notes some deficiencies that

need to be addressed immediately.


Chapter 6. CASE STUDY

6.1. Introduction

This chapter tests the implementation of the conceptual and technical model

developed in the previous chapters. It starts with a description of the study area,

followed by an analysis of threats from natural disasters and the spatial planning

process. The chapter also evaluates the state of SDI in the local government and the

public participation mechanism currently practiced in the case study area.

The city of Semarang was chosen as the case study area as it represents a medium-

sized city facing threats from numerous types of natural hazards. The city was in the

process of spatial plan revision when the research started, although there was no

relationship between the two. The chapter presents an analysis of the incorporation of

disaster risk reduction into the city’s spatial plan and compares it with the model

developed in this research.

6.2. The Case Study

6.2.1. How the case study was conducted

The case study consists of two components. The first activity was an evaluation of

the process of spatial plan development in the study area, analysing relevant

documentation and conducting discussions with relevant parties. The second activity

was the development of a PSS application using the CommunityViz software. A

description of the procedures and an analysis of the results are presented in Section

6.7. Comprehensive analysis was conducted on the drafts of the spatial plan, which

were developed in 2008, as well as the revised 2010 version and the final version. In

addition, all associated maps and underlying data were assessed. The aim was to

obtain information on: (1) sections that regulate disaster risk reduction, (2) disaster

risk reduction strategies and (3) paradigmatic shifts towards the inclusion of disaster

risk reduction in the spatial plan.


Seventeen meetings, discussions and in-depth interviews were conducted with

government planners, consultants and local stakeholders. Table 6.1 lists the

stakeholders interviewed in this research. In addition, two workshops were held to

present the research findings on the use of PSSs for spatial planning, which also

aimed to gather input and opinions from planners and stakeholders. Field visits were

conducted to gather information on the extent of the problems in the disaster-affected


Table 6.1 List of organisations interviewed.

Name of organisations Category Level Number of people interviewed

BAPPEDA Government Local 4 DTKP Government Local 1 Dinas ESDM Government Provincial 2 Dirjen Tata Ruang Government National 1 REI Business Provincial 1 CV Piramida Consultant Local/provincial 3 BINTARI NGO Local/provincial 1


BAPPEDA Regional Development Planning Agency DTKP City Planning and Housing Agency Dinas ESDM Agency for Energy, Natural Resources and Mines Dirjen Tata Ruang Directorate General for Spatial Planning, Ministry of Public Work REI Real Estate Developers Association CV Piramidaconsulting company BINTARI NGO working on environmental and development issues

The interviewees are the main stakeholders in spatial planning in Semarang (1, 2, 5,

6 and 7), experts in natural disasters (3) and resource planners at the national level

(4). The aim of the interviews was to gather information on the interviewees’: (1)

roles in spatial planning, (2) roles in disaster risk reduction, (3) opinion on

incorporating disaster risk reduction into spatial planning, (4) views on the

opportunities and challenges in incorporating disaster risk reduction into spatial

planning and (5) views on the use of a PSS for facilitating spatial planning and

disaster risk reduction.

The interviews were conducted on separate occasions during field visits in June–July

2009, June 2010, October 2010 and February 2012. A long time span was used in

order to reveal the dynamics of the spatial plan development. Through time, new

regulations were issued by the national government, which influenced the process of


spatial plan development. New data and information became available to planners,

creating a new understanding and making revisions necessary. These additions,

variations and amendments were recorded and analysed. The latest discussion was

conducted during a workshop held on 13 February 2012, which also aimed to test the

model developed in this research. Fourteen participants from four government

agencies, a local university and an NGO attended the workshop.

6.2.2. Description of the case study area

A. Geographical setting and governance

Semarang is located on the northern coast of Java Island, between 6º 50’–7º 10’

South Latitude and 109º 50’–110º 35’ East Longitude (see Figure 6-1). The length of

the coastline is approximately 18 km. The width of the coastal lowland is 3 km in the

west and 10 km in the east. The total land area is 373.73 km2. Thirty-four per cent of

the land is situated more than five metres below sea level, with the highest elevation

348 metres above sea level. The lowland part in the north mostly consists of alluvium

sediment made up of clay, sand and gravel.

B. Population

The population of Semarang in 2000 was 1.3 million (BPS 2001). The number of

family units was 299,048, while the average size of a family was 4.39. The

population growth of Semarang has been 1.32 per cent per annum, which has taken

the population in 2010 to 1.55 million. The average family unit size has decreased to

3.77 (BPS 2010). According to the number of residential buildings and family units

in the year 2000, there were 1.33 families in every residential building. Population

shrinkage had already been detected in four sub-districts: North Semarang, Central

Semarang, East Semarang and South Semarang. These four sub-districts are located

in highly developed areas but are experiencing increasing floods and land


The RDPA has projected different population growth scenarios for the different sub-

districts depending on their characteristics and proposed developments (Semarang

2008). At the city level, population growth is estimated at the rate of 1.55 per cent


per year. The predicted population in 2030 will be 2.2 million living in

approximately 450,000 residential units.

Figure 6-1 Location of the case study, Semarang city, Central Java, Indonesia.


6.3. Natural Disaster in Semarang

6.3.1. General characteristic of natural disaster

The coastal city of Semarang is threatened by six types of natural disasters: coastal

abrasion, flooding, landslides, land subsidence, sea level rise, and typhoons (Marfai

and King 2007; Abidin, Andreas et al. 2010; Kuehn, Albiol et al. 2010; Sutanta,

Rajabifard et al. 2010; Semarang 2011). Their characteristics are presented in Table


Table 6.2 List of natural hazards in Semarang.

Disaster Severity Affected Area Remark

Coastal abrasion Medium–high Limited Partially predictable Flood Medium–high Wide Partially predictable Landslide High Small Partially predictable Land subsidence Medium–high Wide Predictable Sea level rise Low Wide Predictable Typhoon Medium Wide Unpredictable

Coastal abrasion has occurred in the fishing village in the north and the fishpond

areas on the western and eastern sides of the city’s coastal zones, affecting villagers

and pond owners. A limited amount of government infrastructure has also been

affected. Due to the topography and soil type, the hilly areas in the southern part of

Semarang are prone to landslides, which occur in the rainy seasons in relatively

small and isolated areas. Between 1996 and 2003, landslides killed nine people and

destroyed 91 houses (GeoRISK 2004). From 2003 to 2011, eight people were killed

in 18 landslides (BNPB 2012).

Flooding is the most devastating natural disaster to date in Semarang, and has been

recognised as such for a long time. A photo taken in the Dutch era shows an area in

the city centre being inundated by floods in 1875 ( Participants of

the workshop on PSSs and disaster risk reduction that was conducted on 13 February

2012 also consider flooding to be the most serious threat in Semarang.

Floods in Semarang are mainly caused by torrential rains that are made worse by the

low elevation of the city. Floods are classified into three categories: riverine floods,

flash floods and tidal inundation. Riverine floods occur in all rivers during the rainy

seasons, while flash floods occur in the western side rivers, including the Garang and


Bringin rivers. The average annual rainfall in the Garang River can reach 4,000 mm

(Sumarjo, Duchesne et al. 1999). Tidal inundation is caused by sea level rise and

land subsidence. Although no casualties have been recorded, the economic cost is

increasing. Tidal inundation has mostly occurred in April, June, July and August

(Wirasatriya 2005). Many parts of the city are inundated by tidal floods eight times

per year, with water reaching a depth of up to 40 cm. A survey by the Japan

International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in 1997 indicated that around 11 per cent

of household expenditure in the affected areas was used to fight the impacts of tidal

inundation (Mechler 2005). This figure is likely to rise.

Sea level rise is a global phenomenon caused by global warming through the

expansion of sea water due to heating and to the melting of glaciers and ice caps

(Warrick 1993; Raper, Wigley et al. 1996; Titus and Narayanan 1996; Bindoff, J.

Willebrand et al. 2007). In its latest estimates, the IPCC predicted that global sea

level would rise by approximately 3.8 mm annually from 2000 to 2100 (Bindoff, J.

Willebrand et al. 2007). Local sea level rise will vary depending on the sea bottom’s

topography, coastal geomorphology and the types of coastline. Rising sea levels will

block water in the rivers from flowing freely into the sea, which will enhance the

riverine floods. Absolute sea level rise in Semarang is amplified by the occurrence of

land subsidence, which creates greater relative sea level rise. In this respect, land

subsidence will increase the width of the area with low elevation and reduce the

elevation of the rivers and their capacity to discharge storm water. Land subsidence

affects a large part of Semarang and is discussed separately below.

Typhoons occur occasionally and result in limited damage to properties. However,

occurrences and affected areas are difficult to predict. There is no early warning

system available in Semarang. The mitigation strategies implemented include

trimming trees and their branches, and ensuring the structural strength of billboards

located alongside roads.

These six natural hazards are affecting the life of Semarang residents to various

degrees. Land utilisation may be affected by the presence of natural disasters and can

alter their occurrence. In the spatial plan, land use allocation needs to be adjusted to

overcome the potential impacts of natural hazards and, if possible, to lessen their


occurrence. Particular characteristics of the hazards need to be assessed, including

risks posed and their predictability.

Among these six natural hazards, land subsidence needs to receive special attention

because it exacerbates two other hazards: floods and sea level rises. The lowering of

land elevation increases the frequency and intensity of riverine floods and tidal


6.3.2. Land subsidence and sea level rise

Land subsidence in Semarang appeared to start in the early 1990s, with industrial

development beginning to occupy the northeastern part of the city, increased use of

the Tanjung Emas port and residential development beginning in the northwestern

part. Groundwater extraction increased considerably, along with an increase in the

building and infrastructure load. The number of registered wells rose from 600 in

1990 to 1,040 in 2000, with the amount of groundwater extracted almost doubling

from 16.9 million m3/year to 38 million m

3/year (Marsudi, 2001, cited in Abidin,

2010). People living close to Gate 4 of the Tanjung Emas port in the Kemijen village

stated that they started to witness tidal inundation in 1993 or 1994 (Sutanta and

Hobma 2002). The government started to monitor land subsidence in 1996. The

Agency of Geology and Mines of the Central Java Province established control

points and conducted annual surveys of the subsidence. The measurement was

conducted using the levelling technique. It was found that, between 1996 and 1999,

the subsidence rate reached 6.5 cm/year (Basuki 2000). Since then, a number of

measurements have been conducted by many researchers (e.g. (Abidin, Andreas et al.

2010; Kuehn, Albiol et al. 2010; Lubisa, Satoa et al. 2011) to discover the latest rate

of subsidence. Table 6.3 summarises their findings.

Table 6.3 The rate of land subsidence in Semarang.

Time span Method Highest rate (cm/yr) Reference

1996–1999 Levelling 6.5 (Basuki 2000) 2002–2006 Permanent Scatterer—SAR 10.0 (Kuehn, Albiol et al.

2010) 2008–2009 GPS 13.5 (Abidin, Andreas et al.

2010) 2007–2009 Differential-InSAR 8.0 (Lubisa, Satoa et al.



These measurements largely confirmed the prediction of the British Geological

Survey (BGR, 1998) regarding the occurrence of land subsidence. The alarming

aspect of the report is the prediction that the northeastern part of Semarang will

subside up to 6 metres if the over-exploitation of groundwater continues at that pace.

The subsidence is predicted to cease in approximately 2070. By that time, if no

immediate action is taken, the city will lose a considerable amount of usable land and

will face a high economic cost. This means that land subsidence is the most

important natural disaster in Semarang.

Currently, the area of land subsidence fully covers five sub-districts and partially

covers three sub-districts. Eighty-four out of 177 villages in Semarang are located in

the subsidence areas, covering approximately 7,600 hectares, and they are inhabited

by more than 470,000 people. Approximately 42,000 residential buildings, inhabited

by 150,000 people, are currently subject to frequent inundation because they are

located in areas with an elevation below 0.5 metres. The subsidence covers the

highly developed and inhabited areas of the city and affects the critical transportation

centres (see Figure 6-2). If the subsidence continues at the present rate, or even at the

predicted slowing rate, then the area affected will become much wider and more

people will suffer.

One of the causes of the accelerated land subsidence in the area is the extensive

extraction of groundwater by individual pumping (BGR 1998; Tobing, Syarief et al.

1999; Sutanta, Rustamaji et al. 2005; Marfai and King 2007; Abidin, Andreas et al.

2010; Kuehn, Albiol et al. 2010). The reduction of residential building in the areas

susceptible to land subsidence will lead to the reduction of residential water usage of

up to 1.67 million m3 by 2030. Currently, the local government-owned water

company does not have the capacity to fulfil all household and industrial water

requirements. It is likely that a large portion of the water used is obtained from

individual water wells. A reduction in groundwater usage from individual wells will

slow down the subsidence process, and was even shown to stop it in the case of

Ravena in Italy (Sestini 1996), but the slowing down rate has yet to be studied

(Abidin, Andreas et al. 2010). However, land subsidence is not a reversible process

(Doukas, Ifadis et al. 2004; Arthurton, Barker et al. 2007), even with the addition of


groundwater replacement. Nonetheless, a decrease in the speed of subsidence will

provide valuable time to prepare better anticipation and adaptation strategies. The

rate of subsidence should be a factor in the design of all new infrastructures. The

development of several polders for water retention and pumping houses to replace

gravity-driven drainage systems will help to reduce the impacts (Adhy 2007),

although possibly not in the longer term.


(a) (b)

Figure 6-2 Land subsidence rate (cm/year) and the critical infrastructures (a), the population concentrations (b).


6.3.3. Flood dynamics

The incidence of flooding in Semarang has increased significantly in recent years.

During 1960–1980, there were only four floods recorded, while there were six floods

recorded in the next 10 years, and the last decades show the sign of more floods

(Kurnia, Sudirman et al. 2001; SuaraMerdeka 2010; BNPB 2012). Land use change

in the upper Semarang catchment area is thought to be one of the factors (Kurnia,

Sudirman et al. 2001; Dewajati 2003; Watung, Tala'ohu et al. 2005). Forests, rubber

plantations and bushes have been converted into residential, commercial and

industrial areas, leading to a reduction in the infiltration capacity of the soil and an

increase in run-off. This condition also contributes to a higher subsidence rate, as the

Semarang groundwater basin has a lower recharge, leading to a higher rate of

consolidation. Land use changes also create a higher level of soil erosion, making

rivers and drainage networks shallower and narrower. Water run-off is significantly

increasing, and intense rain can lead to flash flooding. The most recent flash flood

that killed seven people occurred on 10 November 2010.

Along with the progression of land subsidence and sea level rise, flood frequency

will increase because of (1) a reduction in the coastal drainage capacity, (2) a rising

of the water table by seawater infiltration in low-elevation areas and (3) a blockage

of river water in the event of a high tide. Land subsidence and sea level rise will also

make a number of areas more vulnerable to both river flooding and tidal inundation,

and they will become unsuitable for development. The hydrologic estimation on the

number of floods in the future is not available, but the inundation of lowland areas

will inevitably increase. This situation will worsen if the frequency, depth and

duration of flooding increase as the result of land subsidence and sea level rise.

6.3.4. Impacts of natural disaster

Natural disasters have human, infrastructure and economic impacts, which will vary

according to the magnitude, frequency and destructive force of the disaster, as well

as the characteristics of the affected area. Of the six natural disasters in Semarang,

the biggest casualties to date were from flash flooding in the Garang River in 1990,

which killed 77 people (Tempo 1990), and in the Bringin River in November 2010,


which killed seven people (SuaraMerdeka 2010). The occurrence of flash flooding is

caused by the topography of the city, in which there is a wide catchment area with

steep slopes, but only a narrow strip of lowland to drain the water to the sea. The

second deadliest disaster was landslides. However, due its local nature, its impacts

are limited in terms of location and people affected. Other disasters are less severe to

the safety of people living or working in the area; however, the impacts on

infrastructure and the economy are varied.

Several small-magnitude floods occur annually, which cumulatively result in a high

economic impact. The economic losses from landslides were relatively small, as the

disaster only affects houses or buildings in isolated areas. In the case of land

subsidence, the economic impact is difficult to assess because of its slow

progression, which is not immediately visible. This impact is combined with the

impact from riverine floods and tidal inundation..Natural disasters have human,

infrastructure and economic impacts, which will vary according to the magnitude,

frequency and destructive force of the disaster, as well as the characteristics of the

affected area. Of the six natural disasters in Semarang, the biggest casualties to date

were from flash flooding in the Garang River in 1990, which killed 77 people

(Tempo 1990), and in the Bringin River in November 2010, which killed seven

people (SuaraMerdeka 2010). The occurrence of flash flooding is caused by the

topography of the city, in which there is a wide catchment area with steep slopes, but

only a narrow strip of lowland to drain the water to the sea. The second deadliest

disaster was landslides. However, due its local nature, its impacts are limited in terms

of location and people affected. Other disasters are less severe to the safety of people

living or working in the area; however, the impacts on infrastructure and the

economy are varied.

Several small-magnitude floods occur annually, which cumulatively result in a high

economic impact. The economic losses from landslides were relatively small, as the

disaster only affects houses or buildings in isolated areas. In the case of land

subsidence, the economic impact is difficult to assess because of its slow

progression, which is not immediately visible. This impact is combined with the

impact from riverine floods and tidal inundation.. lists the characteristics of the

disasters and their potential economic losses.


Table 6.4 Economic characteristic of the disaster effect.

Disaster Severity Coverage Object affected

Visibility of effect

Potential economic loss

Coastal abrasion Low-medium Small All Immediate Low Flood Low–high Large All Immediate Low–high Landslide Low–medium Small Human-made Immediate Low Land subsidence Low–high Large All Not immediate Low–high Sea level rise Low Large All Not immediate Low–high Typhoon Low small Human-made Immediate Low

As the impact of land subsidence is not immediately visible, the assessment of the

economic loss will be blurred by any secondary disasters generated by land

subsidence. The following list provides an overview of the present and potential

impacts of land subsidence on infrastructure and economic activities:

damage to roads, drainages, storm waters and buildings

damage to telephones and power lines, and drinking water pipes

damage to vehicles and higher cost for maintenance

disruption of economic activities due to inundation of ports, markets and


disruption of transportation due to inundation of main bus terminal and

central station

loss of land and property

decrease in land value and increase in unsalable property

increase of operating costs for several pumping stations to pump water out to

the sea

higher cost for maintenance of physical infrastructures (repairing and

heightening roads, bridges, stations and terminals)

higher cost for preparing land for development, as additional earth material is

required to raise the ground elevation. Bore piling is also required to protect

high-rise buildings.

Figure 6-3 shows several impacts of land subsidence on housing and infrastructure.

In Figure 6.3a, taken in March 2005, a residential building became uninhabitable

because it effectively sank as the neighbourhood’s land elevation rose, but the house

did not. Figure 6.3b, which was taken in July 2010, shows the high rate of subsidence

at a monitoring station, which had been built approximately six months earlier.


Figure 6-3c, which was taken in July 2010, displays extensive damage to the road

infrastructures. In Figure 6.3d, which was taken in January 2010, a pond has been

formed in an abandoned office building. Locals now use it as a fishpond.

a b

c d

Figure 6-3 Impacts of land subsidence in Semarang.

Notes: (a) Residential houses become inhabitable, (b) foundation of monitoring well

shows signs of rapid subsidence in around six months, (c) damaged road located near

the port of Semarang, (d) continuous inundation forced an office building to be


6.3.5. Disaster prevention and remediation

The occurrences of disasters in Semarang have seriously affected the lives of the

residents. In response, residents, business entities and the government have created

many projects to protect disaster-prone areas, rehabilitate affected areas and prevent

future disasters. The local government is the party that is primarily responsible for

reducing disaster risk and remediating the impacts. However, due to the scale of the

impacts and the local government’s limitation in financial capacity, not all impacts

can be remedied immediately. In some cases, residents need to rely on their own


funding to reduce their vulnerability. Individual and collective activities have been

created by people to overcome the impacts of disasters. Individually, people try to

protect their property against disasters by:

raising the land elevation of their land parcel to protect it from flood and


raising their house to two or three stories to reduce the impact of flooding

developing protection walls to reduce the risk of landslides.

Communities raised collective fund to protect their neighbourhood, and the

government usually gives a portion of the required funds as a stimulus. This practice

is common in Indonesia, and it is a sign of developing community self-resilience.

Examples of the collective action include:

Heightening neighbourhood roads to prevent them from inundation.

However, if not in synergy with the surroundings, this action will only move

the floodwater from the roads to the neighbours.

Raising money for the operational cost of a water pump. The water pump is

provided by the government and includes portions of the operational cost.

However, the funding for the daily operation of the pump is not sufficient.

Therefore, the residents in the richer residential areas nearby contribute to the

funding required to extend the operation time of the pump.

The government is undoubtedly the most responsible for overcoming the impacts of

natural disasters. Local, provincial and central governments have been proposing and

developing several projects for the protection, rehabilitation and reduction of future

impacts of disaster. These include:

rehabilitation of roads damaged by frequent inundation

raising the elevation of many roads to protect them from future inundation

development of higher river banks, as the old banks are frequently


development of pumping stations, as the gravity-driven drainage no longer

works properly

development of Jatibarang Dam to control water discharge in the West Flood

Channel and synchronise the river stream with the tide


revitalisation of the West and East Flood Canal Project by digging and

widening the river

development of polders as a retarding basin. The polders would replace the

natural retarding basin lost in the city development

development of protection walls to reduce coastal abrasion.

These efforts have been partially successful in overcoming the effects of land

subsidence. The development of the Jatibarang Dam, which is expected to be

completed in 2013, will also play a critical role in supplying drinking and industrial

water (Widi and Sinombor 2011). Groundwater use is expected to decrease, which

will in turn reduce the subsidence rate. However, several rehabilitation projects will

be obsolete in a few years’ time due to the rapid rate of subsidence. The effect of

several construction projects will only to delay the effect, as the sinking of the city is

inevitable. The raising up of the Tanjung Emas port infrastructures by 3.5 metres in

2012 is a sign of the serious effect of past subsidence (Suara Merdeka 2012)

Therefore, long-term remediation of the situation, based on effective spatial

planning, needs to be conducted to reduce loss and suffering.

6.4. Spatial Planning in Semarang

6.4.1. Procedures and process

The development of a spatial plan at the district/city level is the responsibility of the

RDPA. Several public hearings and consultations need to be conducted, with

participants including academics and people from other government agencies, NGOs,

business councils and real estate developers. The development of the spatial plan

follows the process shown in Figure 3.10.

As ordered by Spatial Planning Law, the development of a new spatial plan at the

local level was to be finalised by the end of 2010. However, due to several

circumstances, the city of Semarang could only enact their new spatial plan on 30

June 2011 as local Government Regulation 14/2011. The plan will be used as a legal

and technical regulation for any development proposal until 2031. Every five years,

the government, with approval from local parliament, is required to make revisions

and amendments to the spatial plan.


Other than the RDPA, 12 other local government agencies were involved in the

spatial planning, as well as the local office of the BPN. From the private sector and

the public, there were developers’ associations, business chambers, NGOs,

community leaders and universities.

The technical development was contracted out to a private consulting firm that

worked under close supervision and direction from the RDPA. The planners and

consultant worked collaboratively during different stages of the development.

Relevant data were sought from other local government agencies as well as from

provincial and central government agencies. Five development scenarios were

evaluated in the spatial planning; however, they are not available for the research.

6.4.2. Stakeholders analysis

The identification and analysis of stakeholders are crucial steps in developing public

participation. They involve identifying the stakeholders and their interests, goals and

objectives, as well as their relationships with other stakeholders and the local

government. Their position within the collaborative activities can be divided into

three rings: inner, secondary and tertiary. The innermost ring consists of the decision

makers and key stakeholders from the local government agencies, including

planners. The secondary ring includes the stakeholders who are important but who

are not part of the decision makers, such as community organisations and academics.

The third ring includes the public. Their involvement can be ranked from very

intensive to occasional participation. In Semarang, the stakeholders’ classification is

listed in Table 6.5.


Table 6.5 Stakeholders in the spatial planning in Semarang.

Stakeholders Ring Interest Goals and objectives

Resources, power and influence

RDPA Other local govt agencies Provincial govt agencies National govt agencies

Inner Serving the people

Prosperity and sustainability

Authority Information Knowledge Respect

Real Estate Indonesia (Developer)

Secondary Profit Predictability

Predictable development regulations

Lobbying budget Network

KADIN (Business Chambers)

Secondary Profit Predictability

Predictable development regulations

Lobbying budget Network

LSM Lingkungan (Environmental NGOs)

Secondary Environmental protection

Preserving environmentally sensitive areas

Relation to media Advocacy and media pressure

Academics Secondary Sustainability Sustainability and long-term vision

Information and knowledge Respected

Kelompok Masyarakat (Community Groups)

Tertiary Stability Security Liveability

Protecting local community interest

Large membership Fragmented, Focused on locality

6.4.3. Spatial Plan Regulation

The new spatial plan contains 16 sections and 182 articles. The spatial structure plan

is covered in Section 2, which consists of 57 articles, while Section 3 covers the

spatial pattern plan, which consists of 44 articles. The zoning regulations are covered

in Section 7.

Civil and criminal charges for those who breach its conditions are new to the spatial

plan. The charges are applicable to members of the public who develop projects in

violation of the plan, as well as to government officials who issue development

permits that deviate from the plan. This regulation gives more power to the

government to enforce any development in the disaster-prone area, while introducing

a dilemma for them. The inaccurate spatial data used in the spatial plan might lead to

confusion and inappropriate policies in the future. Further, the spatial plan devotes

considerable sections to disaster risk reduction. Disaster risk areas are classified as

protected areas and are discussed in articles 72–75. Article 72 lists five disaster risks

in Semarang: tidal inundation, coastal abrasion, flooding, mass movement and


landslide, and typhoon. The subsequent articles describe the sub-districts or villages

that are declared to be in vulnerable to each hazard.

In the attachment document, which is an integral part of the plan, the detailed zoning

regulations that are applicable to each disaster risk area are described. For example,

in the area vulnerable to tidal inundation, only new buildings that can adapt and

overcome the impact are permitted. The detailed building codes are administered in

the relevant agency’s regulation. Only in this section does land subsidence appear in

the spatial plan regulation.

The plan is a significant advance compared to the previous one regarding disaster

preparedness. Article 52 lists the roads that are to be used for evacuation routes in the

event of floods, landslides and typhoons. Temporary shelters locations have also

been defined.

6.4.4. The use of planning support system

Semarang does not have a PSS in the RDPA or another agency. It is still at the

beginning of developing a better GIS operation. Currently, the City Planning and

Housing Agency is the most developed agency for managing and utilising spatial

data. The RDPA still relies on the old database that was developed in 2000 for its

daily operation. No dedicated unit is established in the RDPA for GIS operation.

However, the use of GIS has increased significantly compared to the previous plan.

In the 2004 plan, the maps were still hand-drawn, although the digital spatial data

were available.

The terminology of PSS was known to only three people attending the workshop on

13 February 2012. None of them has used or seen other people operating a PSS.

However, they are interested in implementing a PSS for future spatial planning. As

they have finished the current spatial plan development, there is no immediate need

to adopt the technology. The first opportunity to implement a PSS in the future is

during the five-year evaluation process in 2015.

The planners and workshop participants realise the usefulness and benefit of using a

PSS to facilitate spatial planning. Planners are considering the use of a PSS in the


near future. However, they are concerned about their capacity, resources and data

availability if a PSS was introduced into their daily operation.

Spatial planning in Semarang has been guided by several new laws resulting in

significant improvements compared to the previous plan. Through public

participation, the city has been able to attract public input for the betterment of the

plan. Although a PSS has not been used, GIS use has significantly increased. The

plan has also devoted many sections to disaster risk reduction.

There was a tension between the short-term gain and long-term vision of sustainable

development. However, in the debate, there was no meaningful comparison between

scenarios and the cost-and-benefit evaluation of each alternative. The planners lack

the necessary technology, data, methods and systems necessary to present the case

before the politicians and decision makers.

6.5. Disaster Risk Reduction in Spatial Planning

6.5.1. Statement from local government plan

One new requirement in spatial planning is the explicit incorporation of disaster risk

reduction, as ordered by two laws: Law of Disaster Mitigation (24/2007) and Law of

the Management of Coastal Zone and Small Islands (27/2007). Article 47, verse 2 of

the Law 24/2007 stated that spatial planning is the first tool in disaster mitigation,

followed by hard engineering methods such as physical infrastructure development.

With no local precedent on how to incorporate disaster risk reduction into spatial

planning, planners needed to look elsewhere for best practices on this matter. The

impact of two major disasters (the tsunami in Aceh in 2004 and the earthquake in

Yogyakarta in 2006) influenced the way of thinking in the development of the early

draft in 2008. Geologically, the north coast of Central Java is safe from tsunamis, but

the first version of the plan listed several precautions related to tsunami hazards.

Earthquakes were also listed in previous documents, although the risk of a large

earthquake is small. This situation reflects the lack of reliable and timely information

on the threat of natural disasters in Semarang. The local government previously only

conducted limited natural hazard mapping. The final version has revised the list so


that only relevant disasters are included. Eventually, the LGR listed five natural

disasters in article 72, as follows:

tidal inundation

coastal abrasion


mass movement and landslide


These disasters are evident in Semarang, affecting the lives of residents and resulting

in economic losses to varying degrees. However, land subsidence was excluded. It is

only mentioned once in the zoning regulation—in the attachment section of the

spatial plan document—as one of the causes of tidal inundation. It appears as though

the severe consequences of land subsidence have been ignored. However, city

planners explained that they fully understood the severity of the problem but were

afraid of the consequences if they listed it (Prakosa, B. 2012 pers. comm., 7

February). Article 32, verse 1a stated that, in its disaster mitigation activities, the

government might prohibit residential development in disaster-prone areas. The aim

was to prevent people from becoming the victims of natural disasters.

Planners are concerned that if a large number of villages are declared disaster prone,

there will be two consequences: first, new residential developments should be

prohibited; second, existing houses should be relocated. This conclusion was drawn

from the Law of Disaster Mitigation. Since the law is newly enacted and the current

spatial plan is the first to be enacted based on this law, planners are uncertain of the

direction they should follow. Further, the declaration may reduce the city’s

investment grade, therefore reducing its attractiveness for new investment and

development. In effect, the city may be transformed into a ghost town if there are no

new developments.

As a result, the local government decided that land subsidence should be excluded

from the spatial plan, but efforts to overcome the impact will be thoroughly reviewed

and physical development will be continuously pursued to protect the city. To the

local government, this appeared to be the solution. However, as the spatial plan

becomes a local government regulation, there will be legal and policy consequences


to excluding the land subsidence. Without explicit delineation of the area to be

affected by land subsidence in the future, the residential and business communities

will not be bound by any prohibitions and forced to rely on unauthoritative

information. Development is likely to continue with few considerations of mitigation

strategy, leaving all existing and new land users in a vulnerable position.

6.5.2. Response from the spatial plan

Disaster mitigation is the responsibility of the BPBD. It is not clear what agency is

responsible for disaster risk reduction. The newly created agency mostly works in

emergency response, with limited involvement in disaster risk reduction. It has a

limited budget (Djalante, Thomalla et al. 2012), leaving it to rely on the BNPB. An

integrated approach to disaster risk reduction, which makes use of perspective and

expertise from broad disciplines, stakeholders and agencies, is not yet in place.

Therefore, sectoral and individual agency resolutions are mostly used. Even so, the

spatial plan has developed risk reduction strategies.

These mitigation strategies are mainly based on zoning regulations and include

limiting and prohibiting development in disaster-prone areas. Further, emergency

evacuation routes and shelters are planned and general building codes are suggested.

Only new buildings that can adapt and are resilient to the disasters are allowed. No

existing buildings will be affected by the new regulation, and residents can continue

to utilise all existing buildings in the area.

However, at the comprehensive plan level, the zoning regulations were not

accompanied by associated maps depicting the location of where limitations or

prohibitions apply. Only the names of the sub-districts and villages with disaster

risks are listed. In effect, detailed inspections of where disasters may strike cannot be

conducted accurately. Conversely, the names of roads and places to be used for

evacuation shelters have been defined in detail.

The provincial government has been involved in determining the disaster-prone

areas. The decision to include typhoons was influenced by a request from the

Provincial Planning Agency, according to one of the RDPA’s planners. Input from

the public and community on this aspect was minimal. On the other hand, there was


strong opposition from investors when the RDPA floated an idea to relocate

industrial land from the disaster-prone area in the northeastern part of the city

(Prakosa, 2010 pers. comm., 3 November). The maximum subsidence in this area

was predicted by the BGR to reach 5–6 metres below the land elevation in 1997

(BGR 1998). However, the previous spatial plan had designated the area as an

industrial complex. Therefore, many business owners and investors had bought

considerable areas of land for their business. They strongly opposed moves to change

the land use designation to any use other than industry. The local government will

face a difficult task if it wants to change the land use designation, as a considerable

amount of money is at stake.

During several discussions with local government planners, residents, the business

council and real estate developers, the occurrence of land subsidence was

acknowledged. The latest discussion was conducted during a workshop held on 13

February 2012, which was aimed to test the model developed in this research.

Fourteen participants from four government agencies, a local university and an NGO

attended the workshop. Among the biggest threats from natural hazards, flood was

mentioned by 12 participants, tidal inundation by 11 participants, and land

subsidence only four participants. It appears that most participants examine the

visibility of the disasters, rather than their fundamental characteristics, before

drawing their conclusions.

The city’s proposal to change the land use designation in flood-prone areas (because

of land subsidence) from industrial to conservation has failed because of pressure

from the business community. Although it is aware of the problems and their

consequences, the business community insists on the right to utilise and invest in

high-risk areas. They argued that the land should be kept open for industrial use

because the previous spatial plan designated the area as industrial. Conversely, real

estate developers have moved in the right direction by downsizing investment in

subsidence-affected areas. Their moves were driven by the fact that many exclusive

residential complexes have been abandoned or were not sold.

Compared with the previous spatial plan, a number of significant improvements have

been made. These include the explicit listing of natural disasters that threaten the


city, zoning regulations, evacuation routes, temporary shelters and building codes for

the disaster-prone areas. All of these were largely absent in the previous plan. The

mandate from the Law of Disaster Mitigation clearly has a significant influence on

this matter.

On the negative side, the spatial plan does not project the progression of disaster and

elements at risk in the future, and it particularly excludes land subsidence. The first

drawback may relate to the limited availability of data and resources at the RDPA.

Disaster data are scattered in many local, provincial and national agencies. Some

data are delivered to the RDPA, but many are missing from the RDPA repository.

Formal mechanisms for data sharing are absent. Further, there is no dedicated section

for the daily operation and maintenance of GIS in the RDPA.

A map-based simulation of future development was not conducted during the spatial

plan formulation. An estimation of the population growth and new land use

requirements was reported in tables without being plotted on maps. There is no

visual expression of the estimation of future growth that can be used to facilitate

deliberation during public meetings. A GIS was in place, but its use was limited to

creating base thematic maps.

The exclusion of land subsidence was mostly based on the assumption that an

inclusion could be interpreted as a prohibition on new development in areas assigned

as prone to land subsidence. City planners interpret article 32 of the Law of Disaster

Mitigation as prohibiting new development in areas declared as disaster prone.

However, this article should be interpreted such that prohibition is only applicable

for threatening disasters. Careful reading of article 32 of the Law of Disaster

Mitigation reveals some flexibility. Areas declared as disaster-prone do not

automatically become unusable for new residential development. By law, prohibition

should only be implemented if the disaster is life threatening, such as a volcanic

eruption. For slow onset disasters that do not pose a threat to human life, the spatial

plan should have a different interpretation. Adaptation strategies are better suited to

respond to slow onset disasters.

Planners also worry that if large areas of the city are listed as prone to land

subsidence, investors will move away and the area will be left empty. Unfortunately,


detailed and comprehensive analysis regarding the cost of abandoning the area,

protecting it or doing nothing has never been conducted. The City of Semarang is

now focusing on a physical infrastructure project to alleviate the obvious impact.

This includes building polders, widening rivers, raising road elevation and

developing dams in the upstream catchment. Reducing the cause and preventing the

extension of the impacts received limited attention. A situation of here-and-now

urgency (Godschalk, Brody et al. 2003) is emerging, but it is not sufficient.

Scientific evidence based on past monitoring activities and predictions of future

trends should be used to assign the most appropriate land use allocation and zoning

regulations. The rate of land subsidence can be used to define different land use

designation. Different categories of subsidence rate will determine different response

strategies that should be applied. Land use allocation should consider the coping

capacity of the use and the users, the characteristics of the use and the resiliency of

the user. Areas with high subsidence rates and with the current land elevation is

already low should get a different assignment to similar elevation areas with lower

subsidence rates. This differentiation can reduce disaster risk to the residents in the

future, while recognising the present importance and economic value of the areas by

not abandoning them. In response to slow onset disaster, economic analysis plays an

important role. It is not the lives of the residents that are at stake, but the economic


Planners in the RDPA have applied the right course of action of do something,

instead of do nothing, with regard to disaster risk. Two options are pursued:

adaptation and protection. Several internal and external situations limit their ability

to achieve optimal solutions. Internally, they have limited data, funding, capacity and

technology to respond to all natural disasters. Externally, their choices are limited.

They do not have available land to relocate vulnerable activities in their jurisdiction.

Harmonisation with three neighbouring districts is required, but not yet fully

implemented. It requires a directive from the provincial government.

The possibility to change land use designation is rather slim. The fundamental

requirement of changing land use designation in the sinking areas from industrial or

residential to other is that the new use should have the financial capacity to protect


the industrial development, and it should be profitable enough to ensure its

sustainability. Given the characteristics of the industry and service sectors in the city,

specific types of uses that have a high resiliency towards land subsidence have not

been found.

Externally, the RDPA receives pressure from politicians and business groups to

develop a favourable land use designation that suits their interests. There were

debates in the media and during meetings regarding long-term vision versus short-

sighted interest to obtain quick benefits. A PSS is required that can facilitate the

planning process and visually show the results of the simulation using different types

of scenarios in a deliberation. It can provide planners and decision makers with a

neutral assessment of the problems with visually attractive maps of what the future

will look like under different scenarios.

6.6. Public Participation

6.6.1. Existing public participation

Public participation is an essential element of spatial planning. Laws and government

regulations mandate local governments to initiate public participation. Two different

settings for public participation exist: for the public and for the lawmaker in the

parliamentary hearings. Public hearings were conducted in Semarang, as part of the

spatial plan development process, to gather information, input, suggestions, opinions,

considerations and responses from people and experts. The public invited to the

meetings consisted of local government agencies’ officials, community leaders,

business chambers, real estate developers, NGOs, academics from local universities

and eminent figures in the city.

There were four seminars, eight public hearings, five workshops and 17

parliamentary hearings. In addition, there were 12 consultations with the provincial

government and 15 consultations with the BKTRN at the central government. These

data show that public participation has been fully implemented in Semarang.

Hundreds of people participated in many public participation activities. The city’s

planners stated that input from the public was highly regarded and was beneficial to

the improvement of the spatial plan.


The draft of the spatial plan was available for inspection at the RDPA office by the

public. However, during the development stage, no drafts were available on the

Internet. Semarang only published the final product of the spatial plan. The findings

from questionnaire distributed on 13 February 2012 revealed that 62% of the

participants regarded FGD is the most effective way to gain public input, followed

by public hearing (stated by 38 respondents).

6.6.2. Public participation facilitated by planning support system

Maps were already used in many public meetings, and an evaluation of the

presentation materials revealed that maps were an integral part of the meetings.

Different types and themes of maps were used extensively. However, considering the

limitations of those meetings, an interactive map-based simulation was not possible;

only maps as final products were used. As the city has never had a PSS, it was never

considered a public participation tool.

To evaluate the method developed in the research, a public participation mechanism

using a PSS was tested on 13 February 2012. Fourteen participants from four

government agencies, a local university and an NGO attended the workshop.

Participants were first introduced to the concept of using a PSS to facilitate spatial

planning and the functionalities of CommunityViz. Participants were then invited to

evaluate the conceptual model developed in the research and use the PSS in

CommunityViz. However, due to time limitations, participants were only able to

browse the main functionality of the software. Nonetheless, during the discussion,

the following findings were revealed:

The participants agreed that disaster risk projection has not been adequately

included in the existing spatial planning process.

The participants had not previously been exposed to PSSs. Only three knew

the terminology before the meeting.

The participants found that PSSs offer many potential benefits for spatial plan

development, such as the ability to simulate future development and compare

outputs from different scenarios.

The implementation of a PSS is possible and considered important for

improving the plan quality.


The participants agreed that PSS can be used to facilitate public deliberation,

such as in FGD, to improve the plan quality.

However, there are some challenges for operational use in the RDPA when

considering the following conditions: human resources, data, funding and


In this respect, there is a good opportunity to implement a PSS in the future. This

new approach was accepted as being able to facilitate deliberation, including

interaction with the public, to support a better informed, and more disaster-resilient,

spatial plan. Short- and long-term development objectives can be analysed, while

different scenarios and possible impacts can be evaluated using sound scientific


6.6.3. Implementation of public participation in Semarang

The state of the ICT infrastructures in Semarang is still in the development stage, and

Internet bandwidth is relatively low. Therefore, public participation was mostly

conducted via face-to-face meetings. To disseminate spatial plan information, the

local government engaged newspapers, radio and television. The advantage of using

these media is that they have a wider coverage, although it limits in-depth discussion.

A PSS was not used in all meetings, and interaction with spatial information was

mostly supported by maps and GIS software. Deliberation facilitated by interactive

GIS processing or a PSS did not exist.

Public participation has been conducted for a long time in Semarang. Local

government agency officials and stakeholders are familiar with the method. Several

models of public participation were employed during different stages of the spatial

plan development. Maps were an integral part of the activities, as shown in the

presentation files.

The live use of the GIS in the deliberation was not attempted. Maps were presented

as the final product of back-office processing. Amendments to the maps could not be

directly executed during the public meeting. Therefore, a comparison of the results

from two different scenarios cannot be presented to the participants immediately. If


the results are presented in a different meeting, the context, atmosphere and

participants may be different.

It is more important for the city that public participation has been conducted

according to the regulation, and a wide range of participants has been invited. The

essence of giving the public an opportunity to voice their concerns has been

delivered. According to the planners, input from the public is highly regarded and is

beneficial to improving the plan. Although the public did not have an opportunity to

assess any scenarios and the underlying spatial visualisation of the plan, their input

was important to improve the quality of the spatial plan. The influence of the public

was reflected in the policy on zoning and environmental regulations.

6.7. PSS for Disaster Risk Reduction

6.7.1. Method and dataset

A. Method

To test the applicability of the concept developed in this research, a PSS was

implemented. CommunityViz was used, along with ArcGIS 9.3 as the PSS software.

It was used to simulate future development using two scenarios: the business-as-

usual (BAU) and the disaster-resilient spatial plan (DRSP). In both scenarios, the

comprehensive and detailed plan from the city was used as the starting point. The

number and locations of future residential buildings in different years were predicted

using an exponential growth model. CommunityViz uses exponential growth

expressed in the following equation:

Fn = ( F(n – 1) + Finitial ) * (1 + r) - Fexisting

where n is the number of years

Fn is the number of features built in year n

r is the exponential growth rate

Finitial is the number of features at year 0

Fexisting is any number added to Finitial to obtain a larger basis for the growth

rate calculation.

The BAU scenario simply follows the land use designations of the city’s plan, while

some changes were implemented in the DRSP scenario. The land use designations

that do not meet the acceptable criteria were changed to designations that are more


resilient. In some cases, the risk should not be accepted; however, several exceptions

may apply based on locational requirements, such as the location of a seaport and its

facilities. In this respect, although the acceptable risk level is exceeded, the interim

land use plan can be accepted. If the risk cannot be accepted and no exceptions exist,

an alternative land use designation should be sought. Any land use alternatives

should proceed again through the acceptability evaluation stage. If this is not

acceptable, restrictions on use may be assigned.

In a coastal lowland area facing possible effects from continuous inundation because

of land subsidence, the risk level is a function of elevation. The lower the land

elevation, the higher the inundation risks. The combination of different coping

capacities and risk levels resulted in three options in the acceptability evaluation:

accept, make an exception or and reject the land use. Acceptable and exempted land

uses can proceed further as part of a final spatial plan. The unacceptable land uses

can be relocated or changed to another land use designation that can withstand the

impact of future disasters.

The system development and processing strategy is shown in Figure 6-4. An initial

land use designation plan was evaluated against existing and predicted natural

hazards to discover the current and future risk levels. This was followed by mapping

elements at risk in the current and future situations. The projected future situation

was calculated using projected development based on the land use designation and

the remaining capacity of the land. The location of any building and the time of

construction are predicted in the growth projection model or from a large-scale

development proposal.

To evaluate the benefit of incorporating disasters into a spatial plan, a comparison

between a BAU and a DRSP were conducted. The evaluation is based on the

comparison between elements at risk obtained from the two models.


Action allow to continueChange land use


Coping capacity low medium high

Risk level low medium high

Risk acceptability

levelacceptable not acceptableexcempted

Land use designation

(developable land)

residential industrialcommercial

educationaltransportation etc.


Natural hazard floods



sea level rise etc.

land subsidence

Volcanic eruption

Elements at risk

(current & future)residential industrial people economic activities

Spatial plan

mixed use


Figure 6-4 The land use change model.

B. Dataset

The spatial data used for PSS development were obtained from the RDPA of

Semarang. The topographic maps were based on aerial photo mapping conducted in

December 1999. Originally, they were used for developing a master plan for

drainage improvement, but were subsequently used to revise the Spatial Plan 2000–

2010. There has not been a large-scale mapping project conducted in the past 10

years in the city. The data were not up to date but were sufficient for this case study.


The Digital Terrain Model (DTM) was created from the topographic map of scale

1:5,000. The contour interval is two metres, with dense spot heights in the coastal

lowland. The spot heights were used in the interpolation, mostly for the coastal

lowland located in the northern part of the city where the land elevation is less than

three metres above sea level. A linear interpolation method was employed to create a

DTM with a five-metre cell size.

Building footprint data received from the RDPA contained no information relating to

building attributes. Visual interpretation was used to assign the most probable use of

individual buildings. Three supporting data sources were used in the interpretation:

Google Earth image, IKONOS image acquired in 2004 and the Detailed Spatial Plan

(DSP) of the city developed as part of the revision process. In total, there are 277,651

individual buildings in the city that currently have the attributes listed in Table 3. The

RDPA does not have parcel maps at their spatial data repository; therefore, the parcel

maps from BPN were the main source of reference data to create GIS-ready parcel

coverage. Eventually, 336,063 parcels were digitised (see Table 6.6).

Developable parcels are land that still have the capacity to accommodate new

development, and they have designated uses assigned by the RDPA. To determine

whether a parcel has the capacity for new buildings, the map of existing buildings

was overlayed. Parcels that are currently fully occupied by buildings are not

developable. The total number of developable parcels was 14,804, and these parcels

were then classified into seven land use classes: commercial, industrial, mixed use,

office, and high-, medium- and low-density residential. Neighbouring vacant lands

with similar classification were merged.

Table 6.6 Buildings and parcels in Semarang in 2000.

Use/land use Building Parcel Parcel (Ha)

Residential 240,972 289,251 15,312.26

Commercial 10,983 8,722 768.49

Mixed use 10,374 12,160 852,91

Industry 5,873 3,539 2,200.79

School/university 3,114 924 526.01

Office (including government) 3,340 2,081 605.40

Sport / recreation 516 261 579.05

Transportation 674 195 461.21

Conservation - 1,957 3,970.10

Agriculture 681 15,633 9,380.12


Other datasets employed include conservation zones, river systems, existing land use,

slopes, road centrelines and individual hazard maps. A conservation zone map

includes forests, mangrove forests, rivers and parklands. The flood map shows the

locations affected by riverine flooding, along with their depths and durations. The

risks from landslides are localised in scattered positions in the southern part. A land

subsidence map obtained from GeoRisk was used to project future elevation.

6.7.2. Projecting future elevation

Due to land subsidence, the land elevation will be significantly lower in the future

than it was in 2000. The existing DTM was lowered using land subsidence and sea

level rise predictions to obtain the projected DTM of 2020 and 2030. The end time of

the projection was chosen to be similar with the end time of the new spatial plan of

the city (which was originally intended to be 2030) to provide a comparison to the

no-land subsidence scenario used by the planners. The BGR (1998) found that 90 per

cent of the consolidation of three testing locations would have occurred by 2030, one

in 2010 and the remaining three in 2040–2050. The subsidence in Semarang is

estimated to be settled by 2070.

Ideally, the projection of disaster extent and spatial planning should be modelled

until 2070. Although the existing spatial plan does not sufficiently cover the duration

of the land subsidence, the model developed still provides insight into the usefulness

of the approach. It can be inferred that the longer the time frame, the more severe the

impact to Semarang. From this, planners and decision makers can learn the severity

of impacts if they ignore the problems. The subsidence map was developed by the

GeoRisk Project using the PS-SAR method (Kuehn, Albiol et al. 2010) on 54 radar

datasets from ERS-SAR and Envisat that were taken from 2002 to 2006.

Sea level rise has a smaller share in making the land lower relative to the previous

elevation. The rate of the global sea level rise for this century is predicted at 3.8

mm/year (Bindoff, J. Willebrand et al. 2007), while the local sea level rise in

Semarang is 2.65 mm/year (Wirasatriya 2005). In the local context, the effect of this

rise is similar to an additional subsidence of the same amount. The only difference is

that it does not have a ‘contour of subsidence’; therefore, the same value of rise will


affect the entire DTM. To provide a safety margin, the rate of sea level rise used in

the calculation follows the global prediction. The calculation was performed to

obtain the DTMs of the years 2010, 2020 and 2030 using the following equation:

DTMt1 = DTMt0 – ((t1 – t0) x (LS + SLR))

where t0 is the year of the initial condition (2000), t1 is the year to be estimated, LS is

the land subsidence rate and SLR is the rate of the sea level rise.

6.7.3. Acceptable risk level

The most prominent impact of relative sea level rises due to land subsidence are

flooding and inundation. To calculate the acceptable level of a possible inundation

depth for different land uses, the DTM was reclassified based on the elements at risk,

their risk levels and their coping capacities. Three response categories, based on

elevation risk levels for new land use designations, were identified thus:

Residential areas and health centres should be located on land higher than

1 metre.

Commercial, school, sport or recreation should be located on land higher than

0.5 metres.

Government offices, industrial and transportation facilities can be located on

land higher than 0 metres.

These three categories have different types of uses or continuation of uses based on

their preparedness and financial capacity to minimise the effects of tidal inundation.

The 50 cm threshold was chosen based on the tide data at the Semarang port. The

normal high water level is 45 cm above the zero elevation (Jaya 2007), although it

can occasionally be higher. Considering this tidal range, any location with an

elevation below 50 cm will certainly be subject to seawater inundation during high

tide in the absence of engineering works such as sea walls. Any location above this

elevation will be safe now but may be subject to inundation in the future.

Residential areas will be occupied continuously during the day and night. A location

is not liveable if it experiences frequent floods, tidal inundation or standing water.

This can affect the health and wellbeing of the inhabitants. The financial capacity of

the residents will be seriously tested if they need to raise their houses to confront the


long-term impact of subsidence. A survey by JICA in 1997 indicated that around 11

per cent of household expenditure was used to fight the impacts of tidal inundation

(Mechler 2005). The figure is now likely to be higher and still increasing. Therefore,

residential zones need to be located in low-risk areas.

Users of developments in the second category (commercial, school and recreation)

will not be continuously present. Although the areas and buildings might be affected

by inundation, there is a time during the day when they are not in use. Compared to

residents, the institutions have, or will receive, better financial resources to develop

protection measures. Therefore, these designations can be located in a moderate-risk

area. In line with coping capacity indicators, new schools should only be built to

accommodate the children of existing inhabitants. The third category (offices,

industry and transport facilities) is for buildings or infrastructures that can withstand

greater risk. Some simply need to be located in that particular area (e.g. ports,

customs, road networks and train stations), or they may have better financial

resources to raise buildings and infrastructures above the inundation level.

Transportation facilities are part of the critical infrastructure that should ideally be

kept undamaged in a disaster event. However, as the nature of the disaster is not life

threatening and the government will always be willing to repair them, they can still

be located in a high-risk area. They are also required to serve existing residents and

link points of development in the city.

6.7.4. Calculating future impacts of disasters

The potential impacts of the progression of natural hazards were calculated using

ArcGIS software. In the two scenarios, the growth of buildings in all classes was

modelled using CommunityViz for the years 2011–2030. In the first scenario, the

original land use designations from the RDPA were used as the development

constraint. In the second scenario, the land use designations that were not met the

acceptable risk level were replaced by the more resilient land use. Figure 6-4 The

land use change model. shows the example of the modelling results in the

development zone 5. This area is experiencing moderate land subsidence of

approximately 3-4 cm/year.


a b

c d

Figure 6-5 Results of a simulation of future development

Notes: (a) Initial situation with developable parcels in different designations, (b)

existing buildings overlaid on the developable parcel, (c) projected buildings in 2030

for different land use settings, (d) projected situation in 2030 with existing and new


The results were then evaluated against the future land elevation based on the land

subsidence rate and sea level rise. Using a spatial join operation, the number of

buildings from different classes were categorised according to their elevation

categories. Visualization using Google Earth was developed to facilitate better

understanding of the existing and projected situation (see Figure 6-6 Visualization of

the results in Google Earths).


a b

c d

Figure 6-6 Visualization of the results in Google Earths

Notes: (a) Initial situation as captured in Google Earth, (b) land use designations,

mostly for industrial, ware houses and conservation- on the far right, (c) projected

industrial buildings in 2030, (d) projected elevation in 2030, showing that without

intervention the area will be submerged.

The results from the spatial join operation were then used to calculate the potential

economic investment at stake and the number of people potentially affected. The first

products were estimated or projected elevation for the years 2010, 2020 and 2030.

Figure 6-7.a shows that, in 2010, there were more than 1,250 hectares of land already

situated in areas with an elevation below the mean sea level. Almost 1,200 hectares

had an elevation from 0 to 0.5 metres, which are already affected by tidal inundation.

More than 150,000 people were then living in 42,000 houses located below 0.5

metres. In the projection, areas of 3,000 and 3,300 hectares will be below 0 metres in

2020 and 2030 respectively, significantly increasing the degree of vulnerability

among buildings, infrastructures and people.


a. Projected areas situated in different elevation classes for 2010, 2020 and 2030

b. Estimated new residential building

situated in flood prone area in 2020

c. Estimated additional people vulnerable

to flood in 2020

d. Estimated new residential building

situated in flood prone area in 2030

e. Estimated additional people vulnerable

to flood in 2020

Figure 6-7 The comparison between the estimated impacts of the business-as-usual and the

disaster-resilient scenarios.


In the BAU case, in 2020, 4,000 new residential buildings with 19,000 inhabitants

will be at risk (see Figure 6-7.b and Figure 6-7.d). After modification of the land use

designation, the number of new residential buildings can be reduced to less than

3,000, with a population of approximately 14,000. In 2030, the number of buildings

and people affected will be significantly reduced in the disaster-resilient model. In

the BAU case, the numbers of residential buildings that may be located in highly

vulnerable areas is 28,000, with around 136,000 inhabitants. By employing risk-

based land use modifications, the number of vulnerable residential buildings is

reduced to 21,000, with 100,000 residents (see Figure 6-7.c and Figure 6-7.e). The

number of people potentially affected can be reduced by 5,000 in 2020 and 36,000 in

2030. Note that this is in addition to the existing residential buildings and people in

the at-risk area. They are not helped by either scenario and require more dramatic

government interventions. There are limitations in making these changes relating to

location, shape and inter-relation with neighbouring land. Moreover, the required

vacant land was not always available.

The differences between the two scenarios regarding the estimated construction costs

for residential and industrial buildings at risk were then calculated (see Table 6.7 and

Table 6.8). The estimated construction cost of residential buildings vulnerable to

inundation will be reduced by US$31 million in 2020 and US$68 million in 2030.

For industrial buildings, although the disaster-resilient method will result in a lower

cost of US$13 million in 2020, there is a higher cost of US$1.2 million in 2030 due

to the conversion of residential use to industrial use. This outcome is unavoidable

because, under this scenario, there are several land use changes from residential to

industrial. The industrial sector, which has better financial resources, can afford

better measures to overcome flood hazards, thus reducing their risk.

Table 6.7 Estimated numbers of industrial buildings in different elevation classes.

Elevation class 2020 2030 BAU DRSP BAU DRSP

<0 216 240 2,001 2,009 0–0.5 177 111 1,149 1,146 0.5–1 35 18 435 437


Table 6.8 Estimated economic value of residential and industrial buildings (construction cost

only) vulnerable to flooding, in US$m.

Year Residential Industrial BAU DRSP BAU DRSP

2020 87.60 56.12 95.04 82.32 2030 349.66 281.29 756.00 757.2

By incorporating disaster considerations, the impact of the possible inundation of

residential areas can be lessened. However, this approach still creates potential losses

in the future, mainly due to the conversion of land use, which allows the more

resilient land use designations to override the less resilient designations. To

completely remove the risk, either the land must be raised or all development must

be relocated. Raising land elevation can only be conducted for empty land, with the

height of reclamation depending on the land subsidence rate in the area and the

current elevation. Habitable ground elevations and minimum floor levels should be

defined to protect the occupants from the threat of floods. This requirement will

result in a higher initial development cost for preparing better infrastructure, but the

total cost in the long run will be cheaper, as the degree of inundation could be

reduced significantly. However, raising the ground level of a single parcel located in

an already-occupied area will deepen the water inundation of the neighbouring

parcels. This is similar to the impact of raising the existing road levels, which would

result in water inundating adjacent areas.

The additional cost of raising land elevation to offset 20 years of subsidence, with

different subsidence rates in different areas, would involve approximately 14.6

million m3 of earth material, which would cost approximately US$37 million at the

current value. In addition to the high cost, sourcing such a large amount of material

would not be easy and would endanger the environmental conditions elsewhere.

In terms of long-term safety, the ideal solution would be to relocate all planned

development into higher locations that would not subside to below 0.5 metres in the

future. However, the availability of vacant land that is safe from land subsidence is

limited, and the costs would be immense. The costs of full relocation are impossible

for Semarang and very likely apply to other cities affected by similar disasters. The

situation and level of threats in Semarang is quite different from Christchurch, New


Zealand, where the relocation of more than 5,000 houses is being considered

(Anonym 2011) in response to earthquake vulnerability.

6.7.5. Implication

In this study, a new model for incorporating a disaster risk reduction strategy has

been developed based on the acceptable risk concept. Every land use designation has

different levels of risk, vulnerability and coping capacity. The estimated impacts of

future natural disasters have been predicted, with the focus on the likely impact of

accelerated land subsidence. The estimated future elevation was obtained from the

subtraction of the DTM produced in 2000 by the land subsidence map. The result

was in agreement with other predictions available for the area.

In the BAU case, the number of additional buildings and people to be affected is

high. When the future land elevation is taken into consideration in the disaster-

resilient scenario, the numbers declined significantly. In the second scenario, several

changes were applied to the land designation to conform to the acceptable elevations.

The change of the land use and relocation strategy is classified, among the generic

strategies identified by (Klein, Nicholls et al. 2003), as ‘choosing change’. Natural

hazards are accepted as reality, and living with hazards is inevitable. Success in land

use change and relocation depends on inter-related factors in the surrounding areas.

Much of the vacant residential land is located within existing residential areas. It is

not always possible to find an alternative land use as a replacement; the size, shape,

location and characteristics of adjacent land parcels need to be considered. The

limited availability of vacant and suitable land is made more complicated by the

implementation of regional autonomy, in which each district or city is responsible for

managing its own jurisdiction only. A higher level of government needs to be

engaged to facilitate transfers of activities between jurisdictions.

In response to limited land availability, and as an alternative to the relocation of

residents further from the activity centre, the development of apartment buildings of

three or four stories could be expanded. Density modification will be beneficial in

reducing the need for vacant land. The area will able to accommodate more residents,

especially those who cannot afford the higher cost of transportation. The move to


taller buildings will have a further benefit of reducing vehicle travel, traffic and

carbon emissions. However, the counter effect is that denser and higher buildings

mean higher loads, which may accelerate subsidence. A careful engineering review

would be necessary before this solution is adopted.

Some land use designations cannot be easily changed or moved due to the current

usage. The most difficult part is the existing residential areas located in low

elevations. However, many residents have already taken voluntary action to escape

the impacts of land subsidence, as indicated by the population decline in four sub-

districts that have been severely affected. The rate of voluntary departure will likely

be higher in the future. Observations in the field have found that several areas that

were previously inhabited by medium- to high-income earners have been abandoned.

Less affluent people with limited financial capacity were forced to remain in these

highly vulnerable areas.

Prohibiting usage in environmentally sensitive areas and reducing land use

conversion that affects the recharge of the Semarang groundwater basin (Kurnia,

Sudirman et al. 2001; Watung, Tala'ohu et al. 2005) is part of the spatial planning

function. Spatial planning can be useful as a non-structural measure to overcome the

impacts of land subsidence. It can produce outcomes with less environmental impact

and economic costs. Conversely, the benefits are not easily visible in a short time,

and it will create pressure on other locations—if land is even available—that are safe

from natural hazards. In this situation, cooperation with neighbouring districts should

be sought to develop a regionally harmonised spatial plan.

From the results, it is clear that neglecting the dynamics of disaster will result in a

higher economic and social cost in the future. In coastal cities experiencing land

subsidence due to their geological settings, the development and utilisation of vacant

land should consider the acceptable risk of inundation due to lowering elevation.

Section 6.8 discusses how the public can participate in detailed spatial planning with

disaster risk reduction in mind.


6.8. Summary

This chapter discusses the implementation of the concept developed in this research

in the case study area. A description of the study area has been provided based on

official opinions and this investigation. Types of natural hazards affecting the city,

based on this research and official publications, have been analysed and compared.

There are differences in viewing the main cause of the disaster. The city of Semarang

does not recognise that land subsidence is the root of many disasters; therefore, the

remedy for the impacts appears to neglect this causal factor. Estimations of the future

progression of hazards have not been conducted. This research aims to bridge the

gaps by incorporating all relevant hazards into the spatial planning.

Land subsidence is thoroughly investigated and modelled to estimate its future

impacts on population and infrastructures. The results indicate that an early response

to the potential disaster will add additional costs to the development; however, in the

long run, there will be a greater financial benefit for the people, government and

private entities.

SDI has not been implemented in Semarang, and the SDI terminology is unknown to

many of the planners and officials in the RDPA. Data sharing and exchange has been

conducted physically by using a compact disc (CD), hard disk or flash disk. SDI

development has been not planned for the near future.

Public participation has been practiced for a long time, and it is currently ordered in

the laws and other government regulations. It has not been facilitated by a PSS with

time interaction between stakeholders and the PSS. Scenario development and

assessment have been conducted at the office, without involving the public to inspect

and evaluate. The introduction of a PSS is considered beneficial; however, several

obstacles need to be solved. Facilitation by a PSS has increased the understanding of

the planners of the real-world situation through better visualisation, consequences of

different scenarios by analysing estimated impacts and creating a better decision-

making environment by allowing participants to interact directly with the models.

Incorporating disaster risk reduction into the spatial planning in the local government

requires a solid and operational SDI that is facilitated by a PSS and conducted with


the inclusion of public participation. This research contributes an understanding of

these aspects in the context of local governments in developing countries.

In mainstreaming the incorporation of disaster risk reduction into spatial planning,

particularly at the local government level, several important elements must be

present. They include legislations and directives from the central government; data

availability, technology and resources; a spatial-enabling platform for facilitating

deliberation; collaboration with neighbouring jurisdictions; and a long-term vision

for ensuring sustainability. These elements will support the development of a

disaster-resilient spatial plan, mainly by reducing collisions between future

developments and natural disasters, and thus reducing disaster risk.



7.1. Introduction

This chapter presents the major findings and discusses the contribution of the study.

It summarises the findings of each chapter, followed by the findings of each step of

the research. This is followed by a discussion of the responses to the research aims,

objectives and questions. The final section discusses the contextualisation of the

research findings for wider situations.

7.2. Summary of the Findings

Chapter 2 investigated the concept of an integrated approach to disaster risk

reduction, as well as its issues, challenges and methodological options for

development. It began with a discussion about natural disasters and their

characteristics and was followed by arguments for the importance of elements-at-risk

mapping. Several methods for developing an integrated risk map were discussed. The

integrated approach proposed in this research consists of a PSS, SDI and public

participation. Chapter 2 argued that elements at risk should be assessed for the

present time and for the future, as a projection of the possible progression of natural

hazards is crucial for developing a disaster risk reduction strategy. The investigation

revealed that, in many cities, development in disaster-free areas is hindered by a

limitation in land availability. Further, high population growth and urbanisation

complicate the situation. Therefore, acceptable risk measures were suggested to use

all available land while eliminating or minimising threats from natural disasters.

Chapter 3 discussed the development of a PSS to facilitate spatial planning, with a

particular focus on disaster risk reduction. The chapter began with a review of spatial

planning and the function of a PSS in spatial planning. It was found that PSSs are

mainly used in developed countries such as in European countries, the US and

Australia. The proliferation of PSSs in developing countries is low. This chapter also

discussed the potential use of spatial planning and PSSs in disaster risk reduction.

The fundamental element is that spatial planning is able to manage long-term


relations between people and infrastructure, and natural hazards. Spatial planning at

the local government level is strategic for disaster risk reduction, as it has the power

to direct land utilisation, with a legally binding status, at the operational level with

high detail. In developing a PSS, users’ requirements and their challenges needed to

be assessed and addressed. The investigation found that the main challenges faced by

local governments are related to human resources, funding, spatial data availability

and IT infrastructure. Many local governments have insufficient resources to deal

with these challenges, and they require assistance from the central government. The

chapter also discussed the situation in relation to the Indonesian context to provide a

bridge to the case study.

Chapter 4 investigated the concept of public participation and its importance in

spatial planning and disaster risk reduction. Public participation in spatial planning

began more than 50 years ago in order to provide the public with an opportunity to

voice its concerns and allow it to influence the decision-making process for the

greater benefit of society. This research argued that public participation is also

important in disaster risk reduction. Not only is it beneficial by increasing public

knowledge and understanding of the potential occurrence of disasters in their areas,

but it also increases the credibility and acceptance of government programs to reduce

disaster risks, even if it affects their neighbourhood.

The role of PSSs in public participation is to facilitate deliberation in face-to-face

meetings. Current capabilities of PSSs do not support web-based collaboration, as

PSSs require considerable computing power, which cannot be accommodated on the

Internet. The definition of who constitutes the public, and who can represent it, is

particularly important.

Chapter 5 investigated the concepts of SDI, followed by the roles of SDI in spatial

planning and disaster risk reduction. Currently, spatial planning and disaster risk

reduction are two separate activities conducted by two or more different agencies. To

link them, it is necessary to have greater cooperation regarding policy, organisation,

data and platform components.

Chapter 6 tested the method developed in this research. The case study area is the

coastal city of Semarang, in the Central Java Province in Indonesia. The city is


facing severe, and occasionally neglected, threats from the slow onset disaster of

land subsidence. This research investigated the elements of an integrated approach in

the study area, as well as assessing the process and output of the spatial planning.

The chapter discussed the model’s development and modelled comparisons between

BAU scenarios and disaster-incorporation scenarios. It was found that, by using the

latter scenarios, the vulnerability of the economic investment would be reduced

significantly, along with the number of people at risk.

7.3. Discussion

7.3.1. Integrated approach to disaster risk reduction

As discussed in Chapter 2, many recent statistics have revealed that the casualties—

that is, the number of people affected and economic losses due to natural disasters—

have been increasing significantly in the past two decades. It is true that many of

these impacts result from rapid onset disasters such as flooding, earthquakes,

tsunamis, hurricanes and volcanic eruptions. Many statistics ignore the impact of

slow onset disasters such as sea level rise and land subsidence. Although these two

natural hazards are not life threatening, their economic effects are staggering,

although they are not easily visible. In this respect, the integrated approach addressed

slow onset disasters.

Central to the integrated approach is the integration of all disciplines and

stakeholders in disaster risk reduction through long-term measures. An integrated

approach can be implemented by developing a new responsible agency or by

refocusing an existing organisation. This research argued that the latter is better, as it

will not create another layer of bureaucracy. Further, it is asserted that a spatial plan

is the means to develop an integrated approach, as it manages long-term interactions

between people and infrastructure on one side, and natural hazards on the other.

Possible collisions between future developments and the progression of natural

hazards can be avoided by taking advance action, thus reducing potential economic

losses. Projections regarding where and when future developments will occur are

essential, as well as simulation of the progression of natural hazards.


The problems faced by many cities include limited available space, high population

growth and urbanisation. These create additional pressures, which in turn lead to the

unavoidable situation of living with disaster risk. Nevertheless, the situation where

the disaster risk is unacceptable should be prevented. Defining the acceptable risk

level is a delicate matter, as people’s different knowledge, experiences and capacity

will influence their perceptions. Several indicators can be used to determine the

acceptability level; however, the final decision should come from an agreement

between the government (which has knowledge and information) and the people

(who will be affected by the decision).

7.3.2. Planning support system in spatial planning and disaster risk reduction

Spatial planning is an activity that relies heavily on spatial data and information, as

does disaster risk reduction, since all disasters occur in a particular location.

Facilitation from GISs in these activities began some time ago. In the spatial

planning arena, PSSs have been used in the past two decades in many countries,

although the proliferation in developing countries has been small.

The implementation of a PSS requires the mature use of a GIS in the particular

agency or local government. While this may be true for many similar-sized cities in

developed countries, it is an issue for developing countries. Therefore, PSSs to be

introduced into developing countries should be easy to operate without existing

mature skill levels.

The importance of having GIS maturity prior to the implementation of a PSS is also

related to the spatial data requirements. PSSs use spatial data extensively, and can be

considered an extension of the GIS application specifically for spatial planning.

Extending a PSS application for disaster risk reduction through spatial planning can

be considered a straightforward process. It requires information on the potential

progression of future natural hazards to be included in the modelling. It is different

from placing restrictions on areas that may be affected by 50- or 100-year recurrence

periods of flooding. The slow onset disasters investigated in this research do not have

recurrence periods; rather, they are continuously progressing. Their impacts will

increasingly cover wider areas and affect more people over time.


The challenge faced by local governments is to obtain timely information on natural

hazards with sufficient accuracy and detail. Relevant data are available but are not

easily visible. Planning agencies can obtain estimates of the progression of hazards

from other government agencies; however, having staff members with relevant

qualifications is more beneficial. Staff members with an earth science background

that have practical training in spatial planning are preferred in the Semarang


7.3.3. Public participation

Public participation is not a new practice, as it has been implemented in both spatial

planning and disaster risk reduction for quite some time. However, in Indonesia, its

implementation in the spatial planning is generally more mature than its specific

application to disaster risk reduction, which only became a mainstream activity in the

late 2000s. The degree of public involvement is varied, as well as the methods and

tools for implementation.

PSSs play an important role in public participation as a platform for planners and the

public to sit together and inspect, evaluate and deliberate the planned future. An

impediment to using PSSs for public participation is the system’s availability in

many local governments’ planning agencies, particularly in developing countries.

7.3.4. Spatial data infrastructure platform

SDI has been in place for more than 20 years in many countries, although the state of

implementation and the degree of maturity vary. Again, the wide use of GISs and the

utilisation of spatial data will determine the internal pressure to develop SDI. If the

data are limited, the users are small in number, and the formats are already

homogenous, then the need to have SDI might not be high.

The SDI required for spatial planning and disaster risk reduction is similar, and can

even be accommodated by one system. As the focus is on the local government level,

the SDI would be designed mainly to serve local government agencies.

As the main stakeholders come from local government agencies, the standards,

policies and organisational arrangements will be relatively easy to develop. On the

other hand, disaster risk reduction usually involves higher-level government agencies


that may implement different spatial data specifications and access policies. In

disaster risk reduction matters, spatial data sharing is usually easier than in spatial

planning, as it deals with public safety. The potential problem relates to the scale and

detail of the data, as many hazard mappings have been conducted at a small to

medium scale.

Local governments exhibit limitations in developing SDI due to funding, resources

and technical expertise. It is essential to have guidance and supervision from the

central government, particularly from the national mapping organisation. Without

this support, there will be a long wait for local initiatives and the build-up of the

necessary capacity.

7.3.5. Case study

The situation and problem of the case study area was familiar, as contact with city

planners and other stakeholders was initiated in 2001. Throughout the research, five

field visits were conducted to obtain the data, discuss the development with planners

and present the findings to obtain feedback. In 2009, questionnaires were distributed

to other local governments in Indonesia to obtain insights into the issues and

challenges commonly faced. Data collection was conducted during the field visits in

2009 and 2010. The City’s Planning agency was supportive and provided all its

available data, including all the relevant documentation. However, these were not

sufficient to implement the hazard reduction PSS in this research.

The case study provided an opportunity to gain an understanding of the situation and

drivers related to incorporating disaster risk reduction into the spatial planning.

During the spatial plan development and the conduct of this research, a number of

important central government regulations were issued. The local government

responded accordingly, although there was some confusion at the beginning. A

comparison was made between the draft of the spatial plans developed before and

after the issuance of these regulations, which revealed a significant improvement.

Further, the improvement also related to the supervision from higher-level

government and the availability of new data.

In terms of PSSs, the case study revealed that the technology is new to many

planning agencies in Indonesia and in the case study area. Therefore, the spatial plan


development was not facilitated by a PSS. A GIS was widely used, but mainly for

creating maps for visualisation, and limited spatial analysis was conducted. The use

of the GIS was also hindered by a lack of spatial data, as the SDI was not yet in

place. Although spatial data sharing could be conducted without the SDI, the

discovery of the relevant spatial data was impeded by its absence. The power-play

relation between the central government’s agencies and their local partners proved to

be an important factor in sharing spatial data. Without strong regulation from the

central government, spatial data sharing among different levels of government may

not run smoothly.

The lack of spatial data affected the development of the PSS. It was difficult to

conduct detailed and accurate modelling of the city’s growth and probable collisions

with natural hazards. The parcel-level assessment of the potential impacts of

disasters required land parcel maps produced by the BPN or the PBB. Such detailed

analysis is important for the planners and communities to discuss the best way to

avoid the negative consequences. In this instance, public participation activities were

not only directed to fulfil the formal requirement, but also to substantially address the

problems resulted from the progression of natural hazards.

7.4. Response to Research Aims, Objectives and Questions

7.4.1. Response to research aim

As stated in Chapter 1, the research aim of this thesis is to ‘Design and develop an

integrated approach for disaster risk reduction using acceptable risk measures and

spatial PSSs for use in developing countries’. The thesis has identified relevant issues

and challenges, and it has developed a framework and model for an integrated

approach for disaster risk reduction.

7.4.2. Response to research objectives

This research has achieved the research objectives set in Chapter 1. The research

objectives were:

i. To identify issues and challenges of current practices in disaster risk reduction.


The thesis has identified issues and challenges in disaster risk reduction and, in

response, it has developed a model to overcome the deficiencies. The literature

review provided a basis for understanding the current situation in disaster risk

reduction activities in developed and developing countries. The case study added

further insight into the strengths and deficiencies in the practices of disaster risk


ii. To design and develop a model for an integrated approach to disaster risk


The thesis has developed a model for an integrated approach to disaster risk

reduction based on the optimal use of spatial planning. The model incorporated a

multidisciplinary approach, combining perspectives from multiple parties and

considering the present and future situations.

iii. To design and develop a method for incorporating a PSS for an integrated

approach to disaster risk reduction.

In order to implement an integrated approach to disaster risk reduction using a

PSS, a new method and tool were developed. The method was developed by

extending the current practice of developing an integrated risk map. The

integrated risk map was augmented with a projection of the future progression of

natural hazards. This projection was then combined with the simulated

development because of the PSS operation.

iv. To investigate the role of spatial enablement and SDI in the integrated approach

to disaster risk reduction using spatial planning.

Chapter 5 discussed the roles, development and conceptual model of SDI for an

integrated approach to disaster risk reduction. Many models and tools have been

developed to support an integrated approach to disaster risk reduction using

spatial planning; however, there is room for improvement. The roles of spatial

enablement in the different stages of spatial planning were highlighted, and a

conceptual model of an SDI for spatial planning and disaster risk reduction was



v. To test the applicability of the integrated approach in a case study approach

using a prototype PSS.

The method was tested in the case study area of the city of Semarang in Central

Java, Indonesia. The integrated approach was able to reduce potential economic

losses as well as the number of people to be affected by future natural disasters.

This method was appreciated by the city planners.

7.4.3. Response to research questions

In relation to the objectives, five questions have been devised:

i. How can disaster risk reduction be conducted considering the many parties,

disciplines and policies that are involved?

This thesis argued that spatial planning is the tool for disaster risk reduction, as

the process involves a large number of stakeholders and considers perspectives

from many relevant disciplines. The main role of spatial planning in disaster risk

reduction is to avoid possible collisions between future development and the

potential progression of natural hazards. This role can be achieved, as the spatial

planning function is to manage the long-term relationship between people and

the environment.

ii. How can a PSS be used for disaster risk reduction?

A PSS is indispensable in the process of spatial plan development, as it can

facilitate better-informed decision making by assessing the current situation and

simulated future development based on different scenarios. However, it should

be noted that the proliferation of PSSs in developing countries is still limited.

iii. What are the roles of SDI in spatial planning facilitated by PSSs?

SDI’s roles in disaster risk reduction include facilitating spatial data discovery

and exchange between agencies responsible for spatial planning. It is an

essential component that is currently not well developed in many cities in

developing countries.

iv. What are the roles of SDI in disaster risk reduction in the framework of an

integrated approach?


The ultimate objective of SDI development is to provide the relevant and timely

spatial data required in spatial planning and disaster risk reduction. Although

disaster risk reduction is not a time-critical activity, the receipt of relevant and

timely data is indispensable.

v. Can the concept of an integrated approach be implemented in the case study area

and the result generalised?

The case study has shown that the concept can be implemented. However, full

implementation was not attained, as Semarang has its own approach that was

taking place during the course of this research. More importantly, it was beyond

the scope of this thesis to change the course of the spatial planning in the case

study area. Nevertheless, the model of an integrated approach that was

developed in this thesis was appreciated by the planners and could be

implemented in other locations with similar settings.

7.5. Contextualization of the Research Findings

The integrated approach method developed in this research was initially aimed at

developing countries. However, with some adjustments the method could be

implemented in other countries. Particular attention should be paid to the planning

system, which differs from country to country, as federated and non-federated

countries have different methods of developing spatial plans and conducting disaster

risk reduction. Differences also occur among countries with similar governance


In mainstreaming the incorporation of disaster risk reduction into spatial planning,

particularly at the local government level, several important elements must be

present. They include legislations and directives from the central government; data

availability, technology and resources; a spatial-enabling platform for facilitating

deliberation; collaboration with neighbouring jurisdictions; and a long-term vision

for ensuring sustainability. These elements will support the development of a

disaster-resilient spatial plan, mainly by reducing collisions between future

development and natural disasters, and thus reducing disaster risk.



8.1. Conclusion

This thesis discussed the development of an integrated approach for disaster risk

reduction that makes use of spatial planning as a means to integrate multiple

disciplines, actors and objectives of development. The central issue is how to

functionalise spatial planning to regulate safe relations between people and

infrastructures on one side, and natural hazards on the other.

The model was developed based on the acceptable risk concept. This concept

considers that every land use designation has different levels of risk, vulnerability

and coping capacity, which should be taken into account when developing a spatial

plan. The determination of the acceptable risk level should be a result of public

consultation; however, as the government has better knowledge and resources, it

should lead the process. Considering the physical and psychological distance

between people and the government, the process is best conducted at the local level.

Local governments require guidance and direction from the relevant central

government agencies, as they have limitations in resources, funding and capacity.

This study presented the method and requirements for predicting the potential

impacts of future natural disasters. The research differentiated between slow and

rapid onset disasters, and it focused on slow onset disasters. While slow onset

disasters are not life threatening and rarely produce noticeable signs and immediate

impacts, their long-term economic consequences are enormous. The findings

revealed that neglecting the possibility of disaster progression would result in a high

economic cost in the future. The economic cost will likely be unaffordable for less

affluent people, who may be forced to live in the marginal land that is highly

vulnerable to a number of disasters. To overcome the limitation in available space,

cooperation with neighbouring jurisdictions is required to transfer activities from

disaster-prone to disaster-free areas.

A PSS is essential for delivering the method, and particularly for obtaining the

information on where and when the projected development will be realised. SDI is


required to facilitate data discovery and exchange among local and national

government agencies working on the topic. However, the use of a PSS has been

limited in local government agencies. In the event that a PSS is to be introduced, it

needs to be cheap, have high compatibility with existing GIS software and a shallow

learning curve.

Many recent statistics from national and international agencies revealed an

increasing number of natural disasters, along with greater numbers of people affected

and higher economic losses. Advanced preparations will benefit both the government

and the people, leading to sustainable development. This research fills the gap in

linking risk mapping and disaster risk reduction.

8.2. Future Research

During the course of the research, several issues emerged that require further

investigation; however, their nature was beyond the scope of this project.

Parcel level disaster risk reduction: this thesis focused on the neighbourhood level,

but it was found that, to obtain better results, a more detailed assessment is required.

Parcel level spatial planning, which also functions for disaster risk reduction, will

provide more accurate and precise outcomes.

Disaster impacts on land values and ownership: the liveability of many disaster-

affected areas was found to decrease significantly, with many residents choosing to

leave the areas. Thus, land and property values are likely to be affected. The

disappearance of land is another problem. An assessment of how to address the

problem of ownership of land taken away by disasters is challenging, as well as how

to deal with decreases in land values.

Extending the method for rapid onset disasters: issues and challenges faced in

reducing rapid onset disasters are different from those of slow onset disasters. While

some components in the method are relevant, others issues have not been explored.

Extending the acceptable risk measures to include social perspectives: people

who are living in disaster-prone areas might have different perceptions from

government officials, who only visit the location occasionally. Locals might think


that they can adjust to the disaster risk and do not need to be relocated. The social

science insight into people’s risk perspectives is important.




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“Implementation of Acceptable Risk Measures in Planning Support System for

Reducing Disaster Risk in a Coastal Urban City” The 1st World Delta

Summit, Jakarta, 22-24 November 2011.

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Spatial planning support system for an integrated approach to disaster risk reduction




Sutanta, H. (2012). Spatial planning support system for an integrated approach to disaster

risk reduction. PhD thesis, Centre for Spatial Data Infrastructures & Land Administration,

Department of Infrastructure Engineering, The University of Melbourne.

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