Sparrow and Wolf

Post on 04-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Sparrow and Wolf

  • 8/13/2019 Sparrow and Wolf


    Shadows are reflections of our other self. It reflects a dark version of ourselves that

    were hidden deep inside the abyss of our heart. Always lurking in the darkness of our

    hearts waiting for the right moment to swallow our entire being.

    As the rays of lights blinded me, I noticed a sparrow flying in the never ending blue

    sky with its wings stretched out wide. Its whole body were bathed in the morning

    light. Flight was something humans have desired from the past. The ability to gain

    the freedom of the sky and yet we would never be able to understand the kind of

    freedom a bird feels during its every flight. With no one to dictate you to go, with no

    one to stop you from reaching new heights and destinations. Ah, how wonderful

    would it be to be a bird soaring in the sky with nothing to stop you. I then gazed

    again at the sky and noticed that the sparrow was nowhere in sight. I sighed once

    and continued my journey to a facility named school. I could already feel the

    sickening twist in my stomach as I inch closer to school. Nothing but bad memories

    flooded me there and yet I had hope that maybe it won't be the same as the other

    day but that hope was crushed every single day so with my head bowed down, I

    entered the room silently wishing that my existence would not attract any attention.

    However that wish soon came crushing down when I could feel the stare of a group

    of students obstructing the way to my desk.

    "Hey shortie, you're as dull as you have ever been. Why not get a bucket of yellow

    paint and pour it over yourself? Maybe then you would lighten up!" said one of the

    girls with long curly hair with a taunting gaze on her face. I

    immediately bowed my head and continued staring at the floor as if it was the most

    interesting thing.

    "Yeah, your negativity and dullness sure ruins the class mood, right everyone?" one

    of the guys said while shouting to everyone in the class then I could hear people

    talking in agreement of the earlier statement. Laughter then ensued the whole room

    and I know I need to stay quiet and not retaliate what they say. That's what I havelearned way back that as long as I just keep quiet and let them make fun of me

    without retorting to them then it would just stop as they would soon get bored and

    go to the next target. The bell suddenly rung and I was thankful that I would finally

    be able to go sit at my own desk and just go on with the rest of the day. The teacher

    then went inside the classroom and took attendance. After that he continued to

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    where we left off yesterday and that was the routine of each subject that the day

    consisted of. Lunch came then some more bullying ensued like spilling food in my

    bag and throwing papers at me. Well I already got used to it and it became a routine

    to my life. When I finished my lunch I would stay in the corner of the school where

    there were trees around. I always lay under the shades of the trees. It always seem

    to relax me as the shade gives me the comfort I need to not just break down crying.

    The shadow of the tree protected me from the prying eyes of society. Here I don't

    have to hide my weakness and not let myself be drowed in insults and bullying.

    There was no use thinking that it would someday change. At that moment, I could

    hear a voice inside my being that says if my life was already a routine itself then why

    have feelings? Something that would only obstruct the flow of the routine I have

    now. I could hear the chains inside the abyss of my being break. It was then that I

    decided to bury down my hopes and wishes that someday everything would change.

    I tried to create a mask that would hide my feelings to be locked away in the deepest

    part of my being. It was then that I let the shadow of my being overtake all of me.

    Letting the little girl inside me be chained inside and not ever resurface again. Not

    showing any weakness nor emotions was the new way that I would do things. No

    longer a slave of my own emotions I could overcome anything. And so that was the

    day the little girl inside me became chained and prisoned in the abyss of my heart.

    I trained myself everyday in order to perfect my mask. It was like a whole different

    person was controlling every movement I make. Not anymore the crying little girlrather a grown up girl with nothing to fear and nothing to lose. The bullying also

    stopped at one point seeing that I would no longer flinch nor just bow my head down

    low. I could already look them straight into the eyes and gaze at them long and hard

    with eyes devoid of emotions. Two years went by and everytime I would look and

    gaze at a person they would immediately flinch and look away as if they were

    punched straight in the stomach. I took entertainment in looking at the fear in their

    face as my presence overwhelm them. So this is how it feels to have power. The

    power that would topple over the weak and stomp them hard in their guts. Yet evenachieving such a feat, I could feel nothing but emptiness. I guess the mask and this

    kind of power comes with a price. A price that I was willing to pay in order to not let

    my weakness show. I was tired of always being the center of mockery. Hearing the

    mocking laughters and seeing those taunting gazes hunted me even in my dreams

    before. There was not a time when I could just have a peaceful dream. That's why, at

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    this point in my life it was this or the little girl who's stomped everyday not anymore

    being able to walk straight up. I already accepted my dreaded destiny not until that

    day. The day when light of my empty world banished the shadow and showered

    colors in my life. It was a typical spring noon. The birds were chirping their melodies

    and the wind was rustling the leaves of the trees. I lay under the shades of the trees

    as always after I eat and I could already feel myself being lulled to sleep by the

    comforting shades of the trees but as I was about to enter dreamland a sudden

    scream engulfed my senses. Oh well, there goes my naptime. I whispered to no one

    in particular but as I begun to get up, a girl was running towards me and she instantly

    searched the perimeter and immediately hid between the back of the trees. Just a

    few seconds after the girl hid, two guys emerged from my line of vision and I know

    that they were both after the girl who just hid. As they approached the place I was

    currently sitting at, I could feel they didn't feel intimidated by my presence. I guess

    they were first years and I suddenly remembered that it was the entrance ceremony

    for the first years.

    "Hey you! Have you seen a girl with shoulder length brunette hair come into this

    direction?" one of the guys asked and I could already feel the boiling disgust inside

    me. What are they planning to do to that girl? Memories of the time I was bullied

    resurfaced and I could already feel the hatred inside me grow. I thought I was over

    this already??!! I mentally slapped my face and put on my mask that would protect

    me from my feelings. Just as I was going to look at them straight in the eyes, one ofthe guys with spiky reddish hair grabbed my collar and yelled, "Hey I asked you a

    question! Are you deaf or something??!" Just as I was going to punch this guy's face

    another guy came running in our direction and yelled, "Hey!! Found her yet!!????!!"

    The guy with spiky hair let go of me and focused his attention to the newly arrived

    guy. "No, we haven't found her yet brother. But I'm sure she's just hiding here

    somewhere. She couldn't have gone that far away. After all she's the tyoe who would

    get lost easily" said the guy and the other just nodded his head. The newly arrived

    guy then noticed my presence and immediately froze up. It was then my cue to gazeup at him and stare at him. Not like my cold gaze rather the ones that is full of anger

    and one could easily back up at the corner or run away. I congratulate this guy

    because he didn't immediately run away from me nor backed up in the corner. I

    could hear him shiver and say with a trembling voice, "What the.. Why is she here?"

    The other two seem to not notice that the guy was already caught in my trap. The

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    guy who frozed up immediately checked his surroundings and found out that he was

    at the den of the wolf. He quickly grabbed the other two and motioned for the two

    to immediately run away from the place seeing that they would be devour by the

    wolf if they would stay longer. The girl behind the tree noticed the three quickly run

    away and she immediately looked at me. "Hey what's gotten into them all of the

    sudden?" The girl approached me and watched me with curious eyes. "I don't know"

    I said simply not wanting to associate with this girl. Yet the girl seemed to not notice

    my indifference as she continued to pursue the question. Finally giving in to the

    constant questions, I answered, "One of the guys realized that they were at the

    wolf's den that's why they immediately run away." She then absorbed what I told her

    and she took a thinking stance and I sighed. This might take a bit while. After a few

    seconds she then quickly said, "Oh so this is the infamous wolf's den!" I could feel

    myself sweat drop at the air. headedness of this girl. "Ah but where's Okami Shizuka?

    She's supposedly the alpha and she usually lurk around here so it's called the wolf's

    den." (Okami means wolf in Japanese) said the girl while surveying her surroundings

    looking for someone. I then replied in a cold voice, "What about me?" The girl then

    quickly looked at me in disbelief. "No way! You're the Okami Shizuka???!!" said girl

    shocked and bewildered at the fact that Okami Shizuka is the girl in front of her. I

    could feel my right eye twitch. I then gazed at her straight in the eyes to prove my

    point but I was shocked to find that she didn't even flinched instead she just took her

    thinking stance again as if remembering something really hard. She then looked atme from top to bottom again and again as if inspecting me like such an interesting

    specimen. "You're rather short though. You sure you're Okami Shizuka?" I could feel

    something inside me snap at hearing the comment "short" and before I knew it I was

    already pinching her cheek really hard. "Owwwwwww!!!!!! I wash only jowking!!

    Pleash forgive me!!!!" she pleadingly said with a bit of tears in the corner of her eyes

    from the pain she is experiencinh. I then let go of her cheek and turned my back then

    walked away. Suddenly she yelled, "I'm Suzume Hikari! Nice to meet you! I hope

    we'll see each other again!" (Suzume means sparrow in Japanese) Even withoutlooking I could feel that she was waving energetically. After that encounter, she

    would always show up unexpectedly and she would chat with me even the most

    trivial details like how her breakfast was a little bit burnt because she was running

    late. Even though most of the time I was silent, I gradually let myself indulge in her

    conversations and in no time we became fast friends. She was my constant

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    companion and our hang out place was the wolf's den. At first she was nothing but

    an eyesore to my eyes as she would constantly strike up any conversation at any

    given time. Also she would blabber about anything that might caught her atttention.

    But as the days went by, I noticed how I would act and that I no longer was devoid of

    emotions. She broke my mask in no time at all. Only a few weeks had passed, the

    mask I have built up for two years was broken as if it was nothing but a fragile glass.

    Hikari was the light that banished the shadows of my past and the shadow

    controlling me. I could feel the chains break once again in order to free up the little

    girl prisoned inside of it for years now but rather than a little girl who was weak and

    fragile, there appeared a girl who's strong and no longer afraid of her own emotions

    because she was no longer kept in the darkness. She had her source of light which

    would banish the darkness and reflect to her the the same light that would shower

    her life with colors. No longer dull but rather full of life. Just like the sparrow in the

    sky she was able to fly and see the world in a different view with her head held up

    high. Not anymore obstructing her view of the world and no longer just staring at the

    ground. She is now able to smile from the bottom of her heart. No longer a captive

    of the shadows or the wolf hiding in thew shadows rather she is able to hold her

    ground against the rays of light without wavering. As long as she had her friend

    Hikari along, no matter the trials that may come along or any obstructions that may

    come in the way, they would banish them all with the light reflections of their bonds.