Spanish visit to germany

Post on 22-Jan-2015

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España en Alemania. Trabajo presentado por España en Turquía en Noviembre 21013

Transcript of Spanish visit to germany

  • 1. Federal Republic of Germany is the official name of Germany. Viersen is a county in the State (Land) of Nord Rheinland-Westfalen. It was a Roman military camp, called Castra Vetera. Cologne was the most important Roman settlement in Germany.

2. Krickenbecker Seen Krickenbecker Lakes is one of the oldest nature reserves in the North Rhine- Westphalia region! Lakes, marshland, woods, fields, meadows and the range of hills make up this delightful landscape, with the most precious areas protected by conservation orders. A nature park has been established to provide visitors with information on this ecologically and culturally fascinating region. 3. Bird watching 4. There are different bird species 5. COLOGNE Cologne (German: Kln) is Germany's fourth-largest city (after Berlin, Hamburg, and Munich) and the largest city in the German Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia 6. Short History of Cologne Cologne was founded in the first century AD, as the Roman Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium. It was the capital of the Roman province of Germania Inferior and the headquarters of the military in the region until occupied by the Franks in 462. During the Middle Ages it flourished as one of the most important major trade routes between east and west in Europe. Cologne was one of the leading members of the Hanseatic League. Cologne was one of the most heavily bombed cities in Germany during World War II. The bombing reduced the population by 95% and destroyed almost the entire city 7. Cologne around 1411 8. Cologne in 1945 9. CATHEDRAL OF COLOGNE 10. The Three Wise Mens Tomb 11. GERMAN SCHOOL 12. Work meetings 13. Presentation about Doana 14. Open Air Coal Mine The Tagebau Hambach is a large open-pit mine in Niederzier and Elsdorf, North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany. It is operated by RWE and used for mining lignite. Begun in 1978, the mine currently has a size of 33.89 km and is planned to eventually have a size of 85 km. It is the deepest open pit mine with respect to sea level, where the ground of the pit is 293 metres below sea level. 15. Digging the big hole 16. A village is destroyed 17. Visiting an Evangelish Church