Spanish Restaurant Webquest: Español 3 Alma Carter.

Post on 30-Mar-2015

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Transcript of Spanish Restaurant Webquest: Español 3 Alma Carter.

Spanish Restaurant Webquest: Español 3

Alma Carter


Spanish Food



the difference between Mexican and Spanish food:

the main ingredients they use differ.- spice factor and seasonings: Mexican dishes

generally has cilantro and hot chili peppers. Spanish uses peppers.

- Mexican staple: tortillas, beans.- Spanish staple: potatoes, olive oil, eggplant.

# 2

In Spain, people eat dinner between 9pm and midnight.

People in the U.S. usually eat their dinner around 5-6pm. It’s much later than we’re used


# 3

Spain: the region of Catalanonia.

Pan a la Catalana.

- the national dish.

- Bred, tomatoes, olive oil, salt, ham, goat cheese.


- spring onions, salbitxada (a spicy sauce made from peppers), crushed almonds, olive oil, tomato.

- symbolises the coming of spring.

# 4

english.- beet.- Celery.- Broccoli- Onion- Squash- blueberry- Grape- apple juice- hot cocoa- eggnog- Beef- Shrimp- Squid- chicken salad- fruit salad- Brownie- cheesecake

spanish.• remolacha • Apio• brócoli • -cebolla • -calabacín • -arándano • uva • zumo de manzana • chocolate caliente

ponche de huevo • carne de res• camarón • calamar • ensalada de pollo • ensalada de fruta • duende • tarta de queso
