Spanish Civil War and its effect on Spain

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Spanish Civil War and its effect on Spain

Spanish civil war

Causes The Nationalist party The Republican

Party The Wall Street Crash in 1929


Abdication of the king in 1931The unstable situation of the country

Alternation of government between the two rival parties

Strength Help ⥤ Germany


⥤ Portugal


⥤ France

⥤ UK committee of “NO INTERVENTION” USA ⥤

Exiled Federico García Lorca He was


Rafael Alberti to Chile

Juan Ramón Jiménez to USA and Puerto Rico

Pablo Picasso to Paris

Antonio Machado to Collioure(France)

Salvador Dalí to USA

War’s end 1st april of 1939 ended the Spanish Civil War with the right-wing victory.

Then, Franco began his dictatorship that it ended in 1975.


A lot of monuments were destroyed forever

SocialHunger was also very important and present.Separation between winners and losers (right/left wing)

Guernica The 26th April of 1937, bombs started to falling over Guernica town. The planes of Germany Nazi with the support of Italian fascists, dropped 31 tons of bombs.There were about 2.000 mortal victims.

The bombing of Guernica This painting was created by Pablo Picasso during the bombing of the town Guernica in order to show the picture for the International Exhibition of 1937 in Paris.

The Law of Public Memory“La Ley de la Memoria Histórica” was created in order to remedy the wrongs of the past.


The End