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Scholarship. Spanish. What you need to know:. What the Scholarship process is Your subject How to approach the examination. What is the Scholarship process?. Refer to the NZQA website: http:// Pass rates - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Spanish


What you need to know:

What the Scholarship process is Your subject How to approach the


What is the Scholarship process?

Refer to the NZQA website:

Pass rates The Scholarship standard and what it

means How to achieve success

Pass rates This depends on the cohort of students

that enter Scholarship Spanish this year. Only about the top 3% of those who meet

the standard get awarded Scholarship. Outstanding scholarship is awarded to

only about 0.01% of this cohort.

Spanish Scholarship Performance Standard

Outcome description The scholarship student in

Spanish will respond in speech and writing in Spanish to complex written and spoken stimulus material in Spanish.

Outstanding Performance- Performance Descriptor

The student will respond in speech and writing, to complex written and spoken stimulus material to:

extract information from given material and use this to express and develop ideas in a coherent manner.

communicate accurately and fluently, using a wide variety of complex structures and vocabulary.

sustain a high quality of language throughout. use language with flexibility. communicate in a convincing manner.

Definition of terms used:

Respond refers to the student’s ability to interpret the stimulus material and link this with his/her own ideas in the production of speaking and writing.

Complex refers to language structures and vocabulary up to and including Level 8 of the Spanish curriculum.

  Coherent refers to logical, clear, concise, and relevant use of the


Accuracy in writing and speaking refers to language which is error free or almost error free and communication is not hindered in any way. Native speaker correctness is not required. Neither should any attempt be made to specify the number of errors allowable.

Fluency refers to the linking of ideas and appropriate pausing (in speaking).

Definition of terms used:

Flexibility of language refers to using language up to and including Level 8 of the curriculum in response to unpredictable elements to express personal opinions, beliefs or viewpoints. It also includes using language appropriately for different purposes (e.g. idiomatic expressions, proverbs, fillers).

  Convincing refers to the student’s ability to

communicate with confidence, style and in a natural way. This may include taking a fresh or original approach.

Format of the assessment What will you find when you enter the

exam room? a question booklet containing resource material,

questions, and spaces in which you can make notes on the listening and reading material.

a separate answer booklet.


The listening resources (on CD) will: contain at least one and no more than

three passages, linked around a common theme, which will take 30 minutes in total.

contain approximately 400-450 Spanish words

be repeated four times. The first and last time you will hear it read as a whole. The second and third times, you will hear it read in sections, with a pause after each section.

The writing will require:

a response of approximately 100-150 words for each question

the first response will provide evidence of specific understanding of the text, and provide the opportunity for the you to offer your own point of view

the second response will be more challenging as it will require you to go beyond the text, and to give your own views and ideas using your own language on a topic related to that of the text

you to write for approximately one hour.

SECTION TWO: Speaking.

The reading resources will contain:

at least one and no more than three passages, linked around a common theme

approximately 30 minutes of reading material

no more than 500 Spanish words

Speaking :

you will need to spend 30 minutes reading the text and making notes under the headings provided

you will need to spend 30 minutes preparing answers to the 2 questions

the first response will provide evidence of specific understanding of the text, and provide the opportunity for you to offer your own point of view

the second response will be more challenging as it will require you to go beyond the text, and to give your own views and ideas using your own language on a topic related to that of the text

you will have your spoken responses recorded on CD in a separate room

it is suggested that you speak for 3-4 minutes You have to read out each question before you read your answer once you have begun speaking, the CD will run uninterrupted for 6

minutes. It will be stopped at 6 minutes even if you are still talking.

Where do you do the recording?

You will deliver the speaking evidence in a separate room.

  You are NOT permitted to operate the


How do you approach the examination?

Remember, there are TWO parts to the exam. (1) Listening passage – with two questions based on it.

Each question is divided into two. There are spaces on the paper for you to make notes.

  Try to write your notes in bullet points and in

Spanish. You then have to use your notes to answer the questions in writing.

Read the questions CAREFULLY before you start to listen to the CD. This way you will know what you are listening for.

How do you approach the examination?

Reading passage – again, with two questions based on it. Each question is divided into two parts.

Try to write your notes in bullet points and in Spanish.

You then have to use your notes to answer the questions in spoken form.

What are examiners looking for?



What are examiners looking for?

Use your own words as far as possible - don’t repeat what the CD has said – it doesn’t show understanding – just memory.

Paraphrase! Rework! You may use phrases such as “según…” “En

la opinión de …” but try to write / say things using your own words.

Add your personal opinion to all answers where applicable. E.g. “Estoy de acuerdo…”

It is really important that you underline the key words in the question.

Look at this question from the 2010 paper:

¿Cuáles son los problemas más comunes que los adolescentes encuentran cuando no pueden vestirse como la mayoría de los adolescentes?

The question asks what problems adolescents have when they cannot wear what they want – not what all the problems are.

Read the question carefully – several times!

Look at this question from the 2010 paper.

¿Cómo influyen el chat y las nuevas tecnologías en las dificultades que los adolescentes tienen para producir textos escritos?

Note that the emphasis is on textos escritos.

Read the question!!! Look at this question from the 2010


¿Por qué les preocupa a los adultos este lenguaje adolescente?

What is the emphasis on in this question?

Rework!! Rephrase!! Go beyond the text!!!

When the instructions say “Base your answers on the text / what you have heard – you can do so and you are encouraged to go further. Give your own ideas.

Look at the mark scheme. There are three sections1. Information: Extracts information from

given material and uses it to express and develop ideas in a coherent manner

2. Communication: Communicates fluently throughout in a manner that is both flexible and convincing

3. Language: Sustains high quality of accurate language using a wide variety of complex structures and vocabulary

Information: Extracts information from given material and uses it to express and develop ideas in a coherent manner

   Mark The response shows development of ideas that:

8 are widespread and go considerably beyond the given material

are assembled in a seamless / coherent manner make minimal use of expressions from the given material

7 are widespread and go beyond the given material are assembled in a seamless / coherent manner make some use of expressions from the given material

6 are substantial and go beyond the given material are well assembled are substantial and make some use of expressions from

the given material5 are adequate and come from within and / or beyond the

given material are well assembled make considerable use of expressions from the given

material 4, 3 are adequate and make some use of the given material

lack coherence make widespread use of expressions from the given

material2, 1 are limited and make some use of the given material

lack coherence contain little / no original material

Communication: Communicates fluently throughout in a manner that is both

flexible and convincing Mark The response demonstrates:

8 fluent, flexible, use of idiomatic language throughout convincingly expressed ideas that captivate and hold the interested of the intended audience


7 fluent, flexible use of idiomatic language throughout most of the passage convincingly expressed ideas that hold the interest of the intended audience throughout and

are captivating sometimes

6 fluent, flexible use of language, some of which is idiomatic well expressed ideas that hold the interest of the intended audience throughout

5 fluent, flexible use of language, and some use of idiomatic expressions well expressed ideas that mostly hold the interest of the intended audience

4, 3 fluency in parts and occasional use of idiomatic expressions ideas that contain some points that hold the interest of the intended audience

2, 1 lack of fluency and little evidence of idiomatic expressions ideas that make some points in a more pedestrian way

Language: Sustains high quality of accurate language using a wide variety of complex structures and vocabulary

Mark The response shows:

8 a very wide variety of complex structures and vocabulary well integrated into the passage

very few minor errors in language, none hindering communication

7 a wide variety of complex structures and vocabulary well integrated into the passage few errors in language, mostly minor, and not hindering communication

6 a wide variety of complex structures and vocabulary integrated into the passage few errors in language; these errors do not hinder communication

5 a variety of complex structures and vocabulary integrated into the passage few errors in language; these errors sometimes hinder communication

4, 3 a variety of complex structures and vocabulary mostly integrated into the passage errors in language that hinder overall communication

2, 1 a limited range of complex structures and vocabulary seldom integrated into the passage

errors in language that significantly hinder overall communication

The subject - Spanish Read as widely as you can Listen to podcasts on the Net Try finding Spanish language TV channels

on the Internet, e.g.

Online magazines, e.g.

Achieving success Keep a notebook and highlight key points for

all the topics you study Make a list of new idioms and useful phrases Attend tutorials for Scholarship Spanish Get to know any Spanish-speaking

International students here at school – practise speaking to them in Spanish – don’t be shy!

Plan your time, starting at the beginning of the year

Make a commitment to preparing for Scholarship