Space Race 3

Post on 27-May-2015

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A Team Building Game

Transcript of Space Race 3

Welcome to the Great Space Race!

Brought to you by Inertial Voom, Perplexity Peccable &


with a special Kudos to Adluna Dagger

What is the Great Space Race?

A game

A learning process

A competition

A team building exercise

A collaboration



The historical space race between the United States of American and Russia during the middle portion of the 20th Century.

Organizational Structure

Event organizers (a.k.a. Great Space Race Staff)?Independent of all teams

Teams representing various nations.

Team Structures

International: Teams compete for their glory of their nationWithin each national team there are two sub-teams:Decision MakersAssemblers

Each subteam has defined skills, roles and duties and may not impinge upon the skills, roles or duties of their partner subteam.IE. Decision Makers may not tell the Assemblers how to do their job. Assemblers may not tell Decision Makers how to plan.

Resources Provided

Various Propulsion Systems


Additional Resources Available

To Be Announced


We will beta test this game two ways.Test One - all teams doing all of the steps at the same time or simultaneously.

Test Two - only step one done simultaneously. Then we will order the Nations to complete the last two steps sequentially. With all other Nations watching a specific Nation launching their system.


There are (3) steps to the event.

Process includes both open (public) and closed (private) portions of the decision making process:Step 1 = Private

Step 2 = Private

Step 3 = Public

Process - Step One

10 minutesWHO: Decision Maker subteams

WHAT: Determine initial goal

Create instructions for their partner Assembler subteam.

Decision Maker subteams do this under the oversight of an assigned representative from Great Space Race staff.

All teams do this simultaneously.

Process - Step Two

1 minuteWHO: Partnered Decision Maker and Assembler subteams for the same nation

WHAT: Limited discussion time.

This is done privately within each nation’s team, under the oversight of the assigned Great Space Race staff person for that team.

Process - Step Three

5 minutesWHO: Assembler subteams WHAT: Follow instructions provided by their partner Decision Maker subteam.

Assemble propulsion systemLaunch propulsion system

This happens publicly. Anyone may watch. No discussion is allowed between national teams, or between subteams of the same nation.

What is a WIN?

Which nation’s team launch makes the most points.